I’ve been reading Clusterstock a lot lately, because I think in these trying times, I find the steady ethical and moral example set by Henry Blodget to be soothing and comforting. At any rate, while scanning the headlines there, I ran across this:
On some CNBC show we don’t know much about because it airs when decent people are eating dinner with their families and the rest of us are having a drink with friends, Dennis Kneale decided he’d had enough of bloggers comparing him to Beaker from the Muppets and fat ladies in thongs on the beach. It was time to strike back.
The video is below, so you can watch the train-wreck yourself. He personally names DealBreaker and Zerohedge as the blogs that have been unfair to him. Perhaps the weirdest moment comes when he makes the bizarre claim that he has more courage than anonymous bloggers.
You really have to watch the video- it is just a train wreck. And he does look like Beaker.
From ‘eating bees’ :
from http://eatingbees.brokentoys.org/
If you are/were a Steelers fan, and if you ever wanted to ask Coach Cowher anything, my Quick Hit friends are doing a podcast with the illustrious coach as a guest. If you want to submit a question, send it to askacoach AT quickhit DOT com. Send your real name and address too – the chosen questions will get the asker’s name read out on the air, and you’ll get a thank you t-shirt. The contact information will go on a spam list over my dead body, so please send your real address.
I only post because john might want to send questions to the Mighty Cowher.
well, and you are all addicts of one sort or another.
…i’ll get me coat..
I watched the video but all I could make out was “Meep meep meep MEEP meep meep meep. Meep meep meep meep! Meep meeeeep MEEP. MEEP!”
Comrade Stuck
The Gong Show was better than CNBC. And The Beaker could pass as a geakish Chuck Barris.
It’s not even noon and Balloon-Juice, which I usually rely on for keeping my sanity, has already put up three posts that mess with my head. Maybe I am having a bad morning, and am not robust to what currently passes for reality in the media.
I was already disoriented by the Rand-Farah connection.
Comrade Stuck
It’s a target rich environment out there these days. Throw up a blog thread and your bound to hit the crazy.
I always thought George W. Bush was Beaker from the Muppets.
Ash Can
By golly, the little twerp does look like Beaker.
Drive By Wisdom
Enlightening how Baghdad Beaker regurgitates The One’s Green Shoots talking points and he is the one who gets roasted for it.
Train wreck indeed.
Perry Como
“Digital dickweed.” That’s kinda funny.
I saw that clip earlier this morning. That is a first class, hie-larious meltdown, init?
Dude, you totally look like Beaker. Deal with it.
The Grand Panjandrum
Interesting how much the establishment media butt boys are feeling the heat from bloggers these days. But I think this video is an excellent response to the video above.
Perry Como
Also, Kneale and Milbank should be locked in a room together for a douchebag-off contest. Also.
Kevin K.
I was thinking the same thing.
Man, I wish Greta Van Susteren would invite me on her show.
He’s not fooling anyone – that’s Joe Scarborough with glasses and a bad haircut.
This Dennis Kneale must think that shrill overreaction to criticism bolsters one’s credibility. He’s wrong. It doesn’t.
All this spectacle accomplished was making him look like a thin-skinned, unmanly loser. Seriously, what woman would be attracted to him after a display like that?
He had an opportunity to prove his mettle by letting the kid make his argument and then challenging it on the merits. Instead, he blew him off with that silly Gong Show reference. It actually made Kneale look like the one who was afraid to engage his critics.
Yeah, but Kneale’s a douche.
TV and radio are digital now. The digital blogosphere has borged and the media celebs are all digital dickweeds now.
Sully’s PDS is still quite active; but, here, he has a point, and I raise another.
First (his point): after all her and her camp’s protestations about people “attacking” or “making fun of” Trig, click through to the slide show highlighted by Sullivan and look at who’s being used as a prop in the very first photo.
Second (mine): that last photo, the one Sully is going with in his blog. Imagine if a leading liberal took an American flag, draped it over a stool or desk chair, then casually leaned an elbow on it. Think there wouldn’t be fauxrage galore in Conservative Bloghistan? How dare anyone disrespect the flag like that! You don’t treat it in such a manner! The flag is sacred, don’cha know.
The Tim Channel
To recap. I now know about another cable crackpot that I otherwise would never have heard of. This is what I would expect to see as the children who grew up on PeeWee’s Playhouse begin carving out their own niches in the video-corporate world.
There are people who pay extra to see this kind of wankery in high definition on their expensive LCD TV’s????
Thank you for introducing me to Clusterpuck and Dennis Kneale. They helped brighten what would otherwise be a dark day in the basement since my mom took away the cheetos priveleges and refuses to launder my stained bathrobe on a daily basis. BTW, is the -person who played the “Voice of the Anonymous Blogger” one of the women who also plays the voice of one of the babies on Rugrats?
the response from the guy he cut off:
the response to the lies about zerohedge:
and Karl ups the ante:
To Dennis Kneale: You’re An Idiot:
I believe talking loud and fast is always a strong indicator of stock market expertise. The only market expert I rate higher than this guy is Jim Cramer, but only because Jim has that bell he rings for the really good advice so I know when to pay attention.
Just FYI, there’s going to be some hilarity on this posted on Fark.com shortly after 5pm. Expect a lot of Beaker clips. :)
Is Beaker an insult?
[Binz goes to clusterstock, sees this and this]
Some very nice examples indeed. However, as much as I would gladly provide any needed soothing and comforting to the aforementioned examples, I have to admit I would find it difficult to set any ethical or moral example while doing so.
Little Dreamer
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who had this reaction (not because I want you to suffer confusion, but because if it were only me, it would be a particularly scary situation). Why is BJ doing this to us today?
children who grew up on PeeWee’s Playhouse
PeeWee’s Playhouse was subversive and sane, and anyone who disagrees I’m gonna send Cowboy Curtis over there to go all Morpheus on ya!
Bony Baloney
Good gravy, it’s Friday, the sun’s over the yardarm and life is too short, and too full of interest, to wait around for that 1999-ass website to show me a clip of some guy who looks like Beaker flipping his wig.
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