I’m not sure who many of you have been following the fallout from the Nico Pitney/Dana Milbank appearance on Howie Kurtz’s Reliable Sources, in which Milbank whispered to Pitney “You are such a dick” after their segment was over, but it is pretty damned funny:
Twitter, as of yesterday afternoon, has a new a new hashtag: #Dickwhisperer. Nope, not a typo: #Dickwhisperer. This being a reference to the exchange—entertaining, granted, but only by virtue of its supremely cringe-inducing awkwardness—that took place between Huffington Post editor Nico Pitney and Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank on yesterday morning’s Reliable Sources. The exchange that became so heated and, finally, so insult-driven that, during the show’s commercial break, Milbank apparently leaned over to Pitney and whispered, “You’re such a dick.”
A google search for #dickwhisperer turns up all sorts of fun stuff, including this, which kind of made my day:
Someone seriously needs to write a song about this.
I was thinking another operatic performance ala GM and Romney.
you’re such a dick
you probably think this blog is about you
Only after someone writes a country song with the lyrics “I walked five miles with a shit bag full of berries.”
Priorities, people.
i believe merle haggard already recorded that one.
The Grand Panjandrum
Damn shame ol’ Steve Goodman isn’t around anymore.
It was all I could do to keep from cryin’ ….
Comrade Stuck
Maybe Sarah Serendipity could pen some words. I think she’s into dickwhispering. Just ask all the wingnut boys.
Is that a throbbing thigh burning in yer pocket Mr. Lowry, or are you just happy to see me.
Ten Gallons of Crap (In a Five Gallon Hat)
steve s
Call it “A Boy Named Dana”.
You know, I actually picture it being said not in anger but in envy. Dana is whispering it longingly.
@MNPundit: “Teach Me Tonight”
OT but I think Peak Wingnut has been reached…
Such wingnutty perfection!!!
#6 Didn’t David Carradine die of that ?
No no no no no no no. There is no such thing as “Peak Wingnut”. It is a myth. Like Bigfoot. Or the Tooth Fairy. Or an honest politician. There just is no such thing.
What you’re witnessing with Scheuer is just another case of Incremental Increase in Wingnut. And, really, it’s not that much of an increase – openly wishing for another terrorist attack on American soil has been in their playbook for months now – when it became obvious that McCain was going to lose the campaign they were sure that an al Qaeda attack on Americans would shift people to voting Republican again. Scheuer is just being more candid about it – probably because he’s sitting in front of Glenn Beck and that little internal watchdog that keeps people from saying the wrong things to the wrong audience is foiled by the crazy aura that surrounds Glenn Beck.
Or read an old Dr. Seuss book. While reading Yertle the Turtle by Dr Seuss to my son last night I was amazed how much it fit today’s society with Washington insiders, MSM reporters, Wall Street Bankers all with their fake kingdoms balanced on the backs of the general population. I just didn’t realize that Dr. Seuss was a Communist.
Dickwhisperer, Dickwhisperer,
Make me a dick,
Find me a find,
snatch me a snatch
Dickwhisperer, Dickwhisperer
Look through your book,
And make me a perfect snatch
Dickwhisperer, Dickwhisperer,
I’ll bring the nail,
You bring the noob,
Slender and pale.
Bring me the wank for I’m longing to be,
The envy of all I see.
i have a feeling it’s merely a local maximum.
Could you, would you rile the masses?
Would you, could you change their classes?
You do not like it, being poor.
Wouldn’t you like having something more?
Hate the rich and all they’ve got?
Then overthrow them and take their lot!
@cleek: Brilliant
I’m just catching up on this whole Huffpo-IranQuestion-Gate (is there a snappier name out there?), and I have to say, while it’s not the biggest deal in the world, I agree with the WaPo reporter in that no news organization should be working with the administration in any way on what questions will be asked at a press conference.
HuffPo, if they fancy themselves as at least partly as news org, should have said that they appreciate that the president thought to come to them, but that they will decide the subjects of the questions asked.
Of course, they may not have been called on then, and they may have said something like like, and asked the question anyway, but the #1 role of a free press is to hold the president accountable. And to work with the administration on any level about what question (s) they will receive is a step in the wrong direction.
Dr Dave (a different one)
The political leanings of Dr. Seuss are pretty clear. Look at The Lorax–an environmental fable in which a business gets bigger and bigger and pollutes more and more until the natural resources that are the source of the product are destroyed. Better yet, look at The Butter Battle Book–a satire of the cold war and mutually assured destruction on the basis of the immorality of putting butter on the bottom of the bread. Complete with bomb shelters and rah-rah patriots and scientists trying to come up with more and more deadly weapons. Try explaining that one to your five-year-old! I’m surprised that nobody tried to ban his books and have that DFH locked up. (Maybe they did and I’m too young to remember!)
Dr. Squid
The only way those panties could be more true to Milbank is if they were wet and yellow.
that was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time..LOL
Tax Analyst
BTW – Looking at the linked article I noticed that the one and only Michael Scherer (of the “The only thing that can keep this country safe from a spectacular attack by al-Qaeda would be a spectacular attack by al-Qaeda.” remark) found Pitney and Milbank “petulant” and “sad”, among other things. He considers both Pitney and Milbank, “so much better than their performances yesterday let on”. I wonder how he would review HIS “performance” vis-à-vis his Al-Qaeda attack remark?
But maybe Scherer has correctly sized up his own situation and has come to realize that he is not actually “better than that”. There certainly is plenty of evidence to back up such an assessment.
Whatta piece of schmegma.
@Dr Dave (a different one):
Maybe he was trying to atone for the propaganda posters he drew during WW2.
Ha ha ha.
dr. luba
@Tom: The Huffington Post did not discuss which questions were to be asked with Obama’s people (that was Bush administration SOP). They merely told them that Nico would be called on, and asked him to present a question from his Iraqi sources.
Others have noted that Obama then did his best to avoid answering the question…..
Unfortunately, it’s against the rules of country songs to use the word “dick” in the title or lyrics. You can write about lying, cheating, and longing for forbidden passion – e.g. wonderful stuff like the song by the Kendells:
– “They could call us…the Pittsburgh stealers”
– “Stealing happiness and cheatin’ anytime we can…”
– ” Morning will ever find us with a night of love behind us”
[etc etc]
…in other words, it’s allowable to frame situations which everyone knows darn well necessarily include some active dick involvement, you just can’t talk about it in anything approaching direct or explicit terms.
OTOH, if you were to write a rap/hip-hop song about the “dick whisperer”, you’d just be getting off to a mild start with the explicit trashy stuff that’s common currency in that genre.
dr. luba
@Tax Analyst: Different Michael.
It was Michael Scheuer who was inviting an attack on America.
Brick Oven Bill
I will write the song. This needs a song. Currently occupied however.
Tax Analyst
OOPS! Thanks for the correction, though. I thought it was just a spelling issue rather than a different person.
@dr. luba
Yeah, I mean, as I said, I don’t really see this as collusion between the White House and HuffPost, but I do see it as inappropriate. The HuffPost could have asked about ANYTHING, but the White House narrowed that scope for them. Now, I happen to think it was a good idea to ask a question posed by an Iranian. And I don’t think the White House knew what that question would be, but I think it’s inappropriate for the press to coordinate even the topic of what they’re going to ask at a press conference with the White house.
Blue Gal
Juan! I’m stirrin’ the sauce over here!
As the reigning panties queen of Left Blogsylvania, must say I approve of your post. Just don’t make a habit out of posting disembodied panties, or I’ll hafta sue.
xoxo BG
About a gobzillion of my fans emailed me this post. Thanks you guys I GOT IT.
Kevin K.
Good luck finding something that rhymes with “whisperer.” The closest I can come up with is “vegetable crisper.”
@NonyNony: Careful Hobbes –it appears that this one is approaching the Circle of Inner Wisdom….