As Josh Marshall suggested years ago, Alberto Gonzales in fact used extra-clever word parsing when he described warrantless wiretapping as a “terrorist surveillance program”. You will love what they called the other program.
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What did they call it? I don’t see the answer at the link.
Quiddity, It’s the Ackerman link from the TPM link.
“President’s Surveillance Program”
The “President’s Surveillance Program”? Holy cow. Do you think W. randomly picked some number or person and listened in here or there? Creepy. Even worse, we all know Cheney was really President.
xj-not the car
straight from Doug and Dimsdale Pirahna’s story- “the other operation” (monty python) – also a criminal enterprise…
From the IG’s report re: “The President’s Surveillance Program”:
There has been some very quiet whispering that some of these “Other Intelligence Activities” include the assassination squads that Sy Hersh has talked about and everyone in the MSM ignored because, well, Sy Hersh, he’s just a hysterical conspiracy monger.
Nonononono. W didn’t call this the “President’s Surveillance Program”, nor did anyone within his administration. That’s the name that the Inspectors General who wrote the report used to call the whole program. The whole program was the (somewhat) publicly disclosed “Terrorist Surveillance Program” (where anyone who was even suspected of having a connection to al-Qaeda was able to be wiretapped without a warrant) and the not-disclosed-until-this-report activity that the IGs called “Other Intelligence Activities”. Those two things together the IGs call the “President’s Surveillance Program” in this report.
I’m dying to find out what was involved in the “Other Intelligence Activities” portion and just how illegal they got. Sadly we’ll probably get that section declassified around the same time all of the government documents about the Kennedy assassination become declassified.
Once again the Dirty Fucking Hippies were right.
Some of these DFHs – who are obviously not Serious People by virtue of having been proved fucking right over and over again – have also alleged that the Bush/Cheney 2004 campaign used some of these domestic surveillance programs to gather political intelligence, including on the Kerry 2004 campaign… anyone wanna take bets on how long until we are proved fucking right yet again about that suspicion?
The Saff
And, most likely, nobody’s going to do any time for any of this surveilling. What I wouldn’t give to see any number of former Bush officials in the perp walk. Everytime I see Karl Rove on my teevee, I yell, “why aren’t you in prison?”
El Bandito Blancito
Ahhh, the 4th always was my favorite amendment. I’ll sure miss that little bugger.
@r€nato: Imagine the technology, and imagine the responsibility over that technology being outsourced.
Yes, it’s nice to have this additional info out there for Obama to do nothing about.
Snarki, child of Loki
Oh, the IG probably got confused by the bushies.
“Terrorist Surveillance Program,” spying on damn-near anyone that’s within 5 degrees of Kevin Bacon/Osama.
“President Surveillance Program” spying on possible presidential candidates.
Bad Horse's Filly
@geg6: I don’t know if you saw it in last night’s open thread, but I was in awe of your Henry and would love to see a picture. Has he appeared on BJ yet?
But now that Obama is President, I’m sure we have nothing to worry about. After all, it’s not like power corrupts… What could absolute power like this do?
I wonder what they called this:
We will never regain what we have lost in the eyes of the rest of the world, even if we might not have deserved the good name in the first place But at the risk of sounding naive we do owe something to our own posterity.
We can start by actually investigating someting, anything, of the crimes committed by the shit-eating pig Bush and his gangster pals.
They called it “stuff.” As in “stuff happens.” And then they shrugged their shoulders.
I have called you out on a number of occasions when I thought you were wrong about things, but on the need for real criminal investigations of the conduct of the last administration, I am in complete agreement.
other activities = TIA
TIA = Total Information Awareness
….ooops, that was cancelled…
TIA = Terrorist Information Archive
(i.e. we wiretap you to make sure you aren’t a terrorist. then we archive that, and take a second look, and a third, and another.