Thers — subbing for Atrios — dug up this explanation of Bobo-stroke from a conservative blogger:
Perhaps the Republican Senator just periodically patted him on the thigh and technically the fingers extended into the inner part.
by DougJ| 47 Comments
This post is in: Humorous, Clown Shoes
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I regret removing the “No comments” tag from the bottom of this post.
Republicans are very strange about sexual things, but the corporate media likes to suck up to them and one rarely hears about it until it erupts.
Take the recent ginned-up scandal of Obama looking at a woman’s ass. Lots of coverage.
However back in 2004 there was this incident: YouTube: Dick Cheney checks out Cate Edwards’ ass that got zero media attention.
Better than an UFIA.
That might just be the new Republican motto…”Vote Republican, Better Than An UFIA!!”
kommrade reproductive vigor
Maybe his fingers have a wide stance.
What happened to DADT? Looks like David can’t kiss and not tell
The scary thing about Ann Althouse (the right-wing blogger) is that she’s a tenured law professor. I’ve never read a word of hers that makes any sense, yet she teaches in a discipline that’s supposed to have at least a nodding acquaintance with logic and reason.
Also, the Senator in question must have been Lindsay Graham, right?
@kommrade reproductive vigor: Beat me to it … I was wondering if Brooks just sat with a wide stance.
ABC gives Obama some cover.
For Sarkozy, not so much. But we already knew he’s an admirer of beautiful women.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
You win the thread.
I think it is funny how wingnutz try to craft an excuse for behavior they are uncomfortable with or that they think makes them look poorly to others.
It’s not xxxx’s fault but rather the fault of yyyy who is trying to make something out of nothing because they hate conservatives!
The very idea of Brooks’ man-tits is just wrong. That said, like many people I’m sure, I can’t help but wonder who was fondling Brooks’ thigh. Larry Craig? Kay Baily Hutchinson?
I refuse to believe it was Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe or Lindsay Graham, as I assume each can do better.
James Inhofe?
bob h
It wasn’t Sascha Baron Cohen, evidently.
Ash Can
See? Totally innocent. And the fact that all you libtards are laughing at the fact that the Senator couldn’t keep his hand off Bobo’s thigh shows that you just all have your minds in the gutter. Also.
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Ha ha ha. FTW.
Brooks said it was a man, not a female senator.
Little Dreamer
Why the hell would Brooks just allow someone to put their hand close to his groin for a while and keep it there without saying anything? WTF?
If you want access you give access.
Thers has always been a sub to Atrios.
Thanks, Hammy. Inhofe it is, then.
Perhaps his fingers were on the Appalachian Trail.
Little Dreamer:
Umm, big tipper?
Demo Woman
Do you suppose that Althouse is a tad envious? Maybe she is just imagining the situation and thinking that could be me.
I think Bobo’s thigh got up to go to the bathroom, made a wrong turn (it had asked directions of a liberal waiter), and was gently guided on the right path by a compassionate, conservative U.S. Senator.
Bobo removed the thorn from the Senator’s paw, making a friend and a source for life, and even found time to wash before returning to work. The End.
I’m going with:
1- Larry Craig, 2- Lindsay Graham
At the same time?! Do not let either find out! U.S. Senators will fight over you!
Or this.
Who knows? Maybe Brooks is hung like a giraffe and the Senator was able to fondle his junk simply by placing his hand halfway down his thigh, and didn’t need to go any farther North. Oy.
I feel ill.
i feel ill too; i can’t believe i ever bothered to comment at Althouse-ville. whatever brains she may have had have long ago have been lost to her need to gin up attention by whoring for the redstate crowd. ewww.
While I have no evidence, I feel its safe to assume that Brooks is hung like the li’l field mice. I mean, there’s obviously an inadequacy that propels him.
Demo Woman:
Surely not. Didn’t Althouse marry one of her commenters?
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal):
Senator Tom Coburn:
“I’m not going to go into that — that’s privileged communications. I’m never going to talk about that with anybody. … I never will, not to a court of law, not to an Ethics Committee, not to anybody — because that is privileged communication that I will never reveal to anybody.” He suggested that his position as a physician and an ordained deacon could keep the information privileged.
And the senator lashed out at the media for continuing to focus on the matter and for helping “tear apart” the Hamptons and the Ensigns, who each have three kids and have known each other for years.
“You’ve got two families that are back together and you guys are going to help tear them apart. What do you think their kids are thinking about what you’re writing right now? You’re helping tear apart two families that are back together — you need to quit.”
Brick Oven Bill
Q: What kind of male allows another male to repeatedly stroke his inner thigh at dinner?
A: The type the New York Times puts forward to present a conservative viewpoint.
Conclusion: The New York Times sucks. Duh.
I was joking last week when I wrote than any politician with a family was now immune from inquiry, under the recently established Palin Precedent.
I’m flabbergasted they’re actually trying it. This is a joke, right?
Tell me this isn’t going to fly.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Shorter Cobag: Writing about Ensign’s lack of family values is a threat to family values! Won’t someone please think of the children! Also!
28 Percent
@monkeyboy if that is you’re real name you do not UNDERSTAND why this is important it is just liek why dijongate was important you do not understand that either in dijongate the real thing was that the media is always trying to “spin” the obamessiah as just a regular guy but you see he isn’t he eats gourmet FRENCH mustard. And this is the same thing because the media is always trying to make him look classy and refined and not sexist but he is gawking at a young woman’s behind with Sarkozy like they are construction workers in New York City. It all just goes to show you why Sarah Palin gets so much scrutiny this is why she can not get a “FAIR SHAKE” it is all so sad and you should be ashamed!
Andrew Freaking Sullivan:
El Cid
@freelancer: One of the few subjects on which Sullivan is highly qualified to comment.
I get the feeling the GOP misses the days of powdered wigs, foppy dancing and long hand holding walks with the other men of the aristocracy.
Things were so much simpler then.
El Cid
@freelancer: Oh, and I forgot: This is all Bill Clinton’s fault for making Washington such a horrible, immoral place.
El Cid
@GregB: Yeah, but there’s also all that macho male bonding during all the Confederate re-enactments.
@Brick Oven Bill:
In this case, it seemed that the NY Times was being solicited to be sucked.
I take offense this is not filed under either Burkean Balls or Burkean Belles.
Sometimes, it’s just best to walk on by. Really. This is an image I do not want seared into my brain.
Onkel Fritze
I always figured that some of these guys prostitute themselves for access. But literally?
These Republicans are faster with an excuse or an alibi than any petty career criminal.
grumpy realist
Hilzoy has a wonderful comment up over at Obsidian Wings pointing out that this sort of pawing is something women have had to put up since, well, whenever.
As someone who has had my own experience of random and unwanted gropings, yeah, my first reaction was: “maybe you’ll now understand why all those rules against sexual harassment got started.”
I love technicalities. For what it’s worth, I’m now wondering about any evidence of bodily exudations on David’s blue pin-striped trousers…