As must have hoped, Rush returned fire against the ads calling out elected officials who refused to condemn Limbaugh’s attacks on Sotomayor. Weirdly enough, the transcript contains an embedded audio of the advertisement itself, featured prominently.
This is almost too easy. At this point, I’m ready to consider Limbaugh a political ally.
Repub-a-thugs are so stupid that even they support liberals by further proving that reality really does have a liberal bias.
He’s been a consistent and dependable punching bag for the Democratic grassroots for years. Now that he’s taken up the role as lead party spokesman, he just makes it that much easier to wedge away the non-Limbaugh independents from the nutty fringe.
Karl Rove must be eating his heart out.
He keeps using this word…
Shade Tail
Limbaugh is not the only one screwing up over this. Sen. Sessions (R-Racism) suffered a major burn today.
Oh my Grod that is fucking hilarious. He spouts off more racism, hands more clips to play, and works his ass off to alienate Hispanic voters even more than they already are now.
I know that Limbaugh is just a carnival barker out to build his own audience, but sometimes it really does seem like he’s a Fifth Column liberal out to undermine the conservative movement (much like I sometimes think that Ann Coulter is doing something similar and has turned her life into an Andy Kaufman or Sascha Baron-Cohen style performance art piece that has gone completely wrong). Not likely, sure, but it feels like it sometimes.
(And the Republicans on the Hill not only listen to this man but GROVEL to him and BEG for forgiveness when they step out of line. Just astonishing.)
OT: The State got emails and phone records from Sanford and his staff after a FOIA request, and there are some interesting bits in there, including a massive amount of sucking up by what we shall euphemistically call “media”:
Eric U.
I’m not sure I know what limbaugh actually thinks about anything. The fact that he was self-medicating with pain medicine tells me he’s not particularly happy. His family history says most of his despicable political philosophy is genuine. But I’ve always wondered, particularly if the rumors that he is gay are true.
The hilarity is that Limpy’s fans/listeners/adherents – what ever the fuck they are – believe him to be a political entity of the highest order. This presumes that Limpy gives a rats ass about governance. Any fool can see that Limpy is interested solely in his own bottom line. If this means he helps the Dems destroy the GOP he’s cool with that; if it means helping the GOP hunt down and hang LIEbruls as traitors he’s cool with that too. Right now, the only people benefiting from Limbaugh’s control over the GOP are Limbaugh and the Democratic Party. The better HE does, the worse off his listeners and adherents become.
The Moar You Know
I read every word in that transcript and am dumber for it.
Shade Tail
Why is my comment “awaiting moderation”? There’s nothing bad in it.
Washington Monthly and TPM are covering a story about all the email messages that Sanford’s staff were sending and receiving during his disappearance. Apparently there are a bunch of messages from MSM types saying that Sanford will get super friendly and favorable treatment on their newscasts. How surprising.
Rush only cares about Rush. How much money he can make, can he sustain his preferred lifestyle, etc. Everything else is secondary.
Feingold up!
Joshua Norton
Under the reign of His Accidentcy, King Georgie, and with Limpballs waving the pom-poms, the Republican party became committed to chronic fiscal irresponsibility, the micro-managing of people’s private lives, the subjugation of the political to religious discourse, and the politicization of the Constitution. In so many ways, it was an insult to the word “conservative.” Much like the current bunch of right wing yahoos. Also.
Rush is going to win the entire state of Florida for Democrats.
Gracias, Rush.
Methinks there is more coming tomorrow from the State. Note that the emails they have put in PDF are rather innocent, basically everything except the Colbert one was already public knowledge. Where they have already hinted that there is quite a bit more in those emails.
Although the email that say that they should treat ABC in DC as any old ridiculous rumor (let the interns take a message and don’t call back) is rather funny. Maybe ABC should have offered Sanford an interview in primetime like some of the other “media” seemed to be willing to do?
is this thing up yet ?
Helpful Gasbag Is Helpful.
Chuck C
I believe that’s referred to as a ‘starvation diet’.
@Shade Tail:
that is flippin’ priceless.
But the sad part is that the people of Alabama don’t care that Sessions is a dolt, and will continue to return him to the Senate.
Ah yes, El Flabbaugh is using the Jonah Goldberg theorum.
Because the rightwingers hated being called racists and bigots, they now have license to call others the same thing.
What a fucking bloated douchebag.
Wow. Great story. Like Woody Allen’s fantasy about Marshall McCluhan in the movie line, except on national TV.
Can this man possibly be this stupid? I mean, I’ve called Limpbaugh many names and lobbed many an insult at him, but unintelligent was never one I’d thought would stick. Venal, disgusting, racist, sexist, bigoted, fat, drug addict, sexual tourist…you name it. But I always thought he had some smarts. Guess I was wrong about that.
Correct me (Okay, beat me to death) if I’m wrong but didn’t Limbaugh pull a substantial number of votes in a recent “Who is the leader of the Republican party?” poll?
This would all be wonderful news save for the fact that the Democrats have become the Republicans circa 1972. I try to be amused
How ’bout a useful idiot? The Right has them, and I’ve always wanted some useful idiots for the Left.
Surreal American
Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck – Pigs (Three Different Ones).
Wait, this isn’t one of John Cole’s threads.
Oh well.
Sotomayor is explaining the standard of review in asylum cases. Schumer’s up, so it’s real questions.
Did Senator Sessions really ask her why she didn’t vote with the other Puerto Rican? Tell me that’s true. I need prior notification when a Republican asks a question. I’m missing the stupid parts.
He did. “Puerto Rican ancestry”. Does he get more questions? Can a Democrat waive time and give him some more rope?
Perhaps Senator Sessions has her confused with the guy who writes the “Ask a Mexican” column in the free weekly City Paper. It would explain a lot.
Lindsey Graham is grilling her on conservative legal theory. God, what a bore. Like anyone outside their narrow little band of lunatics gives a rat’s ass what an “originalist” is, like the Constitution in Exile crowd are some majority middle.
Bring back Sessions. I’ve heard the originalist spiel more times than I care to count.
Shade Tail
Incidentally, does the title of DougJ’s post remind anyone else of Darth Vader from The Empire Strikes Back?
“All too easy…”
Paul L.
As proven by how accurate the Obama Administration was at predicting how stimulus would keep down the unemployment rate.
It’s Not Fair to Judge Obama Administration By Earlier Rosy Projections for Job Growth?
Johnny Pez
And that ties in with the Duke lacrosse case how?
@Paul L.:
Let’s stay on topic.
Hey Paul: Can I take it that Justice Roberts uses cultural and racial bias to decide cases, considering his record?
Is there some reason he always go for the state over the defendant, the corporation over the individual, and the executive over the legislature?
Every. Single. Time. Is he doing that because he’s white and privileged, or is he simply a partisan hack?
Sonia Sotomayor doesn’t look or sound anything like Gustavo Arellano. She’s not nearly as funny as him, either.
He wrote a book of the same title that was fucking hilarious.
I both learned a lot about Mexican culture and laughed my ass off when he poked holes in the stereotypes that exist about Mexicans among those who know nothing about Mexico.
That said, as a blue collar laborer it’s in my economic self interest to oppose both illegal immigration and greatly expanded legal immigration and/or amnesty for illegals.