Around 3:15 into this video, Glenn Beck begins a radio freak-out of Giulianian proportions. Good stuff.
(via Steve Benen)
by DougJ| 81 Comments
This post is in: Clown Shoes
Around 3:15 into this video, Glenn Beck begins a radio freak-out of Giulianian proportions. Good stuff.
(via Steve Benen)
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Jesus, what a loon.
Isn’t he just the cutest little thing when he gets mad?
Can we start a new tag called “You little pinhead!” ?
What’s so wrong about giving a non-citizen emergency care? I cut my leg in England once, and got it patched up, including an ambulance ride to the hospital. That was really cool.
John Harrold
I’d argue that the meltdown starts around 1:15.
It burns me no end that when I check out the new Kindle books, this idiot is near the top in sales.
I would be glad to freak out and be an idiot for what he’s paid, but I would take a different tack…
John Cole
Yeah, but a DKOS diarist said fuck once, so it is all good.
For those who do not remember Mayor Giuliani’s ferret focused radio insanity, the audio is here (with animation, from Slate).
You ask me, Beck’s got nothin’ on Giuliani’s dickitude.
John Cole: And Marcy Wheeler said blow job. Also.
Saw this on DK earlier today. Some of them were speculating that this was an act–and that Beck doesn’t necessarily believe ALL that he is spewing (on the general principles yes but on the bat-guano and kooky stuff it’s more an act). I can see that maybe with Hannity, who while a total hack probably is doing half his shit for ratings. But Glenn Beck has been goofy for the longest time and even on non-political matters you can tell he’s kinda brain-damaged (no offense to anyone actually with brain damage). My guess is that the choo-choo is starting to pick up speed on a big curve, and I cannot wait for the ensuing disaster.
Glenn Beck is a malignant media carcinogen. The Glenn Beck Show is a super-sized, putrid, steaming pile of excrement.
The only way to explain the stupidity that floods from Beck’s mouth is that he must be paralyzed above the neck.
zoe kentucky in pittsburgh
Beck is batshitcrazypsychopants. He makes Rush Limbaugh look like the Dalai Lama.
Speaking of Rush Limbaugh and health care reform, a few weeks ago I tuned into Rush for a few minutes to see what he was babbling about and he totally flipped on a dittohead caller who politely asked Rush if he had any idea of what people face when their health care needs can’t be met and they can’t work because of their health problems. Rush’s reply? He said he doens’t have health insurance, that he pays for everything out of pocket, and so he understands how expensive everything is. The caller was clearly a dittohead who was thought he was trying to help Rush understand the reality that ordinary people who aren’t gazillionaires face. Rush angrily hung up on him.
As much as Beck and Rush’s people love them I think this might be an issue where even their followers see them as ridiculously out-of-touch with the vast majority of people. As an issue it highlights their lack of compassion and sympathy for anyone who isn’t them as well as how being uber rich separates them from the ordinary concerns of their own followers.
What an ass.
But I thought Glenn Beck had a horrible, horrible experience with the American health care system during his last round of ass surgery?
and millions of people take him seriously.
General Winfield Stuck
I’d hate to be the poor schlub that cleans the rabid spittle off Beck’s microphone.
@JenJen: Yeah they forgot the lobotomy and still charged him for it. I still remember that odd video he made while recuperating (too bad the painkillers didn’t shut him up).
That said, Glenn Beck for as much of an asshole he is, tends to be one of the more consistent of the wingnut hosts (I do think he did harp on the bailouts when it was Dubya calling for it), for what it’s worth (not much).
Just Some Fuckhead
BOB thanks you.
Yikes. I can’t make it more than twenty seconds, even from the freak’n beginning. His “repeat the last two words you said, every three seconds” has to be the most annoying, obnoxious trait I’ve ever heard from a radio host. Bleck.
I’d sooner take a drill to my eardrum than listen.
** Atanarjuat **
For as long as I live, I’ll never forget that shriek of pain and despair:
“Get off MY phone, you LITTLE PINHEAD!!!!1!”
Truly, Beck has stared into the patriotic abyss too long, my friends. Loving your country too much can drive a man to tears, as well as howls of agonizing rage.
Up in here, up in here! (my post only makes sense if the title is a DMX reference)
he did, they put it where his face used to be.
Meh. Showmanship. Good way to get attention.
…. “going to?”
It is.
White House Department of Law (fmrly Jim-Bob)
I can’t stomach listening to Beck. Would someone please summarize? I promise to return the favor at some point in the near future.
@** Atanarjuat **:
Jason Linkins over at HuffPo thinks it would make an AWESOME ringtone.
Bubblegum Tate
I heard this a little while ago, and it totally made my day.
Joshua Norton
He seems to have quickly forgotten about his ass surgery where he was crying on TV about how awful health care is – and how he was going to lead the charge to fix it.
Get off my phone! ! ! ! And my lawn! ! ! Also.
NO, no they won’t. They’re dittohead REPUBLICANS! They’ve been voting against their own economic interest for damn near 30 years.
Middle America with its thumb up its ass, watching Cops fuck with white trash, laughing when a black guy gets tazed, then feeling all butthurt when a GOP frat boy falls victim to excessive force. Crying over “well they have a responsiblity to their shareholders” when every factory job dries up and is sent to Central America or Southeast Asia. Thumping their chests, saying “If you don’t have anything to hide…”, and then having a tizzy when law enforcement cracks down on Wingnut Terrorism.
Fuck ’em.
Hewitt: You fucked us!
Bergman: No, YOU FUCKED YOU! Don’t invert stuff.
EDIT: “Y’all gon’ make me go all out, up in her’,”
Just Some Fuckhead
They were unable to extract his head. :(
Bubblegum Tate
@White House Department of Law (fmrly Jim-Bob):
A caller pressed him on health care, and he freaked out and started screaming at her, including this high-pitched wail that really has to be heard to be believed.
Laura W
Ya know, if Mr. Matt doesn’t quite work out for you, I think you should make Jason your next intended ex.
As soon as he becomes Mrs. Linkins’ ex, of course.
Also: Our Prez throws like a girl, as per Wolf Blitzer. Is he getting more stoopid as the years pass, or am I getting smarter?
@White House Department of Law (fmrly Jim-Bob): LSS: Caller on Glenn Beck’s radio rant show argued with him over health care, Beck said some of the usual RW talking points on the matter (the focus in this exchange was comparing our system to that of Canada, Netherlands, etc). Beck was unusually unnerved in his responses, though mocking as usual. Then caller eventually struck a nerve which caused Beck to hang up and cry shrieks of pain and stupidity, saying as has been quoted (i.e. “GET OFF MY PHONE YOU PINHEAD” [paraphrased]). It was pretty much an outburst that makes Bill O’ blush.
Maybe the tag should be “I watch these morons so you don’t have to”?
@White House Department of Law (fmrly Jim-Bob):
I just can’t do it: between the 100 degree heat and the blasts of hot air coming from Sacramento, California is melting away.
Then there’s this:
Donald G
Man, I was gettin’ some Morton Downey Jr flashbacks there when he was shouting. The high-pitched screech, on the other hand, was new to me.
@Laura W: Obama throws like a girl and is a big sissy (last one courtesy Joe Scarborough)! Now W, that guy could throw!! Couldn’t govern for shit, but man could he ever get it over the plate! I understand Joe & Mika are throwing out the first pitch (pitches?) at an upcoming Red Sox game! Karma’s a bitch, I’m thinking.
Our liberal media is seriously awesome.
However, this will always be my fave Prez Pitch ever. Also.
Hmmm…. Linkins is snarky, but Taibbi writes better. I’m weak-kneed for a hot man who can write circles around his peers. But I’ll take another look… his Sunday columns are part of my weekend LOL Routine! Your suggestions rule, Laura. :-)
How come I didn’t know that Lou “Brown people are scary” Dobbs is a birfer?
He is nearly as batshit insane as Beck.
@JenJen: @Laura W:
When Obama had that low bowling score, Joe Scarborough, Chris Matthews, and Pat Buchanan went on several days laughing about it, nearly falling out of their chairs, and they implied that Obama was a sissy.
I really thought Beck was like in agonizing pain and needed a tranquilizer.
He and Cheney should go hunting sometime soon…
@JK: Oh, I remember the Altoona Massacre and the way the Zoo Crew treated it. Joe and Willie reprised their beloved “Weeeeeeeeeeeee!” today while showing Obama’s rather good pitch.
I don’t get it. Except for the mom jeans, he looked good, threw a junk curveball, no bounce and Pujols caught it. There’s just nothing about Obama that is funny, there really isn’t, no matter how hard they keep looking for it.
I, for one, happen to like having a President that isn’t easily mocked. Huh.
@zoe kentucky in pittsburgh:
I think you might be onto something. I’ve listened to bits of Rush over the last few weeks, and every time I tune in he’s going on and on about how rich people are going to be taxed to pay for healthcare. Today he mentioned numbers: couples who earn over $350,000 will pay marginally more in tax. He also mentioned something about people (or couples) who earn $500,000 a year. That probably sounds like pocket change to the likes of Rush, but to most people those kinds of number are pure fantasy. The large percentage of people in the US will never earn that much per year.
So I was wondering if all his blathering about the poor rich folks getting taxed is turning off any of his audience. Seems like a strange way to speak to the average person.
Oh, and Glenn Beck shrieks like a girl. Also.
@JK: Of course they wouldn’t never mock him for his hook shot!
But what do Joe and Mika know anyway? They are complete bobbleheads.
Laura W
@JK: Yes, I had that very same bowling memory today when I heard the “Obama throws like a girl” meme gain non-traction.
I think it has something to do with Irish Spring soap being all manly and stuff.
I could be wrong.
I flipped over just in time to see him running out onto the field and I got all weepy and stuff. I mean, THAT is our Prez.
But I’m a weeper. Still, it was a very moving moment for me.
I do believe Jason writes as well as your Matt, he’s just way heavier on the snark, which is why I tend to prefer his style to your Matt. To each her own. Besides, Indylib has first dibs on Jason, so there’s sort of a line. Better keep your place with your #2 Ex.
But Arnold can fly home to LA every weekend and kick back in the Jaccuzzi with a cigar, so it’s all okay, isn’t it?
(Also, there are a couple of other Sac area BJ-ers, aren’t there? I’d say we should totally have a meet-up, but maybe not until it’s safe to go outside without roasting.)
Beck, O’Reilly, Palin are basically doing a professional wrestling act.
I’m down in here in SoCal so I’d have to do some planning to make a meetup. Arnold is getting all gubernatorial over the budget but he has so resolutely failed to build any influence with the legislature that he’s just talk. Even his own party ignores him.
Godwin and all, but it’s very easy to put Hitlers face on Glenn’s voice in this tirade. Michael Savage does this too. It’s the abusive Nazi growl of purple faced rage. Too bad we let these abusers on our airwaves.
Anyone see “Hardball” tonight as they talked about President Carter’s “Malaise” speech?
You know… Carter was right. He still is, and that’s the part that depresses me. We’ve basically been sitting on our asses for thirty years as a nation.
@Laura W: Yeah, I can really only handle one crush at a time. Matt Taibbi it is. :-)
Cat Lady
Frequent commenter John Hamilton Farr once conjectured here that humans are now on two divergent evolutionary paths. Beck is the Pied Piper on the dead end, taking the heavily armed whackadoodles into the wall like the marching band in Animal House.
The press corps got pantsed re Sanford and CNN is talking about Obama’s mom jeans, instead of showing the stock ticker across his face today, like Jon Stewart said.
Obama is making people pants themselves, and that’s change I can believe in. We’re only six months into this thing. Also, too.
“Obama throws like a girl”
That’s what the MSM *want* you to think. But he was really trying to disguise the fact that he throws with a rigid elbow, because like all good British subjects he grew up playing cricket. In an Indonesian madrassa. Or something.
OT – Olbermann is going to smack down Orly and her client the asshole Cook tonight on Worst Persons, thanks to PJ, DU, and various other dem websites tonight. BTW Cook has now earned the title of “Blue Falcon” in military speak “buddy fucker” he is toast.
The question that the caller asked (“What, instead, do you suggest we do?”) is, as far as I can tell, The Worst Question In The World for a rightwinger. It’s the damnedest thing. It’s a question I frequently ask, and the reaction is much the same. I mean, name one constructive thing the GOP has contributed in the last 6 months, one single new idea. You can’t.
Beck is an artist of course, and takes the performance to new levels.
Does Obama in fact know how to play cricket? That would be something…
It’s stupid how they’re making a big deal of this pitch stuff, when he could probably smoke everyone in a game of basketball.
But I forget, baseball is the sport of REAL America, while only those darkies like the basketball.
terry chay
Ahh, thanks Glenn, for giving me something new to put on my iPhone
Leelee for Obama
@JenJen: Yes, he was, and still is, right. It was a gift and a curse for a statesman who wasn’t a politician.
If we had done half of what he proposed, we wouldn’t know the Middle East or Afghanistan existed unless Rick Steves went there.
I voted for him twice, cause I’m one of them thar Libruls. I think that gets me out of centuries in Purgatory.
God, if being right paid better, I’d be living on the Riviera!
I swear, Glenn Beck has a face that only a motherfucker could love. Everytime I see his mug I get the urge to punch.
Leave Glenn Beck’s phone alone![/crocker]
Cat Lady
This. You’d think someone in the press corps would like to make a name for themselves by asking that question of Cantor and Boehner and McConnell and the other Hitler youth. But you’d think wrong.
Oh noes I compared Cantor to Hitler! eleventy!
The next-to-last samurai
I myself don’t care if the prez, whoever he might be, can throw a damn nerf ball so long as he can do his job! Idiot reporters.
I didn’t know that we had to enter a lottery to see a doctor here in Canada. I should tell my doctor that when I see her next week. She should have told me last week at my check-up that I needed a lottery ticket, same with the specialist I saw the previous week for my pregnancy.
(I know he’s probably talking about those extreme cases like the areas where there is a shortage of a certain type of doctor, but it seems like he and other Republicans just like to present it as if we’re all standing in line a la Soviet Union style all day and night to see a GP or any kind of specialist.)
Will someone please make me a ringtone of his girly, high-pitched squeal: “Get off my phone!”
I said two months ago that Beck seemed six months from a career ending meltdown. Today he seemed like a man four months from a career ending meltdown. I am staying tuned.
Just as a hypothetical, what are the grounds for the government taking a broadcaster off the air? And how exactly would it work?
Not to say Beck should be taken off the air by the Government. Not at all. That’s some fine “journalism” there.
Beck is aiming to become the Howard Beale of the batsh1t nuts crowd, and the end is going to be some kind of awful.
White House Department of Law (fmrly Jim-Bob)
31, 33, 35@
Thanks one and all.
(Actually, Bubblegum, you’ve piqued my curiosity. So thanks for nuthin’!)
update: Hokey Smokes, Bullwinkle! That’s some brilliant, free association rageohol!
Thing is, being in the book biz, I’ve seen Beck speak live, and if the audience befits it, he can be modulated, cogent, and even statesmanlike and, dare I say it, urbane.
Beck’s a great performer. Or an advanced sociopath….
What a complete, utter douchebag Glenn Beck is.
Spiny Norman
Glen Beck makes Rush Limbaugh look like Bertrand Russell.
That is all.
I heard this real time on the radio. I have to believe that Beck acts insane because he knows some folks will tune in because his nuttiness is sort-of interesting.
As a regular listener I have witnessed plenty of Beck nuttiness.
I think my favorite nutty blowup was after the inauguration when Beck told us that BHO had evil anti-God plans for the country. His proof was that BHO had used a Washington quote where Washington was referring to Paine. And, Beck told us that the second swearing in took place in front of a portrait of Paine (it wasn’t actually Paine, but whatever–who cares about details). These two clues were proof that BHO was following the godless evilness of Paine.
That was super hilarious nuttiness on it’s own.
But, it’s even better because now Beck is a huge Paine fan himself. Beck is now pushing his own version of “Common Sense” And, he now speaks well of Paine on his radio show. Are we to assume that Beck is on an evil anti-God mission?
The guy is a total joke. I would guess that most Beck listeners do realize that being absurd is his shtick.
P.S. Yesterday’s BillO show was funny because Beck asked BillO what should be done about this commie BHO. Of course, the correct answer (from Beck’s perspective) is that folks should take to the streets, revolt, and takeover. But, BillO simply said that folks should go to the ballot box in the next election. Ha ha. Beck was so sad.
Also, Beck was all wound up about the irreversible end of America (aka universal health care), so he pushed BillO to agree that BHO would destroy America forever. But, BillO simply told him that lawmakers make laws and different law makers can unmake laws, if that’s what the public wants. Ha ha. Poor Beck. It seems like he (and others) may be worried that the public won’t want to undue healthcare, so it must never be given a chance.
Of course, BillO’s objectives are nearly identical to those of Beck. But when these two talk to each other Beck does make BillO seem sort-of reasonable–and that is very, very (pretty much impossibly) hard to do.
@David: That was exactly my thought too!
i can’t tell you how hard that made me laugh.
there is a deep despair in that shriek that would put banshees to shame.
Don’t Fuck With My Distribution Costs!
Those socialist commies drive a hard bargain.
I bet Beck and his fellow corporate apologist whores are a lot easier to negotiate with.
Saw this earlier on media matters. Beck mentions that there was an Australian Speaker of the Parliament that was treated for prostate cancer in the states. I’ve been trying find any information on this but so far no success. Anyone know about this? And how would that work anyways? Does someone like that just pay straight up to the Doctor?
By the way there are plenty of stories about people in the US who can’t afford procedures that go to other countries. I’ve heard India provides many of these at similar level’s of expertise and at a quarter of the cost.
Mark in SJ
I would pay good money to punch Glenn Beck in the face.
However, it might be more fun to just taunt him and call him names until he lost it and took a swing.
Then, I could punch him in the face for free. More than once.
There are very few people I would say that about. They are mostly on the radio.
@Cain: He did finish the novel Netherland recently, in which the game figures prominently in the plot. So yeah, soon a UN Black Helicopter Demolition and Baton Twirling Squad will be yanking out the field level seats at Wrigley to make room for a cricket ellipse. And maybe they’ll eat some kittens if they have the time.
It took me twenty years to figure out offsides in soccer. I’m gonna need some powerful anagathics for leg-before-wicket.
Fuckin’ lunatic. I can’t wait for him to have one of these Mugatu freak-outs on TV, though.
Anne Laurie
I am not a doctor, but from hanging around with a wide variety of non-neurotypicals, my guess would be bipolar. Either undiagnosed (don’t know the fundaMormon stance on treating mental illness?) or more likely, he thinks that getting paid the big money to cycle as performance art is worth the “risk” of eventually falling off his gyroscope completely.
Alas, the paranoid shriekers will always be with us. Anybody remember Joe Pyne? I asked my grampa, an avid watcher, what was wrong with that man. “He’s just a nut,” Grampa replied with a fair amount of relish. For the same reason people slow down to gawp at accidents by the roadside.
It’s ya’ll’re.
I remember that nonsense about Obama is an unathletic sissy because he’s non a good bowler. Joe Scarborough and Chris Matthews were pushing that shit. Every time I think about that I think about this: Obama walks out in street clothes and and drains athree-pointer on the first try in front of hundreds of US troops. I would love to see those jackasses try that.