I’m not 100% sure that Obama will be taking questions at tonight’s news conference, but I’m guessing that he will. Assuming he does, would any of you care to predict:
1) What will be the dumbest question asked?
2) Who will ask it?
3) Will the “enchanted” question ever be topped?
I’m also wondering if we could design a drinking game. Every time a reporter uses the word “tough choices”, take a sip, etc.
What are the odds that someone will ask him about his birth certificate? After all, “people are talking about it”, and by the rather odd rules of the Washington Press Corps, that makes it a legitimate question to ask.
Ash Can
Well waddya know. I was just coming back here to post an “OT: Shall we set up a betting pool on who’s going to get a verbal karate chop from the CiC tonight for asking an almighty stupid question at the presser?” Great minds, etc.
That Anonymous Guy
You can never go wrong wagering on Ed Henry when asking, “Who will ask the stupidest question at an Obama press conference?”
That man has raised public obtuseness to an art.
You forgot to add: who will ask “Where’s the birth certificate?”nevermind dms beat me to the punch
You’d better be at home or have a “designated driver” to play that game tonight. IMHO within fifteen minutes, thirty tops, you’ll be WAY beyond any prudent limit to drive, or for that matter, make any kind of more important decision than what to drink for the next round.
Anytime there’s a press conference it’s GUARANTEED that the st00pid trifecta of Tapper/Garrett/Henry will never disappoint.
Dr. Loveless
I have no idea who will ask it, but I’ll wager 5,000 quatloos that the question will contain either “birth certificate” or “euthanasia,” with 10-to-1 odds that it contains both.
I bet he gets a cigarette question.
Every question will be absurd; there’s no way around it. Which is money for Obama. I’ve got serious money on Obama destroying some GOP nonsense tonight.
. . . or maybe a question asking if Obama set up any questions with some bloggers. It is not possible to overestimate the self absortion of the MSM.
Screamin' Demon
1. “Why won’t you release your ‘long-form’ birth certificate, in order to satisfy the concerns of many Americans that you are not a natural-born U.S. citizen?”
2. Chuck Todd.
3. Like this one won’t top “enchanted”?
. . . . or how about that any tax on any income of the 1 – 1.5% of the population that makes over $350,000 (or whatever it is) will hurt the middle class? [/Charlie Gibson]
Uh, backgrounder on “enchanted,” please?
I am not aware of all internet traditions.
Call me stupid but what exactly do you mean by the “enchanted” question? (initial interpretation is that it refers to the birth certificate). If so, I doubt any of the reporters will ask it. One thing you can count on is the predictability of the press corps for better or worse, and knowing them they would probably think that if they asked such, they would lose their precious access (assholes on TV, as well as wingnuts, have no such thing to lose).
Otherwise I don’t know who will ask the stupidest question, as I really don’t know the names of anyone there. I do predict Chucky T will ask something utterly pointless, even for a question from these beltway dipsticks. I am sure the dumbest question will be along the lines of the inability for private insurers to compete and if this is in any way s0cia1ist. Probably won’t use the s word but the point will be made.
General Winfield Stuck
Blue Jeans from the Presnit fashion police. Followed by “why is Jim Demint such an imbecile” OK! that’s wishful thinking on my part. won’t happen, unfortunately.
You think we could draw a line and say that no question will be asked about the All-Star game pitch and the clothing he wore? I hope that’s a safe bet.
I think the birther prediction is a more realistic possibility.
the multi-combo: “mr. president, is the reason you’re rushing the country into socialism with a health care takeover that nobody who matters wants because you don’t dare show us your kenyan long form birth certificate which is about to be subpoenaed any day now?”
if lou dobbs shows up …
I am with birth certificate bets. Also something idiotic about his presidency being damaged beyond repair and how health care will be his Waterloo. I propose that we sing along to abba when this is mentioned after taking a drink!
I don’t know about #1, but I’d put money on #2 being Fox News’ Major Garrett.
RE: enchanted: Jeff Zeleny of the NYT asked him what “enchanted” him about the presidency during the First 100 Days press conference.
Someone will ask him about Henry Louis Gates and try to get him to say something about how police are racist.
Re “enchanted”: some press-credentialed cretin or other asked the POTUS what has “surprised, challenged, and enchanted” him in one of the conferences. I’d look it up but I’m already feeling nauseated today.
Re “enchanted”: some press-credentialed cretin or other asked the POTUS what has “surprised, challenged, and enchanted” him in one of the conferences. I’d look it up for a better citation, but I’m already feeling nauseated today.
@JM: @ronin122:
I am not sure if enchanted was used in the question or if Obama used the word in the answer. Was the reporter named something like Zelny for the NYT?
edit – PS Here it is
President Obama, what has been the sexiest moment of your first 180 days?
“Without having seen your long-form birth certificate, how can we really know that you are a natural-born citizen and thus eligible to be President?”
Mrs. Peel
Something about Waterloo by Charles David “Chuck” Todd .
Not sure about the question. Pretty sure about old Chuckles living up to his usual incompetence.
The Saff
For some reason, I was thinking about Jeff Zelney’s “enchanted” question this morning while I was cleaning the litterboxes.
All I know is that I will be ready at 8 p.m. EDT to enjoy the madness. Obama handles these pressers with such substance, knowledge, and style. My favorite part will be logging onto the intertubes tomorrow morning to read the comments from Balloon Juice. You guys crack me up!
Joshua Norton
1. How come you wore those funny blue jeans.
2. Chuck Todd
3. Probably
Common Sense
Great Title.
Pavement is the best band of the 1990’s.
I predict a lot of people screwing themselves with their hands under the warm glow of the spotlight tonight.
@Lyle4: Thank you for the context.
Just Some Fuckhead
“Sir, are you prepared to acknowledge that your administration has been a failure and will you step down to allow an American to lead the country?” – Ed “Nibbles” Henry.
Why doesn’t the White House Communications Director give Griff Jenkins a press pass so Obama can just run him the hell over? If I were Barack, I’d want that pissant to be the face of my opposition. Mean hypocrite Rush “Hedonism-bot” Limbaugh can be the voice, but I want Jenkins asking him the f-tarded questions.
“Mr. President, you claim to have been born in Honolulu and that therefore makes you a U.S. citizen, but, being a new-born at the time of your so-called Hawaiian birth, how can you be sure? Do you have any special knowledge or gift of awareness to unequivocally state that this is the truth?”
Joshua Norton
What’s your favorite make-out CD?
Still Chuck Todd.
Never mind, I doubt David Gregory will be at the presser.
Common Sense:
Maybe. That’s a close one, really. Yo La Tengo and PJ Harvey provide some pretty serious competition in that category. Wilco and Basement Jaxx might be in the running too.
1) “How do you respond to growing numbers of questions being asked about your US citizenship, and why won’t you simply show them the birth certificate?”
2) Major Garrett
3) Yes, as soon as a photog snaps a shot of Obama sneaking a smoke.
Comrade Jake
I’m not sure anything tops Tapper asking him to answer someone else’s question, and Obama asking Jake when he became the ombudsman for the WH press corps.
Comrade Jake
“Were you influenced at all by John McCain and Lindsey Graham accusing you of being timid and weak?”
Obama: “What do you think?”
“Were you influenced at all by John McCain and Lindsey Graham accusing you of being timid and weak?”
Obama: “What do you think?”
Oooo, that were a beauty.
@Joshua Norton:
Heh, that’s too easy. Everyone knows the best make-out album is Johnny Hartman & John Coltrane.
Probably best followed by something from Astrid Gilberto & Stan Getz.
“Maybe. That’s a close one, really. Yo La Tengo and PJ Harvey provide some pretty serious competition in that category. Wilco and Basement Jaxx might be in the running too.”
Built to Spill.
1. “What are your feelings about the Erin Andrews video?”
2. Jake Tapper
3. There is no bottom to stupidity; of course it will be surpassed.
1. Senator Jim DeMint says that health care reform will be your Waterloo if he has anything to say about it. What do you have to say to him? Please phrase your answer in the form of a Napoleonic-Wars-themed metaphor.
2. Zeleny
3. No
Actually, the stupidest question will probably be from Major Garett and ask Obama to defend how his policies will add $23 trillion to the deficit.
Common Sense
Love me some Wilco, but I’d put them in the 2000s myself. Summer Teeth was what, 1999?
I also am a big fan of YLT. There’s others I’ve overlooked too — Radiohead, Public Enemy, Sonic Youth, De La Soul, and Mike Patton jump to mind. It all depends on mood. If I were going through a breakup I’d probably be arguing for Elliott Smith right now.
“What do you think about Sarah Palin’s decision to resign as governor of Alaska and do you think she’s hot?”
Ash Can
In addition, I predict that the first question Obama takes will be from Glenn Greenwald, and all the corporate media reporters will run out of the room sobbing.
Tax Analyst
“During his primetime press conference, President Obama addressed a number of serious topics, among them torture, the flu outbreak, and the struggling economy. There was, however, one light moment, and it came when New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny asked the president this question: “During these first 100 days, what has surprised you the most about this office? Enchanted you the most from serving in this office? Humbled you the most? And troubled you the most?”
“Now let me write this down,” the president quipped. He looked down at the podium. “I’ve got…”
Interjected Zeleny: “Surprised, troubled…”
Mr. Obama: “I’ve got—what was the first one?”
Zeleny: “Surprised.”
Mr. Obama: “Surprised.”
Zeleny: “Troubled.”
Mr. Obama: “Troubled.”
Zeleny: “Enchanted.”
The president paused. “Enchanted,” he repeated. “Nice.”
Jeezus, could there be any lamer “question” to ask a President?
Maybe “If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?”
At least Obama treated it with the seriousness it deserved.
@Common Sense:
Yep, and by the same measure, I prolly should have included Outkast. Can’t believe I forgot Radiohead. I tend to think of PE, SY, and DLS as 80’s bands though – even though they all cont’d to do great work in the 90’s. YLT started in the 80’s too, I know, but they didn’t really begin to stand out, the way those other bands did, until the 90’s. IMHO, of course.
@Comrade Jake:
“Were you influenced at all by John McCain and Lindsey Graham accusing you of being timid and weak?”
Obama: “What do you think, punk?”
1. Many have said you throw a baseball like a girl. What steps will you take, as president of the United States, to improve the executive pitching arm?
2. Some people say that Hawaii isn’t the real America. Please define how dancing in grass skirts to ukulele music is part of the American experience. Also, if you could have Ricardo Montalban fulfill one fantasy, what would it be?
3. Several commentators have noted that you are black. What? No. I don’t have a question.
Comrade Jake
Actually if you search YouTube for Obama press conference, one of the top hits is TPM’s collection from his “testy” presser. This is the one where he was asked the question I posted above, about Graham and McCain. The quote really doesn’t do it justice.
Obama’s IQ’s a good twenty points higher than anyone in the WH press corps. I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
Chuck Todd: “What do you have to say to those who mocked your Mom Jeans at the All-Star game?”
Obama: “Yeah, right. Like you’re the epitome of cool, white boy.”
I’m sort of thinking teh stoopid will come in the frame of his “plummeting” poll numbers, just judging from the crap that’s been written on the fact that he’s gone from 60s to high 50s over the last few weeks.
But I’m thinking a birther question will crop up. And I don’t think the enchanted question was nearly as stupid as the cigarette question or the damned dog question from his first presser.
Of course, my question is who gets the famous Obama bitch slap tonight (like Todd got the last time and garrett (?) got the time before that)?
“Mr. President, what percentage of Birthers do you believe are also hardcore Twilighters too?”
“Do you ever get out of bed in the morning and just say ‘Screw it, I’m going to the Smithsonian today’?”
“When ARE you going to resign?”
Doctor Science
Ash Can:
You’re teasing, right? If Glenzilla is there I will explode with happy. If he’s there and BHO calls on him, one can hope that the corporate media will form a giant black hole and disappear up their own asses — because Glenn *will not* ask softball questions. It would be loud and messy, but worth it.
I’ll put 10,000 simoleans on Tapper asking about the letter sent from Obama’s cabinet to Arizona’s governor, specifically that he’s going to ask Obama if he’s threatening to punish the constituents of his political opponents by withholding Congressionally-approved funds from them.
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
@JGabriel: radiohead in is the discussion…
OMG, Tweety just said “wingnut base.” has he said that before?
@JGabriel: What, no Hootie?
Actually, I’ll cast a vote for Eve 6.
Common Sense
Yeah my assertion is retracted. I’m in a Pavement mood though dammit. Although this was really nice to hear again — found it while wandering about.
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
Ohhh, jenniebee, I think you stand to clean up on that bet.
Ash Can
@Doctor Science: I of course have no idea if this will happen, but given the attention Obama has given online journalists in the past, I think odds are good that at least one of the more “mainstream” online publications will be called on. And I have no doubt that all the Grown-Up, Serious Journalists (TM) from the Real News Outlets (likewise TM) will be crying and whining like nap-deprived four-year-olds about it for days.
1. Surgeon generals weight
2. Multiple sources
3. Not this time
Obama will also call on a blogger and heads will explode.
“Hi, who do you think is the cutest reporter of us all?”
“Are you Twittering right now the fact that I’m asking you really good questions?”
“Would you take me out for a hamburger and mustard after the show?”
Mr. President: It has been reported that Gov. Palin’s hair is falling out in clumps. Do your health care initiatives cover a good pluggin’?
If somebody asks whether or not Regina Benjamin is too fat, I’m going to personally use that individual as a heavy bag to work out on.
Also, Pavement yes. And I want to go on record defending Zeleny’s question. I’ve heard a lot worse from our press corps, and I think sometimes bizarre, open-ended questions are useful to see how a president thinks. Also.
JG @ 42
you got that one on the head. I put that on and my wife’s eyes start smoking. Way past make-out.
“Mr. President, Gidget, the 15-year-old Chihuaha dog from the ‘Yo Quiero Taco Bell’ commercials suffered a fatal stroke last night. Do you have an words of sympathy for the Latino Community?”
-Chuck Todd
“… And have you been able to talk to Judge Sotomayor about her loss?”
I have nothing to add except that Pavement is the greatest American band of the last 20 years, including Nirvana.
Great thread title, as usual, Balloon Juice.
@inkadu: …and is empathy for dying dogs what we really want on the Supreme Court?
@CapMidnight: … and what do you say to American’s who don’t want their tax dollars going to pay the veterinary bills of Hollywood-elite illegal immigrants?
I’d say I think American voters are smart enough to realize a “strict constructionist” would construct a border fence around Lou Dobbs, like it says in the Constitution, and that we should require illegals to take their dog’s poo with them as they’re deported.
I am guessing some dimwit will ask about “Mr. President, what do you think about what Liz Cheney said about your patriotism” – I am guessing because all of sudden Liz Cheney is an authority on all things.
Who will ask? You can never go wrong betting on the stupidity of the axes of idiocy Henry/Reed/Garret.
Mr. President, a follow up if you don’t mind: The deportation of illegal immigrants and the fecal matter of their canines could have a detrimental effect on the fertilizer and pet accessory industries. What do you have to say to the owners of Poop-scooping small businesses who would find themselves and their employees unemployed as a result of your actions?
I’m pretty sure no band sold more concert tickets in the 1990’s than Phish. That should count for somethin’.
Common Sense
I’m pretty sure no artist sold more albums in the 1990’s than Garth Brooks. Doesn’t count for much in my book as far as who is best.
I actually like Phish. I’ve seen them 5-6 times, including Big Cypress. I just can’t stand their fans. No offense — I don’t know you. I just know that getting through a parking lot at a Phish show is like Dante’s Inferno. No, you cannot have nugz for hugz. If you want nugz, sell your dad’s Cherokee and talk to one of the many vendors nearby.
Bad Horse's Filly
@thomas: Can’t decide if that’s TMI or hot.
Can’t wait for the slap down tonight. Love it when Prof. In Chief steps up to the podium.
@freelancer: … yesterday you talked to a young man from Ohio, Jim the Poop Scooper. He told you he was trying to buy the poop scooping business, and was concerned that your new environmental regulations would hurt his ability to fulfill the American dream. What do you have to say to Jim?
Common Sense,
“nugz for hugz,” haha that’s good stuff. Wasn’t me, though. I’m an old school snob, not a custie. You’d probably hate me too but for different reasons.
1. Many have said you throw a baseball like a girl. What steps will you take, as president of the United States, to improve the executive pitching arm?
Obama: Put as much Kevlar on Roger Clemens as I was wearing and see if he can throw a strike.
Chuck Todd ftw.
Mike in NC
But Chuck Todd sports a goatee! How rad is that?
Major Garrett:
Does your Surgeon General make my ass look small?
A link to a youtube video of something off Slanted and Enchanted seems in order.
And just to get extra meta, here is a link to a song by a very young Ben Lee writing about how awesome he thinks Evan Dando is, in part because, “he even even understands the words to Pavement songs.”
@here4tehbeer: Damn. Saving the best for last.