Remember when Obama was responsible for how the Dow was doing?
Deep thought
by DougJ| 57 Comments
This post is in: Black Jimmy Carter, Media, General Stupidity
by DougJ| 57 Comments
This post is in: Black Jimmy Carter, Media, General Stupidity
Remember when Obama was responsible for how the Dow was doing?
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No. No conservatives ever said anything about the Dow and Obama. Never happened. That’s a straw-man. Nothing to see here. Please move along.
John PM
Well, that was back when he was an American. Now that the Republican Party has raised important questions about his parentage and place of birth, the stock market is going up in relief that this issue is being discussed.
Atrios does it better. And you could at least modify the title to be more DougJ, like perhaps “Deep thought(s)”. See? Completely different.
Kid G
Unfortunately, I believe that what we are about to see is not a lasting increase in the Dow, but a steady, repetitive inflation and popping of the bubble until new regulations on trading are put into place. The only difference between the current sequence of events and the real estate bubble is that Goldman is an even bigger player than it was before. Not to go all conspiracy theory on you guys, but I am scared to death of the stock market now that GS effectively has it cornered.
Robert Pierce
Obama is responsible for all bad things. Anything good is a result of Republican tax cuts.
When summer ends there will be an uptick in unemployment.
There will be a lot of people shuffling money and debt around to cover back-to-school costs.
And even later on there will be issues with people trying to affford home heating (plus tons of cities scambling to cover snow removal costs.)
And the market will take a downtick (for those reasons, or others even more esoteric). Then it’ll go up.
This recover will have to be slow… like tidally slow. You just won’t notice it very mich admit all the back and forth flow in the normal day to day noise.
Feh I say.
Someone e-mail the author of that article and ask him when he will be writing an update.
I thought it was the other way around.
John Cole
He still is responsible. When it goes down.
@John Cole: Sort of exactly like gravity, right?
Comrade Jake
I always enjoy Josh’s deep thoughts over at TPM. From yesterday, during the rise of the Gates nonsense:
All that blame against Obama destroying wealth–Jim Cramer on CNBC, etc.– was to force Obama to play ball. Once Obama succumbed, the investment banks were able to start building their house of cards again.
Brian J
What makes you say that?
@John Cole: Better than that. If it goes up 1000 points and down 200 points, we get to hear how in a Palin Economy, the market would have gone up 10,000 points and never ever come down ever and there would be full employment and puppies and candy and the Second Coming of Jesus but you ruined it you damn commie hippies when do I get my Ronald Reagen again?
Things were never this bad under Bush.
OT: If you haven’t had your morning cup of outrage, check out this site (via Yglesias).
End of summer jobs, whatever home building is going on will end, most large state/city construction jobs don’t run over winter (in the Nothern Sates) less travel related jobs, etc…
It’s a rule of thumb indicator that could certainly prove to be wrong, but as far as a general trend.
all’s i know is that mah 401k is in positive territory for the last 12 months. it makes teh kitties happy to know their retirement money has stopped evaporatin (even if it hasn’t fully rebounded).
so thank you Sarah Palin, for making the market behave again. you’re a nashnul treshah
Someone has to be first…
WHAT?! 9,000?!!
Brian J
Here’s another Deep Thought, courtesy of something I heard on Fox News as I was flipping by last night: we can supposedly cover the insured in this country for no more than $50 billion a year, as opposed to the $1 trillion or so Obama is proposing. But why haven’t we done it?
You see, Sean Hannity had on Betsey McCaughey, one of the main firebomb throwers against the Clinton health care plan, who claims she read through the thousands of pages of legislation when nobody else did.
As far as I can tell–I only watched for a few minutes, for fear of permanently lowering my IQ–she is comparing the supposed cost of one year of her claim based of the cost of Obama’s plans over ten years. If that’s the case, she deserves to be mocked, because nobody with any influence should make a mistake like that. But more than that, if she really believes what she’s saying, why isn’t she asking herself why nobody in the Bush administration ever tried to insure the population for such a small cost? If it was possible, it would have completely stolen the Democrats’ thunder for many election cycles to come. Something tells me, she’s either incredibly stupid or a big fat liar, but I guess it’s possible to be both.
Brian J
Don’t they adjust for that stuff?
@Morbo: IT’S OVER 9000!!!!!!
@DougJ: Can I assume that the “Black Jimmy Carter” tag is the new “The Failed Obama Administration (it only took 2 weeks)”?
Tom Betz
@Matt — I wrote him, asking “When may we expect to see you writing about the “Obama Bull Market”?” and he replied with a pointer to this article:
Depends which set of unemployment number you’re using I suppose. If you’re out to prove that the stimulus isn’t working you can look at the set of number that would show the end of seasonal jobs as people becoming unemployed. It all goes to the intial point that DoungJ was trying to make (I think) that the DOW and other numbers are somewhat subjective and can be used to argue for or against the status of the economy
Once upon a time, long long ago, the point of the stock market was actually investing in companies. One helped them them capitalize for a cut of the profits.
Now, it’s basically indistinguishable from the stuff DeNiro and Pesci did in Casino. Except for the baseball bats.
And that’s how the Wall Street types loosen their ties at the end of the day and go off to have some single malts without killing themselves. They play with their computer, and numbers move around, and some of them wind up in their bank account.
They don’t see, never think about, the havoc they are wreaking on innocent lives by playing these Games with Money.
Brian J
@Brian J:
Alternately, we might ask why the entire insurance industry – private business being the perfect model of efficiency – isn’t running on slightly more than a $50 billion budget. You’ve got businesses bringing down hundreds of billions a year and policies outstanding for tens of trillions. Could it be that there is something fundamentally wrong with the insurance market if the whole shibang can be run for $50 billion a year?
This sounds eeriely familiar to the Paul Wolfowitz claim that we can be in and out of Iraq for $10 billion. It’s almost as though these people are just making shit up and lying out their asses.
General Winfield Stuck
Stuck’s HummerCam is up and running for anyone who cares.
Obama causes police brutality too by making the police angry about police brutality. Now here, wouldn’t you like to have some nice Just Shut Up?
OT, but it’s already late morning and neither John nor DougJ has mocked Bobo’s charging Rhinos??!!!! What’s up with that? I guess maybe it mocks itself.
It’s a typo.
Brooks meant to say the threat was from RINOs.
The column reads better if you substitute RINO for rhino, changing it from poorly written tragedy to epic comedy.
Seriously, does the NY Times keep printing his swill just to discredit the remnants of conservatism?
media browski
Prediction of Wingnut Spin: Markets are reacting to Sarah Palin’s imminent release from political bondage.
That is soooo pre-3/9/09 thinking.
Obama is to blame for the rising unemployment rate.
The Teabaggers and Birthers are responsible for the market reaching 9K.
@SpotWeld: I’m stealing your typo. the next time Teh Doug writes sumpin I dont like, (which, by the way, isn’t very often), he’s DungJ.
Yes, I often operate on a 5th grade level. Hey John, kan I haz mah html buttunz bak?
WHAT summer jobs, spotweld? There haven’t been a whole lot in this economy.
And do you really think that things like low wage, temporary summer lifeguard and camp counselor jobs have a significant effect on the economy as a whole? Compared with … I dunno … thousands of manufacturing or construction jobs?
Anyway … I can’t wait for the usual jackasses to start calling this the “Bush Recovery” following the “Obama Recession.” Because temporal reality must bend to politics when it comes to the economy.
Can I assume that the “Black Jimmy Carter” tag is the new “The Failed Obama Administration (it only took 2 weeks)”?
You are correct.
The DOW ain’t nuthin. I’m still waiting for an Arctic Sea Ice Thickness (ASIT) measurement to be instituted as one of the real barometers of Obama’s success as a president. That, and WHO ratings, and teen pregnancy rates, and water and air quality measurements, etc, etc. If we had tickers running at the bottom of the teevee screen for all of those things, maybe more of us would care about them along with the economy.
Had to post this because it is the 3rd of Av and the link has no snarky quality at all. In fact it is a disgrace.
The NYT stock market guy has made clear in his explanations that the Dow goes up because the traders want desperately to see any sign of green shoots.
Brian J
I’m almost convinced that I simply misheard what this woman said. (As I stated before, I watched only briefly.) Unless she was basing her comments on some sort of plan to give small subsidies to people to use something like an MSA/HSA, I don’t see how she can credibly claim that we can cover the insured for such a small amount of money. If we could cover tens of millions of people with $50 billion a year or less, it would have been done a long, long time ago. Nobody–except for perhaps hardcore Libertarians–would be protesting spending that money. Perhaps her real objection to spending, no matter what the amount, is based on the nutty, Glenn Beck-style belief that we are going to be forced into certain medical decisions.
On a somewhat related note, I’m curious about what you think of the claim that Medicare should spend more on administrative costs since it would probably be better to deny some claims, as the treatments probably aren’t very effective. It’s a claim that was being thrown around a lot a few weeks ago. In theory, this makes some sense, but I don’t see how it makes up for the entire difference between the private insurance industry and Medicare.
While I don’t expect the wingers to say that Obama caused the stock market to go up, I lay 10-1 odds that they blame him if police brutality in Massachusetts goes up. It makes as much sense as blaming him for any drops in the Dow, and he’s black so he MUST have something to do with it.
Yeah, the Dow numbers are going up, meanwhile the situation for most people is either standing pat or still getting worse.
Why do people treat the stock exchange as if it’s the alpha&omega of the economy?
El Cid
Because only the super-rich perspective counts, and anyone looking at things from the other direction is a luddite fringe extremist lefty America-hating class war type.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Sweet. Can’t quite make out the audio; sounds like cable news. Hope you are aware what the mike is hearing — remember the “live mike in the men’s room” scene in Naked Gun.
@el citd:
as judge whitey in futurama said “My caddy chauffeur informs me that a bank is a place where people put money that isn’t properly invested. Therefore, robbing a bank is tantamount to that most heinous of crimes: Theft of money.” STOCK MARKET RULZ ALL
@El Cid: I was going to go with “getting a full picture of the national economy is hard, screaming DOW OVER 9,000! is easy and reporters are lazy ‘tards” but yours probably has a greater deal of merit.
General Winfield Stuck
Thanks for the vol. tip. Turned it way down. Hadn’t realized I was also broadcasting sound, yikes! The pic quality isn’t very good, likely due to cheap webcam.
El Cid
@Zifnab: Critiques of the media which focus on non-political factors such as short attention span or laziness etc. have to also explain why the ‘errors’ fall so overwhelmingly on the side of conservative, hawkish, and business / upper-class interests, and also why it would be that concentrated institutions of wealth and power like news corporations would somehow accidentally fail to reflect the interests of their owners and executives.
Stuck’s Hummer Cam rawks!
Joshua Norton
Kewl. At this rate I can probably starting opening my 401k statements again sometime in 2012. Right now I refuse do so without a crash cart standing by.
Thanks Chimpy.
Ackerman has a great post on his serious royal Douchiness, Eli Lake, entering the blogosphere.
Here’s Starbursts from the above referenced column, in all his Jim Carrey-esque snark:
Rich Lowry is an ASSHOLE.
PS-[I, too, must be a racist. I inadvertantly typed “blackquote” in the html tags]
You know Kudlow will say it again once the next bit of bad employment or GDP news comes out and people take profits from the last few months.
Kid G – please stop talking about inflation… not going to happen, if anything we will look like Japan and have a deflationary, slow growth era. The inflation canard is what Republicans use to “sound smart.”
Bruce Webb
The real point is not only was the right blaming Obama for Dow6500 they were confidently guaranteeing it was on course for Dow4000 and below. Just as a commenter on Angry Bear was guaranteeing that unemployment under Obama would be at least double Bush’s highest level, which translates to 15.9%. While no one seriously doubts we will hit double digits nationally (in my area we are already there) I don’t think even Dr. Doom is holding out for 16% plus (this article pegs it at 11%
Back in March the argument was not that stimulus would work too slow but that it would actually backfire by crowding out ‘efficient’ private investment in favor of ‘wasteful’ government spending that would not create ‘real’ jobs but only expand governmental job rolls.
Dow 9000 may be a transient event but it does show that these guys were talking out their collective asses in February and March.
General Winfield Stuck
Gracias Amigo!
The thing is … these analysts are free to talk out of their asses, because nobody ever holds them accountable (or revokes their passes to appear on cable news, in favor of someone different).
If there is no accountability, and political hackery posing as economic/market analysis is accepted as legitimate, then there is no incentive for these people to do otherwise.
Besides, their corporate paymasters like the message they are delivering (like … ahem … Jim Cramer). It has nothing to do with — you know — troublesome things like accuracy.
– Bokonon
And isn’t Jim Cramer just the poster child for all of this? I swear, if there was a “Jim Cramer” fund to invest in, I’d short the hell out of it and live like a Goldman Sachs executive.
well, as I was reminded today, Obama had a wicked good call on the bottom.
the one thing thats lacking though is he won’t give a exit call! I’ll call it again though, in 6 months stocks will be below 1050 (s&p 500)
edit, forgot the link: