At what point do they just say to hell with it and give up:
If a three-way discussion among Republican pundits on “The Early Show Saturday Edition” is any indication, more of the same — she’ll remain as controversial and passion-provoking rod as ever.
Author and right-wing firebrand Ann Coulter, GOP strategist Bay Buchanan, and founder and former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum had at it over the question of whether Palin could be a viable presidential candidate at some point.
It got so heated the three were talking over each other, prompting co-anchor Erica Hill, who moderated, to interrupt them herself several times.
Do you think they ever go home, watch their appearances, and weep into the pillow?
Just Some Fuckhead
I’m not convinced Bay Buchanan isn’t Pat Buchanan in drag. Has anyone ever seen them together?
Silver Owl
Crazy admires crazy. lol
Chris Johnson
Okay, now I KNOW Coulter is a professional troll out to destroy the right wing. That was awesome :D
Frum looks like someone is pointing a gun at his head from off camera.
General Winfield Stuck
Can reptiles cry? I do not think so. They only dream of opportunities lost on the jugular.
Just Some Fuckhead
Yer party is in a real pile of doodoo when the neocons are the rational ones.
These discussions would definitely be more polite if pundits were allowed to conceal/carry in the studios.
I like to think that I have a pretty strong constitution and there’s not much that bothers me either physically or psychologically, but I gotta tell you—reading the words “three-way, passion-provoking rod, had at it, heated…AND…Ann Coulter, Bay Buchanan, and David Frum” in any combination is enough to put me off my feed.
Not to mention the fact that I suffered almost instant (and I hope reversible) “shrinkage”.
Who the f–k wrote the article?
Were they trying to be funny or is this some new and extremely disturbing type of gooper porn?
The “bigger than the president” angle is so dumb. In the grand scheme of things, Stalin and Hitler were much bigger stories than Obama. Does that mean they would be good presidential candidates?
On same days Hanna Montanna is bigger than the president (and for a little while the corpse of Michael Jackson certainly was).
I don’t think either is presidential material at this time.
General Winfield Stuck
Could pave the way to a new and improved kind of Crossfire.
At some point a nest of rattlesnakes will start to bite each other.
On same days Hanna Montanna is bigger than the president (and for a little while the corpse of Michael Jackson certainly was).
Yes, but Coulter said that wasn’t a good comparison since Jackson and Montana aren’t politicians (she said this just about Jackson, but it would apply to Montana as well).
Hitler and Stalin were politicians.
El Cid
So, I guess Coulter’s jaws aren’t wired shut any more. Too bad.
Midnight Marauder
@El Cid:
Sad to say, I think they go home and count their money.
Anyone ever see what Aaron Magruder did to Ann Coulter in season 2 of The Boondocks? Awesome sauce, I’m telling you.
Of the three, I think Frum is the most self-aware of the rocks the Republican party is currently wrecked on. Bay Buchanan doesn’t seem to get that the country isn’t going to get whiter, and Coulter, I’m convinced, is a performance artist.
What was Frum, not being completely insane, doing, agreeing to be on a panel with those two? I mean, what did he expect to happen?
I want to punch my radio whenever Frum does the editorial segment on Marketplace.
At what point do they just say to hell with it and give up:
Who, saner ones like the Frumster? When the funding for his POV dries up or directs him to support another party.
Eric U.
Not completely insane is the new definition of liberal. He was there to provide balance
You know, people think Frum is not completely insane, but he has a regular spot on APM’s “Marketplace” where he spouts his conservative b.s., and it’s rife with errors. For instance, he was bitching about Obama’s fiscal policy (increasing deficits) and he had the *balls* to say something to the effect that it was the “largest deficit ever in a peacetime economy.”
Mike in NC
It could only have been sweeter if they’d set a place at the table for Glenn Beck to burst out crying.
Here’s the actual quote:
Comrade Dread
You need a soul to feel remorse, John. I’m not sure they have one.
In fact, I’m pretty sure at least one of them sold theirs to the devil for a book deal.
I actually remember that, I pretty sure I swore at my radio after he said that
shelley matheis
I fear Palin is going to be like my local public tv channel. To be specific, when it’s having a beg-a-thon. You tune in and it’s like ‘Oh, God, not again.’ or ‘is this still on the air?’
“peacetime highs”… not the same as borrowing money during wartime. Remember GWB was a WAR president.
IOKIYAR (did I spell that right?)
“Being a governor tied her hands behind her back”
So elected office is a handicap to running for elected office.”
Is that what she’s saying?
I, for one, prefer not to consider what Ann Coulter does into her pillow.
Bay Buchanan would have been a more effective advocate for her position if her botoxed lips had been more responsive.
Here’s the video link to the segment: for those of you have not already gouged your eyes out.
Just Some Fuckhead
Aren’t we still in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Mike G
whether Palin could be a viable presidential candidate at some point.
An important hypothetical regarding any presidential candidate is — would you hire them to run your medium-sized or large business?
Obama, certainly.
Chimp, hell no.
Bill Clinton, yes. Gore, yes.
Poppy Bush, as much of a shitbag as he was as president, yes.
Reagan, probably no. Same for McCain.
Quayle or Cheney may have some familiarity with the business world, but mostly in the realm of exploiting their government contacts in businesses that rely heavily on such things. Cheney is fucking evil and ruthless enough to boil human bodies for cash or sell AK-47s to African children, so he’d make money, but not in anything I’d want to be associated with.
Palin? I wouldn’t hire her to clerk alone at a gas station.
@arguingwithsignposts: That Frum is saner than some of the others doesn’t mean he isn’t a dishonest shill. It just means that he realizes that there is a limit to how much reality can be distorted. Saying Palin would make a good president is well beyond the limit.
The next-to-last samurai
No, they laugh all the way to the bank.
Joshua Norton
If Palin is trying to pull that Jedi mind trick so we won’t believe our lying eyes, she really sucks at it. “I’m quitting being Governor to prove I’m not a quitter and that I can govern”. Sorry Sarah, none of us sane people buy that for a minute.
As for Coulter and crew – they should do other things with their pillow. Like let someone hold it over their face for about 15 minutes.
Let’s face it, we have a society that rewards loud-mouthed, pushy aggressive assholes, we have various names for them, pundits, bosses, politicians, salesmen, banksters.
But they’re all the same ruthless people who would walk all over their mother to get what they want. A lot of them appear on TV.
That’s got to be it. Some of the stuff that she is saying, about Palin being bigger than Obama, is batshit crazy.
And when she refers to the lieutenant governor as “a fantastic right winger,” you know that she is doing some kind of Andy Kaufman-like political routine or is certifiably insane.
General Winfield Stuck
Of course she is, and a financially successful one. Doesn’t mean she isn’t also the quintessential wingnut.
oh really
In Coulter’s case, only if she realizes she failed to say something that would be deeply insulting to at least 155 million Americans.
Alternatively, after an especially offensive appearance, she may weep at the idea of all the books she will sell as a result.
Hey, signposts, you appear to be up and running. Yes? Feeling better?
Joshua Norton
They all think they’re a quarterback, when in reality they’re a half-ass.
They can bloviate all they want. Four years ago Guiliani was a lock for the nomination – with just maybe Romney a distant second.
The only person the Coulters of the world DID NOT WANT was McCain. Remember how she said she’d rather have Hilary Clinton.
At some point Republicans will need to vote for their candidate, and, if last election is any guide, even they don’t listen to these idiots.
I remember reading Coulter before she went completely batshit insane. She always struck me as a deeply unhappy radical feminist lesbian trapped in a Southern Baptist environment that told her that those two aspects were the greatest of all evils along with free thought.
I’ve always seen her gibbering collapse as one long cry for help to silence the voices.
I think her jumping on the Palin bandwagon so intensely is one of those furtive silenced voices letting out a tiny pip.
Note, I’m not saying I feel sorry for her, miserable or not, she did make the choice between happy and giant piles of money and chose to sell herself out on the wingnut streets.
>>Do you think they ever go home, watch their appearances, and weep into the pillow?
As long as the checks clear, the answer will be “No.”
I’ve never thought Ann Coulter was a woman. That’s not a joke. She seems deeply misogynistic to me…and I’m sorry if I sound like a huge hypocrite saying this on top of what I just said: She looks like a man. There’s no other way to say it. I honestly don’t know what is up with that “woman” but she seems seriously fucked up to me.
Mark S.
How many candidates debates did they have last election? A hundred would seem to be a conservative guess. I can’t imagine Sarah winking and changing the subject through all of them, and if she starts off as a frontrunner, everyone will be gunning for her.
I think she realizes this. She’s going to make her money but she isn’t going to run for president.
@vacuumslayer: It’s the Southern Baptist-ness. Thanks to the Left Behind books, all proper Rapture lovin’ Christians are supposed to hate hate hate feminazis and faggots above all else as the Good Lord Beverely La Haye said with her Concerned Women for America, Amen.
Ann Coulter is living proof of what happens when you raise someone Southern Baptist and release them out on the world and they don’t lose their faith in a giant meth fueled orgy or their first real science class.
@Cerberus: I wasn’t aware she was either Southern or a Baptist. She’s definitely sick, though. She’s so sick I sometimes wonder if this is, as someone else put it, performance art. The longest-running gag ever.
Well, that’s it. I’m in total and complete agreement with David Frum on at least one issue. Time to stock up on canned goods…
I’ve always wondered what to make of the fact that Olbermann and Coulter are graduates of the same university.
@Joshua Norton:
Sorry Sarah, none of us sane people buy that for a minute.
I still like the unintentional humor that she was resigning because she thought that that was the best thing for Alaska. I’ll agree: her not being governor probably is the best thing for Alaska. My dearest hope is that she’ll do something equally good for the rest of the United States and not be our chief executive either.
Coulter is neither Suthrun nor Baptist. She grew up in Connecticut, and graduated from Cornell and Michigan Law. Not sure when or where her life went off the rails.
Mike in NC
Even my Repub friends can’t deny it. Google “Ann Coulter’s Adam’s Apple”.
@burnspbesq: Maybe when she sprang from Satan’s vinegary loins.
Apparently a lot of Southern Baptistists are finding both the meth party and the science class. Mormoms are taking over as the religion who loves them some GOP. Must be the faggot thing…
General Winfield Stuck
I heard her discuss her upbinging a few years back, and it sounded like she’s a fruit that didn’t fall to far from the family Coconut tree/
@burnspbesq: The second she discovered wingnut welfare. She likes the lifestyle and will say whatever is necessary to maintain it.
Mark S.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Yeah, her dad was a rich union-busting attorney.
Coulter does hate herself.
Why else would she ally with a group that both celebrates her meanness; and insists that she is a failure for not being married and having 17.3 kids?
How do conservative women like Schafly and the like reconcile the whole stay-barefoot-and-pregnant schtick with their own high-powered, never home, lifestyle?
I’ve nothing against moms… after all, I’ve had one, and been one. But such hypocrisy and misogyny was the very thing that drove me away from my own Southern Baptist upbringing and into the Taoist, free-style, spirituality I enjoy today.
Though I did get a thorough working knowledge of Chick Tracts.
Agreed, though I think she’s been at it for so long now, and gotten so rich and notorious doing it, that she probably believes what she spews by now. I’m less sure about Hannity and Beck. I think they’ve probably believed their hysterical babble all along. I think Ann was probably just utterly soulless and coldhearted at first, and became a full-blown lunatic from sheer repetition and conditioning (eg. “hey, when I accuse half the country of treason, I make money!”)
(3 minute break over. Back to trying to avoid epic failure on the bar exam, which is suddenly 3 days away. So fucked. I thought it was all coming into focus a couple days ago. No, it’s a mush. A mush of epic fail.)
@WereBear: Just read The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. It’s the Serena Joy syndrome.
“(3 minute break over. Back to trying to avoid epic failure on the bar exam, which is suddenly 3 days away. So fucked. I thought it was all coming into focus a couple days ago. No, it’s a mush. A mush of epic fail.)”
Dude, Relax!!!!! All of the useless trivia you’ve spent the last two months stuffing into every corner of your head – none of which is remotely useful after you start, y’know, actually practicing law – will be there when you need it next week. And then it will be gone forever.
The only bad thing you can do right now is tie yourself up in knots.
The problem with “The Handmaid’s Tale” is that Republicans don’t understand that it’s fiction. They think it’s an instruction manual.
Turgidson @ 63: Study tips that got me through physiology, among other things.
-Create an atmosphere that will closely approximate the setting in which you will take the bar exam. It’s not too late, and it really works.
-Make a Wall of Learning. Anything that isn’t coming clear by the third round, write up on big sheets of paper and tack it to your walls. Over the john, in the bedroom before you hit the hay, etc.
-Sleep learning. Record the tough parts, and let them play over & over while you are sleeping. Trust me. I’ve haven’t forgotten the Krebs cycle yet, and it’s been three decades. Never used it, either.
General Winfield Stuck
Thanks. I thought I was the only one.:)
The Grand Panjandrum
Interesting clip. So they have three Republicans on … to discuss a … Republican? I wonder how often they do that for Democrats?
Demo Woman
Sarah Palin is to big to be a Gov…. wtf
A simple NO is not enough.
So I’ll go with “Are you fucking kidding by asking the question?”
@Turgidson: Pre-test nerves, is all. Be sure to get a good night’s sleep before each test day. Good luck. You are still in the game. In much better shape than the country. But when you become a legal-eagle, you can help fix that.
@Turgidson: Just keep saying, “If Orly Taitz can pass the fucking bar, I can pass the fucking bar.” And remember, you don’t need an A on this one. All you need is the lowest passing grade. You’ll be fine.
“New Majority” of what?
(3 minute break over. Back to trying to avoid epic failure on the bar exam, which is suddenly 3 days away. So fucked. I thought it was all coming into focus a couple days ago. No, it’s a mush. A mush of epic fail.)
First of all breathe dude. Many many many successful lawyers and judges failed the bar their first time out. Even if you miss this bite at the apple you will get another chance, so just keep life in perspective, do the best you can, and get completely verschnickered afterwards. You got through the three years of hell, this is just the final hump. You’re gonna be fine no matter what.
I’m increasingly convinced that Ann Coulter is a lefty of some kind–probably a Bolshevik–who has infiltrated the right and is working from the inside to discredit them. If she didn’t exist, the Bolsheviks would need to invent her.
@67: there is no environment that can match the bar exam. imagine a convention center with nothing but folding tables the entire length and width of the room.
That said, I agree with burnspbesq, just relax and do your best. It’s really more about stress management than it is anything else.
Has ORly Taitz* passed the bar in California? I kinda doubt it. If she has… Look, I know they’re having a hard time right now and it might not be the best time to cut ’em loose, but come ON.
Oh, she’s also a practicing dentist in CA? Okay, fine. Just walk away and let ’em slide into the ocean.
*Seriously, this is a joke, right? Either that or Dickens and Vonnegut are the secret masterminds of the birther movement.
Turgidson: You know more than you think you know. While you’re studying, you’re taking in more than you think you’re taking in. Trust yourself.
Next time around, we should encourage them to pack heat. That way, they will fucking kill each other and do it fucking live. All around, a great fun and a good riddance.
That buchanan bitch, what exactly does she do for a living ?
@Mike in NC: I thought the consensus was she had Marfan Syndrome…
BTW Turgidson, we’ll be anticipating the update come Monday evening or Tuesday if you drink yourself into a stupor afterward (which I highly recommend).
i think they all go home and watch their appearances and then become super aroused.
Coulter is neither Suthrun nor Baptist. She grew up in Connecticut, and graduated from Cornell and Michigan Law.
I think I read that Coulter’s father was an FBI agent and a hard-core right-winger, a John Bircher or similar.
Daddy issues.
Mike G
How do conservative women like Schafly and the like reconcile the whole stay-barefoot-and-pregnant schtick with their own high-powered, never home, lifestyle?
Schlafly is a woman who has made a career of telling women they shouldn’t have careers.
You have to abandon any semblance of integrity, consistency or ethics to enter that world in the first place, or you wouldn’t last long. It’s all about obedience to authority rather than truth or evidence, pushing this week’s propaganda line without flinching at last week’s opposite message, and raking in money.
I do believe we have found a female wingnut who looks EVEN SCARIER:
Check out the photo included there. Then try a Google Image Search on her — if you dare.
Thanks for the encouragement, everybody. We’ll see how it goes. I’m not in full-on panic, but I do feel like I’ll be at the mercy of the exam. If there are essays on certain topics, I could be sunk (or golden…it just depends). On the bright side, I did far better than “barely passing” on the simulated MBE a couple weeks ago. If I can nail that section on the real test, it’ll help cancel out a couple poor essays or a bad performance test and I might still squeak by.
Well hopefully I can avoid going on a bender until Thursday night, when the 3 day CA bar exam mercifully ends. If I start drinking before that…egads.
Some of you have mentioned Phyllis Schlafly. It should be noted that her son Andy runs, which has become a laughingstock on the Internet even beyond the left blogsophere.
Well hopefully I can avoid going on a bender until Thursday night, when the 3 day CA bar exam mercifully ends. If I start drinking before that…egads.
Wayyyy too late to strike it out now but modify that Tuesday to a Thursday and you’re on. :)
Johnny Pez
You’re looking at it.
Wile E. Quixote
Go and watch Henry Rollins letter to Ann Coulter. It’s hilarious, “…you’ll never have a real place with the Beltway in crowd as they see you as a northeastern pro wresting hickoid type with a degree from Cornell.”
As long as you’re talking about Ann Coulter, she’s happy. She’s a truly vile person, and it’s a racket for her.
El Cid
@LD50: Thanks for reminding me of that. That was one of the weirdest moments in the entire Bush Jr. era.
John, going home and weeping into their pillows would require a sense of shame, which conservative commentator “experts” simply do not possess.
Surreal American
If you want a less Godwin-sounding answer, even Mark Sanford was a bigger story than Obama for a while.
As for Ms Palin herself, I don’t care what she does in politics so long as she continues to be denied access to the launch codes.
My nominee for craziest female wingnut as well as one of the craziest fucking people on the planet is Debbie Schlussel. I think Coulter gets the joke and is mainly in it for the money. Schlussel, on the other hand, is like a rabid animal who actually believes the filth she spews.
Yeee. Ann Coulter is not aging gracefully. Can’t wait to see how she angles for attention when the last of the holdouts can no longer pretend she is attractive.
With all the money these cynical opportunists pull down for gibbering this drivel?
They listen to themselves on the TV and laugh into their pillow. They’re laughing all the way to the bank. Do you have any idea how many hundreds of thousands of dollars a year these clowns make for spouting this horsesh*t…?
Debbie Schlussel hates Muslims and Sarah Palin.
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