I seriously do not understand this woman:
Gov. Sarah Palin resigned here Sunday with a blast at the media that reflected the frustrations that led her to leave office a year-and-a-half before her term expired. But speaking in a style that her fans see as plain talk and her detractors consider disjointed, she offered almost nothing about what she was planning to do next.
Plainly feeling liberated, Palin said that the freedom of the press was an important American right and one that members of the military died to protect.
“So, how about, in honor of the American soldier, quit making things up,” she said with an insistent voice, prompting loud applause and cheers from a mostly sympathetic audience gathered at a park here.
She has spent her entire year on the national stage just making things up, and here she is lecturing the media.
““So, how about, in honor of the American soldier, quit making things up,”
This makes no sense.
Sarah Palin- real life purveyor of the Chewbacca Defense.
“She has spent her entire year on the national stage just making things up, and here she is lecturing the media.”
In other words she fits right in with a large part of the Republican elite.
See, soldiers die to allow the press to be free from restrictions of the government . So the press corps should exercise that freedom by only doing what the government wants them to do. It’s really quite simple.
The clock is now officially ticking on her picking up the birfer banner.
See, even Sarah Palin was disgusted with the Judith Miller reports. Or was she talking about the suppression of the illegal wiretapping story during the run up to the ’04 election? No? Maybe the last forty Bill Kristol columns?
What’s that? This was a veiled attack on David Letterman? Sure, why not.
Honest Question: Was Sarah Palin too competent and effective to be governor of Alaska?
Captain Haddock
She has spent her entire year on the national stage just making things up, and here she is lecturing the media.
Seems like it worked well for 8 years with Bush. Why shouldn’t she give it a shot herself?
John Cole
@Molly: Sure it does- it means every time you catch Palin in a lie, you are smearing the troops. Got it?
@Lee: What is the betting line on how long it will be before she makes her first birther proclamation? I would put the over-under at 72 hours as I cant see her letting three news cycles getting away from her.
Comrade Jake
Ambinder made the point that nobody talked about Palin on the Sunday shows. I’m not sure what she’s going to do next, but I think the worm has turned on her quite a bit.
A Mom Anon
She makes my head hurt and freaks out my cat. Can’t she go away? Please?
John, Syl – ou do realize every time you manage to twist your mind around her words, your brain cells explode, right? That’s what her supporters see, they’re not starbursts, it’s tracers left from the mini-strokes.
The Moar You Know
Step 1: ““So, how about, in honor of the American soldier, quit making things up”
Step 2: “There are some serious questions about Obama’s legal fitness to be president, and an investigation needs to be launched immediately to get the facts.”
Step 3: Profit!!!
She said she doesn’t want to be a lame duck for the last year and a half of her term; how does one manage that having a legislative majority? Oh yeah… by being crazy.
Oops, there I go again, badmouthing the troops.
The next-to-last samurai
She freaks out your cat? Really? What does it do when she is on TV?
Sweet Jeebus, can we please stop talking about her now?
Joshua Norton
The woman is not well. She’s quitting to prove she’s not a quitter.
I fully expected her to break out with a few bars of Whitney Houston. “I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone’s shadows, if I fail, if I succeed, at least I’ll live as I believed, no matter what they take from me, they can’t take away my DiGNiTYYY…”
Poor Sarah. From lame duck to cooked goose.
Mr. Cole,
If you did understand this woman you would have a very different readership on this web site.
Someone I know said of W. that he didn’t have two brain cells to rub together. I disagree: W. has two brain cells but refuses to rub them together. Caribou Barbie is furiously rubbing but alas, there are no brain cells to rub.
To paraphrase the reporter from Alaska Palin specifically complained about– the combination of her intellect and her ambition amount to a golf cart powered by a jet engine.
Everything Sarah says is true, by definition. What’s so complicated about that?
Palin to media: “stop making things up.”
Media to Palin: “you first.”
What freaks me out is that her fan club thinks the gobbledygook that comes out of her mouth is brilliant.
I’ve been noticing a lot of this invocation of the troops wanking, and it gives me the creeps. Palin is doing a bit of preliminary maneuvering in anticipation of Pro-Consul Petraeus’s return at the head of the legions.
The press sucks up to the military like nobody’s business – she’s just aligning herself.
I took her quite seriously, actually. In fact, I’ve spent most of the morning peering out my window, looking for roaming Hollywood Starlets out to seize my guns.
I’m kind of frightened. Shit! I think I just saw Mischa Barton!!
I loved the tone of that JMart Politico piece. So understated.
5,4,3 … She wades into the birther pool. Atta gal.
Teh media sure seems to be into BDSM taking all her tongue lashing and lovin’ it. You betcha. Also.
@Josh Norton.
Whitney Houston does Sarah Palin.
@Molly: Makes total sense. The troops are Republicans’ children. If you chronicle the batshit looniness of their wingnut uncles and aunts like Palin, you make them cry.
Yeah, it amazes me as well. What her speeches remind me of is a student giving a book report even though she didn’t bother to read the book. (imagine Elaine Benes’ Billy Mumphrey summary, but sped up triple-time with a lot more meandering expositions)
I think everybody is being too hard on her. Can anyone deny that Alaska is better off with her out of office?
Dear Vanity Fair:
Please mark this speech up with your red, green, and blue pens as you did for the resignation announcement.
Best Regards,
The Internet
Davis X. Machina
Palin is doing a bit of preliminary maneuvering in anticipation of Pro-Consul Petraeus’s return at the head of the legions.
Wilfred’s right — in a year she’ll be the answer to a trivia question, but Petraeus is potentially a real problem.
Politically he’s a blank slate onto which the faithful can project anything they want, “The Surge Worked!” simultaneously is a.) short enough to fit on a bumper sticker and b.) takes longer to refute than it does to say, c.) retrospectively redeems Junta Boy and Scowly, and most importantly, he’s *ahem* lighter than Colin Powell, who used to make all the presstitutes wobbly-kneed.
American Boulangism. We are debased enough as a republic to be ready for it.
A Mom Anon
@The next-to-last samurai:
He starts bitching and if her yap is allowed to continue he runs down to the basement,lol.
“Morning Joe” was semi-illuminating today. I enjoyed watching Carl Bernstein call Palin “an ignorant flake” while Mika said “uh boy, here we go.”
I do not believe there are enough vessels at MSNBC in which to gather Pat Buchanan’s tears.
Norah O’Donnell got dispatched to Alaska, and was a bit punchy this AM, saying, “Look, she’s quitting, but quitting isn’t quitting, it’s fighting, and if you don’t understand it, you’re just stupid and you’re not listening.”
I’d say Norah summed up the Picnic Speech aptly.
Keith G
Since when do outgoing office holders give a speech during the swearing in ceremony of their successors? Esp. resigning office holders. Craptastic.
I heard her speech on the radio. I thought it was weird. Then some of her supporters (common folk) were interviewed. I got cramps.
John Hamilton Farr
That doesn’t make any sense at all. How does it honor soldiers for the millionaire media to stop talking about Sarah Palin? I think everybody who’s been going “Tut-tut, she’s a FORCE!” is going to have to eat their words.
And on the birther idiocy, as Josh Marshall pointed out in a perplexed tone, it doesn’t matter WHERE Obama was born, so long as his mother was an American citizen. I have two siblings born in Germany (Air Force brats like me), and they ain’t Germans.
As a Pastafarian, I’d touch her with my noodley appendage.
If you read FReeper (and the like) comments, you’ll see that Palin’s supporters have decided to support her NO MATTER what she’s done or will do in the future. She can leave in the middle of her term and it doesn’t bother them. People have spent millions of dollars on her and she walks away from what official power she has but that’s “okay” with her supporters.
There’s nothing she can do to that would deter them.
Ash Can
I can see her next step as forming a new political party, or at least an organized movement, and traveling around the country promoting it. She’ll probably bring the birthers and various religious head cases aboard to add to her
adulationranks, siphon a large number of crazies out of the GOP, make herself and her faction radioactive to the rest of the GOP, and voila — the GOP will have effectively split.kay
I have the same feeling now that I had about Palin that I had on our first “meeting” , when she entered my living room, yelling at me, at the GOP Convention.
Why is she so mad, and who is she mad at?
Did we ever determine that? I don’t even care anymore, honestly. If she has some monumental beef, and she seems to, some ever-growing list of grievances that I’m supposed to understand through osmosis or something, I have yet to figure out what they are, and it’s been a year.
My bet is 4 weeks until she is a birfer.
That is how long she’ll take to figure out she has very few options and she’ll need something to bring her back into the national spotlight.
Or in this case the national ‘point-and-laugh’.
All you’d have to do to get her to dive in the deep end is make a chart showing if birthers are successful, she becomes prez with unlimited Saks and Neiman Marcus accounts. God reveals the truth to us through PowerPoint in wingnut hands.
The GOP effectively split in the ’92 election. The sane conservatives are all Democrats. The GOP doesn’t have anyone that’s not batshit insane, and hasn’t for years.
I read an AP article last night. The top rehashed all the Palin may run for president but the rest was a pretty accurate, dispassionate run-through of Palin’s investigations and awful poll numbers. In other words, even AP had to tell the truth. You know Sarah has a fork in her.
What’s with the Petraeus paranoia?? We don’t even know his party affiliation. Petraeus has supported Obama’s moves and there is no way he is going to run. I think America is over the military leaders, otherwise McCain would have one, right?
@wilfred: “invocation of our troops wanking”
I know what you mean, but my first thought was that it hasn’t really been so common for politicians to praise the masturbation skills of the armed forces. Will John Prine’s “Donald and Lydia” become a campaign song?
“He envisioned the details of romantic scenes / After midnight, in the stillness of the barracks latrine”
calling all toasters
“In honor of the American soldier” must be the new “Jesus Fucking Christ!”
But I’m probably giving the Igloo Ignoramus too much credit.
I watched a clip of her speech on CNN this morning and was too mesmerized by the sight of her talking into a dead squirrel to listen to what she said. OK, I know it wasn’t really a dead squirrel, but her media handlers managed to find the only microphone in the country that looks like one. I also spent an idle moment or two wondering whether that corsage thingie was real or whether she stole it from the waitress at the local diner. Yes, I know, trivial and superficial, but I welcome these distractions because actually listening to her makes my ears bleed.
The Moar You Know
@Davis X. Machina:
Agreed that Petraeus is the man to watch in 2012 and also agreed that he scares the living shit out of me; he’s nakedly ambitious, has zero scruples and is very comfortable with the lunatic Jesusphile right. Not to mention that his skin color is not dark, which seems to be a big deal to the crazies.
Is it too much to hope that the “media” gets sick of her shit and exiles her?
Unfortunately, yes.
Comrade Darkness
I trust the baby daddy’s take on this thing. Freedom in this case is the freedom to cash in. The clock IS ticking on that.
That she doesn’t trust her followers enough to just admit that outright, is a little surprising. I expect most of them would cheer it, given that they are incapable of questioning the idiotic excuses she’s had to use in lieu of the truth.
–I stand before you a free woman. Free to lodge both my feet in my mouth while crawling to the bank with the advance check for my book.–
Go Sarah. Go. I haven’t tired of the popcorn yet given that I have every confidence she will soon be as inconsequential as the historical grease spot named Quayle. Remembered as a metric for how low a party can stoop in the quest for political puppeteering and not much more.
@Ash Can:
Dude, if she siphons off the religious head cases, the birthers and a “large number of crazies” out of the GOP, then the GOP will consist of David Brooks weeping in a corner somewhere wondering how it all went wrong.
And it’s not like the GOP isn’t already split. It’s just that the moderate conservative branch hasn’t formed a new party – they just call themselves “Democrats” now. The Democratic Party is pretty much the Republican Party ca Eisenhower, with less racism, less sexism and a strand of tolerance for gays and lesbians. Is it any wonder that former Republicans like our esteemed host John (not to mention folks like Kos) feel at home in the Democratic Party? It’s the party of sane conservative governance these days.
(Full disclosure – I’m also a former Republican. The crazies threw me out of the party back in ’94. Though frankly the Democratic Party is too conservative for me these days.)
@Blackcare: Win!
I’ll give her this: she could have had the best minds in Wingnuttia write her farewell address for her (laugh if you will, but Hindrocket or Tigerhawk or another of her more upscale fans could have put together something coherent and professional). Yet she chose to basically freestyle her way through probably the last time the world outside her fan base will see her for awhile. Keeping it real, I guess.
I came in on the middle of Sarah Palin’s lifelong war with everyone, and I’m not sure what or who she’s at war with. It’s like listening to one side of an angry phone call. When she leans in and gets that “you know what I’m talking about” look on her face, no, Sarah, I really don’t. I don’t know what she’s talking about. Has she been hounded from office by her detractors? She yells “no!”, but then she winks. I don’t know that we can address her many, many complaints because no one knows what they are.
the problem with her picking up the birfer banner is that will only encourage people like Sully who are more than happy to go after inconsistencies in the birf records of the little Palins.
she might not want to step into that arena.
on the other hand, she is a fucking idiot, so that thought probably hasn’t crossed her mind.
Don’t forget that her fan club thinks that we drove her out of politics because we fear her so much.
What’s not to understand about narcissism?
Comrade Darkness
@kay: Why is she so mad, and who is she mad at?
This question used to bother me too. And it’s not just her, it’s her and all the horses she rode in on. I kept thinking that if I could figure that out, then we could actual move forward with our country/society. But then I realized a few things. 1) They live to be martyred and are embracing anger as a way of life, meaning that actually mollifying them is going to be next to impossible, no matter how far the left reaches across. You will make them unhappy in a new way by making them “happy”. And 2) the most likely thing they actually are pissed off about is a lack of constant, unequivocal and unwavering validation for their beliefs and their white bread, cheering for cars going in a circle, culture. In which case, they are just flat outta luck.
I’m with Lee; I think she can afford to wait much longer. And you don’t roll out a new product in August, also.
But threads about Sarah Palin trigger Google Adsense to replace the Evony girl with SarahPAC.
This gal has no concept of the state and national treasure, time, and human resources she has frittered away on her silly striving for whatever it is she is trying to go after.
She clearly has no idea how to function in an adult, orderly world where you try to get things done that have some actual value to people. That is why she is “leaving” — she has no idea what to do. I’ve been around the sun 65 times, and I think I know the expression on someone’s face when they don’t know what to do next. “What do I do???” Just look at her pictures lately. She’s stumped. Won’t be surprised if she just looks for new places to talk, and try to get paid for it.
O/T but kind of interesting… Hardball Guest Host Schedule this week:
@JenJen: Boy, I want Chris’ schedule. He was just on vacation for two weeks and now he’s out another one.
Nice work if you can get it.
Why? Because she hates being cast as the victim of horrible attacks and vicious smears?
If there’s one thing that motivates this woman to speak publicly, it’s the fact that she can make a lot of money doing it. But if there’s more than one thing that motivates her, clearly being able to the victim of “horrible left-wing smears” is on the list.
(It’s one reason that I wish her detractors would leave the stupid things like the birth records of her kids alone. She loves playing the victim, stop giving her material that makes her sympathetic. At best what you’re going to prove is that she lied about it, which gives her another opportunity to break down into tears and give a monologue about how she had to lie about it to protect her family. At worst you’re never going to prove anything because it’s untrue and you’re just giving her ammo for her victim complex. Just stupid.)
@Comrade Darkness:
She’s an angry mob of one.
all true.
i was assuming she might have actual, deep-secret, reasons for lying about her children (the truth about which i honestly do not give a fuck, except that it’s fun to watch her add more lies to the pile). but maybe these were just more pointless white lies – in which case, yeah, she’ll be happy to trade having them exposed for the opportunity to nail herself to yet another cross.
Sorry. Just fixing the CSS. Nothing to see here..
Jenjen, thanks for the list. Perhaps I can watch Hardball for five days without a blood pressure cuff handy.
The Moar You Know
@Comrade Darkness: Fixed. Their personal lives are the same as their political.
I remember a “Funniest Home Videos” clip in which a kid is throwing a tantrum, notices no one is in the room with him, quiets down, searches for an audience, then resumes. That’s Palin. Hell, it’s the entire Republican party.
Let me just say too that I really hated Bush’s policies and felt he was completely loopy as pres. BUT he never acted like this POS whiny-ass, incoherent, boil on the body politic. Anger and self-victimization leads to fascism and I will fight this little twit to the end. Frankly, though, we are not the Weimar republic and there are enough people with power and money to make her disappear from the public dialogue.
Don’t forget that her fan club thinks that we drove her out of politics because we fear her so much.
This one I don’t get (as though I get any!). My “fear” of Sarah is akin to my “fear” of the old man at the nursing home who wants to tell me all about his bowel movements every time I visit. (The old guy isn’t as crazy as Sarah, however, and has a better personality.)
The Saff
Richard Wolffe = yum. I thought he did a good job hosting “Countdown” on Friday. And I like when he says “Obam-er.”
“Renegade” is a really good read, BTW.
I watched the Morning Joe clip with Norah O’Donnell. Hah, Norah said she avoided the national media by entering by a back entrance & then big brave Sarah attacked the national media. She wants to stay in the kitchen but whines that it’s too hot for her. Woosy.
I blame Fox, Limbaugh, etc for the Palin groupies who love every garbled word she says. When that is the only media R’s have listened to for years, any ounce of critical thinking they may have had is gone. It’s like subjecting prisoners to loud heavy metal music day & night until they have gone completely around the bend, except that Fox viewers are willing participants.
Ugh, I see that Pat Buchanan is baaack….
Dear Orly Tait,
We commend you on your valiant crusade to force that Kenyan
socialistmarxistmuslimmanchurian candidate to vacate Our Beloved WhiteHouse. It is so obvious that he has no right to occupy the oval office, and not just because of his skin color.We wish to draw your attention to a Great American Patriot, who Loves Freedom, America, and Jesus, and who has recently become unemployed.
Sarah Palin would be an invaluable asset in your patriotic quest for justice in the matter of Barack HUSSEIN Obamas mysterious birth certificate.
Please lose no time in contacting her and securing her public speaking dates to address your vitally important issue.
We beg you, do not allow the evuul librul media to distract this Impereiled Nation from the most vitally important cause of the age, Obama’s birth certificate.
sincerely yours,
Balloon Juice Commentariat
space for signatures below
Eric U.
If fearing Republicans gets them to quit, I’m very, very afraid of a lot of republicans. Anyone with me?
This was an outstanding piece at the Great Orange Satan on Palinwocky:
media browski
“I seriously do not understand this woman”
That’s because you’re trying to apply the lessons of logic and reason to someone who lives by appeals to emotion and ignorance. This is the same mistake people like Chuck Todd and Eugene Robinson make when trying to analyze today’s GOP.
You really can’t expect rational decisions from them anymore.
Paul L.
Joe Biden Eats His Words at Katie’s Restaurant in Wilmington
I liked this tidbit from Politico (my HTML buttons have disappeared? Was that part of the malware? There is virtually no chance of this being a decent blockquote now.)
As for the “starlets,” Palin seemed to be alluding to actress Ashley Judd, who targeted the former governor on behalf of an environmental group for supporting aerial wolf hunting.
Warning of “anti-hunting, anti-Second Amendment circuses from Hollywood,” Palin said advocacy groups “use these delicate, tiny, very talented celebrity starlets.”
She offered such individuals this message: “By the way, Hollywood needs to know: We eat, therefore we hunt.”
She eats wolf? Was she running for vice president or leader of Clan of the Cave Bear?
If I comment will things get better everywhere?
@Svensker: AND what he talks about is more interesting and reality based.
She’s STILL not ready for even a powder puff Katie Couric interview but what swamped Sarah’s little boat was the Republican David Frum/Peggy Noonan-types not the media, not the Democrats. The whole wardrobe “scandal” was instigated and perpetuated by Republicans. You can’t survive if half of your own party doesn’t support you.
Palin always leaves that part out.
Bubblegum Tate
I listened to the whole speech. WTF is wrong with me? I’m definitely dumber for having heard it.
Dr. Cole, could you please get my comment out of the moderation filter?
Its a good one.
I can’t think what triggered it, unless it was o r l y t a i t ‘s name.
That’s what I mean. I had no idea she had some feud with Ashley Judd, so I had no idea what the hell she was complaining about. “Starlets” “eating” something, something…
Christ. What an ego. How closely does she think we all follow her?
Hey, these things take time.
@Paul L.:
Paul, you’re actually dumber than Palin.
Davis X. Machina
Petraeus has supported Obama’s moves….
Minor problem. I can write the ‘more in sorrow than in anger’ speech right now.
…and there is no way he is going to run.
Given enough cossetting he’ll run. Anybody with more than one star is at least half-a-politician — it’s how you get the other stars.
Yup, yup. If you talk about my shortcomings, you’re insulting our troops and I’ll sic them on to you.
What a calculative and divisive bitch. I hope one of her children revolts against her on fucking live teevee to show what a manipulative and vicious woman she is.
I would LOVE to see the GOP candidate debate with Mittens, the Huckster, Ms. Palin, T-Paw and the Newtster.
Please, FSM, grant me this wish. You’ve never come through for me before, so I think I deserve this.
I don’t get the whole “Democrats are just scared of Palin” meme either.
I’ll admit, she scared the shit out of me for about 2 weeks after the pick was announced.
Once Tina Fey skewered her Couric interview, that was over. It was like flipping on the lamp and realizing that hulking monster in the corner was just a pile of dirty clothes.
Paul L: Oooooo, good catch! That is definitely a MUCH bigger LIE than that whole WMD/Saddam hearts al Qaeda stuff. WHY ISN’T THIS ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THE NYT? Libtard LIARS!
I look foreward to her speech at the Raygun Library in a couple of weeks. Well, actually I don’t look foreward to it but I do wonder where she’ll go with it.
I really, really want Palin to become a birfer.
We should write letters to O r l y T a i t telling her of Palin’s avaiabilty to help her cause.
Neither blue dog dems or republicans seem very interested in her helping them.
Palin is proof of the old addage: “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance then baffle them with bullshit”
J. Michael Neal
Being on vacation gets old somewhere in the second consecutive year.
The Moar You Know
@Fencedude: Paul’s an example of what happens when you give someone with the intelligence of a spider monkey internet access.
Nothing of value is produced and it wastes everyone’s time.
Nellcote: Well, that sounds fun. One fatuous, braindead, babbling idiot lauding another fatuous, babbling idiot who died without a brain.
Mitt and Newt would come off looking reasonable. Huckster will slide into evangelical anti-Mormon tirades immediately, T-Paw will just look confused and Palin will start blabbering on incoherently about Hollyweird and how seeing a movie once scarred little baby Methlab for life.
Comrade Darkness
@RandomChick: I don’t get the whole “Democrats are just scared of Palin” meme either.
You don’t have to understand it to enjoy licking this kind of icing off your fingers.
OT: But re: Pandagon, if you’re in the St. Louis area, batton down the hatches for an incoming storm of crazy.
My personal favorite topics:
– How to defeat a Con Con and a National Popular Vote
– How to deal with the supremacist judiciary
– How to keep global warming from leading to global government
– How to protect parents rights against UN treaties
– How to stop feminist and gay attacks on the military
– How to defend America vs. missile attack
It’s so much fail, that it wraps around and becomes a win.
Bad Horse's Filly
Between Palin, Gatesgate and the Birthers, I have decided to take a vacation from politics. They make my head hurt. A little time off, then I’ll wade into the waters of helping our Governor get re-elected. Sheesh.
Bad Horse's Filly
Oh and rumor has it she’s going moose hunting. If God loves me, the moose will win.
Da Bomb
I noticed she didn’t make an epicly failed basketball analogies or that there wasn’t any presence of wildlife being killed or telling her aptly to STFU.
I thought for sure that Alfred Hitchcock was going to rise from the grave and inform us that this is one of his new films where it would a combination of Vertigo and The Birds entitled “The Birds have gone Vertigo.”
You just never know with Crackjaw, what will happen.
A moose bit my governor once.
@matoko_chan: “sincerely yours,
Balloon Juice Commentariat
space for signatures below—————————————”
I add myself to your petition, and strongly encourage Sarah to add her considerable political clout to this worthy cause for freedom and out of respect for our brave men and women overseas who are fighting for the rights of any idiot American to open their mouths and confirm the worst about humanity.
Thanks, Sarah. We love you here at Balloon Juice; we see your smiling face on our Sarah PAC ad every day. Joyous.
I’m really trying to wrap my head around this one but I think the bottom line is that Palin is exposing the raw symbology of the GOP. Stripped of its subtlety, the GOP says “Do what we say because SUPPORT THE TROOPS TRAITOR!!!!”
There is no affiliation between one of those things and the other. It’s just that every time the GOP runs into rhetorical trouble they throw the image of the “soldier” up to cause the conversation to screech to a halt, and loudly demand respect of the soldier which they then imagine transmits to themselves.
I’m pretty fucking sick of it. The cult of militarism in this country is out of control.
There’s definitely a sort of Mafioso, thin-skinned, enemies list compiling sort of factor going on with these guys — that being what Troopergate seemed to be entirely about. Next week there will probably be another speech citing these blog comments, and if that’s the case I would like to request that the “tiny” and “talented” be left in my description, too, please.
It’s an interesting question, what will she be doing (or have done), once the midterms are over in 2010:
1) Raised a bundle for Republican candidates
2) Started a third party (“America Indpendence?”)
3) Published a book, and made a bundle
4) Appeared on David Letterman
5) Hosted a radio talk show
6) Posed for Playboy
7) Made a cameo on 24
….the possibilities are endless, and not mutually exclusive
She’s difficult to fathom.
@Joshua Norton:
She could have gotten Sexual Chocolate to perform.
Bubblegum Tate
Joshua Norton
Actually, her ideas on honoring the troops could be very useful from here on out. Like:
“So, how about, in honor of the American soldier, you go out with me?”
“So, how about, in honor of the American soldier, you give us a free round of drinks?”
“So, how about, in honor of the American soldier, you quit calling me to pay my credit card bill?”
Works for me.
So, when Palin runs for office again, who will run with her to take over the last year and a half when she quits?
All of her opponents for the next race need to incessantly demand that she outline her plans for how she will quit that job in the last year and a half. Voters should know how many and who will govern in a Palin administration.
I love the logic: As the person elected to this office, I won’t be able to do anything, so I’m going to turn it over to someone else, who won’t only be a lameduck but has no mandate because voters didn’t elect him to that position.
@matoko_chan: “sincerely yours,
Balloon Juice Commentariat
space for signatures below—————————————”
Sign me up!!
Paul L.
@The Moar You Know:
When did claim Palin Saddam had WMDs?
But not as dumb as Biden.
Jeezum Crow
Poor Sarah. It must hurt to be the Republican politician that finally made the Press sit back and say, “We may be shills and hacks, but come on! We’ve got to have some standards.”
Paul L.
Forgot about this lie from Obama.
Dear Obama: Why Would You Lie About Where You Met Your Wife?
Tony J
Da Bomb
@Paul L.: That is old. What President Obama said was the truth. At least if you are going to be a troll, can you try to be competent?
@Paul L.:
Under. Bridge. You.
Aside from being truly bizarre, the bit about teh American soldier is truly obnoxious, even from the ex-first moose. I’d try to follow her logic, but if I did I might fracture my brain (or at least severely sprain it).
Norah said she avoided the national media by entering by a back entrance & then big brave Sarah attacked the national media.
There is no back entrance. It was held outside. I don’t know what the heck she’s talking about–there are at least 7 entrances to Pioneer Park and none of them are in the back–there is no real back to the park. The whole park was jammed with people yesterday, so you couldn’t sneak around if you wanted to.
I went and listened to Palin. Worse than anything she said were all her goofy supporters–they’re much scarier than Palin. I can’t even imagine just blindly following anyone like these folks do.
Lyme disease, which afflicts a small number of Alaskans each year, produces a few neurological symptoms, including altered mental status, when left untreated. I think a good course of antibiotics might transform Sarah Palin into someone we can all understand (why should only her tick-bitten followers enjoy that privilege?).
Paul L.
@Da Bomb:
The Washington Post disagrees.
When Michelle Met Barack
So when did Palin claim that Saddam has WMDs?
@syl: Nearly 20 ethics complaints say no.
She’s so purty. Gonna miss her for that.
@Paul L.:
Biden’s not dumb, he just has a poor filter on his mouth.
See, soldiers die to allow the press to be free from restrictions of the government . So the press corps should exercise that freedom by only doing what the Republican Party wants them to do. It’s really quite simple.
@Keith: Shorter Sarah: “everytime you criticize me, the terrorists win.”