As you have noticed, the last couple of weeks things are going south with the site, so we are holding a one-day fundraiser to raise money to have the site re-designed, everything recoded, and a re-install of everything. The pricetag is $800.00, and I already have 100.00 in paypal that someone sent the other day. To help pay for the re-design, hit paypal:
Thanks in advance, and as soon as we get to the limit I will send the money off to the designer.
STOP! We are over the necessary amount by several hundred. Any future donations will be spent on cat food, gambling, or doggie biscuits. I’ll start a new thread to find out what all you want/need in the new design.
8 C-notes to have some pimply-faced high school freshman to reprogram this Colbalt C+ designed website? Pretty sure you could just promise him a extra large with pepperoni and 3 nudie mags. $50 tops.
I sent the nudies via paypal. I haven’t had any problems with this site using my MacBook, but I hate to be a freerider bootlegger.
John Cole
@Dork: I’m telling sekimori you called her a pimply faced freshman.
The Saff
Done! And don’t forget to skim a few bucks off the top of my donation for nibbles for Tunch and Lily.
Kicked in a few bucks, hope it helps.
Sorry it couldn’t be more – but I’m sure you won’t have any trouble getting to $800. We all love you (plus it is very irritating when the site is down!)
Glad I could help, but wish I could donate more, John.
Bill H
Done. Much as I want to continue the “WordPress error adventure” and all of the hilarity that accompanies it, I know that it causes you stress, John, and don’t want that for you or to have Lily or Tunch to see you suffer.
Just donated. Love your site and hate seeing it (and you) suffer from WP misadventures. Fewer WP errors, more Lily and Tunch!
General Winfield Stuck
Pay pal is a little low, but sending what’s there.
Comin at’cha Mr. Cole.
Get codin’ bitches!
We can haz editing funkshuns bak pleeeeeze?
Happy to help out.
$10 from me for reasons that don’t need ‘splainin’
Done. Please let me know when you’re ready to ship my commemorative seat after the old bleachers are torn out.
Can you set this site up as some sort of non-profit or charity? I’d love to make these donations tax deductible.
I’ll miss the error messages, but $$ is in the intertubes for the new site.
John Hamilton Farr
WordPress with the Thesis theme is the way to go. Any design you want, full SEO built-in, maximum joy to sit in the driver’s seat. Seriously. I’m never using anything else for client sites or my own. Buying it here sends me a few shekels, like I’m sending you today.
Good luck, anyway!
I’m broke because I’m between paychecks right now, but I tweeted the fundraiser, so here’s hoping someone else sees it and chips in.
I gave some for me and for some that wanted but couldn’t. Not a ton, but if you are running short at the end of the day just let me know. I wanted to save a little to fight against health care ;)
Done, with pleasure! And ditto The Saff, skim some off for our mascots.
@John Cole: Sekimori? That sounds Japanese animai. Which is teh haught.
So I go away for a well deserved holiday in the wilderness, come back, and discover that our beloved B-J was all FUBAR during my absence but now that I’m back it’s fine. Good timing!
Anyway, threw what monies I could at ya (less than you deserve, but all I can budget right now, sry).
Also, re: “Griffin” – awesome sauce. Use that more.
I hope you are using another designer. Sorry, this isn’t minimalist design, it’s just bad. I love this blog, but i hate this layout. Get a free decent minimal if you can’t pay a designer or get someone (like me, I offered in the past) to do free design as a favor.
$800 to design, develop and install WordPress sounds like a firm that doesn’t know their business. Yes, yes … Anyone can install WordPress, not anyone can do it well.
Not sure how many problems are do to Hosting Matters (I don’t know them) but if you think they are not up to the job, maybe MediaTemple might make sense.
@John Hamilton Farr – Indeed. Very nice package.
John PM
If you use a credit card, how does the charge show up on your bill?
Me too! :-) I love the site and all the smart and snarky commentors (minus BoB) so I sent a few bucks. Every little bit helps.
Good luck with the recoding and whatnot.
I dropped in a few bucks. I’m sorry it was not more but we’re still digging out from the wedding and honeymoon in June. Professional wedding photos are ridiculously expensive.
I’m under-employed but, sending what little skrilla I can afford. Love this blog!
@John PM: it will show up as a Paypal charge for JC’s email address.
I just threw in $10. Money well spent, since somehow this has become the blog I’m happiest to see new posts from.
Elroy's Lunch
I’m in. And stop whining about not having anything to blog about. Between Tuchumus and Lily postings, yours and your guest bloggers this is the best damn blog on the intertubes and well worth the contribution.
And will I get my much-needed “Preview” function back? I need all the help I can get posting.
Calming Influence
In for 25 simolians, and happy to help. But in re. the site redesign: no unicorns, angels, or fairies please? Ponies are acceptable, of course…
Ella in NM
In appreciation for the daily delight that is Balloon Juice, and in celebration of the end of my intense Summer Session ICU nursing clinicals, I hereby donate my entire weekly Starbucks allowance.
Ok, so it’s only $10 bucks, but hey, it feels like $20.
How did we manage to break the site in only one year?
A double sawbuck well spent. Your bleg is understandable and justified.
John Hamilton Farr
Gonna get all mushy here: I support this blog because the basic humanity of John Cole, DougJ, and the others shines through between the lines. This blog has heart.
I also agree with @EnderWiggin: $800 is cheap. Several times more is more like it, and maybe then some. Whatever. I just wish you all the best, John.
We’re just that god damned good.
Bad Horse's Filly
Griffin? Really? I think I like it. Though I bet you’re glad it’s not your first name. (oh, and blah, blah, blah, wish it could be more, etc…I’m the maid of honor in a wedding, so you know where all my money is going this summer – that and tuna for the cats).
Maybe a nice “amount raised” fund-o-meter with Tunch & Lily at the top…?
Fascinating regional and, probably, line-of-work disparity about the range of reactions to $800.00 for a site redesign. Mine was how can you get anything for that. And others thinking it’s pricey. Maybe access to college kids is the difference? Or not coming from a mainstream marketing perspective?
But still, it’s illustrative of how there is no set price for counsel in the Information Age.
Love this site, happy to donate a Jackson!
FWIW, I would love to see an iPhone redirect again if at all possible. But if not, no biggie.
Tossed a fraction of my grad school stipend your way. Just to make you feel guilty.
Comrade Darkness
You picked the wrong month for a fundraiser, but I managed a symbolic gesture.
Tax Analyst
I just tried to donate $30, but I got a message that PayPal was having some problems and to try again later. Anybody else get that message? Maybe they were just miffed at me because they said I already had a PayPal account, but since I couldn’t remember anything about it I just pressed the button to “Continue”. Jesus, I have so many different accounts and passwords all over the damned place and while they will gladly send you some funky temp password so you can reset your p.word I’ve found myself growing tired of that dance. I just wanted to donate and get back to the combination of working and screwing off that I’m comfortable with. Can’t I just do that?
Anyway, I guess I will dutifully return to PayPal “later on” as they recommend, but in my opinion when you’ve got folks ready with their credit card out and ready to type you need to have open arms. They could change their minds, you know. If I want to ignore my PayPal account and just send the money they ought to just STFU and accept it, don’t you think? If I were just BUYING something I’d probably just blow it off after that experience, but since this is for a larger purpose I will return later.
Sorry to inflict the negative into an otherwise upbeat and happy thread.
Tax Analyst
OK, PayPal let me pay this time, so I’ll guess I’ll stop whining, at least for the moment.
BTW – I’ve been told more than once that I would complain if they hung me with a new rope.
Comrade Darkness
@Tax Analyst: If you have another email address, try that on the payment form, so it doesn’t match you up in their database.
I really really recommend paying for a paypal dongle if you have the account linked to any other savings/checking account. The security difference is immeasurable.
Kicked in a nickel or too. Glad to hear you’re going for a complete overhaul and not some kind of McCain-style half-assed “tax cut” reform approach, hence, the donation.
Re Post #46… maybe I should kick in an extra nickle to get the “EDIT” button back in Chrome? Too = two.
@Tax Analyst:
But not for long.
kicked in a few bucks with pleasure. keep up the good work.
And brink back creepy PAM ads!
but seriously, don’t.
Drat, missed the chance to be first to comment on “Griffin.” Chipped in some change.
Tax Analyst
Maude said:
“@Tax Analyst:
But not for long.”
True that…
Comrade Darkness said:
“@Tax Analyst: If you have another email address, try that on the payment form, so it doesn’t match you up in their database.
I really really recommend paying for a paypal dongle if you have the account linked to any other savings/checking account. The security difference is immeasurable.”
Thanks. Don’t have any linkage, so I’m not too concerned about it, although I probably should be anyway. I do appreciate the advice, though.
Ash Can
I kicked in a little scratch, but PayPal told me that since I don’t have a credit card on file the payment will take an extra few days to complete. So, it’s on its way.
@Comrade Darkness: What’s a Paypal dongle? Is it their security key that you can get through your mobile phone?
Irony Abounds
Now that I’m a paying customer, am I allowed to bitch longer and louder?
Constant lurker, here. I kicked in. I must say, though, no Tunch or Lily pics to sweeten the deal?
Hate to break it to you, but I’m paying for the cutest pet blogging on teh intertubez not for your trenchant political analysis and acerbic commentaries.
The Saff
Can’t remember who said it a couple months ago. “Balloon Juice — come for the politics, stay for the pets.”
And I second the request for a Balloon Juice iPhone app. Just got my new one Friday and it’s pretty cool. I even found an app for the Constitution of the U.S. and it’s free.
donation complete. well worth it.
Happy Birthday Mr. President Obama!
A great photo gallery of Obama pics. I love the ones of him as a little boy. He had some very pinchable cheeks.;page=1
Ok, I’ll be kicking in for myself and for Brick Oven Bill, who I am sure will have deeply considered philosophical reasons for not contributing. I, however, am happy to consider his rants to be worth the price of admission.
Please post a PO address for senior citizens who don’t like using credit cards online and I’ll send a check.
@The Saff: Kos has been asked repeatedly to create an iPhone application for Big Orange, but has said that it is too expensive. iPhone/smartphone-friendly site redirects are cheaper and work well enough.
Zuzu's Petals
$48 in honor of 44’s birthday.
The Saff
@ericvsthem: Oh well. I figured out how to use the Safari thingie so I can view Balloon Juice that way. And Daily Kos.
Griffin is teh hot. My first boyfriend (age 5) was named Griffin. We got all tipsy and sentimental at our 30th class reunion and cried all over each other.
Oh, was I over-sharing?….um, ok just take this cash…..
C’mon John, no thermometer thingie to display the tally thus far? Shame and guilt is a useful tool to raise cash. Just ask the Pope. I mean come on, just look at those slippers!
Comrade Kevin
You should use some of it to buy a new throne for His Majesty, Tunch.
Demo Woman
Well I’m just now seeing the update. Guess Tunch and Lily will have a few extra toys.
Thanks for all your work on the site.
John Cole
@Fulcanelli: I have no idea how to do something like that. Cripes. I can’t even code a wordpress site.
Apparently we’re fast too… John racked up the funds in short order!
I donated, but my PayPal skillz are weak. It says that it will take several days to process, so should I stop payment then? Would be more than happy to let it go, seeing as how I always take and never give back to BJ. You could spend the money on something useful, like a replacement collar for the dog (Charger blue and gold please).
@John Cole… I guess the guage/thermometer thing from the Obama fundraising days must have been a little javascript snippet you embedded in your posts. My bad.
Hey, I don’t possess mad coding skillz either so don’t feel bad. A little XHTML, a little CSS, but mostly I’m a cut n’ paste pirate. Known as a hack in most quarters. Also.
I’m late to the site today, and I see you already met (exceeded) your goal. Hope you got the $ I paypal’d earlier this summer.
I sent $25 a little while ago. Hope it counted toward the site redesign, but if not, buy Tunch a catnip mouse or something.
General Winfield Stuck
Ouch. This is an all purpose blog, assholes and animals. Then there’s the cute pets.
I demand that my donation be spent on beer and online poker.
Unsurprisingly, my last comment is in moderation. I should know better by now. Edited for spam-filter avoidance:
I demand that my donation be spent on beer and 0nl1ne p0ker.
Comrade Darkness
@Alan: Mine is a physical little plastic device with a button that spits out 6 digit numbers. Costs $5. Looks like they have a sms version as well. Either would work. It makes the password insufficient to get into the site, basically.
Mu-ahahahahahha! You cannot put out a bleg and then just tell us to stop, Cole! It don’t work that way. I had to put in my two bits as a thank you for providing a place for me to vent, rant, joke, and drool over cute animals.
NOTE: I want my monies to go to whatever will please the Tunchinator the most! Woot woot! BJ is back in action and better than ever.
Nothing wrong with having a bit extra — you can just set the surplus aside in an account specifically earmarked towards blog maintenance and repair.
Or, you could buy me a kickass baby gift. ;)
Up to you.
Spend mine on kitty pr0n for the Tunchinator then. I would suggest a treat for Lily but, when the most delectable of dead shit is available for free, why bother.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Ouch. This is an all purpose blog, assholes and animals. Then there’s the cute pets.
Whoa. I’ve seen people bitch and bitch, but it has to be experienced to believe. The formatting of that comment looks nothing like what I typed in, I swear.
Yay, for a re-design!
@Comrade Darkness: I thought you might be referring to their security key. It’s a great suggestion. I may get one.
Oh please, pleeeeze…
What’s the matter with critter food and gambling? I’m still happy to have contributed. :-)
You can put my contribution towards a poker game with you, Lily, and Tunch. You can play for cat treats, doggy biscuits, and whatever treat you want, John……….
PS. Of course, only if you post the pictures………
Feel free to use my $20 for pet treats. Just post pictures.
Dammit, I wanted to donate! Can I still throw in a tenner for some doggie/kitty toys or summit??
Da Bomb
Well, I was gonna contribute, but seeing you don’t need any more funds, I will take my donation and give it to the “Send that crazy Orly Taitz bitch back to Russia” or the “Lost Gabor Sister Fund”.
If we keep donating can you get a programmer to fix your effed up spam filter?