If this is the #1 priority, things must be going pretty well in Tulsa:
Republican mayoral candidate Anna Falling said Tuesday that putting a Christian creationism display in the Tulsa Zoo is No. 1 in importance among city issues that include violent crime, budget woes and bumpy streets.
“It’s first,” she said to calls of “hallelujah” at a rally outside the zoo. “If we can’t come to the foundation of faith in this community, those other answers will never come. We need to first of all recognize the fact that God needs to be honored in this city.”
Falling, who has founded several Christian nonprofits and is a former city councilor, also said the next mayor needs to appoint people to city boards, authorities and commissions who will “honor God.”
“We will also look for people who want to characterize the origins of both man and animals in a way that honors Judeo-Christian science that proves God as the creator,” she said.
If I were the zoo director, I would meet them halfway and name the next baby chimps/apes/etc. Adam, Eve, Mary and Joseph.
The lunacy never stops.
Duncan Watson
I love your solution, meeting them halfway indeed.
Kid A
She proves evolution is not happ’in.
Little bee sucks the blossom, big bee gets the honey,
Dark man picks the cotton, White man gets the money.
Take Me back to Tulsa, I’m too young to marry;
Take me back to Tulsa, I’m too young to marry.
WTF, they already have all that shit in Tulsa! Is she nuts? Where has she been under a rock? And maybe they can buy all the crap from the creation amusement park that just went toes up in Florida, save some money and give the displays a nice new home!
General Winfield Stuck
I lived in Tulsa for nearly a year back in the 80’s. Doesn’t surprise me a bit they’d want to put Jesus in the Zoo. At all points in the city you can see the giant praying hands icon over at Oral Roberts U. And to the north your always aware of the Killing Fields of The Tulsa Massacre.
Religion Racism and Creationism. The stuff of Red Amerika.
Yay! He’s starting a cult!
Seriously, when this guy ends up in a hotel bathroom throat deep in underage gay hookers paid for with city tax dollars, how many of us are going to be surprised?
Ron Beasley
Perhaps the lions at the zoo are hungry!
I think we could have a wee display next to the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. Say, put little Adam and Eve cutouts in with the Tree Frogs.
steve s
Look for the city’s lawsuit insurance premiums to go up 500% next year.
steve s
“Seriously, when this guy ends up in a hotel bathroom throat deep in underage gay hookers paid for with city tax dollars, how many of us are going to be surprised?”
I’d be pretty surprised to find out she’s a guy. So would her husband.
Judeo-Christian science????
I wonder if Anna Falling realizes that Jesus was the original single payer plan. Nothing in the Bible about co-pays or deductibles for healing and miracles.
Yes, the great God of the universe, the being who began all and who encompasses all, the Spirit who is all compassion, all love, enfolding the entirety of creation in his (or her or its) incomprehensible perfect being — that God needs to be honored by the city of Tulsa.
Uh huh.
Also, morans.
Joshua Norton
We will also look for people who want to characterize the origins of both man and animals in a way that honors Judeo-Christian science that proves God as the creator
How dey do dat? They’re going to specifically PROVE it once and for all? By using a book that was written during a time when no one had the slightest clue as to what was going on?
Maybe they should next build an observatory to re-prove the sun travels around the earth. Also.
Blue Raven
Do not the rocks themselves cry out his name? Isn’t that in their holy book somewhere? Why build monuments to a god who told his followers not to pray on temple steps?
oliver's neck
“Jesus was the original single payer plan”
@Blue Raven: Cause monuments cost money and someone wants to get paid.
I don’t know why people, if they have strong faith, would need reminders every step they take to honor God.
They want to honor communists in Tulsa?
Acts 2:45
OT, but any word on Krista’s baby yet?
Or are we waiting for the Canadian socialist mandated baby sex-change and political indoctrination operation to be completed before making any announcements?
OT, but any word on Krista’s baby yet?
Or are we waiting for the Canadian sociaIist mandated baby sex-change and political indoctrination operation to be completed before making any announcements?
Brick Oven Bill
I totally agree. If there is one place for creationism to be expressed, it’s the zoo.
Such idiocy. Tulsa residents should be demanding a stop to this before the city budget is decimated by legal expenses defending a losing battle.
When the Dover (PA) School Board tried to put intelligent design in the school curriculum, they got sued and lost and ended up having to pay $1,000,011 in atty’s fees. $1M dollars could pay for books, teachers, or fixing school buildings. What a waste.
Complimentary Airsickness Bag
Can’t we compromise? If you don’t put creationism displays in my zoo, I won’t bring monkeys to your church.
That’s because it isn’t “honouring god”. It is about power.
Sweet Jesus, can these people be raptured(TM) away already? That is, if the Obama Death Panel doesn’t get them first?
@Complimentary Airsickness Bag:
This is part of Huckabee’s ‘vertical relationship with God’. Basically, as people we’re powerless unless we take care of the spiritual crap first. Don’t worry about your marriage, make things cool with God and the marriage will get sorted out.
That creationism display at the zoo will totally sort out the problems with the roads. God will be happy and flatten Oklahoma out (even more).
Jesus (for whom all times exist as one) believed in Ayn Rand, and was perfectly Galtian in his healing: Jesus only healed people to build his religious brand, and as soon as they put him on a cross, he went Galt and hid away in a cave, saying, “You won’t have Jesus H. Christ to kick around anymore!”
Oh yeah. Just being sarcastic but I would like to hear their answer.
Thomas Levenson
I don’t care if you don’t believe in natural selection. What interests me is does natural selection believe in you?
I’m cool with it, as long as every plate of spaghetti in Tulsa is also honored as being made in the image of the Creator.
In Dover, that was $1M in atty’s fees to plaintiff’s counsel. That’s not including the $$ they spent on their own attorneys.
Leelee for Obama
@parksideq: No, they cannot. you do not understand God’s plan. This is hell for us, and they are our tormentors. Or some such shit.
Demo Woman
In honor of the baby Jesus, pictures of Lily and Tunch would be appropriate.
Can’t remember a case where Jesus turned down someone for pre-existing conditions either.
I’ve about had it with these fucking Christianists. Fuck your god, fuck your son of god, fuck your fucking book, and fuck you, you sanctimonious, hypocritical assholes who are so insecure in your fantastical and juvenile belief system that you have to constantly shove it in the face of rational people and scream about it at the top of your lungs so you won’t actually have to face how bankrupt that belief system really is. /rant
Demo Woman
OT According to the local news a man wearing an Obama tshirt was asked to leave the town hall meeting with Nathan Deal. He wasn’t do anything although he was hoping to be able to ask a question. Oh and he was black.
“….name the next baby chimps/apes/etc. Adam, Eve, Mary and Joseph.”
“Solomon, STOP flinging that shit!”
“Noah, NOAH, for God’s sake will you quit jerking off!”
steve s
I don’t think Dover’s attorney fees were much. The Thomas More Law Center represented them, I think pro-bono, after the city lawyer told them to cut it out because they were going to get boned in court. But it was a very expensive pro-bono, as the lawsuit insurance they had, which would have paid the million bucks, was invalidated when they disregarded the advice of the city attorney.
Wingnuts……building that bridge to the 12th century!
The Crafty Trilobite
It saddens me that they can’t think of any other way to honor G-d in Tulsa. Like, oh, I dunno, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sponsoring a peace initiative…
Nowhere in the whole Christian Bible does G-d, Jesus, or even Paul require a civic display. Maybe, just maybe, the “first” Christian priority should be any of the several hundred commands and exhortations that are in their Book?
Like I told someone when she was bemoaning the lack of Christ in Christmas- If you’re looking to Macy’s for religious affirmations, then maybe your faith isn’t as strong as you think it is.
@Blue Raven:
Not sure. There’s a pretty cool gospel song based on Revelations Revelations 6:15-17
No Hiding Place
No hiding place, down here
No hiding place
There’s no hiding place
Down here
No hiding place
And they went to the rock to hide their face
But the rock cried out
No hiding place
There’s no hiding place
Down here
I’m actually ok with the proposed Christian creationism display at the zoo. Put it next to the bonobo enclosure.
@steve s: Thanks for the extra info.
Abandon all hope:
From Susan Page: “n a survey of 1,000 adults taken Tuesday, 34% say the sometimes heated protests at sessions held by members of Congress have made them more sympathetic to the protesters’ views; 21% say they are less sympathetic.”
Why bother anymore?
steve s
@Brachiator: Maybe if one were to run to the river?
the replay of the toilet paper lady being gutted (buy in a very genteel way) by lawrence odonnell is coming up on hardball. you really have to see it to believe it — the jaw-dropping stupidity of this woman is, well, jaw-dropping.
Perry Como
Jesus never worried about pre-existing conditions.
Jesus never asked for a co-pay.
Jesus didn’t never denied anyone health care.
Holy shit. This woman IS stupid.
General Winfield Stuck
Absolutely. The least we should do for our caged cousins is give them a laugh.
Nah, in the 1100s they were still teaching Augustine, who argued that a) Genesis wasn’t literal in the sense of 6 24-hour days at all, and b) anti-science Christians were a stumbling-block for everybody else; and arguing about the ancient Greek scientists and what to do to reconcile contradictions between what had heretofore believed to be required by religion, and observed natural science (a parallel to debates simultaneously going on, and influencing each other, in Judaism and Islam.) There was a brief floruit before the reactionaries clamped down which produced an awful lot of abstract and even daring speculative thinking about the nature of the universe and the place of thinking beings in it, even if it was ultimately rejected as heretical. Modern-day Xtians would have closed down the School of Paris before it ever got started…
Toilet paper woman just got 34% of surveyed adults on her side, though.
…Seriously, Albertus Magnus would have been all “WTF is this shit?” if he heard these people, before going back to building his robot TA.
And was used in a fantastic scene in Babylon 5
winguts to iraq
fark linked to this today, and had a story with more pictures.
Cole, make sure you check it out… the most priceless picture from the whole thing:
The image in question
// wishes i could embed images :(
shelley matheis
@winguts to iraq: CHISTianity? LOL, the best signs are the ones where the KEY WORD in the whole thing is misspelled! What a moran. This just made my day. Thanks for the catch.
@SiubhanDuinne: Okay, why is the “T” in “CHISTianity” bigger than the “CHIS”? Huh?
You know what open thread we need? We need one where the scientists/mathematicians among us who want to can shamelessly link any eprints they wrote or are applicable to their work. I’d love to read what the BJ sciency commentariat is doing.
Probably not Judeo-Christian science.
@winguts to iraq:
We are entirely capable of clicking a link, thank you very much. Embedded images in comment/forum threads are pretty much never a good idea.
Or do you like goatse/tubgirl?
@SiubhanDuinne: And why was it only that way in my first post but not my second? I totally don’t understand the formatting conventions (but I love it here anyhow.)
Candidate, whew.
At first I read it as the current mayor.
I can imagine a rival candidate having some guy who got robbed & beaten making a point that crime is a bit more important, and that the scientists can argue about evolution, and the mayor can do the governing.
For those who don’t live in Tulsa, I wouldn’t be too concerned. Anna Failling is pretty much generally regarded as a psycho even by the generous standards nutjobs enjoy in Oklahoma.
If you want to see Tulsan brains explode wait until the 50 foot statue of Buddha is constructed here. Not kidding.
@winguts to iraq:
2009 Moran of the Year Candidate!
Though I did smite me some Pelagianites back in the day.
Davis X. Machina
Feh. Some of them probably were only semi-Pelagian. Buncha pussies.
Now tangling with the Donatists, that was war, man. And the Arians. “Arians, come out to plaaaaaaaaay!”
Judeo-Christian is to science as Reality-Based is to Republicanism
I wonder what the late, great Tony Randall would have said about this story. He was born in Tulsa.
the generous standards nutjobs enjoy in Oklahoma
I’ll say they’re generous, if Coburn and Inhofe are any indication! (Hang in and take pictures of that, please ma’am or sir, jetan.)
@geg6: This made my day. It is the cleaned up, calm version of what my reaction is.
White House Department of Law (fmrly Jim-Bob)
16: but Abraham started the original single prayer plan.
@Davis X. Machina: Feh. They were all pikers compared to the Gnostics. Now, them…they were serious.
Blue Raven
@Brachiator: I can’t readily dig it up via this cellphone I’m using, but there is a line in an epistle of Paul that is often used to argue that the unsaved should be able to figure out that his god is the creator of all things. It refers to the rocks crying out Jesus’ name. But thanks for the B5 flashback. Loved the show, and that scene was part of why.
Comrade Darkness
We need to first of all recognize the fact that God needs to be honored in this city.
Falling later said, to spontaneous applause: “And I’d like to introduce my special friend, Jahangeer, the Taliban leader who is consulting for us on this project.”
The word fucktard was invented for these people. Half the population of Tulsa will be dying of flu and they’ll be arguing how tall the prayer tower atop the mayor’s official residence should be, and whether white marble or stainless steel would be more appropriate.
I’m waiting to see who the first is to go the full Ruby Ridge/David Koresh/Timothy McVeigh … and it’s only Aug. 2009.
Comrade Dread
I have to say, I don’t really understand this. I managed to sit through 14 years of learning evolution theory and it didn’t turn me into an atheist. And that included trips to the Natural History museum and the zoo.
Granted, being a nominal theistic evolutionist would probably get me excommunicated in some circles, but there you go.
LOL – it’s great to have a place where people can make jokes about things that are actually funny, like obscure heresies, and I”m not the one making them let alone the only one laughing! (Didja hear the one about what the Gnostic said to the guardian angel? –“Let me check my notes”)
B@bellatrys: makes you miss the REAL old-time religion, no?
I will be just fine with going to hell as long as I never have to hear any of the Christian Literalists again .
Jesus died for somebody’s sins but not mine.
Gloria – Patti Smith
@Molly: Old time religion.
I learned that version in Sunday School. It’s better than the original.
Zebras are reactionaries,
Antelopes are missionaries,
Pigeons plot in secrecy,
And hamsters turn on frequently.
What a gas! You gotta come and see
At the zoo.
Don’t these idiots even listen on Sunday? I’m Jewish and I know that Jesus’ big miracles while alive were healing the sick and feeding the hungry while turning the other cheek. It’s as if they are preached to screw the poor, think only of themselves while fighting anyone that disagrees with them an iota.
@demimondian: “I learned that version in Sunday School. It’s better than the original.”
I like this version SO much better. :)
I’m a heathen Episcopalian who believes in gay marriage, that the Bible is a work of mythology and human foibles and restricted to the time it was written. I don’t believe my religion is “true” compared to other faiths, it’s just the one that speaks to me. I don’t think people need a belief in God, and I respect ALL views. I don’t believe in mixing church and state; for both the good of the state AND the church. I believe in evolution and the full support of scientific inquiry. I think all of the money we spend on mega churches would do a heck of a lot more good feeding people…including those non-Christian heathens out there. Therefore, according to many of my Christian brethren, I’m destined for a fiery eternity.
Oh well. Down the hatch. :)
Mike G
I’m actually ok with the proposed Christian creationism display at the zoo.
What a great idea, put the cretinists in zoo cages. At least it’ll keep them away from school board meetings.
@steve s:
No hiding place in the mountains
No hiding place in the waters
No hiding place
Down here
No hiding place
And they went to the rock to hide their face
But the rock cried out
No hiding place
There’s no hiding place
Down here
Fencedude – And was used in a fantastic scene in Babylon 5
Exactamundo! I recall the creator of B5, J. Michael Straczynski, noting that while he himself was a non-believer, this not prevent him from writing about a universe in which varieties of religion and religious sentiment still exist. This requires much more imagination than is shown by the more closed-minded creationists.
Calouste — Can’t remember a case where Jesus turned down someone for pre-existing conditions either.
And that cat Lazarus had the most seriously pre-existing condition imaginable, until the Naz went to town and laid it down, hands on, “Rise up, brother!” and knocked all the stiff out of that previously righteously zombified dude. (with apologies to Lord Buckley).
Anne Laurie
Great Sky God is angry! He makes the dollar to fall and the jobless rate to rise! Also, drought, swine flu, and oil deposits under the homes of the wrong kind of Middle-Eastern theocrats! Great Sky God demands sacrifice! ! eleventy-one ! !
This woman and her followers are exactly like Jared Diamond’s proverbial Easter Islanders, cutting down the last tree to build yet another Piety Object. Because making reality-based choices in a straightened economy is hard, but tub-thumping for another Piety Object is easy & comforting.
Molly…you’re a Unitarian!
@geg6: #37
I like a rant that’s clear and concise.
Gets right to the point and makes it with the simplest words.
Plus I agree with every word so there’s that.
May I just say, I think I’m in love.
grumpy realist
I think we’ve got some good possible bumper stickers up there, if anyone industrious wants to play around with Illustrator and CafePress:
“Jesus had the original single-payer plan”
“Jesus never rejected anyone for a ‘pre-existing condition'”
Richard Stanczak
Please, tell me that this woman is some kind of lunatic fringe candidate who has no chance of being elected.
I will pray for the normal citizens of Tulsa and all the children to be saved from the stupid that seems to be infecting their city.
oh really
And the next female ass born in the zoo (or acquired) could be named Anna.
That Jim Inhofe was once mayor is all you need to know.
Oklahoma oil production peaked in 1927 and it’s been all downhill since. The oil industry and it’s jobs have moved to Houston (try recruiting gay & minority employees to Tulsa) and aerospace was almost all defense oriented. Boeing spun off whatever work was left to a contractor. The last large scale private sector employer is the American Airlines maintenance base. All the major state and federal employment is in OKC (OU, Tinker AFB). Employment is all in (crap wage) call centers and paper shuffling. Once American leaves the town is fucked.
The yahoo Baptists should be praying up some jobs.