When a fellow conservative tweeted to Breitbart asking him not to treat Kennedy like they believe some on the left treated the passing of Tony Snow and Ronald Reagan, Breitbart responded “How dare you compare Snow & Reagan to Kennedy! Why do you grant a BULLY special status upon his death? This isnt lib v con.” Despite his claim that his attacks weren’t about “lib v. con,” Breitbart repeatedly justified them in ideological terms.
More than anyone else on the unhinged right, Breitbart strikes me as possibly being a performance artist. I’m comforted by the knowledge that if he snaps and does something terrible, Philip Seymour Hoffman will win an Oscar playing him in the biopic.
Who the hell is Andrew Breitbart?
I posted this at Benen’s site, i am double posting it here.
For many on the Left and in the working class more generally, Teddy Kennedy is a hero. He is a man that saw TWO brothers MURDERED while fulfilling their internal obligations to civic duty and he never waivered. Not once.
He fought longer and harder for working people that any person ever to have a seat anywhere in US government. He could have retired to a life of wealth and privilge. No. He was a patriot with true (non-jingoist) love of country and her ideals.
These smug disgraceful self-serving lilliputians have not had one-one thousandth the impact on American life, unless of course, you understand impact to really mean undermining the “puruit of happiness” for the majority of America’s citizens.
Eff them. Brutus and Cassius will soon leave satan’s jaws, for these ungodly hypocritic christian brutes have a new home awaiting them.
Honestly, he’s just an asshole. That’s all there is to his schtick.
Da Bomb
I am with Vacuumslayer, who the hell is Andrew Breitbart?
He sounds like a douchebag.
Breitbart is really more of a Dimbart. Am I right?
drunken asshole. The left coast version of Christopher Hitchens but without the intellectual heft Hitch sometimes displays.
Honestly, Breitbart strikes me as a drunk who is bitter that he couldn’t make it in Hollywood and takes it out on the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy To Keep Breitbart Down™ every chance he gets.
I wasn’t really aware of Breitbart until I saw him on Real Time. He was a total jerk, overflowing with bitterness and invective. He really fucking hates Hollywood, the kind of bitterness one only sees from, say, a guy whose wife left him for his best friend.
And the war hero brother was killed too. I think he saw all three brothers as engaged in the same struggle.
And btw, you don’t have to say “eff them” here. Fuck Breitbart and his ilk.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I’m sure Breitbart has been consistent and has written similarly on Laura Bush (killed a man), George Bush (DUI) and Dick Cheney (2 DUIs).
Or maybe it’s only OK to drive under the influence as long as no one is killed.
I saw Breitbart on Bill Maher and I kept thinking, “What a whiny little bitch.”
The whole fucking show he complained about conservatives being called racist and various other liberal injustices they must bravely endure.
It wasn’t about policy, ideology or philosophy. It was about airing his petty grievances against liberals. He’s a good representative for Movement Conservatism- an incoherent primal scream unified only by their hatred of People Who Aren’t Them.
Big Hollywood gets lots of press as the GOP answer to the rest of the blogs. Breitbart is often hailed as the next big thing that will connect the youth of the nation to the causes of the GOP.
No, seriously, that is the “traditional media” spin!
I’m sure he will be bigger than Lucy Goldberg’s abortion, Jonah, and will surely soon have a “book” from Regnery Press.
Fixt. HTH.
Tax Analyst
I didn’t know who Andrew Breitbart was, but I think I can summon up a picture from the first 10 comments here: A drunken, bitter, smug, self-serving, a-hole douchebag who is also a whiny little bitch.
I think that seems to sum this character up pretty nicely. It must be quite a warm, comfy pleasure for “conservatives” to know that this man is the type of company they share common ground with.
Gahh….WordPress can bite me!
For those wondering who Andrew Breitbart is, I’d recommend checking out his appearance on Maher, of course. I also highly recommend reading this “confessional” from the man himself to get an idea as to what his personality is like.
Comrade Kevin
I remember Maher mocking Breittbart, saying something like “he’s gotta be smart, he’s got ‘bright’ right in his name!”
Funny thing is, I will never see Phillip Seymour Hoffman as anything other than the goofy guy in the Sooners hat in “Twister”.
For me, this piece from Sadly, No! encapsulates the horror (the horror!) that is Andrew “Quivering Doughboy of Outrage” Breitbart.
Hunter Gathers
Brick Oven Bill is Andrew Breitbart’s secret idendity.
Dickipedia needs an entry for him now.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Phillip Seymour Hoffman is funny in Along Came Polly with Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston. The part where Hoffman “sharts” himself is great.
Seriously? He has so many great roles and you’re going to remember him for that? Gah.
There are few films I will watch over and over, but every time Charlie Wilson’s War comes on HBO, I will watch it just to see the bits with PSH playing Gust Avrakotos.
…oh and of course one should not miss Doubt.
Shouldn’t Breitbart get back to drunkenly yelling at child labor protesters to stop ruining his Sunday brunch? Isn’t he also the same fuckwit who didn’t know that Stephen Hawking was a Brit? And who tried to get the best of Michael Eric Dyson by sneeringly calling him a black-studies professor?
Kindly fuck off and die, shit head.
PSH is too thin and good looking to play Breitbart.
Ash Can
I said this in another thread and I’ll say it again here: The people trashing Ted Kennedy’s legacy are too young to recall, too dimwitted to recognize, and/or too dishonest to admit that they benefit every day from that legacy, often in multiple ways.
I get the dead tree edition of the Washington Post, and while I didn’t read all of Broder’s column, it seemed pretty reasonable, with the last paragraph touching.
Richard Cohen’s, OTOH, wasn’t very good.
OT, but I found this over at the American Conservative to be pretty interesting
As someone who always turns on Hannity or Limbaugh or 2 or three minutes when I am driving, I’ve heard enough of their callers to say this is pretty accurate.
The fact that Philip Seymour Hoffman wins Oscars tells me that the world hasn’t completely gone to shit yet.
@anonevent: My favorite PSH moment is in Boogie Nights, when Dirk first shows his stuff on set. PSH’s physical reaction reminded me of Brando’s physical reaction in Godfather wehn he finds out Sonny is dead — just a ghastly, pregnat gasp of air, showing a momentary lack of composure. Pure genious for both.
@Hunter Gathers:
The problem is BOB, as crazy RW trolls go, is pretty friendly. Breitbart is straight up unhinged.
Can’t find a link but Breitbart also claims to be a Yustabee.
Wow. That was really an obnoxious confessional. Really, really bad. The whole deliberate misrepresentation of his opponents’ ideals so he can feel superior to them, his apparently compulsive need to denigrate others (so great that he looks for excuses to do so even against the expressed wishes of his loved ones and while on vacation), and last but not least implying strongly that his worst personal flaws are misunderstanding a situation….
The egotism involved is terrifying and repulsive. It was just everywhere, down to the ‘look, people care what I think!’ touches. I am quite glad I have never heard of him before I started reading this blog, and I’m hoping that someone will assure me that confessional was meant to cast himself as kind of an arrogant dumbass, but somehow I suspect the assurances will be the reverse.
Mark Gisleson
Tony Snow? Hell, that’s insulting to Reagan, a guy I made diaper jokes about back in the day.
I had limited contact with the Kennedys when I worked on Teddy’s ’80 campaign in Iowa, but I never met a Kennedy who struck me as someone who didn’t know way more sick dead Kennedy jokes than I did. The Kennedys were as real as you can get.
Ted Kennedy knew who he was, and how to use the power he had.
Andrew Breitbart deserves everything TBogg has ever blogged about him, and worse.
Yeah, “Black Studies” is one of his favorite coded terms for… some god damned thing. I don’t know. He evidently thinks its worse than Hitler having sex with Genghis Khan. The man has a Beautiful Mind-level labyrinth of bizarre associations and petty grievances in his booze-addled brain. The only people who understand him look for secret messages in newspapers
@handy: I’ll bite. What’s a Yustabee?
For fans of PSH, one must see the underviewed and underrated Owning Mahoney.
Just Some Fuckhead
PSH was really good playing a suspected pedophile priest in Doubt. The scenes he and Meryl Streep did together were simply amazing.
@eric: Boogie Nights, definitely. I gotta watch that one again. Been a while.
There is a market for loud & selfish assholes, because there are plenty of loud & selfish assholes who constantly look for vindication for their own actions and ideas.
The problem is the people tire of an individual loud & selfish asshole after a little while and they eventually find a new one that justifies their thinking.
Andrew Breitbart twitters on Kennedy. Try not to eat before reading.
Somebody bookmark the following Breitbart tweet:
When President Carter dies (many years from now, I hope), you just know Breitbart is going to slander him as well. At that point, I hope somebody takes this tweet and shoves it down his fucking throat.
Breitbart is just workin’ the angle. He wants to be the biggest asshole neocon out there, and hopes it translates into a fat paycheck; it’s a niche for him. All the attention, especially negative attention, is exactly what he’s looking for.
@tamied: I think “Yustabee” is slang for “used to be a Democrat”, ala Dennis Miller, whereby the horror of 9/11 somehow rendered anything to the left of ultra-right-wing to be the Greatest Risk to the Greatest Civilization Ever.
@JenJen: Right. To parahrase Kurt Vonnegut, he wants to be taken to the “Money River” for services renderd.
In other words, just another abusive pimp serving rich johns.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Michael Eric Dyson is a better man than I am, because I would have decked the son of a bitch.
@SGEW: Loved that Sadly, No! piece, but my favorite of theirs vis-a-vis Breitbart was that classic Abercrombie & Fitch bit:
Just re-read and laughed even harder than I did the first time!
I grew up in the 80s, so my initial impressions of people like Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy were largely influenced by what the wing-nuts then thought of them. Carter was a shitty failed president with bad ideas and Kennedy was philandering, drunken playboy (chappaquiddick!!!!) who was either lining his pockets with tax-payer money or preparing the US for a Soviet take-over.
Now that I’m older and I have read a little about these guys and the liberals of the past I have a lot more respect for the battles that they fought (most are still being fought today) and how ahead of the curve their thinking was. How the fact that our nation went from having a nuclear engineering naval officer as a President to a C-student failed businessman who succeeded on his Daddy’s coattails is desired political reform to some people, I’ll never fucking understand.
I only wish we have more politicians like Ted Kennedy step up.
“are too young to recall, too dimwitted to recognize, and/or too dishonest to admit that they benefit every day from that legacy, often in multiple ways.”
Soooo conservatives.
OT – Steven Benen calls the RNC “hopelessly insane”. This you have to read to believe…
@tc125231: with all manners of due respect, I believe the appropriate paraphrase must come from the bard of bards:
“[Breitbart’s] but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: [he] is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.”
@Keith: tanks. ‘splains it.
Da Bomb
@r€nato: Doubt was a phenominal movie. The woman who played the mom of the boy, was absolutely fabulous. And of course Meryl Streep was pretty good. @Legalize: That’s only thing he can say about Michael Eric Dyson? I can think of more creative things to say. If I could only understand what he is saying at times.
@Ivan Ivanovich Renko: That was some motherfucking articulateness.
PSH is too thin and good looking to play Breitbart.
Spoken like someone from eastern Monroe County.
@ChrisS: Part of the problem is that too many people think Ted Kennedy is exactly like Mayor Quimby from the Simpsons.
I must live in a cave because I don’t remember anyone on the Left saying anything about Tony Snow and Reagan that rivals what Breitbart is saying about Kennedy.
@Sputnik_Sweetheart: First of all, comparing Tony Snow (a Fox News hack and horrible WH Press Secretary) to Ted Kennedy is ridiculous on its face. But that’s the worst thing I have to say about Tony Snow.
But no, of course you’re not living in a cave! People like Breitbart say whatever the hell they want to. It absolutely does not matter to them, or their readers/listeners, if it’s true.
Instantly Moderated Commenter
@Sputnik_Sweetheart: A friend of mine wrote “Ronald Reagan Rots In Fucking Hell” on his shirt, and wore it to the funeral. For what that one anecdote is worth.
@Sputnik_Sweetheart: Just wanted to add… when I think of Tony Snow, I always think of this exchange he had with Matt Taibbi on the Bill Maher show. The whole clip is good, but the exchange at the end tells everyone all they ever needed to know about Tony Snow, without saying anything bad about him.
Leelee for Obama
@Trinity: Saw this on GOS-I’m telling you, these people will say and un-say anything that gets them some scared followers. How is it that people like me refuse to be afraid, just to piss-off those who might mean me or my Country harm; and yet, these National Security freakazoids are afraid of, or willingly let themselves be made afraid by just about any ridiculous thing the Differently Sane Party can dream up? (I’m borrowing from Kay-the description is too good to leave alone.) It really is mental illness, isn’t it?
In case nobody’s posted this in any thread, and given that it addresses the Brightfart piece, here’s a stemwinder from welcome back to pottersville: Sen. Ted Kennedy and the Miracle of Moral Relativism.
I found myself almost standing to applaud by the end of it. Just a taste:
Leelee for Obama
@arguingwithsignposts: Signposts! That was truly a wondrous post and I thank you for sharing it. Later on, I’m gonna listen to the BBC program. I always knew the Bushes were teh evil-but I never knew Prescott was one of the plotters, though it makes perfect sense. Yet another reason to honor Smedley Butler, and I have since I first heard of him.
I saw Breitbart on Maher (and, to be fair, the guy Maher had on his show representing the left was at least as equally as annoying as Breitbard) and it was simply amazing.
Memory fades, but I swear that as soon as Maher offered that he thought the health care industry in this country has some problems, Breitbart jumped in with “You must be a socialist, then.”
So what you’re saying is, you expect Republicans to be nicer to dead Democrats like Kennedy than you expect Democrats to be to dead Republicans like Reagan and Snow?
Explain. Why would you be outraged because one of “Theirs” does what dozens of “Yours” did?
The correct response to all this is to roll your eyes and not expect civility from internet pundits of any political stance next time.
@arguingwithsignposts: “Welcome to Pottersville” was one of my major go-to blogs during the Dubya Years. Nice to see he’s back… and kickin’ more ass than ever.
Interesting comparison. While we’re at it, when can we start blaming LBJ for John McCain being captured by the Vietcong and held captive for 7 years. And why stop there? Hell, FDR has the blood of Joe Kennedy Jr. on his hands, using that logic….
The only problem with this failed attempt at relativism is that President Bush wasn’t driving the tank. Teddy was directly responsible for driving and subsequently running said car into the lake, finding the inner fortitude and strength to pull himself out, meander about until morning, without notifying the authorities. But alas, I’m sure he was pondering his navel and how he was going to serve the country for the good of mankind. With a glass of Chivas, I’m sure.
What kind of man does something like that? That alone should make any sane person question his character. But its ok—because he was great at spending other people’s money, so that makes him a liberal icon.
But wait! Breitbart!!
Quite a stretch there on the Iraq-Chappaquiddick parallel (he could’ve saved a lot of space by saying “I love Democrats and hate Republicans!”), but I think it’s pretty baseless to say that “no one on the left will mention” whatever. If past experience shows us nothing else, it’s that the dead don’t get a break from some people, left and right. Instead, they use it as a time to dump their final load of hate.
Nah. We already know what kind of behavior to expect from far-right, racist, jack-booted thugs.
WOW! It seems Sullivans site has gone even further over the edge, into full Deather territory with Kennedy’s passing.
Can’t believe he had such despicable people take his place on vacation.
I agree that Breitbart’s merely a cynical buffoon and provocateur…but since Chappaquiddick is his main beef (and is the main justification for Teddy Kennedy-hating by most conservatives, for that matter), I’d still like to get him to leap to the defense of Laura Bush: http://www.snopes.com/politics/bush/laura.asp
Actually, I don’t think it’s much of a stretch at all. Bush will never even get a suspended sentence for the Iraq War. He’ll never admit a mistake, and he damned sure won’t learn a lesson and effect any change in the future (nor will any of his other relatives).
@Leelee for Obama:
I should mention that I saw it in the comments at Sadly, No!, but hit post before I remembered to give props.
Hart Williams
@Da Bomb:
If you look up ‘douchebag’ in any modern picture dictionary (if that’s not redundant) he’s the picture opposite douchebag, n. […] 4. (slang, vulgar)
Got his start by being Matt Drudge’s IT guy — whose dictionary picture Breitbart replaced in 2008.
And that brother did something special as well. He had completed the required 25 combat missions he had to fly, and was elligible to return to the States, back to Harvard and the comfortable Kennedy family life and his fiancee. Yet he volunteered for a special mission.
Now if you have read Catch-22, with Yossarian’s struggles with getting the required number of combat missions in while other people in his squadron get killed on missions left, right and center, you know that is not something trivial to do.
And it wasn’t an easy mission either. It was to fly an explosives-laden plane to put it on course to hit a target in France as a smart bomb avant la lettre, and bail out shortly before it hit, presumably into the North Sea.
But he still did it. Instead of going back to his rich family, finishing his education and getting married, which no one would have held against him because he had copmpleted his tour of duty, he volunteered for this mission where there was very serious chance of getting killed. And he was, the explosives went off too early.
Compare that to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and all the other rich brat chickenhawks.
I’m comforted by the knowledge that IF HE SNAPS and does something terrible….”
If he snaps???
I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings Doug, but I think that horse has already left the barn.
At this point, the least we should expect is that fateful 911 call from the Chateau Marmont, the televised police response, the gathering of press and paparazzi, the somber departure of the ambulance—and the post-tragedy expose in the Enquirer, complete with pictures of the hotel room, the empty Sterno cans, and the bikini-clad sheep.
@Evinfuilt: I run hot and cold with Sully, but still read him, regardless. But it is astonishing, the trolls/cyborgs he’s handed the keys to during his August respite.
Like George McGovern (Google says 35 combat missions), he’s a wuss, unlike those brave right-wing chickenhawks who understand that it’s better to stay home.
It doesn’t even make sense.
Kennedy died at home. He wasn’t hooked up to life support at a hospital not because he was rich, but because he made his wishes known.
The opponents of end of life planning, like Sarah Palin, are the people who want you hooked up to life support. People who plan ahead can die peacefully at home, if they wish, just like Kennedy did.
if you don’t put it in writing, and are unable to communicate, you’re not leaving that hospital, because no doctor or judge is going to make that decision. They don’t want to. Repeat: THEY DON’T WANT TO. They want YOU to decide. No judge wants to make that call.
Why are people so goddamn stupid and irrational about advanced directives? They’ve been around for twenty years, and are NOT controversial, or weren’t, until the dumbass Right jumped in.
It’s a simple concept, a living will. Everyone but conservative pundits and lawmakers “get” it.
Slightly off topic, but another reason I’m proud of the vote I placed for Obama (actually, the two votes).
Obama earns early praise for Katrina efforts…
@arguingwithsignposts: Great post. It’s right on the money.
It’s gratifying to see so many Balloon Juice readers express their righteous indignation over the comments of this drooling, raving, bedwetting lunatic Andrew Breitbart. He’s trying to outcrazy Glenn Beck.
Maybe conservatives, having (apparently) never heard tell of such a thing as a “living will” prior to 3 weeks ago, are over-thinking this.
They could wander into nearly any probate or estate planning lawyers office in the country and pick up an info sheet, from the table in the waiting room, but, no, they’d rather write 50 zillion words on this radical “new” idea.
It’s simple, and we’ve been doing it for twenty years.
You draft “directives”. No evil intent. No hidden agenda.
You write your own.
Why can’t they get this? Can the living will concept really be new to someone like Andrew Sullivan? If so, he needs to read more.
Leelee for Obama
@Max: Thanks for the link! I meant to read that earlier. Good on ‘im, I knew I picked the right man!
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
OT, but hooray! My dickhead governor, Jim Douglas, is retiring!
Doesn’t fit the talking points.
O/T, but, Deep Thought: How long until the GOP and its minions say that the enormous crowds that lined Sen. Kennedy’s motorcade from Hyannis Port to Boston were ACORN and SEIU members, bused in? Wanna take the over, or the under?
Hearing the church bells ringing in Boston, and seeing 20-deep crowds outside Faneuil Hall waving flags, and applauding while in tears, and lines of cops standing at attention and saluting? The perfect anecdote to Andrew Breitbart’s garbage-mouth.
Ash Can
I’d bet the ranch that they do indeed get it, they’re just using it to sow FUD and sabotage reform.
Leelee for Obama
@kay: They are not really clueless about advanced directives or living wills. Our Lady of Never-Ending Horseshit even had a whole Day dedicated to telling people in Nursing homes and Hospices in Alaska about them They have deliberately twisted the passage to rile the Seniors who want to be riled about something, and the Eejit Media has played the moral equivalence game, just as planned.
Re: Post 85… antidote, not anecdote.
How’s the return of the Edit Feature coming? Much easier to blame the site than blame myself. :-)
@Ash Can:
I thought that too, but the more I read the more I doubt that.
They simply aren’t grasping the concept.
They’re so far into the weeds on advanced directives (simple concept! been around for years!) that they are writing nonsense.
I can explain the concept of an advanced directive to a client in 1o minutes, and they always, always get it. It doesn’t matter, level of education, social or economic class, they get it. I don’t draft wills, or sell them, but they ask, I answer.
Not the brain trust on the Right. 3 WEEKS and they’re still struggling. They have taken a beautifully simple idea and made it impossibly complex, and somehow sinister, in it’s “complexity”.
It works like a regular will, except it’s about your wishes for your life rather than your property. Wills are an ancient concept. Conservatives are completely befuddled by them, too?
Ash Can
@Max: This stands out as the money quote for me:
That reason being, of course, that the people now running the show take their jobs seriously.
Leelee for Obama
@kay: Kay-they are not dense, Trust me, they understand what it’s about-that won’t cause screaming at Town Halls, so Death Panels. That miserable POS Gingrich wrote about it as a cost-saving measure for Medicare, only months before he backed up OLNEH ( see above ) on This Weak.
Leelee for Obama
@Ash Can: Yup-the grown-ups are in charge again. It’s so obvious. Could it possibly be that the Plan from Bush was to have no Plan?
@Leelee for Obama:
She’s particularly reprehensible for this reason: parents of handicapped children are encouraged to do elaborate estate planning.
Because….they might die and leave a very vulnerable person behind.
Scratch that. They WILL die. She is unlikely to outlive her son, and he’s going to be vulnerable his whole life.
It’s a goddamn legal sub-specialty, because it’s complex. You have to set up a “safety net” of guardians, or you’re leaving the handicapped person in the tender care of a judge, by default.
Sarah Palin is actively harming her followers with this lie, and their handicapped children.
Leelee for Obama
@kay: I know that, ans so does she. It just shows you what a amoral POS she really is.
@Leelee for Obama:
I think it’s amazingly arrogant and elitist.
Newt Gingrich probably has an elaborate estate plan. He thinks you’re too stupid to even consider drafting one, concerning your own life.
How is it Newt Gingrich wasn’t “coerced” into his estate plan? Because he’s…smarter than the followers?
What about the check off box where you donate organs at the DMV?
Are we too stupid to make that decision?
@Leelee for Obama:
I’m dying for someone to ask these tools about their own wills.
No one does. Instead they let them yammer on about how regular Americans are too stupid to figure out whether they want a feeding tube.
Leelee for Obama
@kay: When will everyone get the truth of these parasites? They Do Not care about anyone else but themselves. At all… under any circumstances. They are always and only about political opportunism to gain power to rape the coffers for themselves and their buds. They do not want to govern- it’s difficult and time-consuming and socially responsible, and done the right way, it doesn’t pay well.
Know the Enemy-they mean us harm.
PSH was also excellent in HBO’s mini-series of “Empire Falls” It’s a fairly small role, but as usual, he plays it well. Great acting all around in that series, Ed Harris, Aiden Quinn, Paul Newman, and Robin Wright, I believe.
@Leelee for Obama:
I think Palin crashes and burns. She’s inherently reckless, and the only thing acting as a check was that she pretending to govern Alaska.
She’s Glen Beck, but she wants actual power at the national level. I think she ultimately crashes and burns, spectacularly.
Hillary Clinton had staying power. Palin just doesn’t have that, and it’s essential.
Leelee for Obama
@kay: From your mouth to the ears of the FSM. I worry about the amount of unfiltered water that is drunk in this country. I think it may be causing mass psychosis. Something is definitely amiss when these yahoos can gather a following.
Hillary has balls, that’s for sure. My last NY votes were for her and Al Gore. I’ve never regretted either. I thought she was a good Senator and I think she’s doing well as Sec. of State. I just didn’t think she was the right person for President.
Obviously, it’s the same behaviour we get from the far-left, racist, Marxist, brownshirted thugs, right?
So why is anyone outraged by Breitbart doing exactly what we expect people to do? That was my question.
Equating the criminal acts at Chappaquiddick with a President sending soldiers to war– well, that’s a huge stretch in every way. Suffice it to say that Teddy’s oldest brother wouldn’t have wanted Presidents to be prosecuted for sending soldiers into combat under bad rationale.
re: Philip Seymour Hoffman
I tried to watch Synecdoche last week.
I couldn’t make it to the end.
I think ya gotta live in NY to “get it”.
“bad rationale”? How about lies and false pretenses?
I don’t quite understand that, but I still think it’s funny.
Not that anyone’s going to see this comment at this point, but Michael Savage is clearly a performance artist. Could somebody who really believes what he says he believes live in San Francisco? I don’t think so.
But no one could never prove “lies and false pretenses” convincingly to a court or the American people, so it’s pretty irrelevant. Take whatever controversial justifications there were pre-war and throw them out, and you’ve still got 5 or 6 factual stated reasons for going to war with Iraq, including 17 broken UN Resolutions.
Look, I’m sure you picture Bush (more likely Cheney, eh?) with fangs and devil’s horns, staying up late by candlelight to concoct lies so he could kill brown people and US soldiers and “steal all that oil” (LOL). But I’ll ask the question I asked 1000 times and never, never, ever got an answer to during the war:
If the Bush Administration was a vast network of evil, skillful, brilliant liars that could successfully fabricate and document reasons to justify the war to kill brown people and US soldiers and steal all that oil (LOL), and get away with it… then why didn’t they do the one thing, the simplest thing, the thing that would’ve gotten them off the hook for everything else, the thing that would’ve had Bush win in 2004 with 45 states — WHY DIDN’T THEY FABRICATE SOME WMD IN IRAQ? The CIA could’ve done that in one afternoon in some corner(s) of the country no one ever heard of, and they’d have been home free. It’s like you’re accusing them of brilliantly breaking into the Louvre in the middle of the day, stealing the Mona Lisa undetected, and then walking out the front pyramid door and straight into the nearest gendarme station. Makes no sense.
Anywho…regardless of the rationale, what we know is this: Bush sent troops for the purpose of ousting a murderous tyrant (oh, and stealing all that oil — LOL!). I can’t think of a way that is anything like, well, I’m not speaking ill of the recently departed, but you know, that stuff Ted did that night.
So you are saying that one innocent life taken in a negligent manner is far worse morally than 4600 Coalition deaths & 100,000 Iraqi civilian deaths from a wholly negligent war of choice? Um…LOL?
P.S. Please tell us how you feel about Laura Bush? http://www.snopes.com/politics/bush/laura.asp
Again, let’s not speak ill, but saying what happened that night was “negligent” is insane sugarcoating waaaaay past the point of being intellectually dishonest. Come on, even if Kennedy was your guy, even if he was your dad, that’s ludicrous. Are you on drugs?
And, as gentle to the deceased as I’m trying to be, let’s be clear. Make no mistake, there was no Wahhabist sniper on that bridge that night. There was no terrorist-planted IED that Teddy tripped, no ambush that he stumbled into. Only one person caused that death, and, let’s be honest, he didn’t do it while attempting to free 24 million people from a murderous tyrant and his torturing sons. Enough said.
Yes, many thousands of Iraqi civilians were killed and continue to be killed in pointless terrorist bombings to this day. But the population of Iraq since 2003 has grown at double the rate it did in the five-year period before the invasion, from 24 million to 28 million (allowing for Iraqis returning to their homeland after Saddam’s ouster). The W.H.O. estimated that 5,000 Iraqi kids a MONTH were dying in Iraq before the invasion because of the anti-Saddam UN sanctions/Oil-for-Food swindle, and the post-invasion population figures seem to support that. There are undoubtedly more Iraqis alive today because Saddam is dead.
So you think my problem with Teddy is that he had poor driving skills? Ooooooh, now I get the problem with your post. You’re a complete retard. Yeah, Laura and Teddy — same thing. They were both sober 17-year-old kids who stayed and took the heat for killing someone with their poor driving skills.
Everyone is now dumber for reading your post. Thanks for that.
Hey, thanks for the shout out to Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Dick! (Or is that you, Turd Blossom?)
And as the old saying goes: In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. So I guess that makes a “retard” like me J. Robert Oppenheimer compared with a gullible troll like you who swallowed it all so readily and still gacks it back up like a puke fountain of pure steaming bullshit.
PSH is clearly awesome, that I admit.