Not since the choking on a chicken bone incident have things gone this haywire for a guy named Christie:
One of the things that made us most curious about this was that Christie’s negligence (he was driving the wrong direction on a one-way street) seemed so clear that we were wondering whether the accident didn’t lead to a lawsuit.
Earlier today, NJN asked Christie whether the accident had led to a lawsuit. And Christie said, point blank, no.
But a few hours after getting Christie’s flat denial, NJN found records of a 2004 suit, which appears to have been later settled out of court.
If you’ve ever read the book How Win Rig An Election, which I highly recommend to everyone, you’ll remember that the pivotal moment in the author’s career is when his candidate wins a big New Jersey race by discovering records that his opponent had committed a nasty traffic infraction years ago.
General Winfield Stuck
Here is my token comment Dougj. Virgin threads are bad for bidness.
Sometimes I think that there must be a Republican somewhere that isn’t a lying douchebag. But it has been a long time since I’ve seen evidence supporting that thought.
It’s very possible that non-douchebag Republicans have gone the way of the dodo.
Here is my token comment Dougj. Virgin threads are bad for bidness.
Thank you.
The Grand Panjandrum
Wow someone appointed by the Former Cheerleader turns out to be a dirtbag. No one could have known.
He wasn’t issued a ticket and the officer even drove him to his next appointment. According to TPM.
Isn’t it great when the police DO protect and serve? Now if we could just get them to protect and serve the little guy.
“chicken bone incident?”
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Well, Clinton got a blowjob, so Democrats are just as bad. So vote Republican. Also.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Personally, I’d be proud to vote for a candidate who drove the wrong way down a one-way street. That takes nerve. Guts. An unflinching willingness to play by his own rules. Not content to sit there and be spoon-fed traffic regulations by some armchair Brownshirt in City Hall, he strikes out on his own and does what he thinks is right. That’s the kind of leadership it takes to defeat terrorism. The kind of steely resolve you have to have if you’re going to try and cut taxes over Nancy Pelosi’s vociferous objections.
I think Christie should run for President in 2012. In 2012, America won’t survive 4 more years of Obamania. Assuming we survive the 3 years necessary to make it to 2012, that is.
Cat Lady
Republicans were lying douchebags in the good old days of Nixon. Now they’re Insane Clown Douchenozzles.
@DougJ: Ah. Well, I don’t follow the NBA at all, so that’s my excuse and I’m stickin’ to it. ;)
Bubblegum Tate
WinRig An ElectionGreat book. I particularly liked the author’s statement on the “both sides do it!” argument regarding dirty politics: Yeah, both sides do it, but the Democrats are like a JV team and the Republicans are Olympians
Christie sounds like a real scumbag, even by New Jersey standards. By the time election day rolls around we’ll find out that he has four different wives in three different stats and that all of them are meth dealers.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Definitely the best Republican candidate for 2012. By far the cleanest record.
I dunno. I think people should vote against him because he’s a moral degenerate Republican scumbag. But hey, if this stuff is the final bit that convinces you to oppose the guy, then great, whatever floats your boat. I’m betting that if you dug deep enough into their backgrounds, just about any Republican has sufficient dirt to destroy them. Somebody at the DNC oughta be working a lot harder on oppo research – I’m betting DUIs, big crashes, domestic abuse, lawsuits and all sorts of information is available through commercial and public databases. This stuff ought to be getting used more.
BTW, public corruption in New Jersey falls into what Hearst classified as “dog bites man.” If you add “Republican” into the mix that’s like the double chocolate chocolate chip ice cream of corruption – tasty, but maybe almost overdoing it. So I’m not sure it’s really news.
New Jersey’s New State Song
Bill E Pilgrim
Once when driving with friends in Italy I noticed that it seemed that we were driving down a one way street the wrong way. When I asked my friend who was driving he said “Ah, yes but you see, here in Italy those signs, it’s just a suggestion”
I think “Driving the wrong way down a one-way street” is a pretty good metaphor for Republicans right now. In general.
@Scruffy McSnufflepuss: Yeah. Christie’s not a dirtbag idiot who had to bribe his way into passing his road test. He’s a mav’rick who doesn’t need no stinking laws.
Tonal Crow
@beltane: Not only that, he’s a tough-on-crime, law-and-order, no-nonsense corruption-fighter. Also.
ya’ll are grasping at straws.
mai naem
This is the second traffic ticket issue. He also was in his car with wifey and office colleague when they got pulled over for speeding and didn’t have registration and insurance and the colleague pulled the USA name badge bit and got him out that ticket too. He’s just your average scumball repug. Oh, and BTW supposedly he’s still up by 10 points in polls against Corzine.
It was funny when Corzine was in that accident that nearly killed him and nobody had any sympathy for him.We all kind of had the attitude it served him right.That was cool
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
“Yeah. Christie’s not a dirtbag idiot who had to bribe his way into passing his road test. He’s a mav’rick who doesn’t need no stinking laws.”
If he’d killed Bin Laden while he was driving the wrong way down that one-way street, everyone in America would love him. Yet these two-faced liberals want to impose a ridiculous double standard on the poor man, just because he didn’t happen to run Bin Laden over.
Makes me sad to be an American, I’ll tell you.
Wonk Hussein
The latest Christie quote from over at TPM:
And it may be because I finally bought the boxed set of all 6 Seasons of The Sopranos, and have been power-watching since last weekend – but Christie is a dead ringer for Bobby Bacala.
Fat fuck.
This is making me sad because it reminds me of the fall of 2000 when Bush’s DUI came out and I was hoping that it would lead to his defeat and it did but then he was selected anyway and then we had 9/11 and two wars and I think I’m going to pour myself a drink
This is making me sad because it reminds me of the fall of 2000 when Bush’s DUI came out and I was hoping that it would lead to his defeat and it did but then he was selected anyway and then we had 9/11 and two wars and I think I’m going to pour myself a drink
The Bush DUI thing was kind of bullshit, though. It was 20 years earlier. I thought he’d be a terrible president (I was right) and even I didn’t hold that against him. This Christie thing seems lot worse, since he got sued and lied about it.
But so far we haven’t had a public apology from the motorcyclist for failing to avoid hitting Christie’s car when it came barrelling up the one-way street at him, and his sincere promise to do better the next time Christie tries to run him over.
Then the story will be complete.
bob h
For the ordinary NJ-ite, traffic laws are rigorously enforced. Get caught above the legal limit in NJ and you will wish you were never born. Auto inspections are rigorous and picky, and rates for insurance and registration are sky-high. This is not going to pass unnoticed.
@Scruffy McSnufflepuss:
well played sir
Re: Scruffy McSnufflepuss
I’m with EnderWiggin. That was some mighty fine snark. It’s the talent pool on this site that keeps me coming back.