Laura W. sends this video of her cats after being dosed with multiple knit balls filled with catnip. The result?
Feline crack den with a bemused pooch wondering WTF:
Personally, I’m a big fan of the sideways slide followed by a headbutt of the catnip ball by Sadie (the longhair) at about 17 seconds. I think I performed a similar maneuver about 20 years ago with a bottle of tequila and a soccer ball.
Wow, I thought a crack den would be rowdier.
General Winfield Stuck
I think Sadie is a little bit of a loose kitty. Lolling around like a common hussy at the local cat house/”–)
Your animals are adorable Lauraw.
I can’t be sure, cause it was a quick camera pan, but I think I saw granite countertops at about the 1:58 mark. Let’s hope nobody alerts Malkin and her minions.
I love how Annie the dog’s entire body manages to communicate the idea that she has nothing to do with any cat behaviour that might be going on around her (even though she apparently got her very own catnip ball).
Laura W! The kittehs are doing drugs when you’re not looking! Get them into rehab, stat!
John Cole
@geg6: It gets worse! Laura is their dealer.
This will end badly.
Laura W
@Tattoosydney: What did you just call my dog?
Flow Chart of the Day: How to pick your new favorite indie band
I’m willing to try catnip and Elton John on Glenn Beck, but he may have already gone there. Would explain the image on his book cover perfectly.
Thanks, Laura. You beautiful critters made my night.
Krissed Off
I think I got a contact high. Whoa.
Good times in the kitty crack den.
“Dude. You ever look at your fur?”
@Laura W:
Aaaaagh. It’s early in the morning here and I had a brain spasm.
Sorry Leah and Leah’s mum.
Bad Horse's Filly
holy shit…that’s an expensive drink…
@Laura W:
I blame my own version of the catnip.
The NFL starts this thursday! I’m positively giddy!
Between the draft, summer camps, and preseason,the NFL seems to just loom forever. Finally, football season is here.
Inside Sarah Palin’s Church
Coolest Van Jones headline
Something is happening but you don’t know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones?
Ohhh, there’s the beautiful Annie girl, and her gorgeous nemesis, Sadie. What’s the other cute kittie’s name, Laura W.? And, of course, poor Leah has to be the kitten-sitter in the den of iniquity.
I believe these kitties are way smarter than the current crop of Repubs. Cuter, too.
Also, I am sick of wingers. Kitties are better. Dogs, also.
Those were some pretty blissed out cats.
That video reminded me of my uncle. He did about every chemical known to man until he aged out about 30-35. 20 years later my aunt gave the cats some catnip and they got all glassy-eyed. My uncle complained the cats were stoned and refused to let them have catnip ever again. My aunt and I couldn’t quite comprehend the depth of hypocrisy my uncle was exhibiting.
Cat Food – King Crimson
@meh: That has to be a fucking typo. No way. I refuse to believe it. Uh uh.
@Tattoosydney: At ten in the morning?????
@JK: You’re just begging for another slap-down, aren’t you (with the first link)?
I think I performed a similar maneuver about 20 years ago with a bottle of tequila and a soccer ball.
They say youth is wasted on the young but that’s bullshit. The young have better knees.
I think the default setting for dogs is WTFW: What the fuck? Whatever.
I love kitty’s look at 1:33 — “I’ll cut you! Touch my ‘nip and I’ll cut you!”
Speaking of nips: the black kitty is ready for a Hannah Montana pole-dancing class. They’re a little low on the torso but I’m sure there’s an audience for that. (Rule 34!)
@Svensker: This is why I have only skimmed the politics thread and hang out resolutely in the cat and dog open threads along with the French open threads. Much less stressful.
I’ve decided a fit of rapid grooming means “Nope, nope,that didn’t just happen! Situation normal! Really!”
My brain doesn’t work at 10am – not as a result of any outside factors – just because it’s 10am and it refuses to recognise that I should be awake, let alone communicating with other creatures, before about 11….
“This is why I have only skimmed the politics thread …”
There are politics threads on Balloon Juice?
That dog looks like Sargent Schultz
“I know nothing!”
OMG! Three of five paragraphs in my last comment started with “I”!!!1! And two more “I”s in the text!!!!
It’s so hard to get rid of these narcissistic CommieFascistSoc!al1st MuslinAtheist “tells”!
Ash Can
Wrecked kitties: “Like, wow, man. I mean…wow…”
Mortified doggie: “Oh God, now you’ve got me on camera too. Please. Erase that tape. I’ll do anything.”
I think the dog got a hold of some of the cats’ nip.
And while we are on the subject of cats doing the darndest things, feline waterboarding anyone? (No really, it’s funny — and self inflicted.)
You may very well think that; I couldn’t possibly comment
Temporal Correlation for Words in Tweets
Well John, it looks like Rick has been reading your blog…
And while we are on the subject of cats doing the darndest things, feline waterboarding anyone? (No really, it’s funny—and self inflicted.)
Saw that the other day. Hilarious. VERY strange kitty.
kommrade reproductive vigor
I just want to know how Laura W. keeps a multi-pet household so damn neat. I suspect a deal with Satan and/or Soros. (Please don’t turn me into a newt.)
A degraded scene indeed. Oh, the felinity!
All the animals, including Dog, look stoned out to the max.
URGENT QUESTION: Tunch ever get catnip? Or is Cole afraid there will only be a big hole where his property once sat, a la Taz the Taxmanian Devil?
And no one try to pull my leg, since I am innocent and trusting and easily pwned.
Some commenter once said that Tunch was on Google Earth, and I went and checked it out, but no luck. That was mean.
Sorry, meant ‘Taz the Tasmanian Devil?’
Also. Is there a catnip for dogs? Other than **** sitting on the ground, I mean.
Like him or not, dude can sing (as can Sir Elton):
I love how someone throws their panties, or briefs, on the stage at the end.
One or two, here and there, if you look reeeeeeal hard.
@JK: Oddly enough, I like the link about correlations between words, so no slap-down for you just yet.
Hidden video captures Obama reading the riot act to Repub leaders over stalled healthcare reform efforts
Many thanks to you.
The Tax-man-ian Devil. I like!
Laura W
I once made the mistake of having my catnip supply in a plastic bag within a brown paper bag on a lower cabinet shelf in my kitchen.
Came home to find Buddy and Bill splayed out in a stupor and catnip spread on the floor from one end of the kitchen to the other…
We have a very excellent catnip source in town (fresh grown and dried here in the Northwest). Her catnip drives the kitties wild and they can detect it in almost any container. I have to sneak it in and place it high up in a sealed glass storage bin…
Great video — love your sweetie pies!
@asiangrrlMN: It made me shudder after I saw what I typed. Sounds like some obscure Burkean Bells doctrine you might read in a Cato screed. Or by one of the Reason freedom thugs.
Can I just say that Rick Moran’s rant against John is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a while? Especially since I’ve followed Moran for years and found John’s take on him to be spot on. And at least one of the commenters agrees that John is now a lockstep librul zombie and goes off about how John just is defending Van Jones because he’s such a libtard who defends every other libtard. Except…well, John didn’t defend Van Jones. And then, of course, there’s the commenter who says he’s not a Republican, but a PATRIOT! And since only Republicans are patriots…well, what’s he to do but vote Republican, right? LOLs all around.
Laura W
@josefina: I’m not just saying this because you said nice things about my furs.
That was the best Laugh Out Loud of my day. (Unless and until BOB shows up to comment. Then I reserve the right to give you the Silver Medal.)
@Tattoosydney: Leah would like a word with your
JosePedro.@asiangrrlMN: That is 17 y/o “Bianca”. I did not name her. She came named. Rescued by a VERY wealthy (Italian) woman who was once married to a VERY wealthy SF news paper publisher who I shall not name.
I am nothing if not discreet.
Laura W
@kommrade reproductive vigor: Slaves.
Laura W
@kommrade reproductive vigor: Slaves.
(I think I must’ve been sniffing the cat herb cuz I thought I already posted this to you but I’ve refreshed twice and it still does not show.)
John Cole
@geg6: I responded to him about eight hours ago, but he never published the comment. Here is what I said:
I’m caught in the spam filter on someone else’s website. The irony.
The other funny thing is he says I am questioning his integrity because I said he was a Republican, and then he wrote the following:
So what are we arguing about again? I’m not questioning your integrity, I’m questioning your judgment.
Tea bagger bus company sued over blaze that killed 23 seniors
kommrade reproductive vigor
John you bastard, you’ve broken Rick Moran’s teeny wittle heart. Look at the poor slob, gazing at your photo and whimpering “You don’t bring me flowers.” At least give him a call you callous swine.*
@Laura W: Ah yes, one of the many perks of being a So cia li sm Spreading Soros lackey. I opted for the extra cash payments, although the Lobotomized Servant from a Red State of the Month Club was quite tempting.
*Seriously, how the fuck did we wind up as the party of girlie men? The only time your average GOPer stops blubbing about the big bad meanies that hurt his fewwings is to bluster out some total bullshit.
Oh yeah. Projection strikes again!
It’s slowly dawning on me (Jesus am I late to this party) that Bill Moyers isn’t just a brilliant and excellent journalist, but a national treasure.
@kommrade reproductive vigor: You said girlie men. I have to share this:
I love this song!
I cut a deal with Soros as to what my payment will be, but I cannot tell you all because it’s just entre Soros et moi!
@Laura W:
Pedro José João Saramago Gilberto Cão Forssman-Nightingale will glare at me severely when he finds out what I did…
John Cole: He uses the same argument FAIL all throughout the post. He keeps saying he doesn’t uses false equivalencies and then admits that, well, maybe he does. Sometimes. Maybe. And yes, he keeps saying he’s not a Gooper, but then admits he hasn’t voted for a national Dem since…well, when exactly? And suddenly Kerry is some sort of pie in the sky quasi-commie or something? Not a mainstream liberal who is a terrible political strategist and a non-natural politician, but too liberal to even be worthy of a single vote by a sentient being? Hilarious. My eight year old niece is better at debate than that.
Midnight Marauder
I’d link more but because of that guy with the “get a brain, morans” a couple years back, searching my site for Moran is brutal.
Absolutely priceless.
Laura, I think your dog is laying there pretending she doesn’t know those cats. If you ask me, she’s saying “Enough kittehs. Bring home another puppeh!”
Wait, the Dems expect to gain votes by forcing the young and healthy (read: their constituents) to buy insurance that costs many thousands a year, and of course insurance companies wont raise premiums once their product becomes mandatory, making it impossible for peeps to follow the law. I have this right?
So Dems like political suicide?
Punchy: Don’t worry! I was assured in another thread that keeping the profit motive in health care is the VERY BEST way to go with health care reform and the public option is stupid and not needed AT ALL. What could possibly go wrong with that?
Word Cloud for Obama’s Speech to Students
General Winfield Stuck
@John Cole:
Rick is like a guy standing on a ledge. He looks behind him and he sees Limbaugh, Coulter, and the whole gang of frothing nutters. He looks down and it’s a sea of libtards running naked and smoking dope,.and just keeps on standing there, writing post after post of like you say, but dems are worse.
His post on equivalence sounded more like a cry for help. And he addressed it to you.
David Moisan
Reminds me of my (late and long-missed) white angora Frisky. Once I got her a pet-store bag of catnip and put it on the floor still in the plastic grocery bag. The bag, as typical, was printed with the store logo in red.
I think nothing of it until I see Frisky staggering around with the bag in her mouth and her face stained red from the ink in the bag. She hated me in that moment when I took the bag away (“NO, MINE!”) and hated me even more when I had to give her a bath to get the ink off.
Afterwards, I had to put her ‘nip in a glass jar. She would wail whenever I cracked the lid of that jar the tiniest bit, no matter where else she was in the house.
I miss that cat, and it’s been 16 years.
@JK: I am seriously crushing out on you right now because of that Word Cloud. You are forgiven your next five flagrantly inflammatory links.
@General Winfield Stuck: Nothing like making the DFH feel guilty and responsible for someone else’s emotional well-being!
@geg6: My dad uses the same argument: “I’m for the best candidate in any given election” (except that ‘best’ always happens to be a Republican. Bonus points for the first person to come up with a name for this syndrome.
Also, just curious, has anyone seen any comment (tv, internet, radio, anywhere) where a member of the media cornered some right-winger who was previously up in arms about Obama’s speech today, and asked how stupid they (the wingnut) felt afterward?
Anecdote is not data, but still, note: not even 1/3 of 1% of students at my school were kept home today due to the speech. Republican Noise Machine indeed.
My boys never cared for catnip until I brought some of the good stuff (fresh from my friend’s neighborhood) home. They went wild for it. The next time I had a bag of the dried stuff (I get it with the treats I buy them online), I left out the bag because I was going to take it to a friend whose cats love any kind of nip. The next day, I found the bag ripped open and the contents strewn across the floor. When I went to get the vacuum cleaner, the boys ran to the remaining nip and started rolling around in it.
So, there you have it. Once they get a taste of the good stuff, they will settle for a taste of the dried!
General Winfield Stuck
Your right. Wasn’t meant that way, But sounded like it. My apologies senor Cole, my license to practice social work is in arrears.
General Winfield Stuck
And I’m an idiot. Also.
@General Winfield Stuck: I’m teasing you, GWS! I thought it was funny.
General Winfield Stuck
Damn, I got snarked, or counter-snarked/ again. :)
Comrade Jake
Anyone else watching the absolutely ridiculous Nadal/Monfils match at the US Open right now? They’re in the second set, and it’s completely insane. McEnroe is just laughing at some of the rallies, how competitive they are.
@Comrade Jake:
I am now. Thanks.
Emma Anne
That word cloud can’t be right. It doesn’t have a humongous “I” right in the middle.
Emma Anne
I’m thinking opium den more than crack den.
Laura W: Love the use of color on the walls. That green is positively peaceful.
@Comrade Jake: Now I am. Thanks for reminding me!
Love the video! I’ve never had a cat that had a serious jones for the nip. I’ve bought the dried, the fresh, but no takers. They’ll play with the toys/containers, but not slavishly.
The Grand Panjandrum
General Winfield Stuck
WoW. Yahoo Mail has a cool new platform, and works faster.
My 63 year-old landlady pulled this the other day. She tells me she’s an independant, and even though she was disappointed in Bush and the rest of the Republicans she voted for McCain. Every time I criticized the Republicans she said and she thinks all politicians are horrible.
She also said that doesn’t watch Fox News very often, but then told me that Nancy Pelosi is crazy and a liar, and Obama is “scary” because he is putting radicals in the government. The topper was when she said that Glenn Beck just wants people to think. She was stumped when I asked her what she thought Glenn Beck wanted them to think.
@Emma Anne:
Yep, that’s a better fit.
The Grand Panjandrum
@IndyLib: Speaking of Glenn Beck:
I don’t think he understands what “a meme with legs” is, or he wouldn’t be filing a lawsuit with the result being to bring more attention to it.
You can’t let dangerous people like pacifists have guns. They would be shot at the first hint of having a gun. And then CNN and Fox and CNBC and ABC and CBS and NBC would tell us that of *course* the right wingers weren’t shot for having guns because they’re reasonable, responsible people, unlike dangerous lefties.
So I’ve been sitting here feverishly trying to finish something for a writing contest deadline (midnight PDT), and it’s 4:00 am, and I log onto the site to submit it, and…. they’ve extended the deadline by a week.
I should be pleased because it means I can fix the bits that still make me cringe, but… it’s four am. You couldn’t announce the extension a few days ago? Bastards.
I have a cat draped across my neck, so it’s not a complete loss.
General Winfield Stuck
We are all living George Costanza opposite day, every day, all day.
Brick Oven Bill
Re: “She was stumped when I asked her what she thought Glenn Beck wanted them to think.”
The reason your landlady was stumpted IndyLib, is that Glenn Beck does not tell people what to think.
He encourages people to think for themselves. Gasp. The Politico is 9 months behind the times:
“The resignation, in turn, confirmed Beck’s stature as the administration’s most potent foe.”
If the people at Politico had only read Balloon Juice, they would have known this long ago.
@R-Jud: Gah. That would piss me off/please me to no end. Good luck to you!
@Comrade Jake: Mebbe you shouldn’t have told us about the match because now it’s gone to pot. Yum. Nadal is so hot, but he’s young enough to be my son!
@The Grand Panjandrum:
link brokd.
Monfils killed himself on Double Faults last set. I think he’s done.
That was some damn fine tennis for a while there.
David @ 65
There is no replacement.
But you know, after my last kitty and my Pops died, I came to an understanding of what “timeless” means.
In that place, yesterday is today and tomorrow and the love that I have for them and the laughter and good times never dies.
I can still hear my Dad’s strong laughter and see Max’s distinctive and strong sense of himself and his independence, an unfortunate bird limp in his mouth.
@MikeJ: Yeah, but not now. It’s over. And my Rafa is gonna win.
@Laura W:
Ah, Elton on the box, a little catnip with friends, the dog staying sober and watching for the cops. Life is good.
@Steeplejack: Hiya! Good to see you.
Am I a bad person for having both Tunch & Sarah Palin pictures on my phone?
/quiet chuckle
The Grand Panjandrum
@freelancer: Thanks. The piece on Beck is here.
Yo! Just got in from work. My dogs are barking, and I’m just starting my hydration therapy with a rum and tonic. Whassup?
Chad N Freude
@Tattoosydney: Win!
Comrade Luke
He’s the calm eye at the center of the hurricane. I’m continually amazed at how he can be so calm under the circumstances. I’ve also come to appreciate some of the people he’s had on his show that I would normally cast aside due to their previous history, like Kevin Philips.
It’s so nice to watch a fact-based discussion where people can disagree yet still remain civil. It proves it can be done if you’re willing to work at it.
Chad N Freude
@pcbedamned: My God, he does go on. And on. And on. Perhaps Mr. Moran should take a writing course, you know, where they teach you to be concise and make your case with a finite number of words so the reader doesn’t go all glassy-eyed and skip the rest that seems to go on for-f’ing-ever.
@Steeplejack: Rum and tonic? Huh. I wouldn’t have thought to put those two together. I am watching a tennis match get interesting again, and *gasp, I am about to go to bed. Yes, really! I only got three hours last night and a two hour nap today.
Chad N Freude
@asiangrrlMN: An understandable typo, what with the Beatles remastered oeuvre out today and all.
Ahem, Comment #8 for JC. And yes, @Chad N Freude, he does go on and on.
@Chad N Freude: Wait, I made a typo? Oh, the Tax-man-ian Devil. Whew! It wasn’t me that made the typo. Don’t do that to me!
John Cole
I’m really enjoying the Darjeeling Limited.
Chad N Freude
@John Cole: Well, I wouldn’t publish your comment either:
After you’ve taken a course in remedial commenting, he’ll undoubtedly be more than happy to publish what you have to say.
[Must be very late or too much catnip. Your inner English teacher seems to have gone AWOL.]
@John Cole: Very genteel of you, Cole. Pip pip, what?
@Chad N Freude:
Just got a preview listen to some of the Beatles remasters tonight at the part-time gig (big-box book/CD/DVD store). A two-disc sampler of the remasters is going on the in-store music system tomorrow, and we were listening to it as we were hosing down the place after closing.
The sound is damn good. The best I can describe it is that everything sounds really real, in the best possible sense. Early stuff like “Hold Me Tight” sounds basic and clean. Later, more complex stuff like “Come Together” sounds big and full of depth. (The Fender Rhodes piano in that song is killer.)
The song that really struck me in the short sample I heard was “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite,” from Sergeant Pepper. A really complicated, layered piece, and it sounded awesome. Almost revelatory. Everything clean and out there, and no sense that something was getting pushed into the background because suddenly we had to emphasize this other thing.
Anyway, it will be interesting to see it all hit the fan tomorrow. I think the supply is being rationed somewhat. We got only three copies of most of the albums, five copies of the “big” albums (Sergeant Pepper, Abbey Road, the white album and, I was a little surprised to see, Rubber Soul) and two copies of the (stereo) boxed set.
Chad N Freude
@freelancer: Man, have you ever been out of it. Catnip? Weed? What?
Chad N Freude
@Tattoosydney: I don’t know to whom you’re referring here, but any character string that contains “Jose” and “Saramago” grabs my attention. Especially if there’s Portugues orthography involved.
John Cole
@Chad N Freude: Yeah, it was horrid. I was on the phone while writing it, arguing with Amazon that no, I never did receive the package I ordered three weeks ago.
You have to admit, denunciate is pretty fucking awesome. I swear, since I started grading papers regularly a decade ago, my command of the language has just crashed and burned.
Chad N Freude
@John Cole: John, I cannot begin to tell you how honored I am that you have addressed a response directly to me. You are actually reading my stuff and responding to it. Really, no snark, no joking, this makes my otherwise depressing day.
Chad N Freude
@General Winfield Stuck:
What’s so bad about that?
Rubber Soul and Revolver are the only ones I ever listen to on a regular basis. It was like they knew they wanted to do something different but hadn’t figured it out yet.
@Chad N Freude: I know! It’s almost as good as getting a direct comment from Tunchie himself.
Comrade Luke
I’d like to get one of the sets. Would you recommend the analog box set? Or should I wait for Blu-Ray?
I have Past Masters Vol. I && II, but those aren’t very good imo.
Also have Beatles Rock Band arriving tomorrow :)
I’m not even a Beatles nut, but I really appreciate the fact that these have all been remastered. It’s a really big milestone imo.
Chad N Freude
Well, there goes the entire logical structure of the Republicans.
Comrade Luke
Sorry if it’s already been posted, but I loved this.
General Winfield Stuck
@Chad N Freude:
I still remember the first response to moi from Cole. Went something like “your insane” . I get all goose bumpy just thinking about it. Ah, the good ole days/
John Cole
@Chad N Freude: ? I try to read most of the comments. Why have them, otherwise?
Comrade Luke
Crap. How do you embed YT vids?
Anyway, here’s the link.
@Chad N Freude:
sorry to hear it CNF. Hope things get better soon.
Since it is now after midnight on the east coast, and many hours past in engerland, here’s a song about calling emergency services on the date that matches, 9/9/9.
When I’m with you girl I get an extension, and I don’t mean Alexander Graham Bell’s invention
BTW, listening to Maddow tonight, she is quite possibly one of the best interviewers on professional television today. She puts to shame pretty much any of the usual suspects – sawyer, walters, etc. Her interviews with any wingnut that will actually go on her show are respectful but hard-hitting. Why isn’t she on MTP instead of that dick Gregory? (pun intended)
@General Winfield Stuck: I think mine was, “Here is a depressing song for you, you emo bitch, you.” Sigh. The nostalgia, it is a killer.
@Chad N Freude: You doing all right?
@John Cole: To brag to the other bloggers (cough, Rick Moran) about how popular you are and how many minions you have!
Moran is just jealous that he doesn’t have the stickiness for open threads. Watch my kitteh’s bitchez!
John Cole
@General Winfield Stuck: Since my spelling and grammar in the comments are as bad as Yglesias, it probably was “your insane.”
John Cole
Any Delbert McClinton fans here?
I just love Read Me My Rights.
You have incredible stamina. How many hours of sleep do you usually get on a given night?
Steeplejack, MikeJ
On Wed night at 9, VH1 is airing Part 3 of the Beatles Anthology.
Chad N Freude
@General Winfield Stuck: What is this strange power that John Cole has over us? Why are we, who are so intelligent, so adult, so worldly, reduced to quivering blobs of gratitude when John deigns to notice us? You don’t suppose . . . Could it be . . . John Cole is actually Barack Obama?
General Winfield Stuck
@John Cole:
The day edit function returns, I’m going to thank baby jeevus.
You’re you’re you’re. smacks own head.
The Grand Panjandrum
@Chad N Freude: But you’re not really one of the in crowd until he responds directly to you and reams you out. THAT is when the Society teaches you the secret handshake. You are making progess, so don’t give up.
Rubber Soul and Revolver are the only ones I ever listen to on a regular basis. It was like they knew they wanted to do something different but hadn’t figured it out yet.
I would tend to agree with you–definitely about Rubber Soul. That is the one I listen to the most from start to finish. That was the exciting transition time, when they were figuring out where to go from “superstar pop group” to the “capital-A artist with a vision” thing–in the context of an art form that had never before had the “capital-A artist” thing.
I was “surprised” in the context of what I thought would be the blockbuster, casual-fan hits. Didn’t think Rubber Soul would make the cut.
General Winfield Stuck
@John Cole:
Not a big fan, but do love this song.
@arguingwithsignposts: @asiangrrlMN:
I still can’t get over the fact that Moran regards Joe Klein as a lefty. That’s such a joke.
Chad N Freude
@John Cole:It’s the recognition, stupid!
[I know you get the sophisticated cultural reference, but I am extremely neurotic and pathologically afraid of offending you. I know you are not stupid. Or slow. Or humor-impaired.]
The Grand Panjandrum
@Chad N Freude: Not possible. Barack Obama doesn’t keep a lion in his house.
@MikeJ: @Steeplejack:
I love Revolver and Rubber Soul, but why doesn’t anyone ever give a shout out to Magical Mystery Tour and Let it Be?
Those are the most underrated Beatles albums in my opinion.
@Comrade Luke:
I’d like to get one of the sets. Would you recommend the analog box set? Or should I wait for Blu-Ray?
I’m not understanding your question. Analog? Blu-ray? The stuff coming out tomorrow is all audio, so I don’t see how Blu-ray comes into it. (But maybe Blu-ray has some double-secret awesome audio mode I don’t know about.) And it’s all on CD, so I don’t see how analog comes into it.
Sorry if I’m misunderstanding you. Or my snarkometer is not turned up high enough.
Will try to DVR it. I will be back at the big box tomorrow night.
John Cole
@Chad N Freude: I’m a heater, dude. I’d get offended, tell you to fuck yourself, then ten minutes later forget about the whole thing, and then wonder a week later why you seem to think I am an asshole. Happens all the time on blogs. I write an intemperate post calling someone out, call someone all sorts of names, calm down, then can’t figure out why they hate me 6 months later.
The Grand Panjandrum
@John Cole: See now you are taling about some serious fucking music. I love When Rita Leaves off the CD Nothing Personal.
Can we get a little love for bob mould? I’m sorry baby. This guy has grown far beyond his days in Husker Du, yet maintained the angry persona. But he’s someone I’d still like to have a beer with.
Chad N Freude
Not that anyone cares, but I dismissed the Beatles as music for bubble-gummers (what we now call tweens, you young whippersnappers) until I heard Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. That was my personal game changer. I became addicted to their music and have never managed to get through recovery.
@arguingwithsignposts: Yeah, let’s see Moran get his thread count up over five hundred! I have no idea if he does or not since I’ve never read him, but I would bet most of my lifesavings that we’re way cooler than his commenters are.
@JK: Believe me, it’s not by choice. For the past six weeks, I’ve averaged four hours a night. I take an hour or two nap during the day. That’s it. By my unofficial sleep study, one or two hours of sleep is good. Three hours sucks. Four is optimal. Five is good. Six is really really bad. I haven’t had anything over six and a half a night in months, so I can’t tell you about that. How about you?
General Winfield Stuck
Anybody heard from Anne Laurie? Hadn’t heard from her since her dogs illness.
I would say that Bob Mould is a god but he’s actually seven of them.
Re: sleep – some nights I get six/seven. Some nights, one. Involved in an accident, had some painkillers that kept me awake – weird effect. I got off those pks pretty quick, just for the sleep disruption.
I’ve never been able to sleep the whole eight hours that is recommended by Obama’s sleep czar. My mind just careens around too much.
Comrade Luke
No snark intended, believe it or not :)
My understanding, based on this article, is that you can get the set in two versions – stereo or mono.
I’ve also heard rumors that someday everything will get put on Blu-Ray, which supposedly sounds even better AND reduces the number of discs required. I don’t really care about this as much; I was just asking in case you had any insider info.
@General Winfield Stuck: I was wondering about that, too. I hope she’s doing ok.
@JK: If Joe Klein is a lefty, then I am a s o c i a l i s t! Oh, wait. I am. Never mind then.
Mumble mumble mumble Beatles schmeatles mumble mumble mumble….
Pity you didn’t hear Pet Sounds first.
The Grand Panjandrum
Here’s a Youtube video someone put up of the Delbert song When Rita Leaves.
@arguingwithsignposts: Wow, that’s shitty. I feel your pain. In addition, I have terrible nightmares, so I never feel like I’ve actually slept. Thanks to someone who shall remain nameless (cough cough, JK, cough cough), I actually dreamed one night that Michele Bachmann was trying to talk me to death with her batshitcraziness. That was one of the worst dreams I’ve had in the past few months.
I can go 4 or 5 straight nights of 4 to 5 hours of sleep per night and then I need about 7 or 8 hours one night to get more or less caught up. Sorry to hear that you’re having such a big problem getting enough sleep.
Yes, it’s only somewhat scary that I remember that episode (!) and recommended hitting her with something hard next time. I wonder if the ignorant sleep well? (not saying I’m particularly intelligent, but just worry a lot)
I mean, my step-dad, who barely graduated high school, redneck and all, would go to sleep early, get his eight hours and wake up early.
There’s a ph.d. study in there somewhere.
[ . . .] but why doesn’t anyone ever give a shout out to Magical Mystery Tour and Let it Be?
Dude, their whole oeuvre is awesome (heh, love using that word in the context of the Beatles), but those two albums both had the misfortune to come right after epochal, once-in-a-lifetime blockbusters—Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band and Abbey Road, respectively. After either one of those, anything would look pale and spindly.
Just sayin’.
Chad N Freude
@John Cole: Oh, John, John, John. My love for you matches that of Larry Craig for Minneapolis policemen, Mark Foley for congressional pages, Ted Haggard for whoever. I could never be offended by anything you wrote. Although I might stalk you. With a a knife or something.
@asiangrrlMN: @arguingwithsignposts: Wow, am I late to this thread. Can’t help being curious though. If you can’t get a full night’s sleep, what are the following days like? I feel like a zombie unless I get eight or more.
The ACLU has sided with the plaintiffs in a case that threatens to unleash a flood of corporate money into American politics. Although many people have pointed out that this case may shape the course of American history, Glenn Greenwald, the ACLU’s poster boy on the blogosphere, has been curiously silent…
(I’m only slightly trolling. This is a case where the normally-laudable ACLU is, I think, being rather foolish, and it deserves to be pointed out.)
following days are “normal,” AFAIK – at least for the less than six routine (the one hour shit was really tiring, though). Sometimes after work, I’ll come home and nap in the afternoon for an hour or so. Usually, though, it’s straight through.
A lot of times I’ll wake up at 4 a.m. for no apparent reason (no alarms or anything). Then I can’t get back to sleep because the mind starts going. I’ll sit there and think about what I need to do or whatever.
John Cole
No one ever told me that when I got a dog I would continuously debase myself for the slightest bit of affection. I now think nothing of lying on the floor saying “Oh Lilly dog” or “oh lilabelle” just to get my pooch to give me kisses. Both of us have lost all sense of dignity.
It really is pathetic. I’d never do this for a woman.
@John Cole: LOVED this movie.
@John Cole:
@Comrade Luke:
Okay. There is a mono boxed set available for about the same price as the stereo boxed set (around $260 retail, discounts available). I would go with the stereo boxed set, because only the first three or four albums were originally done in mono, and then the Liverpudlian Lads and George Martin started pushing the envelope. I don’t think the discussion was ever “Let’s keep this clean, simple and mono.” Plus the idea of preferring a mono version of Sergeant Pepper gives me a nosebleed. Yeah, there are individual songs where the mono mix sounds (slightly) better than the stereo mix, but at that point you’re like biblical scholars arguing about the nuances of meaning of a single word in the original Aramaic. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
I don’t see how Blu-ray would automatically give you better sound quality, but, yeah, you could get more data on each disc.
@JK: Yup! It’s why I’m such a crazy bitch. Then again, I’ve never slept well, so I’m kinda used to it by now.
@arguingwithsignposts: Dang. Yeah. I think that people who are not introspective do not worry as much so they are better able to sleep. I dunno if it’s true, but it seems like it to me.
@Crashman06: Some days, I feel really good (the four hour days). Some days, I can barely function (the six hour days). Most of the time, I just drink my mongo cup of coffee in the morning and hope that I can catch a few winks in the afternoon. Last night, I got three hours of sleep. That definitely was not enough.
John Cole
@The Grand Panjandrum: just listened to the whole album. Also a fan of All There Is of Me.
I once dreamed I was watching A Hard Day’s Night on tv
but during this amazing opening sequence, instead of the Beatles being chased down the street by teenage girls, the Miles Davis quintet – Miles, Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Tony Williams, and Ron Carter, was being chased down the street. I wish I had the software and editing skills to actually create that scene.
@asiangrrlMN: @arguingwithsignposts: Both those experiences sound pretty rough. As someone who feels like he needs eight hours to at least function normally, I can’t imagine how you both do it. Long day for me; time to get some rest. Here’s hoping you both can too.
Will check back later, but I must go watch Maigret now. No room on the DRV, so I must kowtow to the TV schedule.
The Grand Panjandrum
@cyd: My wife was slightly pregnant a few years ago. I have the 7 year old daughter to prove it. Pray tell link to this case so we may be slightly enlightened.
@Crashman06: Night, Crashman06! Catch a few extra ZZZZZs for me.
Chad N Freude
@arguingwithsignposts: What about a man? (Jes’ funnin’ ya. It’s such an obvious line.)
General Winfield Stuck
There are lots of disparate groups on the left and right that have come together to fight these money restrictions. It is how they get their messages out/ Personally, I don’t much care about this case, because the only way to get large amounts of cash out of politics is to do a Constitutional Amendment making it clear that cash is not the same as free speech. Otherwise, any effort to piecemeal it is always subject to change and finding inevitable loopholes.
And opening the floodgates might be the only way for the public to get so sick of it they are willing to accept public financing for elections and restrictions om the crazy ad wars.
Though when it happens, I will likely regret saying this.
The Grand Panjandrum
@John Cole: Delbert is great. I saw him at a concert in 2007. One of the most underrated voices in music.
@Comrade Luke: @Steeplejack:
It’s great to see that the Beatles still matter to a lot of people.
@Chad N Freude:
Well, there is that option too.
John Cole
@JK: I had a weird dream the other night that I thought would make a good premise for a sci-fi book. It was a world like earth, but it was really over-crowded, and everyone had the capability to phase to their own version of the planet for peace and quiet, space, gardening, and travel. You would phase to the alternate world at will, just mentally transporting yourself, and it would be a carbon copy of the real world with everything exactly the same but no one else would be there. You would be the only one there, and the only concern were that you had to sync up with the real world so you would not come back to the “world” and collide with someone in that space already. The other concern was that if anything happened to you in your “phased” world, there would be no one to help you, and you could not go back to the “real” world if you were in trouble.
I really need to write a book with some of the ideas from my dreams.
Holy crap, check out this lineup.
I know where some of my frequent flyer miles and hotel rewards points are going.
Here’s something going on in my world:
– best friend got laid off last spring.
– best friend has her first decent job interview next week and it is at Fox News (This is her first real job prospect in months. She hasn’t even been able to get a call back from Target.)
– best friend hates Fox News
– best friend is miserable because she is now desperately hoping to get a job with Fox News
Shit is unfair man. Just unfair. I wish I could give her a bailout.
Chad N Freude
@JK: OMG! Someone with similar musical taste. I am no longer unique.
Comrade Luke
OK, sounds like it doesn’t matter then. Might as well go with stereo.
And yea – Sergeant Pepper in mono?!
@General Winfield Stuck:
See, this I don’t see. The public is already sick of the money in politics. They don’t trust politicians (either left or right voters). The game is fixed, and the public knows it. But the public is too much of a diffuse entity to impact washington on its core – only on the edges (unless a real health care reform passes).
Ash Can
@John Cole: That’s a big reason I love to hang out here. I used to frequent a number of online (non-political) blogs but have disappeared from them because the personal dramas just got to be too goddamned much. Here I can be as caustic as I please, throw F-bombs in every direction, lace into spoofs and trolls, and get napalmed right back — all the while knowing that, very, very unlike the other cyberworlds I used to inhabit, I’m doing so in a community that’s thick-skinned and reality-based. It’s downright cathartic, not to mention refreshing as all get-out.
Holy f**k. I’ll be in SF that weekend! Rock on! if you’re there, we should hang out or something.
General Winfield Stuck
I have been gathering good tunes from the sixties and hope for a likewise you tube war thread for the coming weekend. That is all.
@John Cole: I have a niece and two nephews. My best friend has a little ‘un, too. I never once talked baby-talk to them in my entire life. Yet, with my two cats, I am shameless. I bill and coo at them and call them all kinds of silly, sappy, gooey names. I am definitely more sentimentally soppy to them than I am towards any human being.
@Steeplejack: See ya later, maybe!
@arguingwithsignposts: And don’t you just hate it when people tell you not to worry about anything when you’re trying to sleep? Oh, I should say I usually wake up once or twice a night as well.
JK, you trying to give me more nightmares?
Chad N Freude
@John Cole: I became addicted to science fiction at the age of 12. The first SF magazine I ever bought was a now ancient issue of Astounding Science Fiction. (Anyone here remember John Campbell?) Bad segue there. Anyway, I think you have a really good premise for a novel. So write it, already. Or collaborate with someone who writes SF.
John Cole
I napped for two hours this afternoon. I’m never going to fall asleep, damnit.
John Cole
@Trinity: Is your friend a blonde?
@burnspbesq: Jesus fuck. Nick Lowe playing. Nick Lowe also playing Boz Scaggs’ backup band. Booker T and the Drive By Truckers. Earl Scruggs, Todd Snider, Aimee Mann. Mavis Staples. Ralph Stanley.
Jeebus. I think I’ve seen about half the people playing and dreamed of seeing the other half.
The Grand Panjandrum
@burnspbesq: Whoa. That is one serious line up. Dayamn. You I’ve been wanting to go back to eat at L’Osteria del Forno for about a year now.
@John Cole:
That’s great stuff. I’d love to see something done with that premise – either a film, short story, or novel. It has a lot more promise than most of the dreck that appears on SyFy.
My favorite dream is that I have front row seat to see a Beatles reunion concert at NY’s Madison Square Garden in 1980. The Beatles play a concert running 3 hours and 45 minutes. They close the evening with the Abbey Road medley which culminates in a 14 minute version of The End that features guest solos from Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Pete Townshend, Keith Richards, and David Gilmour.
General Winfield Stuck
You could be right, but history teaches that money into politics will always find a way and the supremes have already ruled that cash is part of first amendment rights, so it is likely that this court will rule for the side of anything goes. Therefore a CA is the only sure way to deal with it and most experts say this as well, I think.
@Trinity: Ah, fuck. That really sucks eggs. I hope she gets the job because she needs one, but it’s fucking FOX. Good luck to her.
@John Cole: I like your dream. I wish I could have your dream. It sounds very peaceful.
I dreamed that I was in a hospital/college in which the doctors were vivisecting the patients in order to create the perfect creature, only the creature turned out to look like a really grotesque version of Frankenstein with all the disparate body parts sewn together. It was in outer space, and the doctors were aliens. I was watching from within as if it were a movie. I got to see some of the vivisections. Good times.
@John Cole: Cole, ya gotta bite the bullet one day and not nap in the afternoon if you want to get back on schedule. At least, that’s what the regular people tell me.
What’s so wrong with dreaming about the Beatles or the Miles Davis quintet.
For Science Fiction fans, there’s a great radio show called Hour of the Wolf. It airs on WBAI 99.5 FM in NY. It includes interviews with many top SF and fantasy authors plus readings of short stories.
The shows are archived on this website
John Cole
@asiangrrlMN: My dreams are never scary, just weird. Remember these when I was on benadryl for a few days?
But I have them all the time. I usually write them down, and have a half a notepad full of weird shit.
@John Cole: Your link does not work. You fix. But yes, I remember those dreams.
@JK: Because my demented brain will turn it into life-sized beetles chasing after Miles Davis and ripping him to shreds before gobbling up the little pieces.
General Winfield Stuck
My dreams are just plain whacky. IOW’s not all that different than when awake.
Chad N Freude
@John Cole: You need an agent.
John Cole
So.. as I was lying there trying to fall asleep a little bit ago, I started thinking about my favorite cat when growing up, Mr. Purr Puff. I really need to scan some pics of that perfect feline.
Chad N Freude
@asiangrrlMN: Could we haz a jaz thread plez?
Chad N Freude
@John Cole: WTF are you doing up at this hour?
@John Cole: Purr Puff? Seriously? You just lost some serious street cred (unless your sister named him), and yes, you have to post pics.
Would love to get together. If I’m actually able to go. With my luck, I’ll end up with a meeting in NY or DC on Monday.
See, I wish I could remember my dreams. I’m told they happen, but I can rarely remember them. I usually end up going to sleep by “projecting” a future reality, like I’m a published author or something (the Snoopy sleep method), but I can’t remember the dreams.
Viva BrisVegas
You know, I had always thought that the catnip thing was some kind of urban legend. The sort of thing that you see in cartoons but doesn’t actually happen in the real world. Especially since I had never seen or heard of it working on anyone’s cats.
Does it only work with particular varieties of cats, or is it a regional thing?
@Chad N Freude: Sure! I’ll open one just as soon as Cole falls asleep and I can steal the keys to the joint. Tunchie will help me–he loves me!
Dammit to hell. I walk away from the computer long enough to watch KO on DVR and Cashman joins and exits the thread before I could badger him into sharing his proposal story.
John Cole
@asiangrrlMN: Yes. Devon named him. But he seriously was the greatest cat, ever.
Until Tunch.
You have some weird dreams. Here’s a song that will hopefully give your subconscious something better to work with.
Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream – Bob Dylan
Comrade Luke
@Viva BrisVegas:
I live in Seattle and I can confirm catnip works :)
Well, it’s a couple of weeks to go. I’ll check back as the date gets closer. I’m actually going to a conf. there, so I’ll definitely be in the bay area. this is actually a better alternative than the conf. itself. :)
Ash Can
@Trinity: As Dean Martin would say, ain’t that a kick in the head?
@John Cole: So I’m imagining you down on the floor getting all sappy with Lily, and Tunch watching from the futon, then rolling over in such a way as to give you a good look at his butthole. Cats just know how to express contempt.
On the subject of sleep, I’m not going to go there, except to say that middle age has fucked my sleep patterns up beyond recognition. Ugh.
@arguingwithsignposts: Be careful what you wish for. Seriously. I remember at least one a night, and I would rather not.
@Viva BrisVegas: Swear to god, try the real stuff–the leafs that are found in neighborhoods. My boys love the fresh stuff after years of ignoring the dried organic stuff. Like night and day it was.
Firstly, although money will always find a way, it doesn’t follow that it does so in the same quantities; without the current restrictions, a vastly increased amount of money can work its way into politics, much more than the already obscene amounts already being spent. Secondly, I doubt a CA can pass anytime in the near future, since the hurdles for CAs are steeper than for ordinary legislation, such as, say, health care reform or cap and trade.
I think it’s foolish to view the money-in-politics issue purely in terms of first amendment rights. For instance, it’s illegal to buy or sell votes, even though this restriction infringes on citizens’ rights to form agreements with one another. The reason is that such practices corrupt the democratic process.
@asiangrrlMN: yeah, well if michelle bachmann is involved, i’ll take the bliss of the great darkness.
@Viva BrisVegas: seen it with homegrown catnip before. not an urban legend, definitely. and the weird thing (to me at least) is that you wonder if you’re damaging cat brain cells or something – but they pop up and behave just as they did before. But funny as hell while they’re wigging out.
Chad N Freude
@asiangrrlMN: Plez, plez, plez. And let’s keep it alive forever. None of this 243 comments so it’s over nonsense.
John Cole
I’m thinking about going home next week-end and watching the parent’s puppies while they are out of townand scanning all the old photo albums and making cd montages for everyone for Christmas. How great of a present would that be?
General Winfield Stuck
Speaking of sleep, it’s about that time. And Kate doesn’t like to be kept waiting on Planet Libtard. Later Alligators.
@JK: Sorry. I do not like Dylan. I have given up trying to please my subconscious. It will give me the shit no matter what. As a consolation, I have added Father and Son to my “I must compulsively listen to this song” list. In fact, I am listening to it now as I blog.
OK, so what is a CA? I saw that earlier and didn’t ask, so I’m just going to put my stupidity on display here.
I agree with the general point that the SC is going to fuck up our politics going forward with such a ruling.
Chad N Freude
@Viva BrisVegas: This is a seriously interesting screen name.
@Ash Can: You mean I have that to look forward to? Even more fucked-up sleep patterns? Great.
@Chad N Freude: We’ll get it over a thousand comments, bitchez!
@John Cole: Cole, I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again–you are a sweet man despite your predilection for punching people in the neck.
Night, GWS!
Chad N Freude
@asiangrrlMN: There’s good Dylan, there’s bad Dylan, and there’s somewhere-in-between Dylan. Judging them is hard and probably not worth the effort.
great, another acronym I have no idea what it means. :?
I’m a little disappointed to hear that. Dylan is a fellow Minnesotan. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Chad N Freude
As long as there are links and accurate album names, I think that’s just fine.
Ash Can
This talk of catnip makes me think of the time the cat we had when I was growing up encountered a brown paper bag full of bulk dried oregano and got Fucked. Up. on it. My mother and I laugh about it to this day.
John Cole
@asiangrrlMN: Wanna spoon?
@arguingwithsignposts: General Winfield Stuck.
@JK: Oh, I know. I should love him, but I do not. C’est la vie.
@Chad N Freude: Prove it (about good Dylan and bad Dylan).
@John Cole: I’d rather fork!
John Cole
@asiangrrlMN: You’ll have to teach me that one. I’m kinda old.
Ash Can
@asiangrrlMN: Who knows? Maybe your reaction will be completely different. Maybe it’ll put you on an even keel. Life changes are weird like that.
John Cole
Flaunting my embed skills.
Joe Friday and Bill Gannon lecture Barrack Obama
@John Cole: You’re my age, Cole! Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how to fork. As for your embedding skillz, I haz a jelus.
@Ash Can: I would thank the FSM if that actually happen. I can’t even imagine sleeping for eight hours in one stretch.
Amazing Dylan – Anything from his self titled debut album up to and including Desire
Bad Dylan- A lot of albums released after Desire
@Chad N Freude: I gotta admit that I am a bit weak in the jazz department, so I would be more of a listener than a participant in that thread.
@JK: Ok. I will check it out because you gave me Cat Stevens’ Father and Son. I will report back as to my findings at a later date.
More Joe Friday and Bill Gannon
I didn’t like the politics of Dragnet, but it was entertaining to watch scenes like this
John Cole
I’d embed Latex Solar Beef right now if I could find a copy.
If anyone is planning on making a CD of covers, “Hallelujah” would be a good candidate:
Bob Dylan
Jeff Buckley (my fav)
Sheryl Crow and others I can’t name because I’d get moderated. Anyway, Leonard Cohen’s song gets played a lot.
John Cole
Ash Can
OK, time for me to try to snooze. I’ll leave you all to your forking. Good night and good luck.
@arguingwithsignposts: John Cale and kd lang are my faves.
I’m hitting the wall, peeps. Night one and all. Don’t let the jazz thread go wild without me!
I appreciate your open mindedness, reasonableness, enthusiasm, and overall welcoming nature. You’re a pleasant, refreshing alternative to all the narrow minded blue meanies on the Internet.
Green Grass and High Tides – The Outlaws
Never been a huge fan of Southern rock, but I love this goddamn song to death
@John Cole: Charlie Stross’s set of books have some similar traits to that of your dream.
Software engineer is left a locket by a relative and it transports her into an alternate world (and back, when desired). The other universe is not empty, but it’s not up to this world’s technological level yet. Since she can go back and forth, the opportunities for arbitrage with goods not yet available there are great.
Oops. Actually she’s a tech journalist, not an engineer. Memory is fading on me.
Viva BrisVegas
@asiangrrlMN: I got intrigued enough to google catnip, and it appears it doesn’t work on cats down here. Apparently we have supercats.
Viva BrisVegas
@Chad N Freude: It’s a local appellation of obscure derivation.
Somebody asked for some jazz.
How about Wes Montgomery working out on a classic John Coltrane song?
A new savage lost world found!
Looks like the wingnut-media complex has some serious competition. The fanged frogs, komodo dragons, and tree-kangeroos are probably better company, though.
great pics with the story.
Lost world of fanged frogs and giant rats discovered in Papua New Guinea
Robert Booth The Guardian, Monday 7 September 2009
“They found the three-kilometre wide crater populated by spectacular birds of paradise and in the absence of big cats and monkeys, which are found in the remote jungles of the Amazon and Sumatra, the main predators are giant monitor lizards while kangaroos have evolved to live in trees. New species include a camouflaged gecko, a fanged frog and a fish called the Henamo grunter, named because it makes grunting noises from its swim bladder.”
John Prine and M.C. Hammer. Well, there’s two names I never would have expected to see together in a lineup.
@jl: First time I saw that rat story, somebody said “The Giant Rat of Sumatra” has finally been found!
One of the Holmes stories I always wanted to read, but Watson told us “the world is not yet ready to hear it.”
@Linkmeister: Now it IS the TIME, world, ready or not.
Final thought for the night: In the spirit of bipartisanship, I hope Obama humbly calls Chambliss a rancid old crook, and depaved and demented, lying ancient and completely depraved hick, and very politely suggest he shut up his mendacious pie hole. Then Obama should gently propose the hypothesis that the Republicans have blood on their hands, and vomiting out of their mouths for lying to the whole country, and blocking reform of a health care system that is killing people.
I would like that, and I think Obama would be speaking in a very humble and polite way.
I like polite people. Obama has not been very polite lately. He needs to be more polite. His little white lies are not polite.
Good Dylan: composer.
Not-so-good Dylan: singer. (Except for “Lay, Lady, Lay,” “Just Like a Woman” and a few others.)
I love Wes Montgomery. One of my top five favorite guitarists.
@burnspbesq: I looked at the lineup and saw The Chieftains. I thought, “There must be a bluegrass band by the same name as the famous Irish band.” But no, it is the same band. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, they’ve been doing a lot of work with American country musicians recently.
@OriGuy: Seeing as I’m listening to Alison Krauss and Union Station’s “Live” album right now, I’m surprised they are not in that lineup.
@Steeplejack: Then you’ve probably heard Willow Weep for Me.
@Chad N Freude:
Sheer, unencumbered ignorance. Mea Culpa, and there is no one else to blame. Moyers first appeared on my radar this last fall, after someone here pointed toward his segment with Wire showrunner David Simon. I figured there was no TV personality beyond reproach, but the lack of cable, combined with the genius of Moyers and the quality of the Frontline eps on Netflix have convinced me otherwise. I wish it had been weed, I’d have laughed a lot more in the last 6 months.
PS – Thank you for concern trolling me and everyone else in this thread. It has been hilarious on many levels. Very meta-
@John Cole:
I believe you mentioned this in one of the weekends’ OTs, and I’m willing to listen but goddamnit, I need a link or somewhere I can find his work.
LOL, That is so fucked. I work in the OR dept of a hospital right now, and the doctors have a tough enough time keeping people alive as it is that they don’t even begin to think about experimenting genetically. They are too busy treating cancer, removing gall bladders, and evacuating brain aneurysms to put effort into actual mad science
I KNEW I’d be thrown into mod hell for that, so to vent, here are two great comic relief moments via YouTube.
The Stupids – Man Bush
Blind Melon. You do seem to find all the good shit.
Here’s my fav Blind Melon
The Pusher
Jeez, you guys stayed up late! I hope this is still an open thread because I’m going to wrench it around to:
Say what you will about her, she occasionally comes up with terrific neologisms. Today she called Glenn Beck a DEMAGOON. Isn’t that great? It really needs to go viral. I plan to do my part by appending “demagoon” to all future references to Glenn Beck.
“Demagoon Glenn Beck had another meltdown on-camera today . . . . ”
“Glenn Beck, Fox News demagoon, sobbed and screamed . . . . ”
(Okay, I’m pretty sure one of her assistants actually came up with “demagoon.” But hers is the byline, so hers is the credit. Well done, Maureen Dowd, and that’s the last time I expect to say that for a long time!)
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
While bored the other night, I was browsing through Wikipedia using the ‘Random Page’ link to see what popped up. The page about the history of Rickrolling came up and while reading it I saw that Balloon Juice is mentioned in it regarding the Whitey tape being found.
That make me lol.
Demo Woman
Laura, The cat video was cute and all the animals appear to be very comfortable in your new place.
Does anyone know if any other countries mandate health care and then impose fines on those who don’t sign up? I tried teh Google, but can’t seem to find anything.
Mandated insurance w/no public option? If this happens, take it as a sign that corporations are in complete, 100% control of our government.
Demo Woman
@Montysano: The Swiss come pretty close. They mandate and give public assistance to the lower income. I don’t think they have a public option.
The US mandates health insurance now, for a small group of parents and children. If you’re an unmarried parent in my state something called a “health care order” is incorporated in your child support order. Since the summer of 2008. It originated with an HHS order out of the Bush White House, and was applied to the states.
It’s pegged at 5% of gross, and applies to anyone who is not married and has children and earns over 150% of poverty level.
I found it amusing at the time because it’s so clearly conservative social engineering. Only unmarried parents are mandated to buy health insurance for your children. If you’re married, it doesn’t apply.
So, yes, we already mandate purchase of health insurance, and President Bush ordered the first mandate.
Chad N Freude
Bill Moyers interviewing Andrew Bacevich. The ultimate acme of the apex of intelligent interviewer intelligently interviewing an intelligent interviewee. Absolutely essential watching for fans of Moyers, fans of Bacevich, and fans of political and historical reality. In two parts at Part 1 and Part 2.
Chad N Freude
@Chad N Freude:
Part 2 didn’t make it through the HTML trap.
That’s a classic. Thanks for the link.
My favorite vocal version is the one by Lou Rawls on his album Stormy Monday. Sort of like this. (Song begins at about 0:45.)
Much as I hatey-hate-hate MoDo and her writing style, I have to admit that demagoon is genius. Someone probably sent it to her in an e-mail.
OK, well, back to the real subject at hand (or paw, or nose), which is the luscious catnip party…
This is my cat Brownie’s favorite video now. We’ve watched it a half-dozen times, full-screen, with him sitting in my lap and fixed on the action with rapt attention (except he doesn’t like the few seconds spent on the inanimate table).
When it concludes, he looks at me and says “Eeep?” which is “will you play it again?” If I don’t move immediately, that becomes staring intently and “Eeep!!” (“damn it, what is wrong with you? Play it again!”) And then we sit through it again with the identical reactions, including the ears back during the table sequence.
@Demo Woman:
I think the Swiss also heavily, heavily regulate their insurance companies. Can’t find a source for that right now.