Another family values guy:
I think it is just terrible what the gays have done to traditional marriage.
This post is in: Republican Stupidity
Another family values guy:
I think it is just terrible what the gays have done to traditional marriage.
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At this point, wouldn’t it save time to just assume that all Republican lawmakers are adulterous perverts, until proven otherwise?
Rob C.
Should we even be surprised?
@dmsilev: Gerry Studs! Gerry Studs! Gerry Studs!
I’m just waiting for the SCOTUS to review a sex-for-votes lobbying scandal and conclude that this is just an expression of corporate free speech.
General Winfield Stuck
Could have microphones hidden in a salt shaker.
No shit Sherlock. Part of the Obama/Acorn NSA spy-fu to make gawd fearin’ lobbyist pokin’ wingnuts look bad. Yeah, I like it!
My cup of schadenfreude overfloweth.
The Grand Panjandrum
OC Weekly:
Are my ears defective, or is the tape from the hearing completely unintelligible? Even with the subtitles I couldn’t make out what was being said.
(for those who didn’t watch The Family segment on Maher last week, that’s “It’s OK if you are Chosen”)
Actually we are facing the very real possibility that the SCOTUS will decide that corporations have more say in selecting our leaders than actual people.
If a corporation is exactly the same as a person in the eyes of US law, and if the Roberts Supreme Court decides that campaign finance laws restricting corporate donations are unconstitutional, then you’re going to have the situation where corporations will automatically have a much, much larger and more sophisticated megaphone than real human beings.
If you thought representative democracy in America was already dead, then this kind of a decision would have the effect of digging up the corpse and running it through the wood chipper for good measure.
The Grand Panjandrum
This is outrageous! Andrew Sullivan and his husband are too blame for this.
So messy, indeed.
Merely stating the patently obvious. It’s a bit blunt but if he didn’t know this already, he’s a fool.
He is downright unattractive in many ways. Ugh.
I’m thinking this is just another step along the way. People aren’t mad enough yet, although you’d think that discovering we have an Insurance-Salesman-in-Chief for president would do the trick. But nope, just not bad enough. I’m hearing noise about a debtors’ revolt, though.
That could cause some serious indigestion in Fat City if it picked up steam.
Demo Woman
What would Peggy Noonan say?
Joshua Norton
GOP = Grab Our Penis.
Brian J
One has to wonder, once again, why does it always come down to spanking with these people?
Republicans talk too much.
Just keep on spankin’
Comrade Jake
Is it awful that I just couldn’t stop laughing watching that clip?
Michael Duval should go bar hopping with John Ensign.
They’re just two wild and crazy guys
Clearly they’re taking that chestnut about “We create reality.” a tad too literally and, as there’s nothing about video in the Bible, don’t believe those wee boxes with glass lenses and fiddly tubes with wire mesh actually do anything. sotto Macaca
Good grief. Watching the vid, I thought the guy looked like he is in his 70’s. I was shocked to hear that he is only 54. He’s not aging gracefully, in more ways than one.
“I think it is just terrible what the gays have done to traditional marriage.”
It’s worse than you think. On one of our local news radio stations they’re reporting this morning that several heterosexual couples are getting married today, 09/09/09, at the 99-Cent store here in Hollywood.
And that’s where we’re headed in this country.
Ann B. Nonymous
How long will it take for Barsuglia’s pictures to be removed from the Californians Against Waste website? She’s in 2 out of 35 of their organizational birthday party event.
The non-prurient questions are endless. Why is Californians Against Waste putting photos of a California Retailers Association lobbyist prominently in their birthday party album? As a Sacramento-based Republican lobbyist, does she know Josh Treviño? Will she guest-blog at Red State? They have a definite lack of female voices.
@Comrade Jake:
I wanted to see the expression on the face of the person he was talking to.
I think the reporter is as dumb as the legislator.
@Joshua Norton:
GOP = Group Of Perverts
I’m guessing like Sanford and Ensign he’s another one of those stalwart Promise Keepers, the hard (when they have their blue pills) core moral center of Gooper Christendom.
Well, at least he was spanking his lobbyist soulmates in the good ‘ol USA instead of one of those godless countries where men can’t pee standing up. Country First.
Ash Can
Rule of thumb for Republicans/wingnuts: The louder they carry on about “traditional family values,” the more they’re trying to hide.
I for one, can’t wait until casual sex, government, and capitalism blur into one giant catastrophuck.
Where’s my Starbuck’s “Full Release” Latte?
@r€nato: Yeah, that’s more or less what I was thinking of when I read this. I mean, when corporate bribery of government officials is effectively legalized, why not open the door to legislative prostitution as well, amirite?
One seems just as ridiculously corrupt as the other.
@Ash Can: You need to copyright that, in the vein of “Godwin’s Law”. This could be “Ash Can’s Maxim”.
@Brian J:
That’s exactly where we’re headed in this country.
“Wouldn’t it save time to just assume that all Republican lawmakers are adulterous perverts”
Robert Stacy McCain and Lynn Vincent disagree with you as evidenced by their book Donkey Cons: Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Democratic Party. The book was published in 2006. Maybe today, they’d acknowledge that Republicans have overtaken Democrats in terms of sex scandals.
for a second I thought this was my Assemblyman, but he covers the other side of Yorba Linda.
Are lobbying firms now recruiting high class call girls? It’s kind of a serious question.
Ned R.
@KG: Carefully phrased there, KG.
@Brian J:
Do Dems put their mistresses in time-out?
What did the reporter do wrong?
Polish the Guillotines
@Ash Can:
Dave Lopez is a pretty dogged reporter. I think he did what he could to get the dirtbag on the record.
To think if Stormy Daniels happens to beat Vitter running as a Republican she may have one of the most staid sex lives amoung any elected Republican.
In California this is not surprising. LOL. There’s a lot of kinky people involved in all levels of gov’t. Of course being that it is a goper it is funny.
Comrade Darkness
@The Grand Panjandrum: ‘He could have never gotten a woman like that before he got this job.’
Ah, but she likes being spanked . . . by someone who looks like an older male authority figure . . . hm, who could that possibly be that she likes being spanked by?
Power: the world’s oldest aphrodisiac.
Repeatedly asked to explain his recorded sexual boasting, a red-faced Duvall fled me and another reporter, Dave Lopez of KCBS in Los Angeles, three times this afternoon in capitol hallways.
Polish the Guillotines
Win. It’s Super-Nanny State.
@r€nato: Yeah, this pretty much means Corporate America will be able to do what it’s already doing without hiding it. Next step is they just plug us into machines and use us as batteries. I, for one, welcome our new Corporate Overlord Body Harvesters.
here’s another goody from the ocweekly comments.
“…Ms. Barsuglia graduated cum laude from California State University, Sacramento with a Bachelor of Arts degree combining a double major in Political Science and Persuasive Communications…”
Oh that makes it even funnier if he’s from the OC area (for the record I am in the OC). After all they don’t call it living “behind the orange curtain” for nothing. Buncha freaking hypocrites. There are tons of kinksters here, they just hide it behind “respectable” facades.
Based on the photos AnnB Nonymous linked to, I would say both persons in this tryst are lying about their age.
Comrade Darkness
@kay: I was thinking that too, watching the clip, and wondering, does this guy get off more with the broad, or just by bragging about the broad? It may be a tie. Which may explain why everyone knew.
Remember, these are the people who are standing in the way of any rational solution to the California budget catastrophe. They’re spending some of their time with
lobbyistshookers and the rest of their time bragging about it.JK
@Ann B. Nonymous:
Why don’t you provide a link for the website to which you’re referring?
A degree in Persuasive Communications…too funny.
How many times does the reporter allow himself to be shown on camera “doggedly trying” to get an inerview and failing?
“He failed to show up at a dinner where I had been told I could stake him out.”
What a wanker.
@JK: Here ya go
(Sorry, I’ve been itching for the chance to do that, and you’re my random victim)
“I think it is just terrible what the gays have done to traditional marriage.”
So true. But by the same token, isn’t it wonderful that Assemblyman Duval is doing his part to preserve the 50% failure rate of heterosexual marriage?
I wonder how long it will be before he has the press conference trotting his wife out by his side because he’s too much of a wuss to face the press gaggle all by himself. Just for once I’d like the wife to pre-empt the clownish Tom Cat she’s married to and announce her plans to divorce the creep, and then walk.
The most hilarious part of the video was Duval and the reporter running through the hallways. I kept wondering which of them would collapse wheezing in a chair first. Geesh! Time to hit the treadmills, boys!
This will make the Faux headlines – Fair and Balanced. Kinky sex is what they want to talk about.
i can’t wait for the report on fox, with a big “D” next to his name.
The answer to how long will it take them to remove the photo was “not long at all.”
So when are they going to impeach him? If he’s been spanking them, it’s pretty likely that he’d have gotten a blow job somewhere along the line.
Ash Can
@chopper: That, I believe, is what is known as a thread-winner.
The answer to how long will it take them to remove the photo was “not long at all.”
Still in cache, tho. :)
OT but speaking of hypocrites:
Seen it once. That was enough for me. Skanky. Drippy.
Eye patch undies. Enough.
Her reputation is toast. Marriage too if she has one.
It really is not hypocritical. The Dallas Cowboys are involved. Bush is a minor side attraction.
Ned R.
@ricky: Oh, is he going to appear as a cheerleader?
for a second I thought this was my Assemblyman, but he covers the other side of Yorba Linda.
I think aerial photos would reveal he covers both sides of Yorba Linda, but I did not know he was sleeping with Ms. Linda as well as Ms. Barsuglia. He did mention there was another woman.
@Ned R.:
Not without doing serious damage to the reputation of that hallowed North Texas institution. I think he will be in a rainbow wig and hold up the Biblical reference sign.
@ricky: BS. People were threatening to take their kids out of school because of a 10 minute speech by the President but it’s ok to miss a day of school to see a former President, his wife and a bunch of football players?
Do not ever reveal your true identity on the off chance you are on a plane which makes an unscheduled landing at DFW. They’ll find you even if the plane never leaves the taxiway.
@ricky: I’m a Redskins fan from DC with a Cowboy’s fan for a wife and relatives in Dallas and Houston. Our Rabbi called it a mixed marriage.
Ned R.
Oh hey, an apology!
…for the comments. Not for anything else. Ethics panel planning to meet, etc.
Ned R.
Also, OC GOP boss pretty much pitched him under the bus, then squashed him further.
Polish the Guillotines
@Ned R.: What a douche. I sure as hell hope the ethics panel finds enough to send him rooming with the Dukestir.
Donald G
Well, she’s no Matty Storin and he’s certainly no Francis Urquhart.
@Ned R.:
ned — oh man, what chutzpah:
Multiple sources in the capitol say Duvall is telling colleagues that his relationships are private matters and that they should ignore the media while he rides out the public relations nightmare.
any idea what duvall had to say about bill clinton…. lemme guess….
That is enough information for the baggage handlers at DFW to root you out and have you burned for blasphemy.
It is enough to suggest mere school if more important than anything involving football but to take the Pokes name in vain? Take your wife with you every time you leave the ground.
Ned R.
Annnnnd he’s just been stripped of his committee position.
Ned R.
Two committee spots actually, including the ‘write your own joke here’ ethics panel.
R. Porrofatto
Not any more.
Nethead Jay
@Svensker: Hehe, she looks pretty much as I would have expected.
CAW have closed access to the page with the pictures but they weren’t smart enough to actually remove/rename the files. Consequently the google cached version of the page will still show the image.
Or you could go to the page directly. and
Sounds like a very sticky situation:
Oh man. That’s both sad and hilarious.
I wonder why Californians Against Waste objects to recycling these photos? Could it be that the head of CAW is seen in one of the photos with Ms. California Eye Patch Undies? Have to splain that to Mrs. CAW?
Her former employer, the California Retail Assoc. has also blocked access to her former bio at their site.
@Lola: They have for years. Nothing new about it.
It occurs to me that at least his wife knows he didn’t use a condom. Ick.
And re gay marriage: MA divorce rate has gone EVEN LOWER since we legalized the gay marriage. Take that, red states.
The Saff
Yorba Linda is Richard Nixon’s birthplace.
@The Saff:
Hey, I was born in Pasadena. We went to church with the Linda family. Yorba fooled around, but not with old man Nixon. But come to think of it, nobody asked for Tricky’s birth certificate. How did we live without the net?
Bad Horse's Filly
@Ned R.: My favorite quote from the article:
“He wants us to ignore it,” one Orange County elected official told me this morning on condition of anonymity. “But I don’t think that is possible at this point. He’s screwed himself.”
Well, not exactly….
Oooh she’s shiny, like her future.
Looks vaguely familiar, but I’m pretty sure it’s not on light rail that I’ve seen her.
California Republicans tend to be of a peculiar sort, and I realize that’s saying a lot these days. The state’s red portions are positively crimson.
@Don: @minachica:
Thanks for those links.
Given Sanford, Ensign, Vitter, Craig, and this latest clown the MSM should now refer to the GOP as the GOW Grand Old Wankers.
Ned R.
Looks like Mike “Drip” Duvall has resigned from the State Assembly.
Maybe he’s going to spend more time with the carpet shampoo machine?
Zuzu's Petals
Looks like he’s nobody’s Assemblyman now.
Duvall Resigns
well, he certainly isn’t going to be getting any more hot lobbyist tail if he isn’t an assemblyman anymore.
Polish the Guillotines
Wow. Looks like the “The Drip” dropped.
@Ned R.:
well you gotta remember, in the world of politics ‘inappropriate’ means ‘caught on tape’.
Jeff Fecke
Well, to be fair, I think he should be most embarrassed about the comments. I mean, he sounded like a 14-year-old talking about something his cousin’s brother’s neighbor’s friend once heard about this one guy and this one girl they knew.
Has anyone else commented on the fact that her title is (was?) ?
Apologies if she was in love with the guy and not just, you know, screwing the State of California for fun and profit.
Failed link above goes to her bio as “Director of Governmental Affairs.”
That is all.
Polish the Guillotines
@margarita: This is like a mainline speedball of schadenfreude.
How about “Corporate Cum Bucket”?
Does that about wrap it up?
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
This asshole is going from holding a powerful political job with powerful committee assignments and banging three women to a political nobody who will be lucky if his wife doesn’t leave him.
I think he forgot the old maxim: Fuck not, lest ye be fucked.
He owns an insurance agency? Say no more.
Left Coast Tom
@Jeff Fecke:
Did either of the lobbyists have business before his committee?