I just wanted to get out in front of this one by being one of the first angry left-wing bloggers to call for the resignation of Republican Congressman Joe Wilson.
I’m not sure if I really think his performance was resignation-worthy, but I’d like to get some credit for getting to this early if others decide that it is later.
Fuck it, if some guy in the Energy Department has to be fired for signing a stupid petition, Wilson should totally go for lying about the President in the middle of the President’s speech.
Take away his library card, too.
If we’re going to move to a House of Commons style of decorum, can we also have their healthcare system?
i think he involuntarily resigned himself. he’s raised over $93K for his opponent, on ActBlue.
Regular Reader
I’m just waiting for the first right-wing call for “Joe Wilson for President!” I haven’t heard one yet, but I’m predicting it will happen…
I’d settle for him being utterly, humiliatingly defeated at the next available re-election attempt.
Tax Analyst
Yes, imagine, if you will what Congress would be like if some Democrat stood up and shouted every time a Republican told a lie! The poor guy would never be able to finish his speech.
Winston Smith
Hell, keep that guy around. He’s a living counterpoint to the BS claim that the kooks on the right are isolated to “a few nuts on the fringes.”
The Grand Panjandrum
Or we could just call his antics the “economic stimulus plan” for his opponent. Rob Miller’s Act Blue page is at $220,000+ right now.
Wilson/Palin 2012
Publicly calling the president a liar while we are fighting two wars, well I have one for that – TREASON
harlana pepper
As my mama, a sweet Southern belle of SC, would say, that man is just pure trash. As a state, we have already been shamed and humiliated enough by Sanford without this kind of shit. Asshole that he is, he won’t resign but I sure hope he gets his ass beat next election.
@Sirkowski: As if Palin will ever be second on the ticket again. ;-)
Ash Can
Apart from the fact that, in all seriousness, I don’t think Wilson’s outburst was nearly enough to warrant his resignation, I second Winston Smith on keeping Wilson around. He makes a fine Exhibit A for why the GOP should be kept as far from the levers of power as possible, at least until they pull their heads out of their asses.
The Moar You Know
I like him. He’s insane, likes to start fights he can’t win, and has a big mouth. Just what I love in my opposition.
Resign? I hope he becomes the new GOP face man. Make Whitey McAsshole the new Joe the Plumber. By all means, keep that guy in Congress, front and center, right up till November 2010.
The Grand Panjandrum
@cleek: Yeah. You are correct. My number was the total for all Act Blue pages. Man, not bad. Less than 24 hours and 100K. That still some pretty good economic stimulus.
Comrade Mary
He looks and sounds shit-scared. Still spinning, still lying, still digging himself deeper, but shit-scared nonetheless.
Does anybody know what, if any prerogatives the Speaker has; covered parking, key to the executive restroom and such?
@The Grand Panjandrum:
I realize this is pretty geeky, but at that rate by the time his re-election rolls around a year from now, Rob Miller would have about $131 million.
You. Cynical. Bitch.
He’s an idiot, but I think the left is coming perilously close to fauxtrage on this one.
Sure the right would go nuts, but let’s point out that hypocrisy and move along, showing that we’re better. The Prez is just our number one public servant, not our god-head, and this Wilson guy can show he has no class without needing us to lose our shit about it.
harlana pepper
@Comrade Mary: crappage, can’t get video to download off TPM. anyone else having this problem?
Wow, given that Drudge has already been on the “DEMS DID IT!” kick, and Rush is certain to say “Palin-Wilson ’12!” at some point today (coupled with the GOP’s tendency to refuse apologies or blame it on misunderstanding), I am pretty shocked he apologized so fast.
Miller’s raised over $200K in the last 24 hours, which might well move him from a 4-1 underdog to a slight favorite in fundraising for the year. Keep it coming, folks.
Wow. He really does sound like he’s about to have urine running down his leg in that video.
@Comrade Mary: Sorry, but I did not detect a single genuine note of contrition in what he said. In fact, he continues to be argumentative and pig-headed. Since he is not my congress critter (although I am still “represented” by other SC Wingnuts), I can’t vote against him, but I will sure as hell do waht I can to make sure he loses next year. What a douchebag.
Like we woke up yesterday and suddenly expected Congressional Representatives who have been sponsoring Birther, Deather, and Tenther legislation to not be assholes?! I’m with Barney Frank on this one.
I agree that Wilson just made himself frontrunner for something. Can’t decide if he’ll take down Huckleberry Graham, become Governor/Lovernor or head the Presidential ticket for the GOP in 2012.
But this guy is the Real Goofy when it comes to GOP Amurican, Heartland gut-thinking.
Comrade Mary-
Wow, was he coming out of Boehner’s office? It sounds like some Republicans understand the implications. They’re on the verge of cult status.
Shawn in ShowMe
It’s all set — Joe The Plumber vs. Joe Wilson for the Real American Television Title at Summer Slam. Because you demanded it.
Mike E
His wife, the spy, is TEH hot though
Mike G
If he gets voted out, he’ll have his own show on Fox so fast it’ll make your head spin.
@freelancer: I liked what Barney had to say last night on Maddow but I do not think there is anything wrong with throwing a few $$ to his opponent to express my feelings about his outburst.
Is it still “fauxrage” when you put your money where your mouth is? And I really don’t mean that as a smart-ass question.
Leelee for Obama
Some Freepers seem to have turned on Mr. Wilson for apologizing immediately. Turns out he’s just a RINO too. So sad.
Each and every Republican office-holder and candidate needs to be asked, on a daily basis, to denounce and condemn Wilson.
@LorenzoStDuBois: Yup. I gotta go with this, too. There’s no need to call for his resignation–make him the face of the opposition. Don’t make a big deal and let him just twist in the wind with his balls hanging low enough to whack ’em. They are batshitcrazy and should be seen as such.
@DougJ, I like your style, man. Plus, you made me laugh. That’s always appreciated.
This is why you have to admire the Republicans, in a perverse sort of way. They’re just willing to pull out all the stops. They don’t care about decorum, they have no concern about being polite, they’ll just pull down their pants and take a dump on your dinner plate while you’re eating.
And you know what?
That gets attention. You can condemn the Repubs, you can rail at them, you can despise them…but you can’t ignore ’em. They get in your face and keep doing and saying outrageous things that guarantee they’ll be a problem you have to deal with.
Democrats, they just don’t want to cause problems. Demos wimp out. The Democrats are scared to death of seeming impolite, the Democrats can’t stand the thought of upsetting anyone.
Well, you know…politics isn’t a dainty tea party. Politics is brute force, crushing the opposite, grinding ’em into hamburger with propaganda and mobilized angry voters and a sea of chanting enthusiasts. The Republicans may be evil and stupid and grotesquely ignorant…but the Republicans get it. The Republicans understand what it takes to grind the opposition’s face with a broken bottle until they give in.
I keep asking myself…
…What if every Democrat in congress had shouted “You LIE!” at the top of their lungs during the drunk-driving C student’s state of the Union addresses in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007? What if every Democrat had brought an air horn into congress and blasted them to drown out the President’s words while shouting “Come clean! Stop the lies! Each time he lies, a soldier in Iraq dies!”
The Republicans would’ve gone berserk, they’d have foamed at the mouth and had paroxysms, but one thing the Repubs could _not_ have done was to ignore the Democrats. Sure, they would’ve set the country on fire. So what? It’s already on fire. Sure, the Democrats would’ve brought out armies of crazy right wingers…guess what? The armies of crazy right-wingers are already out in force.
The Democrats should’ve listened to Malone’s speech from “The Untouchables” in 1987: “He brings out a knife, you bring out a gun. He puts one of your boys in the hospital, you put one of his in the morgue. That’s how we do it, that’s the Chicago way.”
The Democrats had better get with the program and start kicking some ass, otherwise (as usual) the press will deplore the outrageous behavior of the Republicans…but the Repubs will crush liberals yet again, they’ll just grind ’em into hamburger and run roughshod over ’em even as a vanishingly small minority party with no credibility and no platform and no rational agenda.
Hate these guys all you want — they’ve got the infighting skills of the Sopranos. The Democrats could really learn a lot from ’em.
Comrade Mary
@donovong: I agree that he wasn’t contrite, and I noted the continuing pattern of lies and spin.
But what was caught on video there was a man dog-paddling for his life in a lake of sewage. And I can see his former friends revving up the cigarette boats that are going to zip around him until the waves slap over his head …
Leelee for Obama
@Trinity: I think that’s just plain rage. Or at least anger. Makes me wish I had few ducats to toss to Miller.
I think letting Wilson hang out there looking like a dipshit is better than bitchin about what he did. He was told to apologize, again. ( see Thurmond stuff up thread) His 15 may be up soon.
Me, I love watching PM question time. Full-9 innings, and almost all of them articulate. Obama could hold his own there.
I resent all the attention that worthless little shitheel diverted from what I thought was a really great speech.
Fuck him. End of story.
The Grand Panjandrum
Whoa. Just saw the Wilson video at TPM. Can you say “deer in the headlights”?
“Better dead than red” is taking on a whole new meaning.
Christ, Wilson looks like he had a gun pointed at his head off camera.
The GOPer leadership must have scared him shitless.
He’s finished because the base will want to lionize while he attempts to step away from the controversy.
Doomed he is.
@Comrade Mary:
I do love that image though.
Wilson learned the lesson that life outside of the GOP media spin bubble is a whole different place.
Bill E Pilgrim
@maye: If we’re going to move to a House of Commons style of decorum, can we also have their healthcare system?
Actually I’d say go for what France has instead of England, but then the heckling would be in a ferrin language. Might be more intelligent though. In fact I’m sure it would be.
Comrade Darkness
@Keith: For all the crap both sides pull in congress they are careful and sensitive to pageantry and tradition. He’s in deep shit just on that point. Their power hinges at least partly on social contract and by behaving badly, Wilson puts that at risk, and the leadership knows that.
But also there is a right wing, older constituency who will go real outrage on people who aren’t polite, whether they agree with them or not. It’s a collapse of civilization thing with them. When I was doing the beat for a challenger to a republican a few years ago, that republican had recently stepped over some decorum line and in just one afternoon I happened upon three older citizens who had tossed their support for him, just on that one thing. After 18 years of service. I thought nothing of what the guy had done even though I couldn’t stand him, so the vehemence was illuminating.
@eemom: This, too. Fuck ‘im. Fuck ’em all.
I like Barney Frank reminding people that the Republicans want to go back and redo the election. He kept pounding home the point that Democrats WON! Time to fucking act like it. Ok, he didn’t say that, but he implied it. Really.
Ooooh, Barney Frank actually said what everyone knows: I think the president underestimated how rightwing the Republicans have been. “Post-partisan depression”. Love it. Love him.
Leelee for Obama
Interesting, Andrea Mitchell has Chuckie and Stretch on, and both of them sound suspiciously like reporters!
Can’t embed-don’t know how, but it’s worth finding!!
“He’s an idiot, but I think the left is coming perilously close to fauxtrage on this one.”
Coming as it did on the backs of town halls and back-to-school madness, I don’t think so. But there is a danger of overplaying our hand. We can’t get sucked into thinking we need to defend the outrage, we win. I’m still amazed that the GOP was able to turn the morality of torture into a question.
@Comrade Mary: “But what was caught on video there was a man dog-paddling for his life in a lake of sewage. And I can see his former friends revving up the cigarette boats that are going to zip around him until the waves slap over his head …”
For the Win!!
I yield to the Zen Master here.
Leelee for Obama
I don’t think Frank had anything against padding Miller’s warchest, in fact he was very clear that ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. The fauxtrage, I suspect, is if the Dems clutch their pearls on their fainting couches weeping about civility and act like this was the worst partisan thing ever done in history.
Resign? Nah. Obama’s mantra must be “don’t interrupt your opponents while they’re making asses of themselves.”
Shawn in ShowMe
In the context of a presidential speech to a joint session of Congress, this is the worst partisan thing ever done in history.
Comrade Mary
@donovong: Not mine, really. It’s the punchline to an ancient joke about hell and demons and stuff. But still one of my faves.
I’m not prone on the fainting couch. I’m making a donation on ActBlue.
Wilson’s free to make an ass out of himself, and I’m free to do everything in my power to make him a private citizen.
God, maybe I just have hit critical mass myself, but when I saw the incident, I just started laughing to myself over how crazy it was. I mean, if you’re going to heckle, at least get your heckling point right! To me, it beautifully crystallized just what the fuck is wrong with the GOP right now. It was almost poetic.
@Leelee for Obama:
Snort. You haz teh funny.
@TR: Yup. I agree with both. I will be giving money to Joe Wilson’s opponent as well. I just have hit outrage fatigue myself because it’s all too fucking stupid. I feel as if I’m in Bizarro world.
Bill E Pilgrim
So this guy started as a page to Strom Thurmond?
I would gently suggest that in the minds of certain people, a black man speaking sternly to a group of white men is an affront to which “heckling” rudely would not only be acceptable but among the lesser responses you might have.
So do I. But judging from the look on Boehner’s face last night, they are really disliking their Shit Taco.
I was amazed to learn that Miller has raised $100K overnight.
Erick Erickson:
… because they’re not giving enough money to Joe Wilson!
Did anyone see that episode of Leverage a week or two ago where they noted that any “Erick” who spells his name with a “k” is evil? I like to think the writers had Mr. Erickson in mind when they wrote that.
@freelancer: That Daily Show link didn’t work.
And Miller is almost up to 300k now. :) http://www.actblue.com/entity/fundraisers/19079
@Shawn in ShowMe: Really? Folks have booed, done the disbelieving murmur, walked out. And that’s just in the last 20 years (cleek had a link to a Media Matters story in the last thread that mentioned all these). This guy just got caught all by himself out there with his stupid comment. Impolite? Sure. But talk of censure or resignation is just silly hyperventilation. The office of the presidency will survive this one, I think.
@JGabriel: Ha! I love Leverage.
@Comrade Darkness: “But also there is a right wing, older constituency who will go real outrage on people who aren’t polite, whether they agree with them or not.”
Presumably, this differs from the right wing, older constituency that rioted at the town hall meetings this summer. So hard to keep the right wing factions straight these days.
I saw that, and Mr. EriK “RedState, run your car in park in your driveway on Earthday” Erickson was the first place my mind went.
update: 300K for Miller.
Shawn in ShowMe
And another 100K this morning. Props to the impromptu organizing efforts spearheaded by DKos. It’s what separates them from the do-nothing hecklers at places like OpenLeft.
Google the phrase “It’s supposed to taste like a shit taco”
@Comrade Mary:
That was painful to watch. But good pain.
The problem is that Wilson’s outburst probably was popular with a majority of the electorate in his district for its sentiments, even while they may disapprove of his lack of decorum and discretion in choosing settings in which expressing it is considered appropriate. Wilson will only get into trouble with his constituents if he shows a continued propensity for his mouth to yap in awkward, inappropriate contexts.
Now! With more Jeri Ryan!
Shawn in ShowMe
Calling the President a liar to his face is kinda taking it to next level.
As proof of this, I just got a blast e-mail from Erick E. Erickson, pride of Redstate, urging me to open my wallet and give to poor Rep. Wilson, saying
Upon reading those last three sentences, irony scribbled a brief note and blew its brains out.
Michael Gass
Miller is now over $300k!!!
Ed Drone
Hence Lidsey Graham’s pearl-clutching vapors about Obama’s calling out the liars and obstructionists in his speech:
Note the ‘reason’ we won’t see any Republican agreement on this subject: “more difficult … to find common ground” my ass. They were never going to find common ground. Common ground? How about battle ground? Burial ground is more like it. But the President’s speech is the reason for it all. Like when Pelosi called those WATBs for what they are, and the whole GOP went all “Harumph! Well, I never! What an insult” back when the Democrats first took the Congress.
I call B.S. on all of it. B.S. is their only stock in trade. And if all they give us is B.S., then by definition, they are Assholes. Van Jones has it right!
Dear Doug, Tim and John,
Would you guys consider setting up a Balloon-Juice Act Blue page for Rob Miller? I’m not a Kossack, but I wanna kick in some money, and I’d rather do it under someone else’s flag. I know you did it for Obama and you might have for other Congress Critters… any chance you’d give it another whirl?
Set up a page, and I’m in. Anyone with me?
Comrade Mary
“He looks and sounds shit-scared. Still spinning, still lying, still digging himself deeper, but shit-scared nonetheless.”
I agree; he looks *very* rattled. Sweeet.
Oh, and also too, the wonderful Anne!
So, Dear Doug, John, Tim and Anne:
JenJen wants an ActBlue Balloon-Juice page. That is all.
Who was it that said the dems are overdoing the outrage?>
h/t Sully, Well the GOP are selling T-shirts:
The GOP’s New Slogan: I’m with Joe Wilson
but’s it’s the dems who are gonna take it too far…right?
Michael Gass
From what I see, there are quite a few already and you don’t have to be a Kossack.
Oh… and Miller is now over $325k
South Carolinians do funny things in politics. This one is a long way from firing on Ft. Sumter.
Johnny Pez
JenJen Johnson is right!
How about an article of Impeachment for the SC scumbag.
Not Sanford, let him rot till the next election, but for Joe Wilson.
General Winfield Stuck
Dispatch from the dog closet in the basement of the Wingnut Alamo/
You have to actually appear when you apologize. Who raises these people? They issue apology statements?
I don’t care if he keep his seat or not, but he’s an absolute coward.
Palin Wilson 2012 !
@General Winfield Stuck:
Then he ran away. “Visibly shaken”. And had staff issue a statement. Oh, and he made a phone call.
That was brave series of apology events. Where’s he hiding today?
Comrade Darkness
@jwb: It would be the opposite ones, in fact. The ones who utilize the phrase: “That’s just not done.” and really mean it. They will give you a righteous earful one on one. All clean language too. I don’t think I could do that.
Comrade Darkness
@kay: He’s a bully. The most pathetic form of coward when called out.
Bruce (formerly Steve S.)
Palin/Wilson in ’12.
I just wanted to get out in front of that one.
General Winfield Stuck
Apparently becoming a reluctant folk hero. At least that’s what John Podhoretz is telling us.
Right up there with Paul Revere, I suppose. “The soshulists are lying, the soshulists are lying”
Or something like that.
I think resigning is harsh.
Instead he should have the option of teabagging Obama in the well of the House with C-SPAN running. If he’s unwilling to do that, then he should be forced to resign.
Seems fair.
Comrade Darkness
@Martin: Don’t you mean “getting teabagged by?”
@Michael Gass: $325!! When I check this morning, it was $90. Gawd this is fun!
I’m going to kick in regardless, but can wait a bit longer to see if maybe, possibly, a Juicer Page happens. But yeah, Rob Miller has my support, and my bucks.
nogo postal
I try to check the “local” flavor whenever stuff like this happens. So I went to The State (The folks that broke the Gov story) I spent a little time wading through the comments. It appears what he did was too crazy even for folks from SC
Michael Gass
Miller just went over $360k.
@Michael Gass: That is awesome! I feel kind of giddy.
Michael Gass
I live in South Carolina. Wilson will have millions backing him, so, any help we can give Miller is most appreciated.
Mike G
I think resigning is harsh.
(Using Repig 2001-1009 ‘logic’)
B-b-b-but…we’re AT WAR! With TERRISTS!! Don’t you dare question the preznit at time of war! Traitor! Saddam-loving fifth-columnist evildoer!
DougJ…..this is all politics.
The reason O is doing healthcare reform first is to get it done well out from 2012…..because he knew the repubs could demagogue HC reform as socialism.
The reason Wilson broke out in calumny last nite is that he knows he won’t be able to do it later.
Healthcare reform will happen this year.
Next is immigration reform.
Imagine a similiar republican outburst during a typical humanitarian O speech on immigration reform.
ssssssssss ……the sound of all the air escaping from the repub trial balloon of courting hispanic voters.
They are furious…..they aren’t so stupid that they don’t see the demographic timer running down on the party of old white guys.
But there is nothin’ they can do.
Their base is going to rage-log on them if they try to do ANYTHING for hispanics.
The only thing they can do is convolve immigration with health care by lying.
Chillax…..our guy is way is uber-l33t.
Simply full of win.
Oh, what did i say now?
moderation hates l33tspk.
licensed to kill time
I don’t think he should resign, but he should be made to wear a big scarlet L around his neck for a while so everyone can point and mock.
Let me get this straight — it’s cool for the President to call Palin a liar behind her back, but reprehensible for a Republican to call Obama a liar to his face?
Of course, by Juicer “logic,” Obama must hate women. And white people.
So Glen Beck was right? President RAAAAAAAAAACIST!
Let me get this straight—
Keep trying, dumbass.
Michael Gass
Your logic might work if the truth didn’t matter. The fact is, Palin and others have lied, repeatedly, about what the health care allows, doesn’t allow, etc. So, calling them liars is merely the truth.
licensed to kill time
Uh-oh, Bender Blight.
@JM: But it’s a better effort as of late.
Encouragement, there.
Joe Wilson is now a serious threat to Barack Obama because he dared point out that the Emperor has no clothes.
Er, rather Wilson proved he can’t read plain English … in a bill … that’s in his own little piece of Congress.
Wilson is what happens when siblings marry. The next stage is the proliferation of fundamentalist churches.
Comrade Mary
Bender, sweetie, I think you should sit down and have a cookie and a glass of milk.
One of the things you need to know about the world is this: some people lie. We know this because of pesky little things called “facts”. And when people lie about the facts, it is perfectly honourable to say, “Hey, lying liar! You are lying about the facts! Cut that out, OK?”
Calling someone a liar when they aren’t lying? Bad.
Calling someone a liar when they are lying? Good.
Now finish your milk, wipe your face and scoot off outside. There’s only a few nice days of summer left.
Palin lied about Death Panels. Obama told the truth about HR 3200.
These two events are not equivalent.
licensed to kill time
“Blight refers to a specific symptom affecting plantsBender in response to infection by a pathogenic organismGlenn Beck”
Well that was certainly fast!
licensed to kill time
ok, just imagine where the strike-throughs go…
How soon before the Repubs start burning the flag?
You don’t get it, DougJ: It DOES NOT MATTER if the offense was resignation-worthy in the real world. To play hardball with the psycho republicans, who do not operate in the real world, you take no prisoners and you scream bloody murder and demand a bloody scalp at each and every slightest opportunity.
You claw for advantage at every opportunity, as do they.
What is with your continued wishy washiness?
Let me get this straight: you were agreeing that Van Jones needed to go, but you’re iffy on a hateful, psycho Republican winger who screamed out at Obama during a speech in the well of the House? WTF?
This post is more evidence for why I say despite your mostly fine writing, when push comes to shove and the subject is ACTION, you are spineless, much as is Digby when the rubber hits the road. She is forever inserting qualifiers, letting the opposition off the hook.
NEVER let the opposition off the hook! If you REALLY want to win and are not a concern blogger, that is.
I’ll settle for Joe Wilson being forced to deliver an apology on the floor of the House chamber. His written apology is bullshit. He needs to publicly apologize in front of all his collegues in the House.
If it was rude then, which it was, then it was rude last night. He has apologized, but I hope in the future we stop seeing this sort of thing. Everyone just needs to understand that the correct place to call Obama a liar is on the internet.
Joe Wilson Talks To Reporters About Outburst
h/t http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/10/joe-wilson-talks-to-repor_n_282212.html
OT: Did you catch Nate’s comment to the judge in last night’s episode? Awesome. If I wasn’t already married, I’d totally want to marry John Rogers.
And Obama hasn’t lied repeatedly? The Kool-Aid is strong here. Taxpayers earning under $250K a year could argue that Obama’s biggest promises are almost always filled with lies.
If Obama would like to show us his imaginary proposal that will exclude illegals from coverage and includes an enforcement provision, please let him show it. Let the Democrats explain why they have voted down amendments to HR3200 with enforcement provisions for illegal aliens. Without enforcement, we have seen what happens — under current law, illegals are not supposed to get medicaid benefits, vote, or get welfare, but without any enforcement, they get all of these things and more.
Also — the dead giveaway — Obama should stop referring to providing health care for “47 million without insurance,” a number which INCLUDES illegals.
Right blogs and radio shows have been calling the White House all day trying to find this Phantom Proposal, and the White House has finally… ummmmm, left the phone off the hook where it goes straight to voice mail. Courage!
Wile E. Quixote
Got any proof for that Bender? And by “proof” I don’t mean some e-mail that you were forwarded by one of your jerk-off Republican friends who in turn received it from another jerk-off Republican. While you’re providing proof of that could you also provide proof that you weren’t one of Glenn Beck’s accomplices when he raped and murdered a young girl in 1990?
@Ash Can
They are unable to pull their heads out of their asses.
Reagan super-glued the whole party’s heads. Once inserted, nothing will get them out.
So they keep on the same tired mantra… Taxes… Liberals… Communists… Taxes… Super Glue! Lower Taxes… There they go again… Liberals oh noes! Must hide head in ass… They’ve been there ever since…
bob smith
Joe Wilson needs to resign asap. I don’t care if he agrees or disagree with the president; his outburst was unprofessional and disrespectful and for these reasons he need to resign. For all I am concern, he is a disgrace to the American people.
louise claussen
How can South Carolina stand itself. What a despicable state. We should let them succeed and be assholes by their lonesome. He can take South Carolina and his teenage republicans and shove it all. What a new low for this country. Resign and be a man. Stay and be a low suckass douche bag.