There have been rumblings about Dubya’s lack of conservative bona fides, but Byron York has made it official:
- Bush doesn’t believe in a “conservative movement”.
- Bush wasn’t fiscally conservative.
How long til they start describing Bush as “liberal”?
Better yet, how long til Fox starts putting a “D” under his name when they show his picture?
sooooo fucking predictable.
Bush also trashes Palin. I wonder how the nutters will react to that. There heads may truly explode. Old “go with your gut” leader attacks new “go with your gut leader.”
Bill E Pilgrim
Damn hippie.
I knew George W. Bush. George W. Bush was a friend of mine.
George W. Bush, you are no George W. Bush.
The Grand Panjandrum
This “truth” started bubbling to the surface shortly after the 2006 elections, but was fairly prominent during that last few months of the 2008 campaign when it started looking like Sarah “Quitta from Wasilla” Palin wasn’t going to save the Former POW from an ass whupping last November.
… can only be failed!
Cat Lady
They’ll always have Ronald Reagan. I guess they’ll always only have Ronald Reagan.
Byorn York is on the road to Malkinville.
steve s
if there were an open thread, i’d post this on it:
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Anything Byron York has ever written is unsuitable to print let alone wipe wipe my ass with. The fuckers OWN Bu$h and Cheney, they fucking own them.
In Wingnut World, they like to think that right is never wrong. They like to think they never make a mistake, never a blunder. Any problems are caused by liebruls because gawd-fearin’ cornservatives nevah make a mistake! The problem is that liebruls make success impossible for the right! Once all liebruls have been killed or deported, the problems are solved and everyone gets tax cuts!
Fuck the revisionists with a rusty chainsaw. Sideways. Also.
Hunter Gathers
I missed you, George. You are always good for a laugh.
Now go back into your hidey hole, George.
A new trend I’ve noticed: when wingnuts deign to respond to the fact that they spent 8 years kissing Bush’s ass and never complaining about anything irresponsible he did, they claim that they were really working for Ron Paul the whole time. I’ve seen this 3 times in the past week or so.
Once Fox puts that D after Bush’s name, the rewriting of history will be complete.
I yearn to see the Republican party break into mutually antagonistic factions, like the Communist Party, or the People’s Front of Judea.
OT – but will make you feel better.
Class photo of the Cabinet. Diversity rocks!
If Republicans meant to elect a conservative and managed to elect (and re-elect) a non-conservative, my advice to them would be: “Don’t vote. You’re too fucking stupid to.”
gocart mozart
Ronald Reagan wasn’t fiscally conservative. Just saying. Dick “deficits don’t matter” Cheney, also.
General Winfield Stuck
Thanky you Presnit Bush, please give us the check/
So if Bush wasn’t really a conservative, does that mean I’m no longer guilty of treason for having opposed him for 8 years?
The Grand Panjandrum
What strikes as odd is York’s inability–or is it wilful avoidance–to come to grips with simple facts. It wasn’t President Bush acting alone. The GOP had control of both chambers of Congress for most of his first six years.York offers a mild acknowledgement to that simple fact:
What he does not do is acknowledge that they passed the largest giveaway of taxpayer money. EVER. Medicare Part D is a looming disaster unless it is reformed. The money was not given away to what Republicans like to call the “undeserving” it was given away to large corporate donors. That is a fact.
gocart mozart
I forgot, government spending used to kill brown people doesn’t count. Nevermind.
Cat Lady
Thanks for that! It looks like George Washington is saying “see, these are my peeps”. That’s the America I see when I leave my house, and there’s no going back.
The Bush is a liberal narrative is already months old.
@gocart mozart: He cut rich people’s taxes and engaged in foreign wars in the Middle East and Central America. And when he left office, a decade of massaging history made him the single driving force behind the end of the Cold War. So people really really liked him because, ZOMG! he won the biggest war ever, single handedly, without firing a shot, just by grabbing his balls and grunting.
That makes him fiscally responsible. Do you have any idea how expensive it would have been to defeat Russia in an actual transcontinental nuclear land war?
This will now become part of the curriculum vitae at Warren G. Harding High Schools all over the land.
The Moar You Know
I’ve been hearing this “Bush was a liberal” horseshit since almost a year before he left office.
So tired of this shit, these people.
Some people say Gleaves Whitney likes to touch farm animals inappropriately.
I’m not saying it, but some people say it.
Obama Death Panel Chairman (formerly glocksman)
Speaking as a reformed Wingnut, the real ‘movement conservative’ disassociation with Bush happened when he and McCain tried to ramrod immigration reform through.
Up until that time his only real misstep that provoked any questioning from the far right was Harriet Miers for SCOTUS.
The conservatives remind me of what Limbaugh accuses liberals of saying; namely that it’s not (insert ideology x here) that’s failed, but that it’s never been tried by *real* true believers in said ideology.
Though the ‘fiscal conservatives’ (definitely a minority among the GOP when they’re in power) might have a legitimate point.
Nor were all the Republicans in Congress who were trying to corner ‘K’ Street.
Obama Death Panel Chairman (formerly glocksman)
I graduated from William Henry Harrison High School.
Think he’s conservative enough for today’s GOP? :)
calling all toasters
The last *real* conservative was John Wilkes Booth.
Drudge is doing his level best to inflame a race war.
He’s got a front pager about a white kid getting beaten up by black kids on a school bus.
The media has been helping to push this narrative along.
It is not good when you have a large number of well armed people thinking that they are a minority under attack from a a ruthless enemy.
It is not good.
Cat Lady
@Obama Death Panel Chairman (formerly glocksman):
I love the words “former wingnut”. What happened to turn you?
@AkaDad: Did Glen Beck rape and murder a young girl in 1990?
El Cid
When George W. Bush Jr’s post 9/11 polls were high and he was taking us to war and cutting taxes on the super-rich and having regulators replaced by industry hacks and letting flood waters clear black people out of New Orleans, the ENTIRE modern conservative movement was worshiping Bush Jr. as Ronald Reagan II incarnate.
But when his ass work started to be hated by the whole country, such that Republicans got their asses whooped by a liberal black guy with a Kenyan father and a Muslim name, suddenly it’s time to declare that, No, Hell no, we’ve NEVER been at war with Oceania, they’ve ALWAYS been our friend, etc.
And lastly from York:
*And of course we were all okay with that, and in fact defined conservatism to be whatever the Bush administration did.
Oh wait, he doesn’t say that?
Bubblegum Tate
Probably about six months, when the 2010 campaign is in full swing.
Pretty soon, they’ll demand to see Bush’s birth certificate.
Corner Stone
Um, a buck O five? I’m pretty sure I’ve been told that freedom costs $1.05. And if you don’t throw in your buck ‘o five who will?
General Winfield Stuck
REAL Conservatives don’t lose elections. That is all you need to know.
David Hunt
Ask a silly question, get a serious answer.
Even though they tried that with Mark Foley, they’d never get away with it and they’d have no plausible deniability either. No one would believe that mistake could get through to the screen. Instead, they’ll do what they did when they were caught changing Foley’s party: They’ll just list him without any party affiliation after his name.
steve s
York has Buyer’s Remorse.
Obama Death Panel Chairman (formerly glocksman)
@Cat Lady:
A combination of disgust with the religious wing and switching from support to opposition to the Iraq war after realizing I’d been lied to.
Mind you, despite my support for some very liberal things like single payer health care and a progressive income tax, I still have conservative* views on a couple of issues like gun control and balanced budgets.
Though I also realize that balancing the budget can wait until the economy has recovered enough to absorb the tax hikes needed to balance it.
*I’ve always been somewhat of a social libertarian, but I’ve aslo always thought Randian economic libertarians are insane.
“Helter Skelter” – by Charles Manson
steve s
If Ronald Reagan’s the only actual conservative elected in 50 years, what’s that tell us about the American public?
@steve s: Nine years too late.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
OT: Apparently Patrick Swayze’s last words were, “Nobody puts Baby in a coffin.”
I for one am delighted that true conservatives recognize how fiscally irresponsible it was for the liberal spendthrift Bush to cut taxes during a time of war, and that the proper and fiscally sound thing to do now is to raise the top marginal tax rate back to the level it was at during the fiscally conservative and impeccably Republican Eisenhower administration, when men were men and the communists trembled at the thought of our mighty economy.
Why is everybody looking at me like that?
Cat Lady
@Obama Death Panel Chairman (formerly glocksman):
I would say that being able to understand you were lied to means that you were never truly a wingnut.
@Obama Death Panel Chairman (formerly glocksman):
That’s pretty impressive having served only 32 days in office. Stand by for a slew of Sarah Palin Preps.
@steve s:
Ohh! Ohh! I know! I know! Pick me! [waves hand in the back of class]
That we are a center-right nation!
Can I pick my prize now? I want the engraved limited edition David Broder fountain pen that has two kinds of ink in it but the only kind that ever comes out is the red kind.
Interesting that neither York nor the former speechwriter concluded the obvious: that Bush is dumb as a pile of rocks.
@David Hunt:
Fox put a (D) next to Foley’s name in their news reports. They also did it with Larry Craig. They’ve done it with numerous other nationally disgraced Republicans. It’s happened so often that there is no other possible explanation than that it is intentional.
So, I figure some time next spring we’ll start hearing Doocy and Hume referring to Bush as “the former Democrat president.” Sadly, the vast majority of committed Fox viewers will actually be unable to remember which party Bush represents.
Leelee for Obama
OT, kinda. Apparently, Mrs. Joe Wilson asked, “Who was that nut?”, when her husband yelled at the President.
Wonder what she thought when she found out it was her Better Half. Oh to be a fly, right?
Teh funny, if only for a few minutes.
I think they’ll just subconsciously notice that it *feels* better to believe that Bush was a member of the ‘Democrat Party’, so they’ll just seamlessly slide over to believing it.
Corner Stone
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: Don’t forget your subscription to Newsweek or whatever concern rag that fucking troll Jon Meacham is peddling these days.
Ash Can
Evidently, intellectual honesty has been hardwired out of the brains of these people.
Reagan’s first major act as president was to expand Social Security. He then went on to sign the Convention Against Torture and the Brady Act. What a pansy-ass liberal.
Cat Lady
The subtext of York’s article dances around the question of what exactly did motivate W? My theory is he set out to loot the treasury while letting the ideologues surrounding him think they were pushing the levers too. The Bush family has a long history of dirty dealings, and Bush was his mother’s creation. The old man provided the genteel face, but from all accounts, Barbara Bush is a grade A hater.
Just Some Fuckhead
Yes, and it’s important to note that at the time Reagan was in his ascendancy, he represented the far right wing of the Republican party.
OT but apparently the President called Kanye West a “jackass” in some off-the-record comment Tweeted by a member of the LIEbrul media. I am prepared for this comment to be the single worst thing ever in American history for the next 36 hours or so. I expect Boner and McConnell to demand the president apologize to Sarah Palin or something.
Surreal American (One time, at FEMA camp)
@calling all toasters:
Close. The last real conservative who held office was Alexander Stephens. Even Jeff Davis wouldn’t pass the neo-Confederate litmus test nowadays:
Surreal American
@Surreal American (One time, at FEMA camp):
Last part of my post was meant to be blockquoted. FUWP!
@steve s:
And nobody is going to buy what he’s selling. Republicans fuckin’ own both the Monkey and his Grinder.
If you need to argue against this revisionism, remember that Bush’s administration was the most ideological in history and ALL policy was run by the political people first.
The Bush Adminstration
pushed John Bolton as UN Ambassador
had the Justice Department run by 30 year ideologues who illegally held political litmus tests for non political posts.
stocked the rebuilding of Iraq with political believers and kicked out those who could speak Arabic. Roe vs Wade was more important than reconstruction advice.
Cut taxes on the rich several times, including after it was clear, the surplus was blown and we would be fighting a war or two.
The Reagan administration was more centrist in comparison.
Comrade Dread
If by “what you heard less often”, you mean “what you never heard because saying anything bad against the President means you were a disgusting terrorist traitor, all hail our Great Leader Bush” then you are correct.
Also Rightwing Nuthouse’s Moran has posted essentially the same thing. And with his usual charm, he concludes:
============start quote==========
Note: Please do not crow in the comments “I told you so.” What – you expect me to listen to partisan lefties at the time? That’s unreasonable and you know it. Your verdict on Bush was reached looking through the prism of partisanship just as mine was. Just because the left was right about some of Bush’s shortcomings does not mean they had – or have today – a corner on truth when it comes to criticizing him. I would also add that their hate of the man – as virulent a hate directed against another politician I had not seen before, even against Clinton – disqualifies most on the left from making any rational judgment on Bush that a reasonable person could agree with.
============end quote==========
Evidently in his universe one cannot reach a conclusion based on a reading of the facts. It’s just partisan hate from either the left of right. Except for him.
Too bad it takes him fucking years to finally arrive at the Truth.
@Legalize: the President called Kanye West a “jackass” in some off-the-record comment Tweeted by a member of the LIEbrul media.
I rather doubt Terry Moran is a lefty, if that’s what you mean.
If you mean the opposite, excuse me for not be able to decode your ambiguous snark. Some days it’s hard to keep up.
@smedley: Bush is dumb as a pile of rocks
Occam’s razor works for me.
I think the ABC reporter is a jackass. She violated the agreement she and Obama had.
I also have to wonder if reporters are going to ask Obama to weigh in on every incident that occurs between a black and white person. Our media embarrass me. I’m ashamed of how stupid and vapid they are.
Paulie Chestnuts
If these numbnuts can’t weed out a ‘true’ conservative in the primaries, then they’re either too stupid or too unprincipled to be given any attention by the serious-minded.
The NR staff is way behind schedule — the glibertarians at REASON already had a “Exit Stage Left” cover last fall with Dubya on the cover.
>How long til they start describing Bush as “liberal”?
#5 & #26 have it right.
I heard as much myself, when the 2006 & 2007 budgets were called “Bush-Pelosi” spending.
None see an (R) behind Bush’s name any more.
Bah. Calling Bush a liberal? Small taters. He was, if you believe Vox Day, pushing a neosocialist agenda.
I meant [R], not registered trademark.
It’s suddenly fashionable to claim that Bush was something very different from a ‘true conservative.’ That requires forgetting what William F. Buckley Jr. said on 3/26/04: that it’s wrong “to denounce Bush and his policies ‘in the name of conservatism,’ ” and that there is nothing (or not much) “about Bush’s policies that makes them unworthy of conservative benediction,” and that it’s wrong to claim that “a true conservatism would take a stand against everything that is identified with George W. Bush’s policies.”
And we heard something very similar from Fred Barnes on 8/18/03: “the case for Bush’s conservatism is strong.”
I meant |r|, not (r).
Pompous vergbiage stripped out, this boils down to “Even tho you were right, you were right for the wrong reasons, therefore I’m still right and you’re wrong. Fuck you.”
Not really. His response is essentially:
“Because shut up! That’s why!”
I would also add that their hate of the man – as virulent a hate directed against another politician I had not seen before, even against Clinton –
Yeah, I remember how we all accused Bush of being a rapist, of running a private drug smuggling operation, and of murdering one of his closest associates, none of which Clinton was ever accused of….
disqualifies most on the left from making any rational judgment on Bush that a reasonable person could agree with.
Similarly, my virulent hatred of the Klan, Pol Pot, Stalin, Kim Jong Il, al Qaeda, Hitler, pedophiles, and people who kick puppies disqualified me from making any rational judgment on them that a reasonable person could agree with. Yes, I think Pol Pot was evil, but the fact that I hate him so much disqualifies my conclusion.
Um, Sparky, where do you think that “hatred” (I’d actually call it contempt rather than hatred, but whatever) came from? Did it spring out in everyone’s mind for no reason, or was it based on a sober assessment of what the man actually did?
Put it this way: relatively few people hated Bush in January 2001. Lots of people hated him in January 2009. Anything happen in that time to change peoples’ minds?
Bush, has never believe in the conservative movement. It has alway been about the complete evisceration of the idea of US sovereignty, replaced by a global fascist corporatocracy run by him and his Yale Skull & Bones cronies.
Bush used the stoelen election of 2000, the fiscal conservatives of the Republican party, the christian right, and the 911 false-flag attacks to gain to spend, loot, deregulated, and tax-cut the United States into insolvency; as part of the creation of a New World Order.
Right Wing Extreme
Well of course Bush wasn’t a conservative. That is why those of use who are true conservatives did not like him, He was a RINO just like McCaine.
A coherent definition of conservatism would be helpful. Right now it seems to be little more than “we hate what you do & love what we do, even if it’s the same thing or we do it worse”.
Comrade Darkness
@Right Wing Extreme: I’ll certainly agree that he wasn’t a conservative in the old meaning of the word. He wasn’t liberal either in either the old or the new meanings of the word. He was just incompetent, he had an insane puppet master, and most of his vaguely coherent policy was in support of kleptocracy. One may argue that Kleptocracy is the new conservative, however, based solely on a survey of the self-described. No one else seems willing to own up but them.
@Right Wing Extreme:
Why can’t conservatives balance a goddamn budget?
I mean, really. Millions of words written on The Movement, and you have yet to balance a budget.
You should have lost cred on fiscal matters two decades ago. I think you keep up this incessant shouting so no one notices.
Comrade Darkness
@b-psycho: I would think it would, as a start, mean truly small government, so for example, one that does not care what you do in your bedroom or with your own body. That tosses 95% of republicans out right there.
Bush republicans loves them some big government. Big military, big staffs listening in on every phone call, tax money for churches, tax money for their company buddies, more gov employees to fight illegals and drugs. Big big big government. They only differ on this metric from the democrats in that they are in denial about it and want to screw over/help a different set of people.
Balance a budget, maintain vital infrastructure including regulation that allows markets to function, provide catastrophic disaster relief, maintain courts and some adherence to the rule of law. Basic governmental functions.
These guys would do well to stop pondering lofty theory and stick to the basics.
I don’t know that they’re ready to go running off to pen some more Reaganesque speeches, although it’s EASIER, I’m sure.
A friend of a friend on a Facebook discussion referred to Bush as a LIBERAL in a comment thread a few days ago.
He is 16.
So now I guess it’s clearer why wingnuts worship Reagan: there has to be at least *one* president that they approve of.
Hey, RWE, yesterday we kept asking you to explain what exactly Obama does that makes him so similar to the Nazis, and you kept evading the question. Got an answer today?
Right Wing Extreme
Comrade Darkness and Kay.
I want and intend to give you a full answer that you honest and earnest questions deserve. I am at work currently, so I ask to differ until later when I will have time to write. Is this OK with you two?
@Right Wing Extreme:
@Right Wing Extreme:I am at work currently, so I ask to differ until later
birfer, differ, defer
so many words, so little time to correct.
and no fucking edit function.
Awww, RWE, does this mean we’re not gonna get to hear about all the parallels between Obama and National Socialism? :-(
@Comrade Darkness:
If that’s political conservatism then there has never been a truly conservative president — nor will there ever be. People that truly don’t care about what other people do don’t seek the power to express otherwise by force.
Right Wing Extreme
Sorry to be so late getting back as promised, another late night in the software mines and the blasted rodeo has every convenient way home closed.
Not today. I don’t like the guy, I think we can agree that statement is true, but my life does not revolve around him.
Spell check is my bestest friend when I have time to use it. I can only spend so much time @ work reading blogs and whatnot. Please pardon my crappy spelling.
@ Kay
“Why can’t conservatives balance a goddamn budget?”
I do not think that an unbalanced budget is honestly a partisan issue. Many congresses and presidents on both sides have run badly unbalanced budgets. I did hear an interesting theory recently about “conservative” deficit spending however. It ran something like this: Conservatives run up the budget deficit in an attempt to help control the spending habits of the liberals when they get there turn in power. I am not an economist, and feel a little unqualified to judge the truth of that theory. I can say this however, if this is true, it is absolutely outrageous. If I ran my household like that, say in an attempt to curb my wife’s addiction (shoes), I would quickly find myself homeless and likely divorced. It would be the craziest way to run any fiscal policy, home or government, I have ever heard. The last time we had a “balanced” budget was during the Clinton administration. Depending on your source, this was due to Clinton’s fiscal acumen, or it was Bush the Elder’s doing, and Clinton was merely in office when it took effect. I have seen evidence to support both sides, but as I said, I am not an economist, and not qualified to decide. I am also not sure any president can take credit for a budget, good or bad, as the way I understand the law and constitution, it is congress that controls the purse-strings. If I am mistaken about this, someone enlighten me, please. The most impartial account I have found said that despite partisan differences, it was a group effort, but I will not argue that Clinton balanced the budget. For whatever reason the budget was balanced during his tenure. I agree that balancing the budget is a great goal that all sides should pursue relentlessly. We should force all of the pols to pass it, but watch out for the bait and switch. It is typical of both sides pols to say they will have to reduce services that are actually essential to raise funds for whatever the people are demanding, a nobody seems to wise up that there a many more non-essential services that could be cut. I think the only debate if we could force this through would be what is defined as “non-essential.”
“I mean, really. Millions of words written on The Movement, and you have yet to balance a budget.” I do not write the budget, but I get you point and actually agree. both sides have given lip service to the idea but neither can seem to get it done.
“You should have lost cred on fiscal matters two decades ago. I think you keep up this incessant shouting so no one notices.”
Three decades actually, but let us not quibble. The left has also lost cred on the issue to be totally fair and honest. But the libs bring it up less often.
“Balance a budget, maintain vital infrastructure including regulation that allows markets to function, provide catastrophic disaster relief, maintain courts and some adherence to the rule of law. Basic governmental functions.”
Amen to that.
“These guys would do well to stop pondering lofty theory and stick to the basics.”
Both sides would no doubt.
“I don’t know that they’re ready to go running off to pen some more Reaganesque speeches, although it’s EASIER, I’m sure.”
At least writing speeches keeps the pols from messing things up worse.
@ Comrade Darkness
“I’ll certainly agree that he wasn’t a conservative in the old meaning of the word. He wasn’t liberal either in either the old or the new meanings of the word.”
He was a weird Frankenstein-esque mishmash of some of the worst from both sides.
“He was just incompetent”
In many ways yes. His one redeeming quality was he at least was plain spoken.
“[H]e had an insane puppet master”
If you mean Cheney, then I would like to see proof he was pulling the strings. Other than that, I didn’t like him either.(see response to kleptocracy below)
“[M]ost of his vaguely coherent policy was in support of kleptocracy. One may argue that Kleptocracy is the new conservative”
You are dead on balls accurate there. It saddens me and many REAL conservatives who mostly want to get on with our lives, and despise being lumped in with thieves.
“[H]however, based solely on a survey of the self-described. No one else seems willing to own up but them.”
That is because most presidents for the last half-century, left and right, govern by committee. A committee is the only known life-form with three or more assholes and no brains. A committee means that all are to blame, and it works out that when all are to blame, none are. Sad fact but seemingly that is how it is.
@ LD50
“Hey, RWE, yesterday we kept asking you to explain what exactly Obama does that makes him so similar to the Nazis, and you kept evading the question. Got an answer today?” I got cut off after my last , now realize, 1/2 post, so I must have missed your requests. If you would really like me to draw the historic parallels, which are pretty eerie, for you, I am more than willing, just let me know, I will check here tomorrow for your reply.
Look, no one person speaks for a group of more than about four with any accuracy.(see committee comment above) There are many who do not like Obama because he is not left enough. All presidents are merely men, so far, and therefore fallible. Blind adherence to any man is the path to intellectual destruction. Blind adherence to one’s emotions is equally destructive. Sane policy should be based on logic, tempered with some feeling. Altruism, which most liberal policy seems to be based on, is the root of all evil. Altruism is strictly for the aggrandizement of the one performing the act. This is no way to run a nation. If one wants to do something nice, all altruism should be removed, and I the participant still wants to perform the act then do so, but do no force me to do something just because it makes you feel good and increases your prestige.
Nancy Irving
‘How long til they start describing Bush as “liberal”?’
Actually they tried that one on a few years ago, when Bush’s approval ratings went into the toilet after Katrina and conservatives, after lionizing him for years, started to feel that he was an embarrassment to their cause.
They basically got laughed off the stage, and the meme went under.
I can’t see it surfacing for real again; but then, the public has a short memory.