I wonder if we will find out what kinds of countertops these kids have.
Honestly, the level of sociopathy among the wingers stuns me. Death threats against children, fantasies about beating up children on the subway….family values, I guess.
by DougJ| 201 Comments
This post is in: Assholes
I wonder if we will find out what kinds of countertops these kids have.
Honestly, the level of sociopathy among the wingers stuns me. Death threats against children, fantasies about beating up children on the subway….family values, I guess.
Comments are closed.
That is all.
And this scumbag has no need to worry about being called out on her viciousness by the big boys.
Kurtz et al will find a way to rationalize her idiocy and ruthlessness.
almost on topic
from crooks
Was she happy in any way during the Bush years when the GOP controlled both houses & the Presidency?
@robertdsc: Malkin is only happy when she can be angry at someone. Fortunately for her, the Bush years featured many people who didn’t agree with her, and hence were targets of her rage. That those people usually didn’t have much if any actual power was irrelevant.
I forget who coined the word ‘Ragegasm’ in reference to Malkin, but it really fits. She certainly seems to love her blinding rages.
DougJ, check this out:
The artist captured the essence of Malkin’s hatefulness.
She’s gotten her loyal followers in big, big trouble. “Safe schools” laws are no joke, and they’re enforced vigorously against students. It’s borderline draconian.
I think the response to death threats by adults is going to be intense. They actually contacted a grammar school principal and made death threats? Lordy. Schools have elaborate safety plans in place, as a response to school shootings.
Regarding the thing at driftglass: I’m scared.
Malkin is truly one of the worst “human beings” to ever walk the face of the Earth. Also, her weird mix of a totally vacuous expression and thousand-yard-stare genuinely makes me worry about what is going on in her mind. She strikes as being not someone who is merely manipulating the rage of others for her own political benefit. I’m convinced she’s genuinely a loon.
Doug, the police and superintendent have debunked the death threats story.
Big surprise. Apparently a local FOX affilliate keeps promoting the falsehood, even while their own affilliate debunks the rumor at the same time:
Tim F.
Thanks, Doug. I almost forgot to add an entry for Toxic Victim Syndrome.
((Flashing Drudge Light Here))
Malkin Confesses to Killing Ky Census Worker In a Ragegasm
So when does her dumb ass get hauled in for questioning?
Mal = bad
Kin = family
Explains everything.
I don’t think you can air video of minors without parental consent, either.
What exactly is wrong with these people?
A school in Arkansas that has the same name got calls. They’re a national brigade of lunatics.
Chad N Freude
@calipygian: Two things about the census worker’s death disturb me: The police are not giving out any real information, so it’s impossible to speculate reasonably about what happened, and Our Side(tm) has been speculating like mad. Not good.
@Chad N Freude: I’m just reporting what has come directly from Malkin’s keyboard.
It is undeniable that the climate is similar (or worse) to the run up to OK City though and to pretend otherwise is dishonest and/or delusional.
gocart moxart
He accidentally hung himself from a tree? Latest news is that his hands, feet and mouth were duck taped. Kind of hard to hang yourself when your hands are bound, but lets keep an open mind.
gocart mozart
Who the hell is gocart moxart?
gocart mozart
Latest news = Anderson Cooper last night.
Chad N Freude
@calipygian: Right. But a quick, admittedly superficial Google search got me nothing but a terse NYTimes item dated yesterday that says the police aren’t releasing any info.
@gocart moxart: I’ve seen the reports. Do we know that they’re accurate? How were they sourced?
@Chad N Freude: If you’re talking about Sparkman, I saw a piece on HuffPo early this morning which quoted the person who found the body as saying the hands and feet were duct-taped together, along with all the other gruesome details.
Didn’t someone here name Malkin as a ‘rageoholic’ and/or ‘Our lady of rage’? Those descriptions seem apt. Further, there is a sympathetic intertoob interview out there (sorry no linkie) in which she discusses how she wishes people would view her as human. I almost felt for her as she discussed being mocked as a kid and now having to hire security due to death threats. We all go through some type of bullying and/or childhood emotional trauma. But then again, I read the stupidness that seems to ooze from her brain onto the keyboard and all of the sympathy I had goes out of the window. If I put on my amateur psychiatrist hat (which is pointy and funny like a wizard’s hat), methinks the rage is a symptom of self-hatred. Seriously. She also seems to have a BIG issue with the Obamas, specifically Michelle. Perhaps she can’t stand the fact that there is another Michelle that is beautiful, bright and…the first lady. If there were a fight between the two Michelles-ALL of my money is on Mrs. Obama. I’m jus’ sayin…
Omnes Omnibus
Anyway, that’s my take.
Brick Oven Bill
1. John Kennedy was shot by a communist.
2. His brother was shot by Sirhan Sirhan, the man to whom Bill Ayres dedicated his book.
3. Harvey Milk was shot by a Democrat-acquaintance who was angry about losing his government patronage job. This is what Nancy was crying about.
4. Jim Jones had an almost identical message to Barack Obama, killed a Congressman, and hundreds of children. Nancy cried about this one too.
5. Ted Kennedy drowned a girl.
6. A black conservative was beaten up in St Louis by Liberals.
7. A Teabagger’s finger was bitten off by Liberals.
I am sure that Michelle Malkin receives regular death threats, but she doesn’t make a point of whining about it. Conservatives seem to be much more grounded than Liberals. I attribute this to more satisfying sex lifes. See the Glenn Beck moms on his show from yesterday. This was a pretty attractive group of ladies who had that look in their eye.
Notice how there was a claim of a death threat, and no evidence of a credible death threat provided in the article. This is typical projection of the Left. There was probably no credible death threat. If there was a credible death threat, evidence would have been provided. See also the Birth Certificate.
This is the tactic: Whine and play the victim.
It’s not even a valid national political issue. It has little or nothing to do with Barack Obama, who didn’t write the song, or urge it be learned, or performed. It’s an intensely local issue that she and FOX News and the RNC decided was politically useful.
They put that school at risk, because they saw a political opening. It’s so crazily irresponsible. I still cannot believe that a major political Party in the US is fanning these flames, and basically making a risk/benefit analysis, and hoping like hell something terrible doesn’t happen, that can be tied to them.
Is there a single grown-up left in the GOP?
indeed, BOB has a point. Look at all the left-wingers who’ve been shooting up churches, killing doctors, and shooting up the Holocaust museum. And that’s just in the last year or so.
Oh wait…
Chad N Freude
@gocart mozart: I couldn’t find anythin about Anderson Cooper last night on the CNN website, but I did find this ( by Aaron Cooper):
Chad N Freude
@Chad N Freude: Foiled again by blockquote paragraphing. The test below the blockquote is the item from the CNN website.
the GOP has been fanning the flames of outrage for decades, especially in the last 15 years. Hatred of gays, of minorities, of The Other.
It gets them votes. As the GOP shrinks and shrinks, it will get worse. All they have left is the qaeda, and the qaeda loves red meat.
Chad N Freude
@Chad N Freude: Text. Damn keyboard!
General Winfield Stuck
When the Queen starts mocking herself, you know the natives are trembling in fear. Whoever did this awful crime, took the time to tape his Census Worker ID to his neck. The big arrow is pointing straight at Beck, Malkontent and the whole coven of shrieking wraiths and they are out of excuses, or running out rapidly. It looks like the authorities are dribbling out information piecemeal in hopes that it will keep the furor down for what is becoming more obvious by the day. That Mr. Sparkman was murdered as a result of right wing hysteria fed by tin pot demagogues they see on their teevee sets.
General Winfield Stuck
And if anyone watched O’donnell filling in for Olberman last night, they saw a man interviewed who lived nearby where Sparkman was found, hearing screams coming from woods, and called state police who apparently didn’t respond.
I believe the neighbor described these screams as going on for quite a long period of time.
gocart mozart
@Chad N Freude:
I believe all the reports at this point are anonymous law enforcement sources.
But see also basic common sense. @gocart moxart:
Question, (I could Google it but I’m lazy so I’ll Golberg it :) Who is investigating this, KY police or the FBI?
General Winfield Stuck
@gocart mozart:
The state police, as I understand it, are still leading the investigation, but the FBI is involved also.
All this hatred and anger, there is only one reasoned response:
That a still more glorious dawn awaits…
Watch and listen and remember the awe of your childhood looking at the night sky…
Chad N Freude
@r€nato: John C recently asked about books on the Spanish Civil War, and I recommended “The Spanish Civil War — A Very Short Introduction”. The first chapter of the book describes the tensions of class, religion, economic disparity, military privilege, and crumbling empire that led to the coup that started it all. If you replace “military” with “military-industrial-political”, the parallels with what’s going on in the US now are striking, and more than a little worrisome.
Chad N Freude
@gocart mozart: Sure. But has the duct tape report been confirmed?
The Grand Panjandrum
I read this AP update on the dead Census worker last night only minutes after it was posted on the NY Times website. The reporter interviewed someone in the group of people who found the victims body. Some of the description is detailed and gruesome. If it was suicide then he had an accomplice.
General Winfield Stuck
@The Grand Panjandrum:
I was just about to post the times article
@General Winfield Stuck:
She’s pretty pathetic:
I guy gets tortured to death and SHE is the victim.
Her commenters are worse:
And maybe the illegal alien drug growers did it. Im sure there are plenty of THOSE in rural KY:
It’s Pelosi’s fault and a frame up:
Is “Moongod Worshiper” code for Muslim?
Blockquote fail.
gocart mozart
@Brick Oven Bill:
1. Assuming this is true, what is the relevance?
2. Cite
3. Fail. The motive was he was an anti-gay Christian.
4. What the hell are you talking about?
5. Laura Bush killed a guy in 1972. whats your point?
6. Epic Fail
7. Epic Fail, also.
Try to get your facts right B.O.B. or least learn to lie better. Show a little respect for your audience. Don’t insult our intelligence. We are not Fox viewers.
Chad N Freude
@The Grand Panjandrum, @gocart mozart: : OK. I guess it’s accurate. Does Malkin know about this, or has it not penetrated her rageosphere?
gocart mozart
Block quote fail.
General Winfield Stuck
Damn Pinky Libtards.
wasabi gasp
An “I Am Killer Wingnut” manifesto doesn’t really seem like a wise move. Stick to the pom poms on this one.
Surreal American
@Brick Oven Bill:
Sex lives such as those of Larry Craig, David Vitter and Mark Sanford.
gocart mozart
I forgot that if the quote is double spaced, you have to make it single spaced or block quote each sentence individually.
Brick Oven Bill
Rudyard Kipling, in his poem, referred to people from the third world as ‘half devil and half child’. This description is becoming increasingly applicable to the modern left. They whine and cry, and then bite off your finger.
I’ll trade you the dead abortion protestor for your dead doctor. And I’ll trade you the single dead black security guard, killed by a white guy for the 12-15 stabbings and shootings sent to one hospital alone every day in the neighborhood that Barack Obama organized. These 12-15 daily shootings and stabbings are performed almost exclusively by Democrats and Democratic party supporters.
There will be more violence, and the census might get ugly. In order to mitigate this potential ugliness, the President should stop playing games, and take the 30 minutes necessary to prove that he is Constitutionally seated. This is important to a large number of Americans.
The Grand Panjandrum
@General Winfield Stuck: We need a Liberal War Trophy Museum to display all off the spoils and counter the effects of the Red State Strike Force. My only concern is that they don’t produce enough Hola Fruta and vegan organic arugula flavored Cheetos to satisfy our cravings. (Not to mention all the Birkenstocks and granola necessary to supply the legions of Obamabots ready to pounce on their keyboards at a moments notice.)
General Winfield Stuck
Dern BoB, if you weren’t already off the deep end, I’d say jump.
There will be more violence, and the census might get ugly. In order to mitigate this potential ugliness, the President should stop playing games, and take the 30 minutes necessary to prove that he is Constitutionally seated. This is important to
a large number of Americans.a batshit crazy fringe who will then find another reason to doubt the legitimacy of a legitimately elected president unlike the last one.Fixed
Laura W
@gocart mozart: Here’s a great workaround Anne Laurie shared in last night’s open thread. I had never seen it before.
Laura W
@Laura W: hahahahha.
I fucked it up.
I’m going back to bed now.
gocart mozart
I’ve read this sentence several times and it makes no sense unless B.O.B. meant “Jim Jones had an almost identical message (as) Barack Obama” which would make B.O.B. a bigger asshole than I thought, which is saying a lot. Care to explain yourself Brick Head Bob?
General Winfield Stuck
@The Grand Panjandrum:
I think a well aimed BOO! would prolly wipe em out.
The Grand Panjandrum
@Chad N Freude: Unknown. The linked post went up yesterday morning and the AP report didn’t post until about 2330 last night.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Conservatives seem to be much more grounded than Liberals. I attribute this to more satisfying sex lifes.
Jesus, this could not be further from the truth. My parents sex lives were so awful and the tension around that unbearable. (When you live in a small cheap house, your kids know everything, btw.) Every time they had sex they a kid, and boy my mom did not want any more and really the long nights of pleading from my dad scarred me forever.
Catholicism is totally fucked.
Warren Terra
DougJ, did you see (WaPo writer) Ezra Klein’s post yesterday ripping apart (WaPo writer) Michael Gerson column? Since you delight in skewering the Kaplan Daily, I thought it’d be just your cup of tea.
@Brick Oven Bill: Dude, I know you’re only here to fuck with people, but still, go die in a fire, okay?
Chad N Freude
@Brick Oven Bill: Yeah, the mass finger-bitings occurring every day are really horrific and prove that liberals, Democrats, or anyone who differs from BOB’s positions are violent and insane.
Ted Kennedy did not actually drown a girl, he abandoned a young woman in an automobile accident who drowned as a result. Not an excuse, but the implication that he held some underage girl’s head under water is somewhat less than accurate.
And you know this because you’ve checked their voter registrations and/or interviewed them about their political views.
Which certainly hasn’t been done by the certification of the State of Hawaii. I think it would be more productive to discuss the Scalia Court’s intervention in the Florida vote count in 2000 as a source of Constitutional illegitimacy.
gocart mozart
In B.O.B.’s “mind” such as it is, gang member = liberal. Go fug yourself with a chainsaw B.O.B. Twice.
Surreal American
@Brick Oven Bill:
If President Obama does this merely to mitigate the impending violence you promise will happen, then the terrorists would win.
B.O.B., what is your FReeper name? If you’re not a member, you should sign up – you would fit in there:
FReepers have been posting about mass executions of Muslims who went to DC this past week and the G20 protestors.
2 posted on Saturday, September 26, 2009 6:50:52 AM by pnh102
16 posted on Saturday, September 26, 2009 6:58:59 AM by wally_bert
Chad N Freude
@Pasquinade: Doesn’t this logic also apply to the protesters who disrupted town hall meetings this summer?
Rush-, Beck- and Fox- inspired populist terrorism has a nice ring to it.
I wonder why the cops dragged out the sonic cannons and tear gas for Pittsburgh but kept them holstered for the Tea Baggers in DC?
El Cruzado
@Brick Oven Bill:
Projection much?
gocart mozart
@Surreal American:
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Want to blockquote and keep the blank spaces between the paragraphs?
Can you remember to add a semicolon to the end of the line below:
and then add it to each blank line in your blockquote? If so, the above will look like this when you blockquote it:
Now watch WP fuck it all up…lol!
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
It worked! Now get me an edit function for SeaMonkey!!
Brick Oven Bill
Jim Jones:
“He preached a ‘social gospel’ of human freedom, equality, and love, which required helping the least and the lowliest of society’s members. Later on, however, this gospel became explicitly socialistic, or communistic in Jones’ own view, and the hypocrisy of white Christianity was ridiculed while ‘apostolic socialism’ was preached.” It was an interracial congregation — almost unheard of in Indiana at the time.
Sound familiar?
Every grown up knows that all people are not identical, and that there is a diversity of characters, and abilities. This is what James Madison spoke of in Federalist 10, when he introduced the concept of ‘Faction’. Ignoring this sometimes uncomfortable Natural Law got 276 children killed in the instance of Jim Jones.
When one deviates from what his senses tell him, he has to rely on Faith. Faith is important, but must be tied to Reason.
wasabi gasp
If you don’t wipe the Cheetos off your fingers, you’re just asking for trouble.
Brick Oven Bill
Oops the ‘S’ word. Jim Jones:
“He preached a ‘social gospel’ of human freedom, equality, and love, which required helping the least and the lowliest of society’s members. Later on, however, this gospel became explicitly soc_iali_stic, or communistic in Jones’ own view, and the hypocrisy of white Christianity was ridiculed while ‘apostolic soc_ial_ism’ was preached.”
It was an interracial congregation — almost unheard of in Indiana at the time.
Sound familiar?
Every grown up knows that all people are not identical, and that there is a diversity of characters, and abilities. This is what James Madison spoke of in Federalist 10, when he introduced the concept of ‘Faction’. Ignoring this sometimes uncomfortable Natural Law got 276 children killed in the instance of Jim Jones.
When one deviates from what his senses tell him, he has to rely on Faith. Faith is important, but must be tied to Reason.
Laura W
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal): I would warmly welcome the return of edit for FF.
WTF? It showed up on day one for about 22 hours and has not been seen again. How hard can it be to restore something that once was?
gocart mozart
@Brick Oven Bill:
General Winfield Stuck
@Brick Oven Bill:
There needs to be a Jonestown Law similar to Godwin’s.
Oh, and you are an insane jackass BoBaloooo!
Surreal American
It’s a leap of faith to assume wingnuts will ever be tethered to reason.
Brick Oven Bill:
BOB, you’re fascination with female Glenn Beck fans has gone from initially creepy to downright fetishistic. Do you always long for women attached or attracted to men you admire? You might want to look into the psychological definition of “sublimation”.
@General Winfield Stuck: My personal experience with the Tea Baggers at the Ball on the 12th is that some of those Beck followers are ready to annoint him the Messiah. They were crazy, spooky in their worshipfulness of Beck and Christ.
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Beck finally gets driven off the air for saying something that even Fox couldn’t continence and he takes the opporitunity to establish a Beck’s Town somewhere in Redneck land. Probably the FL Panhandle.
Surreal American
@gocart mozart:
bob should clarify how he thinks conservatives have more satisfying sex lives. Evangelical southern christians have some of the highest numbers in the nation of p0rn viewers, std’s, divorces, cheating on spouses & then you have Vitter, Sanford, Ensign, Foley, closeted & spectacularly outed gay ministers…the list of conservatives with messed up sex issues is almost endless.
bob has a pretty low bar for “grounded” & “satisfying sex”.
BOB, that message has come from a WIDE variety of sources.
You’re being as idiotic as when you claimed a nuclear reactor worked because of friction.
gocart mozart
I think B.O.B. often fantasizes about a threesome with Glenn Beck. This seems to be the most plausible explanation for his obsessions.
If satisfying sex includes finding partners in airport men’s room bathrooms, diapers and hookers or multiple wetsuits with ballgags, dildos up the ass and autoerotic asphixiation, then the bar is actually pretty complicated and high.
Chad N Freude
Best Freudian slip of the day.
@Brick Oven Bill:
And a conservative blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, a conservative killed people in a Unitarian church in KY, a conservative shot a policeman in PA, and a conservative killed a doctor in KS.
Your point?
Perry Como
Maybe Beck can call up a rival’s wife who recently had a miscarriage and make fun of her. Again.
I’m still wondering why Beck hasn’t addressed the accusation that he raped and murdered a girl in the early 90s. What is he trying to hide?
Brick Oven Bill
Eerie photo.
Come to a Tea Party. Relish in the celebration of Faith and Reason. Check out the women. Question with boldness Faith in the absence of Reason. Blind Faith is not a good thing.
Nuclear power is most definitely generated through friction. This has been proven through Reason at length, and has already gotten me banished from one discussion group. That Phil guy, who also calls himself Monkey Butler, is a twit.
That also, heh.
wasabi gasp:
From “I am John Doe and I hate Muslims” to “I killed the Kentucky Census worker”.
It pretty describes the modern arc of Mainstream Republicanism ™.
wasabi gasp:
From “I am John Doe and I hate Muslims” to “I killed the Kentucky Census worker”.
It pretty much describes the modern arc of Mainstream Republicanism ™.
Whoops, sorry for double post.
Surreal American
Oh c’mon, they only released one album. At least give Steve Winwood a break. He did his best:
Related: This isn’t going away. Not that I expected it to. My guess is that the motivation for playing it where they are is financial as much as anything else. More sympathetic viewers in those places.
Chad N Freude
@Brick Oven Bill:
And from this we conclude that a Democratic politics of equality, helping unprivileged members of society, inter-racialism(!), and disdain for Christian hypocrisy lead to mass poisoning. QED.
And this is what Jesus spoke of when he said “But when you give a banquet invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.”
Brick Oven Bill:
Friction creates heat because molecules become more excited, they move more energetically, when they bang up against one another.
Nuclear power is generated at the sub-molecular level. Not through friction, which, again, only occurs at the molecular level.
Surreal American
Gary Kreep. What an apt name for a birther.
gocart mozart
@Brick Oven Bill:
I think you are thinking of masturbation B.O.B.
Its a common error among wingnuts.
Chad N Freude
@Brick Oven Bill:
Could someone translate this into English? What does checking out women have to do with Faith and Reason. Is BOB referring to his habit of stalking women in supermarkets?
@gocart mozart:
It’s easier, and looks prettier, to separately italicize each paragraph instead.
Chad N Freude
Just like BOB and women.
Surreal American
@Chad N Freude:
Probably. BOB did mention relish in that post.
Point taken.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Surreal American:
No I think BOB means that he likes bondage. Helps him think.
Is relish necessary for a satisfying conservative love life? The supermarket kind, that is?
@gocart mozart:
That sentence only makes sense if you capitalize the “k” in killed, so it becomes an Indian name, like “Dancing with Wolves”.
gocart mozart
It goes well with falafels.
Chad N Freude
I put up a nifty takedown (my opinion, anyway) of BO Bill’s Jim Jones thing, but it’s in moderation and may never be heard from again, snuffed by electronic Kool-Aid.
Surreal American
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Wow, bondage and relish! I guess wingnut sex is not so mundane after all.
Bill E Pilgrim
That must be the reality show version of that movie. With Tom Delay instead of Costner.
Chad N Freude
Free at last! See @Chad N Freude
Chad N Freude
@Bill E Pilgrim: No DeLay is the Wolf.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Surreal American: Well, “must be tied, to reason” seemed pretty revealing!
I think maybe BOB is actually using this as a personals ad site.
M, 40s, into spoof wingnutting and fat cats.
Chad N Freude
@Chad N Freude: Missing punctuation. No *comma* DeLay is the Wolf.
gocart mozart
And that message would be “I am as crazy as B.O.B.”
Also, he killed a Democratic congressman. Funny how B.O.B. neglected to mention that.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Chad N Freude: Ah. Less cryptic that way.
I think the movie was “Dances”, was my point.
Brick Oven Bill
Abigail from Cincinnati.
In the interests of thread discipline, this will be my last response. At the sub-molecular level, it all comes down to binding energy per nucleon per nucleon, a physical condition that is based on the size of the molecule. When all molecules get to a certain weight, somewhere around 100 atomic mass units, the binding energy of the universe is all gone and I used to think that we would all be dead, but I had not considered gravity, which will be around forever as far as I can figure, so things will probably be OK.
But anyway, the goal is to increase the binding energy per nucleon per nucleon, making the molecule tighter. This is done by fission for heavy molecules, or fusion for light molecules, think thermo nuclear bomb, or the ‘super’. This binding energy is released at the sub-atomic level and is converted to kinetic energy in the fission product particles.
This kinetic energy is dissipated when the fission product particles interact with other mass. At this point, be behold friction. Friction is the mechanism by which the binding energy, which has been converted to kinetic energy, is finally converted to heat. This is the heat by which you boil water, and spin turbines, and create electricity.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Brick Oven Bill: I think you’re in with Abigal, BOB.
That was incredibly romantic. You smoothy, you.
Fixed. Hey, Bob. Still got that Kenyan birth certificate written in crayon?
Oy, this whole ‘Obama indoctrinating our youth,” again. Even if it was true what would be the point? Kids can’t vote, don’t have any money. And their parents are gonna be politically swayed by their six year old? And Obama could be a one-termer so where would his under-age Army of the Night go then?
gocart mozart
I hope this info is not over your head B.O.B.
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
Mark Twain
Chad N Freude
@Brick Oven Bill:
@Brick Oven Bill:
Promises, promises.
Chad N Freude
@gocart mozart: That can’t be right. It doesn’t talk about friction.
That’s just the B. Hussein Obama Fascist Department of Energy brainwashing kids into believing that nuclear fission has nothing to do with friction.
Nice Try.
You just can’t argue with Lysenkoism.
Demo Woman
@Bill E Pilgrim: BOB should turn his attention to Rebecca, she does love Beck.
Speaking of Lysenkoism, its amazing how the anti-Communist GOP, which finds Stalinists in every corner of the B. Hussein Obama administration, so enthusiastically embraced Lysenkoism in their science policy.
But what do you expect from a party in which a significant portion (ahem, Bill Kristol, ahem) are unreformed Trotskyites.
@Brick Oven Bill:
so if the right turns to mob violence instead of settling scores at the ballot box… it’s all Obama’s fault.
Also, the Jews provoked Hitler. And the bitch had it coming, if she had just shut her mouth and done as she was told, I wouldn’t of had to of smacked her around a little.
Bond: “Do you expect me to argue, Lysenko?”
Lysenko: “No, Mr. Bond….I expect you to die.”
fisher cat
@Brick Oven Bill:
So that’s Abigail. I wonder if she knows you’ve been cheating on her with those saucy twins Faith and Reason.
gocart mozart
Lysenkoism. Today I learned a new word.
Zennie Abraham has a terrific response to Malkin’s latest witchhunt here.
Of course, that response prompted Malkin to tell her readers to go after Zennie, because she’s certain he was calling her a raaaaaaaacist.*
So Zen wrote this.
*Gotta love Malkin and this raaaaaaacist thing she plays. You can’t criticize her, see? Because she’ll always say you’re calling her a raaaaaaaacist. It’s a pretty neat trick!
@Demo Woman:
Beck choked when Katie Couric asked him to define “white culture”, a phrase he has used again and again. He panicked. His eyes go darting back and forth, he shifts in his seat, defensively, away from Couric, his voice goes UP and his eyes widen….it’s naked fear.
He’s a coward. He’s got a definition of “white culture” in his head, his slavish followers understand the dogwhistle, certainly, but when called on it, he was too frightened to actually espouse his “principles” in plain language.
That is another thing I learned at the Tea Bagger’s Ball on Capitol Hill on 12 Sep.
I chastised some people for displaying an Obama poster with a Hitler moustache by telling them I thought it was disrespectful to the memories of 6 million. I got some learnin’ and some spittle in return – you see, the Jews voted for Hitler, so brought the Holocaust upon themselves. Just like the people that end up in the B Hussein Obama FEMA detention camps will deserve it because they voted for Obama or didn’t do enough to oppose him.
I swear, that is argument almost verbatim.
Wile E. Quixote
When is the Obama administration going to make it legal to hunt and kill conservatives? Really, when is it going to happen? I keep hearing about all of these horrible things that the Obama administration is going to do to God-feerin, white, Murkins and I’m wondering when this proposal is going to come down the pike, because I’m ready for it. I’ve got excellent firearms training courtesy of the US Army, two gun safes several thousand rounds of ammunition and a couple of bear traps. I figure that I’ll bait the traps with a copy of Atlas Shrugged or maybe a Bible and some flag pins, and then, to use Tom Lehrer’s advice “I’ll stand there looking cute, and when something moves, I’ll shoot”. I’m just waiting for someone to tell me when the season starts and where to get my tags.
Demo Woman
@kay: Just amazing that Beck’s followers think that he would make a good President.
It boggles my mind.
Beck choked when Katie Couric asked him to define “white culture”, a phrase he has used again and again. He panicked. His eyes go darting back and forth, he shifts in his seat, defensively, away from Couric, his voice goes UP and his eyes widen….it’s naked fear.
He’s a coward. He’s got a definition of “white culture” in his head, his slavish followers understand the dogwhistle, certainly, but when called on it, he was too frightened to actually espouse his “principles” in plain language.
I got the distinct impression that he got an inkling that he might just be in over his head. Need to press him on this and see how he handles it. I think it may be the thing he flames out over.
Bubblegum Tate
Yeah, I saw that, too. It was pretty pathetic–basically her whining about how terribly unfair it is that she can dish it but can’t take it. It was actually a great look at the wingnut psyche in that regard: They pride themselves on “hitting the competition hard” and all that, but even the slightest of love taps makes them burst into tears and wail about how it’s so unfair that they’re victims of “nasty liberals.”
Wile E. Quixote:
Now that’s just unsportsmanlike. At least give them a fighting chance.
I’m all for this sentiment. Let the official census data reflect that there are no people in Eastern Kentucky. It will no longer be necessary for them to have a representative or an electoral vote then.
Dr. Squid
Wonder how Malkin would like it if someone called DCFS on her. How she treats other people’s kids is an indication of her own fitness as a parent, i.e. she’s not.
@Wile E. Quixote:
Photoshopped Sarah Palin pr0n is the bait the pros use.
And I’m sorry to break the bad news but I heard that the initial version of the program will be strictly catch-and-release, until US Fish and Wildlife can get a handle on how large the population is. So be nice to BOB when you take the irons off of him and let him go.
Dr. Squid
If he’s in over his head with Katie Couric, he’s almost too stupid to breathe.
Polish the Guillotines
@SiubhanDuinne: FTW.
Gee, where have we seen THAT before?
wasabi gasp
Everybody is busy stuffing their pieholes with meatball sandwiches in preparation for Yom Beckkur.
Wile E. Quixote
You know, whenever I read anything that BoB writes I’m reminded of that scene in Animal House where the guys take their dates to the roadhouse where Otis Day and The Knights are playing. The roadhouse that happens to be solidly black. The boys flee the roadhouse in terror, leaving their dates behind. As the scene ends Flounder, a fat, lazy, cowardly drunken fuckup of a white guy, who looks like every Glenn Beck follower in America, whines “The negroes stole our dates”.
Yeah BoB, the negroes stole your presidency, now shut the fuck up about it or the ACORN death panel is going to come over in their hoopty wagons, drink some 40 ouncers, play rap music and pop a cap in your pasty white ass.
Fascinating to watch. I watched once without sound. She’s fascinating to watch. She recognizes he’s on the ropes, and is (I think) surprised at how easy it was. She narrows her eyes and sort of hones in, all the while looking a little bemused by his flailing.
I thought he was going to put his arms up, at one point, to fend her off. He was really scared. She responds to that by moving back. She knows she’s scaring him, so she backs off a little.
He’s a weenie. He choked.
wasabi gasp
@wasabi gasp: Wrong thread. I hate when that happens.
She recognizes he’s on the ropes, and is (I think) surprised at how easy it was. She narrows her eyes and sort of hones in, all the while looking a little bemused by his flailing.
If only this were the “Sir, have you no decency?” moment.
But it wont be, because we all know the answer to THAT question already.
@Dr. Squid:
He says, at the end of the clip, that he thinks people should ask hard questions, realizes how ludicrous that is considering what has just happened, and sort of trails off…
He got slaughtered by a Twitter question. It wasn’t even Couric’s question.
Of course that was after he stuck his hand in said liberal’s mouth while punching said liberal in the face.
Said teabagger then went on to have his finger reattached at the hospital.
Medicare paid for it.
Damn those socialists….
Chad N Freude
@Wile E. Quixote: The preferred method is shooting them from helicopters. And skinning them. Also.
gocart mozart
Yes. Everyone would be better off if KY had fewer representation in congress. Especially the people of KY who often vote against their own interests.
It’s his last interview, I’m sure. He’s a product. The handlers are not rolling that mess out again, without prior clearance on questions.
It is fascinating to me that the crazier Malkin and the rest of the base get, the saner Charles Johnson gets.
He loathes Beck and Malkin supports Beck….how is supporting even possible after that Couric clip?
The lgf commentariat has begun to attack Malkin’s proxies at Hot Air.
I think they are on a collision course….the intersection will rip apart the very fabric of Wingnut Reality.
my gawd…look at Protein Wisdom….Goldstein is wholly colonized by the conspiracy theory that Ayers ghostwrote Dreams of My Father.
It is like Obama’s election caused a near-universal rightosphere psychotic break.
Jesus. Victor David Handjob wrote a defense of Little Green Footballs that I have trouble disagreeing with (except for the Dan Rather thing).
I’m on the verge of uncontrollable weeping.
Chad N Freude
@calipygian: Link?
@Chad N Freude: Link to Victor Davis Handjob’s defense of LGF.
“take the 30 minutes necessary to prove that he is Constitutionally seated.”
You mean that there is something out there that could actually convince you he isn’t the secret communist gay socialist muslim terrorist?
BTW… Lee Harvey Oswald shot kennedy because of his (lukewarm) support of civil rights, and Sirhan shot Bobby because he and his brother both espoused pro-Israeli views.
@kay: Ugh. No way am I going to watch 44:07 of that.
Chad N Freude
@calipygian: Thanks.
I didn’t watch the whole thing. I watched about 5 minutes. Beck has the same problem Sarah Palin has. They can dish it out, as long as they’re never, ever challenged. They fold when questioned.
Why not define “white culture”? Because he’s scared to. Because if he goes as far out as the loonies who follow him, he’ll no longer be a marketable cable tv product. He’ll be Lyndon LaRouche.
Ed Marshall
I’d missed Pam Geller trashing Chasmo. She said he “cut his teeth trashing the counter-jihad movement”. Chasmo predates her muslim-baiting, pants-wetting, masturbation by six years or so. Pammy got her teeth cut more or less by Sadly, No! giving her traffic making fun of her.
He didn’t follow her off a cliff chasing neo-nazis into Europe last year, that’s his version of not being a complete moron.
Mike in NC
Since Glenn Beck is (1) totally batshit insane, and (2) a Mormon, it’s entirely possible that he’ll eventually establish one of those so-called “LDS Fundamentalist” sects in the desert someplace. You know, the ones where TV ownership is banned and the clown in charge gets to spend quality time with the wives of all his neighbors. A good book on the subject is Under the Banner of Heaven by John Krakauer. In the meantime, BOB has a winner on his hands with the Obama/Jim Jones comparison. It might well land him a guest appearance on Beck’s program.
I wonder though, has anyone pointed out the obvious when it comes to taking advantage of impressionable youth? Texas wants them to learn about Newt Gingrich?
Now that’s scary.
So I’m wondering. Is Malkin in some kind of competition with Ann Coulter for the crown of “Most Reprehensible Conservative Commentator, Crazed Female Division?”
smiley — Ugh. No way am I going to watch 44:07 of that.
Shorter version of the clip at Andrew Sullivan
@Wile E. Quixote (#148):
And see, this is why I’m tryin’ to hang out on this site, all afternoon long…
Since no one seems to have answered:
Yes it is- the idea being that Allah is really just a repackaged version of a savage, barbaric, pagan fakey moon god which is totally unlike any real religion which would never, ever appropriate the trappings of previous religions because their gods are all totally totally real for always and for ever and so Muslims are all just idiotic, bumbling, satan worshipers and idolaters and ridiculous cult members who always murder everyone for no reason with a made up religion and totally stupid and CHRISTAINTY FTW!!!!! BOO-YAH!!!!!!! USA USA!!!!!
Or some such.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Nice cherry picking. Know what else has cherries? Pie. I should petition cleek to pre-configure the script with your name.
It’s really pretty surprising. There was a time when LGF was even crazier and w(h)ingier and more Islamophobic than the Freepers.
I’m not really sure what to make of it. It’s almost as perplexing as if Stormfront came out in favor of civil rights, or if the Freepers suddenly started praising Bill Clinton.
Amazing how much it looks like dementia brought on from being wholly colonized by syphillitic spirochetes.
Ed Marshall
Honestly, some of you folks will swallow anything as long it makes Muslims look like subhumans. You should be ashamed.
Charles Johnson
Wow, I don’t know what happened to Chasmo’s memory but I guess I’ll take it.
Oops- I guess I should have put one of these:
guys on that post.
Also, I forgot to add that, in addition to serving the important aforementioned function of emphasizing western exceptionalism and the purity of red state religion, “Moongod Worshipers” also serves the important rhetorical function of possibly pissing off some liberals, somewhere.
But, of course, I repeat myself.
Davis X. Machina
The whole VSI series is a treasure, and very portable. I’ve got a couple in each of our family cars, for when Dad’s Taxi Service is early, or the customer is late.
Puts me in mind of Homer’s ‘Could God nuke a burrito so hot that even He couldn’t eat it?’.
The Muslim community in the USA used to be reliably republican. Family values and all that.
Nice job, Malkin. I hope you never shut up.
Pray to Darwin for Mutual Annihilation.
Chad N Freude
@Davis X. Machina: What you said. If anyone here is interested in a very ambitious effort to publish short, comprehensible treatments of every knowledge subject ever (well, actually about 200), see this.
Chad N Freude
@Chad N Freude: Bad link. Go to http://www.oup.co.uk/vsi/ .
@Laura W: That was pretty awesome. ;-)
Heh-heh, bOb said, “thread discipline.”
Speaking of Stalkin Malkin’ (we were, right?) did y’all see this tongue bath she’s given on Daily Beast? She’s got feeeeeeeelings (whoa-oh-oh-oh) feeelings.
It’s really pretty surprising. There was a time when LGF was even crazier and w(h)ingier and more Islamophobic than the Freepers.
I’m not really sure what to make of it. It’s almost as perplexing as if Stormfront came out in favor of civil rights, or if the Freepers suddenly started praising Bill Clinton.
LGF is still anti Islamist. I have absolutely no problem with that. Charles Johnson seems to have found out that some of his fellow travellers are also white supremacists, which he is not at all happy about. Johnson is also anti Creationism (and a few other things that don’t fit well in the wingnut lifeboat), so the divorce has been spectacularly messy.
Good for Charles.
More on the Census worker murder…
A family’s visit to a rural Kentucky cemetery led to the shocking discovery of a part-time census worker’s naked body hanging from a tree with the word “fed” written on his chest.
Jerry Weaver of Fairfield, Ohio, told The Associated Press the man had been gagged and his hands and feet were bound with duct tape.
Weaver said Friday he was certain from the gruesome scene that 51-year-old Bill Sparkman was killed deliberately.
“He was murdered,” Weaver said. “There’s no doubt.”
Weaver said he was in rural Clay County, Ky., for a family reunion and was visiting some family graves at the cemetery on Sept. 12 along with his wife and daughter when they saw the body.
“The only thing he had on was a pair of socks,” Weaver said. “And they had duct-taped his hands, his wrists. He had duct tape over his eyes, and they gagged him with a red rag or something.”
Two people briefed on the investigation said various details of Weaver’s account matched the details of the crime scene, though both people said they were not informed who found the body. The two spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case.
Authorities have said a preliminary cause of death was asphyxiation, pending a full medical examination. According to a Kentucky State Police statement, the body was hanging from a tree with a rope around the neck, yet it was in contact with the ground.
“And they even had duct tape around his neck,” Weaver said. “And they had like his identification tag on his neck. They had it duct-taped to the side of his neck, on the right side, almost on his right shoulder.”…..
….Weaver, who works for a family topsoil business in Fairfield, said the body was about 50 yards from a 2003 Chevrolet S-10 pickup truck. He said Sparkman’s clothes were in the bed of the truck.
“His tailgate was down,” Weaver said. “I thought he could have been killed somewhere else and brought there and hanged up for display, or they actually could have killed him right there. It was a bad, bad scene.
“It took me three or four good nights to sleep. My 20-year-old daughter ended up sleeping in the floor in our bedroom,” he said.
Suicide my ass.
The detail that his Census ID was deliberately duct taped to the body is an interesting bit.
Laura W
@JenJen: It’s hard to be humble when you’re as special as I am, JenJen.
@Laura W: I know, doll, I know!
Wile E. Quixote
Build a strong wall around them, send in guns and ammo and then firebomb any survivors.
Could it be that we may have hit…
PEAK WINGNUT????!?!?!?!?!?!?111//11/1/1//1/1!??!?
Anne Laurie
Yeah, a friend on a non-political list said a tragically right-wing relative forwarded one of those spam-mails complaining that North Korea and Iran were totally intransigent about the purity of their borders so why couldn’t us Americans get serious, huh ! ? ! ! ! Because nothing says “We love freedom, and democracy” like imitating the tactics of Cold-War Commies and the remaining Axis of Evil…
Chad N Freude
@calipygian: I’m not hopeful about this. Think fragmentation bombs. A wingnut explosion might end up with dozens of differing wingnut groups, and the single beast becomes a cloud of Flying Monkeys of Oz.
Actually Charles isn’t anti-Islam ….he is and has always been anti-fascist.
He said Geert Wilders is a fascist for wanting to ban the Qur’an.
And also anti-stupid….that is what is really driving him away from the wingnuts…teh Stupid.
He refused to participate in either abortion idiocy or schiavo idiocy.
People were banned for persisting in talking about either, and banned for spouting creationist idiocy.
He is still a Zionist though…until he realizes that Zionism and the settlements are really hurting Israel, he will stay that way.
Since Malkin is at it again and unleashed her horde of idiot minions, does this mean you’ll put my Flying Monkeys entry in the BJ lexicon? ;)
Ed Marshall
I remember 2001-2007 and Chasmo said all sorts of things that weren’t “anti-fascist” but plainly crazed, Islamophobic, bullshit. I welcome the new incarnation that awoke once he realized he started attracting the attention of serious, self-identified, fascists in Europe but I’m not stupid and I have a memory.
Ed, dude, I was there.
I started blog-life as a lizardette.
Charles banned me for attacking Roobart Sbunsar at least twice.
Then, like Cole, I got the luck.
Seeing Bush lie about hESCR (something I know a little about) on national television did me in.
My excuse was that I was raised republican, guns, dogs and ponies….my parents belong to 3 country clubs and one hunt club.
Charles was refusing the pro-life lunatics a platform before I got there.
I think it is a gradual process.
I am moritfied when I think about how I freely associated with retards and baddies.
i think…..when Malkin and Charles finally rumble….it will be…. WINGNUT APOCALYPSE!!!
…if these two monsters should ever meet and fight…..it will destroy the world!
@Wile E. Quixote:
I figure that I’ll bait the traps with a copy of Atlas Shrugged or maybe a Bible and some flag pins [. . .]
I have a duck call that when you blow it makes a sound like a wounded Patrick Swayze yelling, “Wolverines!” Works like a charm.
Man, I hate that so much of my top-shelf material gets deployed long after a thread has died.
Wile E. Quixote
Fuckin’ A. Let’s get together and go hunting. I’ll bring beer if you bring munchies. What do you like to drink?
@Wile E. Quixote:
I’m in! For hunting wingnuts, I think some cheap bourbon (does Scoresby make one?) and some commie Tsingtao beer for chasers would be good.
What do you like to eat? I make some killer atomic buffalo (left) wings.
General Winfield Stuck
This rumor is rampant. Buffalo’s don’t have no wings.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Damn! And I used to trust my butcher like a brother.
Okay, what about salted
Beckbeef jerky and chocolateMalkinmalted balls?Sorry, seem to be having trouble concentrating.
And is it true what ThatLeftTurnInABQ said about catch and release? ‘Cause I’m not down with that. I want a 12-point trophy for the wall in the den.