Republicans don’t like their black committee chair.
“He’s on a short leash here,” said one top House GOP leadership aide.
The National Republican Congressional Committee has a problem Nancy Pelosi.
[T]axpayers can only hope McChrystal is able to put her in her place.
WorldNetDaily wants to torpedo Chai Feldblum, a Jewish nominee for the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission.
I’m telling you, the entire federal government is going to have to be fumigated some day when these deviants and degenerates are finally sent packing.
Peak Wingnut should arrive any day now. Ayup.
History repeats itself:
Except, of course, for the ‘resign in disgrace’ part. That requires a sense of shame, notably missing in today’s GOP.
This. see Ensign, John for the most recent example.
Shorter right wing:
Black men: Uppity
Women: Hysterical
Jews: Covetous
Trifecta, bitches!
David Hunt
I assume that you meant that ironically. Someone with a science background, which I believe you do, should realize that, like the speed of light, Peak Wingnut, can be approached but never truly reached.
You’ve got to check out this bit of right-wing kitsch, courtesy of PZ Myers. Then make sure to check out this version. Run your mouse over the pictures to see the captions.
Did I miss some major GOPer going off on the “illegalz” today or is that on the schedule for tomorrow? At this rate, we may have to come up with new groups for them to get their hate on.
Ash Can
Are there any non-white-male groups the GOP hasn’t alienated at this point?
Oh, and BTW, I understand Michael Steele had some good words — I’ll repeat that, good words — to say about the head of ACORN today. I guess he figures if the party’s going rogue on him, he’s going rogue on the party.
Stay classy, GOP!
HA! What’s really hilarious is the Shortpacked version actually gets the zoom feature right while the original zooms with the cursor as the corner, thus not zooming in on what I’m looking at.
They did not seriously say that they would fumigate the Jewish degenerates. No! They did not!
Holy fuck. And we’re the Nazis?
WingNutDaily wants to “fumigate” Jews now, like that other guy they compare Obama to?
This can’t be peak wingnut, though. They have somehow forgotten to perform their obligatory Latino bashing. The day is still not over; I have faith that they won’t disappoint.
I am a student at Georgetown Law and had professor Feldblum last year for a course on statutory interpretation. She is a brilliant, kind-hearted woman. Seeing these scumbags try to destroy her character is so infuriating. Feldblum wrote the Americans with Disabilities Act, she will be perfect for the position at the EEOC.
Also, nice little language at the end there, WND. Fumigation, eh? Comparing political rivals (including a Jewish woman) to insects, where have I seen that before…
General Winfield Stuck
Peak Wingnut is not an it. But rather a state of mind when Glenn Beck makes sense. You can’t feel it, touch it, or see it. But it sure do stank.
Well, obviously nobody sent him the memo that ‘ACORN’ is the new ‘nigger’. Boy, won’t he be embarrassed when someone tells him.
New Yorker
Please, please, please, wingnuts don’t hate all Jews. They just hate Upper West Side Cocktail Party Jews, Hollywood Jews, Academia Jews, and Media Jews.
But messianic fanatic settlers in the West Bank are just fine. After all, we can’t have Jesus coming back without them (after which they can be cast into hell).
Jonah Goldberg
yes u are cause nazis’s like helth food and librul’s like helth food also nazis’s beat up yoonyuns cause they din’t want compah-tish-un wich meen’s they were librul’s
Artist’s depiction of Sarahgeddon.
Ash Can
@Martin: “Well, obviously nobody sent him the memo that ‘ACORN’ is the new ‘nigger’.”
Then again, maybe he did get that memo. It’d explain a lot, that’s for sure.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Fumigate. Jewish person. I GET IT.
I give up. Uncle. White flag. Brett Favre is the best quarterback ever. I’ll say whatever you want–just make it stop already.
Just Some Fuckhead
I think this means the antichrist is a black female jewish person, Whoopi Goldberg. I’m gonna stop watching The View.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, there is no such thing as Peak Wingnut.
That implies a degree that these assholes will not stoop to. And that’s just not going to happen.
These dipshits would lock their own mother up if she ordered dijon mustard on her freedom fries.
There is no such thing as peak wingnut.
It’s just as bad, but the objection to Feldblum is because she is an “outspoken gay rights advocate,” not because she is Jewish.
I don’t understand this objection to “practicing lesbians.” Do they really think she is just practicing, and hasn’t got it right yet?
I normally agree with just about everything said here, and I am also a white boy, so maybe I am just not sensitive enough to this stuff, but I dunno … do you really think the guy was referring to the person’s jewishness when he said “fumigated”?
Can you never ever refer to an African American as being on a “short leash”? I can understand why it is shameful to call them a monkey, but is a short leash really racially tinged?
The “put her in her place” comment did seem pretty bad, as it immediately recalls the phrase “a woman’s place is in the kitchen”.
Again, I mostly agree with you guys here, and I have solid liberal bona fides, but the “fumigated” and “short leash” outrage seems a little overblown. Where am I wrong?
Ash Can
@Origuy: Wow. I haven’t seen that much crap in one place since I drove past the biggest dairy farm in Door County a couple of months ago.
Jesus is King of Gondor?
JMC in the ATL
I’d refer to myself as a perfected homosexual, but there’s always room for improvement.
Notorious P.A.T.
I swear, I didn’t figure out that was a parody until I’d read a few of the captions.
@Origuy: Wow. That was uhm, interesting.
I wonder why it’s the American soldier who has his face covered in shame and not a soldier committing treason in defense of slavery.
Ash Can
OT, but it looks like the Twinkies are going to pull it off.
@Ash Can: Hush, you.
Intent doesn’t really matter, unless you’re trying to decide if a person was being insensitive or full-on racist or homophobic. Personally, I think anyone so out of touch to use that metaphor is pretty far along the road to the latter, so the minor distinctions don’t matter–you’re calling the people who inhabit the office filthy, the kind of people who cause vermin infestations and who won’t clean up after themselves. The association with the gas chambers might not have been intentional, but does anyone who’s already gone that far really deserve the benefit of the doubt on such a statement? Not from me.
Same thing about the short leash–even if there’s no intent there, it’s still too loaded of an image to use in reference to a black person. Best way to tell how the person meant it would be to see how he or she responds when called out on it.
I like Julian Sanchez’ additional evidence for Peak Wingnut:
James K Polk, Esq.
We are beginning to see the event horizon of the wingularity. It will get more impressive the closer you get.
Also, holy awesome playoff baseball game!
Mark S.
@Ash Can:
Spoke too fast!
Ash Can
@Morbo: LOL! Any other teams you want me to jinx?
@BombIranForChrist: In isolation, I would agree with you. With all of them together, though, it does start to look suspicious. If I push you once, it might be an accident; if I push you, trip the woman nearby, and slam the door in another guy’s face, then you have to start wondering.
Corner Stone
@New Yorker:
I don’t know any of these Jews. Should I, in fact, hate them as well?
Hee hee, and a lecture on the ideology of hats — OMG he’s seen one of my all-time favorite movies, Fear of a Black Hat!
Demo Woman
@Ash Can: The Yankees. Thank you for asking.
Corner Stone
@Incertus: Now tell me I’m pretty!!
And this dress doesn’t make me look fat! And you’ll take me to meet your parents!
Say it! Sssaayy itttttt!!
@Demo Woman: Seconded. Drop them like rocks.
Mark S.
How long until Insty just starts linking Stormfront.
Roger Moore
Only to people who think that the ADA is a good idea. Wingnuts who hate the ADA want the EEOC filled with “pro business” types who will reject any employee complaints out of hand. Anyone who actually wants to implement and enforce government regulations is an evil Commie/Nazi/Homo/Traitor.
@Demo Woman:
Fuck the Yankees.
gocart mozart
Awesome movie. The rap version of “Spinal Tap.” Funnier than Spinal Tap also.
I agree with you for the most part about the references to Feldblum and to Michael Steele.
The writer clearly intended to insult Feldblum because she was gay and may even believe that most Jews are also homophobes.
But I think that Tim has a point when he suggests that many conservatives don’t care who they might offend. I think they believe they can assemble another “silent majority” to defeat the Democrats.
Comrade Darkness
@Notorious P.A.T.: Oh, in a sane and just world, your comment would not generate spontaneous laughter followed by a sob.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Origuy: Holy Mother of Howdy Doody. Hover over the black soldier in the original.
My new theory about fReichtards: Tired of waiting for the Rapture they’re trying to piss off everyone so much we band together and kick their asses to the Pearly Gates.
Bloody hell they are all unwell.
Andrew J. Lazarus
Chai is such an incompetent lesbian that she’s even been known to date a man…
King Henry the Right
When the wingularity arrives, how will I know? Will the zombie of Gerald Ford arise and pardon Libby? Will Wonder bread become healthy again? Should I smear my door lentel with mayonaise to ward off the Spririt of Death as it kills the first born of every card carrying ACLU member?
I’m a Jew and I don’t think this guy was referring to fumigating Jews per se. We are just a bit more sensitive to this type of rhetorical dehumanization, natch. I think this guy just wants to cleanse society of all us liberal vermin, no matter what our religious preference is…
Blue Raven
I’m not bisexual; I’m monosexually incompetent.
And I agree it’s not a huge distance between “short leash” and “uppity,” though it’s longer than the one between “fumigate” and “gas chamber,” IMO.
Comrade Darkness
@mistersnrub: I think this guy just wants to cleanse society of all us liberal vermin
Because Jesus said to?
Crap. I meant to write,
I think they believe they can easily assemble another “silent majority” consisting solely of “real” white straight Americans to defeat the Democrats.
mistersnrub — I think this guy just wants to cleanse society of all us liberal vermin, no matter what our religious preference is…
Yep. A lot of the stuff you see about Feldblum paint her as a radical leftist. For example,
What makes her such a fiery radical?
And so it goes.
Notorious P.A.T.
Motherf**king goddam **********ing Tigers
Tim F.
It does not help the WND writer much to point out that he meant to “fumigate” gays rather than the Jews. Nazis also tried to exterminate gay people.
General Winfield Stuck
Deep down. Aren’t we all?
The reason that the Nazis had so much Zyklon B at hand to kill Jews with was that it was a commercial…. fumigant.
Not just in Germany, either. Given the preoccupations of wingnuttery, this little nugget of history included in Wikipedia makes interesting reading:
Peak wingnut seems to be like happiness. Always just one more thrust away, but never here.
I was also going to go with female orgasms and be self depricating….
What Tim F. said. Wanting to “fumigate” gays from the government, instead of “fumigating” Jews, does not earn one a passing grade.
Corner Stone
@General Winfield Stuck: Speak for yourself.
General Winfield Stuck
@Corner Stone:
so your a competent lesbian. I stand corrected.
Corner Stone
@General Winfield Stuck: Thank you.
@Tim F.:
The writer clearly talks about fumigating federal government buildings, not gay people or Jews. Presumably to get rid of the cooties left behind, after “these deviants and degenerates are finally sent packing.”
The sentiment is still reprehensible, but it has nothing to do with fumigating people.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@sunsin: Please. You’ll give those sick bastards ideas.
@Martin: We’re bringing that World Series trophy back to the Bronx, whether you like it or not.
Yes my apartment has pinstriped wallpaper, why do you ask?
@Andrew J. Lazarus:
That’s why the Catholic Online writer referred to her as a “practicing lesbian”. She clearly needs to practice more to master that whole lesbian thing.
Tim F.
@Calouste: He probably meant that as a compliment. He could have called her a ‘cafeteria lesbian’.
bob h
I worry that Peak Wingnut will coincide with some act of violence, after which Republicans will be about as popular as Tim McVeigh.
Hunter Gathers
Peak Wignut will occur in 2012, giving rise to the Sarahpocalypse.
Michael Steele always reminds me of a scene in “O Brother, Where Art Thou”. Pappy, the old corrupt southern governor, is complaining to his son and other advisors that his opponent is succeeding by running on “reform”. The son says, ‘People love that ree-form, we oughta get us summa that ree-form’. Pappy slaps him upside the head with his hat and hollers ‘we’re the incumbent’.
I can just see a bunch of Republicans sitting around after the election, ‘People just love that black guy, we oughta get us a black guy’. ‘We’re Republicans’. Then they remember Steele.
Jay in Oregon
@General Winfield Stuck:
…oh god, I want to say something to this, but brain keeps locking up…
I didn’t even catch the ‘fumigated’ part on my first view of the quote, but ‘deviants and degenerates’ triggered my Goebbelsmeter, full-tilt. That’s pure period-piece Nazi lexicon.
If it doesn’t amaze you, you don’t know enough about history. It’s like saying ‘Prussian Blue’ is a cute name for a girls-band.
ricardo cabeza
peak wingnut or wingularity?