These guys are seriously unspoofable:
I’m actually kind of pissed off that Ayers did not also tell her that Obama is a muslim, was born in Kenya, and was sworn in on the Koran the second time behind closed doors with Chief Justice Roberts.
by John Cole| 93 Comments
This post is in: Clown Shoes
These guys are seriously unspoofable:
I’m actually kind of pissed off that Ayers did not also tell her that Obama is a muslim, was born in Kenya, and was sworn in on the Koran the second time behind closed doors with Chief Justice Roberts.
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It would be sad if it wasn’t so damn funny but these people really are out of their fucking minds.
James K. Polk, Esq.
Republicans = no sense of sarcasm
They don’t care, and now they have they “proof” they desired…
The morans got fooled by the spoof Birth Certificate.
They immediately embrace some lone wingnut blogger who O’Reilly’s her way into Ayers’s face, and he blows her off with some snark.
The MSM picks up Breitbart’s ACORN non-story.
At what point do BJers start doing Spoof Activism?
@James K. Polk, Esq.:
It’s the latter. All they have to do is believe. It explains a lot when it comes to republicans, conservatives and the right in general. It’s like some fucked up version of peter pan and where “clap louder” comes from. If you do believe and clap loud enough the tinkerbell du-jour will come back to life and all of your wildest dreams will come true.
Comrade Jake
On one hand, this is absolutely brilliant. On the other, we will certainly hear about this on Beck, Hannity, and perhaps even on Lou Dobbs. Or at least those of you who watch those shows so the rest of us don’t have to will hear about it.
Why are we paying attention to anything idiots want us to pay attention to?
Demo Woman
Did The Hill really print this? WTF Does this mean that Tweety is going to interview Ayers again? I could never understand the entire Ayers thing cuz his wife was obviously the one more involved with the underground anyway. Just shit!
I think this is the funniest thing since the “Jeebus lvoes him some wingnuts and Glen Beck’s bible” painting.
JR (not the other JR)
He should have said he had the “Whitey” tape, then set up a web site selling it for $39.99 a copy.
Where are the audio kerners?
I think the Onion’s sole purpose now is to be a crystal ball in retrospect to people re-reading their headlines. These nutters have pretty much killed satire.
Mr Furious
I thought this comment at Will’s Examiner link (in the Sullivan thread) summed it up pretty perfectly:
I don’t think his heart skipped a beat when she said was a conservative blogger. I think it was more like one of those moments when you find money on the sidewalk.
@MikeJ: because that’s the only way we can point and laugh?
Its actually been studied and conservatives have been found to lack the “irony gene”.
An entire group of people so fucking stupid they think Colbert is on THEIR side.
@JR (not the other JR):
When Lou Dobbs has Glenn Beck on to discuss thins, I probably won’t find this that funny…
How soon until some brave Congresscritter tries to press for Articles of Impeachment? I mean, shit, the evidence is all there in front of us. Bill Ayers even admitted it.
The bigger story should be “Ayers ponders lawsuit to recoup royalties from ‘Obama’ book.”
dr. bloor
There are moments when I think Jonah must be perpetrating deep-cover performance art, but that hardly accounts for the rest of his fellow traveler in the political Clown Car that is The Corner.
It’s funny.
Only, it’s really damn sad, too. Like Russian movies.
….a quote I found earlier today.
Dr. Squid
I’ev said this a lot in the past – conservatives are the easiest people to con. All you have to do is call yourself a conservative and your word is gold to them. Likewise your word is also gold if you tell them what they want to hear, which is sunshine blown up their collective recta.
So Doughbob Loadpants got taken by #1 and #2. What. A. Surprise.
The Onion has had it pegged for a decade.
Who can forget THIS classic from January, 2001?
Bush swore to do “everything in [his] power” to undo the damage wrought by Clinton’s two terms in office, including selling off the national parks to developers, going into massive debt to develop expensive and impractical weapons technologies, and passing sweeping budget cuts that drive the mentally ill out of hospitals and onto the street.
During the 40-minute speech, Bush also promised to bring an end to the severe war drought that plagued the nation under Clinton, assuring citizens that the U.S. will engage in at least one Gulf War-level armed conflict in the next four years.
This should have been our hint that we were entering a period of unspoofability.
Bubblegum Tate
So Poe’s Law obviously needs a corollary that deals with wingnuts instead of fundies*. The question then becomes: What is the name of this corollary?
*I know that wingnuts and fundies are frequently one and the same, but Poe’s Law deals specifically with religious stuff, and I’m proposing that we need one that deals specifically with political stuff.
b-quote fail.
Doughbob is honestly way too fucking stupid and full of self-congratulation to be doing performance art.
My bet is on Andy McCarthy.
calling all toasters
I have a recording of Mick Jagger’s voice where he admits killing the Kennedys.
Given that Ayers’ book was published six years after the one he supposedly ghost-wrote for Obama, clearly the pertinent question here is where Obama is hiding his time machine and how we can all get one.
Nepotism doesn’t bode too well in terms of predicting high-quality spoofery.
Midnight Marauder
@calling all toasters:
This is the guy who proved that fascism is ‘liberal’. I thought originally that the ‘Liberal Fascism’ thing was kind of clever– if liberals are the real fascists, then the warmongers and racists on the right are just regular people. But now I see the light. He’s just very, veeeery, veeeeeeery dumb.
Joe Lisboa
I have a recording of Mick Jagger’s voice where he admits killing the Kennedys.
After all, it was you and me.
I don’t know why, but this made me think of the momentary Freeper rejection of Red/Blue in favor of calling themselves the Rainbow party. They were seriously pissed when someone told them what all those rainbow bumper stickers really mean.
If anybody ever lets on to them about what “Friend of Dorothy” means, let me know. I’ll need popcorn.
@Midnight Marauder:
Lol, I just got that.
and yes, win.
And I have one in which both Bob Marley AND Eric Clapton cop to killing a sheriff, but oddly enough, not the deputy.
I also have another recording in which a San Francisco musical combo urges killing an entire class of people, to wit, “the poor”. But the GOP seems cool with that.
But that’s central to his point, since It Is A Very Serious, Thoughtful Argument That Has Never Been Made in Such Detail or With Such Care.
gocart mozart
If you want a good laugh go read Althouse’s take on this–Ayer’s is being too clever by half. He’s hiding the truth right there in plain site–because he did write the book. Heh and indeedy also.
I thought it was well established that Obama has a time machine. How else would he fake his own birth announcements in the local paper?
Do we actually have any evidence that Missus Potato Head and Her Teabag of Parts wasn’t just making up the whole thing? Or does nobody actually credit her with having that much imagination?
Man, they really can’t let go of anything.
And even more depressing will be when Jonah is on tv to discuss this “proof”
Given this level of stupid, I fully expect the result will be Goldberg, et al., claiming, “Well, if it turns out that Ayers didn’t write it, that’s not to say that Obama didn’t plagiarize Ayers.”
@calling all toasters:
I also nominate this for inclusion in the lexicon and as a new category for posts on this site.
Not in the least bit surprising from the crowd who are firmly convinced that Stephen Colbert is one of them.
Just Some Fuckhead
I was said Ayers didn’t admit that he and Ward Churchill gaybirthed Obama.
@calling all toasters: On the other hand, I have it on good authority that soldiers are gunning us down.
RE: Goldberg’s post
Definitively, a McNaughton.
Oops, that should have been @calipygian:
gocart mozart
And Jonah loads his pants.
Bubblegum Tate
Indeed, that will be central to their point.
Jon O.
What surprises me most about this: that they’re resting their case on a terrorist that they didn’t waterboard.
Midnight Marauder
I think it works incredibly well as a snarky response to wingnuts and “conservatives” who fall for transparently obvious satire and openingly mocking rhetoric. Very similar to how they believe that deep down inside–at Truthiness HQ–Colbert actually means all those whacky things silly liberals laugh about.
It also dovetails quite nicely with yesterday’s creation of “the “McNaughton.”
@Midnight Marauder:
@gocart mozart:
I had no idea Jonah knew the White Queen personally.
Tonal Crow
Ayers did NOT write Obama’s autobiograhy. *Hitler* wrote it. And he planted the fake birth certificate, too. Also.
calling all toasters wins the internets for the day. Awesome.
Yes, but did Obama go for the classic HG Wells model or the more up-to-date Tardis type? I think a DeLorean is out since they’re much harder to find these days, but if someone should happen to see one parked in front of the White House …
How can we get some of these brilliant investigators of the right wing to report on this vital story? Malkin is already experienced at peering into people’s windows — I’m sure she could get the scoop for us.
joe from Lowell
A drowning man will grasp even the blade of a sword.
Their insanity needs to be understood as a function of their desperation.
Unfortunately for them, their insanity just isolates them more from ordinary people, and they end up becoming more desperate, until…peak wingnut.
@Mnemosyne: Rumor has it that Obama *is* a Time Lord.
Midnight Marauder
By the way, I think the title of this post is a clear frontrunner from “Best Thread Title of October”. If not all of 2009.
Maybe we could have some end of the year BJ voting on the best thread titles. I certainly would dig that…that’s probably the reason I mentioned the idea.
Joey Maloney
Rainbow Party
OMG – He’s the Shrike?!
We’re doomed. DOOMED! DOOMED!
Well, he’s still a better choice than McCain…
Awesome handle BTW.
Emma Anne
Then Ayers told the right-wing blogger that “gullible” isn’t in the dictionary.
Ash Can
I honestly wonder what it would take to embarrass these halfwits. If Goldberg weren’t such an asshole I’d feel sorry for him.
@Dr. Squid: True.
That’s because DFH’s use “concepts,” which fit together and lead to other concepts.
Conservatives use “realms.” There’s areas that are okay, like whatever your minister or Glenn Beck says. This lets them avoid “thinking,” which would only make the discrepancies in their head bump together and make their veins swell.
This sounds like pretty good news for John McCain.
@Comrade Jake:
Callers, we have a WINNER:
Mike in NC
Yesterday USA Today chose to run an article entitled “In Defense of Glenn Beck”, by none other than Jonah Goldberg. Do they actually pay the guy for this shit?
I e-mailed Ayers to see if he could shed any light on the story. His response:
“You’ve all lost your minds,” he wrote. “Best of luck in the twilight zone.”
I’m really beginning to like this Ayers guy. Stupid is mostly painful, but occasionally its hilarious.
Did she then carve a backward’s ‘B’ into her cheek as proof that Bill Ayers and/or his minions tried to stop her from posting the TRUTH!
Crap, I hadn’t seen the Mick Jagger/Kennedys post.
That’s like the monthly WINNER.
Ash Can
Oh, man, I’d absolutely love it if everyone on Fox ran like mad with this. It’d be wonderful. It gives me visions of Shep Smith resigning on air, announcing he could no longer be part of the Fox travesty, and the other networks collecting a mother lode of video clips to air and make fun of.
This was over at Free Republic yesterday. I just assumed it was somebody’s fantasy written down while they were waiting for their delayed flight. But this blogger actually thinks she’s some conservative Nancy Drew who cleverly got the truth out of Ayers?
I’m getting weary of too many things in this country being both funny and depressing.
@freelancer: Rumor has it that Obama is a Time Lord.
Don’t blame me: I voted for Kodos.
Hahahahaha. Isn’t it funny how the murderous terrorist got over on that stupid conservative girl. Unrepentant terrorists with blood on their hands are so much cooler than stupid wingnuts!
She asked him if he actually wrote the book the President authored. Her question had nothing whatsoever to do with Ayres in particular. Nothing.
None of this has anything to do with the people you’re pursuing in airports, or filming secretly, or otherwise stalking.
It’s ALL to get Obama. You’ve lost your minds. Get a grip, for God’s sake, and stop clothing this insanity in “principle”.
@Makewi: This is infantile. You have a large vocabulary, I suggest you try for something better than “oo! how can I insult libs?”
Poe’s Law.
@Mike in NC:
There’s no corporate press without controversy. Since most of us live modest, reasonable, quotidian lives – controversy needs be manufactured.
Forgot the links, sorry:
Little Macayla's Friend
@jenniebee: @Emma Anne:
When I looked up Friends of Dorothy, I clicked this site:
And speaking of gullibility (or something), it also says:
“In the early 1980s, the Naval Investigative Service was investigating homosexuality in the Chicago area. Agents discovered that gay men sometimes referred to themselves as “friends of Dorothy.” Unaware of the historical meaning of the term, the NIS believed that a woman named Dorothy was at the center of a massive ring of homosexual military personnel. The NIS launched an enormous hunt for Dorothy, hoping to find her and convince her to reveal the names of gay servicemembers.” [6]
6. Shilts, Randy (1993). Conduct Unbecoming: Gays & Lesbians in the U.S. Military. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press. p. 387.
@Little Macayla’s Friend: Ahhh, Randy Shilts. And the Band Played On is an absolutely devastating book to read.
Polish the Guillotines
Dude, this is a full-strength whiff even by your standards. You’ve been flirting with the Mendoza line of spoof for awhile now.
I demand to see Ayers’ mirth certificate. Also.
Texas Dem
I thought he was a Cylon? Damn, now I’m going to have to revise my entire world view.
@Polish the Guillotines: Keep on telling her to concentrate on quality, not quantity.
These people … it would be hilarious, if they didn’t control the mainstream corporate media in America and basically still control Congress (not to mention my state’s legislature).
I mean, they don’t know what the Rainbow Party means, they don’t understand why everyone snickers at them for being “teabaggers,” and then they bring out fisting, which is either about Communism or, well, fisting.
Clearly, they lack the pop culture gene. Among others.
JMC in the ATL
@Makewi: You’re not even trying, anymore. Total drop to 3rd behind BoB and Paul L. Time to find some better writers, or pack it in. Seriously.
I hear Mr. Ayers is available.
Paul L.
Silly wingnuts Bill Ayers is famous for his quirky sense of humor and his “hilarious” “Kill your Parents” “Joke“?
Dr. Squid
For what it’s worth, Pete Steele was filmed urging everyone to kill all the white people.