The moment I heard Snowe was going to vote for the bill, I began furiously refreshing Red State for the reaction. Finally, they deliver:
That is right, folks. To show unhappy they are, they are going to ask you to buy rock salt through their amazon store and mail it to Olympia Snowe. They don’t call them the Red State Strike Farce for nothing.
Seriously, how do I make a joke about this?
Please let this catch on. That’s right Teabaggers! Tell her to get out of your Grand Old Party!
In this case, this is a practical suggestion on Eric the Red’s part, as rock salt will be quite valuable to the Senator’s office in a couple of weeks.
Shorter every single other Trike Farcer: “Duh, buyin’ rock salt and mailin’ it is too hard. Ah’m just gonna put some table salt in an envelope and mail it. Ah can’t reckon on any bad conseq — consukwen — things from this.”
Best title ever.
Just lean back, point, and laugh.
Seriously? Rock salt? Assuming this even makes it through the Senate security, why on god’s green earth would Olympia Snowe respond to a bunch of out-of-state wingnut warriors sending rock salt?
That salt will be extremely useful in Maine…
Lou D. Jones
That’s pretty weak, even for Red State.
FYI, there has been a commercial running on a loop here where an old woman is asking Olympia Snowe not to make any cuts in her socialized medicine because the old people can barely eek out a living as it is.
J in WA
Between this and the awesomesauce hilarity that is the new website, I’m having a pretty laughtastic day!
Sending a senator from Maine rock salt just as winter approaches? Oh the humanity! The Red Staters really know how to make it hurt. I feel like sending them some salt just to pour in their wounds. I wonder if I can do that through their Amazon store.
I hope they realize that sending large amounts of chemicals of unconfirmed origin to elected officials tend to get security people pissed off fairly quickly, and these particular security people can make one’s life rather difficult in a hurry.
Is there any action by the Red State Trike Force that does not involve mailing some dumbass thing to somebody? What do you think ever happened to that silly putty? The ironic thing is that they apparently got their first snow today, so the rock salt will arrive just in time for Olympia to distribute it for free to poor folks in Maine for their walkways.
Midnight Marauder
You don’t, John. This time…you don’t.
Although, your alternate title certainly does do the job nicely.
John Cole:
In an ironic turn of events, the 35 tons of rock salt sent by Red State readers was diverted to the Maine Dept. of Transportation, a government agency, where it was used for the socialistic purpose of maintaining safer roads by salting them during snow and ice storms.
Like this.
Fun’s fun, but you need to see someone about this whole masochism thing.
I like to imagine Snowe’s office in Maine using the salt to de-ice the driveways of employees.
General Winfield Stuck
She’s from snowy Maine, prolly eats rock salt for breakfast.
totally. maybe i can piss off the redstaters next june and they’ll all chip in to get me a new air conditioner.
Dr. I. F. Stone
Come on, John. Everyone knows that rock salt won’t cause melting of people, even when they’re dosed with five ponds. If it did work, I’m sure that there are untold thousands from Wheeling to Rosewell that would happily contribute toward a rock salt bath for you.
Once Erik The Red realizes how useful rock salt can be, he’ll probably update the Strike Farce to send bags of ice instead – that’ll show her!
On the other hand, it might finally convince her to switch parties.
“That’s it,” Olympia said to herself, “I’m joining the Democrats. These Republicans are freaking insane. I mean, rock salt? Really?”
Comrade Mary
She can reciprocate by sending plain table salt to Erick. That is what you use on slugs, right?
Comrade Mary
Oh, and awesome title, John.
humph. A Lewis reference? Really? I seriously thought they were going to go with a Wicked Witch of the NorthEast. But i suppose Narnia works too.
Hey um, Erik? Narnia isn’t actually real. I know sometimes you’re using allegory, but with you folks I really can’t tell.
Xecky Gilchrist
Who is John Salt?
This is O/T, but “Doesn’t snow before Halloween” would have to be on my list of Relocation Sine Qua Nons. Also, “not in Councilman Erick Son of Erick’s City Council District.”
“Rock Salt, Paper, Moran” instead?
@Xecky Gilchrist:
WIN. Oh and fuck wordpress.
@Xecky Gilchrist:
Better yet: Red State — Going Salt since 2009.
“Can I interest you in some Turkish Delight, Erick?”
Not really. It’s a reference to, you know, snow. Precipitation. It’s kind of hard to anthropomorphize precipitation to the point where it resembles a valid metaphor for a human being, but maybe that’s just me.
Did they seriously just reference the Chronic(What?)cles of Narnia? Who the fuck is Aslan? Is the White Witch supposed to be Snowe? Oh wait, I get it now. Cause of snow/Snowe, hah, that was totally subtle.
But who’s the dude that’s half-goat?
Bubblegum Tate
I feel like if I piss of the Trike Force, they’ll end up doing my grocery shopping for me.
General Winfield Stuck
I think Snowe is worth her salt.
“Rock Salt, Paper, Moran” instead?
Rock Salt, Winger, Moran?
@Redshirt: Winter is just about here. I would love for Senator Snowe’s office to donate all this rock salt to various Maine non-profits. It could be used to keep women from slipping on the ice in Planned Parenthood’s parking lot.
Why the fuck have I not noticed before how much Liz Cheney resembles Tonya Harding?
I’m in ur driveway. Wifholding my kemical reactshun.
Someone actually pays that moron to blog full time.
Mike E
Or, use the rock salt, ice and fresh Maine milk to crank out ice cream — the AHIP folks will lap it up!
Rock salt, paper tiger, schism !
John Cole
@beltane: “all this rock salt?”
This is the 101st Chairborne we are talking about. They talk a good game, but that is about it. I would be shocked if she gets more than three bags of salt.
@chopper: How can I get them to come over here and split five cords of wood? Do they perform manly work like this?
All I’m saying is, Erick’s home address in Macon, GA is readily accessible via Google search…
If I hadn’t seen Red State before I would’ve thought this was a parody.
Omnes Omnibus
For what it’s worth, shipping the salt will cost about $11.50 via UPS, or about $10.50 via the USPS (using Austin to DC as the basis) so wingnuts will be advised to save a buck by using the horribly inefficient and uncompetitive US Postal Service.
these guys haven’t been out of mom’s basement for the last decade. they couldn’t lift an axe if their lives depended on it.
licensed to kill time
Erick Faun Erickson, or Mr. Tumnus of Fail.
(all apologies to the Tumnus character, who was a good guy in the end – heh, see what I did there?)
General Winfield Stuck
Wouldn’t it be cheaper just to get a wingnut preacher to put a spell on her if she votes for health care. Sorta like Gawd did with Lot, when his wife couldn’t help but take a gander at Sodom and Gomorrah on the way out of town.
You know, I admit I was checking RedState for reax too, but I couldn’t have expected something so grand.
Comparing her to a mythological ice queen (is calling the Chronicles of Narnia mythological repressing Christians? It’s hard to tell these days) and then asking people to send her white powder. They jumped the wingularity – again.
I am more and more convinced that Red States (and a whole slew of other right wing bloginauts) are just Sci-fi fans who just find fandom too onerous to keep up with.
I mean the Browncoats were organized man…
This rock salt thing, it’s just an institutionallized method of excusing @sshole behvaior, (And sci-fi fans *hate* it when jerks use the fandom for such things.. drama ensues)
Is is too late to send manure to Bush?
Poor little wingnuts. ONE of their Senators breaks ranks and they all flip the fuck out. Us DFH’s have to deal with this shit all the time. It’s stuff like that that’s making the wingnuts soft and weak.
@licensed to kill time: Oh right, he was a deer or something, not a goat. Whoops, I liked him. He was cute.
Erickson does not qualify as cute enough.
The more I think about it, the more Erikson matches up exactly with someone who hates a guy running an RPG campaign, is always telling him what he *should* do to make the game better, but never.. never volunteers to actually tun the game himself (mainly becuase whenever he does, no one wants to play becuase his “homebrew” rules always are an excuses for him to drop rocks on the players.)
She should immediately hand it out to her constituents. Maine winters are pretty harsh.
@gnomedad: I believe there you’d prefer some sort of herbicide. Or Napalm if you want to stretch the allegory a bit.
Omnes Omnibus
I do find the combination of tea bags and rock salt somewhat disconcerting. Wouldn’t lemon work better?
Of course with cold weather coming on, most people could probably use a few bags of rock salt. If only to put in their trunk to make sure they get tracsion.
From the comments on the “Rival Rock Salt” page:
So it’s not just 3 bucks, it’s 3 bucks plus about 12 bucks in shipping. Somehow I just don’t see this being a successful political protest. It’s one thing to ask your readers to shell out $3.00; it’s another to ask them to spend $15, in a store that shares it’s profits with you, as a “political protest”.
@Xecky Gilchrist:
Ha ha ha.
Is that a Dorothy Sayres reference?
Just realized: What are the odds Erik got this “idea” from the Huffington Post headline: “Snow Melts”.
Get it? Get it?! Cuz they’ll be sending rock-salt, yo.
Now I get what Michael Steele’s been talking about. The street! It don’t have to make sense dawg!
The Grand Panjandrum
Funny this. Snowe voted to move the legislation out of committee but indicated she might still vote no on the final bill. So, yeah, lets all have a fucking heart attack over one vote in committee.
I love the idea of employers putting their health insurance contribution on pay stubs. That might open a few eyes. Hell just give them a print out of the last five years contribution and watch the shocked expressions on peoples faces. Where did that pay raise go? Aetna … ate it, bitch.
Congressional Ice Cream Party!
Da Bomb
There are just no words to describe the big EPIC FAIL that Erick Erickson just barfed up.
Absolutely none.
The Bearded Blogger
@AaronLaperle: The nerdyness of the narnia reference, for me, beats the hillarity of sending rock salt. Also, I think this is a really oblique way of calling Snowe a bitch, that goes through “Ice queen”….
@Xecky Gilchrist: You win.
Two observations:
1) No call to action that Erick Erickson has issued involves anything more effort consuming than either typing something or mailing something.
2) All rightwing bloggers are nerds. Next they’ll be using multisided dice roll metaphors for election results, or something.
Hey, they have “used rock salt” available for only $2.91!
This thread is bringing the WIN. You could say it has the WIN at it’s back.
They don’t even get that far.
Stiv Bator
What % of the amazon sale does eric^redbeard make?
3 bucks a pop. He missed an opportunity. Shoulda tried a more expensive metaphor.
@Redshirt: You beat me to the preferred alternate spelling, “morans.”
But seriously, if you’re from Maine, isn’t the response to receiving rock salt to say thank you?
For some reason, I got a vision of Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar on Me” video but with Olympia Snowe in the first row of the audience. That was very scary.
All I can think of is, how does the Senate mailroom react upon receiving envelopes containing a white, crystalline powder?
Well, Olympia can either distribute it for free to her Maine constituents as a public service, if any of it shows up in her local office, or just arrange a pick up for the perennially underfunded D.C. snow removal operations. It doesn’t matter how little snow we get around here, you can be sure the local authorities have underestimated the amount of rock salt needed to deal with it.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It depends on you cultural background. Mongolians, for instance, actually prefer salted tea:
dr. bloor
Erick’s call to arms has picked up 19 comments in 70 minutes. Does anyone besides us read his twaddle?
@The Grand Panjandrum:
Don’t care if she votes no on the final bill … this might mean she’s committing to vote yes on cloture – which suggests that if Harry can whip the Dems, that the bill flies through the Senate and on to reconciliation.
Polish the Guillotines
With credit to Xecky Gilchrist and JGabriel, how about a new entry for the BJ-Lex:
Going Salt: The futile act of wingnuts sending worthless items to politicians they hate.
@bago: Apostrophe FAIL!
Tom Levenson
@slag: win of the thread so far.
I’m waiting for Senator Crapo to break party ranks on something. “Everyone start buying these pooper-scoopers and mail them to his office!!”
@Polish the Guillotines:
So…should we send pretzels?
media browski
Excellent! DC’ll use all the salt it can get this winter.
Mister Papercut
Wait, who uses rock salt on snow? I thought you shovel the snow and use salt on ice. (Of course, thanks to their knuckles being BFF’s with the ground, your average Chairborne is probably unfamiliar — if not physically incapable of — the task of snow-shoveling. Hell, it’s damn near miraculous they can even maneuver the Cheetos from bag to mouth.)
Omnes Omnibus
@JGabriel: That is so cool. I don’t intend to try it, but it, nevertheless, is cool.
Sometimes you just have to salt the snail. You don’t want to, but it’s the only way to get rid of her.
@dr. bloor:
Umm, TPM and Sadly, No!
Soul On Ice
Red State Strike Farce’s upcoming campaigns of terror and intimidation:
– a gross of toilet paper to Mike Crapo
– a John Deere riding mower to Chuck Grassley
– a feral cat to Robert Byrd
– scissors to Jim Webb
– a cheaper, more fuel efficient vehicle to Rep. Mike Honda
– the reconstituted John McGraw to Rep. Connie Mack
– a tortoise (or Glenn Close) to Rep. Phil Hare
– Turner and the rest of the Overdrive to Rep. Michele Bachmann
– saltpeter to Rep. John Boehner
– a case of port and a dose of writer’s block to Rep. Ted Poe
Actually, they’re thinking about Screamin’ Jay Dorkins …
@beltane: So Olympia is the Senator’s first name, but it’s also the capital of Washington State. Washington was also the name of our first President, who – history says – chopped down his uncle’s cherry tree, but when confronted by an angry uncle was truthfully able to confess, “I did it.”
Send stacks of corded cherry tree wood to Olympia Snowe’s office to encourage her to be more honest with her constituents and admit that the Finance Bill will “do it” to our nation’s seniors and true libertarian conservatives.
C. S. Lewis reference from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Mike in NC
Red State Salt Force = ten pounds of stupid wingnut in a five pound bag
licensed to kill time
Why? Because in that part of the world, the left hand is used in lieu of toilet paper.
John Cole
I think Chris Matthews has low blood sugar again tonight.
Emma Jackson
Welldone Olympia Snowe.
That is what that contry needs.
maybe in a few years she will be next obama…
I think Chris Matthews has low blood sugar again tonight.
Could just be low blood alcohol.
What’s interesting is that Erick Ericksdottir wants to be taken seriously, and yet he incessantly writes I’m-still-an-adolescent-who-dreams-about-being-Conan-and-slaying-my-enemies-because-they-all-made-fun-of-my-saddle-shoes-back-in-7th-grade-and-I’ll-get-them-all-I-really-will drivel.
The cluelessness is strong in that one.
Aslan? White Witch? My nine-year-old son wrote more maturely than Ericksdottir.
Omnes Omnibus
@licensed to kill time: Back in my rugby playing days, left-handed drinking was de rigeur. It took years to break the habit. Good times.
@dr. bloor:
Heck, you can post an empty diary on Daily Kos with the title “This diary has no content at all” and it will attract more comments quicker than that.
No, Lewis and Narnia. The White Witch — also known as Queen Jardis — uses Turkish Delight to seduce a greedy little boy over to her side.
Remember: Every pound of rock salt the lunatics buy, every hummer they drive, every solid gold Reagen commemorative bed pan they buy, it’s less money for them to spend getting their candidates elected. Spend away fruit cakes.
Midnight Marauder
And while we’re on the subject of wingnuts flipping shit on their pols for doing “the right thing”:
Lindsey Graham Faces Tea Party Fury: “Traitor,” “Democrat In Drag,” “Half-A-Sissy” (VIDEO)
I don’t know about you all, but I find the term “half-a-sissy” to be head-scratchingly confusing, yet simultaneously chock full of awesome. Should you be even more insulted at apparently not being sissy enough to be labeled a “full sissy”? Or is being “half-a-sissy” somehow more insulting than being a “full sissy”? I mean, what exactly is the hierarchy of sissy insults, and can Michael Steele help clarify this in anyway, preferably with a spankin’ new “not even really a web site” web site that grew up on the mean, mean streets? And are there GOPers out there who the wingnuts would consider “three quarters-a-sissy”? Maybe even “a full sissy and a half”?
This is something that needs to finally be settled, once and for all.
So he says in the post it’s only $3.00. I click on the link and see that the bag costs $3.99, plus whatever it costs to ship a five-pound bag of salt cross-country. What a moron.
How can I get Red State to send me chocolate chip cookies? I’m not a US Senator or anything, but there must be a way!
General Winfield Stuck
I used to get that way with a Valium deficiency. I’m better now. Well, not that much better.
Alex Milstein
Proves that those schmucks see ‘bi-partisanship’ goes only one way. Theirs.
Julia Grey
She can reciprocate by sending plain table salt to Erick. That is what you use on slugs, right?
Good one.
Alright, I guess we (Democrats) will take Snowe. As long as she votes for a strong public option, I think we can even let her win reelection.
Olympia has to think about her political future. Does she really want to remain in that party?
And if she does make the switch, she will have to move left in a real way to beat off a primary challenger.
@JGabriel: I can only assume they get some sort of shipping deal. Did they really believe they were going to be able to buy and ship rock salt for $3 at normal rates?
@Tom Levenson: I do not believe I deserve this award but will accept it as a call to action while I strive to make all my future comments live up to this honor.
Hmm, how about bananas for Banana Republicans? That could be photogenic.
licensed to kill time
@Omnes Omnibus:
I used to literally sit on my left hand so I wouldn’t forget and shock the natives ;-)
Yes, as has been noted. She can hand out the mounds of bagged rock salt that Red State obviously believes she’ll be inundated with, to her delighted constituents. Brava, Snowe!
So the five pound sack of salt only costs 3 bucks. Does he mention how much it cost’s to ship it?
The Bearded Blogger
@Stiv Bator: Fire melts ice, volcanoes have fire, volcanoes produce diamonds!
@JGabriel: Liberal cultural relativism aside, that sounds positively disgusting.
@GambitRF: Win. Maybe fake dog poo
@Soul On Ice: Panties for Barbara Boxer, Fine lead for Feingold, Nails from wales, tangerines from new orleans!
Corner Stone
Do you ever consider that it’s possible Erick and the rest sit around at editorial meetings, kind of halfheartedly throw their hands up and say to each other, “I got nothing. What the hell kinda ridiculous thing can I say next to these people? They are fucking crazy?!”
Omnes Omnibus
The invisible hand of the free market will handle that. Obviously.
The Bearded Blogger
@FoxinSocks: Maybe they would have sent chocolate chip cookies to Harvey Milk. umm….
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I wish they would send the rock salt to Illinois as we have been running out the last couple of years and could use the surplus to make our streets safe this winter.
@Svensker: Also, this comment at that Amazon page. Funny as hell:
@John Cole:
Chris Matthews: “It was a snow day in Washington today”
John, the ball is back in your court.
Can. Not. Be. For. Real. Right?
Do these morans have any idea what it is going to cost to send 5 lbs of rock salt?
So, instead of using their funds to elect candidates, they are wasting it on juvenile and petty pranks.
@FoxinSocks: Do you really want to eat any cookies those cretins are cooking?
I didn’t even try for that alliteration, it just happened!
The event horizon of a wingularity warps reality in strange ways…
Rick Taylor
Could it be possible that Red State is a long running spoof?
Does Erick honestly not know that Snowe has absolutely no reason to care what he, or any other voters in Georgia think?
via Media Matters,
following up to Sadly No’s Racism is the new Black post, Buchanan spends a whole column pointing out how backwards he is.
Dream On
Dumber than a box of rock-salt.
Soul On Ice
@The Bearded Blogger – I was actually thinking Don King for Sen. Boxer, seeing the effect he has on pugilists.
A pork loin for Rep. Steve Israel – too much?
Dr. Loveless
1) Change your last name to Tollhouse.
2) Make faces at Dreck Dreckerson.
3) Cookies!
The Bearded Blogger
@Marvin: I see her as a Jeffords type indy at best, and not from any deep convictions but from political calculation.
Also, the Maine Twins provide cover for each other… a move by Snowe would imperil Collins. Not that Snowe would care that much…
dr. luba
@Redshirt: Any suggestions on how I can personally piss off Red State? I could really use some of that rock salt here in snowy Michigan……
I bet someone with the postal service along the way mistakes one of the packages for crack.
@Xecky Gilchrist: Totes win.
joe from Lowell
That will really teach her a lesson. Especially when she starts giving out free rock salt to Maine voters.
Yet another downside to a being a southern-only party.
I’d love to put Pat Buchanan in a time machine and send him back to the Munich beer hall putsch.
Sad Scientist
Salt doesn’t melt snow morons: it lowers the freezing temperature of water. It is applied to roads so that when the snow melts due to traffic or weather it doesn’t refreeze as ice.
John Cole
@joe from Lowell: No kidding. I liked how he had to explain to the bubbas that rock salt melts snow.
The other thought going through my head was the witch scene from the Holy Grail. What floats? Baked Gravy.
Warren Terra
I haven’t read the thread (yet), but my “find on page” function informs me no-one has already made this joke:
How could they be so unremittingly dim as to want a Snowe/snow joke and not quote Zappa – “Watch out for that yellow Snowe”?
I mean, it’s more vivid, it’s more vulgarly disrespectful, it implies cowardice/treason with “yellow”, you can sing it – it’s got everything. And if they insist on shipping things to offices, they could do Zappa CDs, or yellow food coloring – heck, you can even mail-order the urine of certain predators, used to scare off deer.
But they have no soul, so they mumble something about rock salt. Serves them right.
And I’m gratified by Snowe’s vote, but I’ll wait to thank her until she votes for cloture – she could still just be collecting moral authority with which to oppose a later version.
Hello, I’m Senator Jack Daniels, and I support the health care bill.
Dream On
The link at Red State for ordering a dumb box ‘o’ rock salt currently says…
“The page you requested is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience.”
@John Cole: Perhaps, but I’ll bet she gets a dozen or so cheap-o salt shakers.
One guy with an idea, 24 comments that aren’t even supportive of it, and you celebrating how funny it is what “they” are doing.
Nice work detective.
@Midnight Marauder:
lol… ‘half a sissy’… damn, things be getting hot out there. i bet linds called his bestest buddy, st john, afterwards to cry and be reassured.
is it wrong to enjoy watching these republican assholes be targeted by those they’ve used for years.
@JGabriel: Ohh, nice Strong Poison catch!
John, making fun of the actual post instead of mining the comments! Shame on you!
SIA aka ScreamingInAtlanta
JGabriel @ 5:15
Oooh. Good one. Strong Poison.
EDIT: forgot to add, Fixed.
@Makewi: So I see your flavor today is ‘snide swagger’; what would be necessary to shift it to your other standby, ‘whiny martyrdom’?
@gnomedad: To be fair, if the comments were all supportive, I’m sure Makewi would want us to ignore them.
@JK: @Svensker: @JGabriel:
How interesting. I caught the Sayers reference, not the Lewis. But did you know (oh, this is SO off-topic, sorry) that Sayers and Lewis were good friends at Oxford and for years afterwards. Now I’m wondering what kind of role the offering of Turkish Delight may have played in their various meetings and clubs.
Chuck Butcher
If their brains were dynamite they couldn’t blow their noses. Yep, what the GOP really needs is to lose some more Senate seats. Not that I’d mind…
Demo Woman
@Bret: I’m not logged in but if I were I would write that Rush should start an all white football team.. That will show them.
Using “they” to describe one person was the point.
Good alternative. Another idea would be to put Pat Buchanan in a time machine and send him back to a slave auction in the South.
@Soul On Ice: What fun. For two members of the Georgia delegation, Tom Price and Nathan Deal, a joint appearance on Game Show Network. For Rep. Spencer Bachus (AL), grapes and dancing girls. For Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC), a hunting party.
@Makewi: Hey-we all have crazy uncles. But we put ours in the basement while you guys put them out on the welcome mat. That’s your deal. Of course, we could just invent farcical stories about people like you all do, but that’s the beauty…we don’t need to.
I’ve never read Dorothy Sayers, so I didn’t catch the reference to her. What is the Sayers reference?
Didn’t know that Sayers and C. S. Lewis were friends.
It’s the editor of the site. So little mirth in your heart.
Soul On Ice
@ gnomedad – shouldn’t that be:
Hi – I’m Senator Bill W. Sobriety and I support the health care bill. Start the mass shipments of booze, suckers!
Reality based. Like using rhetorical sleights of hand to describe the idea of one guy as some sort of crazy right wing movement.
Perhaps you don’t realize that you are the crazy uncle.
@The Bearded Blogger:
Ah, you guys are so fucking good for the soul. I was gonna ask for some cheer-me-up music, but this thread has done the trick nicely.
By the way, as a native Minnesotan, I would mightily appreciate a bag of free rock salt. I’m just sayin’.
Cole! I love both the titles. Nicely done.
In Blackface.
@JK: I say no to that one because he would buy a half dozen or so.
Well played sir.
@Makewi: Are you implying that Erick Erickson–Commander of the Red State Strike Force–is not a leader of Red State?
Wile E. Quixote
Indeed, this thread is the WIN beneath my wings.
@JK: It’s a little hard to explain without spoiling a complex plot, but basically our detective hero, Lord Peter Wimsey, is able to prove that the villain committed murder by offering him a disgusting amount of Turkish Delight, which the murderer gobbles down with no apparent ill effects. Lord Peter then informs him that he (villain) should be dead since the T.D. was covered in arsenic. The fact that the villain is still alive and well indicates that he purposely built up a tolerance for arsenic, which he did solely to commit murder by sharing an arsenic-laced meal with his victim.
Also curious, for those who are interested in literary papers: both Lewis’ and Sayers’ papers are at Wheaton College, of all places, in Illinois.
The book, if you’d like to read it now that you know who or at least howdunnit, is Strong Poison. Readily available in paperback.
Shorter Makewi:
No, U!!!!!
Another option would be to send Buchanan back to Hitler’s bunker during the final hours of the Third Reich.
Freelancer had 2 good ideas –
sending Uncle Pat back to the Roman Colosseum or sending him back to a slave auction in blackface.
I cannot spoof this.
The Bearded Blogger
@JK: liberal feminism aside: CATFIIIIIGHT!
@Soul On Ice:
Pick, pick, pick.
Wile E. Quixote
Thanks for that post. Dorothy Sayers is on my list of writers I’ve been planning to read. Would love to see more threads like that one over the weekend with people discussing their favorite novels and writers.
Are you unable to read?
@SIA aka ScreamingInAtlanta: You and I are both in Atlanta. You and I both caught the Sayers “Turkish Delight” reference.
I have to wonder if I know you in another context.
I just got home and CNN is showcasing the New GOP site Epic Fail.
Apparently the page of hot new conservative leaders at first showed blank and then went to page-not-found.
I laffed so hard at this thread my sides hurrt.
John is right, you can’t make this stuff up.
balloon-juice is the win beneath my wings.
@JK: I am always happy to participate in a Dorothy L. Sayers thread :-)
I was surprised the link to this post from Atrios was “Excellence in Wingnuttery” and not “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.” Did no one here see last week’s episode?
The main characters have a visit from an unwelcome cousin they call Gail the Snail because she’s always creeping around. And what do they do to get rid of her? They shake out a can of Morton’s Salt at her saying “Go away Snail, go away.” because that’s how you get rid of a snail.
You’d think that show would offend conservative values but this idea is straight from it.
@Makewi: Makewi is deploying a beautiful example of the ‘change the subject at all costs’ strategy that wingnuts depend on so heavily. A widely read rightwing commentator makes a completely retarded suggestion. We laugh at this. So as to avoid acknowledging that her fellow wingnut made an asinine comment, which might require admitting that maybe wingnuts can be morons (unacceptable), she swivels the whole discussion around to attack John, for not discussing the reactions Erickson got on his blog. Now she’s convinced herself that this is all about us libs not being ‘reality based’, and not about a fellow wingnut trying to get other wingnuts to send rock salt to a Senator for not being obedient.
I’d be more impressed, except that we’ve all seen billions of examples of this little maneuver over the last 8 1/2 years.
@Wile E. Quixote:
I was thinking of the beer hall putsch because Buchanan would have gotten arrested, but now I’m thinking Hitler’s bunker in the last few hours of the Third Reich would be more appropriate.
Your choice is a win as well.
In terms of the hear and now, I’d like to see MSNBC trade Buchanan to Fox News in return for Sheperd Smith.
Turkish Delight shows up more than once in Sayers. It is a candy or something. In one story it is the clue that cracks the case.
Read Nine Tailors
It is the one book where she stretched and wrote something that trancended the mystery formula.
Kinda a Terry Pratchett, as I imagine him: “I started writing this cheesy stuff to have fun and make a buck but I kept having too much talent.”
@Warren Terra:
Oh man, I wanted to make that joke!
Mr. Tumnus. He’s a faun.
@Makewi: Are you really asking me to pull comments from the Chairborne who will be sending Olympia Snowe rock salt? Are you that stupid?
And he and Hitler could be all, like, “Man if only the English hadn’t decided to intervene in the whole Polish invasion thing, we wouldn’t even be here.”
This is rather OT, but the last bit does involve a time machine. Think of Mr. Asshole as a stand-in for your winger of choice.
@Wile E. Quixote:
And make the famine even worse for everybody else??!
I have your tiny violin ready.
Deliciousness on the way.
A blog war between HotAir and LGF?
Less see…LGF are the Lizardoid Army…what should HotAir commenters be called?
Farts? The Fart Army?
@SIA aka ScreamingInAtlanta: @wrb: SiubhanDuinne
Cool to see so many people up to speed on Dorothy Sayers. I definitely have to check out her work.
@celticdragon: Yeah, I don’t get the CHronicles of Narnia reference either.
Imagine if RedState had to figure out a symbolic gesture to get back at Dick Lugar.
From one of the lizards…I suggest just calling them wingnuts will do fine.
She gave up the mystery stuff and spent much of her later years doing a translation of The Divine Comedy.
It is very literal, rather that poetic.
I kinda like it.
Probably too busy writing her/his resignation letter.
Where’s the damned bleach?!
@Zifnab: It all makes sense now. The Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man was a Red Stater. Why did I never see it before? Time to cross our streams.
Ah, the good ole days when they threw the lions to the Christians. Pat would enjoy that.
I’m in the browser with no edit button
Thanks, those were great.
Comrade Darkness
How can I piss off redstate in the most efficient way possible? Winter’s coming and the bag of sidewalk salt in my hall closet is a little lean.
Really, some years I use the remains from salt baking fish, but visitors would step in from the snow saying, huh, really odd, but it smells like fish out there…
Much Dyslexic?
@FlipYrWhig: That’s easy. Guns already look like penises.
@FlipYrWhig: That’s easy. Guns already look like pe nis es.
@Stiv Bator:
Yes but blowing snow and trying to get everyone to send her snow-blowers would have been too much even for him.
Okay, these people are just to stupid to run free.
Michael Steele’s blog on the New is called.
What up?
You know, for kids.
@dr. luba:
First, change your name to Dr. Salt, or Dr. Snow, or something like that.
With a name like Dr. Luba, they’re most likely to send you KY Jelly. Which, to be fair, also has its uses.
John at LGF is calling out Hot Air and calls for political violence…
Never heard the phrase “throwing the lions to the Christians”? Not a proper atheist then :) Poor lions, what have they ever done to deserve that?
The reviews of the rock salt for sale aren’t very good.
Brick Oven Bill
I would send her a cooler full of yellow snow.
Symbolic food color, of course.
LOL, beats me.
They think they are living in a classic young adults book series??
Didn’t quite get the Christian apologetics and forgiveness theme of the first book?
Michael Steele is an epic fail.
i once was a lizardette…Charles banned meh for beatin up on that puffy buffoon, Robert Spencer.
What I am really waiting for is the epic cage match….CJ vs Mega-Malkin.
It is coming.
I feel it.
Charles is Robert Smith of the Cure of course.
The Bearded Blogger
I really, really hope Dick Armey pisses them off some day (fat chance, though)
The idea that Erickson’s readers aren’t enthusiastically jumping in to support the Great Rock Salt Protest does tend to make it more funny, not less so.
So: Makewi fail.
that phrase has alluded me. thanks.
Where is TBogg when you really need him?
SIA aka ScreaminginAtlanta
@JK: By far the best of the English mystery writers! Very smart writing.
Comrade Jake
Par for the course for these asshats. Their idea of progress is Rush Limbaugh buying the Rams.
SIA aka ScreaminginAtlanta
@SiubhanDuinne: yes, within a couple minutes of each other. Very strange! SOUL SISTAH!! (brother?)
@demkat620: Oh man, they changed it.
Now its called “Change the Game” :(
By the way, the last time Snowe was up for re-election, she got 74% of the vote.
@Sad Scientist:
Are you serious?
It certainly does melt snow and ice by lowering the freezing temperature to below the actual temperature. I use a mix of salt and sand all winter long on my driveway to make holes in the ice so it’s not too slippery.
Add a nice chunk of rock salt and you get a nice pit in the ice that makes it less slippery.
Don’t even try to bullshit me, I live in Maine.
Fix’t for accuracy.
At least you are not overestimating your worth.
wow celtic…..back in the day AllahP and Charles were blood brothers.
I didnt blog for a year and Known Blogspace is gone mad.
Hilarious…..I can’t wait for CJ to take on Malkin.
I feel it coming.
Like Dr. Cole I had that epiphany that turned me blue.
For me it was seeing Bush lie about hESCR on national tv.
and any scientists that called him on it got slurred as pointy headed intellectuals.
well I’m a pointy headed intellectual.
just like blacks and hispanics, there is no place in the GOP for me.
Somewhere in there, there’s a joke to be made about wingnuts being “bi”.
If you want to talk about back in the day nishi, maybe you could ruminate on when charles used to get bent out of shape when other sites would take him to task for comments on his site. I guess he’s changed his mind on that one.
Anne Laurie
To be fair, Pat’s pasty crossbred carcass (his mama was German, a fact Pat never tires of reminding us) could feed a starving Irish family for at least a couple weeks. Longer, if you sent him back clutching a few bags of rock salt, to preserve the meat.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: An Immodest Proposal?
Heh! I like it!
Um… by “mail it to” surely they don’t mean us the socialist public option letter delivery system that the gubmint forces on us.
I’m quite sure they intend to do this via private courier. Right?
@Makewi: According to you neither site editors, poster, nor individual commenters are representative of a site. Probably because you can’t read.
Bubblegum Tate
Flatulence Force Five
Two quotes from the LGF comments on that thread:
Yes, those are quotes from LGF, criticizing the right. (Repeats in astonished tone) LGF.
My, how times have changed.
@Anne Laurie:
And Annie Laurie wins the thread! =)
SIA aka ScreaminginAtlanta
That is fucking hilarious.
I’m seriously thinking they formed the RSTF as a way to clean out their garages. Well, the ones that have garages, anyways. They just mail the junk to people they don’t like!
Well, except for batteries. They save those for Phillies and Eagles games.
yeah i was stupid.
PW guestblogger and linked by Insty regularily.
Now Goldstein has dived full gainer into Ayres-wrote-Dreams-From-My-Father-conspiracy-theory.
Its like birtherism for the upper IQ gradient.
Good thing I got the luck.
When are you turning sane, Makewi?
With any luck, they’ll embrace it themselves.
Wile E. Quixote
And make the famine even worse for everybody else??!
Oh, good call, I hadn’t thought about that. I guess the next best option is the Roman Colosseum, which not only doesn’t make the Irish potato famine any worse but also solves the Christian famine that the lions in the Colosseum faced.
I can’t, because the Democrats have ruined the education system in this country. Instead of learning to read I had to spend 45 days in juvie for bringing my cub scout camping utensil to school. Then I was denied a voucher to a better school because its better for everyone to fail equally then for some to get ahead. Not that it matters because there aren’t any jobs under this administration anyway. Although I hear there are some czar openings…
Chad N Freude
What melts The Wicked Witch of the West? Water.
I’m going to ship this 5 gallon jug of water to Diane Feinstein’s office in California.
What melts candle wax? Matches.
I’m going to ship this crate of matchbooks to Henry Waxman’s office in California.
What melts the polar ice caps? Global warming.
I’m going to …. Oh, wait. Never mind.
Was Erickson stoned when he wrote that post?
It sure sounds like one of those ideas that sound brilliant when you’re stoned.
No, no. You missed the point. Perhaps you should re-read what I said.
@Wile E. Quixote:
LOL! Well done ;)
@Makewi: I’m so sorry you couldn’t be bothered to take some personal responsibility for your own education, but is it fair that the rest of us should have to pay for your inadequacy? No. But unfortunately, we have to live with it anyway. Because this is America, and we have a social fabric to repair.
Personal responsibility? Not me man, I vote Democrat.
Chad N Freude
@Makewi: You seem to be confusing yourself with children in the news. This is not a good sign. This kind of delusion is very dangerous. Therapeutic intervention is urgent. Please seek help. If your insurance covers it, of course, otherwise, just go completely off the deep end.
The Bearded Blogger
@r€nato: Salt, man… SALT!
@Chad N Freude: Actually, it would be very cool if for some reason they decided to send bikinis to Henry Waxman. And if Dick Armey ever pisses them off, I hope they send him some camouflaged cond*ms (staying ahead of moderation…)
@Makewi: How self sufficient and conservatively manly of you! blame society for your inadequacies… you are a regular Galt, you are
The Bearded Blogger
@Chad N Freude: Being a rightwinger is a preexistent condition for mental health
That is just so full of delusional self pity I don’t know where to start.
Today was a good day. – hilarious
Michael Steele – fabulous, as always, but even more so. Also.
Red State Trike Farce and the 5LB bag of Rock Salt?
Thank you Internets!
@The Bearded Blogger:
I never had a chance. It isn’t my fault. I mean, it’s not like society every gave me
a factoryhealth insurance.Chad N Freude
@The Bearded Blogger: Your Waxman joke isn’t bad, but bikinis don’t cause anything to melt. (They have been known to cause tumescence, but that’s not the same thing.)
@Makewi: It is unfortunate that you also lack the self-awareness needed to fully appreciate the many layers of irony with which your statements are imbued. Man.
Go with what you know. Something along the lines of how evil the right wing is would probably be a start.
/me pokes Makewi
I think we broke it.
Thank God I have you around to insinuate then. I can tell how serious you are by how much you almost, but not quite, talk about specific things while putting on an air of bemused superiority. It seems to be like a secret handshake around here.
Chuck Butcher
You complete simpleton, nobody misses your points (dull as they are) you’re mocked. Anybody who has been involved in internet politics for more than a week has seen most of your talking points before and if they’ve been around sites with an IQ above room temperature they’ve seen them mocked unmercifully;
You must be either
a) as intellectually developed as a ten year old
b) a poor spoof
I really have no particular opinion on the actuality of your existance but it must be frustrating to a parent to have their child turn out so limitted. If you must spoof at least use some original thinking or mix some in with the regurgitation, if you are real … ahhh… kicking puppies is so mean…
No i didn’t.
People above a certain IQ gradient eventually get sane.
Chad N Freude
makewi –
How do you pronounce your screen name?
That made me laugh bemusedly. On the inside.
@Makewi: To quote one of my favorite 90s movies:
But honestly, the real requirement is that you have the sense to care about somebody other than yourself.
Chad N Freude
Not quite talking about specific things while putting on an air of bemused superiority is like a secret handshake.The Nobel Prize for Simile has been awarded to makewi.
Actually my point was about Charles. For one so “smart” it’s odd how that simple fact eluded you.
@Chuck Butcher:
Yeah, you really don’t care. You super, super, super don’t care. But your going to “analyze” me anyway. To show how much you don’t care.
@Chad N Freude:
It’s pronounced Throatwobbler Mangrove.
You only have to care about the right sort and honestly you don’t really have to care, you just have to be really sincere about saying you care.
@ SIA aka ScreaminginAtlanta 7:14 pm
Sistah :-)
Agree that DLS is far and away the best of the “Golden Age” British mystery writers. I re-read the entire canon at least once every couple of years, just because the writing is so wonderful. And it’s a treat to read the Wimsey books chronologically to appreciate how she grew as writer and thinker. Never a formula — she was always stretching her mind and her craft.
Maybe someone has mentioned this, but I remember, back when I was living in Maine, that when Snowe got married, she and her husband made a compromise in which one of them would switch parties an the other would switch religion… I can’t remember which one switched what. Does anyone else remember that?
At some point it becomes obvious: People are “Conservative” for a reason (hint: it’s usually because they are an idiot).
uh oh….
Charles reads Cole.
@EarBucket: It figures he’d round down on 99 cents. It’s consistent with how they misrepresent everything.
Alan in SF
I believe Mr. Erickson has confused Sen. Snowe with Gail the Snail.
HotAir Fart Force
@Makewi: See, there you go again. You can’t really help it, can you?
@Makewi: Thank God I have you around to insinuate then. I can tell how serious you are by how much you almost, but not quite, talk about specific things while putting on an air of bemused superiority.
Not that surprising. They were kind of business partners at one point, back when Balloon Juice was part of the Pajamas Media ad network.
@Makewi: Okay, now you’ve slipped into ‘recite clichés until someone acts impressed’ mode.
@Makewi: snide ≠ witty.
Toasting in epic bread.
/hate when people do that
//this thread is epic, though
@Makewi: Okay, now she’s arrived at ‘whiny martyrdom’. That didn’t take long.
That, and they have no cognitive dissonance over the complete lack of Christian ethics, morality, or decency in their belief system.
I never know what you are saying. You like to pretend you know stuff without ever having to actually tell people what you know. I bet you wear bedazzled suspenders even when your not working your shift at TGIF.
That’s because you blew off school, remember?
Apparently some of them do, now that they’re rewriting the Bible, since we keep slapping them in the face with it.
This is a support group for star bellied sneetches.
@ilsita: You know, I’ll bet they really don’t. I think they honestly believe that the Prince of Peace really did have a conserative (I got mine, go fuck yourselves) attitude, and they’re just repairing the historical record.
We’re glad you, in turn, hold yourself to such a high standard:
Glad to help.
Of course, I went to public school, so no doubt I am wrong.
@Makewi: I guess this is the phase that comes after ‘whiny martyrdom’, i.e., ‘just babble whatever shit I think of’.
Yes, nothing like taking a series of responses to other people and listing them for effect. It’s almost like creating a whole new reality, something for which you are well suited.
Actually, this is the room for the Southbound Zax, you jackass.
The Sneetches are here
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
As others have noted, I think
Erick the Redneck. . . oops, I mean Erick the Ruby Throated Patriot, missed out on the obvious way to get their message across:Yellow Snowe!“Watch out where the Huskies go and don’t you eat that yellow snow”
Maybe they could get Sarah to send a furtrapper to whip on her baby seal with a lead-filled snowshoe.
I bet you’re disappointed that it isn’t a secret reacharound, right?
Donald from Hawaii
Oh, those evil and nasty Democrats! Why do they always insist upon Americans being literate and knowledgeable, rather than simply literal like everyone in the GOP white-wing?
You have a hard time identifying things don’t you? Let me help. Whining is what happens every time Obama talks about Fox News.
@Makewi: Makewi, you missed the whole point of my message! I was applauding you for not ‘putting on an air of bemused superiority’. Gal, take a bow!
@Makewi: Ah, see message 185 above.
Right on schedule!
See. Irony.
I love to be pedantic, but isn’t the Red State Salt Farce actually 15 dollars of stupid in a 3 dollar bag?
Chad N Freude
@Makewi: Thanks, but I find it easier to pronounce it “make wee”.
I do believe you’re right about that, s.
They’re too rogue and independent for political correctness, but they will cry persecution when they can’t teach oogyboogy in science class, and they’ll claim that their civil rights are being violated when someone embarrasses them for being bigots (either that or they’ll cry about how no one has a sense of humor).
For real, I’m with you. I don’t believe they get it. And regarding the bible thing, these dummies probably think they’re just editing for clarity.
When Jesus comes for them, he’ll ride in on an ass, wearing a Brooks Brother’s suit, texting GWB on his blackberry.
Well, this was super fun guys. It’s like hanging out in the ward where everyone thinks he is Einstein. Except for LD50, he thinks he’s Freud. With bedazzled suspenders and a job at TGIF.
C’mon LD50 hurry and finish up, don’t want to keep mom waiting in the car.
Chad N Freude
@Makewi: He’s compiling an anthology of quotations. You should be appreciative.
@Donald from Hawaii:
Oy. But now I really must go.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Shorter Erick: I’m an illiterate fuck who isn’t afraid to premise a lame-assed joke on a book I haven’t read.
Are you hoping we’ll ask you not to leave?
Chad N Freude
We could save a lot of bandwidth by not engaging with makewi. I vote for “Ignore.”
The Oracle
In December 2001, about three months after the initial lethal anthrax mailings, CNN reported (for about thirty minutes) that the FBI was conducting 15,000+ investigations into copycat terrorist mailings involving non-lethal powder sprinkled into envelopes and mailed.
Right-wingers have been sprinkling stuff into envelopes for years, going back to the 1990s, but there was a “surge” of right-wing terrorist mailings after 9/11 and the initial lethal anthrax mailings that occurred weeks after the right-wing religious fundamentalist terrorist attacks on 9/11.
These right-wing terrorist mailings continue to this day, primarily targeting liberal, progressive organizations and individuals, something which continues to be downplayed by the federal authorities (definitely the Bush/Cheney administration), but also by the right-wing controlled news media.
Which makes one wonder if the poster at Red State who suddenly felt “inspired” to send rock salt in an envelope to Sen. Snowe has ever done something similar, but directed at liberal, progressive organizations or individuals?
@Chad N Freude: But everyone deserves a chance at a good education. I want Makewi to have the same opportunities I had at Makewi’s age. It’s only fair.
New, salty teabagging.
Joey Maloney
Way late to this party (was flying across 5 timezones for most of today), but here’s my response. My first thought when I read this was, “what a dildo”. So I call upon all good and honorable Juicers to mail a dildo to Erick, son of Erick. Since I recently learned he’s actually a city councilman in Macon GA, I suggest packaging up your purchase and sending it to his business address:
Erick Erickson
Macon City Council
P.O. Box 247
Macon, Georgia 31202
Needless to say, I would NOT put it in a plain brown wrapper.
Chuck Butcher
If this:
is what passes as analysis with you it would behoove you to either consult a dictionary or attend an institution of higher education than kindergarten.
If on occasion you were to bring an actual arguement to the table you might live up to your monicker of Pisser, as it is that just runs down your leg to our amusement.
Accidentally true, in much the same way Limbaugh accidentally told the truth when he said, “We owe Reagan a debt we can repay.”
Chad N Freude
We could save a lot of bandwidth by not engaging with makewi. I vote for “Ignore.”@slag: How old is makewi? How do you know that you’re older than pronoun-of-correct-gender? (I don’t know if makewi is male or female.)
neal peart
They should have sent Olympia beer instead. Do they still make that or what?
@JGabriel: That should be, “We owe Reagan a debt we can never repay.”
Oh, for the return of Editing!
Chuck Butcher
Well Ajax is there but it might be a bit strong to call Editing something that freezes up with the deletion of a single letter…
Chad N Freude
@Chuck Butcher: It shows up when I use Chrome, but never, never, never with Firefox. How come?
@JGabriel: But it was still damn funny. And still will be completely lost on those who underestimate the value of a good active verb.
@Chad N Freude: I was being a little sarcastic. Sometimes it’s hard to tell, which is a problem I have.
Makewi, I’m a little new to this party, but has anyone ever called you on your references to Dr. Seuss? You just used the star belly thing on me a couple of days ago. Idunno, maybe you just read the book, so it’s fresh in your mind.
Anyway, here’s a good rule for you: the most insightful and creative people will be politically liberal. If you’re tempted to quote someone like Dr. Seuss, delve a little first, so as not to embarrass yourself. He was also a political cartoonist… (google). And he studied with a bunch of Frenchmen.
Also, you seem to be (hysterically) missing the point of the star bellied sneetches — which is pretty funny, considering that it’s a kids’ book.
Of course, it took a Dem President to get us to pay off the debt Saint Ronnie ran up. Imagine that.
In a similar vein: where I grew up, county government ran the show to a large extent. And what would happen is that, often enough, Republicans would be the party in power. They would use this situation to – and I know this will shock you – put the county so deep in the hole, that they’d eventually get thrown out. Enter the Democrats, who, having somewhat more integrity, would do what had to be done to get the county back on its feet (fiscally). The downside to that was that the measures they needed to take, to fix the Rethug debacle, were so drastic and painful, that they got voted out fairly quickly.
Re-enter the Rethugs. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Not sure what that came to mind. It’s probably because Obama’s a Nazi.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@neal peart:
I grew up in Spokane and we referred to Oly as pisswater. One winter we were partying and made a very well endowed snowman pissing in a can of Oly. The girls spent hours on the bits and pieces, getting them just right. We finished it off with a bottom from a case of Oly on a stick and appending “and not much more” to their motto “It’s the water”
The reactions of parents walking by with their kids was hilarious (hey! we were young, drunk and stoned). Eventually one woman came along and repeatedly kicked the snowman in the junk to break it off. We told her to take it home with her to keep her warm. For some reason she decided not to so we repaired our snowman.
Someone came along late that night and kicked it to pieces. They must have liked Oly.
Chad N Freude
@slag: In this case, it looked like real factual shit. Of course, I’m a bit slow, not having had an education comparable to makewi’s.
Chad N Freude
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal): For some reason, this reminds me of the Monty Python line about American beer being like making love in a canoe. It’s fucking close to water.
That’s one for the
Worst OfBest Of WingNut book.Chuck Butcher
@Chad N Freude:
I have no idea, when IE screwed up on me once I tried both and found them less capable w/o lots of help and buggy as hell, I threw in the towel and reloaded IE and it’s held up since and it lets me do the things Blogs like to present to me to do. I know it is unfashionable to admit to using MS stuff and also evidence of Neandertal computing, but the crap works.
Chuck Butcher
I know we could save bandwidth by ignoring Makewi but it is so … easy to mock it in “person.”
@Chad N Freude:
It is asking a lot to guess age/gender. Calendar years would be a wild one, posting age – 13. Gender; you really want one sex or the other or alternative to have credit?
Chad N Freude
@Chuck Butcher: Microsoft has been gradually dragging itself out of their Godfather fuck-youser waste disposal company in response to — dare I say it — capitalist competition. Their negative reputation has been well-deserved, but they seem to have figured out that if they want to maintain their megamarket, they have to actually produce stuff that works.
Do they think Olympia’s a snail?
Chad N Freude
@Chuck Butcher: I just want to use the right pronoun, language being sexist and all.
Chad N Freude
@Chad N Freude: I can’t believe I wrote “dragging itself out of their …” My excuse is it’s late and I’ve had a hard day and my inner English teacher is exhausted. Also.
I wonder what they make of the fact that James I of England, sponsor of the version of the bible they love more than any other, was a bi-sexual:
Behold, the Queen James Bible.
Oh god in heaven this is too funny. I love it.
SIA aka ScreamingInAtlanta
@SiubhanDuinne: Hey sistah! Yes, how Dorothy Sayers’ work grew, and also how the characters evolved through the series. I found Wimseys transition away from severe WWI post-traumatic stress via Bunter and murder-solving, and also the relationship between Wimsey and Harriet Vane, extremely intriguing. When Ms Sayers stopped writing fiction and moved on to more serious work, it was a great loss to the genre. I keep hoping BBC or PBS will revive the series.
What was your favorite book?
Wow, this is a long thread. 340+. John Cole, even when you’re sick, you have strong attractions! :)
Ha ha! Everything they love turns out to be gay!
SIA aka ScreamingInAtlanta
@Joey Maloney: Hey! I like it.
Mike in NC
Makewi is hitting the forbidden cooking sherry tonight, so please stop indulging the idiot troll.
Left Coast Tom
I’m going to call myself Mr. Wine and express my support for Health Care Reform.
Please, Erick Son Of Erick…no Two Buck Chuck. I expect decent stuff.
If makewi knows me as nishi, then s/he is a Protein.
By definition, that is cranky old white peoples.
except for feets.
wow….ace is going after Charles?
zomg this is epic!
The Doom of the Gods of Known Blogspace!
wow, this is soooo cool.
As if you could tell the difference.
Conservatives will fight
and kill each other,
Reagan’s children
will defile kinship.
It is harsh in the blogworld,
whoredom rife
—an axe age, a sword age
—shields are riven—
a wind age, a wolf age—
before the blogworld goes headlong.
No pundit will have
mercy on another.
Ash Can
Late to the party here, but lemme get this straight — this Erickson guy is sending a big-ass bag of rock salt to Olympia Snowe’s office. In Maine. Where it’s going to start snowing like a sonofabitch in about, oh… ::looks at watch:: Rock salt. And he wants his readers (all four of them) to do the same. And he thinks this is some kind of insult or something.
Now, isn’t this the same genius who said he was going to leave his car idling in his driveway all day on Earth Day? Naturally, he does not believe that car exhaust is harming the environment, because he’s a denier, right? So in his mind, leaving his car idling in the driveway is doing no harm whatsoever, except to…his own wallet, because he’s just shelled out God knows how much to fill his gas tank.
For fuck’s sake, send the EPA down to Macon and declare the whole damned joint a Superfund site. There’s obviously some seriously scary shit happening in that tap water down there.
I’d forgotten the Strong Poison turkish delight.
Can you imagine Sayers, Lewis and Tolkien all in the same orbit? Must have been fantastic. All strong Christians, too, although I don’t think Tolkien wrote about it as Sayers and Lewis did.
I adore Dorothy and, like you, read the Wimsey oeuvre from start to finish every year or so.
Yes, absolutely outstanding. It was a great episode of the Ian Carmichael Wimsey’s as well.
Re the Dorothy L. Sayers portion of this thread (so much more edifying than all the Makewi pie): too late now to get into a lot of detail but I love both the Ian Carmichael and the Edward Petherbridge series. Fave book above and beyond all the others is Gaudy Night, with Nine Tailors a very close second. But I have great affection for every one, even Whose Body? and Five Red Herrings. I used to be an active member of a DLS Yahoo group and made a number of good friends through those discussions, but life intervened and I dropped away. My loss. The discussion tonight reminds me how important Sayers, and her works, and the people who admire her, are in my life.
Re: Sayers stuff:
Y’all do realize that you’re starting to sound like higher-class versions of Erick Ericksdottir and his weird Aslan thing, don’t you?
And, while being high-class is usually A Good Thing, buffing a turd is still buffing a turd.
@Chad N Freude:
say, did you hear about the time Microsoft was too fucking cheap to back up the servers at Danger, and they lost the data of pretty much everyone who owns a Sidekick?
You are certainly entitled to your views. I’m not sure why you feel compelled to throw out gratuitous insults, but hey, if it makes you happy . . .
I’m way late here and haven’t read all the comments, so I may be duplicating, but this is a shoe-in for ‘Best Blog Post Title of the Year’.
It’s a gift.
That, plus the irony is strong with this thread …
And an additional benefit: I learned that Gale Sayers wasn’t just a great running back, but could also write … and was apparently a lot older than I thought. So, thanks for that.
@Ash Can: Perhaps we need another word for the lexicon here–
Erickson–doing something weak and stupid for the purpose of offending or insulting a political opponent. Examples include sending rock salt to a Senator from Maine right as winter starts because her last name is ‘Snowe,’ and idling one’s car all day on Earth Day.
Others can come up with a more concise definition.
Salty teabags. i think that’s a good one :)
salt doesn’t melt anything. it just lowers the freezing point of water.
but yeah, sending bags of rock salt to maine, just before winter? did she secretly encourage this protest?
BobW in Georgetown
twiffer –
Rock Salt Melts Slugs!
Rock Salt: the stone for all seasons.
Seriously, how do I make a joke about this?
Some jokes just write themselves…
Miss Maine
If I were to post on the redstate site, I’d probably say something like this:
These wingnuts can’t seem to get it through their heads that they lost because they’re too insane, not because they’re not insane enough. Olympia Snowe follows in a very well respected tradition of the State of Maine. She’s not a “Rockerfeller Republican”, she’s a Margaret Chase Smith Republican. If these johnny-come-lately Confederate reenactors want to call her a “RINO”, she can just tell them that she follows a Republican tradition that goes back to Lincoln.
Oh yeah, the Republican party did used to stand for something, didn’t it? Pity that all it seems to stand for now is white resentment. We really need a diversity of serious, responsible viewpoints in our politics. Alas, we seem hard pressed to find even one now.
@Redshirt: rock salt will be quite valuable to the Senator’s office in a couple of weeks
Seriously, it’s clear these people have never seen New England in winter. Rock salt’s like a thank you note.
This is also pretty good:
@Adam: I too thought of Gail the Snail.
The cost of Rock Salt is actually quite a huge State expenditure up here in Maine. I hope every person dumb enough to do this sends two. Our state could use the economic relief.