We have been slacking and really need to push hard this week. Big write-up about her in a local NC newspaper.
Go vote.
This post is in: Dog Blogging, Open Threads
We have been slacking and really need to push hard this week. Big write-up about her in a local NC newspaper.
Go vote.
Comments are closed.
Happy Anniversary Bill O’Reilly
O’Reilly Falafel Suit Turns Five
General Winfield Stuck
Thank you so much Senor Cole. Bitsy’s mug popping up on my screen was just what the doctor ordered:)
I am voting now.
The teabaggers/salt shakers/dumbasses not only want to kick Snowe out of the party, they want her to take Lindsay Graham with her. I’m not sure if this is funny or sad.
Hey, I’ve been voting for Bitsy forever, it’s the rest of these guff-talking work-slackers that aren’t pulling their weight.
Chuck Butcher
The site says 12 wk starting Aug 1. I admit to not voting every day, but darn regular – minion like…
Midnight Marauder
Yeppers. I threw this out during another thread, but it warrants reference again for the shiny Open Thread:
Lindsey Graham Faces Tea Party Fury: “Traitor,” “Democrat In Drag,” “Half-A-Sissy” (VIDEO)
I don’t know about you all, but I find the term “half-a-sissy” to be head-scratchingly confusing, yet simultaneously chock full of awesome. Should you be even more insulted at apparently not being sissy enough to be labeled a “full sissy”? Or is being “half-a-sissy” somehow more insulting than being a “full sissy”?
I mean, what exactly is the hierarchy of sissy insults, and can Michael Steele help clarify this in anyway, preferably with a spankin’ new “not even really a web site” web site that grew up on the mean, mean streets? And are there GOPers out there who the wingnuts would consider “three quarters-a-sissy”? Maybe even “a full sissy and a half”?
This is something that needs to finally be settled, once and for all.
General Winfield Stuck
Yes, I have been slacking lately. I was having mind-fu of voting early and often in Chicago.
Boom shaka laka boom.
The last thread really got me laughing. Now, I need some music to keep my flagging spirits up. Suggestions, anyone?
Comrade Mary
Woo-hoo! I got to be vote 1000 for Bitsy! Who wants to be vote 5000?
@Midnight Marauder: “half-a-sissy” = bi-curious?
Can we just let the South become it’s own country now?
Demo Woman
What a great article about Bitsy. I hope that this article helps her win this week.
Earlier John mentioned that he was sterilizing with bleach and other stuff. Dogs are quite sensitive to odors so don’t overdo.
At this rate the only one fit to wear the coveted ( R ) after their name will be Senator Palpatine.
@asiangrrlMN: Maybe some Abba in honor of Michael Moore’s latest (which is actually pretty good, if you haven’t seen it): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyKTgP0J7U8
Health, Money, and Fear http://www.ourailinghealthcare.com
documentary about the U.S. healthcare system
by Dr. Paul Hochfeld, one of the Mad as Hell Doctors http://www.madashelldoctors.com
Laura W
@Chuck Butcher: Thank you for your mad reading skillz, Chuck.
12 weeks. We are now in week 11.
Night – Bruce Springsteen
Badlands – Bruce Springsteen
General Winfield Stuck
Golf anyone?
Or this
Everybody’s Everything – Santana
Well, All Right – Santana
OH-MY-GOD, that face! I must of chuckled for five minutes. It’s a tonic.
Going to vote now.
But like John said. How long is this thing going on?
@General Winfield Stuck:
Mark Twain: “Golf is a good walk spoiled”
@General Winfield Stuck: Not good. Most golfers might be Republicans, but they won’t appreciate the greens being hacked up in that manner.
What a great article on Bitsy. Hope the community steps in to give her a boost.
Ahem. I will have you know Mr. Cole, that I have only missed one day’s vote when I was no where near, anywhere, I could get to a computer. Amazing those places in the US still exist, but the little local library I’d counted on was full system down that day. I even have my spouse registered to vote. Of course he never remembers so I vote Bitsy for him on his machine. We’re pulling our weight around here. With 7 rescue dogs of my own at the moment, it’d be darned hard to forget.
Go Bitsy!!!!111!!
General Winfield Stuck
True dat, especially the way I play.
General Winfield Stuck
You have a point.
Laura W
The very simple, easy-to-understand rules are right next to Bitsy’s photo on the VOTE page. John knows the rules. He’s just being coy, or crabby, or something in his top post.
If we’d all voted every single day since we started pimping her way back in week 6, we wouldn’t have to harass all y’all so often to VOTE.
Isn’t it a tad more productive and fulfilling than bashing people all day long?
Never mind then. As you were.
Quinnipiac University Keeping Mum on Letterman Interns
@slag: Very nice! ABBA is a guilty pleasure of mine.
@JK: I knew I could count on you–and you managed to link one of my faves–Santana. Listening to them now.
burnspbesq, me likey!
If only one of the right-wing sites would think of mounting an oatmeal protest, we could call them the Shakers, the Quakers, and Teabag Makers.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Maybe something to make those spirits Float On …
@asiangrrlMN: This was aimed at the rock salt thread, of course. Sneaky DougJ slid another post in there, quick-like. At least the rock salt thread was funny until the second-most annoying BJ troll came out to grunt.
JGabriel, that is oddly catchy. I’m bopping my head to it as I type.
Demo Woman
I just sent the article to friends of mine. Maybe this is the week. Bitsy already has over a thousand votes and a few more can only help.
@Laura W: lol John’s been great reminding us. Maybe next year we can vote for Lily.
If there are any posters from the Great Orange Satan here, they could write a post including the article. Bitsy would win for sure then.
General Winfield Stuck
Re: More of this please
John Nichols is not buying into your argument
General Winfield Stuck
Or keeping with the floating theme, We Float.
Anne Laurie
@General Winfield Stuck:
Looks like the local spray-paint sales restrictions are having some effect on the teenage Masshole morans, and they’ve run out of cemeteries to vandalize. Srsly, there are going to be some angry parents out there once the Secret Service explains that ‘kids blowing off steam’ can still be prosecuted for property damage, hate crimes, and/or wasting the time of people with better things to do.
Maybe Erick Erickson can rally the Red State Trike Farce to send the defendants bags of golf tees — they’re lighter than rock salt so shipping won’t deter the Fighting Hellmice.
@Midnight Marauder:
I think this is the correct interpretation. It’s sort of like, “You suck too much(/are too much of a sissy?!) to even go full-sissy; you just half ass it.” Chock full of awesome and paradox (and nuts?).
You know, I’ve never hated Lindsey Graham as he’s just more-or-less your typical politician, not a total whackjob, but I think I’m actually drifiting towards having a lot of sympathy for him, maybe even liking him. Here’s a guy who, just for not being a total wingnut, is drawing the ire of his party. Also, let’s not forget he was saying we should think about nationalizing the banks when the Obama administration was actively discounting that idea. Hell, lately, except on health care reform, he’s been more “liberal” (by which I mean center/center-right) than the Blue Dogs. If it didn’t seem so implausible for a South Carolinian, I’d think we were looking at another Arlen Specter-style defector in the making.
can’t see Youtube from work, is that the one by modest mouse? If so love playing it on rockband 2 lol.
Demo Woman
@JK: Jimmy Kimmel is dating some one on his staff and as far as I know, he did not say anything about Letterman. Somehow, I missed the discussion about Kimmel’s affair on NBC or ABC. Can we say double standard anyone? In all fairness I don’t think that the Letterman or the Kimmel story is anyone’s business but it does seem odd that the stations did not cover this. Can we say ratings.
Quinnipiac University should stay mum. Geee!
More possibilities
Sweet Jane – Lou Reed
Bodhisattva – Steely Dan
@Demo Woman:
I thought Kimmel was dating Sarah Silverman.
General Winfield Stuck
He could be right. I don’t know how it will play out, but I’m for it.
@Demo Woman:
I’m a big Letterman fan and I won’t throw him under the bus, unless I hear credible evidence that he was harrassing any of the women on his staff.
For any Tom Waits fans out there, you can get 8 songs from his new album for free. It’s a live album of his 2008 “Glitter and Doom” tour. My decision not to go see him at the gorgeous Alabama Theatre in Birmingham is one of the worst live music decisions I’ve ever made (but sadly, not the only one).
Also: the complete Atlanta “Glitter and Doom” show here. What a setlist!
Yep. An atypically upbeat tune from them. Gotta say I love it, even as a fan going way back, despite the hipster “sellout” cries.
General Winfield Stuck
@Anne Laurie:
Well, it’s a relief being kids. If The Peoples Republic of Massachusetts goes fascist, we’re all in a pile of hooey.
I don’t want to register for more crap. Can I just adopt this dog instead? Is that what we are really looking for here?
How will it get along with my dog, cat and ferret?
Comrade Mary
Aw, Modest Mouse and my Polly! After you’ve floated on, you could Walk On with some gay church folk music. I caught these guys live a few years ago. They put on a show like no one else.
@JK: John Nichols’ sour grapes come from the fact that the Nation will never be considered news either. Watching John Nichols complain about Fox’s treatment is like watching a guy in the lower middle class complaining about taxes on the wealthy because he’s hoping to some day become wealthy. Someone should tell him to get over himself. It’s not going to happen.
W00T! Fiance scored ducks tickets for the hockey game tomorrow night. Not sure what seats since her boss is givin em to her but I am guessing they’ll be good.
I admit the first I have ever heard of them was from Rockband 2. That game is responsible for turning me on to some good new (and not so new) music.
@General Winfield Stuck:
No one is more richly deserving of a serious smackdown than Fox News, the most intellectually dishonest news organization in America.
A regrettable consequence of Obama’s staffers taking on Fox is the knee jerk response of some of their competitors to circle the wagons and defend Fox’s bullshit, bogus brand of journalism.
White House’s Fox News War Sparks Criticism, Surprising Backlash
John, I’m sorry. I’m a regular reader, first-time commenter, and dog lover.
It’s funny that the repeated entreaties to Vote for Bitsy are what finally caused an emotional reaction strong enough for me to want to post a comment, but I’m just going to point out the elephant in the room: If we’re dealing in superlatives like “cutest,” here, Bitsy isn’t even in the ballpark — maybe the Pirates’ ballpark, but not, like, a real ballpark with a real team.
I mean, I can’t be the only one. ONLY 1,000 votes so far? What’s that work out to? 8-10 votes per entreaty? Pretty low conversion rate. My theory: We progressives and liberals that frequent your site are, I have to believe, a principled lot. Unlike our counterparts on the other side of the aisle, we don’t cynically abandon our principles because some party big wig tells us to. At the same time, we’re also nice, so it’s up to me to be an asshole and say out loud what everyone, based on the paltry vote totals, must be thinking.
I’m sure Bitsy’s owner is a lovely person, who truly loves her dog. Had she entered her in, say, a “Sweetest Dog” competition, I would have considered voting based on her doleful eyes. But I am not going to vote for a dog who is — I’ll be generous — in the 58th percentile of dogs as far as cuteness for the title of “Cutest Dog” just because someone — I’ll be generous again — “asks” me to. That’s the road to Sarah Palin, if you ask me.
If Bitsy doesn’t win, it’ll be a testament to your readers’ convictions and independence. So you can be proud either way.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Demo Woman:
I posted a link to Bitsy on my Faceborg page. That should push her over the edge.
Michael Steele’s What Up blog now officially called “Change the Game”.
How long before it ends up on http://www.unnecessaryquotes.com/
I, too, have voted for Bitsy every day, even tho’ I have been rather frantically busy as of late.
Honestly, I’ll be a little wistful when the contest is over, now.
Reading John Nichols’ column was frustrating. I can’t conceive of Fox News or any right wing nut pundit rushing to the defense of The Nation magazine, on any issue, in a million years.
@JK: As you’ve probably guessed, I am not a huge Springsteen fan, but I like both these songs, especially Badlands. The Santana songs are fabulous.
@Penfold: No sympathy have I for Graham. He is pro-rape. I don’t want him in my party or any of the other male Republicans who currently reside in the Senate.
General Winfield Stuck
If it weren’t for the fact that news orgs rate with the public somewhere just north of used car salesmen, I might be worried. Fortunately, I’m not. If CNN or the Nation, or any other news outlets wants to lay down with snakes, that’s their business. Some anti-venom might be wise however.
just a random tangent-
my 18 month old niece is obsessed with dogs right now. every animal she sees is a ‘dog’. she loves your site because of the dog pictures.
Midnight Marauder
Are they just going down their list of suggested titles from “Hip Hop Aficionado” and “Ebonics For Beginners”?
What’s next, “Holla Back”?
Comrade Mary
@PETE: Aw, for fuck’s sake, you haven’t seen the cocked head pose, have you? That cocked head pose is kryptonite straight to the heart, man. If you don’t respond, then you’re just a zombie, man.
Mary, +1.5 and listening to her Tom Waits downloads.
Comrade Mary
Wheee! I’m almost underemployed and drinking on a week night.
Thanks for the clarification. I had actually assumed just the opposite, because my only recollection about your feelings towards Springsteen was that you were a huge fan of Rosalita.
@General Winfield Stuck: I avoided that story all day because more neo-Nazi dumbassery wasn’t a pleasant prospect. But then I read this:
And it actually made my day brighter. So, thank you for posting it! And thank you, dumbasses everywhere, for being so incredibly dumbass!
For God’s sake, don’t let her read about the kittens…
@General Winfield Stuck:
That’s very sound advice for the nailbiters, bedwetters, and thumbsuckers in the MSM who leap to the defense of Fox News.
Chad N Freude
@slag: Point of information. The Nation does not claim to be a news magazine.
Comrade Mary
And may I just add that Waits does the most fucking awesome klezmer for a goyim. Proof.
@Chad N Freude:
Have you read John Nichols’ column and if so do you agree with it?
GOP Posts Password, Admin Instructions on New Web Site
Cat Lady
Sufjan Stevens in Portland was awesome. He did a great version of Casimir Pulaski Daythat made everyone in the venue silent and at the end there was only sniffling and eye wiping.
@Comrade Mary:
I’m not a big Tom Waits’ fan, but I just love the way your sentence reads.
I showed this to my 15 y.o. son, who loves to roll his eyes at letters to the editor, and he refused to believe it was not a spoof. You have much to learn, grasshopper.
On a cheerier note, NPR had a wonderful interview with 79 y.o. Ernie Banks this morning.
Laura W
@PETE: Read the link to the story, Pete. It’s not a vanity contest. Look at the previous winners on the contest site. Check out the winner named for Stephen Colbert. Not my idea of “cute”. Won primarily due to the CNN coverage of the battle between him and Mozart.
This is a grass roots effort to get a dog who was emaciated and left by the side of the road with a broken leg into the money circle so that any dollars earned can fund the rescue work of a woman who works real estate, full-time, to fund her rescue work. For FIFTY YEARS.
If you are the dog lover you say you are, you will re-think your hasty proclamation. Unless you were snarking. But even in that case, it still is not funny. If it bugs you, ignore the posts. Don’t vote if you find her so un-cute your conscience forbids it. But at the very least, take a minute to grasp the larger overview and absorb the ultimate goal here, which is to try to find the funds to found and support a non-profit animal rescue group in Western North Carolina. More than a quarter of a million animals die in North Carolina shelters annually, twice the national average.
Next headline to read: New GOP website becomes “League of Evil Hackerz l337 Cafe Corner and Bulletin Board”.
Just Some Fuckhead
I think Pete is objectively pro-animal cruelty.
@JK: Thumbs up on the Lou Reed. Thumbs down on the Steely Dan.
Bruce Springsteen: I just really like Rosalita and a few other of his songs. The rest I can leave.
Mark S.
Oh God yes.
Comrade Kevin
@PETE: Hey, PETE: Fuck off.
The web masters of the GOP website wouldn’t know how to pour sand out of a shoe if the instructions were written on the heel.
LOL, Keith O just described Michele Malkin as a “big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it.”
Chad N Freude
@JK: I read the column. To the extent that he criticizes the incredible clumsiness of the administration playing That Man Behind the News Curtain, I agree. And it is certainly true that newspapers have always been vicious to political figures. I have read parts of the book “American Aurora” about the Revolutionary era paper he mentions (at over 900 pages, the book is too big for me to finish in my copious spare time), and the paper was the Fox News of its day. I don’t know whether Obama appearing with the Fox News Werewolf Team would have a positive result, but I would expect it to result in a gold mine of out-of-context quotes for the Right to bludgeon him with. And I don’t believe for a nanosecond his assertion “If the Fox interviewers are absurdly unfair, the American people will respond with appropriate consternation.” That would only happen in a parallel universe. So I guess I partly agree, partly disagree, and partly don’t know. I hope that such a wishy-washy take doesn’t get me ostracized by the BJ slash-and-burn opinion team.
Just Some Fuckhead
I will never understand why people leave deliberately inciting comments.
Sorry about Steely Dan.
Genesis – Jorma Kaukonen
Questions 67 and 68 – Chicago
Chad N Freude
@JK: And I would pedantically point out that “goyim” should be “goy” in that sentence.
Comrade Mary
Can I blame it on the drink and being a lapsed Catholic full of unforgiven sins?
Chad N Freude
@gnomedad: You have to admit, until the last paragraph it sure reads like satire.
Demo Woman
@freelancer: They separated quite a while ago. I love Sarah Silverman and think that both Kimmel and Letterman are great. The Letterman crap though is strictly because of ratings on NBC’s part. GMC and ABC have been doing a pretty good job too.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Because they have small penises and it makes them feel better about themselves to be shitty to other people (or in this case, dogs).
@Just Some Fuckhead: Damn it. I didn’t know that pen is es was a mod word.
Because they have small penii and it makes them feel better about themselves to be shitty to other people (or in this case, dogs).
Demo Woman, I read a few months ago that Silverman and Kimmel were back together again.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Irony, she ded.
Demo Woman
@Just Some Fuckhead: The article was great. I sent it to all my conservative acquaintances hoping to entice them to vote. I should have just sent them the balloon juice page instead. lol
@JK: At first, I thought you were linking to Genesis the group whom I also don’t like, but then I realized my mistake. Great song!
I don’t care as much for the second song, but Chicago is another guilty pleasure of mine.
@Chad N Freude:
That’s catchy. I basically agree with your sentiments. I don’t think it’s wishy washy either. I think Newton’s 3rd law of motion is worth considering regarding the Obama Fox News feud: To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If any an Obama staffer’s criticism of Fox News generates counterattacks from Fox News’ rivals MAYBE the strategy is counter productive and should be reconsidered.
I think the country and the world are basically fucked up beyond repair and will remain that way despite the best intentions and efforts of Obama. Thanks to Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, David Letterman, etc there’ll be plenty laughs as the planet plunges further and further down the drain.
Chad N Freude
@asiangrrlMN: If I remember my high school Latin correctly, that should be penes.
@Cat Lady: Unfortunately, Sufan will never, ever come near where I live. Sad but true.
I see that he finally has a new album coming out. He went missing for a few years, along with Be Good Tanyas and esp. Gillian Welch (where are you, Gillian?).
I like his stuff, but he is not an easy listen.
Chad N Freude
I would love to have a discussion with you about this over a beer (if you’re a member of the proletariat) or a glass of fine wine (if you’re an effete elitist snob).
Thank you, thank you for all your votes for Little Bitsy!
Only two more weeks of voting for the chance to get her into the top 12!
She might not be the “cutest” dog (don’t tell her!) but that’s really not what this is all about.
So – keep voting please!!!!
Notorious P.A.T.
Congratulations! What’s the 5-year gift? Silver? Paper? A wetsuit and dildo set?
I am not 100% sure, but I think Dick Button was the first to do a full sissy in the 1948 Winter Olympics.
@Midnight Marauder:
I remember once upon a time, not too long ago, it was normal for Democratic and GOP senators to work together. It was considered a smart way to help legislation pass. Now, thanks to the diseased level of discourse the wingnuts have gifted us with, it makes you a ‘traitor’.
Third Eye Open
@asiangrrlMN: Ok, here is something which got brought to my attention today, hope you enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84fhnHhmHTc
@JK: I thought the original saying was ‘pour piss out of boots’.
Chad N Freude
I think you mean “Along time ago, in a galaxy far, far away …”
Chad N Freude
@Chad N Freude: “A long time” Why no edit button in Firefox?
I’m a big fan of Genesis under the leadership of Peter Gabriel. Post-Gabriel Genesis doesn’t interest me so much, but Turn It On Again totally kicks ass IMHO.
I thought you might like Genesis by Jorma because you liked Father and Son by Cat Stevens and I Got a Name by Jim Croce. For me, these songs create a similar vibe and I can’t listen to one without thinking of the others.
Questions 67 & 68 is my favorite Chicago song. Before they pursued a more pop oriented path, I think Chicago produced some great music. Jimi Hendrix was a big Terry Kath fan and a recording engineer who worked with most of the big acts from the 60’s once said that the best live performances he’d ever seen came from Chicago and the Who.
@Chad N Freude: That’s true. And a good point. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t want to be taken as seriously as Fox is. Or at least as seriously as even-the-liberal-New-Republic. And they are not. Which is too bad, but that certainly won’t change by people continuing to take Fox seriously.
Laura W
@sylvia: And THIS, PETE, is Bitsy’s owner, who is a lovely person, and truly loves her newly-adopted dog.
Thanks for stopping in, Sylvia. Know Hope!
Chad N Freude
@slag: A long time ago (think I F Stone) they carved out a small, specialized niche for themselves and have never grown beyond it.
Mark S.
Has anyone else been following the story of Rush Limbaugh trying to buy the Rams? I find it hilarious that this guy who makes GOP senators piss in their pants is actually quite hated by the vast majority of right thinking people.
Chad N Freude
@slag: It’s also worth noting that TNR has gone through a number of niche changes and expansions over the years.
In an impulsive act of unforgivable dickishness, I cleaned up that quote because I thought some female readers might take offense. I’m also a hypocrite, because I’ve never for a nanosecond thought of writing Forget the Yankees instead of Fuck the Yankees. But Walt Whitman contradicted himself too, so maybe I’m in good company.
Chad N Freude
And now you have offended the female readers who are offended by sexist differential treatment. Dude, you better quit now.
Chad N Freude
@JK: Is this the origin of the classic children’s tale “Piss In Boots”?
I haven’t seen Michael Moore’s latest, but it supposedly reports the practice of corporations taking out life insurance policies on employees without their knowledge. I admit this is creepy, but how can it be profitable? As Mad Magazine once pointed out, a life insurance policy is a “bet” that you are going to die, and insurance companies (also capitalist and evil) are very good at making sure the odds are in the house’s favor. So how does this make sense?
Third Eye Open
Here are a couple more tracks that I think everyone should be forced to listen to:
I Hate Your Blog
Some Homesick Blues, from miles below Earth’s surface … os so i’ve been told
Just Some Fuckhead
@Mark S.:
I think the media has been very desirous that a white conservative do well. They’re interested in white conservative radio show hosts and prospective NFL owners doing well. I think there’s a little hope invested in Rush and he got a lot of credit for possible ownership of a team that he really didn’t deserve.
Did you fall and hit your head and forget what site you’re reading? The women here can be (and have been) just as crude (if not more so) than the men.
Mark S.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Well played, sir.
Chad N Freude
@RedKitten: See @Chad N Freude.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Mark S.: Thank you, thank you.
It seems to me that “sand” makes more sense. Is this a case of reverse bowdlerization; or is there some reason for a boot to have piss in it, except as a prank?
@Chad N Freude:
Pissing someone off by saying/doing something I felt was inoffensive as a substitute to something I thought was offensive is not unfamiliar terrain for me. I hope to make greater progress in this area or slash my wrists.
Anne Laurie
Dude, if you intended to produce a parody of FDL-type Correct Thinking Commentary, this is moderately brilliant. But if you’re just being painfully earnest, may I suggest that your irony meter needs re-setting?
Midnight Marauder
@Just Some Fuckhead:
What you did here, I see it.
I don’t know what came over me, but I hope it was a teachable moment for me.
Let’s Go Angels and Fuck the NY Yankees.
Mark S.
Wait, doesn’t everybody piss in their boots?
Demo Woman
@Just Some Fuckhead: and to add to your point, I think folks would be pleased to see Rush own a team with only white conservative players cuz we would cheer them on just cuz we could. Maybe they could play Oakland first.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Midnight Marauder: I can’t get a thing past you.
Midnight Marauder
And what does it say about the state of the Republican Party that the base can turn so quickly and viciously on someone like Lindsey Graham and elicit even the faintest amount of sympathy for him as he tries to do something actually productive for once in his life?
I mean, there’s nothing that can actually make me feel bad, pity, or sympathy for that devil, but if that situation doesn’t indicate how epically disastrous (for “conservatives”)/mind-bogglingly awesome (for sane folks) the 2010 midterm election process is going to be, well then, I don’t know what could. For all the talk about Republican comebacks, it’s going to be like fucking Lord of The Flies in a few months, when things really swing into gear.
Those fuckers are going to eat each other alive, from the opening gun to the final whistle. And I, for one, am going to fucking love it.
@Midnight Marauder:
Nu-uh! I saw it first.
@Chad N Freude:
My financial status is proletarian, but I prefer the taste of wine. Don’t forget PIZZA and FRENCH FRIES.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Mark S.: Nope, just the NFL owners committee when they see this.
Charles Blow: Liz Cheney is Dick Cheney’s Mini-Me
Chad N Freude
@Just Some Fuckhead: Thanks for the link. This leaves me speechless. Well, I have enough speech left to ask how can this be publicized — widely — beyond the self-stroking BJ commentariat?
PZ Myers on Mr Deity, with bonus Ray Comfort smackdown.
Midnight Marauder
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Personally, I’m excited to see what comes out of that moran’s mouth the day after the NFL rejects his bid. I’m sure we could get a good game of speculation about what kind of ignorant nonsense he’s going to spew. \
And just how heavily “the negroes” will be to blame.
@Chad N Freude:
Speaking of boots
Puss N’ Boots – New York Dolls
Just Some Fuckhead
@Chad N Freude:
Well, since we don’t have our own Drudge, we have to use sockpuppets to ask a few leading questions on WaPo Chat like “Do you agree with Rush Limbaugh when he says black people should be kept as slaves on plantations so the streets are safe at night?” When they flounder around with typically lame answers, DougJ will post about it on Balloon-Juice frontpage and then a couple of the bigger blogs point at it, then Josh over at TPM starts beating the drum slowly, but persistently. Then FDL and a couple of the shrill blogs lose their fucking minds over it. Then Joe Klein weighs in on it and explains why it isn’t as bad as it seems but it’s still way way over the line.
Then the cable shows pick it up and we’re home free.
Chad N Freude
@Just Some Fuckhead: Excellent! Are you familiar with the work of Rube Goldberg?
Just Some Fuckhead
@Chad N Freude: I am. My dad used to subscribe to Popular Mechanics when I was a kid.
The Way Things Aren’t: Rush Limbaugh’s Reign of Error
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting’s debunking of the Pied Piper of Dittoheads.
Price: $9.95
@Chad N Freude:
OK, now I owe you another beer.
Cat G
@gnomedad: One of the sleazier ideas of the Jack Abramoff/Ralph Reed cabal was for certain Indian tribes to buy life insurance on old tribal members so that the tribes could collect the payouts and afford to pay the Abramoff lobbying fees. The lobbying was over gambling issues & Abramoff was lobbying both sides…just unbelievably sleazy. p.s. the tribes refused the idea. Somebody needs to do a movie on these &%$@#.
On the turntable as we speak. Thanks for that. Chicago knew what they were doing in the recording studio; it’s great sounding stuff.
Cat G
@Just Some Fuckhead: FTW – great post.
I’ve never heard the album myself, but I’ve read that their Live in Japan album from the early 1970’s is supposedly much better than Live at Carnegie Hall.
Chad N Freude
@JK: If you would like to discuss how to bring this about, e-mail me at [email protected]. It’s a mail anonymizer, and messages evaporate after some unspecified number of hours, but I’ll check it at random intervals. If you send a message and don’t get a response, try again. I have to leave now to preserve the tiny shreds of sanity I have left.
@Comrade Mary: I just discovered that the Tom Waits concert on NPR All Songs Considered that I linked to upthread is available as a free podcast on iTunes (as well as a bunch of other choice stuff).
Comrade Mary
Oh, the All Songs Considered podcast? Terrific — thanks!
(I can’t believe I just had to add “podcast” to the Firefox dictionary).
@Chad N Freude: Yes. I like penii better, so I use that instead.
@Third Eye Open: That song is sweeet! I’m diggin’ it.
@sylvia: I vote for her every single day. I hope she wins! She’s awesome.
I saw The Mighty Regis last Saturday; the Young Dubliners was on the bill, too, but I couldn’t stay around:
The Worst Day Since Yesterday, with Matt Hensley of Flogging Molly
Midnight Marauder
I can’t be the only one who read that in a way it was most certainly not intended.
@Chad N Freude: Rush’s racist comments are pretty well-known in the sports’ world.
The Head of the NFL Players Union writes an email in opposition.
Some players say they will never play for a team owned by Limbaugh.
Roger Goodell (the commish) states that owners of NFL teams should not make racial comments while some actual owners voice their own qualms.
In other words, it’s getting a far amount of ink.
I look forward to seeing your Twins have the last laugh against the damn Yankees one of these years.
Oh You Pretty Things – David Bowie
20th Century Boy – Marc Bolan
@Midnight Marauder: As the plural of pen is, the male organ, yes. That’s the way it’s intended.
I’m in moderation for too many links about how Limbaugh’s racism is well known in the NFL world. Damn.
Really? Seriously? You HAVE read my posts, right?
@Midnight Marauder:
You are not alone.
I wouldn’t be so certain about the intention.
@JK: I like Bowie very much, but this song, not as much.
I dig the second song, though.
My Twins: Yeah, right.
My intentions: Bad as always!
I plead guilty to a serious lapse in judgement. I strive to avoid making such inexcusable mistakes in the future.
@JK: You can make it up by posting a link to a song in the style of Leonard Cohen, but upbeat.
GWS, I hate you for making me click on that link (even though I couldn’t bear to watch), but I’ll forgive you if you post another pic of Libby.
General Winfield Stuck
Gooper party unity in it’s glory.
Words to live by. I wish I could shake your hand, give you a high five, or email you a drink for that.
“My intentions: Bad as always” – This is a fitting motto for a blog. I also like it for an epitaph.
asiangrrlMN, you are always on. Thanks for being money in the bank when it comes to passionate, funny, dead-on bullseye comments. I raise a pizza slice in your honor.
General Winfield Stuck
Your wish is my command
@JK: Aw, thanks, JK. Better make sure it’s Chicago-style.
*Ducks and flees the room.
@General Winfield Stuck: All is forgiven! Happy sigh.
Leonard Cohen is fairly unique. This is the best I can think of at the moment.
I Saw the Light – Todd Rundgren
El Condor Pasa – Simon and Garfunkel
@gnomedad: I think it’s just that the expression is funnier with ‘piss’ rather than ‘sand’.
Girl from the North Country – Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash
Comes a Time – Neil Young
@General Winfield Stuck: I’ve been going through the pics of Libby (backwards), and I am just stunned at how ridiculously cute she is.
@JK: That Rundgren is awesome. I’ve always liked that Simon and Garfunkel song. Thanks!
P.S. You didn’t think I was gonna make it easy for you, did you?
@JK: Wow. I really like the Dylan/Cash song. I am surprised because I don’t much care for Dylan, but I do love me some Man in Black.
Neil Young, eh. I could take or leave.
I have faint recollections of watching the Johnny Cash show way back when. He had an impressive roster of big name musicians on his show.
What Is Truth – Johnny Cash
@JK: Damn, he’s good.
Re: Mad Men.
This show is amazing, and I feel that though I’m power cycling through the first two seasons, I’m reminded of Jim Gaffigan and his bit on the movie HEAT.
Have you considered posting an email address on your blog for readers wishing to respond directly to you as opposed to leaving a message in your comments section?
Glad you’re enjoying the show, even though I get no residuals from your enjoyment of it.
Huffington Post column by John Slattery aka Roger Sterling
Thanks for the film recommendation Tell Me You Love Me.
asiangrrlMN, Do you like Mad Men?
freelancer (itouch)
tmylm is a show on hbo. It explores relationships in a light I’ve never seen before. I wasn’t single when it was airing at the time and it’s a really tough show to watch “together”.
@JK: I suppose I could do that. Hm. I will see what I can do. Otherwise, I will make me techie (my bro) do it for me.
I don’t have cable. I do not watch Mad Men. To be honest, even if I had cable, I would not watch.
@JK: I use wordpress.org. Any idea how I can embed it?
@freelancer (itouch):
I don’t have HBO on my cable system, so the HBO connection sailed right over my head.
That’s a moot point for me.
@asiangrrlMN: I’m not JK, but I know this one!
Or, I know how I did it: I just wrote an email address into my About page.
Mark S.
I love Girl From the Northern Country.
Please see for me if her hair hangs long,
If it rolls and flows all down her breast.
Please see for me if her hair hangs long,
That’s the way I remember her best.
Evening all.
Daily Beast ranked 55 US metro areas with population over 1 million with its “smart” index (looked at reading habits, postgrad, degrees, civic participation).
Some surprises here. Chicago continues its bad month.
@ellaesther: Yeah, I could do that. I was just hoping there was a super-stealth way I could do it so I wouldn’t have to give out my actual email addy. Oh well. It’s not like it’s a big secret, anyway.
I admire your will power. With all the intense critical buzz it’s been receiving, I thought your curiosity might have gotten the best of you and you’d say to yourself “I have to check out this show that so many critics are raving about it and which has attracted such a loyal following.”
Sorry, I don’t know how to embed it. I have no experience using any blogging sofware. I think it’s good for a blog to have an email contact. It’s handy if you have information to disseminate, but you don’t wish to share it with the whole blogosphere.
@Elizabelle: We’re number…4????? Really, Raleigh-Durham is #1? Interesting.
@Mark S.:
That song never gets stale for me.
@JK: Well, I am a contrarian in that the more buzz a show garner, the less likely I am to watch it. In addition, I saw the trailer, and it didn’t interest me in the least. There ya go.
I am gonna take ellaesther’s suggestion and just post an email addy in my about me/contact page. I’ll have it up in two minutes.
@asiangrrlMN: Super stealth = open a different, free account. Et voila!
And make sure that you do something like Your Name (at) hotmail (dot) com — so that you don’t get slammed with the spam.
I just went over to your place again. Honesty is a good thing, my friend. A very good, if not easy, thing. Onward and upward — you’re doing good stuff.
@JK: Done. I breathlessly await your email.
@ellaesther: Yeah, I followed your example. I used my yahoo addy, spelled out all the symbols and included the parentheses. Thanks for the encouragement. Much needed and much appreciated.
@Elizabelle: But it’s such a lovely picture of The Bean…!
Actually I live just outside of Chicago, so I have no idea how smart or dumb the place really is. And I’m glad they didn’t get the Olympics, because I’m a pain in the and a crank. So perhaps I should withhold any further opinions I may develop….
I saw that item. At this point, I think these rankings don’t matter much. I feel like I’m surrounded by an avalanche of stupidity pouring forth from the Internet, radio, television, and print. Despite Obama’s election, I see no let up in the volume of rampant stupidity being produced by wingnuts and treated as credible by the Washington Press Corps.
All right, late-night BJ folks. I’m trundling off to bed. See ya in the morn.
Thanks for providing instructions. If I ever wish to try it myself, I have the information I need.
@JK: I strive to be service-y! And am so proud of the three and a half things that I know about blogging that I feel a powerful need to share…!
I’ve been feeling so run down by the news lately, by the way, that I really feel your earlier comment about all the stupidity. I actually spent hours tonight just finding things online that would make me happy, because I was so desperate for a break from the misery. If you would like a break yourself, you are always welcome at my world of fun things and online relief….
The fact that I forgot the word “ass” in my last comment suggests to me, however, that I must go to bed (too tired to curse? Bedtime!). So I’m off. It was brief but lovely, Balloon Juice!