I have to admit, the freak-out over Rush not being wanted as an investor in the Rams bid is better than I expected. Scott at LGM points out a couple good reactions, but my personal favorite is Allahpundit:
Needless to say, the next vocal liberal who tries to buy a sports franchise is going to have a hell of a time.
OOOOOHHHH! Tough guy, you think you’re like the Shaq!
Yeah, I suppose the next liberal who compares half the players to crips and bloods and has a long history of racially offensive statements probably will have a hell of a time.
*** Update ***
Earlier this evening, as most of you now know, one of our own, Rush Hudson Limbaugh, while taking withering fire, crashed and burned.
Tonight, Rush is no longer ‘just’ a radio personality.
Tonight, Rush is no longer ‘just’ a NFL owner denied
Tonight, Rush is us. And we are him.
It ends with the obligatory Niemöller quote.
I’m seriously dying over here. I am honest to goodness crying I’m laughing so hard.
Maybe the Red State Strike Farce can do another one of their crack operations and mail oxycontin to Checketts to show their outrage.
So Mr. Pigskin is out. And according to him it’s all the fault of a vast left wing conspiracy, not his overt racism (and drug history, btw). I love pointing out that the Black Eyed Peas’ Fergie was approved by the NFL team owners this week as a partial owner of the Dolphins.
When you liberals finally understand that pointing out racism is only done by racists? By virtue of using racial epithets and racially tinged innuendo, Rush has proven himself to be not-racist. It’s those who abhor racism who are the true racists.
So glad they’re finally admitting that unapologetic racism is a conservative value. Took them long enough.
The Grand Panjandrum
Yea, its the liberals fault that uber-conservative Dave Checketts dropped Rush’s fat sloppy man breasts as soon as the going got tough. But why blame the guy who actually called the shots when you can turn up the whine-o-meter and boo hoo about those mean ol’ tofu and arugula eating, Birkenstock wearing, flag burning DFH’s.
Poor Rush. He can’t help himself. He was born with a racially offensive streak in his mouth.
Wow, you and TNC, mindmeld. (Though it is kind of linear and obvious)
Xecky Gilchrist
So, how many of the wingnuts believe that the NFL is a government agency and therefore this is Obama’s fault?
Hunter Gathers
Rush Limbaugh, failed jock, former employee of the Kansas City Royals, has failed once more in his lifelong ambition to be involved with professional sports. Kicked out of MLB, denied access to the NFL owner’s club, and wouldn’t be allowed within 200 feet of an NBA franchise. His only course of action is to try to buy his way into the NHL, which, evidently, is still around for some odd reason. The fact that 99% of the NHL is lily white might have some appeal to the ol’ Rushter.
I think he actually compared ALL the players to Crips and Bloods. Half are Crips, half are Bloods.
Better than expected? Hot Air hasn’t even announced a boycott yet. We don’t even know what kind of countertops Bob Irsay has yet.
Come on, this is weak so far.
August J. Pollak
You mean like Fergie, who performed at the DNC and the Obama inaugural, who just this morning bought into the Miami Dolphins?
Are wingers so stupid now that their plans fail as they’re announcing them?
They Live By Night
I defy anybody to top this response, from the freedom-lovers over at Redstate:
Earlier this evening, as most of you now know, one of our own, Rush Hudson Limbaugh, while taking withering fire, crashed and burned.
Tonight, Rush is no longer ‘just’ a radio personality.
Tonight, Rush is no longer ‘just’ a NFL owner denied
Tonight, Rush is us. And we are him.
Tonight Rush became the metaphor for all of us… every man woman and child in this great nation of ours.
The enemy of this great nation, the enemy of you and me, Rush’s enemy… those on the left, inside and outside of this nation abhor success… and when faced with it will destroy it… by any and all means possible.
We all have our dreams in life… such as they might be. Rush dreamed of being an owner in the NFL.
Tonight the left proved that they will stop at nothing to end our dreams. Our dreams of success and happiness devastate their need to dominate and control you and me… and well everything and everyone.
Chrysler bondholders
GM dealers
Bankers and stockbrokers
Small business owners
Medical Doctors
Oppressed people wanting freedom around the world
The left can not and will not allow anyone to realize their dreams
Tonight a light went out… a dream died… it died from political correctness
Tonight we are under withering fire, we on the right those in the middle,
Tonight our values are under withering fire, those thoughts ideas and dreams that made this great nation are under withering fire
Will your light of your dreams be next?
Will my dreams be next?
What they don’t get is that the problem here was not Al Sharpton, or even the head of the players’ union (who is black and therefore probably just like Jeremiah Wright or something). The problem is mainstream figures like Jim Irsay and Roger Goodell. The problem is that even Dave Checketts knew the bid was a non-starter if Limbaugh stayed on board.
All those years when Cheney was making regular appearances on Limbaugh’s show, when Republicans in Congress were passing resolutions to praise him, I was like “how can the Democrats possibly let them get away with acting like Limbaugh is a mainstream figure?!” Well, it looks like some people still have a little common sense.
The media, the courts, the NFL… is there anything liberals don’t control?
Xecky Gilchrist
@They Live By Night: Tonight the left proved that they will stop at nothing to end our dreams.
So, Redstate sez the NFL is “the left”. Gotcha.
Is this the whine that refers to Limbaugh’s “hard-earned money”? Isn’t he like hardly earning $40M/yr or more? ‘Cause no way am I clicking through.
@Hunter Gathers:
1) Shut the fuck up, hockey is awesome
2) French Canadians are probably the most disproportionately-represented group in the NHL, I can’t imagine they’d like a Rush Limbaugh-owned team too much either
Xecky Gilchrist
@Pasquinade: Rush is now a victim as described and defined by John Galt in “Atlas Shrugged”.
So he’s going to take his ball and go home, never to be heard from again? How will we ever struggle through?
I could point out to all the Red State douchebags that it was Rush’s own consortium of free-market champions that threw him under the bus (and not the NFL), but what would be the point? Rave on, lunatics…
@They Live By Night: I’m sorry, that has to be satire.
I just followed a TBogg link over to the RedState, “Tonight We Are All Rush Limbaugh” post.
I could not believe — really could NOT BELIEVE — that it wasn’t written in jest. Sheeeyit. And here I thought I actually UNDERSTOOD the degree to which these people are crazy. Turns out I had no clue.
@They Live By Night:
drat. Scooped again. : (
the next vocal liberal who tries to buy a sports franchise is going to have a hell of a time.
Like who? Dennis Kucinich? Why would he have a hard time?
Rush, if you want to act like a dick and get paid for it, be prepared for people to, you know, not like you and want you in their little club.
Besides, a pro-sports team owner just reaps profits from the tax payer. A solid conservative such as yourself would never want to do that, would you?
holy crap people, but over at profootballtalk.com they are posting about an apparent report at bloomberg about george soros(!) being part of the group that checketts is putting together.
even if it isn’t true, hold on tight ’cause we haven’t seen anything yet.
@They Live By Night:
You made that up. You had to have made that up. “WITHERING FIRE? A DREAM DIED?”
different church-lady
Wait: who was the last vocal liberal who tried to by a sports team? Did I miss a big attempt by Jerry Brown to buy the Oakland Athletics or something?
From that freeper thread:
This is one of the reasons why I support college football ONLY now. I am sick and tired of the race card, the greed, the divisions that comes with the NFL.
I really have long suspected that “Sorry, I only like college football”, given that they’re the same game, is code. Thanks for confirming it.
The Grand Panjandrum
The party of economic liberty demands that a private citizen be forced to sell his property against his will because the buyer happens to be someone they like.
You can easily find Limbaugh defending the President’s right to fire US Attorneys based on their political views, but I guess this principle doesn’t extend to commerce. (It also doesn’t apply to all Presidential appointees, because you can also easily find him attacking the President for illegally firing an inspector general. Oh, not Bush.)
@The Grand Panjandrum:
@Corey: I really have long suspected that “Sorry, I only like college football”, given that they’re the same game, is code. Thanks for confirming it.
This is especially true in college basketball. If anyone ever says this relating to basketball, it really means: “I’d prefer to watch a bunch of lanky white kids who look like me play an inferior game, than watch a bunch of professional scary black men with tattoos.”
Walter Glass
This is my favorite, from Andy McCarthy:
“I used to have black friends and I said racist shit to them all the time and they didn’t get mad, so why can’t Limbaugh own an NFL team?”
My dreams are simple. My dreams are that my son will clean out the contents of his lunch box every afternoon and put things in the appropriate place, trash or dishwasher, and that my four year old daughter will stop trying to sneak into bed with my husband and me all night long. Soros, quit crushing my dreams or start sending my checks, dammit! (I’m gonna take a pass on the virgins since I learned about them from the Onion.)
Paul L.
Unfairenheit 9/11
As for a NFL boycott, I support the suspension of professional sports and awards show to reduce the US Carbon footprint to combat Global warming/Climate Change.
@neil, 14
When they came for the morbidly-obese-three-time-divorcee-child-sex-tourist-convicted-felon-junkie-talk-show-hosts, I said nothing, for I was not a morbidly-obese-three-time-divorcee-child-sex-tourist-convicted-felon-junkie-talk-show-host.
There, fify
College football is even more disreputable and sleazy. At least the players in the NFL make a decent salary in exchange for wrecking their bodies and brains. Hell, college football players can’t even earn money on their likeness or number.
Pro sports is just a tool to sell ad-time and separate money from the dim-witted.
Can’t Rush just get his maid to find a doctor to write a sports-team prescription then fill it on the sly?
Jesse Taylor at Pandagon dug up a couple of good responses from Big Hollywood. Yes, yes, dynamiting fish in a barrel, but try to top this:
The NFL is so shul izzm writ large. Massive revenue sharing. A salary cap. A draft that prevents new players from auctioning their service to the highest bidder in a free market.
And consider the extent to which stadium construction has been financed with public funds. The NFL has raped the American taxpayer to at least the same extent as Goldman, if not more.
If Rush were a real conservative, he would want nothing to do with the NFL.
Off topic, but I just have to reproduce this Limbaugh exchange I found.
Absolutely amazing. Somebody calls in saying that he’s offended by minorities and that liberals don’t have values, and Limbaugh replies that liberals are always offended and it’s wrong to be offended.
Don’t you need values to be offended?
Eh, I prefer college basketball. One, I have to root for my alma mater, I don’t have anyone to root for in the pros. You would be hard pressed to find many people in ACC territory who don’t prefer college ball. And two, I actually like to watch people playing good defense.
The NFL is socialist anyway, why did Rush want to join?
BTW, there’s no crying in football, Rush.
@They Live By Night:
Shorter Rstate:
“My God! It’s full of butthurt!”
Limbaugh on Sotomayor:
We are all failed sports team owners now.
Freepers think the worst day in football history is that Saturday in 1970 when John McKay took a racially mixed USC team down to Birmingham and kicked Bear Bryant’s lily-white Crimson Tide’s ass.
Not so surprisingly, the NFL has among its owners some of the most dyed in the wool Republicans you can find. According to one article, more than 95% of political contributions from the Chargers, Texans, Browns and Redskins going to Republicans. The Texans have given over $500,000.00 to Republicans and the Chargers have given a whopping $2,400,000.00+ to Republicans.
Interestingly, the Rams, who are up for sale, are one of the teams that give mostly to Democrats.
Oh, and according to one Michigan State fan, teams giving to Democrats have been much more successful than teams giving to Republicans:
I think Rachel Maddow may have reported on this as well.
Hunter Gathers
@Corey: Don’t get me wrong, I have much love for the game of hockey. Any game that lets you beat the crap out of each other is good in my book. The NHL, with it’s incredible bright ‘let’s not play for a whole year’ ideas can go suck a lemon.
Ken B
I’m listening to Rush now, and the truth can finally be revealed… GEORGE SOROS may be an investor in this group. Rush doesn’t know for sure, but he thought he’d bring that up.
Also, liberals are taking over the NFL (etc).
I always used to think Rush was doing comedy during the mid 90’s. I had to rethink that concept during the Bush years. Thank God he’s gone back to doing comedy again.
Zuzu's Petals
Small point. Obama didn’t.
I don’t know… I’m a UConn fan and there’s only been like 5 white guys I can think of off the top of my head who saw more than 5 minutes on the court at a time over the last decade.
For me it’s a regional thing. I grew up in Connecticut. and after the Whalers skipped town UConn was pretty much the only thing to hang your sports identity on if you were from Connecticut. The Celtics sucked when I was young so I never really got attached… I was a pretty big Knicks fan with Ewing and Starks but when they fell of the map during the Isiah years I lost interest. I guess I’m a fair weather NBA fan. I don’t enjoy the game that much either… isolate, dribble, drive… repeat gets a little old to me. I certainly can appriciate the athleticism involved though.
Although I more of a sports omnivore… I love it all.
I suspect you might be right if you’re talking about some ACC fan or a WAC fan. You don’t get much whiter than BYU or Utah.
Bullshit. The NBA is not basketball. It’s hip-hop entertainment with a round prop. There are only about 15 NBA players who have any grasp of the fundamentals of basketball, and most of them are either European or learned the fundamentals playing for Mike Krzyzewski, either at Duke or on the national team.
If you knew anything at all about basketball, you would know that the real game is played at the college level.
I could totally believe it. This whole things has always been about them. And their unacknowledged privilege in this country. They get a thrill out of the pretense of superiority, and then, when they finally get a tiny fraction of the punishment they deserve for it, they just as much enjoy reveling in the pretense of martyrdom. Master and servant has always been one of their favorite games.
Plus, as we’ve all observed, a more entitled group of people you never will see. Also.
@Corey: Yeah, college football, the ultimate example of affirmative action, taking young black males with no academic qualifications and sending them to college while bypassing students with higher academic qualifications. Yep, that is sure conservative.
I think Rush is usually pretty calculating about what he says. But (as I’ve noted before) after seeing the vaccine tantrum, I’m wondering if he’s going to really lose it one of these days. I can imagine his producer hovering over the kill switch in case he drops the N-bomb.
Dr. Loveless
Is this what the Wingularity looks like?
@The Grand Panjandrum: FTW!
I’ll sell Rush our Detroit Lions for the amount of my November rent.
He can be the “Defensive Czar.”
schrodinger's cat
Can someone explain, what this means? I have no clue.
@The Grand Panjandrum: That’s a win right there.
R. Porrofatto
Wouldn’t it be cool if George Soros tried to buy RedState? The ensuing shitstorm would be… oh who am I kidding, Erickson would be first in line at the check-cashing place.
Still, though, with all Limbaugh’s money, why doesn’t he just start the WFL, and you know what the “W” stands for.
@gnomedad: Give the guy a little bit of credit. He’s done three hours of live radio a day for something like twenty years, even while under the influence of mind-altering drugs. He’s not about to blurt something out unintentionally. You were right the first time — it’s all very calculated.
Brick Oven Bill
The modern Left, which has nothing to do with Liberalism, is very similar to the Catholic Church-1500s. Five hundred years ago the word was ‘heretic’; today the word is ‘racist’. Both Belief Systems require the suppression of knowledge and the exchange of ideas.
I hereby define this as the ‘500-Year Slouch’.
When it comes down to true ‘racism’, the NFL itself is more racist than Rush. It denies referee positions to Mexicans, because of their DNA. All of the new referee slots, with the exception of the token guy they put out there on Monday in Miami, are black.
I checked out the Freeper thread. The latest meme is that poor, maligned Rush is a noble soul for not suing the NFL for slander. Wingnuttia – just getting crazier by the day.
@Paul L.: I agree with the part about awards shows, but I’ll give up some of my carbon credits for NFL.
Hey! ACC fan has already chimed in here! And I am not a Dook fan, so don’t go claiming I only like white, flopping, serial-killer-lookalike players either.
The only NBA games worth watching are Lakers vs. Houston. Kobe vs. Battier is the most interesting matchup since Dr. J vs. Bobby Jones in ABA days.
@The Grand Panjandrum:
Oh, well done!
The free-market said to Rush:
You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting.
@schrodinger’s cat:
It’s the fourth one down.
Candlelight vigils! I wanna see candlelight vigils!
J.W. Hamner
Wow, Red State is on a roll this week… they must be trying for the record in “cringe-worthy abject stupidity”.
Even the American teams of the NHL are chock full of Soviet Canuckistani socialist weenies who run home to Soviet Canuckistan to access single payer healthcare to fix their injuries.
I can’t imagine that Rush would like them or vice versa.
I’ll bet you like Hansblahblah pretty well. Yeah, Carolina guys never get preferential treatment. The first of this year’s rookies to star in a TV commercial? He Who Always Walks.
schrodinger's cat
@Dr. Loveless:
Wingularity is like the absolute zero, we can never reach it, only approach it. When we reach wingularity, wingnuts will
make zero sense. At very low temperatures materials exhibit
super-conductivity, which is characterized by zero electrical resistance, near wingularity wingnuts exhibit super stupidity, and their resistance to nonsensical arguments also goes to zero.
I don’t know how many people read this site, but I want us all to chip in some money and buy a professional football team. Seriously. Let’s buy the Rams, for example, and change their name to the Juicers. Then, we could all be successful NFL team owners now.
@jibeaux: There are good defensive teams in the NBA but nobody wants to watch them because they lower the scoring to the high school level and the games are just ugly to watch (unless you appreciate that level of talent of course).
So just another Friday night for Redstate then.
I’ll link to the Massive Butthurt level alarm, but it’s been getting an awful lot of use lately.
I really have long suspected that “Sorry, I only like college football”, given that they’re the same game, is code.
They’re not the same game. College football has benches and rows filled with skinny white kids who play Div I football before becoming dentists and sales managers.
Because, in the aggregate, they tend to have alternatives to the NFL, that don’t require them to get their bells rung until they can’t think straight and die young.
Which has nothing to do with racism, just what choices their parents made about where in our free country to send them to school.
The NFL is perfect for Rush’s values. Watching a crowd of mostly black men beat each other senseless? That’s entertainment.
Joey Maloney
Just like the flaming Nazi gas-bag he is.
How do I get a job as a professional scary black man? It sounds like a great gig, and I’m totally qualified! Check this out: “Do you minds if we dance wif yo dates?”
Why are conservatives so deeply offended by the concept that actions have consequences? What, people owe it to you to be super-nice to you and give you anything and everything you want, even if you’re a huge raging dickhead all the time?
Welcome to the real world, kids. If you act like a douche, people will treat you like one. The government can’t arrest you for being an asshole, but the rest of society can shun you all they want for it.
More prose from the Department of Redundancy Department.
You know, EVERYONE hates Dook. No need to assume Carolina.
Zuzu's Petals
Which talks about speaking out for communists, socialists, and trade unionists.
The irony is just too too rich.
Hehehehe…. I probably should have added a ;-)
Dook sucks. ;-)
Why are conservatives so deeply offended
Conservatives aren’t offended, that’s for minorities.
What, people owe it to you to be super-nice to you and give you anything and everything you want, even if you’re a huge raging dickhead all the time?
Have you not even read Ayn Rand?
@Brick Oven Bill: Heretic!
Ooh, an ActBlue type team. You know, if the kossacks bought a team, gave ’em some nice orange jerseys, mascot of course the GOS, that would be sooooo worth it….
@schroedinger’s cat, 56 (or are you somewhere else?–I won’t know until you read this)
The Crips and Bloods are nortorious street gangs that got their start in the minority, predominantly black neighborhoods of Los Angeles in the ’60s and ’70s.
Limbaugh called NFL players street thugs, primarily because of the fact that a majority of NFL players are African Americans.
@Brick Oven Bill: Yay! Our first comment for the BOB Bullsh#t Fund. And it’s a great one! Personally, I’m hoping this comment’s proceeds end up at Color of Change, but that’s still to be determined.
It’s about time we had an old-fashioned ACC throwdown on this blog.
Evidently from a freeper who never read the book.
What? Then where are our fanatical death squads purging the Right with fire and sword?! Where are the bonfires merrily crackling away under Malkin, Rush and company?!
I feel cheated.
@schrodinger’s cat:
So its ass-ymptotic?
I seem to remember winning the last one, but….
By the by, something about “Rush Hudson Limbaugh”, as if it were an obituary, is just making me giggle uncontrollably.
@schrodinger’s cat: Crips and Bloods–two well-known gangs.
Soros, Garofalo, Olbermann, Maddow, and Gore need to buy a NFL team right now. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton can be in on it, too.
Jealousy is such an ugly thing.
could not believe—really could NOT BELIEVE —that it wasn’t written in jest. Sheeeyit. And here I
schrodinger's cat
Thanks, now it makes sense, why the said comment is so offensive.
Zuzu's Petals
Which talks about speaking out for commmies, soshulists, and trade unionists.
Oh the yummy yummy irony!
(First post lost in spam filter ’cause I forgot about the whole “s” word thingie. Sigh.)
My favorite post was from the freeper who angrily announced that he’s going to continue watching NFL football, but, by jingo! he’s not going to the games. Yeah, that’ll show’em, because we all know that ticket sales are the main source of revenue, not TV ad sales.
schrodinger's cat
Not so surprisingly, the NFL has among its owners some of the most dyed in the wool Republicans you can find. According to one article, over 95% of the political contributions from the Chargers, Texans, Bengals and Redskins have gone to Republicans, with the Texans giving over $500,000 and the Chargers giving a whopping $2.4 million+ to Republicans.
The Rams, who are up for sale, are one of the teams that give mostly to Democrats.
According to one Michigan State fan, NFL teams contributing mostly to Democrats have done much better than those that contribute to Republicans.
I think Rachel Maddow reported on this as well.
(Reposting this comment, don’t know what happened the first time.)
I think the difference between college basketball and the NBA is big enough to have a preference for one or the other without there being something else going on. I don’t really like basketball at all though, so I don’t really know.
I suppose there are a few differences in play between college and the NFL, though – I think NCAA teams run more spread and option offenses – but the difference is mostly about the speed of the game and the intelligence of the guys on the field.
Go Hoos.
@jibeaux: Fuck, yeah! That’s what I’m talking about. The GOS takes down the GOP (through heads asplodin’ everywhere). Soros! If you read this blog, make it happen.
@burnspbesq: Big 10 (well, really 11), bitchez! Eh. even I can’t be too enthusiastic about the Big 10.
Liberals? You mean like Jon Bon Jovi (Philadelphia Soul Arena Football Team) or Jay Z ( New Jersey Nets ) JLo and Marc Anthony (Miami Dolphins) maybe he means Nelly (Charlotte Bobcats) or Usher or the Williams Sisters?
The Grand Panjandrum
OT: This is not a joke: Luce Policy Institute’s 2010 Great American Conservative Women calendar photo shoots. Scroll to the bottom and watch the video.
@TenguPhule: Clearly you missed the memo about the Clinton-Era black helicopters and the Obama Death Panels.
Hundreds of thousands of Vince Fosters were ruthlessly put to the stake under the Tyranny of King Bubba. And the Obama Death List grows day by day.
All because these people said something a leftist ACORN black shirt might construe as racist. If it’s wrong to call the President a n*gg*r, I don’t want to be right.
@Steve: Said “The problem is mainstream figures like Jim Irsay and Roger Goodell.”
I am still waiting for one of them to catch on to the fact that Nixon had Roger Goodell’s dad all but run out of the US Senate since he was the first Republican Senator to turn against the Vietnam War. I am sure in their world somehow that means something.
This is an infinitesimal fraction of the humiliation Limbaugh deserves for his Michael J. Fox comments alone.
@burnspbesq: Why? The ACC sucks!
Fergus Wooster
@The Grand Panjandrum:
Poor Rush. He can’t help himself. He was born with a racially offensive
streaksteak in his mouth.gnomedad
True enough. The thing is, a lot of his past fail was part of his shtick. I think this was his Big Dream, and he can’t have it. We’ll see.
@The Grand Panjandrum: I hate you for providing that link, but I hate myself more for clicking on it.
Now, please excuse while I go gouge my eyeballs out with a rusty fork.
Fergus Wooster
Blockquote fail. Sad.
de stijl
Liberals. Is there anything they can’t do?
Rick Taylor
It’s funny but it’s also frightening. How crazy do you have to be before you compare those killed in the holocaust with someone who couldn’t buy a football team without batting an eye?
I for one applaud the NFL for sticking to principles ‘o profit and running away, screaming, from people associating “Rush Limbaugh”, the net negative, in any way with their brand.
I don’t know why he’s taking it so personally. I think it’s because he’s a fan. To me, a neutral-on-the-NFL observer, it just looks like an ordinary prudent business decision.
The college teams are smarter, right?
Let me fix that:
Gotta call bullshit. Sorry, but the NBA has sucked for at least the last 15 years. They lost me (a huge fan back in the day, even in a town with no team) right around the early 90s. It’s not a team game anymore and I’m not interested in a dunking contest. I do, however, continue to love, love, love college basketball. And since my team is the University of Pittsburgh Panthers, it would be quite awkward in the Zoo if I was afraid of large, black men with lots of tattoos.
So any multimillionaire who wants to own part of a sports team has a right to own one?
@The Grand Panjandrum: Some hot girl-on-girl action. Well, sort of. I mean, not even close. Er, actually its quite lame.
@The Grand Panjandrum:
Guess Caribou Barbie was too expensive.
The Grand Panjandrum
@asiangrrlMN: You’re welcome?
So much for Rush Hudson Limbaugh and his
The Grand Panjandrum
@gnomedad: I guess they didn’t want Rich Lowry’s business.
Bubblegum Tate
Rush getting the boot can only mean one thing: time to defund teh left!11!
Also: Fuck Duke
Brick Oven Bill
Observations of a scientific heretic:
The NFL is a wonderful laboratory to observe Jefferson’s Natural Aristocracy of Man (NAM) in action.
Power is equal to force divided by time. Strength is the ability to create power. The NFL is a place where only the excellent, those atop the NAM, are able to succeed.
Biological strength stands atop the NAM in societies that evolved in the absence of gunpowder. Thus player-positions in which strength is paramount (defensive players with the exception of the Safety; running positions) are filled by people who evolved in the absence of gunpowder.
Talent and Virtue stand atop the NAM in societies that evolved in the presence of gunpowder (chemical strength). Thus player-positions at which Talent and Virtue are paramount (kicker-Talent; Quarterback-Talent and Virtue (Leadership)) are filled by people who evolved in the presence of gunpowder.
Talent is a trait that has historically allowed the chemical power of gunpowder to be accurately directed. We can observe that the biochemical traits associated with these evolutionary pressures, translate well into kicking accurately, and throwing accurately.
Damn. That’s just too awesome.
“I’m so angry I’m going to partially boycott the NFL!”
@The Grand Panjandrum: Too funny. Too true. Alas, too true.
I love the idea of a LiberalCommieBlogosphere gestalt entity banding together to buy an NFL team. However, and unfortunately, NFL teams are multiple hundred-million dollar properties. GOS’ kos is, I think, the wealthiest among us, and even he couldn’t pony up enough for a sub-1% ownership stake.*
And I happen to be unemployed at the mo’, so all I could contribute is
a suitably ironic cheermorale support.asiangrrlMN
@The Grand Panjandrum: Was that directed at me? I can’t see any more, giving the bleeding, gaping cavities that used to house my eyeballs.
NBA: I lost interest a long time ago because, quite frankly, the quality of the play sucks. I watch college basketball during March Madness.
All the major sports, in college and in the pros, are about greed and exploitation. I know that, and it’s a major reason I have lost a lot of my enthusiasm for sports. Oh, and stadium welfare bugs the shit out of me as well.
@schrodinger’s cat: West coast street gangs.
The Grand Panjandrum
Shorter Dave Checketts: Dude, I don’t do business with anyone who has bigger breasts than my wife.
@geg6: Ironically its not a team game anymore because the defenses are too good. The only way a team can score is to take advantage of the illegal defense rules and run isolation on one side of the court setting up a 2 on 2 game. They either need bigger courts or go to 8-man games.
@CaseyL: That’s why we get Soros to be the majority owner! Throw in a few movie people, and wham! We got ourselves a team. They could hire someone, say one of us Cole minions, to blog about the team and the political ramifications thereof. It would be a hoot.
Hey, I know my state is a convenient substitute for “white” but the Ute football team is largely made of African Americans and “islanders” (Polynesian, Tongan, etc.) Both the current starting QB and the one that started when we stomped the shit out of Alabama last year are black. BYU isn’t that lily white either-they’re far more diverse than the surrounding area.
If you want a “white” team, look at Boise State.
@Brick Oven Bill: That is the funniest goddamned thing I’ve read in a long time. Heretic. Also.
Rhetorical question: why do Republicans like “free markets” until said free market acts against their most cherished wishes?
I know, I know. But it’s fun to ask them occasionally, just to hear them babble.
Cat Lady
@Rick Taylor:
schrodinger's cat
@neil: Tunch the cat
Shawn in ShowMe
As long as Wanda Sykes runs the front office.
Personally, I want Clooney. Why is that he can get better looking with age? This is unfair yet alluring.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Brick Oven Bill
Virtue is the trait that has historically organized and coordinated Talent.
See Sullenberger.
The Moar You Know
@TenguPhule: I’ve got two swords and a Bic lighter, as well as a few gallons of gas for the lawn mower. Where do I sign up for the death squads?
What the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg?
One is a flaming nazi gas-bag, the other is a dirigible.
The Senate, apparently. (I know this is late in the thread, but I have to get that off my chest)
Even before I checked the link and read the next lines, I KNEW that ‘Rush is us’ quote was from Red State. God, that site cratered.
He comes dangerously close to saying something I agree with, ie, let everybody pay tax on their profits. Of course the mega churches would hate it which is why he doesn’t go there.
And only very, very tangentially related, didja hear that Rod Dreher is “upset” that Bill Maher won the Richard Dawkins Award? Yes, fundies complaining about who deserves atheism awards.
Jason B at Work
This, clearly, is classism at its best.
Go on now, Rush, back to the kids’ table.
@Brick Oven Bill: Um, isn’t the ability to organize and coordinate a “talent”?
Shawn in ShowMe
Also, the mid-range game has virtually disappeared from the league.
Hot damn. I came with the exact expectation that someone would Randize this into purest Galtification, and I was not disappointed.
Reward: crunchy cheetos.
They’ll probably mail him cancelled checks!
Get it?
Or maybe they’ll mail him cashier’s checks for $0.02 so they can say they gave him their two cents worth!
And he is we. And I am they and who are youuuuuu
Come Together, right now, over Rush
Here come Rush Limbaugh
he come waddlin’ up fatly
he got diaper rashes, he one pumphead tosser
Got to be protected he just pees when he please
He wear banlon t-shirts, he got no-team football
He got brown stained finger, he shoot viagra solo
He say “I got mine and I want yours”
One thing I can tell you is it pays to be me
Cum together right now over Rush
Never have so many little guys cared so much about the crushing of the dreams of a millionaire.
Poor Rush.
He is us and we are him…except without all that damn money to console him.
It’s officially time to Go Galt.
Really, go. I mean it. Go!
@Shawn in ShowMe: Yes, good point. It’s either at the basket or long range shooting. Very few good wings and posts who can spot up and bury that mid-range jumper. Seems like there also use to be a lot of point guards who could stop and pop that shot as well.
Brick Oven Bill
Limbaugh displays immense Talent, as can be observed in his communication skills. However, he does not display Virtue, as his $40 million/year is not funded by Safelight Repair/Safelight Replace. Limbaugh, I am convinced, is funded by other interests, most likely oil interests.
Beck is the only prominent voice that displays both Talent and Virtue. Thus his emergence as a leader, and his targeting for silencing by the modern Left. Hannity is not targeted for silencing by the modern Left as Hannity has no Talent, and is not a leadership threat.
Kind of Bootlegger. But Talent recognizes Virtue. So Talent can be seen as a subset of Virtue. Talent encountering Virtue gets goose-bumps.
@soonergrunt: Nope, they have to send something you can buy at Erik Erikson’s Amazon store. Otherwise, the terrorists win!
@wilfred: Way too much time on your hands.
The Moar You Know
@The Grand Panjandrum: Ann Coulter has breasts, or at least implants. I was not aware of that.
personally, I enjoyed NPR’s morning edition, which put the blame for Rush’s defeat in the hands of sports bloggers, saying nothing at all about players’ objections and owners’ doubts.
@Brick Oven Bill:
Thanks for playing, BoB. It’s baseless craptacular statements like that one which make your trollery priceless. Now if you could just leave off with the racism, jingoism, homophobia and sexism, maybe you could stay around more often.
well those comments over at RS are some scary shit
Hmmm, I totally prefer college football to pro and I am most certanily not racist.
The main reason is there is no pro team in the state I grew up in. Therefore, we always payed more attention to college sports. I’ve tried watching pro games, but they bore the pants off of me as I never have an emotional investment in any of the teams. However, when watching college, I have my team (who I always pull for), my team’s instate rival (always pull against), and then various conference games that I decide who to pull for based on how it helps my team.
They Live By Night
@Brick Oven Bill:
Also. Too.
Jim Parish
How soon they forget. Four years ago, a group including George Soros put in a bid to buy the Washington Nationals baseball team. The Republican reaction was… extreme.
Maybe getting shunned from Pro Sports (I think the Royals would reject him even if he offered eleventy billion dollars and the signed contracts of A-Rod and Pujols) will drive Rush deeper into becoming the Modern L. Ron Hubbard. Oh, the blog posts that would fuel…
It’s not a team game anymore because no one in the NBA values team play. It has nothing to do with the defenses. It’s all about how, since Michael Jordan (who, incidentally, I detested), it is all about selfish play and superstars and not giving a crap about what the game is really about. Give me a college game any day. It’s a thousand times more entertaining. I tried to watch an NBA game last year. I lasted 10 minutes and, once again, was completely bored and repelled by the state of play. No thanks. Never again.
Gimme the Oakland Zoo on it’s worst day.
@Bootlegger: The 3-point shot, while generating a lot of excitement, killed basketball’s mid-range jump shot. In cold blood.
Why would anyone spend time working on a 2-point shot like that when you can step back a few feet and practice a shot that gets you one more point?
@Brick Oven Bill:
‘Nuf said.
Can’t one be virtuous without having many talents? If so, virtue is a subset of talent. And if Talent encountering Virtue produces goosebumps, then by substitution Limbaugh and Beck give each other goosebumps, and that is a site any fan of teddybear gay porn will relish (while I shudder).
Writer’s block. Limericks and lyrics the only cure.
@The Moar You Know: She stuffed her bra for the photo shoot.
Seriously, I can’t wait to see them paint an Indiana Republican millionaire businessman as a liberal PC thug.
I’ll lay $10 right now that Glenn Beck writes “IRSAY” on the blackboard, rearranges the letters to spell “AYIRS” and smugly pronounces that Jim Irsay is Bill Ayers. Quod erat dumbass.
These last few efforts by RedState have to be threatening the dissonance bubble that surrounds them. I mean, some of them — a few of them! – have to realize how foolish they are, and how widely mocked. There must be some iota of self-awareness, right?
So, these follies might peel away a few wingnuts from the edges. Unfortunately, a true wingnut will respond to all this by simply going deeper into the dissonance. LA-LA-LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU REALITY!!!!
I can’t even tell when I’m drunk anymore the world has gotten so weird.
This is sad. which is why I’m giggling uncontrollably.
Are “Talent” and “Virtue” new clinical terms for “paranoia” and “self-delusion”?
Not arguin’. We Dookies love our women ballers. I have a truly pathetic crush on Lindsey Harding.
Are you serious? Really? Fuck.me. So which atheist does Mr. Dreher think deserved it more, pray tell?
@djork: Being at a FCS school (formerly 1-AA) I prefer it to FBS play. Less talent, more heart, and we have a real playoff to look forward to at the end of the season. The players are not prima donnas either, several played on my softball team this summer. And I get great seats at the games.
I was thinking largely of their basketball team. Maybe I’m painting with to broad a brush… but when I think of mainly white basketball teams (other than those coached by Bob Knight) I think of WAC/Mountain West/Big Sky etc. :-)
@geg6: That is too simplistic and extrapolates from a few obvious cases. The coaches and players get paid for results and defense gets results. Are there some teams and players who would rather posterize? Sure. But the best players on the best teams play serious D all season and all the teams in the playoffs up their defensive game. Owners want results, coaches want results, and most players want to win, so they play D or they lose their games and/or their jobs.
@The Moar You Know:
I thought they were pretty critical in any MTF transformation. No?
See Richard Hamilton…. You can score a lot of you can hit that mid range jumper with consistancy. :)
I am the walrus. Koo Koo Ka Choo
@arguingwithsignposts: And the accolades too, but you are correct. This too is an irony since the 3-point shot was suppose to open up the floor by extending the defenses and create that mid-space.
Brick Oven Bill
You can tell that the modern Left largely evolved in the absence of gunpowder (NAM-Biological Strength), as all the shots they take at Beck miss. More often than not, these shots end up embedded in the foot of the person pulling the trigger. These people should be kept away from gunpowder for their own good.
I do not think it is possible to have Virtue without Talent. Talent would be necessary to appreciate, and develop Virtue.
@geg6: I’ll point you to the invaluable http://alicublog.blogspot.com/ for the rundown and the links.
So apparently according to the AP, being articulate and actually having some intelligence is a bad thing. Can speak without sounding like a moron? Pfft, this is excellent news for John McCain.
Rip is old school. He’s also the only former UConvict player I have any use for. Taurasi is the Devil’s handmaid.
Midnight Marauder
I would counter that the advent of ESPN/SportsCenter and the “highlight reel dunk” is actually what killed the mid-range jumper. Why work on the fundamentals when a monster throwdown is what gets your mug on the screen and the dollar signs jumping in agents’ eyes?
Corner Stone
I’m waiting to see when Congress will introduce a bill censoring the NFL.
Really? Name a few. Please.
@geg6: I mean, if it was me, personally, I’d give it to PZ Myers. That guy has turned tweaking religious noses into its own science.
@BenA: A rare, and talented, exception.
The game as it is played today is not one I am interested in. But I am old and grew up with a game and players that are unrecognizable to what I’ve seen of the current game. It’s possible they could lure me back if they’d outlaw the baggy, ugly shorts and give us back unis that would make it worth a girl’s while to put up with the mugging, selfish play on the court. But they won’t, so the NCAA it is for me.
And believe it or not it helped integration in a huge way. Following the game, Bear Bryant walked over to the USC locker room and asked McKay if he could speak with Sam “Bam” Cunningham who just run over, through, around and over again, his Tide defense.
Bryant then walked with Cunningham back to the ‘Bama locker room and brought him to the middle of the room. He called his players attention and stated “gentleman, this is what a football player looks like.”
He then shook Cunningham’s hand and walked him back to the USC side. That gesture spoke loudly. Bryant, a product of his society, had known for a few years that the SEC was falling far behind other conferences because those conferences allowed black players to play and that he may have to be the one who broke the ice, and he did. His teams were forever integrated afterward.
There are hundreds of stories about black players in college sports who took the hard road to equality, enduring the abuse, the threats, the slurs and the hate thrown their way, and yet excelling nonetheless.
Corner Stone
This was too good.
He come, whah-dlin up phatly
That’s how I was singing it out loud.
@Brick Oven Bill: Sorry to disappoint you BOB, but I’ve got gunpowder in my veins baby. I’m talkin’ FIREPOWER!
@Midnight Marauder:
winguts to iraq
@ChrisS: You must be a blast at parties.
For starters, try here.
I fell deeply out of love with the NBA in the 90’s, and I blame Jordan too — not cuz I hate him or anything, but rather he was SO good, everyone tried to emulate him. And you can’t. So, team ball fell by the wayside for a while, and one-on-one showmanship dominated.
Being the fair weather NBA fan I now am, when the Celtics got good again, I tuned in. And I liked most of what I saw – the Garnett led Celtics play team ball, great Defense, and are scrappy. Adding in that guy from the Pistons this year will only make that more so.
So I plan on watching the Celts this year, until they lose. Fair weather!
Corner Stone
@arguingwithsignposts: Choke…*sputter*…wha?
@Shawn in ShowMe: Goddamn it, that’s perfect. And Margaret Cho.
@jibeaux: You can haz him. I no want!
Hamilton is, as mentioned above, the exception that proves the rule. Novitzki from Dallas is another player with serious shooting skills from all over the court.
And the highlight reel definitely contributed to the death of the mid-range jumper (loaded the gun), but an extra point for a longer shot pulled the trigger. After all, Dr. J was posterizing dunks well before ESPN got into the game.
@Midnight Marauder: True dat, not many highlights of hitting an open 15-footer, but it counts the same on the scoreboard. In this respect I would agree that the NBA is shooting itself in the foot with BOB’s gunpowder. Or something.
Brick Oven Bill
Stay away from stoves Bootlegger.
They Live By Night
@Brick Oven Bill:
BoB, when did you become the Aristotle of the shortbus set anyway?
Midnight Marauder
We played this game with you yesterday. Either read the fucking threads and pay attention, or stop with the WATB routine.
Bubblegum Tate
“He is I, and I am him/
Slim with the tilted brim
What’s my muthafuckin’ name?”
@Zifnab: And his blog is f-ing awesome. (for science geeks like me anyway)
Certain big men have made it a big part of their offensive game as well. Ewing comes to mind… but yeah it’s not exactly a common skill.
@Midnight Marauder: I remember when winning basketball games made the dollar signs jump in everyone’s eyes. Now you just have to be someone they can turn into a children’s cartoon series.
Pack of freak’n sellouts.
@shygetz, 161–you’re right, of course, and I’m sure that Erick Sonofhimself is putting together a package deal right now for a jpeg image of a cancelled check for $0.02 to be emailed to the guy on your behalf for the low, low price of $14.95
WIN. Also, as a Carolina fan, let me add the obligatory “Fuck Dook!”
First they came for the pill poppers, and I said nothing because I wasn’t a pill popper.
Then they came for the sex tourists, and I said nothing because I wasn’t a sex tourist.
Then they came for the overt racists, and I said nothing because I wasn’t an overt racist.
Then they came for the people who weren’t multi-millionaires, and I said nothing, because I never really expected to be able to buy an NFL franchise on what I make anyway.
And finally, they came for people who think that in a free market, being a total jackasses only has consequences for people who don’t have money, and I said nothing because as far as I was concerned, the jackasses had it coming all along.
Chicago style.
Shawn in ShowMe
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and unfortunately kids grew up modeling their game based on Jordan’s style without understanding any of his substance. Couple that with Mike never showing any serious interest in teaching young people the game and we’ve had the blind leading the blind the last 15 years.
If lil’ Chris Paul ever gets a supporting cast in New Orleans, maybe he could be the player that turns the pendulum back to team play.
@TR: Nice try. Show me audio tape, a transcript, something not generated by the left-wing blogosphere that assumes they “remembered” what he said or what they thought they remembered he said.
Anything? I have time…
@Bootlegger: Nah. To him, talent is something your’re born with. Like whiteness. Just ask Sully.
I have to put in a plug for the Houston Rockets of the Hakeem Olajuwon era. Those teams played team ball and defense. The networks hated it when they were winning championships. Ditto the San Antonio Spurs, who were a thing of beauty to watch in the playoffs.
Corner Stone
I’m always wondering when one of these real Murcans is going to say, “Hey guys? I hate the sosos on the left too but damn! I figure Rush is going to be ok, you know?”
@geg6: Don’t get me wrong, the game is ass-ugly. Most teams run 2-man isolation for offense and the refs blow the whistle every 20 seconds. The playoffs are a goddamned free throw contest, which I could watch at my kids’ Fall Festival (and compete in for $1). The game sucks, no doubt. I’m just arguing that it isn’t because of a lack of defense, in fact just the opposite. Why do you think they have illegal defense rules? If not the game would be really ugly, with scores like 43-40. Though I suppose one could get use to it, if one were inclined (which I’m not).
Common Sense
College football is a thousand times better. Not ‘cuz they are white, but because Ohio State and UT aren’t going to move to LA anytime soon.
Screw the NFL. Money hungry bastards. Good call on Rush though.
It took a while, even after that. For a long time, the unwritten rule in SEC basketball was “two at home, three on the road, four if you’re behind.” It really wasn’t until Goose Givens hung 40-something on Duke in the 1978 championship game that African-American players were really accepted in the SEC.
And nobody hates Duke like UK fans.
@Bootlegger: Maher got it explicitly for his movie. They disowned his vaccine quackism but said that he should get to enjoy his moment in the sun for the flick.
@Brick Oven Bill: Not me, cuz I also got ice water in my veins. Makes for a nice combo.
@BenA: True, and a post player who can play post defense and hit that shot consistently will make a nice living in the NBA even if he can’t post up or create his own shot.
@jenniebee: Nice.
@Jim Parish: Rep. Tom M. Davis III (R-Va.), who was a strong supporter of bringing a baseball team to Virginia, told Roll Call yesterday that “Major League Baseball understands the stakes” if Soros buys the team. “I don’t think they want to get involved in a political fight.”
So Soros tries to buy a pro sports team and GOP congressmen threaten the entire league with removing the anti-trust exemption because Soros poisons political discourse (somehow).
Limbuagh tries to cash in as a minority stakeholder, the NFL, not Congress, says, “thanks, but no thanks” because, presumably, he’s a lightening rod and brings too much baggage to the good ol’ boys’ club. And that is an travesty. Oh, the horror.
Corner Stone
I think people that didn’t see these teams play on a regular basis got how damn hard Hakeem worked on the defensive end. Yeah, it’d show up in stats, but the dude was a once in a lifetime phenom of size and quickness and in his prime just pwned everyone.
Not like how Shaq did with good instincts and sheer brute power, but just outta nowhere.
The looks of frustration or mystery on the other team was priceless.
“How’d that guy get from there to here and force a turnover?”
Which, having seen the film, I cannot disagree with. Fuckin’ hilarious. Especially his interview with amusement park Jeebus.
@Shawn in ShowMe:
Ever watched the Spurs? The epitome of team play.
The Moar You Know
@Sanka: I have a funny story about Sanka; the product, obviously, not you.
Back in the 1990s I was on an extended trip through China. Surveying factories, if you must know. I’d been there for over two weeks, and although well-caffeinated (you have not lived until you’ve experienced green tea as the rural Chinese drink it, although you might die from heart palpitations) but was getting mighty homesick for some coffee.
At any rate, we pulled into another factory, a British-Chinese joint venture, and the manager is showing us around, and we all go up to his office. He asked very politely if I would like some coffee.
Fuck yeah I’d like some coffee!
With great pomp and circumstance, his secretary goes to the cupboard and pulls out a jar of Sanka.
I could not decline; this was hard to get and he’d obviously put a lot of effort into getting this just for the benefit of his Western guests. But what a disappointment. Weak and tasteless. So very weak.
Like your posts.
Cliff Potts
I’m so glad that sports-loving, pill-popping, disagreeable speech-spewing multimillionaire got shut out of fractional ownership of a second-rate sports franchise. I’d only be happier if I had a job.
I know I’m late to the conversation (not really caring about Rush or the NFL) but has anyone compiled a list of the NFL owners and their political contributions?
There is little doubt it would be predominately Republican, but it would be interesting to find out.
Still are actually. Even this year’s championship featured some good defense. If the refs would stop blowing the whistle and let someone stop Kobe it would even be farce free.
I’m loving it! Wingnut tears taste so yummy.
I don’t actually accuse Rush of racism. He’s much too nuanced for that. Rush is guilty of race-baiting on a consistent basis for 20 years. Rush is a race-baiter; an evil, cynical rhetoritician who poisons the civil discourse. He is much more destructive than the racists among us. He always makes (sometimes feeble) attempts at plausible deniability for his racial schtick. This plausible deniability only fools those that want to be fooled (aka dittoheads). When the real world intrudes on their elaborate justification process, they shower the world with wingnut tears.
And their tears are oh so yummy.
I love that the very first comment on the “We Are All Rush” post at Red State begins “This is a joke, right?”. The second comment responds to the first with “You bailout whore, death-panel loving, racist jerk”.
You mean, like the transcripts and audio clips that are embedded in the citation I linked to?
Did you even click on that? No? Here you go, princess, I’ll save you the trouble of making you click through to the sources.
Yeah, I’m not surprised you have time. The criminally stupid are rarely employable.
Midnight Marauder
Reminds me of the best thing that came out of the XFL:
It also led to a ton of hilarious response name changes on jerseys, including:
I Hate He
I Hate He Too
Still Hate He
Still Hate He Too
I Hate He Who Hate Me
It also led to a hilarious quote from the running back, Rod Smart, who created the phrase:
Sounds like a Howie Kurtz original to this guy
@Common Sense: I’ve taught at Arizona, Washington State, Texas Tech and Auburn, the ugly side of college football and basketball (i.e. giving scholarships to kids who can’t spell) keeps me from going all in on college sports.
You mean, like the transcripts and audio clips that are embedded in the citation I linked to?
Did you even click on that?
Damn, that would have been fun to watch. Rush Schott (or Marge Limbaugh) of the NFL would have been a hoot.
Well, thanks for not crushing my dreams on that front. But nonetheless, someone certainly is.
@MikeJ: That’s fine. Myers will get plenty of accolades. Maher has had Harris and Dawkins on in the last few weeks and he looked like a sputtering moron trying to talk to them. Though maybe that isn’t unusual.
One teeny, weeny, chest stomping episode…
John Galt was not an obese junkie with psychogenic deafness.
But Ann Rynd was a morose confabulist with a taste for younger men and who came along just a little too early for the really fun pharmaceuticals.
Spiny Norman
“Tonight, Rush is us. And we are him.”
I am Rush
and Rush is me
and me are we
and we all wee together.
See how they run
like pigskins full of dumb
see how they fly.
I’m crying.
Time to pick up the kiddos. Thanks for making the last hour in the office non-productive but way fun.
Common Sense
I think it is a serious stretch to insinuate that people prefer college football and basketball because of racism. The NBA, apart from lacking defense, lacks impartial referees that aren’t owned by mobsters. Tim Donaghy and Joey Crawford anyone? I put the NBA just barely ahead of the WWE when it comes to believability of the outcome.
NFL owners are whores. Now that they did a bad thing here, but ever since they robbed us of our team they can fuck themselves. I’ve gotten to where I can watch the games again, but I’m not dumb enough to emotionally invest myself in any of those mercenaries.
Corner Stone
I know TTech is wingnut central, and I have to assume Auburn is as well from its location. Arizona is obviously a red state but I’ve played a lot of golf with some of the yoots out there and they seem fairly socially liberal.
Are Arizona and Washington State playgrounds for the nutters or balanced or…?
Why shouldn’t the NFL be allowed to protect their investment against an unhinged nut buying a franchise? McDonald’s or Burger King doesn’t allow just anyone with enough money to buy one of their restaurants. Limbaugh has demonstrated that he’s willing to say or do anything.
And, if he just had wanted to invest in an NFL team he could have done it anonymously.
@jibeaux: No seriously, you can haz!
I love the Spurs precisely because they play defense. Then again, I’m a 2-1 baseball game type of gal, too. I don’t mind a 6-3 football game as long as it’s beautiful defense and not ugly offense that made the final score that low.
What can I say? Call me old school.
Midnight Marauder
Hell yeah, the Hakeem Olajuwon era. I grew up in Houston, so I vividly remember watching those Rockets’ back-to-back championships. Olajuwon is, by far, the best center of his era; the head-to-head stats against all the other greats (Robinson, Ewing, a young Shaq) are not even close. Especially after how Olajuwon destroyed the Spurs in the playoff when Robinson won the MVP in ’95.
I will also never forget the play when Kevin Johnson of the Suns was on a facebreak, was racing downcourt for a breakaway layup, and Olajuwon (former soccer star) chased him down like it was nothing and swatted the ball clear into the stands. This was a game or two after the diminuitive KJ had dunked on Olajuwon.
Youtube goodness
Davis X. Machina
Rush’s career has always struck me as the farce half of a ‘First time as tragedy, second time as farce” duo.
It’s as if Father Coughlin, before taking over the Shrine of the Little Flower, and catapulting to fame as the head of the Social Justice movement, had sported a porn ‘stache and accumulated a record for getting fired from Adult Contemporary FM stations from Terreboine to Terre Haute.
So, we’ve struggled to the summit of Wingnut Peak, only to find that, as the fog clears, we’re merely at the base of a much steeper, higher mountain?
Common Sense
I wouldn’t mind at all if they separated the teams from the schools and just had the teams provide the college ed (like MLB baseball), but the schools would never lose the revenue.
I agree that college football treats their players like chattel and is geared towards revenue rather than improving the kid’s lives. Still, when faced with a choice for my football fix, I’m going college. The NFL treats their players no better. Teams don’t even have to honor the terms of their contracts with players.
@winguts to iraq:
Whatever keeps your conscience clean …
Top College Football Revenues (2007):
Texas $60.9 million
Ohio State $60.8 million
Georgia $58.7 million
Michigan $50.4 million
Florida $48.2 million
Top College Football Profits (2007):
Georgia $44.1 million
Texas $42.5 million
Michigan $37.6 million
Florida $32.4 million
Ohio State $28.5 million
Less than 4% of college football players even get to try out for the NFL. So 96% of college football players show up for the love of the game, a “free” college education, and minuscule chance of being noticed. Most of them get shuttled into “athlete programs” and only 3/4s even graduate from those.
In exchange for that and a significantly higher rate of long term brain damage, they give their schools, and coaches, millions of dollars.
Seems fair. Personally, I like watching football, but I’m under no impressions that it’s not a meat grinder with little regard for the student-athlete or their well-being. Like I said, at least in the NFL, the players get paid enough to buy a car dealership to retire on.
licensed to kill time
That Redstate post was put up yesterday at 10:50pm. As of today, this moment, it has 43 comments. Heh.
I broke my longstanding rule of avoiding the Rush whenever possible today, just to hear his rationalizations. Within the first 5 minutes he’d brought George Soros, legalization of marijuana, lefty machinations, Obama’s nationalization of the NFL and takeover of the country, and (bewildering to him) “hatred” into his explanation.
Just – wow. (and BWAAAAAAHAHAHA!)
Corner Stone
Earlier this evening, as most of you now know, one of our own, jibeaux, while taking withering fire, crashed and burned.
Tonight, jibeaux is no longer ‘just’ a blog persona.
Tonight, jibeaux is no longer ‘just’ a Clooney owner denied
Tonight, jibeaux is us. And we are jibeaux.
Elisabetta Canalis must PAY for this outrage!
Shawn in ShowMe
Common Sense
Olajuwon belongs on any list of the top 5 centers of all time. Chamberlain and Abdul-Jabbar are 1-2 in my mind no question, and I don’t now that I’d put him ahead of Russell, but there’s no one else who was as effective from all parts of the court.
What always amazed me was Olajuwon going on his runs during Ramadan. The dude was refusing to eat during daylight hours and still running circles around elite athletes.
All that being said, Olajuwon was known to get away with some travels from time to time.
@Midnight Marauder:
Hard to believe Hakeem was drafted ahead of Jordan. I especially remember all the pearl-clutching when he was observing Ramadan and would fast on game days.
I loved it when he p0wned the young Shaq in the second championship series.
I’d put Tim Duncan in the same category of defensive awesomeness. And they all owe a big tip of the hat to the original Bill Russell.
As every rock ribbed, tea-bagging rightwinger will tell you.
They hate people who claim to be victims, unless it is them.
I’m enjoying the blimpenfreude.
Common Sense
Hakeem’s greatest accomplishment may have simply been not being the guy they passed on Jordan for. It’s amazing that no one questions that move.
@jibeaux: Man, I have to say that the pros play much stronger defense than the stuff that passes in college.
@Common Sense: I’d put Russell ahead of Chamberlain. He has the rings to back it up, too.
And what to do with Duncan? He’s a hybrid, not a pure center.
1. Abdul-Jabbar
2. Russell
3. Chamberlain
4. Olajuwon
5. Shaq (?)
Professor Fate
The one problem with college sports is that for every thill packed matchup between oh Ohio State and USC (in football) or Duke and North Carolina (basketball) there are 15 games beween Huge Regional powerhouse and the designated opponent (Like St Mary’s college for Blind Dwarves or The Long Island college of frail poets). Which is great fun for the fans and the Alumini of Huge Regional Powerhouses but not so much fun for the Desginated Opponents – they do get a share of the money but it doesn’t help their poor fans much.
in the pros there is at least some movement to level the playing field – except in baseball (but that day is probbably coming) still with baseball you play so many games that even horrible teams like the Mets were this year manage to win one or two every now and then almost by accident.
The disparity between the haves and the nots is more of feature of the college game not a bug.
Wait, aren’t we supposed to buy the oxycontin from their store and send it to Checketts ourselves?
@burnspbesq: Let’s hear it for Sam “Bam” Cunningham.
@jibeaux: You must go to http://truthaboutduke.com/ where you must check out their enrollment form for the Duke summer flopping camp.
@Professor Fate:
It reflects the reality of American society.
more better.
Bubblegum Tate
Do you have some sort of fan club I can sign up for or possibly be an administrator of?
@burnspbesq: The NBA isn’t basketball?
Professional teams run superior offenses, play with much better/more stringent rules (the shorter shot clock and the longer three point line), have much stronger defenses, possess vastly superior athleticism…
Just watch the Lakers run the triangle with Gasol in the post, the Celtics run Thibideau’s defense with Kevin Garnett as the anchor, or Lebron James do anything. Anything at all.
Needless to mention, none of those guys played college ball.
JD Rhoades
Well, maybe for that guy, but the reason why I only follow college football (and basketball) is that I have some memories associated with great games in college. Pro ball, not so much. I can care about the team from my alma mater; a team that can pack up and move to another city in the middle of the night, not so much.
Cat Lady
OT, but Obama just rocked it in New Orleans. Also, props to Hillary Clinton, who in 9 short months should be making Condi hang her head in shame, if she had any. I don’t think Obama should share his prize with anyone, but a shout out to Hill and Bill for keeping out of the news while she does her job would work for me.
Midnight Marauder
It really is unbelievable how well-condition that man was. Again, I chalk it up to his background in soccer, very similar to how you can see Allen Iverson’s soccer background from his high school days manifest itself in his scrappy playing style.
But the Dream Shake was one of the sickest moves in basketball history. I could watch slow-motion montages of people falling down, grasping at air as the get Dream Shooken all day long.
And not to mention what an incredible passer Olajuwon was out of the low-post. That’s where Shaq got a lot of his moves from, and you can see the next evolution of “big men with a soft touch and a keen eye for passing lanes” in Yao Ming.
My remaining big problem with the NBA is the refs, specifically, I feel like they could call a foul at any time, on any play, and thus, it is at the sole discretion of the particular refs as to what is a foul or not, that night. And it changes the next night.
We’re talking constant, non-stop fouls: Carrying, for example. Travelling. There is always physical contact on shots. I could go on.
That said, I suppose the same could be said for the “holding” penalty in football — it could be called on every play, basically.
And, as noted elsewhere, are hamstrung as an entertainment product by the comically corrupt league office. The NBA has a better product to offer, but I can’t watch it as long as Stern is affiliated with the league.
James F. Elliott
How dare investors take the freedom granted them by the free market to not invest with someone whose day job could mean decreased returns on their investment!
I don’t see it, but I am aware of all internet Dook traditions. Have you seen the youtube mashup with the fainting goats?
@BFR: Absolutely loathe Stern, and the referee lockout looks unpromising in the preseason. In addition to the engineered sale of the Sonics, not a lot of good to come from Stern in the past few years.
That said, the quality of talent in the NBA is the best it’s ever been. Arguably the greatest PG (Paul), SF (James), PF (Garnett and Duncan) of all time plying their trades right now.
Common Sense
The NBA’s talent level benefits from smaller rosters and pulling from a world market. They need to expand. Set up a European league and have a World Basketball Championship in the Summer or something.
I did some checking, as the very first commenter in the RedState thread stated that many NFL owners are Republicans. The next 3 or 4 commenters tore the guy to shreds for disagreeing with them, and challenged him to substantiate his hunch that NFL owners are majority Republican.
From Sports Business Journal from a year ago in October, at the height of the elections:
The article itself provides neat little pie charts. There’s a whoooole lotta red in it.
I love the writeup on wikipedia about the 2006 NBA finals:
“He set an NBA Finals record for most made free-throws in a game with 21. Upon further review of the play, fans[who?] have deemed that this game was rigged by NBA commissioner Stern and the officials, through phantom fouls being called on the Mavericks. This game (along with the conviction of an NBA referee for fixing games several years earlier) leads fans[who?] to assume that the NBA is “scripted” by the commissioner in an attempt to “create” superstars and bolster the success of large market teams.”
I’d stopped watching the NBA after the conspiracy theories regarding the rigged drafts and noticing that Shaq, Karl Malone and Jordan were allowed to do just about anything to another player short of stabbing them before a foul was called. I watched the 2006 finals and was flabbergasted at how naked it had gotten.
What kind of country is this when you can’t call the first hispanic Supreme Court justice a cleaning lady without everyone thinking you are a bigot?
I mean, I was looking forward to the rebirth of the St. Louis Rams and the burden about having to worry about black quarterbacks on the team from here on in.
That poor poor victimization of Rush Limbaugh. The thought of that man having to go back to his South Florida Xanadu and cry in his Scrooge McDuck-like money bin just sends shivers down my spine.
@TR: Yeah. The audio clips include Rush talking about how, for example, raising the sales tax in a particular state will not stop its proposed end result, specifically, gang violence. This in reaction to the 2004 NBA Pacers brawl.
And then referring to the NBA as the “Thug Basketball Assoctiation” after said incident. I dont think most Americans would disagree with that, and certainly wouldn’t consider that racist.
If you’re body is filled with vitriolic anger towards a particular individual and you link to sites that have had it out for the man since forever, and you have no tolerance for the opposite political viewpoint….then I see where you’re coming from.
The Ace Tomato Company
In a way, Allahpundit, Red State, Hot Air, etc, are correct: Minorities are ruining sports and are ruining this country.
The 23% of Americans who call themselves Republicans are doing their best to destroy the economy, wage perpetual war, stir up racial hatred and generally act like a bunch of douchebags.
For once I agree with them; Minorities do suck — this one at least.
Shouldn’t this site be live blogging the Balloon Boy!!
Bad Horse's Filly
@Pseudofool: I just emailed John about that. We need an open thread.
This is real….how totally freaking. 6 year old flies away in helium balloon craft. At 1pm MDT they have not rescued him yet.
@Bootlegger: No. Talent is having the means and ability to purchase a jar of Vick’s VapoRub. As is decency.
Damn you liberal dream-crushers! oh hell.
The real RedState take on Niemoller:
Cat Lady
Yeah, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this is not going to end well.
@Professor Fate:
As person from Pittsburgh, I must say BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Both for the idea that a Mets fan has any inkling as to what “horrible” really is and for the idea that MLB ever will have a level playing field. Like the NBA, another sport that has lost me forever. Sad, really. A sports junkie like me should never have to swear one off. Meh. Think of all my free time now.
@Sanka: Wake up and smell yourself. And have some pie.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
6-year trapped in runaway hot air balloon
This sounds like a job for Chesley Sullenburger.
Hi-Ho Sully, away!
Made my day!
Shawn in ShowMe
The first two players on your list have laughable supporting casts by yesteryear’s standards and Garnett and Duncan are on the downside of their careers. Give Lebron and Paul a legitimate starting five and then we’d see something approaching team rivalry again.
Oh, how the right wails and cries foul when their wingnut welfare is taken away.
Kate in CT
@The Grand Panjandrum:
if Megan “Hoots” McCain isn’t on that Calendar I am NOT buying. I might be a hetero female, but I want that woman.
Professor Fate
Sorry – I do resent the suggestion that Met fans don’t know what a horrible team is – I’ve been a fan since 1962 – (all the bullies on my block were yankee fans for some reason) and I know from god awful. Granted the 1954 Pirates were perhaps the worst team ever but still – not only were the years before 69 dreadful – the years between 74-83 awful (made worse by the Seaver trade) – then the slow decline into more futility after 1988 – then the early 90s – it has been the outhouse or the Penthouse for the team but that hasn’t made the outhouse any less dark
Ash Can
Oh God, you ain’t kidding. I think I hurt myself laughing at this whole thread. Ow. But it’s a good hurt.
Thank goodness the hilarity has been interspersed with some OT basketball discussion. It’s let me take a breath now and then and kept me out of the ER.
Preach it! Pitchers’ duels are things of beauty, and nothing can frazzle my nerves better than a no-hitter.
Oh and yo, Sanka? Punch it up a little; you’re falling behind the competition here. Brick Shithouse Bill brought his A game to the thread, you should too. And check this out for an example of how to do it right:
::dies and iz ded::
@DougJ: Jim Irsay, Bob has been dead for a good while now.
Way to point to the one thing in those five clips that no one is claiming was racist, and ignore all the other evidence.
You stamped your feet like a little baby, demanding transcripts and audio clips when I’d already provided them, and now that I point out to you a second time that there are transcripts and audio clips of him making racist comments, you ignore the evidence you pouted for.
Christ, you’re a fucking moron.
@Professor Fate:
Dude. Not a single season at .500 since 1992. Not.one.
The big celebration this year? We now hold the record for consecutive losing seasons. 17 years. 17 fucking years.
Break out the fucking foam fingers. Fuck baseball.
Go ahead and laugh, but tonight the lights are going out all over pro football.
okay, so…what have I mis–Holy Shit, people!
Oh, and before I forget…
Fuck Sid Bream.
That is all.
” While conservative bloviator Rush Limbaugh is running into some stiff resistance in his bid to become one of the owners of the St. Louis Rams, the Black Eyed Peas’ Fergie faced no such roadblocks in her quest to become a force in football as part-owner of the Miami Dolphins. According to SportingNews.com, NFL owners voted on Tuesday to approve her as the latest celebrity minority investor in the storied NFL franchise.
All of the Dolphins’ bold-name owners have bought very small portions of the team and have agreed to make appearances at the stadium during games as part of Ross’ effort to attract a more diverse crowd. On Monday, Estefan teamed up with Hank Williams Jr. on a bilingual version of the Monday Night Football anthem, “Are You Ready for Some Football?” as part of the NFL’s Hispanic Heritage Month celebration. ”
So Rush hates niggers. What’s the big deal?
@Bubblegum Tate: No, but I am the leader of the Balloon Juice Asian Posse, if you would like to join.
@Ash Can: I love pitchers’ duels and no-hitters and whatnot. Sniff, sniff.
Professor Fate
well mabye the bad baseball has something to do with the commonwrealth of Pennsylvannia – the record the Pirates broke was held by the Philldelphia Athletics if memory serves (if not them it was the Phillies).
Still I was a small child living in Pittsburgh in 1960 – and hence Bill M always has a place in my heart – not to mention how much TV replays of that home run burns yankee fans (their worst postseason moment prior to 2004).
And the Mets routinely spend 3-4 times what the Bucs spend and still manage to lose 90+ games. Not having a budget stinks (how much that’s is the owner how it’s market size I can’t say) but the game was better in the 70’s-80’s when it wasn’t the same 4 -6 teams in the playoffs year after year.
So what’s the issue? The NFL didn’t want a drug-addled bigoted sex tourist as a part owner – they have every right to reject him as the majority of Americans have.
Bubblegum Tate
I tried to sign up for the Asian Posse, but seeing as how I’m a whitey, I’m not sure if my application was accepted. My credentials:
– Dated a Japanese woman
– Got a B+ in calculus
– The album I’m making with a friend is being courted by a Japanese record label
– Believe pho has magical curative properties
@Common Sense:
Sorry, but that’s just 20/20 hindsight. At the time, nobody questioned taking Olajuwon #1. Nobody knew that Michael Jordan was going to turn into ***MICHAEL*** ***JORDAN***. Hell, nobody thought he’d be any better than Clyde Drexler, whom the Blazers had drafted the year before, which meant they weren’t going to take a 2-guard in the first round two straight years. So they took a big man, and he got hurt. Stuff happens.
Why does no one mention:
Marge Schott?
General Winfield Stuck
She was a grade A whackjob. I don’t know if it was known that she was a Nazi sympathizer and general bigot before she bought the team, but as a Reds fan, her antics and hateful statements were eternally embarrassing and enraging. Cincinnati is a very conservative city with and has had all sorts of racial strife forever, so maybe the standard was a little slack, but I can’t believe the stuff she said in the 90’s of Hitler worship was known in 1984.
To illustrate her cold heart, there was a game in the late 90’s where a veteran and esteemed umpire dropped dead from heart failure behind the plate just as the game was starting. I think his name was John Mcsherry and I saw it live on my teevee and to this day even thinking about it is traumatic. But Schott said this in response at the time.
@The Moar You Know:
Damn, that was genius, man.
@Derelict: WTF are you talking about? If you speak out against racism you are a racist???? Okay how about this instead; Rush is a big fat idiot
that’s just yankee and steeler fans.
personally i have season tickets to the arizona cardinals.
neal peart
When Geddy, Alex and I read what the dude-who-has-a-boner-for-Rush wrote, we thought of U2’s “One” and we laughed. Hard.
@Bubblegum Tate: Well, my standards for non-Asians were: Must be good in math or computers. If not, must have other skills (such as cooking) that will compensate for lack of math knowledge. I would say you fit the bill just fine. Welcome, honorary Asian!
@edward: I’m pretty sure Derelict is being heavily sarcastic. At least, I read it that way and laughed.
Jesus, just read that RS post. That victim queen really got all dressed up in movement conservative drag for all to see in that one didn’t he?
General Winfield Stuck
@The Moar You Know:
Nolo good to the last drop.
Raven Rant
First they came for the Muslims… and Rush and Redstate and pals screamed, “Torture, torture, kill, kill!!!1!!!”
Beyond parody.
Funniest RedState post I think I’ve ever read.
Common Sense
I do not think you understood my point. Perhaps I worded it poorly. What I was trying to say is that it is possible that Olajuwon’s greatest achievement is that he is NOT remembered as you said. He managed to establish his own legacy to the point that people do not question the pick. You can argue hindsight all you want, but Sam Bowie over Hakeem/MJ will be remembered as an all time gaffe. Right up there with Jamarcus Russell over Adrian Peterson and David Carr. Sure Brian Boswell and Tod Marinovich had their media lackeys as well as detractors, but there were plenty questioning Tim Couch’s status on draft day. Sure it’s easy to see afterwards, but part of the point was that these were dunderhead moves in real time, not just retrospect. Even at the time they were made, they were questioned.
Way late to a dead thread, but on the off chance you revisit this…
Ya know, if you can lay hands on a share or two of Packer’s general stock, you could already be a successful NFL team owner.
edward @323
I think Derelict was joking. At least, I hope he/she was, because if he/she wasn’t. there’s some serious mental illness going on there.
From Allahpundit: “An interesting point from the comments: If he’s serious about suing for defamation over the false racist quotes attributed to him, he’s now got a claim for damages. Still a tough suit to win but that’s an extra little carrot.”
God I would love to see Rush take on the suits at the NFL:
Now Mr. Limbaugh, we have these pictures taken on your last visit to The Dominican Republican…can you confirm that’s you in the picture with what appears to be an underage minor?
Blue Mark
Open letter to Michael Moore:
Please please please please please … announce that you are part of a investment group buying a NASCAR team.
It would be soooooo beautiful … (I love watching wingnut heads ‘splode)
JoJo@101 wrote:
“My favorite post was from the freeper who angrily announced that he’s going to continue watching NFL football, but, by jingo! he’s not going to the games. Yeah, that’ll show’em, because we all know that ticket sales are the main source of revenue, not TV ad sales.”
And this idiot’s “solution” has the added benefits of denying income to all the vendors and support industries which derive their incom from live sporting events. So the plan, apparently, is to hurt a bunch of small business owners while continuing to support the NFL’s primary revenue stream.
Do these people EVER think before reacting? Oh, I forgot – that requires that you first have to THINK…