Oh no. The American Taliban is all upset about… a tv show:
HBO’s hit series “Curb Your Enthusiasm” has pushed the comedic envelope for many years, but what happened in Sunday’s episode was so disgraceful it’s already received comment from the Catholic League’s Bill Donohue.
The set-up is the show’s star and producer Larry David is taking some medication that is making him urinate quite forcefully.
It’s so powerful that while urinating in his assistant’s bathroom, he accidentally splashed some of it on a picture of Jesus Christ hanging on a nearby wall.
Stone him!
“Hey! You got some pee on my Jesus!”
Kill the Jooooos, in 5,4,3….
The Bearded Blogger
I think Larry David has already been stoned, plenty of times.
Also, the commandment being broken here is the tenth, I think. Also, Jesus’ extra commandment, which they break constantly
General Winfield Stuck
It’s part of the Constitution under the Free Piss clause
Crusty Dem
This reminds me of taking my father to see a Serrano exhibit. He was scarcely able to stop laughing at “Piss Christ”, and we had to leave after “Ejaculate in Flight”.
Good times.
And they had no problem with the CYE episode about the Christ Nail?
Or any other episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm come to think of it?
Too bad Larry didn’t accidently knock the picture of Christ off the wall into the toilet and take a dump on it. I’m sure that was in the rehearsals, knowing Larry David.
You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth…..
that is all.
In other words, something as numerous as the sands on the beach, the stars in the sky, the Republican, uh, gametes spilled over Sarah Palin … yawn. It must be exhausting to be outraged all the time.
The only problem I see with this is that it doesn’t seem very funny.
John Sears
Bill Donahue is the best argument for Atheism that money can buy.
Seriously. No kind and loving God would ever subject us to Donahue.
How do the wingnuts reconcile this and the Mohammed cartoon controversy?
Oh yeah, I forgot – it wasn’t their idol being pissed on during the Mohammed cartoon controversy.
Can someone piss on Bill Donahue? I’m sure that must qualify as performance art somewhere, and I’m pretty sure that there’d be a paying audience for it.
Ho Hum. That again. It’s been done. And by a former candidate for Texas governor, no less:
Ladies and Gentlemen, please recall Kinky Friedman’s “Men’s Room, LA”, from the “Lasso in El Paso” album:
(For those of you unfamiliar with this particular fragment of Friedman’s oeuvre, the lyrics in the middle – his imagined voice of Jesus – are sung by Ringo Starr in a voice that sounds like he’s coming off of a six-day bender.)
@Colette: Bill Donohue once started a mail-in campaign against me because I ate hommous with unleavened bread.
Can you imagine the s**t storm that would follow if David pissed on a painting of the prophet Muhammad?
A painting of the prophet Muhammad?
These people really don’t have a fucking clue do they?
Was thinking the same thing. Don’t these people get tired of being outraged over every little thing? I’m exhausted just hearing about it. They need to grow up a little. Sometimes you don’t like everything.
I laughed my balls off watching that episode. I guess I’m going to hell.
I think they are more upset about the fact that Mr. David was making fun of the whackaoodles that see the virgin Mary in potato chips and it’s a MIRACLE!!!
@calipygian: If you’d spent any time at all debating religion with Christianists, you’ll eventually hear, “You wouldn’t talk about Islam like this!”
Christianist are envious of Islamist terrorists.
In the business, we call this ‘Jihad Envy’.
Why oh why
In that episode, Larry “splashes” Jesus below the eye. Afterwards, a woman and her daughter think it is a miracle: Jesus is crying! They even plan to tour around the country to show the crying Jesus.
I bet this is how Donohue started his career.
It’s “it’s already received comment from the Catholic League’s Bill Donohue”!!!!!
“Your highness, when I said that you are like a stream of bat’s piss, I only mean that you shine out like a shaft of gold when all around it is dark” – Monty Python
Later Donohue prevented women from leaving their houses without a male relative escort, from going in public unveiled, and from obtaining a job or an education. For kicks his organization executed a supposed adulteress in a soccer stadium in order to really cement the comparison with the real Taliban.
Johan Santana
I think Jesus would understand that when you gotta go you gotta go.
Yeah, wait until they get over their envy and explode into action.
Where’s the joke?
It’s called Fatwa Envy, I think it was coined by PZ around the time of the Great Desecration.
Might need a lexicon entry
The website kindly linked to the show, but HBO yanked it. Alas.
I love how these guys never realize that when media marketeers masturbate at night, they’re fantasizing about picketing Christians.
Eric U.
@Crusty Dem: I went to the San Fransisco museum of modern art, which pretty much got off to a bad start when they had a display that was just a batch of computer cases. Then there was the refrigerated vasoline sculpture of a dentists chair, and a video of the same artist painting a room naket while he was in a harness being moved around on a hand operated crane. The final straw was the exhibit where the “artist” had made a giant wave out of lead on the floor of the museum. The nice wood floor was badly burned by this exercise in self-absorption. Of course, the highlight was the artist that either left the canvas blank or painted it black. We had the advantage that a tour group came through and explained what an important contribution to art that particular artist had made. We couldn’t stop laughing over that.
I saw the episode.
I laughed my ass off.
John Sears
@Colette: I think the mistake you’re making here, if I may respectfully interject, is assuming that Donahue is remotely sane. Any normal person would, yes, get tired of being constantly upset after a while.
A whackaloon like Donahue is driven, compelled, by whatever voices are screaming in his head at the moment. I’m not sure he’s capable of registering exhaustion or fatigue anymore; he’s just too far gone.
@Makewi: See, even Makewee has ‘Jihad/Fatwa envy’. Evidently we’re never allowed to complain about anything any Christian ever does, as long as some Muslim somewhere is worse.
That’s on top of her edict that we must never mention anything Bush ever did, since that just means we’re not judging Obama harshly enough.
Why does Makewee hate our freedoms??
The joke, if you can believe it or not, was that it eventually leads to Larry David hanging off the edge of a building while desperately clinging to the love handles of the young woman whose mother was suicidal after it was revealed that her portrait of Jesus was not, in fact, crying.
It’s funnier than it sounds.
It’s curious to me that these people can behave with such constant vitriol but at the same time be unable to take it when a person or group dislikes them. I’m not a fan of people who are so desperate to be liked that they’ll agree to anything but this seems like cognitive dissonance to me. If it bothers you so much when people disdain you then perhaps step one is “stop being so douche-y.”
General Winfield Stuck
I guess Makewi skipped over the gay thread to wank on religion. Interesting.
Marketing rule 107: Piss off the Christians, the outrage/boycott is great for business.
Larry David’s character on Curb is a world class a**hole. Everything he does and says is offensive, crude, douchey, and out of bounds.
How, then, can one interpret this episode as condoning peeing on a picture of Jesus? In a recent episode, David’s character exploited 2 women in wheel chairs. Yet no advocate of the handicapped felt the need to say “don’t exploit people in wheel chairs” BECAUSE THE SHOW ITSELF DEMONSTRATED THIS.
Leaving the drop on the picture of Jesus came back to David’s character in the butt as his behavior always does.
Molehill, not a mountain. I hope Donohue continues to make an a** of himself in true Larry David style.
Notorious P.A.T.
Right. Because something has to be really, really awful to raise his ire. He’s not a professional outrage-monger, after all.
Zuzu's Petals
Bill Donohue, who believes that “secular saboteurs” are too busy walking their dogs to impregnate their spouses.
Notorious P.A.T.
Your father sounds like a wise man.
licensed to kill time
@General Winfield Stuck: Makewank?
Many years ago I saw a white urinal cake that on first glance had stains that looked like Jesus on the cross. Am I going to hell for peeing on it? I mean, I’m an atheist, so clearly I’m not, but if I should later join the church is that act grandfathered in? Is there a statute of limitations I should be aware of?
Zuzu's Petals
The Bearded Blogger
@JL: Context blindness is an oft overlooked component of the cognitive disease called modern conservatism.
Oooooo, careful there. Pot, kettle, and all that.
@Makewi: Um, Makewee, we don’t have real high expectations of you here, but when you accuse me of telling lies, can you at least reference things I actually said?
Notorious P.A.T.
Say to them: And we should talk about Islam like this because. . . ? Are Muslims in control of a large portion of our culture, economy, and politics? No? Then why even bring it up?
licensed to kill time
@Martin: You should have sold it on ebay.
Well, he’s not a hard line Mormon, if that’s what you’re saying.
Seriously, you should me a crazy stupid think a Muslim has done, I can one-up you on the Christian side too.
It’s the same religion, you jackholes. Just different hats.
The Bearded Blogger
@Notorious P.A.T.: The belief that ad hominem attacks are valid logical retorts is another component of the cognitive disease called modern conservatism
I wonder what Donahue thought of Larry David using a replica crucifixion nail to hang a mezuzah by his front door (“The Christ Nail” episode)
BTW: Did that ep actually establish that the mother/daughter were Catholic and not evangelical? I had assumed the latter, and got confused when DonaYOUKIDSGETOFFMYLAWN turned this into a vs. Catholicism drama.
kommrade reproductive vigor
O Baby Jesus, please let this spawn a CYE episode where a Bill Dunnowho type jackass falls into a cess pit while humping a goat, amen.
Midnight Marauder
@licensed to kill time:
“And the masses declared that it would be forevermore referred to as such.”
Well done.
Which is clearly a lie, when my comment was directed at the words:
Which should have been evident to one without such a clear agenda of being an asshole, such as yourself.
General Winfield Stuck
Does anybody know a good synonym for “wank” or “wanking”. I need to broaden my vocabulary because there is so much wanking going on these days, and I don’t want to wear out an excellent, but overused by moi, insult word that is apt?
The word ‘mezuzah’ always makes me think of ‘meshugginah’. Every single time.
Zuzu's Petals
Then there was the time he coughed up a pubic hair in the middle of a nativity scene.
Funnier than it sounds.
@licensed to kill time:
I have some other Christian relics I’m holding onto in case money gets tight. My most treasured is a Jesus anointed moist towelette, still in its foil sealed wrapper. Not only did Jesus personally anoint it (I’m thinking Shroud of Turin level artifact here) but I think it might be one of the oldest moist towelette out there, which should attract a whole other set of collector.
I’m thinking some OCD fundie is going to send my kids to college.
licensed to kill time
What fresh makewankery is this? The American Taliban are not upset is a lie? Or there is no American Taliban?
@Midnight Marauder: (aw shucks, twern’t nothing..)
@Makewi: You were trying to imply that it’s bad that people complain about Catholics when Muslims are so much worse. It’s a boring tho predictable part of your shtick, Makewank.
Coming from the master herself, I suppose I should be flattered.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@General Winfield Stuck: Bashing the bishop?
Spanking the monkey can be altered to Spanking the Makewi.
Makewi again misses the point completely.
“The American Taliban” is meant as something that shares many, but not all features of the Taliban, even though it clearly isn’t the Taliban.
Just like “American cheese” is something that shares many, but not all features of cheese, even though it clearly isn’t cheese.
General Winfield Stuck
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
I like it. Thanks.
@licensed to kill time:
Frankly, I don’t think Makewank thought her comments through that far.
General Winfield Stuck
Though Makewank is hard to beat.
The Bearded Blogger
@General Winfield Stuck:
Chinese idioms for masturbating:
Five against one
Hitting the airplane
So apparently Donahue and everyone else seem to think it is normal to hang pictures of Jesus in the bathroom? Is that so he can look at him taking a dump every day and bless it?
@licensed to kill time:
I think Makewi’s point is that they aren’t equivalent to the Taliban because unlike how the Taliban discriminates against people based on fantasy religious beliefs, the Christian beliefs are based in truth.
licensed to kill time
@Martin: Washed by the Blood of the Moist Towelette. Perfecto. (great investment plan, btw!)
@LD50: Yes, extending too much credit for advance thought there. I really just wanted to use my new term “makewankery”!
J.D. Rhoades
I’ve never found Larry David all that funny. But, ya know, chacun a son gout, ya’ll.
@licensed to kill time:
Ah, good! Carry on then.
@The Bearded Blogger:
There is tea all over my desk now. Thanks.
Erik Vanderhoff
This thread made me cry I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud at work.
I love this kind of stuff, because it pushes the fringe even more into the fringe. Go nuts, whackos! Guarantee your irrelevancy for another generation!
The Golux
I guess Bill Donohue wasn’t watching the “Mary, Joseph and Larry” episode when Larry helped himself to some Nativity-themed cookies, and Cheryl’s sister tells Larry, “You ate the baby Jesus and his mother Mary,” to which Larry replies, “I thought he was a monkey.”
Bill Donahue — grow a pair, ya schmohwk!
OK, Cole. Please, explain to me… where’s the ‘comedy’ in the skit you just posted?
The set-up is the show’s star and producer Larry David is taking some medication that is making him urinate quite forcefully.
It’s so powerful that while urinating in his assistant’s bathroom, he accidentally splashed some of it on a picture of Jesus Christ hanging on a nearby wall.
Uhhhh… ha-ha? There’s comedy and there’s shock-jock. Shock-jocking ain’t pushing any fucking comedic envelopes.
licensed to kill time
See below:
I meant I was extending Makewank too much credit for advance thought. I doubt it thinks through what it means when throwing out “liar’ and “you stupid shit”. And also, just wanted to say “what fresh makewankery” because it sounds all Shakespearean and stuff.
Also — please explain the comedic value of the Dead Parrot skit. I mean, a guy tries to return a dead bird but the shop keeper says the bird is not dead? And that’s funny?!?
They have these new Viagra ads (I don’t know if they’re running in the U.S. or not), where the couple says stuff like, “Redecorating was ruining our lives…so we tried Viagra and my redecorating disappeared.”
I can’t help but envision an ad with Donohue saying “Being a meddlesome, pious, Christianist asshole was ruining my life. The mindless boycotts, the judgmental statements…the hypocrisy. So I tried Viagra, and my hate-filled moralizing virtually disappeared!”
It doesn’t matter if you find it funny. CYE is hit and miss for me. The point is, funny or not, it’s just a TV show.
And for that matter, a TV show about a character that is a total and complete jerk that consistently angers and offends even his close friends and family. Getting angry about something the Larry David character does on this show just clearly demonstrates how shallow Donohue’s positions are.
As The Bearded Blogger pointed out, conservatives constantly are blind to context. And for some reason, people talk about the complaint (e.g. that Larry David/Hollywood clearly hate Catholicism cuz of this one episode of a low rated pay-cable show) rather than point out the reality of the context.
@Shabbazz: That’s not funny! Discrimination against the dead is no laughing matter.
J.D. Rhoades
It’s not the shopkeeper. The laughs really start coming when John Cleese gets more and more worked up and eloquent in his insistence that the bird’s dead:
‘E’s passed on! This parrot is… no…MORE! He has CEASED to BE! ‘E’s expired and gone to meet ‘is maker! ‘E’s a stiff! Bereft of life, ‘e rests in PEACE! If you hadn’t nailed ‘im to the perch ‘e’d be pushing up the daisies! ‘Is metabolic processes are now ‘istory! ‘E’s off the twig! ‘E’s kicked the bucket, ‘e’s shuffled off ‘is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!!
I always find the sight of one of Cleese’s put-upon Englishmen going into full rant to be hilarious.
@Shabbazz: “Also—please explain the comedic value of the Dead Parrot skit. ”
It wasn’t funny to me until I worked in the .com industry, and we used to quote it, replacing “this parrot,” with “this company” when we got laid off.
“This company is no more! It has ceased to be! It’s expired and gone to meet it’s maker! It’s a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! It’s metabolic processes are now ‘istory! It’s off the Dow! It’s kicked the bucket, it’s shuffled off it’s mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-COMPANY!!
Ah, good times, good times.
This is a guy who has gone to great pains to try to whitewash and make excuses for Catholic priests who abuse little boys. Do you honestly think that any of that other stuff would be beneath him, if he only had the power to implement it?
I did not realize that the entire show is totally unscripted and improv’d.
Rosie was on Howard Stern the other day and they talked about Curb (she is great when she’s on it) and she explained that there is no script, just sort of a general overview of the direction to take the scene.
Hint: in case you forgot, Donohue is outspoken in his support of Priest-Boy sex.
I think it sits in the mind of the viewer wondering exactly how the fundies would respond to it. Larry David gets most of his mileage off of the meta stuff. People still revere Seinfeld which really was a show about nothing. What’s funny about that?
I was staying at a friend’s house in NM a few years ago, and the bathroom had beautiful tile work.
It struck me as funny that Our Lady of Guadalulpe was depicted in tile right under the shower nozzle.
General Winfield Stuck
We like our Virgins to shower regular. It gets dusty here in The Land of Enchantment.
Religion uses such a poor business model compared to other for-profit businesses.
What other business physically and mentally abuses and sometimes even kills off it’s own customers, never mind what they do to the competition.
General Winfield Stuck
And double for apparitions.
Tax Analyst
General Winfield Stuck
“Does anybody know a good synonym for “wank” or “wanking”. I need to broaden my vocabulary because there is so much wanking going on these days, and I don’t want to wear out an excellent, but overused by moi, insult word that is apt?”
Well, some of these are probably, ahem, too long and ungainly but how about “glandyman” or “glandhander” or maybe “a glandalier”…ween-whacker? I dunno, “spambanger”, “pudwalloper” “strokemaster general”? Mr. Wristanfister? “Awangatang”?
Well, it’s no use, I just can’t seem to get a get a full grasp on the concept at the moment. Maybe I’ll be able to get a handle on it later tonight.
Well, I tried…
Um, “Writing an Op-ed for the New York Times“?
I suppose WaPo would work just as well.
Mr. Wristanfister?
That works, that really does work.
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
@JL: very insightful comment!
Ha. That’s pretty funny.
Comrade Darkness
Yeah, because Jesus wasn’t all about being a human, as opposed a fucking lunatic, inaccessible sky god.
@General Winfield Stuck:
The English use the synonym “tosser” which, when used offhandedly, bestows upon the speaker a certain air of Anglo-European lefty cred.
Thadeus Horne
@Zifnab: ” Seriously, you should me a crazy stupid think a Muslim has done…?
What the fuck means that?
And ordered hits on abortion doctors….oh wait, this one is probably too close to the truth for BJ’s own Pissboy.
chrome agnomen
@Sarcastro: @15
apologies if this has been covered. not sure what you mean here, but the prophet was very commonly depicted until the 17th century, and still is, though less commonly.
Thadeus Horne
@Martin: What’s new?
Thadeus Horne
@Martin: What’s new?@RedKitten: Kitten..there it is. You said it exactly.
Because the “liberal” media always call that reactionary Christianist attention whore the moment any story with a religious angle pops up.
Those of you who don’t see the joke didn’t see the episode. The joke was that the people who had the picture of Jesus that got splashed thought the picture was crying and were making plans to take it on tour to show the “miracle” to everyone. When they discovered the “tears” were actually piss, the mother became suicidal and, in saving her from jumping off the roof, Larry slipped off the edge and was only saved from falling by grabbing onto the daughter’s muffin top – which is where the whole episode started out, with Larry telling her she shouldn’t be wearing a midriff-exposing top to work.
But there’s plenty of “anti-Christian” humor in CYE for professional Christian victims. Not just the episode with the Passion of the Christ nail, but also the one where Larry interrupts a baptism because he thinks the minister is trying to drown the guy being baptized, the one where he eats the nativity scene cookies and then coughs up the pubic hair while fighting with Joseph in the living nativity scene, and also the whole series of shows where he becomes convinced he’s adopted and finds his “birth parents,” discovers he’s not a Jew and goes to church with them, etc. Not everyone loves Curb Your Enthusiasm (I do) but when he takes on religion, it’s always hysterical.
This season of Curb Your Enthusiasm is great. It’s one of the few shows that is painful to watch. I cringe, but can’t look away.
And in Larry David’s defense, his doctor put him on a pill that made him piss like a racehorse. It was all a big misunderstanding!
Dungaree Joe
Also in Larry David’s defense:
Pissing on The Jesus = Comedy Gold
As others have pointed out, it wasn’t a particularly funny episode but whatever pisses of christians is inherently good as far as I’m concerned.
This thread has become a Mass Debate.
Wile E. Quixote
This might be TMI but I once gave Jesus a facial. My first girlfriend and I were fooling around in her dorm room and what with my being young and having a hair-trigger I went off early, and everywhere, but mostly onto a poster that her Jesus-freak roommate had on the wall. Does this mean I’m in trouble with Bill Donohue?
Wile E. Quixote
I want Bill Donohue to watch a couple of episodes of Family Guy. Seth MacFarlane never misses an opportunity to go after Christianity or the Catholic church. Oh wait, Family Guy is on Fox, so therefore it’s OK for them to mock Christianity and Catholics.
I’m not a christian. In fact, I’m an atheist. Nor am I any kind of conservative. But that’s not exactly courageous satire. I wonder what the reaction would be if a christian comic urinated on a koran or, say, accidentally dropped a copy of the talamud in the toilet. There’s practically no fallout for insulting christians in this supposedly christian country. Silliness such as comparing them to the taliban simply underscores that point.
I wonder what the reaction would be if a christian comic urinated on a koran or, say, accidentally dropped a copy of the talamud in the toilet.
And what if someone portrayed Moses raising his arms and parting the waters because he was being mugged? What if someone portrayed American Indians as speaking Yiddish? What if someone made an entire science fiction planet based on stereotypical Jews?
Oh yea, that’d be Mel Brooks. A god damned genius.
Silliness such as comparing them to the taliban simply underscores that point.
Yea, what IF someone insulted Islam by implying that only Muslims could possibly be militant fundamentalist jerkwads?
Many comedians who have nothing more creative to offer degenerate into crass, shock and potty humor.
Somehow, though, I doubt David will be splattering urine on a picture of Muhammad any time soon. Comedic “courage” has its limits.
Now, personally, I “get” the joke in terms of the reaction to the “miracle.” I always grimace when I see people getting excited about a pancake that looks like Mary, etc. It’s just a bit goofy when people do that. So, I’m fine with tweaking Christians themselves about things like that. But we’re not talking about tweaking Christians themselves here. This is a sacred image of our Lord and Savior. Bad idea. I think it’s an especially bad idea because he’s a non-believer. Perhaps not exactly smart for Jewish-Christian relations. Kind of like a white guy splashing urine on a picture of Martin Luther King, Jr. Probably not a smart idea, either.