Erick the Red rides again.
Dear XXXX:
After RedState readers sent Senator Olympia Snowe 1600 lbs. of rock salt, she got back in line with the Republicans and has again signaled her opposition to Obamacare.
We have a new target whose life we need to make very painful over the next week. Rep. Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) went home over the August recess and told his constituents he was standing up to Nancy Pelosi and opposing her budget busting health care plan.
Today, Earl Pomeroy declared he would be Nancy Pelosi’s lap dog, despite the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office declaring her plan will exceed $1.5 trillion. Oh, they put back in the death panels and abortion funding too. It doesn’t matter to Earl anymore. He is going to support Obamacare and he needs to be painfully reminded that he is betraying his constituents.
I just sent Earl Pomeroy a pile of fake dog poop, only because the post office won’t send the real stuff. He needs a real reminder of what the Democrats are serving up and that he is betraying his constituents and selling out our country.
Please join me in sending Earl this fine reminder. Click here to order.
The address is:
Office of Rep. Earl Pomeroy
3003 32nd Ave S Suite 6
Fargo, ND 58103
(701) 235-9760
Likewise, I urge you to call his Washington office at (202) 225-2611 and express your displeasure.
Remember, if we make an example of Earl Pomeroy, both the Blue Dog Democrats and wayward Republicans will think twice before selling us out on health care.
Also, please note that will kindly send RedState some cash, so not only are you saving America, but you are helping RedState too!
Sincerely yours,
Erick Erickson
If he had any real commitment, he’d be urging his readers to send the real stuff through Fed Ex which does accept it. A primer:
Plus, why is he supporting the communist postal service over the undoubtedly more efficient private delivery services like Fed Ex and UPS? Free marketeers go!
Does Erick Erickson own a gag gift store on the side? because if he doesn’t he’s so missing out on his own kitchy cash stream.
Man!!! Can I get in on this gig? This could be the Republicans’ idea of a stimulus package. Once the 27%ers stop going Galt “like they promised”, the economy will rebound. I’m sinking a 10k into fake dog poop futures.
Anne Laurie
Fake dog poop. The Red State Trike Farce has finally found its natural level…
… But at least Erick is finally admitting that he’s in this for the money, not (just) the… uh… glory.
causation, correlation … they’re the same thing, right ?
Aw damn it, I was hoping that he’d suggest sending Pomeranians.
Oy vey.
Is Erick Erickovich going to call forth his minions to TP some Rep’s house next week?
Keep in mind that the “1600 pounds of rock salt” equals 320 people willing to fork over $3 each to send Snowe a message in the form of a 5 pound bag of salt. That’s on average – the actual number of donors was probably a lot fewer.
The raw numbers aren’t any more impressive than the silly symbolism.
Warren Terra
I think Erick may be confusing correlation and causation there.
And, really, Death Panels? That’s so August. Especially as Erick’s ilk have never seemed troubled by free-market Death Panels.
I would suggest fake cans o’ nutz for their next performance art piece. You know, with the snake!
Can someone please tell RedState that their TalkingPointOMatic has been stuck on Repeat since August? Not that it matters since facts and Erick ibn Erick aren’t on speaking terms, but he’s off by a factor of two on the CBO score, there’s no abortion funding, and ‘death panels’ are such a stale bit of nonsense that they make the Macarena look hip and fresh by comparison.
licensed to kill time
Wow, powerful statement there. Somewhere, an assistant is opening a package and going “WTF?” and chucking it into the circular file.
Nothing like a little fake dog poop to make ’em think twice!
Un-fracking-spoofable. I got nothing.
It’d be great if everyone would instead send fake dog poop to Erickson. We could then see who gets more dog poop – obscure congressman or idiot blogger.
Unfortunately, I do not own a fake dog poop factory, but chances are it’s made by CHICOMS!!@@!!1111
Jim C
They were sending 5 lb. bags, right? That’s 320 people sending a single bag. Big whoop. (That’s not even the population of Panama, IL!)
Even if they sent the real thing, 320 piles of poopie wouldn’t even cover a dead hippie (for you Young Ones out there).
Anne Laurie
P.S. By my calculations, “1600 pounds” of rock salt is enough to clear approximately 95 driveways. The snowbound unfortunates of Maine salute you, Trike Farce! It would also indicate that Erick has at least 320 dedicated supporters, except that would mean trusting (a) his honesty and (b) his math skills, neither of which I consider irrefutable.
Jim C
Erick Erickson is starring in the new 300 sequel: 320.
Rep. Pomeroy
I was for providing affordable health care to millions, but these eminently reasonable people sending me fake dog shit are forcing me to reconsider.
Elevating the public discourse, one bowel movement at a time.
Well, glad they’re taking a break from just flinging the stuff. Plus, this way’s better for the economy.
Why not real poop? Fake poop is relatively expensive and hard to come by, especially right before Halloween when there is a big demand for it. Why do all Redstate “protests” involve the mailing of random esoteric items that have no meaning to non-wingnuts?
He may be using FoxMath and only 13 lbs of salt was actually sent. He’s mearly rounding up numbers to accomodate the silent majority of voices inside his head. (The same ones that tell him he’s good looking and popular with the opposite sex.)
Erick Erickson is the smeghead hologram vending machine attendent of the good (quote) mining vessel “Red State”?
Scott H
Now they’re flinging sh!t? Wow. Welcome to the monkey house.
It sure is a good thing that elected officials publicize their contact information, because otherwise how would Americans mail them novelty gag items or call them to yell at them?
I’m sure that’s why it’s so easy to Google the home address and telephone number of Macon, GA city councilman Erick Erickson.
Let’s send Erick a couple of tons of horse shit. Pick it up at your local race track or stable…The USPS will send 8lbs for $4.95
I am of the opinion House members pay no attention, at all, to people who are not in their district.
Plus, any Red State reader is never voting for any Democrat, “Blue Dog” or otherwise, ever.
@Molly: LOLZ I thought the same thing! I can just picture a congressional office full of the smiley little beady-eyed fluffballs.
As far as I’ve been able to figure out, the smallest bag of rock salt is five pounds.
1,600 pounds divided by five = 320 people parting with THREE U.S.Dollars (plus shipping, of course).
Maybe I’m missing something here, but 300 people and a thousand bucks seems to be a rather pathetic response for a site as heavily trafficked as Red State.
@Anne Laurie: I wish someone would send me 1600 lbs of rock salt. My driveway is on a hill and is like a bobsled run in the winter.
Damn, I’m slow.
Must remember to hit “refresh” before submitting.
How many Mainers, then, three?
They’re all Olympia Snowe cares about. Why the hell would she care that some Red State reader in California won’t vote for her?
Rick Massimo
@cleek: Last night, Erick Erickson wrote a post that said that if national public health insurance was a secret socialist plot to destroy America and kill your grandma, God would give us a sign by sending a huge fireball into the sky that lit up half the Earth and warmed things up considerably.
Around 7 a.m., Erickson looked out his window and shouted, “Ah-HAH!”
Ann B. Nonymous
Erickson is feeling a little tense. Perhaps we could send him an internal prostate massager, care of the Macon City Council. Ward V, Post 3. They probably have one in red.
320 people bought this clown’s rock salt scam?
There’s a sucker born every minute.
You know, if these guys put half as much energy into thinking of something constructive to add to the discussion beyond scheming to acquire and send dog poop, we might actually be better off. But I digress…
Gotta give the guy credit.
Been involved in politics and Left Wing politics since the sixties and this is the stupidest frickin’ thing I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen some pretty stupid fickin’ things over the years me buckos.
Pomeroy lives in North Dakota (as I did once upon a time). North Dakotans will view this as very silly. Keep in mind that ND is the only state with a state bank and a state grain elevator (left over from the Depression years). Socialist state (to their credit).
I think that sending Pomeroy buffalo chips would be more effective.
I said it last time. These protests coincide with them cleaning out their garages/living spaces. This is the stuff that won’t sell at the yard sale.
R. Porrofatto
Right now, Erick’s current top post announces that “Betsey McCoy, New York’s former Lt. Governor, is just about to come on Hannity to discuss health care.”
Such a more-on.
Well, yeah…you were involved in left wing politics….(I kid. Workin’ the same wing…)
I notice EsoE at least caught his error from earlier today, which I posted about on the open thread a few hours ago. He was originally showing Pomeroy’s address as Senator Earl Pomeroy. I was really hoping no one would bring it to his attention, because the only thing that’s more effective than getting boxes of fake dog poop delivered to your office is getting boxes of fake dog poop delivered to your office addressed to the wrong title.
Who says that RedState is heavily trafficked?
@R. Porrofatto:
Fixed. Well, except for the spelling.
Sure, 1,600 lbs of salt. uh huh, and I have some ocean view property in Nebraska to sell..
If Erick Ericksdottir had an IQ above 50, he’d probably realize that a bag of (insert name of popular dry dog food here) would be more effective. Dogshit is just infantile and insulting, without making any substantive point – other than a big neon sign saying “I’m an idiot” over the sender’s head.
Of course, being an idiot, Ericksdottir wouldn’t understand all that. That’s why we love him. Well, that, and because he is on the front lines of the effort to prove that “Peak Wingnut” will never be reached.
dms –
I think you meant “Erickovna”, not “Erickovich”. His top, on the other hand, might be an -ovich.
Just sayin’.
Were you around for the:
Question: Is the Soviet Union a failed worker’s state or merely another manifestation of state capitalism?
(Now that was pretty frickin’ stupid.)
And where do YOU stand on the vexed problem of Serious© Left Wing, Right Wing, or Buffalo Wings?
I vote for the last. All three are indigestible but the Buffalo Wings at least give one something real to chew on.
So this means that fake dog poop sales are a leading indicator of RedState’s financial health? I kinda like this idea.
Little Macayla's Friend
@Scott H:
This stunt is as well thought out as ‘teabagging’.
Maybe DougJ should change the title of this post (and not to “Welcome to the monkey house”).
Why doesn’t that dipshit find some ‘Murkin fake dog shit?
On the other hand, I don’t know where “Twiwan” is, so whatever…
So, I was reading that the rep lived on 32nd street and thinking that he was out in the boonies. Then I read the Fargo bit. How do you put an exponent on daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn?
R.P. –
Don’t harsh on Ericksdottir. You need to understand a couple of things:
1) Ericksdottir feels about “McCoy” the same way Rich Lowry feels about Sarah “Yeah, I’m winkin’ at you, Richie” Palin
2) “McCoy” is a lot easier to type if you’re using only one of your hands.
The Bearded Blogger
@cleek: The absence of pirates causes global warming, as it displeases the FSM
@Anoniminous: Erick, Erikeckez rocks! too bad he didn’t stick with the name theme… pomeranians would have been sweet.
I have a definition for the wingularity: it will occur when there is no criteria to distinguish the actions of wingnuts from those of spoof performance artists. It is close
As a Public Service …
It is off the eastern coast of Wisa.
I agree. Putting anything from Ericksdottir near anything from Vonnegut would be considered extremely bad form.
Red Leb
Abbie Hoffman’s got nothin’ on this guy.
Some people might say that the next move for the Red Staters will be circling the Department of Health and Human Services, holding hands and levitating the building to stop health care reform.
R. Porrofatto
That doesn’t explain the “Betsey” though. He musta been in the throes of extabetsy when he typed that one.
Also, rock salt : snow :: dog poop : pomeroy?
gocart mozart
<blockquoteAfter RedState readers sent Senator Olympia Snowe 1600 lbs. of rock salt,
That was awfully nice of them. It should come in handy for her driveway during those called Maine winters. Some wingnuts are very thoughtful surprisingly.
gocart mozart
<blockquoteAfter RedState readers sent Senator Olympia Snowe 1600 lbs. of rock salt
That was awfully nice of them. It should come in handy for her driveway during those called Maine winters. Some wingnuts are very thoughtful surprisingly.
gocart mozart
I leave for 10 days and somebody broke the block quote function. Sending the rock salt was the nice gesture.
The Bearded Blogger
@R. Porrofatto: rock salt melts snow, dog poop, umm, scares pomeroy into doing the bidding of Erick the Ridicolous…
Red Leb
Gone for 10 days ? You must have one helluva gas tank on that gocart !
Warren Terra
The Amazon cash is funny. RedState would notice a few % of a few hundred $s? Surely followers loyal enough to send rubber turds on request would donate if asked. What’d he clear on the rock salt, $50?
I was thinking that too. Dogshit? Fake dogshit? It screams “I’m a kook or a silly immature bunt! You must not take me seriously!”
Hell I’ll bet the fake dogshit globs become hip desk toys among the staffers or used for helping new staffers to determine which messages they can utterly ignore. “See this fake dogshit? When people get down to this level of dipshit stupid you can simply ignore whatever they are screeching about.”
Warren Terra
I like SpotWeld’s idea that we search for parallels between Red State and Red Dwarf.
Hopelessly lost, morons who did pointless tasks and screwed up important ones obsess over an idealized past …
Frat Boy
I was going to leave a bag of flaming dog poop on Rush Limbaugh’s front porch, but Rush really IS a bag of flaming dog poop, so somehow it just didn’t really feel I was making a statement.
Warren Terra
At least Erick could threaten Snowe with lessened partisan Republican support. A Blue Dog like Pomeroy needs conservative votes but could never receive support from Red State, so they’ve no voice.
Fake shit and RedState. The two are pretty much synonymous, or symbiotic, or something aren’t they?
Yeah, it seems like Commander EE has been sniffing some weird teagbags lately. A couple of weeks ago he was feeling all Jack Bauer-y being in possession of a stolen ACORN rolodex he was certain in days would blow apart the Democratic party. Not many gleefully advertise they’re in possession of stolen property, but then they aren’t the little head of the RSSF.
Last week he was feeling victimized that he and fellow RS teabaggers didn’t get credit for stopping legislation to restore Medicare cuts in payments to doctors. I thought they were against socia1ized medicine before they were for it in Medicare. Apparently they’re selectively against it again. Until they’re not.
Now that his troops have been battle tested sending balls and salt, Commander EE is challenging his weary troops once again: Fake shit or die, bitches! Only in America.
Exactly right. Why in the world would a Democrat from North Dakota care what a Republican shill-site like RedState thinks of him? If anything sticking their nose in his district will HELP HIM.
Seems to me that Erickson is confusing Blue Dog Democrat with liberal Republican. They are not, in fact, the same thing.
Wow! I just had a great idea! Let’s all us Balloon-Juicers mail whoopee cushions and rubber vomit to Erick Sonoferick. If we order through John Cole’s Amazon link, B-J will get lots and lots and lots of lovely lolly, and he will be able to afford to restore the edit function, or buy a GPS for Tunch.
C’mon, we need something to do with all our spare time now that there’s no more daily voting for Bitsy.
Ash Can
Seriously, wtf does this blithering idiot think he’s accomplishing with this? Anything? At all?
And he’s on Macon’s city council? How the fuck does he even manage to get himself dressed in the morning?
Rick Taylor
Shouldn’t this be classified under “Clown shoes”?
He called the shit “Poop”!
Its cold outside,
There’s no kind of atmosphere,
I’m all alone,
More or less.
Let me fly,
Far away from here,
Fun, fun, fun,
In the sun, sun, sun.
I want to lie,
Shipwrecked and comotoase,
Drinking fresh,
Mango juice,
Goldfish shoals,
Nibbling at my toes,
Fun, fun, fun,
In the sun, sun, sun,
Fun, fun, fun,
In the sun, sun, sun.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Fxd 4 FAIL.
Maybe not for long. I heard a rumor that his opponent in the next election is Tarquin F.F.F.O. Biscuitbarrel. Will Ericksdottir rise to the challenge? Only Betsey McCoy knows for sure!
Clip-ons – they’re not just for neckties any more.
Zuzu's Petals
From this week’s “Leverage”:
Zuzu's Petals
@Zuzu’s Petals:
Sigh. Blockquote fail.
Zuzu's Petals
Somehow I suspect he’s already covered in it.
So we send rubber vomit to Eric via the Macon City Council so he can explain to them what it means. If they have a public comment/question portion of the meeting have someone ask about it, while being videotaped, too. Also.
The Fake Shit was most likely made in China, which might make one wonder why Erick Son of Erick does not feel it necessary to support American Business in this time of crushing Lieberl economics. Does Erick Son of Erick hate America? It would be irresponsible not to ask.
Fake poop? Is that what passes for serious political commentary on the right these days?
And can someone email me the page number in the House Bill where this so-called Death Panel is mentioned?
That’s really the point. They’re not offended by the prospect of people being designated as undeserving and dumped out of any category of civilized living. Housing, health care, education, food, clean air and water, etc. What offends them is that someone isn’t going to demonstrate their
biological fitnessmoral superiorityindividual ingenuity by getting filthy rich out of that process.soonergrunt
People should send SonofErickSquared actual dog shit via FEDEX, as has been mentioned. Send to him Care of City Clerk, if you want to make a scene of it.
@soonergrunt: Of course, that would be kind of hard on the City Clerk.
Bring back edits! FYWP!
The subject is of life and death. The conservative solution? Fake dog poop. Why do they hate humans so much?
Pick one:
A) It’s how they roll
B) Because! Just because, OK?! Whaddaya, a commie?
C) They don’t. They just want to have a fresh supply of corpses on which they can feed.
D) It’s not humans they hate – it’s the Lieberals/progressives/darkies/Lieberals/the poor/someone else/Jews/Islamocommunofascists/Lieberals, i.e. non-humans, in their view
F) Groups often hate those not like them
G) All of the above
H) All of the above, plus a bunch of other sick “reasons”
The sad part is, the above are a lot closer to reality than should be possible in America.