I suppose one day Rick Moran will learn:
Because Rick is not sufficiently conservative wingnutty, we are told he is just angling for a Democratic job and he is comatose. I would hope that the lesson Rick would learn from this is that the party we both loved at one point is now run by insane people, but I’m afraid he drinks deeply from the cup of Broder and will decide that “if Pam Gellar and Robert McCain hate me and the Daily Kos doesn’t link me, I must be doing something right.”
At any rate, go give him some encouragement in the comments. Someone has to save the GOP, and it damned sure isn’t going to be me. I’ve got wooden stakes, garlic, and an attitude.
General Winfield Stuck
Fornicating libtards skeer him. So he rides the range a lonely conservative poltergeist.
Just Some Fuckhead
You have won this round, Stuck, but there will be others.
@General Winfield Stuck:
@Just Some Fuckhead:
What the fuck do you two do all day? Are you closet trustafarians or something? I thought I had a loosy-goosy schedule . . .
I’ve got silver bullets, lots of pitchforks and I can make a mean self-igniting napalm Molotov cocktail.
If only Moran were a real studly hunk of a man like that Doug Hoffman fellow…
Plenty of crazy on the Daily Kos rec list today, too. I fear the whole country has become one big food fight.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Steeplejack: I’m a goatherder, between herds at the moment.
Not sure anyone should care what the insane McCain thinks.
General Winfield Stuck
Believe me, I’ve tried. He comes around a little, and then they just pull him right back in.
That must smell just awful.
General Winfield Stuck
I read fortunes. The TARO cards never lie.
@General Winfield Stuck: Would you like some “T” with that?
And anyway, I think I’ll stick with the goatherd, thanks!
The enduring myth is that Stuck and JSF are actually two different people. Or possibly dogs.
Just Some Fuckhead
It’s not as bad you’ve herd.
General Winfield Stuck
Better for those long cold nights.
Buffy: Hey Ken, wanna see my impression of Gandhi?
(crushes his skull with a club)
Lily: Gandhi?
Buffy: Well, you know, if he was really pissed off.
Do we get paid for this? Or are we supposed to do it “in the interests of being bipartisan?”
General Winfield Stuck
Tarot. I read them, not spell them.
@General Winfield Stuck: Naw, that’s what the goats are for.
That and Anthrax, but its unlikely that you’ll get the pneumonic form if you’re only fucking them.
Corner Stone
October Gonzales…for the win.
Moran sort of lost me when he described Gingrich as “one of the only public intellectuals on the right who can speak to a broad cross section of America with authority and credibility.” I mean, when in Christ name has he had authority to give his spiel to anyone once he had been revealed as a Hypocrite To End All Hypocrites during the Lewinsky scandal?
Give him encouragement in the comments? No fucking way. I have a 3 years supply of popcorn and beer, and I am going to love every minute of the Looney Tunes Revolution. This shit is going to make the Goldwater debacle look like a walk in the park. Let the bloodbath begin.
The likes of Sarah “Porky” Palin and Michele “Daffy” Bachman, not to mention our contribution of Jim “Foghorn” DeMint, are going to make the next 3 years a hoot! You betcha! Also!
“I’ve got wooden stakes, garlic, and an attitude.”
I can add holy water, holy oil, and a crucifix. (Well, all that seminary had to have some kind of payoff – hence I am prepared for apocalypse in many of its forms.)
Here is my nightmare: that the Balloon Juice commentariat consists of the front-pagers and about three other people, who write about 90 percent of all the posts under various spoof identities and get together behind the scenes to mock the real people who occasionally wander in. Oh, and the whole thing is being run as some sort of Turing-test experiment by a second-rate junior college computer science department.
And yet I keep coming back.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
That’s fine as long as your not between goats. That’s illegal I hear.
@Steeplejack: We are all DougJ.
@Cain: Between a goat’s what?
New Yorker
Sorry, but I used up all my breath shouting encouragement to Sully when he was condemned as a heretic back in 2004. To me, the right-wing civil war/bloodbath/witch hunt/auto da fe brings to mind Kissinger’s comments about the Iran-Iraq war.
Poor Rick, watching these guys complaining about the “rabid right” gives me a funny feeling all over, baby. Pass the popcorn, gin and martini glass this is going to be fun.
What is LGF saying these days? I’m scared to go there, they used to say some of the stupidest shit 3 years ago or so.
What a waste.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Hell, I think you, Stuck and probably BOB are all the same person. And Laura W is the Twin Peaks Log Lady of BJ.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
and who are the rest? BoB? That motherfucker is crazy, but it’s a stretch even for him.
@ Just Some Fuckhead
Goatherding, huh? Is a Mickey Kaus sighting a good thing or bad thing?
How *DO* you keep him away from the herds?
Just Some Fuckhead
@Steeplejack: If I could do an ornery fuck like Stuck, I’m certainly capable of doing your boring “hey all, just got home from the part-time job (health care!) and now I’m going to get sotted drunk and bore you all to tears with my lame music” schtick.
Why bother? Getting blown keeps the goats relaxed.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Painlord: It’s a good thing. The male goats love him. Turns out Mickey is a goat bottom.
General Winfield Stuck
Charles is coming along nicely, but though I am registered to comment, I feel like the first Wildebeast fixing to cross the Mara River with hungry Crocodiles grinning back.
Mark S.
You can tell that McCain is one of the true kooks with this:
Any piker can rail against income taxes and the Fed. Only true kooks blame the Seventeenth Amendment (direct elections of Senators) for our country’s problems.
Just Some Fuckhead
@@Steeplejack: BTW, I’m not serious. I find you to be one of the most interesting commenters on Balloon Juice and Laura can vouch for that.
General Winfield Stuck
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Like sweet nothings whispered in me ear.
I just can’t quit you BJ!
My recollection — and I didn’t follow it that closely — is that the LGF shift started with Charles going “Come on, Obama was totally born here.” Then one of the other blogs unleased its Uruk-Hai on his comment section, and he got pushed further towards sanity.
In other words, as the Prophet MacLaren said, he woke up one day and knew which side of the bed he was on. His had the crazy.
@General Winfield Stuck:
We might have to make common ground with the middle right in order to mock the rapid malkinites.
Jon H
He seems to think there were hundreds of thousands of people in DC on 9/12.
I say screw him.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Meowch, kitteh! Thanks for noticing. Good to know someone is even up and reading at that hour.
I remember when those dweebs would show up here and this site back in the early days would be eating it’s own in a series of skirmishes with other regulars (that still happens on slow news days or is that low outrage day? :-) and man, the site would turn into a meat grinding machine in a single minded drive to go after the interlopers.
Rick Moran came in one time and boy, he fled after 15 minutes. Ah, the good old days.
Charles is welcome to borrow us if he wants us to take care of his wingnut problem.
You’re not the first person to think that. Remember scs? She thought everybody was DougJ.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
No, I’m sorry, the damage has been done. Tears are raining on my keyboard. I think I’ll go get sotted drunk and listen to some lame music. (Cf. Eva Cassidy in the next thread.)
Wait.. that’s not true?
I just finished a midterm with antoher one to go, please drink one for me.
Not anymore.
Oh wait…shit, I’ve said too much. Move along nothing to see here.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Steeplejack: Cool, Laura was leaving me hanging anyway.
wheaton pat
In the movie Network, a great deal of time on Howard ‘s show was delegated to sothsayers and Tarot readers. The Repubs are there now.
They know a secret Muslim. They divine a closet Marxist. They ascribe Socialist value to the weak public option. They forsee deaths in Afghanistan because of “dithering.”
There is a Dem party of doing things in real time and in reality and there is a Rep party frightened to rinse their teeth because of possible flouridation concerns.
A movement cannot be built upon the slippery slope argument. The leader of that movement better have perfect balance or else he will Humpty Dumpty.
Tonal Crow
Better make *sure* that those stakes are made of oak, from a tree that was struck by lightning. Anything less…well, let’s not think about what might happen then.
Aim to please. I can do you a Sam Adams Coastal Wheat or a Mount Gay rum and tonic. I recommend the latter for the anti-malarial qualities. And that’s what I’m drinking tonight anyway.
Talking about the old BJ days? Actually, I miss some of those people. Back then there were both wings going at each other (more or less) civilly. This was a political battleground blog back when John had this silly notion he was a Republican. : )
Anyone remember Stormy70 or Darrell?
Darrell was civil? I think you’re mis-remembering. But I think I came in when both wings were still battling it out. We lost some of them (or maybe they changed names, or maybe they were all DougJ!) as John moved left or the world moved right.
Once a month we’ll need to go back and scour some old wingnut John threads. (or on slow news day)
Laura W
@Just Some Fuckhead:
I am here now to represent for you, Fuckhead.
He’s been trying to worm his way into your heart for months now, Steep.
If I had a dollar for every time Fuckhead has used the word “Soulmate” in reference to you in our private exchanges…I could buy you health insurance and free you from your boring as shit p/t job. And free the rest of us from having to hear about it weekly.
(I’m a lot younger and cuter than Log Lady, just FYI.)
Never had a Mount Gay rum and tonic. But go for it! (I usually stick with Sapphire and tonic..yum)
There was a lot of Jack and Myers Dark infecting my posts back then…maybe that was also why I thought Darrell was civil. : )
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
Isn’t the consensus that Darrell is “North Dallas Thirty” who brings the crazy every once in a while, especially if the subject of abortion rights comes up?
Sapphire and tonic is good too. Forgot I also have some Tanqueray miniatures sitting in the cabinet.
Most rums are horrible (Captain Morgan, Ron [anything]). Mount Gay (Barbados) and Barbancourt (Haiti) are to regular rums as Tanqueray and Bombay Sapphire are to regular gins. Gosling’s Black Seal is excellent too, but it’s so dark that it bears a scary resemblance to Karo syrup.
@Steeplejack: Mount Gay is really damn good, that’s true. I actually like Sailor Jerrys as opposed to Morgan.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Laura W: Oh god, have I really been that fangrrl????
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
F’ing WIN.
This recently obtained evidence
directly contradicts that statement JSF. ;p
Left Coast Tom
I kind of like to take Zaya (Guatemala) in a flask on extended wilderness trips.
Anejo Tequilas are nice as well.
Robert Waldmann
Well I went over there, but I couldn’t honestly offer encouragement. I read
“The idea that Newt Gingrich should be “relegated to the dustbin of history” – a not uncommon sentiment I’ve read over the past week – demonstrates a determined refusal to objectively analyze demonstrates a determined refusal to objectively analyze the political realities of the unique situation in NY23 ”
Look I have wanted to relegate Newt to the dustbin of history since 1990. I don’t recall that view having anything to do with a refusal to analise the political realities of NY23.
Gingrich is obvoiusly totally dishonest, selfish and egomaniacal. Oh and childish. Reality based conservatives should be able to see this.
“But kick him out of the party? Marginalize one of the only public intellectuals on the right who can speak to a broad cross section of America with authority and credibility? ”
Moran actually accused Gingrich of credibility ?!? What’s his next insight ? That Bill Clinton is undersexed ?
Just Some Fuckhead
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal): What? A guy can’t pick up hitchhikers anymore?
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Damn you’re good. Ever think of joining the Republican party? ;)
Just Some Fuckhead
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal): No way, I believe children are to be seen and not fucked.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Ok, you win. :)
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Okay, that is funny. All is forgiven.
Notorious P.A.T.
Oh my, yes. We must save the party of the Southern Strategy, and the Terri Schiavo law, and Pat Robertson. We just have to save the party that gave us the Laffer Curve and Iran/Contra. We just HAVE to!
@Laura W:
Man, I am not feeling the love tonight. Why you and Fuckhead whizzin’ on Steep for talking about the circumstances of his life, when that’s what half the content of this whole blog is? Sorry my story is insufficiently entertaining. I’ll get back to you when I get a better life. (Mandatory lame music video.)
Also, my other dream about Balloon Juice is that JSF is a persona created by you as a channel for your outsider/”forbidden” side.
I know. I picture you as a younger and sexier Peggy Lipton. But Crazy Kale Lady led to thoughts of Log Lady. At least in my fevered imagination.
Ash Can
@Just Some Fuckhead: As long as you’re not Just Some Herdhead, inbetween goatfu — oh, nevermind.
Poor thing.
Just Some Fuckhead
All in good fun, my friend. :)
Corner Stone
@Robert Waldmann:
You had me *right* up to “hello”.
@Corner Stone:
Cheap whore.
@General Winfield Stuck: Peep Charles out there hammering the Goldstone report for being unfair to Israel. It’s like reading Goldfarb from the Weekly Standard.
I did like this comment over there:
The best way I can put the Republican problem is this: inconsistency.
There IS no consistent Republican ideology where the values, actions, and results of those actions line up. You can’t have endless war and save money. You can’t torture and support freedom. You can’t keep cutting taxes as a solution when that doesn’t solve the problem. You can’t expect a functioning society when you cater to religious radicals. Schizmogenesis, to yank out a rather obscure psychosocial term.
All the publicity stunts and campaigns that leveraged anti-intellectualism and soforth are coming home to roost.
This leads to an additional issue – even if the party wins, it looses. Yes it may win some elections, but if it does so by further riling up the Teabagger crowd, it’s further selling it’s soul. Winning consistently means that you can solve problems – the anti-intellectualism you mention CANNOT solve problems.
If you want Republican victory, show that the party can solve problems (and prevent them). The party does not seem to be interested in solving problems, it seems to be interested in publicity stunts and pandering.
Comrade Darkness
Winning consistently means that you can solve problems – the anti-intellectualism you mention CANNOT solve problems.
On the right the only problem that needs solving is figuring out whom to blame. For anything. Someone is bad and the wingers get to look down at these cretins and for a glimmering instant, hate themselves a little less. Even if they have to make shit up to blame people for, who cares? it’s even more people to blame. Solving problems just leaves you with fewer things in need of blame assignment. It’s all feel-good victimhood. And it’s all they’ve got.
Wile E. Quixote
@Mark S.
The 17th amendment. Hah! What a fool. Everyone who is really in the know blames the the 3rd, 12th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 25th and 26th (darned teenagers!) amendments to the Constitution as well as the creation of NASA (they were created to fake the moon landing and cover up the fact that aliens landed in Roswell in 1947) and the ungodly hellspawn that is the BCS, which was created by ACORN to help them steal the national championship in college football.
Oh, and you know that only tin foil works to keep the ACORN/BCS mind control waves out of your brain and not aluminum foil? I laugh at the fools who think that their aluminum foil hats are keeping their thoughts and bodily essences pure.
Wile E. Quixote
P.S. Can I have my own show on Fox now?
Enlightened Layperson
Let me express my gratitude to John for monitoring the right blogosphere. I suppose I should do it myself. It is fascinating to guess who will flip next. (Whoever would have predicted Andrew Sullivan, John Cole and now Charles Johnson?)
So the question is, who do you think will flip next? Rick Moran? Ed Morrisey? Someone no one would guess?
General Winfield Stuck
Well that does it. Johnson defends Israel. Can’t be a card carrying libtard like that.
Chuck Butcher
@Wile E. Quixote:
You have to learn to do teh crazy with a straight face or lotsa tears. A nice swing, but all that one got was air.
Wile E. Quixote
@Chuck Butcher
Damn! You’d have to hit my face with enough BoTox to kill a herd of elephants to make me say crazy shit like that with a straight face, and even then it probably wouldn’t work. I’d probably just end up looking and sounding like Joe Lieberman.
OK, back to the drawing board. I need to come up with an angle to allow me to separate gullible conservatives from their money.
Surabaya Stew
Rick is in fine form as usual, replying back at commentators with his subtle mix of sarcasm and rage. The biggest mistake people make about Mr. Moran is that they mistake his theatrics for a bug, when in actuality it’s a feature!
What a moran!