How could you people laugh at earnest rightwing civil servants like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann? Just pause for a minute and think about the abuse dished out by cruel and terrible people.
The former governor, who in the book says her dream was to be a sportscaster alongside Howard Cosell, takes aim at ABC anchor Gibson, whose interview preceded Couric’s. He “peered skeptically” at her over his glasses, Palin writes, and had no interest in the substantive issues.
It must have felt especially galling to get peered at skeptically over glasses when so many reporters literally teabag John McCain.
BTW. Also. Here are some policy specifics about which Gibson showed no interest during the interview.
GIBSON: The administration has said we’ve got to maintain the territorial integrity of Georgia. Do you believe the United States should try to restore Georgian sovereignty over South Ossetia and Abkhazia?
GIBSON: Would you favor putting Georgia and Ukraine in NATO?
GIBSON: Let me turn to Iran. Do you consider a nuclear Iran to be an existential threat to Israel?
GIBSON: So what should we do about a nuclear Iran?
GIBSON: What if Israel decided it felt threatened and needed to take out the Iranian nuclear facilities?
GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?
GIBSON: No, the Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war.
GIBSON: The Bush doctrine, as I understand it, is that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense, that we have the right to a preemptive strike against any other country that we think is going to attack us. Do you agree with that?
GIBSON: Do we have the right to be making cross-border attacks into Pakistan from Afghanistan, with or without the approval of the Pakistani government?
GIBSON: But, Governor, I’m asking you: We have the right, in your mind, to go across the border with or without the approval of the Pakistani government.
Oh, I’m sorry, I thought the “No Comment” sign at the bottom of the post was her response.
Sure there were those, but where are the substantive policy questions?
If Charles Gibson peering skeptically at her is so hurtful to Palin, how could she possibly have stood up to ahmadinejad or the latest neo-con Hitler-of-the-month?
/echoing wingnut taunt about Dems & Fox News
Palin’s true believers will side with her, no matter how ludicrous her claims. My dad, a Fox news junky defended her when I tactfully called her lightweight. He bought into the “they asked her gotcha questions” meme all the way. I let it go. You can’t reason with those people, and I loved my dad, so pointing and laughing wasn’t an option.
That is all.
Substantive = how mavericky are you?
maybe “substantive issues” is some kind of wingnut-whistle . normal people hear that and think of foreign policy and economics. wingnuts hear it and think of …?
Silly. Ahmadinejad doesn’t wear glasses.
dr. bloor
Imagining Palin in the booth with Cosell made my day. The infamously patient and tactful Howard would have been much easier for her to deal with than that mean old Charlie…
@cleek: Abortion. Hating on the gays. Maverick. Joe the Plumber.
El Cid
No, no, she meant “policy”, like, you know, raising yer famlee, and having a baby, and standin’ up to all them people who told her to kill her child. And how that Kenyan guy was ‘pal’ing around with terrists’. You know. Real policy. Not fluffly stuff about the Bush Doctorin’, or Ahm’all’whatajacket…
Joshua Norton
No doubt The Devine Sarah was thinking “Sure Georgia should maintain sovereignty – it’s a very important southern state.”
no interest in the substantive issues. = asking questions harder than “where did you buy those fabulous boots”.
Babies, Jesus, and Tina Fey (who ALSO wears glasses…!).
Cat Lady
In what regard, Tim F.?
Did “The West Wing” raise our expectations of political dicourse to an unreasonable level, or have politicians just fallen to new lows?
OT, but now listening to Ross Douthat on the Diane Rehm Show explaining how Democrats actually shouldn’t be worried that they’ll suffer electorally if they fail to pass a healthcare reform bill. And earlier Ruth Marcus with an extended “Perils of Pauline” riff in which Obama was tying himself to the railroad tracks and hoping that Congress will save him by passing the bill.
@cleek: Bear DNA, volcano monitoring, bridges to nowhere, drill, baby, drill.
Joshua Norton
no interest in the substantive issues. = asking questions harder than “where did you
buysteal those fabulous boots”./fixt
Tim F. @ Top:
International policy is ephemeral. Only Jesus — whose wrath will descend upon those who criticize Sarah! — is substantial.
Comrade Dread
Come on, Tim. We’re looking for real substantive matters, like:
Can someone who doesn’t wear a flag pin be trusted to lead this nation?
Should Barack Hussein Obama just admit he’s a Muslim from Kenya and drop out of the race?
Obama asks for dijon mustard on a hamburger, does that, in your opinion, make him more of an effette liberal pussy or an unAmerican Euro-sissy wannabe?
Many people say that Barack Obama is sexist for winning the primary over Hillary Clinton, what do you think?
Paul L.
Funny that Tim defends Charlie ‘What ACORN scandal’ Gibson for being a self important @$$
Charlie Gibson engages in verbal sex with Barack Obama
gypsy howell
I posted this below, but it really belongs in this thread:
What makes this even more fun is that Palin has publicly dissed two of the Villagers’ own—Katie & Charlie—and now they don’t quite know how to act. On the one hand, they should be slobbering all over Palin because they are right-wing tools, but on the other hand, Thou Shalt Not Talk Smack About One of Our Own.
All you need to know about this whole mindset is that the companion book for “Going Rogue” is entitled “The
VictimizationPersecution of Sarah Palin”. And BTW, I actually stomached about 5 minutes of Matt Continetti on Hannity last night smugly talking about it (my favorite part was where he complained about Letterman’s Bristol joke, and Hannity said it was a huge double standard, to which Continetti replied – apparently with no sense of irony – that Hannity would at least be subject to protests and calls for boycotts)Starburster
Sarah Palin reminds me of one of Jack Handey’s old Deep Thoughts:
“Sometimes I think you have to march right in and demand your rights, even if you don’t know what your rights are, or who the person is you’re talking to. Then on the way out, slam the door.”
OT: Did anyone read this article from that toolbox, Dana Millbank? It’s about how Obama flies off to foreign countries when news is bad because the foreign press sucks his dick so much. Or something like that, I’m not totally sure, I think some of Millbank’s drool got on the keyboard when he was typing.
1) Diane Rehm was ALWAYS a slut for the Village opinion during the Bushevik regime.
2) Obama IS blackmailing the ‘left’ to sign on with that abysmal piece of crap Pelosi churned out, Stupak amendment and all (cuz, from what I heard, Casey (D-Vat) is planning to attach the duplicate to the Senate bill, whenever it reaches the crucial point…
3) Congress will pass SOME bill. It will be a load of crap that preserves CorpoRat profit and privilege, and throws the poor and elderly (increasingly, Y’r Ob’d’t S’v’t, in both classes) off the train…
“teabag John McCain”
I need to get that image out of my head…..
Actually, we’ve seen that “substantive issues” thing before. Substantive issues, to wingnuts, are opportunities for personal attacks on opponents, or to spout vapid, empty patriotism. Rev. Wright is a substantive issue. Calling opponents “objectively pro-terrorist” is a substantive issue. Actual foreign policy questions (ones that can’t be answered by platitudinal patriotism) are just weird non sequiturs, to the wingnut ear. To anyone sufficiently wingnut, the sort of detailed foreign policy questions you list are the equivalent of a request for a deep analysis of the inner meaning of the color blue.
Tim F.
@woody: Can you make your point without the sexist language? Tone it down a bit.
Warren Terra
Well, yes, Tim, those are issues, and substantive, but they aren’t “the substantive issues”.
I’m not sure what the issues are – God, oil drilling, and snowmobiles, maybe? Other guesses?
If Sarah Palin went up against Obama, he’d only win Illinois and Hawaii. That’s why Liberals like me are afraid of her.
If Gibson wanted to talk about foreign policy with Sarah Palin, he should’ve restricted his remarks to foreign dog-sledding teams competing in Alaska.
If she knows about those, she’s well-qualified to be Vice President, or President, or whatever. The rest of it’s all stuff that her advisers can teach her about anyway.
@Ash: and that is why Milbank is the “Dick Whisperer”.
Wankers. All of ’em.
Me too. If Palin runs against Obama in 2012, we’re doomed. Doomed.
I really, really, hope the Republicans don’t select Palin as their presidential nominee. There’s no way we can compete. Our socialist plot to overthrow the country and deny freedom to everyone will be exposed.
Please, please, GOP, don’t choose Sarah! for 2012.
Come on, people: WHERE’S THE LONG FORM?
Me too. If Palin runs against Obama in 2012, we’re doomed. Doomed.
I really, really, hope the Republicans don’t select Palin as their presidential nominee. There’s no way we can compete. Our sociaIist plot to overthrow the country and deny freedom to everyone will be exposed.
Please, please, GOP, don’t choose Sarah! for 2012.
Demo Woman
The same article that Tim linked to has this gem
No “We Are All Mayans Now” tag?
TPM: Tea Partiers Eat Their Own In Bitter Internal Feud
I guess the longtime prediction is: GOP Will Eat Itself!
Cat Lady
@Demo Woman:
That’s disappointing. The coloring has already been done. If she was smart (heh) she would have provided crayons and left it as color by number.
You just had to throw the “literally” in there, just to fuck with my brain images. I hate you the strength of a thousand
PVDF filters.
I had no idea that teabaggers were also contortionists. Can’t wait to see the next big rally.
But…but…but… those were Gotcha questions™! I seriously don’t get this accusation. If a journalist suspects that a candidate’s political knowledge is sorely lacking in one vital area, isn’t it in the interest of everyone for a journalist to probe that area? Yes, I suspect that when Gibson asked the question about the Bush doctrine he knew she would not have a real answer. He kinda bothers me, but I thought this interview was one of the best things of the campaign.
One Gotcha™ I would’ve loved to have seen would be a follow up to the question of “preconditions” over talking to Iran, that is “Governor Palin, specifically what preconditions are we talking about here?” I truly believe she would have had no answer.
Demo Woman
@Cat Lady:Rich Lowry is hoping for a centerfold. He will probably keep a copy in his bathroom.
I bet if she’s elected, Liberals will pack up their stuff and leave the country. I’m planning for that outcome.
Or start building bunkers…
Brick Oven Bill
Charlie is the guy who was unaware a week or so later that ACORN had been caught on tape.
Another good datapoint as to the mindset of the modern media is this. Remember that hero-petite-female police officer who charged and gunned down the mis-understander of Islam at Fort Hood? I think that it was reported that she shot him four times.
All she did was step around a corner and get shot by the mis-understander of Islam. As she was on the ground and the mis-understander of Islam was re-loading, he was taken down by a veteran male police officer. The hero’s name was Mark Todd. The multiple days of reporting about the hero-petite-female police officer mom apparently just came out of thin air.
The New York Times, days later: Hero-petite-female police officer mom really only got shot once and fell to the ground.
My reporting on Michelle crying in the White House after Glenn’s raw, bare-knuckle reporting caused Barack to have a hissy fit is better sourced than these journalism pieces from New York.
These are things these people want to Believe. I bet Charlie eats at expensive restaurants.
Sarah would have charged the mis-understander of Islam, taken a bullet, and kept charging, going Caribou on his ass. Go Sarah.
@JGabriel: And pleasepleaseplease don’t let her pick Tom Tancredo as her running mate.
forked tongue
Bill, you’ve gone from being kind of cute to being a real dipshit.
Palin’s Facebook posting:
I don’t know. Gibson seemed genuinely surprised by Palin’s response, “In what respect, Charlie?”, even starting to define it for her before backing off that and asking her interpretation.
El Cid
Why will no one admit that this Fort Hood shooter was Muslim? Not a single source has mentioned it. If that doesn’t make you understand that we have to kill every single Muslim, what will?
Also, ACORN. Too.
whoever chose that picture for the cover of her book needs to be slapped around, too.
she’s standing under a big partly-cloudy sky, in a red fleece jacket (with flag pin!), looking slightly-upwards into the distance, smiling. there’s a dark landscape just peeking out on the bottom; it looks maybe like she’s on top of a mountain at sunrise. very rogue, adventurous, outdoorsy.
but she’s obviously lit with studio lights. she’s wearing those clearly-indoorsy glasses. her hair is perfectly done, and she’s slathered in lip gloss.
the whole thing screams “hey look at this cool outdoorsy backdrop! i’m going rogue at Glamour Shots!”
Bubblegum Tate
They’re seriously getting Life of Brian with it. Splitters!
gypsy howell
woody, I’ve already resigned my self to #2 & #3. I guess I’m supposed to be happy that I negotiated my health insurance premiums for next year to a mere 22% increase over this year’s, down from the 35% increase they hit initially hit me with. Of course, I gave up dental to do it, so “negotiate” might be the wrong word here. Now it’s going to only be $1375 a month, instead of $1575.
Yeah, I can’t wait for “health care reform” to pass. Bastards.
On the other hand, I am enjoying the ass-reaming I give the DSCC and DCCC every time they call me up for money now.
Why didn’t she pursue her dream as a sportscaster?
Oh, right. Because she quit. It was probably unfair, though.
Rightwingers will never, ever quit the crybaby routine until everyone seats them on thrones & addresses them as your majesties. Even then, they would lop off heads if we didn’t bow fast enough. I think media has royalty aspirations too.
You Don't Say
I think we should all ignore Palin. She’s like the boy who cried wolf and at some point you just have to stop paying attention to her.
She is going nowhere politically and she may keep some influence as a Phylis Schafley or Sean Hannity type, but she can’t even match their ambition or thick skin.
@cleek: I think you can see Russia in the background too!
All of this might stem from her failure as a sportscaster.
Rush Limbaugh is still mad because pretty liberal girls in high school laughed at him because he was too fat to wear jeans.
I blame poor parenting, myself.
@Tim F.:
Why is calling a woman a “slut” the cause for vapors and calling a man a “dick” just normal everyday OK. If the woman is acting like a whore, what’s wrong with calling her out on that?
Speaking as a woman. Which I am.
Brick Oven Bill
You’ve got it all wrong El Cid. Islam is a Religion of Peace. Major Hasan’s problem was that he did not properly understand it. He is a mis-understander of Islam.
2:10 *** 2:99 *** 2:104 *** 2:171 *** 3:28 *** 3:73 *** 3:48 *** 4:63 *** 4:89 *** 4:101 *** 4:144 *** 5:51 *** 5:57 *** 5:59 *** 5:60 *** 6:106 *** 8:55 *** 9:5 *** 9:28 *** 9:29 *** 9:30
It should also be noted that Private Jessica Lynch could probably beat Rambo on the combat course. She was in a parade and got a new Ford Mustang, I think.
Demo Woman
@Svensker: As far as I’m concerned, the term slut can be used for either sex.. it’s a little more difficult to use dick that way.
@Paul L.: “Figuratively” means the person might as well have done it, whereas “literally” means he actually did it. So where are the pictures?
Readers who have understandly filtered Paul L. off into pie-land have missed a small gem at #22, in which he claims (at second hand, by quoting some wingnut chucklehead whose blog logo depicts himself driving a tank and wearing a freaking halo) that Charlie Gibson “literally kissed [Obama’s] tail”.
Which raises a lot of questions, like: could this chucklehead be our dear Paul? should we be more respectful because he’s got a tank and a halo? how much weed did he have to smoke before drifting off in front of the TV and having this dream? and was the “tail” just a polite euphemism, or was it prehensile? But it also answers one of the big questions, namely what the “L.” stands for.
I must say I agree. Sluts are as sluts do. At least, that’s what my mom used to tell me.
Okay, maybe technically she’s not a slut. Because sluts do it for free. So “whore” is probably a better term. ;-)
El Cid
Islam cannot be a religion of peace because there are quotes in it telling you to kill people of other religions. This is different than any other holy book, such as the Bible, which natural law teaches us arrived directly via formula forces, particularly those regarding water and lower frequency vibrations.
Hence, the only way for America to remain safe is to first (1) tell all the Muslims every where that we will be forced to kill them and then (2) kill them.
If we are wise we will follow up with other non-Christian sects such as Mormonism and Scientology, and of course Catholicism because of the Pope and the overly temperamental nature of a religion led from someone so closely tied to the Italian economy, which is responsible for carbohydrate oversupply around the world due to reckless endorsement of pasta, and then by then we should be ready to figure out which of the remaining Protestant denominations is the true one.
Tim F.
@Svensker: Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer sexist language dressed up at least a little. Anyway it was only a warning. We pretty much only ban for the c-word and vulgar racism.
Charles Gibson is an idiot. What’s important to understand here is that Sarah Palin lost every round with the idiot, Charles Gibson.
She got slaughtered by Katie Couric, too, which may be even more humiliating.
There’s a reason she goes after 19 year olds. She always loses with grown ups.
Hell, I was being restrained, polite, and respectful…
OT, but this is pretty funny shit:
The cannibalization begins.
Of course, in the world of Palin and tea baggers, “substantive issues” are NOT Iran, Israel or healthcare.
Substantive issues are taxes, Obama as Hitler, Dems as socialists and the awesomeness of war.
@Tokyokie: First laugh of the thread, but by far not the last. Oh my god, but you guys are on today.
As for slut, as a proud slut, I object! I don’t want to be linked to any media whores.
As for La Palina, she sure is mighty fragile for a proud wolf hunter-from-the-chopper! Oh, that’s right. Like most rightwingnutters, she will only fight if the scales are tipped in her favor.
Brick Oven Bill
Nice try, no credit El Cid. To properly understand Islam, we must first start with gravitation. Gravitation releases the binding energy of the Sun’s Hydrogen, releasing photos, neutrons, Alpha particles, and electrons. These radiation types have bombarded the earth since the beginning of time.
Then came life, starting with single cell forms, progressing to Janet Renos, then amoebas, then Charlie Gibson, and plankton, and then fish, then on and on. This life absorbs the energy of this radiation and stores it in the form of Carbon.
Most of this Carbon is oxidized upon the death of the life-form, being released to the atmosphere in the form of Carbon Dioxide, which does not affect the earth’s temperatures.
But some percentage of this life-carbon is protected from Oxygen and instead binds with Hydrogen, creating stored energy in the form of Hydrocarbons. Smart industrious peoples burned through most of their Hydrocarbons in the 20th Century, creating the tractor, and, unfortunately, woman’s suffrage.
Mis-understanders of Islam reject the Seven Liberal Arts and shoot those who properly understand Islam, depleting their numbers. Therefore, these mis-understanders of Islam did not use their Hydrocarbons, and are now selling them to those Infidels who properly and compassionately understand Islam.
This money, along with open immigration policies and the concept of ‘Jizya’ which mis-understanders of Islam do not properly understand, but nonetheless collect, is why Islam is doing pretty good these days.
@geg6: The Paul are a family of trolls.
TNC minutes ago,
Tim I
That was all fluff. She wanted the hard questions.
This…this cannot be real.
El Cid
Of course Carbon Dioxide does not affect the Earth’s temperature. Only the Sun creates the Earth’s temperature. Carbon Dioxide therefore interacts with the Sun Energy, and not the baser, and more cowardly, Earth Energy. When Carbon Dioxide is liberated from its Hydrocarbon prison, it may then flee to the atmosphere, some of it being lucky enough to reach the very top levels of the atmosphere, where it is closer to the Sun, which is the one true Faith. There Carbon Dioxide, unfortunately, becomes jealous and greedy, and slows down the lower class infrared photons which seek to escape the bounds of the Islam-infected Earth back to space, and by slowing down the exit of these photons, Carbon Dioxide plays its role in the Earth / Sun war of photonic faith freedom, and it is not Carbon Dioxide’s fault at all if the rate at which infrared photons escape from the Earth’s atmosphere — which is, of course, the sole significant mechanism the sinful Earth possesses to try and rid itself of some of the Holy Sun Energy — slows, and thus the Earth chooses to become hotter.
winguts to iraq
going rogue… with smurfs!
El Cid: Wait, does that mean oil shale is part of the bad energy? Oh shit!
Manna from FSM:
Perfect. I love Jack Handey.
The Grand Panjandrum
@El Cid: I nominate this comment to win the internets today. Faith based climate change. Who knew?
@El Cid #81
You sir, are a hoot and a half. Post this in the wrong place, it will gain traction and be eventually presented on Fox with straight faces all around. Perhaps even on Komrade Beck’s blackboard of trooff.
Notorious P.A.T.
Sportscaster, president of a superpower. Six of one. . .
Not ONE question about the godless subversion of our currency, so yeah!
Is this an onion thing?
Discerning fact from farce is a full time occupation today.
El Cid, that was very close to 100% Time Cube. within six sigma on the Standardized TimeCube Difference Test, i’d estimate.
Notorious P.A.T.
@Brick Oven Bill:
If only you’d been there. You’d have caught the bullet with your teeth and brought the shooter down with one hand.
TNC linked to it:
Notorious P.A.T.
You support Sarah Palin for president, but not women’s rights? What are you, an idiot? I know you don’t think about what you write before writing it, but do you ever even glance at it before hitting the Submit button?
Brick Oven Bill
Upsub times 12.56.78 malreported Charlie Gibson bellyfeel Airstrip One faggy Victory Gin. Oldspeak crimethink Glenn Beck doubleplusungood two minutes hate. El Cid duckspeak fullwise fucking dumbass member junior Anti-sex league blackwhite fullwise Vaseline memory hole sexcrime. Hamster scratchy. Ahhhhhh.
Notorious P.A.T.
Scary but that post made more sense than Brick Oven Bill’s.
Notorious P.A.T.
Plato! Women suck!
@Brick Oven Bill:
Call 911. Do it now.
Thanks, I missed that link.
I don’t know which is more disturbing, “good” conservatives & christians who lie without batting an eye or that they are so divorced from reality.
On ’30 Rock’ last night they had a parody sports show called ‘Sports Shouting.’ Palin would be perfect for it.
I can see Jesus from my house.
“It should also be noted that Private Jessica Lynch could probably beat Rambo on the combat course. She was in a parade and got a new Ford Mustang, I think.”
Que es mas macho, Fernando Lamas o Lloyd Bridges?
(haven’t worked out the blockquote yet)
I’m looking forward to the paparazzi shots of Palin with Hannity’s head up her skirt…with the head line:
Todd explodes at Sarah after her wild night clubbing with Sean.
Did BOB take the brown acid?
licensed to kill time
OT, but in honor of speaking the Spanish (and I swear I am not making this up) I saw on my calendar from a Mexican market that lists the daily saints that today is the holy day of :
San Diego A, Homobono
And Happy Friday the 13th to you all!
Midnight Marauder
@Brick Oven Bill:
The stupidity. It is rampant.
El Cid
for some reason this phrase inspires me, and we should begin arming ourselves for an upcoming glorious war of light
Midnight Marauder
That really is the only response to reading something so astonishingly imbecilic.
ah, well we’re finally having PIE this afternoon
@Tim F.:
they why do B.O.B keep coming back?
licensed to kill time
Well, Rush Limbaugh called Palin’s memoir “one of the most substantive policy books I’ve read”.
Wonder what other books he reads?
@JGabriel: They’ve certainly found a Cure For Sanity.
El Cid
@licensed to kill time: That could very well be a truthful statement from Rush.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Brick Oven Bill: Okay, BoB, you win. You’re the spoof nonpareil. Are you by yourself, or is your name Legion?
@Midnight Marauder:
Re: last night’s thread
I checked Amazon and she’s reading her own book on the audio version.
It’s abridged, obviously. I wonder if she quits after chapter 2 and is like “aww, shucks! I’m just not wired this way. I need to be free to have you read my book yourself. Freedom, you betcha!”
licensed to kill time
@El Cid: True – I think he gets his substantive policy ideas from those manly thriller books he gushes about whose author I can’t remember. Some studly ex-CIA guy who battles terrorists with his bare hands or something.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@asiangrrlMN: __
Not to quibble, but that’s the best time to fight, whether you’re a nutter or whether your heart is pure. I’ve seen a lot of valiant fights against the odds in my half-century plus; while they can be noble and inspiring, they rarely turn out well for the one on the high end of the teeter-totter.
Comrade Scrutinizer
And I have no idea how I wound up in blockquote fail. If I had an edit button, I could fix it.
charles johnson
“1) Diane Rehm was ALWAYS a slut for the Village opinion during the Bushevik regime.”
Diane Rehm has the worst voice of anyone ever allowed to be on the radio in history. Truly awful.
t-h-i-i-i-i-i-s-s-s-s i-i-i-i-i-i-i-s-s-s-s- -t-h-e-e-e-e-e-e- –
Midnight Marauder
Damnit all! I guess I’m just going to have to put my faith in the free market that some wonderful, eccentric, quirky celebrity (I’m looking at you, Christopher Walken) will take it upon themselves to do their own audiobook reading of Going Rogue.
And yet, I dream…
charles johnson
Not knowing anything about her, I can only assume she’s allowed on the air because she has terminal stage-14 throat cancer and nobody’s heart is hard enough to replace her.
OT NASA found water on the moon.
J.D. Rhoades
@Comrade Dread:
Midnight Marauder
And it’s abridged? Her 5
pagechapter book is getting the abridged treatment for the audiobook version? Every time I think this woman can’t become a bigger joke, she somehow effortlessly makes such thoughts quite foolish.We should all really be appreciating the gift that we have been given with Sarahgeddon. This is like the unintentional comedy equivalent of watching Ali in his heyday.
J.D. Rhoades
@charles johnson:
The first time I heard her, I thought “my God, is the woman ninety years old or what?” Then I read that she apparently suffers from a neurological condition called spasmodic dysphonia.
Paul in KY
Must agree with some of my comrade posters up above, if Mrs. Palin runs for President in 2012, Comrade-President Obama is doomed.
I can only hope she decides her family needs her more than the nation & chooses not to run. Otherwise all our One-World, Communistosocialist, collectivist dreams of creating a United Union of Socialist States of Obamica (UUSSO) will wither & die. Also.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Midnight Marauder: The people who created “Going Rouge” should get Shatner to read their book.
Only because Palin hoffended the entire “delicate, tiny, very talented celebrity starlets” cohort.
It must have felt especially galling to get peered at skeptically over glasses when so many reporters literally teabag John McCain.
Well hell yes, metaphorically they’ve been sucking his nuts for years.
But literally? Eeeww!
I think of the metamucil diet and the soggy depends that are long overdue for a changing, and he’s so damn old and creaky he probably can’t reach far enough to really stay clean …. and then there they are, those damn reporters, bobbing and slobbering down there, gobbling away.
Gerf. That’s enough to make me throw up in the sink.
@licensed to kill time:
It’s the Sarah Palin reading method. He reads any of them, all of them.
Woohoo! Multi-paragraph blockquote success!
@binzinerator: Whoa, I posted that to the wrong thread. That’s bound to make it even more grotesque, over-the-top, freakaziod and brain-bleach inducing!
So sorry! My bad!
Ron and Rand foremost among them.
Oh wait. It’s the right thread.
Oh well.
Everyone just pretend I never wrote any of that. :)
Grumpy Code Monkey
@dr. bloor:
Oh God. She thought Gibson was mean? Cosell would have been merciless on her. He would have cut her into tiny little bloody ribbons. And she would never have felt a thing.
Chuck Butcher
How long until Palin piles her ignorance on the NYC terrorist trials?
kommrade reproductive vigor
@cleek: A clear plan for grinding the faces of the brown and the kw33r.
Mike in NC
Sadly, Rosanne Rosannadana is no longer available.
@Chuck Butcher:
T-minus 10….9…8….
@El Cid:
Awww. Carbon Dioxide needs a big {{{HUG}}}
Cool, clear water (water).
One of the “gotcha” questions Couric asked was:
If that’s a gotcha question, then so was every essay question that required me to “explain” or “defend my answer.”
This Friday pie sure is tasty! Also.
licensed to kill time
If it was a question that made her feel inadequate and flustered, it was a gotcha. If it was a question that exposed her ignorance and lack of experience, it was a gotcha. Anything that doesn’t make Sarah look/feel good is a gotcha in her mind.
It’s all about surface with her, the ultimate beauty queen. She thinks she is/was running for Miss America, Hottest President or What?! on some reality TV show. That’s the level of her competence, and sadly, her ability.
Julia Grey
She writes that she sat down with Katie Couric in part because she felt sorry for her, after Nicolle Wallace, a McCain aide, said Ms. Couric suffered from low self-esteem.
I bet when Katie heard that line she doubled up laughing.
Wallace was probably in pep talk mode after the Gibson interview, trying to soothe Sarah’s jitters about the next interview: “Oh, Couric acts all confident and judgey, but that’s only because she’s compensating for her deep feelings of inadequacy. You go out there and knock her out of the park. You can do it, I know you can!”
They are going to HAVE to make a spoof comedy series about a Palin-like character. Call it, “Say Rah! Rah! (Sis Boom Bah!).”