I’m off to watch WVU either get killed by a far superior team or stage a miraculous upset. Not going to be an in between, I’m afraid. I’ll leave you with this:
That is the “you know I’m cute gimme treats” look.
*** Update ***
This comment cracked me up, because I found it in the spam filter:
Woohoo! Multi-paragraph blockquote success!
Someone fights mightily with WP, manages to pull off a successful double paragraph blockquote, and their celebratory comment goes into moderation. That is all kinds of awesome.
General Winfield Stuck
You have calmed the nerves of more than a few BJ readers with this dandy photo of Lily.
Yeah, but the cat on the throw looks like its doing something obscene.
Who’s a good girl; who’s a good girl?
I know that look. This time of year it generally means I’m about to have 50 pounds of Dal in my lap.
Guess who is right now in CNN giving his opinion about KSM?
Alberto Gonzalez.
Miss Lily looking beautiful tonite!
Have fun John. I have a pizza, my laptop and Robert Carlile on the Scy-fy channel.
Good times.
Of course she deserves treats. And lots of them. And lots of petting, too. Cause she’s cute.
Yeah, a Lily photo calms us down.
That’s more like a “I’m sick of performing for you, just gimme treats.” look
licensed to kill time
Kitteh’s going for Lily’s milk bar!
General Winfield Stuck
Prolly doing some pre wanking to counter the torture porn we are all about to hear about from the horses mouth, so to speak. And the coming polls telling us where America stands on torturing one the greatest mass murderers that America has seen. This is what democracy is about on the up and down side./
Max the wheaten terrier turns 4 today. He’s elected to have a cheese-stix (or two) instead of cake.
Midnight Marauder
That is exactly how I feel.
gogol's wife
Lily’s delicate forelegs are incomparable. Give her treats.
There is one problem with this picture: Lily looks ever so slightly embarrassed to be seated on a blanket with silly cats on it.
Uh, why, pray tell, does that photo of Lily have a filename of loveyourbodylarry.jpg?
I haven’t seen that movie in years, I am so putting Fletch at the top of my queue.
@elledblu: Uhhh…. I was going to say something like “Oh, so nice to see Lily!” but this caught my eye first.
Yes, John. Why, pray tell?
General Winfield Stuck
WordPress will get you one way or twixt the other. Permanent war.
Ok, Open Thread people! Who speaks/reads Japanese?
Someone got to my blog using this パレスチナ、平和啓蒙団体 as a search term.
Alberto Gonzalez remembered his opinion? It’s good to see he’s made some progress. Someone should question him thoroughly before he loses hold of his cognitive processes again.
Perry Como
Nor’easter is rolling in and I’m making green chile stew. Take that earth!
Get up offa that thing, people. (Bookmark that link the next time you’re stuck with an earworm you can’t stand in your head).
Mark S.
I like West Virginia to pull off the upset tonight.
this is not WP’s fault.
Hey, Cole? Me. You. Bengals. Steelers. Sunday.
Bring. It.
My son is watching Blazing Saddles while exercising. Just saw this line, Harvey Korman’s character to Slim Pickens’s character:
So Mel Brooks foresaw Rush Limbaugh 35 years ago.
Moonbatting Average
@Perry Como: As a New Mexican, it makes me happy that people who live in lands affected by nor’easters utilize our signature (and basically only) export in their cooking.
Those cat tails on the blanket give the illusion of Lily having wings. She’s a little angel!
Go WVU. (I got’s people in Beckley.)
@ellaesther: According to Google Translate, パレスチナ、平和啓蒙団体 == “Palestinian peace advocacy groups”
@R-Jud: Y’know, fer all the kerfuffle over her, I would have thought that there would have been more than over-processed vocals and mediocre choreography.
Of course, the sex sells, but that’s to be expected.
Demo Woman
@elledblu: That was pretty funny. Maybe John can explain later.
Notorious P.A.T.
Watta cute doggie!
What are you watching with Robert Carlile?
@stinkwrinkle: I tried to translate it – I swear! And failed. So I turned to y’all.
Which leads me to my point: thank you! And that actually makes sense….
I mean, everyone loves puʂᶊy!
Notorious P.A.T.
thanks )
パレスチナ is katakana (figures used in Japanese to say non-japanese words.) It comes out to “pa-re-su-chi-na” which means Palestine.
平和啓蒙団体 – I’m not too familiar with a few of these, since there are thousands of kanji, and currently I know only about 200. A translator I used said “peace advocacy organization.”
So, roughly, they were looking for Palestine peace advocacy organizations.
Hooray for me for currently going for a Japanese minor
Oh like that’s an accident! Did WP handle Karl Roves email and the CIA’s videotape collection, too?
@AhabTRuler: The dancing is exactly like something you’d see on a low-rent musical comedy TV show over here called the Mighty Boosh, only with higher production value and tits. I appreciate that she actually writes her own stuff, but yeesh. ’90s Madonna as re-imagined by Tim Burton and Alexander McQueen.
@Notorious P.A.T.: Since there is a nasty N’oreaster rolling through, SGU on Scy-fy and then that White Collar show.
I love Robert Carlile, I know the whole Stargate franchise is dated but he’s had me hooked since Trainspotting.
I’d watch him read a phonebook.
Sorry, Cole, but I teased Cincy down to -2.5 and laid the points… nothing personal. But, money’s money.
Ahhhhhh, I know that look. I know that face.
I assume dogs were once really, really ugly and evolved into cuteness as a food-gathering mechanism. I know I’m helpless against it.
schrodinger's cat
Where is Tunch kitteh? We needs sum Tunch
Perry Como
@Moonbatting Average: I used to live in NM so I cook with Hatch chiles whenever I can get my dirty mitts on them.
South of I-10
Lily! Just what I needed to go with my wine.
we’ve been controlling dog evolution for millennia. they look cute because we want them to. cats too. we’ve evolved dogs to look cute because we’re a lonely and pathetic species.
Aaaagh! Stop it, cleek! You know I’m sensitive and shit.
@AhabTRuler: I’m sure it was (say it with me now, Mr. Hannity) inadvertent.
(You know, upon reflection, I think I trust WordPress more than I trust Sean Hannity!)
I’ve long dreamed of having a comment get front-paged. Fitting that it came from being made WordPress’s schlemazel.
@cleek: cleek! Did you see me ask — nay, demand to know — yesterday if that’s you playing that killer Paul Simon cover at your place?
Of course, perhaps you want to maintain the mystery….
Anything New?
Seriously, I know we’ve been pulling the evolution strings. It just amuses me to think of ancient, brutish dogs going, “Say, when I cock my head this way and furrow my brow adorably, the chunks of raw meat come flying at me from those bipeds.”
Can anyone explain the GOS/Americablog/FDL pseudo-boycott?
Lily! So good to see her! She is such a good doggie. She deserves all the treats she can eat.
I’m having lamb chops for dinner. With fingerling potatoes and some vegetable out of the garden. Can’t wait.
@R-Jud: Well, at least she gets the ASCAP royalties, but still nothing all that special, and certainly not shocking.
John Aravosis stamps his foot so as to make well-meaning liberals feel guilty. Again.
Or, to use an old blog proverb, concern troll is concerned.
Sentient Puddle
True fact: I am the only person who was ever born or lived in New Mexico that hates chile.
Well, no one is actuall boycotting them, we just agreed not to see them any…what? Oh, I see.
They’ve called a boycott? News to me.
No, you see, this is just temporary, unlike a boycott, which is permanent, or at least permanent until, like, it ends.
Did Aravosis feel like upgrading his smart-phone again? That’s usually the reason why he throws tantrums.
@shortstop: This is only vaguely related — and possibly only in my head — but I’ve found myself wondering lately if the North American squirrel population has a pumpkin season.
Follow me on this: Fall starts, it’s (I don’t know) acorn season, and they’re all like “Whoo hoo! Find nuts! Bury them! Eat a few! Nuts, nuts, nuts!” and then comes randomly-available-easily-accessed pumpkin season: “Whoo hoo! The easily-accessed pumpkins have begun to appear outside the dens of the bi-peds again, in their random fashion! Eat pumpkins, eat pumpkins!” Like: Is Halloween a central part of how the North American squirrel lives through the fall at this point?
If you follow.
It may be that I have too much time to think.
Notorious P.A.T.
I could definitely see squirrels getting into the pumpkin habit. Animals are smarter than we think.
Yeah, ellaesther, squirrels are totally opportunistic eaters. Someone with a free afternoon once tested some Chicago squirrels to see what they liked best: various kinds of nuts, dried fruit, and Cheetos and pretzels and stuff like that. They lined the treats up in rotating order, backed off a good distance and let the squirrels come and pick their poison. Turns out the squirrels will take the closest thing every single time.
Living next to an urban grade school, which has no tops on its trash cans because then the kids might not use them, and the principal doesn’t care that the neighbors keep getting mice because of it (but I’m not bitter or nothin’), I can tell you that when the school year ends and the kids aren’t around, the squirrels are deeply depressed for two weeks. I think it’s the sugar crash.
Animals are smarter than we
thinkare.Fixed. Think about it – we go off to work for 8+ hours a day to get food and shelter, and what to they do? Spend a few minutes every day being cute.
And that’s the dogs. Cats don’t even bother being cute. They just ignore us and don’t (generally) crap around the house, and they get the same deal.
whew. i wish that was me.
Wolves aren’t ugly. They’re just, well, wolves. The theory I heard is that it was the low-hierarchy wolves that started hanging round the early human camps for handouts, rolling on their backs to show that they were mostly harmless, and finding a few useful tasks they could do to keep from being kicked out. Then they started being dogs.
What I like best about the whole begging routine is the way they will stare intently at a piece of food they want until you give it to them. You can kind of see that in Lily’s eyes in that pic.
@cleek: Dang! I was very impressed.
Well, I’m still impressed! I just don’t know who the guy is.
And of course, I’m impressed by your good taste!
Chuck Butcher
Snow on the back deck, Gus starts out door, sees it, and goes into charge mode. His favorite thing.
He has no cute feed me food look, he will look at you and hope.
Keith G
@shortstop: How ya been short?
Ooooofffff: Just watched Brooks on News Hour. “We can’t give KSM an open civilian trial ’cause he will use it for propaganda.”
As a human being, he so sucks shit.
I just want to say for the record John that Siubhan is going to kill you once she gets back online. And I’ll defend her at her trial since she said one of the funniest things I’ve seen about my wifey in a long dang time. And yes I’m too lazy to link to it.
Fox News Orders YouTube Purge Of Clips Used By Progressives
h/t http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/11/13/fox-orders-youtube-purge_n_357294.html
wingnuts to iraq
Damn, Cincinnati just marched down the field.
And luckily the world with still be around when the Bearcats play the Buckeyes on Sept 8, 2012.
Notorious P.A.T.
I saw a TV show about wolves that said wolves in the wild never, ever wag their tails, yet if you tame a wolf it will immediately start wagging, even if it has never seen another animal do that. Which I found very interesting.
Notorious P.A.T.
How does this fit into “we report, you decide”? It seems like they don’t want us to decide.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Are you sure that’s not her “Damn it, that cat is going to kill me if he catches me up here” look?
Yeah, he’ll be launching youtube vids left and right while he’s awaiting trial. And once he’s settled into a supermax he’ll get his agent on the phone and start working book deals.
David Brooks. Stupid fuck, or stupidest fuck ever?
I hate the idea of calling anyone “un-American”, but Jim Moran talking about the bed wetters who prefer military tribunals to trials may get a pass from me.
Hurley and Laettner are very disappointed in young Mr. Barnes.
Comrade Darkness
@Midnight Marauder: I’m probably too late for this but: Unless Alberto is giving out tips about KSM’s hair style, he’s totally f*cking incompetent to give out an opinion.
General Winfield Stuck
@Keith G:
Yes, I watched that too. It brought to mind that great glibertarian thinker Meghan McCardle. Or, while technically true, his rant was collective nonsense. This is where we are after 8 years of autocratic kneejerk reactionary governance, based of politics of fear.
Sure it will be some benefit to AQ for recruiting and propaganda, but what asshat wingnuts don’t get is countering that propaganda with rule of law meeting the terrorists straight up with our own form of propaganda, that also happens to be the right thing to do. And the brave thing, as much can go wrong with doing this, at least politically, but it is the risk that great countries take.
It is also a paradox that is lost on these jingoistic fools and the only way to really win in the end. By having better ideas than the other side.
It’s going to take a while to undo the damage Bush and the neocons have done by dragging us down into the acid pits of tit for tat lawlessness.
@Notorious P.A.T.:
Somehow I find that touching.
Comrade Darkness
@JK: Same policy for wingers? If not, you just always have to go Colbert on their ass. Commentary such as, “I’m so glad Fox is willing to be brave enough to forget we have a constitution so they can protect our rights!”
Yeah, I bet that would pass their censors.
Keith G
@General Winfield Stuck: Well typed, my fiend.
General Winfield Stuck
@Keith G:
Gracia amigo/
Laura W
Larry O’D asking Richard Wolffe if Levi J. “going rogue” and giving on-record props to Obama for doing a better job than Sarah P. ever would’ve has some sort of significance has to be one of the most surreal teevee “news” moments of my life.
Seriously. How much more fucking insane can our little world get?
That can be rhetorical for tonight.
Yay — a Lily pic! That was just the cherry on top of the sundae that has been my evening.
Krista +5 (3 glasses of wine + 2 coffees with Caramel Bailey’s in them…yummy!)
Keith G
@Keith G: My kingdom for a friendly edit button.
General Winfield Stuck
@Keith G:
LOL, I coulda used an extra S meself.
Keith G
@RedKitten: Probably not my biz, but is Sam heading for a hangover?
General Winfield Stuck
I can’t stop fiendishly laughin.
two thumbs up for Laphroaig
Associated Press Fact Checks Sarah Palin Book
h/t http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1004042830
@Keith G: Sam? No. I’m not nursing anymore. Now me, on the other hand? I will probably feel rather unwell tomorrow. However, where tomorrow is Saturday, I can always persuade the husband to attend to the 5am demand for food.
General Winfield Stuck
Or, AKA. Teh blind leading the blind. All true lies.
@cleek: I prefer stuff from Speyside, but to each his own.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Everything Sarah Palin says is a lie including the words “and’ and “the”.
It’s not about the love, it’s about the power.
I heard on Marketplace the other night that productivity went up an unheard of 9.5% in the last quarter. This = people are working their asses off. I’m one of them. Gawd, what a week.
i don’t have a favorite region, and almost never buy the same bottle twice in a row. but after a couple of big disappointments (Glenrothes “Select Reserve” and Isle of Jura – both tasted like overripe bananas), it was time for an old favorite.
@JK: Thanks for posting that! I’m not sure why but I just read the entire piece (like, what, I needed proof that she’s a liar?), and I’m glad I did! Because now I’ve realized what a service this fucking book provides: She has lumped a whole bunch of lies together in one easily accessed locale, allowing for a much smoother de-bunking process.
Thanks Sarah!
@Laura W: Eh? Who did what now?
Or, really, more to the point, I think I understand who did want — I just want a clip. Can you direct me to a clip?
The squirrel comments remind me of this week’s mystery–perhaps someone here can help solve it. I have a small summer place on an island in Maine, and as I was shutting down this past weekend I saw something I haven’t ever seen there. Or at least not in the past fifty years. A chipmunk. I can’t begin to figure out how it got there, and it’s driving me crazy. The island is a couple of miles off the mainland, so it didn’t swim. I doubt anyone imported it as a pet, and can’t imagine it would have survived being carried and dropped by a hawk. Any ideas?
“A Pack of Lies” would make a good subtitle to Sarah Palin’s worthless book.
Corner Stone
@cleek: Leap frog? Enjoying a family night of fun and games?
Corner Stone
@Skepticat: I’m pretty sure it’s Obama’s fault.
You Don't Say
What a terrible decision. Forget possession, I don’t think it crossed the plane. Certainly, the replay shouldn’t have overturned the call. Horrible. Go Mountaineers!
Cutting the silver cord when traveling to the astral plane is almost always a bad idea, whether you are possessed by a demon or not.
Corner Stone
@Sentient Puddle:
And now you live in TX? It vexes me. I’m terribly vexed.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Skepticat: Shit! I’ve been wondering what happened to that shipment of rare, man-eating chipmunks I ordered. They must have taken out the crew and swam to shore when the ship was passing near your place.
Ah well. So much for that plan for world domination.
Laura W
@MikeJ: HA!
Damn that was funny.
@ellaesther: I could read “Palestina” but that was it. So my mind associated it with music:
Palastinalied is a really interesting song. It’s a rare medieval song which managed to have both the lyrics and music preserved into the modern day. Really popular for bands to play in Europe. If the rockin’ in that link isn’t your speed, There’s a series of videos with lots of varied styles.
@oklahomo: Does it need grooming?
@JK: don’t forget the also. That’s a lie, too, and also.
Laura W
@MikeJ: I would actually nominate that for Comment of The Year, but well, you know.
You just never know what you’ll find here on BJ:
YOU got your esoterica on MY college football.
No, YOU got your college football on MY esoterica!
Thanks for that also. Sarah Palin is a knuckle dragging neanderthal who wouldn’t know how to pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.
@Morbo: Holy crap that’s intense — and that’s even before the bagpipes chime in! That’s awesome!! (Though there was one little moment when it looked like one of the heavy metal pipers and one of the flame pots were going to meet and go up in flame together and that had me a smidge nervous, but other than that: Awesome!!)
But what does it mean? What does it mean?
Man, the stuff I don’t know about the rest of the world.
(Oh, someone upthread was better at doing an online translation than I was, and discovered that the phrase is “Palestinian peace advocacy groups” — which actually makes perfect sense for my blog. I was hoping for something a little more surprising.)
@Skepticat: The chipmunks here in the NW aren’t exactly shy so I can’t see the entire population choosing to hide out from you and now just slipping up. Is there a ferry out to the island? I suppose the little bugger could have just stowed away somewhere in a car and got loose.
Kayla Rudbek
@Montysano: And those of us who aren’t working would dearly love the chance to get back into the workforce and take up some of the burden.
At least my goal for applications this week is met and then some. Now to wait and see whether I actually get any bites, or whether I should be filling out the grad school /p h a r m a c y school applications as well….
Laura W
@ellaesther: Sorry, I don’t have the patience to pull it up on MSNBC and link for you. Somewhere in the ten minutes before I posted my comment (My) Larry O’D was hosting for KO on Countdown and was discussing, in feigned sincerity, with Richard Wolffe, whatever I said they were discussing above.
Sorry. I’m already bored with it. Moving on to the next shiny object.
L@@K! Naughty Monkey Double Dares!
Thank you so much for the Lily pic.
I worry about all doggies’ collars as I have seen so many that are too tight.
Forgive the busybody uninformed interference from someone who isn’t there and is only looking at a photo, but is Lily’s too tight? It always looks like it is, and the doggie can’t speak for herself. I know you wouldn’t let it be too tight, but, I have to say it. Now I’ll go away.
@Yutsano: same way rats get everywhere – ships. You gotta have ships to deliver stuff to islands. Chipmunks are hairy little rats.
Either that or Alvin and his buddies have a weekend place you don’t know about.
Midnight Marauder
Ashleigh Banfield Joining ABC News
This is crazy, son. Mad crazy.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some jokes to tell and some green to enjoy.
Mazel Tov, bitches.
C’mon, neanderthals were pretty self-sufficient and filled and important ecological niche. Plus, they couldn’t help the knuckle-dragging, it’s how they were built.
Palin’s a vapid, sociopathic, racist, homophobic, sexist, war-mongering, idiotic tool – a waste of the humanity we’ve evolved into.
Go Stillers….
Hookers and Cocaine
Go West Virginia!
Their success tonight will help with me some futures bets I made in Vegas back in September.
Otherwise I could care less about that godforsaken backwater.
And that was never a touchdown. WV was robbed.
OK, I’m willing to split the difference with you.
Sarah Palin is a knuckle dragging, vapid, sociopathic, racist, homophobic, sexist, war-mongering, idiotic tool.
Lily makes my +1 feel like a +2!!
Laura W
@CynDee: I’m gonna go waaaaay out on a limb here and say that if there were ever a man who would get down on his knees on a daily basis (I’m guessing first thing in the morning after Furminating Tunch over coffee) and measure the precise distance between the dog collar to dog neck and calculate the exact, most optimal ratio for his dog, it would be John Cole.
This is a man who banned all Trident gum with Xylitol from his house when he got Lily, CnyDee.
Rest Easy, my friend. It’s all under control, a Casa de Cole.
@JK: I can live with that. Although I reserve the right to add adjectives later.
Palin/Dobbs 2012!
Kayla Rudbek
And those of us who aren’t working would dearly love the chance to get back into the workforce and take up some of the burden.
At least my goal for applications this week is met and then some. Now to wait and see whether I actually get any bites, or whether I should be filling out the grad school applications as well….
(reposting due to moderation)
@General Winfield Stuck:
Never met fiendishly. What’s he laughin about?
My apologies for the stupid joke. Feeling punchy. The hub called at 5:30 tonight to say that he had either food poisoning or a flat out horrid stomach virus and could I please come and get him in Manhattan cuz he couldn’t manage the train between the violent vomiting and the fainting. It’s only 30 miles to the City from home, but we just got back. But he didn’t vomit in the car! Yay! And I just got some dinner! Yay!
@Yutsano: Oooooh! Where? I gotta see. Where? Don’t hold out on me, FH#2!
Oh, and Cole? Lily is cute and all, but I could really use the Tunchinator right now. kthxbai.
Get ready for a confederacy of dunces.
Lou Dobbs will be a guest on Monday night’s edition of The O’Reilly Factor
h/t http://www.dailyfinance.com/2009/11/12/lou-dobbs-headed-to-fox-news-for-an-interview-with-bill-oreil
@JK: Hiya, JK! Good to see you. How you be?
I should have stopped right there. A fucking “public policy institute”??
Only President McCain may be more qualified than Dubya to speak on the dangers of over-regulation.
monty +4
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Svensker: Helicopters.
@Yutsano: I found it, and I laughed out loud. Ha! Me, reasonable. Heh.
Chuck Butcher
Well sure, that makes some kind of demented sense…
@Chuck Butcher: Next step, All-Night Naked Dancing With Lou Dobbs! Only on FOX!
Chuck Butcher
Now I have to pull my eyes out of their sockets, damn politics the last 6 months makes me feel like I’ve taken drugs of the not mellow sort
@Yutsano: The ferry does make the most sense, though there’s only a pretty narrow gangplank (no cars) with two crew members (one on either end) and I can’t picture the li’l bugger scampering on/off without being noticed. Of course stranger things have happened, I’m sure.
In one way I was happy to see him, because there are so many acorns it’s like walking on ball bearings–perhaps he’ll chow down and clear the path a bit. However, as we speak he’s probably battling the mice for a nice, cozy spot where he can chew the hell out of my house over the winter.
I’m siccing the cats on a chipmunk here that seems to have chewed his way into the entryway wall and/or the cellar. Ah, the joys of living in the the woods.
@Chuck Butcher: I hear you. I regularly have to bathe my eyes with lye to scrub off the stench of rightwingnuttery.
Lily rules!
@asiangrrlMN: Dammit, even after I did all that hunting for it too! Oh well, at least you saw where I got great amusement. I am feeling for John’s genitalia should Siubhan ever get a hold of him however.
@ellaesther: The short answer is that it was originally Christian propaganda during the crusades. The long answer is I have no idea because everyone sings a different part of the song, the lyrics are in German, and Babelfish completely fails because they generally don’t include all the umlauts and capitalized nouns.
@Yutsano: You’re feeling Cole’s genitalia? Does the Dawg know about this?
Cole, since you’re already in trouble for posting a Lily pic, might as well post a video of Tunch, too!
General Winfield Stuck
I’m sure Keith G will be thrilled to have this repeated. It came from a typo in his nice comment about my comment previous.
@Keith G:
@asiangrrlMN: Ow, my brain! I must distract it with alcohol!
@Morbo: Always glad to provide a reason for drinking.
Hi asiangrrlMN, I’m hanging on trying to keep my spirits up.
@asiangrrlMN: In for a penny, in for a pound I always say. And no, not only does John not swing that way trust me the sugah I get is bettah.
@JK: I’m sorry things are rough, but I am glad to see you posting. I’ve missed you on the late-night threads.
@Yutsano: I bet it is. Mmmmmm….Dawg sugah….Speaking of sugar, where the hell is FH#1?
@Chuck Butcher:
Maybe, Fox News should give Lou Dobbs his own show so that all of the rotten eggs can be kept in one basket.
@Keith G:
I thought you were being serious. And clever.
@asiangrrlMN: He’s about, he posted earlier then disappeared. Could be a busy day at the office.
@JK: Like I said, All Night Naked Dance Party, hosted by Lou Dobbs and brought to you by FOX. How could it possibly fail?
@Yutsano: It’s fucking Saturday. You’d think he had some kind of important event coming up in his life or something.
@Laura W:
Funny? yes – true? Absofreakinglutely. You know John so well.
Being long term unemployed, I’m finding it impossible to maintain the motivation for a job search given all the headlines about the lousy job situation nationwide.
Corner Stone
Why do I giggle uncontrollably like a pretty young schoolgirl every time I see the word “umlaut”?
@asiangrrlMN: Pfft. Why can’t he just do something wicked wild and run off to Vegas or something? Of course if he did that we could attend!
without looking them up, anyone know of any song titles with state names in them ?
specifically: Maine, North Carolina, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia or Wisconsin ?
General Winfield Stuck
Sorry to disappoint. I know some cool fart jokes.
Go ahead, pull my finger.
@JK: I hear you. It’s gotta be brutal out there. But, you gotta keep looking. And bitching a lot. LOTS of bitching. That helps. I swear. I’m sending you positive vibes and some energy as well. Not that I have much of the latter to spare, but you can haz it.
@Yutsano: Yes! If he did that, I would SO be there.
OK, as long as this does not include Lou Dobbs, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Don Imus, or any other Fox News anchors getting naked themselves.
@JK: Not to butt in here, but totally ignore whatever the national headlines say. The only reason Washington’s unemployment rate went up is because A) the timber industry fell apart because of the construction bust and B) the cancerous job hole that is Spokane. There’s work out there man, you just might have to get a bit more creative to get something. Plus you got a crew of folks here who are pulling for you and might even be able to assist. Just keep plugging at it.
@Yutsano: Yeah, what he said.
@JK: Doughy Pantload and Rove and John Bolton! Get down with your bad selves!
You’re a major league sweetie. I’m giving you a virtual hug.
John Cole
@JenJen: I’ll post a picture of Tunch in Bengals regalia if you reciprocate.
Damn now that was a question for my DH his band half time show was the music of NC this year, James Taylor (Going to Carolina) was pretty much all he could find, he used some Cherokee music, Carolina, Red High Heels, Fire and Rain, Killing me softly and Carolina Girls. (PS I would ask him but he is in the hospital) :(
General Winfield Stuck
A Browns fan’s worst nightmare.
@John Cole: Oh my god. The Steelers have to lose now. I would pay money to have Cole try to put clothing on the Tunchinator!
@JK: Hey, we all need support. Like Yutsano said, you can always find it here.
@asiangrrlMN: Have I ever mentioned before how amazingly sick and twisted you are, and also how much I wuv it? I think the Dawg just might let me keep you!
@Litlebritdifrnt: What’s up with your hubby? Is he OK? Vibes to you, too. It’s not easy to have a loved one in the hospital.
@Yutsano: Kisses and hugs right back atcha, honey! And, aren’t we supposed to keep the Dawg? At least, that’s what the furries tell me….
Me too, I think we could sell tickets to that event. Large amounts of band aids would be required.
General Winfield Stuck
Besides the beginning of a new football season.
Thanks for your encouraging words. I wish I hadn’t dug myself into this hole in the first place and that I had taken advantage of social networking earlier on to improve my prospects.
Bubblegum Tate
Les McCann–“North Carolina”
It’s not one of the states you mention, but there’s “All My Exes Live in Texas.” Not sure if I spelled “Exes” right – exs? ex’s? And not sure it’s the title. But it’s the main chorus.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Sorry your DH is in the hospital. Hope he’s okay.
Possible heart attack, not known right now, he had a catheterization in May and it found no blockages, no idea why he is having the classic heart attack symptoms (chest and arm pain). I am home taking care of the animals, doesn’t do me any good to watch him sleeping in the hospital. He was taken ill this morning and taken to the ER in a hospital 2 hours away, they have now transfered him to another hospital (where his cardiologist practices) about 45 mins away. I got home a couple of hours ago and am sitting by the phone.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Yup. I was thinking pay-per-view with a voice-over. We could make
millionsthousandsa couple hundred!Yutsano
@Litlebritdifrnt: Again, not to nose in, but have they ruled out cardial myopathy? It can sometimes mimic the symptoms of MI but there are no blockages. Just a stray thought in my head. Wishing you both well and may the FSM keep you safe.
But I’m really blown away by the idea of a medieval metal band. I mean, WTF? ! ? ! I like their Totus Florio, if “like” is the right word.
Lots of other fun stuff to find in there, too.
@John Cole: Right at that Bearcat with the onside kick, alas, well fought. By the way, thanks for letting us have RichRod; it’s working out swimmingly.
Sentient Puddle
@Corner Stone: Texas seems to have a different concept of what chile is though. For instance, they spell it “chili” here. WTF! Still not a fan of this chile-lite, however.
That said, I am disturbed that the Firefox spellchecker thinks “chile” is wrong. Seriously, that ain’t right. That word needs an E in it.
Gosh, hope he is OK. Not to sound stupid, but have they ruled out reflux disease? I had a cousin who was treated for “heart attacks” for a couple of years, before they finally realized it wasn’t the heart at all but reflux. The arm pain doesn’t sound like reflux, but it might be something to ask.
Crossing all fingers and toes for you and adding you to our prayers.
Not sure what that is. Last year he had an “infection” which caused a swelling of the muscle around his heart (it begins with a P and can’t remember the name of the problem), he also suffers from spasms, which can become quite severe. They pumped him so full of nitro today to ease the pain in his chest that his BP plummetted and they had to take him off it.
Thank you for your kind thoughts. I know people may think I am strange for being home (and playing on the puter) while this is going on but my Mother has had at least 5 heart attacks and she has recovered from each, as well as some severe angina attacks. I am not in any way belittling his condition but until the doctors tell me to worry, I am not going to worry (well you know). The last time I spoke to the CCU nurse at the new hospital she said he was feeling much better and was resting. That is probably what I should be doing after the two hundred mile round trip to the hospital today.
South of I-10
@cleek: Louisiana 1927. Randy Newman
@Litlebritdifrnt: Oh, crap. I am so very sorry. I am sending positive vibes and a white light to protect him. Please keep us updated.
All right, guys and gals. I gotta get my writing in for the night, so I will probably check in again in about three hours. ‘Til then, don’t have too much fun without me.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Screw what anyone else thinks/says. You know what’s right for you and your hubby. Have a cup of herbal tea and see if you can unwind. I’ll keep you and your hubby in my thoughts.
Corner Stone
@Sentient Puddle:
I hate to be a pedant but there aren’t different “concepts” of chili.
Texas Red. That is all.
Eric S
+ a lot (bar tab said 4 but this was clearly less than half of what I drank)
Eric S
Yep. It’s WP.
South of I-10
@Litlebritdifrnt: Best wishes to you and your DH.
Corner Stone
@Litlebritdifrnt: Nothing to be gained by you losing your strength/sleep/mental well-being too.
If one of you can be strong and (semi) well rested that will serve everyone to no end.
I understand people sleeping spread across two chairs in the corner, but I also think the better decision can be the one that’s going to be best serve the situation.
PS) just wanted to add that DH has a “personal nurse” and “personal PA” in that two of his band booster parents are said nurse and PA. They are employed at his primary care physicians office. Joyce his personal nurse was all over this today and arrived at the hospital about the same time as the ambulance, making sure all of the relevant providers had all of his prior history, as well as a list of all his medications, as well as staying in the hospital with him until I could get there, as well as phoning ahead to the cardiologists in the new hospital to make sure they were available, and knew of everything going on. I am so grateful for them, they are absolute stars.
Corner Stone
@Eric S: Now you must divulge said name of this bar.
Chuck Butcher
I’ve been through this with my wife, my most heartfelt wishes to you. It looked like she was a goner, worked out anyway.
Thanks for all your thoughts. I am going to bed. Got to get up early to go to the hospital in the morning. Goodnight.
@Litlebritdifrnt: It’s a viral infection of the pericardium that I’m thinking of (my mom was a nurse before she was an educator and my sis-in-law wants to become one) and I think it’s something they pretty much rule out last. Again IANAD, just a suggestion. I know you’ve gone to bed but we’re all pulling for you. Ganbatte kudasai.
@Litlebritdifrnt: All the best to you both. Bon santé.
A year ago a I took my da in for a heart attack, and when they gave him nitro he had bradycardia. Right there in the ER and they gave him shit to make him better and damn near killed him. I wanted to kill the rn, but he was much more in control of himself than I was.
He’s fine now. Accompanied me to the top of smallish mountains several times since then.
Best wishes. (Jesus fuck I hate sympathy threads online because I never feel like my real, heartfelt, good intentions come through.)
Chuck Butcher
Take my word for it, however inadequate you may feel, it helps. I have reason to know.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
I see that the Teabaggers are kicking it up a notch and getting “Fired Up For Freedom” by burning a couple of Democrats in effigy at an upcoming rally in Virginia.
Angry white people gathering to spew hate and burn stuff? Hmmmm, this reminds me of another all-white hate group that likes to burn stuff too.
Dimbulbs spewing white-hot hate, that’s all it is.
Chuck Butcher
DCCC Chair Van Hollen
Excuse me while I go lay down on the floor and laugh uncontrollably…
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@Chuck Butcher:
Strangely I had the exact same response. Hope springs eternal, eh?
Dinner date; tire rims and anthrax? Cole was dead on with that analogy. You can’t negotiate with the insane and these people are insane with hate.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
I do have to admit that of the few comments about this story at the source that TPM links to, not one is positive. Not one pro-teabagger (so far).
Good for that.
Anne Laurie
Probably the same way you did, by boat. Hitchhiking in a provisions box, or a pickup bed that acorns had dropped in, or just some dark corner where chipper darted to get away from a predator (or another chipmunk). They’re opportunistic little bustards, and also, everything eats chipmunks, so they can hide in spaces you wouldn’t think would fit a walnut.
Anne Laurie
@Litlebritdifrnt: Your DH is in my
prayerspositive thoughts. Keep us posted.jon
That’s cuter than the “you know I can kill you in your sleep gimme treats” look I get from my cat.
@Laura W: Thank you so much for this comment I was 99.9999999% sure that was the case. Willing to get myself cast as an interfering fool for any dog, including Lily.
My doggie-neck paranoia comes from the fact that I have come across so many doggies who are choking on their collars. Cinched with no space between neck and collar. I have even surreptitiously loosened some, not enough so they could escape a lead, but seriously, so many people put a collar on without enough care.
I am not a meddler, but I won’t let an animal choke, and not care about what anybody says to/about me. I feel horrible about implicating John in a matter like this, but anything for proper doggie breath.