So, while I was out eating nachos and watching the football game, Ann Althouse has figured out Sarah Palin is a moron (what are the odds on “libertarian” Glenn Reynolds linking that Althouse post?) and the AP has figured out she is a liar:
I’m tempted to go back out for another drink to give the rest of the media the opportunity to figure out the Republicans are nuts, but I don’t want to push my luck, so I’ll roll with this gambit tomorrow night.
Up next, Matt Welch discovers he’s pimping an unworkable political ideology.
She’s lost the AP. This will be a media factchecking of epic proportions.
I’m now thinking that the publisher deliberately decided not to fact check her–that a steady run of clearly ridiculous soundbites being corrected by the McCain camp or the media would keep the book front and center and controversial. Plus they saved a few bucks.
Sarah Palin is so dumb that she wanted to sue Andrew Sullivan for libel. That’s pretty damn dumb.
meh. everybody already knows the MSM hates, fears and envies Good Queen Sarah of The North.
a couple of gripes from some haters won’t deter her from the March Of Freedom on which she has set herself.
Cat Lady
The persecution complex will grow and grow until the wingularity reaches its peak. Then we get to see the true nature of the right wing in this country. Of course Obama shoving them more or less over the edge today should accelerate that process nicely.
General Winfield Stuck
Boy now. There some irony on roids.
ooooh! she’s going to Ft Hood!
i can’t wait to see how she inserts herself into that!
I’ve heard about moments of clarity. What’s next, positive words for Hillary Clinton?
Press’ attitude of Palin’s media relaunch goes south before it’s even begun?
It looks like it’s full steam ahead towards the Iowa Caucus.
@cleek: I have a friend who is stationed there (yes I was a basket case until he got in touch with me but I digress) who said if she ever got close to him he’d show her what a real man could do to her and she’s dump that snowmobile driving oil rig loser in a heartbeat. Of course he could have just been messing with me but it sure would be entertaining if he tried to get her in the sack.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
When any Repup of note loses the AP these days…They. Are. Doomed. Since the AP lies somewhere between Faux “News” and the Moonie Times in terms of objective political reporting.
Bubblegum Tate
Which only reinforce her position. She’s been playing the “I’m a victim of the LIEbrul gotcha media!” card nonstop; the AP pointing out that she’s a complete liar will only make her play it somehow even more fervently. And of course, her worshipers will play it right along with her. Palinites have not yet begun to get crazy.
Left Coast Tom
@Cat Lady:
Now that it’s morning, does Rich Lowry still respect her?
@Bubblegum Tate:
Agreed. Facts are meaningless when you’ve got ideology on your side. She doesn’t need facts when she’s got fans.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
I’m sure the Madame Secretary will sleep better tonight knowing such the political heavyweight of our times holds her campaign work in such esteem.
To paraphrase a sports analogy, Sorry Sarah ain’t fit to carry HRC’s jock strap, er, bra strap, er, something.
But, she’s the gift that keeps on giving. The more she stays in the national limelight, nominally representing the far out right wing of the party, the more good news this is for Democrats. It’s just like having Katherine Harris around without the twins.
@comrade scott’s agenda of rage:
Sports bra, yeah, that’s the ticket.
Fox News is even fact checking her. We all know this means only one thing:
Liberal media!
Corner Stone
And with every debunking her legend will grow among the base wingeratti.
They will fight harder than ever to prove their love for her, and their hatred for the truth.
But…but, democrats are worse?
Even Fox was in on this yesterday. This is good news for John McCain.
Obviously, his Mainstream Fluffersphere Media pals have been given the green light to firehose the Wicked Witch of Wasilla down.
Sigh. I had already been fantasizing a Palin versus Bachmann final debate in 2012…
Wingularity, Immaculate.
AP, Why did you kill all the smurfs?
@freelancer: Actually I meant Althouse.
I’ve always been fascinated by people who manage to make a career out of doing absolutely nothing. Ed McMahon was the king of that gig, and Sarah Palin is hot on his heels. It’s amazing how willing the media is to aid abet her various follies.
I’ve always been fascinated by people who manage to make a career out of doing absolutely nothing. Ed McMahon was the king of that gig, and Sarah Palin is hot on his heels. It’s amazing how willing the media is to aid and abet her various follies.
@Violet: And….?
No matter what came out, she was going to have her fans. With AP and former allies coming out against her, that fan base is just not going to be that big. And no one’s going to join them.
With the sniping and utter foolishness exposed, what we have here is a great popcorn opportunity….
Corner Stone
@Bubblegum Tate: Ummm…damn?
@Yutsano: Obama really does have a positive gift for making the wingnuts go berserk. I give it roughly even odds that they’ll attack the traditional pardoning of a Thanksgiving turkey as Obama being “soft on Islamo-avian terrorists”.
I think her fanbase is her fanbase. It’s not going to get any bigger, but I don’t see it getting any smaller. There’s that 20-30% of Americans who will vote wingnut no matter what. That’s her base. They love her. Truth and facts have no meaning to those folks.
I wonder–what’s the over/under on Palin making it to the convention in 2012?
Of course, there’s a real good chance that she won’t run at all. She’ll angle for Interior Secretary, just you watch.
I interpreted the whole Onion Rings fiasco as a latent onset attraction by Althouse towards HRC, wagging her finger at Bill out of supposed envy.
Why, you ask did I see it this way? Why the fuck not?! It’s less of a stretch than Onion Ring = Vag.
@Violet: Yeah, she can live off them pretty easily. And that’s all she wants. To get anyone outside that core means she’d have to work at it a little, and that’s something she clearly has no taste for.
She’s a gnat to anyone who’s moderate or liberal, but she could be a real problem for anyone on the right (particularly if they have any IQ points and want to rebuild the Republican brand name…).
Sarah Palin can still count in her corner: Chris Matthews, who thinks she has pizazz; flaming douchebag Matt Continetti, author of The Persecution of Sarah Palin; and doofus David Gregory, who thinks she possesses the stature of a US senator.
Ed McMahon had great chemistry with Johnny Carson and his guest hosts. McMahon also had more gravitas than Sarah Palin will have in a million years.
@Cat Lady:
She’s going starbust.
After reading the post, I noted that there were almost 400 comments.
I had to go no further than comments #4 & #7:
Will somebody please give me an example of a stupid person with good judgement?
Holy. Shit.
I needn’t read any further…How the hell do these people even know how to access teh internets?
I hope she sticks around long enough to provide a fatal dose of rumor and ruin to Tim Pawlenty’s campaign. I want to see that fucker get taken down by the creeps he’s been pandering to.
Just Some Fuckhead
Matt Incontinentetti was on Tweety swearing up and down how smart she is. I wonder what it is about the conservative psyche that has to insist in the face of all evidence to the contrary that the naked emperor is in fact wearing a beautiful outfit made of the finest silk.
@gbear: I seriously want Mittens to sacrifice his heart and soul to try (and fail) to get the nomination again. Pawlenty is ultimately milquetoast, Huckabee has a whole litany of FOX News spots to be used against him (and they will be), Newt is ultimately a sick joke, and Thune is just a sign of desperation at this point. IOW, unless Obama has a huge fuck-up, they’re toast until at least 2016.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Matt Incontinetti just wants to get inside Sarah Palin’s panties.
different church-lady
Mike G
Repigs openly stated several years ago that they contemptuously abandoned such outmoded concepts as ‘facts’ and ‘evidence’ and now make their own magical-thinking reality that coincidentally is exactly what Jesus wants. So this is no surprise.
I give it roughly even odds that they’ll attack the traditional pardoning of a Thanksgiving turkey as Obama being “soft on Islamo-avian terrorists”.
Who will be the first wingnut to proclaim Obama is a “vege-terrorist”?
Dave Collins
I googled Matt Welch, since you were picking on him (I didn’t want to miss out on the inside baseball when/if he responds). Skimmed his site and read:
“If there is one bedrock belief I have about the American League this year, it’s that the Yankees won’t be a very good baseball team.”
You have to admire that kind of consistency.
Hart Williams
Wow. Even Althouse finally figured it out?
Next stunning revelation: Bears shit in the woods.
Not that Sarah Palin could be counted on to know that.
different church-lady
@Hart Williams:
Now that’s just screaming out to be the next Balloon Juice category name.
Also: you gotta read the comments on the Althouse post — amazing how quickly the pitchfork crowd realized she was actually a liberal elite academic who’s big brain meant she couldn’t comprehend the virtues of real American hockey moms. Also.
different church-lady
@JK: Has Matthews gotten the smell of Aqua Velva out of his nostrils yet?
calling all toasters
If Ann “Jose Padilla is blinking out the codes” Althouse says Palin is dumb, you can take it to the bank that Palin is sm… no, that can’t be right.
The only possible conclusion is that when Althouse sobers up (or has the d.t.s) she will decry herself as a liberal elitist, and defend Palin.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
“Next stunning revelation: Bears shit in the woods.”
How about polar bears? Won’t anyone think of the poor polar bears?!
Although with global warming the polar bears will have to start using the woods pretty soon.
I saw the Incontinetti drivel on Tweety’s show, Wiffleball. He looks like the nerd that the chicks laughed at and who had his head stuffed regularly in a toilet throughout junior and high school. He’s running on starbursts and it shows. Hopefully he will one day grow up and realize that crushes like his were the norm in grade school.
Forrest Gump?
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
The Althouse quote is explainable on the “Stopped Clock” principle, but the AP would never expose her lies without orders. This may be the first sign of the party regulars trying to wrest control back from the teabagging wingnuts. I’m not saying it’ll work….
Yes. And while ranting they’d say things like “Can you imagine the savage media firestorm that would have happened if George Bush had pardoned a turkey at thanksgiving?”
Well played rachel. Well played.
Palin’s complained is that she was tricked into being interviewed with that very tough and very mean interviewer, Katie Couric.
Yes, Katie Attila the Hun Couric.
@srv: Really? What’s Fox saying about the book? (No, I won’t go over there to find out myself. I need a little help from my friends here with bigger stomachs for that sort of thing than I have.)
Comrade Baron Elmo
Why does the prose of Ann Althouse — who teaches law, fer chrissake — always read like she’s at least two sheets to the wind when she put fingers to keyboard? The only appeal I can discern in her tortuous texts is the ever-present possibility that she will spew out something ridiculous enough to shift the earth from its axis. Onion rings! Jutting breasts! Racist pajamas! Professor Winebox rides again…
On the other hand, the howls of betrayed wingnuts in her comment section are sweeter than ten Milky Way bars.
@rachel: Nice one.
Rick Taylor
John McCain, proving he had no scruples whatsoever, didn’t care about the country one bit, and would do anything to become President, chose a running mate who could, if anything had happened to him become the most powerful person in the world, knowing next to nothing about her, except that she would appeal to the right wing he was desperately trying to woo. When it became obvious she was out of her depth, rather than admitting error, he instead tried to hide her away from reporters, so no one would discover her complete incompetence for the role he’d chosen her for. She in turn tried to get around his back to talk to people she felt comfortable with, like Hannity and Limbaugh. Why this hasn’t completely discredited him is beyond me. It still boggles my mind that most Republicans after attacking Obama for lack of experience were either perfectly happy with the possibility of a President Palin, or went along with it anyway, pretending that being governor of Alaska automatically gives one significant foreign policy experience, their electoral success more important to them than the well being of the country,
Rick Taylor
Who asked horrible gotcha questions, like what have you read, or, when you said being governor of a state so close to russia gave you foreign policy experience, what did you mean by that?
The sad thing is that by the miserable standards of contemporary American journalism, Katie Couric was tough.