I honestly have no idea what the “transnational left” is, but anything that pisses off NRO birther and all around insane person Andy McCarthy is alright by me.
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by John Cole| 44 Comments
This post is in: Clown Shoes
I honestly have no idea what the “transnational left” is, but anything that pisses off NRO birther and all around insane person Andy McCarthy is alright by me.
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My guess is that they are wearing out the synonym dictionary at NRO and needed a new qualifier for the fascist/liberal/socialist/communist/sodomite/freeloading Left.
Expect to see more innovations soon.
“…as is often defended by the ‘answers-cell-phone-at-the-theater’ Left….”
General Winfield Stuck
I read that little opus from the wingnut asylum. All I can say is McCarthy ought to keep a look out for the men in white coats carrying a net. Crazy mofo, that one.
Aren’t those the people who believe we should live in the world without trying to blow up the rest of it?
My grandparents were members of the Fourth International, and also believed that terrorists should be tried in civilian courts. McCarthy is on to something.
I first read that as ‘transactional left’, and was wondering for a bit what that meant. “I’ll gay-marry you if you promise to vote for a Giant Tax Hike.”
Doesn’t the “Transnational Left” do that annoying orchestral version of “Bells” that comes on the radio this time of year?
I suppose “transnational Left” is a bat-whistle¹ of some kind. If I cared to know I’d roust through the Right Wing sites to see.
I don’t. So I won’t.
¹ like a “dog whistle” only more shrill and thus only ‘hear-able’ to Palinists, Tea Baggers, & etc.
>>no idea what the “transnational left
See also International Jew George Soros.
Derp. Strikethrough didn’t work, but that works too.
Transnational Left=Space Jews
Third Eye Open
They figured us out folks. Time to pack it in.
Just Some Fuckhead
Transnational Left
my family always sings La Transnationale, every December 25 (Karlmas), right before we burn the sacrificial Capitalist on the altar of Equality. it helps purify our hearts for the Purging Of The Bourgeois we aim to carry out in the coming year, should St George Of Soros deem it necessary.
[T]he great hope of the terror-backing neo-communist left, at home and worldwide, is that the Obama administration will continue to build a case for torture trials for former Bush administration officials.”
It’s just same-old, same-old, but you have to read a lot of tripe to get there.
They’re terrified of torture trials. Like the memos and the photos and the rest, this all goes back to them, as individuals.
They want military tribunals because there’s no transparency, but it isn’t about national security, it’s about protecting Dick Cheney’s fat ass.
LOL that is the transsiberain orchestra!
El Cid
In cases in which “left” (= revolutionary Mao politically correct Pol Pot) isn’t evil enough, you add on “transnational” to suggest that such types aren’t as truly committed to USA FIRST as of course all right wingers are, and you may betray your nation in order to be more like Holland and then the American experiment will die because you hippie left internationalist traitors let all the Muslims kill us simply because of Paris envy.
May the schwartz be with you.
Sigh. Trans-Siberian, hell. Must I be the first to put up this?
Little Dreamer
and Orly Taitz is the transsiberian anarchist!
Transnational = Jewish, as in rootless cosmopolitans, and so on.
From the Wiki link above:
The cornerites are well into the realm of Stalinism by now.
“Transnational Left”? Wasn’t that one of Art Vandelay‘s businesses?
@El Cid: “Paris Envy” – I’ll admit to a serious case of that by now. How to ease those Stupak blues…
A week in Paris will ease the bite of it,
all I care is to smile in spite of it
@Little Dreamer:
double LOL.
So let me see if I’ve got this straight [checks scorecard]. The neocon movement, which has intellectual roots in disaffected 1960s era Trotskyism before it turned hard right a few decades back, is now throwing around recycled Stalin era anti-Semitic slurs, while simultaneously demanding that the US bomb Iran on behalf of Israel?
Talk about “Do not try this at home. Trained proferssionals only…“. Are there any sort of double-jointed ideological gynmastics these folks are not capable of? Can we make cognitive dissonance an Olympic sport and clean up in the medal rounds with Team USA?
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Oh, jesus … the Hudson Institute.
ThatLeftTurnInABQ @ 24
Over the last 30 – 40 years there has been a switch in positions between the “Left” and the “Right” wrt Foreign Interventionism. It used to be the non-communist Left who was all agog for bombing the shit outta brown people. Now it’s the Right. Naturally, those heavily invested in bombing the shit outta brown people easily moved from one camp to the other.
And the pay was better, which didn’t hurt.
The Bearded Blogger
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: Wait until they blend scientology with mormonism, hard right free market liberalism and totalitarian maoism!
It will be cool.
Demo Woman
Andy, Intelligence officials actually knew that they planned on attacking us and they did do a pretty efficient job. Asshole!!!
Maybe if they had used the intelligence they had they could have locked the cockpit doors.
Demo Woman
When Bush pulled troops out of Afghanistan, did Andy complain? I don’t remember the neocons of TV questioning the judgment of the President during that time.
Bubblegum Tate
It’s Jews AND commies. And yes George Soros is the leader.
In a way, I admire the economy of the term. It ties together so many far-spreading right-wing conspiracy theories–“Teh Joooooooooos!” “Teh Soshulists!” and “One-world government!”
Just Some Fuckhead
@The Bearded Blogger: For Xenu sent his only begotten sons Adam and Joseph Smith..
This has been a noticeable part of Freeper cult-speak for at least the last few years– don’t know who popularized it most, but it makes sense that (per Wikipedia) it was coined in 2001 to rally the ClintonGoreSoros-was-the-devil crowd. The seriously far-gone wingnuts say “tranzi” for maximum irony points.
-testing- -testing-
So, you haven’t seen our commercials then? “Transnational Left: We love to ally and it shows”.
McCarthy. Isn’t he the guy who thinks Orly Taitz is too squirrely for the Birther movement?
‘Transnational left’ refers to the people that don’t think the UN Building should have a 747 flown into it and all the people that work there tried for crimes against humanity and executed. Basically anyone to the left of John Bolton.
Suicidal Zebra
Funny, I know a couple of UK right-wing bloggers who have been using ‘Tranzi’ to describe the British left for a long time.
Or it may have just been the pro-EU British left.
Anyway, I don’t think it’s a term used exclusively by those that subscribe to the Global Jewish Banking Conspiracy meme.
Chuck Butcher
One World Government was its previous incarnation
@Just Some Fuckhead: That is too much win for just one god.
I’m still laughing at lefarkins referring to Andy McCarthy as “Blane McDonnagh.” Ha!
I know history is for gay commie nerds etc., but just how much ignorance/chutzpah does it require for someone to pretend that not being nationalist is somehow a feature of an especially sinister and ambitious new strain of leftism… rather than pretty much a common trait of nearly every leftist movement ever, except for the ones that were power-hungry and violent enough to take over a national government?
I mean, if you get rid of the “transnational” leftists, you’re left with the likes of Robespierre and Stalin. Those are guys who would actually kill you or throw you in a gulag for being a capitalist pig (among other reasons), but they sure did respect the motherland– so, would Andy McCarthy be cool with that, if the alternative was to be ruled by the monstrous “world citizen” junta of George Soros and Woody Guthrie? Maybe if they wore flag pins?
Wile E. Quixote
Transnational Left == Zionist Occupational Government
Andy has to be careful because there’s a fine line between harshing on the evil self-hatin’ Jooz of the ZOG (George Soros, everyone in Hollywood, Barack Obama (any day know we’ll learn that in addition to being a Muslim and a Kenyan that President Obama is also a self-hating Jew.)) and the good Jooz who want to make the Middle East safe for white Christoids and teh Book of Revelationz (Billy Kristol, Dr. Strangehammer, Jonah Goldberg, the chosen people over at AIPAC, etc) by killing all of those icky brown people who worship Allah and if he goes over that line Dr. Strangehammer will run his toes over with his wheelchair.
Jay C
Like I said over at LGM – the real fear that gets the more intellectual of the wingnuts’ drawers soiled like no other is the prospect that open trials for terrorists will expose the fundamental bogosity of the Bush Administration’s whole “War on Terror” shtick: the bottom-line excuse that any and all abuses – of any type – can be excused or condoned on the grounds that it was all done to “protect America”. The sight of the desired result (terrorists convicted and tossed in slam) being done according to the rules – and not just at the whim of Fearless Leader -would be just too much to bear.
Wile E. Quixote
You forgot the irony of the fact that the Republicans are all concentrated in the red states now and hang out at RedState, but that 50 years ago they were the ones screaming “Better dead than red”. None of this matters though because cognition is a pre-requisite for cognitive dissonance, and when it comes to cognition and Republicans and conservatives and the hate-filled morons of the right, well, there is no there, there.
don’t know who popularized it most
Steven den B/este, if memory serves, came up with “tranzi”.