I realize this is nut-picking but I was a bit surprised to see a local right-wing blog praying for Obama’s death (via).
Psalm 109:8 – May his days be few; may another take his office.
I guess I don’t get it, in a way, because Joe Biden would just become president then. Maybe they’re concurrently praying for his death.
But that would just make Nancy Pelosi president.
How far down do you have to go in the order of succession before a Republican becomes president?
Update. Via the comments, apparently they need to be praying for the deaths of Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Robert Byrd, Hillary Clinton, and Tim Geithner. That gets you to Robert Gates.
A metaphysical question: can God create a line of succession so long that He cannot kill everyone on it?
General Winfield Stuck
Did you check out the photo of the Craig Dude? Looks like Jeffrey Dahmers li’ll brother.
General Winfield Stuck
Down the mens room in the Capital Building basement.
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.
You can see the line and the current holders of the office here.
Massive misquote of a psalm about a man committing injustice against his fellow man, not that I expected better.
Also the three comments (so far) are priceless.
No Republican would live long enough to swear in.
John Sears
The Great Gazoogle answers all: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_line_of_succession
You’d apparently need six deaths, counting Obama’s, to get a Republican in the White House this way, and that would be Robert Gates.
Apparently Geithner would be immediately prior to Gates, and at least I could take comfort that God smote a Goldman flunky along the way.
@Anoniminous: He doesn’t count now that he’s sleeping with the enemy. He’s all mao’d and libruelized.
@Anoniminous: Read the list, HOLY CWAP! the PUMAs are only five bullets away from their wet dream! Also Gates’ Republicanism is elusive at best, he’s served under both Dems and Reps before, I think he’s just competent.
Just Some Fuckhead
John Sears
@Yutsano: God would be able to tell, so I guess we might get another 8 smitings to put Roy LaHood in charge.
Who came up with this order, anyway, I wonder. In the event that some cataclysm had wiped out the President, Vice President, President Pro Tempore of the Senate AND Secretary of State, you want the next acting President to be… Secretary of the Treasury? Before Sec of Defense?
I don’t get that call, heh.
@Yutsano: I agree. I actually like Gates and think he really wants to do a good job. He may be the only good appointment Bush ever made.
John Sears
@John Sears: Oh, and the Speaker, I forgot.
Durr. Me cannot write so good. Durrr.
Just Some Fuckhead
At this point, I think God is kicking Himself that he put all His eggs in the Republican basket.
General Winfield Stuck
Don’t think so. I expect it would stop short with the second coming.
Of Ronnie Raygun.
Ha Ha, I guess. As long as none of them decides to become God’s little helper.
Keith G
@John Sears: In the order that their federal dept was established.
@demkat620: I sometimes wonder if when he first got into office his first thought was. “What kind of a massive clusterfuck is going on here?” then tried his damndest to make it better somehow. I recall a year ago the calls were to keep Gates on only a year then send him back in the private sector, but now there isn’t an American I can think of I’d want in that position right now.
Wile E. Quixote
Wow, check out this picture of a younger Philip Garrido and then check out the Buffalogger’s pic. I wonder how many skeletons the cops are going to find in the Buffalogger’s yard when they come to visit. I wonder how many young girls he’s kidnapped and raped in the name of Jesus and how many children he’s sired by his victims?
In that case it’s Ray LaHood, Sect of Transportation.
But before he can get his mitts on the office it’s …
Secretary of Labor … Hilda Solis
(woot! woot!)
But it won’t happen. Geithner would have Goldman/Sachs do a leveraged buy-out and take the Federal Government private. Lot’s of untapped value sitting around, doing little, G/S can really dig down to monetize it in a restructuring and debt issue. After all, Yosemite Park is worth a butt load of money all by itself. Add the national forests, all those highways, the Inter-Coastal Waterways, & etc. etc. etc. any pretty soon you’re talkin’ some real bucks here.
Then they can offer the first ever USofA, Inc. IPO. Sure the governments been for sale for years … but this will be our chance to grab a piece of the action!
John Sears
@Keith G: Well yeah, I thought about that too. But they changed the order already to put the Speaker and Senate President in, so it seems to make sense to me to tweak the Cabinet order a bit.
I mean, who really cares, in a toss up between Sec. of Agriculture and Commerce, but I think I’d have a clear preference in a national emergency capable of wiping out so much of our leadership between any generic Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of Defense.
I get a mental image of Geithner trying to buy off our would-be Alien Overlords with Goldman stock.
@Anoniminous: I wouldn’t mind flipping this in reverse, if the US government got the entire profit-making expertise of GS, we’d never need another damn tax again.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
but the Big Sky’s to big to let it get him down.
It helps if you get paid to haul the peachy-greenbacks away to lend at interest. That’s what “negative interest rates” mean & what Greenspan was doing from 2002 onwards.
@Wile E. Quixote: That’s quite a porn star moustache on Buffalogger. It’s like he’s an extra from Boogie Nights.
“If you want a down-right RINO go see Cao.
If you want a liberal hippie go see Cao.
He helped turn the country over to an Africanized traitor,
Go see Cao,
Go see Cao,
Go see Cao.”
(And I expect nobody outside of SoCal to get the reference.)
@Anoniminous: I GET IT!
Jesus Doug, they tried to remove Clinton from office on completely BS charges, when they would have ended up with Gore. That was the point I knew they were insane.
Pete Start
Ironically, once you get past Gates, that’s a list that wouldn’t upset a lot of liberals (in the abstract of course, separated from the 24-esque mortality rate required to get there)
It’s only nut-picking if you get it from the comments section. Anything that’s an actual top-level blog post is fair game, no matter how small the blog.
@John Sears:
Holy crap, it’s a Syfy script right in River City.
God needs to watch Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of The Sith.
Order 66 is the trick.
@CalD: Ironically enough, I wouldn’t want the Secret Service wasting their time investigating this guy. I’d bet money he only leaves his basement to go to work (assuming he’s employed) or to refresh the Cheeto supply.
Keith G
@John Sears:
Actually, the Speaker and Senate President are Constitutional offices and their place in order of succession was written into the original text of the Second Article.
Just Me
They might not be hoping for a Republican. They might just be hoping for the “right” skin color.
Or they might just be idiots.
Demo Woman
That’s the difference between the extremists on the left and right. No one on the left wanted Cheney as President.
Keith G
@John Sears:
On the other hand, we could look to such Sec Defs as Rummy and Darth Cheney.
But ya know, if ever gets down to the cabinet, we are savagely screwed anyway.
There is precedent for this. See God v. Everyone but Noah. The answer is, no.
General Winfield Stuck
From the commenter brainiacs at Confederate Wankers blog of shame. on Obama’s bow.
Feeling is mutual.
If there is a Jesus/God, he/she is sitting up there thinking, “Just once I want to get one of these wingnuts. I really, really want to. I can’t believe what they propose in my name. Just once, I would like to get one, and, hopefully the others will shut up. Hopefully, that Beck guy.”
@General Winfield Stuck: Now THAT is some nutpicking, friends!
Normally I don’t condone it since you can go through any number of Kos, Huffpo, LGF, etc. threads and pick out the nuts. Hell, I probably wrote some of them. But, that the Confederate Wanker, with his pathetic traffic levels, leaves those comments up there as a proud testament to his readership says something about that particular college perfessor.
@calipygian: And the Confederate Goat Molester thinks the Psalm 109 thing is “funny“.
What a twisted fuck he is.
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
It’s kind of surprising to me that even in the original constitution, the Vice-President was next in line. Sure, now it makes sense, but remember then whoever came in second in the election became Vice-President. If something happened to the President, dollars to doughnuts he or some of his followers had something to do with it.
Oh, we had “Cao” here in the Seattle area, too. I won’t bust your joke for you. Thanks for the earworm, by the way!
Keith G
A few clicks up, the good General provides a link to the ridiculous. Here, I link to the sublime.
Something to contemplate as Obama weighs the options.
General Winfield Stuck
I usually don’t either, but this one time it seemed like Dougj gave it his blessing.
And other lib blogs are doing it too. I think it is quite justified to document the mentality of the average wingnut for the racist crap it is. An event like this seems to wash away the thin veneer.
God plus Onion News Network.
Annie, have you seen this clip yet?
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Anoniminous: Not from SoCal, but I saw Into the Night.
La Hood is an ilsamocommufascist RINO dhimmipublican: big supporter of mass transit, and communist fascist ‘takings’ of rich man’s money in order to pay for them.
Looks like Satanists, nazi-communists and RINOs all the way down the line of succession.
If Gates is a ‘real Republican’ then communists like Ike were ‘real republicans’.
We are doomed. And it all ends in 2012! Be afraid, be very afraid.
NASA announced today there is no sign of the phantom planet that is supposed to collide with the earth in 2012, realizing the Mayan prophecy. That is a sure sign that NASA, and the sinister egg-head elitist astronomers (what are they really saying to each other with those secret code ‘numbers’ and formulas they use?), under the satanic Kenyan-commie conspiracy, are secretly guiding a phantom planet to collide with the earth in 2012.
The plot sickens.
My only advice to poor humanity is PARTY UP, folks, this is your last chance.
JD Rhoades
But don’t ever forget, it’s the liberals who are filled with hate.
In that line of secession where does the Governor of South Carolina fit in?
Swinging in – totally OT – and totally having not read any of the comments for the passed day. DH is doing fine, they did another Cath and one of his arteries was 90% blocked. They put in a stent, the pain went away almost immediately they installed the stent. He is fine now, resting comfortably as they say in the news. Cheese fries are now a distant memory and his idea of “going back to school by thursday” is going to be a point of contention between me and him until I call the principal of his school and have him physically banned from the campus until he is well.
General Winfield Stuck
He becomes the Ambassador to Argentina when they all rotate clockwise.
General Winfield Stuck
Good news!!
Gold Star for Robot Boy
@demkat620: Gates was an appointment of W’s in name only. As I interpreted it at the time: Dad is taking back the family business from the layabout son.
General Winfield Stuck
@Keith G:
A soldiers life is not an easy one. Beautiful photography.
Keith G
@Litlebritdifrnt: So glad things are looking up. 90%, wow!
@General Winfield Stuck:
Very – except the part when you try to convince someone that they have just had a MAJOR HEART ATTACK and cannot merrily go back to work 6 days later…the world will not end if the West Columbus High School band does not give the Christmas Concerts of all christmas concerts, ya know, no one is going to go to jail, no one is going to die. Priorities, people, priorities.
Corner Stone
And to touch briefly back on our recent Afghanistan discussion, this report from CNN:
Missing weapons
Demo Woman
@Litlebritdifrnt: Cheese fries are now a distant memory and his idea of “going back to school by thursday” is going to be a point of contention between me and him until I call the principal of his school and have him physically banned from the campus until he is well.
You might win the cheese fries battle but good luck keeping him away from the school that he loves.
I’m glad things are better.
Corner Stone
I don’t see where the whole Psalm 109 been posted yet.
Read the whole things, and calculate the odds that we have another case of wingnut projection
check out the opening lines.
“2For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me: they have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
3They compassed me about also with words of hatred; and fought against me without a cause.”
There are nastier Psalms. Which is the one that prays that the enemy’s infants have their heads dashed against rocks? I forget which number it is. I guess that will be next. Or maybe they are saving that one to use against RINOs in the upcoming primaries.
Wile E. Quixote
I get it, Cal Worthington was in business up in Washington State for a little while. I can’t wait for the 2010 election in Cao’s district. Is he going to let the Republicans shit all over him for his health care vote, and thus continue to show the entire country what a bunch of racist bastards they are, is he going to switch to the Democrats or is he going to lose to a Democratic challenger?
Corner Stone
@Demo Woman:
I weep for him…
Demo Woman
@Litlebritdifrnt: He is talented. I actually watched several of the links that you posted showing the band. He’ll be okay. Of course, you might have to call the band members to make sure, they will probably be your best allies.
Corner Stone
Funny story that – I used to date her.
Wow. Glad they found the trouble. Ixnay on the eesechay iesfray.
Demo Woman
@Corner Stone: Cheese fries and John’s canned fruit mentioned on the same blog…
Mike in NC
Right after Senate Office Building elevator operator.
@Just Me:
I think the third answer is the correct one.
Demo Woman
OMG.. This is great.. Thank you Onion.
@maya: about half-way up the appalachain trail.
Thanks!!! I just watched.
Seriously, this kind of garbage is scary. If it was one nut, we laugh and move on. The problem is so many people agree. We can spend all day commenting on a presidential bow, ignoring that he is showing respect and intelligence — which does win the US friends. Idiots can post death wishes, and to the right that is ok and somehow sanctioned by God. I cannot begin to describe the disgust I feel.
Just to put in a word from my own minor heart attack experience, DH probably feels a LOT better because of the stent so the temptation is to get up and go. The thing to worry about is the incision down in the abdomen where they entered the body to insert the stent. That is a really fragile area. If he doesn’t take it easy, he could wind up with an abdomen full of blood (which happened to me while I was getting ready to leave the hospital). DH really needs to take the down time for a couple weeks, although he should be walking (and avoiding cheese fries). Good luck.
Wile E. Quixote
@InbredSouthern Shit and Filth.com
I have to agree with Pauk. There were reasons that our forefathers picked blacks as slaves. Obama is exhibiting all of those reasons.
Posted by: David at November 14, 2009 03:47 PM
You mean like the fact that picking cotton is hard and white southerners are lazy, good for nothing pieces of shit.
Hell, I don’t even regard the Confederate Wanker and his fellow wankers as fellow human beings, much less as fellow citizens. I wouldn’t even harvest them for their organs. I might be willing to grind them up and use them for chum, but they’d probably be of better use being recycled into sterilized bone and blood meal and being mixed with sterilized human sewage for use as a non-agricultural fertilizer.
Given the DH’s prior thingy, they could discharge him on Monday morning and by Monday afternoon he would be back at school. Example, DH is in hospital for a week with pneumonia, they release him on Friday morning and by Friday evening, sorry, nasty rainy afternoon he is at the football game directing his band. I dispair I tell you, I just dispair.
I would be extremely grateful if you could explain that fact to him, cause right now I am beating myself against a brick wall with the “you need to take some time” thingy, and it ain’t working.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Honey, you’re married to a band geek. It’s a very hard concept for outsiders to understand, but that band is our LIFE. Just be grateful he’s not a college director, those guys carry some serious weight on their shoulders and love every second of it. But nothing in the world makes him feel more magical than getting 80-100 kids together to do one (or several) things to the best of their ability. And music is pretty damn powerful stuff. Plus if his band kids are like the band kids I know, they won’t WANT to see him until he’s back at 100%. So yeah, like suggested above, get the kids on your side.
I don’t know that it matters if they “regard” the man as President. That’s sort of the point of the whole “respect the office” canned line they spout incessantly but have never adhered to. It’s not about the individual. Why can’t they read and parse a simple sentence? That’s what it means.
They should drop that particular line of bullshit, because they’re not fooling anyone. They haven’t respected a Democrat in the Presidency in my lifetime, “office” or no “office”.
It’s yet another rock-solid principle they never live up to.
Wile E. Quixote
Oh, and I looked at Bob Owen’s picture. Yeah, another creepy guy you probably don’t want hanging around your pets or children. Go figure that he liked the Buffalogger’s post, I’m sure that we’ll be seeing Bob Owens and the Buffalogger’s faces gracing the screen on Chris Hansen’s To Catch a Predator any day now.
BTW, the headline “Who would Jesus assassinate?”
The bankers. SATSQ.
@Yutsano: I am at the point where the band has to give him back to me. I am 49, and too damn young to be a widow. I have given every inch of my life to this band, right now this band has to give back to me.
Corner Stone
Why is everyone so damned down on my cheese fries? Put a little bacon bits on them and add a little ranch for dippin’ and they’re all right. They’uns never hurt nobody.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I’m not sure if I can say it any more clearly. The insertion point for the stent is down in the groin area, so when you’re standing, all of the weight of your internal organs is bearing down on the point where they inserted all the equipment required to do the operation, and they can’t stitch everything up when they finish.
Ask him if they wrapped him up in order to put pressure on the insertion point after the operation. They did this to me and I was told that it was to keep the wound from bleeding. In my case I had been on my back in bed for a day and a half by this point and the wrap was causing incredible back pain so a nursing assistant spent most of the night standing next to the bed putting pressure on the incision area – because that area is so fragile.
As I was getting ready to leave the hospital a couple days later, I noticed that my abdomen was turning the deepest shaded of purple and pointed that out to the nurse. I was in the hospital for another 1.5 days as they treated me for internal bleeding. It took 2-3 weeks at home to recover from the bleeding.
It’s OK to walk every day, but extemporaneous activities is a little dicey. You never know when you might strain the incision point.
Doug, come on, you’re being sarcastic right?
Sure, they’d rather have a any Republican in office than Biden taking over, but at least Biden’s NOT A BLACK GUY!
It seems like the wingnuts aren’t even bothering to hide it anymore. I think deep down they know they lost the culture war, so why bother anymore pretending they like anyone darker than off-white?
Chuck Butcher
@Litlebritdifrnt: I’m really happy that it was a short wait to get good news.
I wish I had advice on what to say, I don’t listen either is the problem.
Keith G
Finally, the real Obama trots out from behind the curtain.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Keep them updated, but make sure they know he needs to HEAL. Explain that he will be back, they’re not losing him, but he just needs to take care of himself right now. They’ll get it. They may not like it (and you may get quite a few unexpected visitors so have snacks handy) but they’ll get it. You’re as much a part of the family there as your DH is.
General Winfield Stuck
Where are you Leelee?
“They should drop that particular line of bullshit, because they’re not fooling anyone. They haven’t respected a Democrat in the Presidency in my lifetime, “office” or no “office”.
You are so right!!!! That is exactly the problem.
Enlightened Layperson
If I wrote for the Onion, my headline would be “Obama Offers to Shoot Self through Head; Republicans Dismiss it as Partisan Grandstanding.” In the body, of course, the Republicans would talk about how evil it was of Obama to arrange a Democrat as Vice President and explain that if he would just help them win the House in 2010 and then kill himself and Joe Biden, that would be a reasonable bipartisan compromise.
Seriously, I think if Obama died tomorrow, wingnuts would rejoice about as long as they did when he pulled ahead of Hillary in the primaries and then notice that Joe Biden was also a Democrat and promptly transfer full measure of their hostility. That is, I think they really believe their anger is toward the individual and not the party. But they’re wrong.
I was hoping “Buffalo…” meant the animal and not the city. [i.e. my city, my home at one time] Alas, no. The stupid sh@@ is in Buffalo. I was glad to see the commenters disagree with him.
Is there a full moon?
Corner Stone
That’s 3 CF players I’ve seen get strapped to the board today and carted off.
I hope they all come out ok on the other side.
Left Coast Tom
Not wingnutty enough…they’re in the midst of a Purity Purge. Keep going.
The Dangerman
@Wile E. Quixote:
If that is the hand he is dealt, will it just be “Bye Cao”?
+ ?
Strange that you don’t hear much about Obama Derangement Syndrome. Of course, when Bush was president, liberals were a lot loonier — doing crazy stuff like opposing wars, suggesting evidence for Iraq being an immediate threat didn’t exist, suggesting that Bush’s economic policies might be made. Crazy hippies. Clearly afflicted with Bush Derangement Syndrome.
@Wile E. Quixote:
The Chamber of Commerce is already running an ad against Cao, chastising him for his vote, and advising viewers to call and tell him to vote for Louisiana families against healthcare reform. I’m guessing it’s only those Louisiana families who actually have healthcare that are pissed at Cao’s vote, not the huge numbers of uninsured and under-insured in the state. When you throw in Louisiana’s rankings in healthcare categories (nearly dead last), I’m not sure what the CoC is going for here.
I wish I could just accept that and ignore them, after Clinton, but I can’t. It bugs the crap out of me. I refuse to accept their designation of Democratic Presidents as less American than Republican Presidents.
What goddamned nerve, huh? They’re always sitting in judgment.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@madmommy: Except for the fact that southerners have a bad tendency of voting against something that would actually help themselves and others, you would be correct. Especially those southern whites who don’t want to see “those others” get anything, no matter how much they are hurt.
Liberty60 (formerly Reason60)
You thought you were being facetious? You were joking?
Check this out-
A neo-con writer laying out a strategy whereby the GOP becomes, literally, the White People’s party. Sample quote:
” Many whites…were willing to vote for and/or approve of Obama, but will not stand for a president who immediately sides with a black Harvard Professor over a working class Irish Cop and appoints Supreme Court justices who believe that Hispanic women are inherently wiser than white males.
Furthermore, one of the reasons white Southerners are more conservative is that they have to deal with more minorities, just as white Arizonians are more opposed to immigration than whites in Maine. The more non-white the country becomes, the more whites may begin to vote en bloc. ”
El Cid
@kay: Republicans are by definition “American” and Democrats are by definition “anti-American”. Liberals are possible Satanists, and actual leftists are in some unmentionable Void of Evil.
General Winfield Stuck
This is so true. Think about the poutrages from the right. Starting with this one on a stupid bow. Giving a speech to the Arab world about peace, for chrissakes, and all the thoroughly insane rantings a while back about talking to school kids. And on and on about meaningless imagined slights to America.
Compare that with unnecessary war, torture, warrantless wiretapping, suspending Habeas Corpus, and all the other lawless shit, with the cherry on top of nearly killing ours and the worlds economy.
We have entirely too many crazy sumbitches in this country and I fear for it’s survival from the tons of stoopid weighing on it’s shoulders.
Liberty60 (formerly Reason60)
Sorry, my blockquote messed up; the first part was a quote of Rob’s comment @83, and the last paragraph was intended to still be in italics, quoted from the link I referenced.
But you get the gist.
Exactly….We were deranged!
John Sears
@Keith G: Not to nitpick, but I just doublechecked to be sure, and the *original* text of Article II doesn’t mention who’s in the line of succession past the VP. It just says that Congress can make a law and pick an officer for the job.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
Yep, Louisiana is chockablock with hard core GOP voters who will continue to vote against their own best interests over and over again. We’re not alone in this distinction, alas.
The situation with Cao is interesting, since he’s in Jefferson’s old seat. Except for the fact that he’s a devout Catholic and therefore supports the odious Stuppak ammendment, he seems like he will actually consider what is best for his district when he casts his vote. Such a thing is rare these days. Whether or not the GOP tires to Scozzafava him or not remains to be seen.
Mike G
The Chamber of Commerce is already running an ad against Cao, chastising him for his vote, and advising viewers to call and tell him to vote for Louisiana families against healthcare reform…I’m not sure what the CoC is going for here.
The same dynamic that has driven Southern politics since before the War of Southern Treason. The plantation owners duping the white trash into siding with them by stirring up fear and hatred of the darkies lower on the social strata. And the white trash fall for it and vote against their own economic interests, time after time. No wonder Repigs hate education, knowledge and reason so much – keeping the masses in fearful authoritarian obedience and superstition is the cornerstone that keeps them in power.
Regarding the idiot from that wingnut blog praying for Obama to kick the lolrus bukkit.
Psalm 2009:8 – May his blogging days be short, and his visit with the Secret Service lead to a ten-year stint in a SuperMax.
“How far down do you have to go in the order of succession before a Republican becomes president?”
Well, why not just ask the question at Townhall?
You know they already have people working on it.
General Winfield Stuck
That does make them a bit more energetic in their hate and resentment. But it’s not about just Obama, they did the same with Clinton, and would try and oust any dem in the Oval Office.
It comes from a pathological belief of entitlement that they are the only Americans fit to run the country. The core wingnuts really do believe this and anyone else is a usurper of THEIR birthright. As they imagine it as a delusion in lockstep with the Founders.
They hunt dem presnits as one scalp at a time, regardless the chain of secession with dems all in a row. It is what they do and what drives them to conquer the libtard enemy day by day, hour by hour. And they absolutely will not stop ever, until a wingnut wear the thorny crown that is theirs.
Right again. I, too, am sick of being “less than American.” I also am sick of being anti-family, anti-values, anti-patriotic, anti-individual responsibility, anti-fiscal responsibility, anti-whatever…
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
So what’s the anti-Cao campaign slogan going to be? “Die, Cao Dai?
Stephen Chu (15th in line!) for president!!!!
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@jl: Psalm 137:8-9 * 8.
* O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed ; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.
* 9.
* Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
@Mike G:
Sigh…not all of us southerners are backwards-assed, knuckle-dragging, cousin-humping, three-toothed third grade drop-outs. Really. It’s just that the sane ones are heavily outnumbered. It makes life here…interesting.
@General Winfield Stuck:
“pathological belief of entitlement” Yes, they do have a pathological belief of entitlement. That is why their platform is focused on destroying Obama instead of considering what is best for the country. They can’t stand the fact that he may actually be doing what is best for the country as this point in history. So they couch their discourse in all kinds of rhetoric — religious virtue, family values, fiscal responsibility, strong national defense, etc.
Except they are neither religious nor fiscally responsible. They are neither pro-family nor for individual responsibility. History clearly indicates that when they governed, there is a huge gap between their rhetoric and their performance. Torture as religious virtue. Pro-family as denying access to health care. Individual responsibility as denying access to reproductive rights, etc, etc. Strong national defense as giving billions to corrupt defense contractors…etc.,etc., etc.,
Keith G
@John Sears: I’m sorry, you are correct. Art. II sec. 6 says Congress may (in short) establish procedures past the VP. The Presidential Succession Act of 1947 fulfilled that Cold War need.
My bad.
@Liberty60 (formerly Reason60):
I’m about a quarter of the way through Rick Perlstein’s Nixonland and this guy is stating pretty much exactly what happened starting around 1965: white voters banded together against civil rights. Pat Buchanan is still touting this as a strategy. Problem for the Republicans is that, unlike the United States of 40 years ago, white voters as a bloc no longer automatically outnumber all other ethnic groups combined. But that’s not going to stop them from doubling down on the exact same strategy that got us where we are today.
Notorious P.A.T.
TIM GEITHNER is fifth in succession to the presidency? ! ? ! ? How am I supposed to sleep tonight?
Mike G
Sigh…not all of us southerners are backwards-assed, knuckle-dragging…
I know, I lived in Texas for a couple of years and there are plenty of good people there.
It’s just that in Southern political culture, the dumbass rednecks are so predominant that they determine who represents you to the rest of the country and fucks things up for the rest of us. If James Inhofe was my senator I’d be too ashamed to visit any other state.
“The more non-white the country becomes, the more whites may begin to vote en bloc.”
And yet, mega-white Utah and Idaho are the most ‘conservative’ (at least in the hard-Repuke sense) states in the country.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@Wile E. Quixote:
I saw a recent show on Discovery (I think it was) where they were looking at facial recognition systems in crowd management/security. They showed how the software can recognize facial expressions and pointed out that the frowning look on a face can be indicative of someone with bad intentions. This can be helpful in looking for people who may be at the event to do harm.
If they used that software at Teabirther rallies the poor computer would crash and burn in seconds.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
If anyone is annoyed at chartbeat constantly ‘ping’ing your browser when visiting a web site that uses it, an easy to defeat it is when you load the page just stop the page load when what you want to read/see is visible. GOS is now using this crap and this technique stops chartbeat in its tracks. Kos should be beaten with a teabagger for using that crap.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal):
“… that uses it, an easy way to defeat it is when …”
So, how many people in the succession have to die before Laura Roslin becomes president?
@John Sears:
If I read that correctly, there is only one person in line for succession to the Presidency, and that is the VP. Everyone after that will merely become acting President.
John Sears
@Keith G: Hardly a big deal.
You raised a good point about Cheney, too. President Cheney… uggh.
I remember the Daily Show from the day he assumed the Presidential powers temporarily, as GW had a surgery or some such. Stewart did a whole routine about the sun going dark for a few hours.
It might be better to let the aliens take over.
I’m not sure if God can, but the British sure can:
Line of succession to the British throne
1673 candidates, not including Catholics and those married to a Catholic (about 3000 in all) and illegitimate descendents, and the list is still considered “incomplete”.
John Sears
@Calouste: I imagine that’s the idea. You elect the VP knowing he or she could become President, but nobody elects the Speaker or Senate Pro Tem with a reasonable expectation they could be in the White House, and of course the rest are appointed.
In practice, though, with so many people dead, we’d be… I think the phrase was ‘savagely screwed’… and the election of a new President would take a while, so Acting President would do.
Unless it’s like in Monty Python and they all die of food poisoning. Then we’d just look silly.
John Sears
@Calouste: I love the English. God-damn.
You realize we could probably drop nukes from coast to coast of that little country and someone would pop up in a week as King, albeit with horrible burns and radiation sickness?
Talk about thorough.
I don’ t know if this was mentioned yet, I gave up around 74, but Africans were not picked for their docility. Allow me give a little history on the transatlantic slave trade. The Europeans first tried to use local natives as slaves, but they got wiped out by the diseases the Europeans brought. Next they tried white slavery, and I don’t mean indentured servants, but white Europeans as slaves, these tend to be prisoners, or rebels like Scottish Jacobites. This too was a failure because Europeans are easily felled by tropical diseases, and some though it morally reprehensible to enslave Christians and or whites, how evolved of them. So they end up picking Africans, because they had resistance to the European and the tropical diseases, and with the trade Europeans had setup with the local African kingdoms they could get the slaves relatively cheap, I forget the ratio but it was some thing like 20 or so slaves traded for one horse. The idea Africans where picked for docility is moronic, they have just as many warrior cultures as other people and it also ignores the many slave revolts. Remember Africans led the only successful slave revolt in history, Haiti.
I don’ t know if this was mentioned yet, I gave up around 74, but Africans were not picked for their docility. Allow me give a little history on the transatlantic slave trade. The Europeans first tried to use local natives as slaves, but they got wiped out by the diseases the Europeans brought. Next they tried white slavery, and I don’t mean indentured servants, but white Europeans as slaves, these tend to be prisoners, or rebels like Scottish Jacobites. This too was a failure because Europeans are easily felled by tropical diseases, and some though it morally reprehensible to enslave Christians and or whites, how evolved of them. So they end up picking Africans, because they had resistance to the European and the tropical diseases, and with the trade Europeans had setup with the local African kingdoms they could get the slaves relatively cheap, I forget the ratio but it was some thing like 20 or so slaves traded for one horse. The idea Africans where picked for docility is moronic, they have just as many warrior cultures as other people and it also ignores the many slave revolts. Remember Africans led the only successful slave revolt in history, Haiti.
@John Sears:
“It was … the salmon mousse.”
John Sears
@Mnemosyne: Hey, I didn’t even eat the mousse!
Chuck Butcher
I would think that if there were a diety that could be successfully prayed to; that diety might be a bit particular about rewarding prayers and might also have some consequences in mind for some of those prayers.
@John Sears:
You’d have to nuke most of Europe, because the royal families there did some serious in- and crossbreeding during the last century and a half.
gocart mozart
Some photos of Ike bowing to dignitaries at LGM. Even (shudder) the French Prime Minister.
General Winfield Stuck
Speaking of Jesus. Separation of church and state, tax exemption for religious orgs?
The Catholic Diocese of DC goes full throttle to gets it’s way with government.
Mean bunch, them Catholic overlords, pun, yes.
gocart mozart
Photos of Ike bowing to various dignitaries including (shudder) the French PM.
@Keith G: Damn, some of those pictures look straight out of Beau Geste.
“I believe women will lead the democracy movement in the Middle East”–W., introducing Laura.
Duh. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. And, since he’s claiming a “belief” in something that is already evident, he moves from cuckoo clock to the recently unplugged, blinking digital clock.
I hate it when I have to reset the digital clocks on my appliances.
That guy is a certifiable wingnut alright.
You just have to read about three of his posts to see that. The post that got John’s attention has more comments than this idiot had the entire previous six weeks. And 3/4ths of those comments were negative towards this idiot.
@soonergrunt: and ALL of the comments on the prayer post are negative.
Little Dreamer
@John Sears:
Countries fight wars to make money, they do more than just spend money to win wars.
Spend money ~> make war ~> make money
That’s the correct flow.
Money is a much higher priority. If war wasn’t profitable, we wouldn’t spend so much money on it.
Little Dreamer
@Demo Woman:
This bears repeating.
If the bullets were flying and Bob Gates became President, you can bet there’d be martial law imposed… but guess who’d be under suspicion and would be watched closely? Not the Commie pinko islamofascistLIEbrual Democrat Hollywood party, no. Momma Gates didn’t raise up no dummy.
calling all toasters
All of them played by Alec Guinness.
Hey, your story brings back memories. I am 5 stents into my campaign to replace all my blood vessels with expensive little mesh gadgets. That’s 4 placements, one of which is a back to back placement, made in two cath operations over a period of a month.
That was 4 years ago. I’m an off label patient, which means that the placements are outside of the guidelines specified on the label (of the stent). Sort of a walking medical experiment. I keep my stress down by excoriating errant posters and bloghosts here, that’s part of my program. Heh.
Anyway, tell your DH to take all his prescribed meds, watch his diet, and most important, get on some kind of cardio rehab program, preferably (at first, at least) at a cardiac facility or hospital, where he can get customized fitness training and supervision and monitoring, to get started. No smoking ever again! And use google judiciously, reading up on all the news and literature that is online about CAD and all of its many aspects.
Good luck to you guys, it sounds like you are on a good track.
@Little Dreamer:
You have this right. It also fits right into the Military Industrial Complex syndrome. War=Profit.
There is nothing like Permawar to keep the money flowing. And the political manipulation opportunities – Oy! For more, see “Dulles brothers.” Google them, John F and Allan W.
One of my favorite Wiki passages:
Heh. Doesn’t that just frost yer eyeballs?
I had the heart attack on Wednesday and went back to work on Tuesday.
However, I would not do that again, for a lot of reasons, having to do more with mental than physical health.
There is going to be a rollercoaster of emotions and reactions to this thing that your DH has to work through. He is going to need time and information to do that well. Going right back to work feels good at first, like laughing at the big bullet that you just dodged. But later, he’ll wish he had taken more time to adjust and stop and smell the roses a little bit. Later he will realize that keeping some distance from the stresses that the world throws at us is a really healthy thing to do. No time better than right now to start doing that.
freelancer (itouch)
You glossed over the most salient question on this subject:
where is “facebook contributor” in our line of succession.
Anne Laurie
@Litlebritdifrnt: Thanks for the update, and my sincerest hopes that all continues to go well for your DH!
gocart mozart
Right after Glenn Beck
robertdsc-PowerBook & 27 titles
What does it matter?She’d quit shortly afterwards.
As for wishing Obama dead, I’ll say this: I hated Dubya’s guts with the fire of a thousand suns, but I never once wanted him dead. Because if he was, Laura would lose a husband and the girls would lose their dad.
freelancer (itouch)
@robertdsc-PowerBook & 27 titles:
I feel the same. After that Georgian threw the dud grenade at W, I thought, jeezus! This asshole is literaly dodging bullets and grenades. Never wanted him dead though.
However, cheneys headstone better be urinal shaped because I am pissing on that man’s grave, no doubt.
Chuck Butcher
@freelancer (itouch):
I wouldn’t waste my piss on him
Right after he rocks so hard he can no longer throw up the horns.
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal): If anyone is annoyed at chartbeat constantly ‘ping’ing your browser when visiting a web site that uses it,
Never even knew it existed. noscript is the best add on ever written for a browser. Only run the javascript you approve of. Nothing annoying like that chartbeat thing, much faster loading on sites like LGM that use scripts from a dozen different sites (or even BJ that uses a half dozen.)
@Litlebritdifrnt: My best to you. Anyone in his position tries very hard to pretend it’s just a blip, not a change. But it is.
To return to the topic, I recall that some nuts were praying for McCain to die, so Palin could become President.
That’s veryvery bad Karma. People who would do this are already living in their own hell. Actually worse than one I’d have the heartto put them in.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
I am running an old copy of Seamonkey with script manager on my garage laptop (old Dell that I don’t care if I trash), am in no hurry to update it (other than AV updates) and so I take the easy way out…lol
I have FF/ns on my main system and main laptop but I am in the garage so often I suppose I ought to update it. But that means I would have to stop working on my car! For the last six months I have been rebuilding the suspension on our Mustang and I only surf while waiting for something to finish.
Like now I just finished powder coating the center section, pinion support and yoke for my rear end and am waiting as the finish melts and cures in the oven. Yes, I have an oven in my garage specifically for this. Call me hard core.
Maybe after I get the car done in a couple of weeks. The old joke about a mechanic having the worst running car might have some truth to it, just in this case it’s my garage laptop while I work all day fixing and building computer systems for everyone else…lol!
Gotta pay for the hobbies! In the meantime stopping cb is as easy as a click but thanks for the tip!
A Mom Anon
If you ever need someone who’s been there,done that as a wife,don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.(I’ll leave my contact info at your blog). My husband had a 99 percent blockage in his LAD in August and just had a second stent put in right before Halloween because he was having chest pains from a second blockage. He’s 43(and hasn’t managed his type 2 diabetes or his blood pressure,ack,don’t get me started). There’s emotional stuff to deal with along with the physical,men try to avoid that stuff sometimes and we all know how well that works. Anyhoo,I’m here for you,it’s some scary shit.
A Mom Anon
..and blogstream won’t let me register to comment at britty’s. (wanders off to get coffee and wake up)
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal):
… and out of the oven the parts come, nice and shiny! Deep red color for the yoke and center section, gloss black on the pinion support. The diff housing is chromed so the contrast should look decent.
Back to prepping the next batch of parts. I like these all-night garage sessions but I have to be careful to not push it too much and bring on the pain (and resulting meds/rest). It’s a balancing act and I frequently fall…lol
The things we do for fun. :)
@freelancer (itouch):
And on the stone bidet these words appear;
And verily I say unto you, go forth and fucketh thyself. Cheney 666:3-4
Road Trips
You know, I can at least the understand the reason for the Taliban to be a**hole* – these oh-so self righteous people just make the mind wobble. If Jesus was here today they’d be criticizing him for being a liberal. Just read the the bible, love your fellow man, as you do unto the least of these, so you do unto me. Turn the other cheek. I’ve never heard any neocon buying into any of these.
Bob In Pacifica
According to my calculations, Robert Gates is running the country. Or at least he’s the consul in charge of foreign wars.
Well, none of the cabinet secretaries can become the “real” President–they can only act as President until one of the Chambers of Congress digs out from the rubble and elects a Speaker or President Pro Tem, as appropriate. Then _that_ person becomes the President of the United States. If the scenarior weren’t, of necessity, horrific beyond words, it’s kind of funny to contemplate the scurrying around by each Chamber to be the first to get a quorum and therefore pick the President.
Yeah, that explains California’s voting patterns real well.
Unless you are Alexander Haig:
Porlock Junior
@The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion:
Ah, Psalm 137. One of the most moving and beautiful and famous passages in the Bible:
1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
2 We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.
3 For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.
4 How shall we sing the LORD’s song in a strange land?
5 If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.
Then, four verses later, he’s smashing their babies against the wall. Or if he can’t, he’ll be glad when someone does.
It’s so good to have an inerrant guide to everything, dictated directly by the omni-benevolent creator of everything, isn’t it? One of the finest Christian apologists (not at all apologetic in the usual modern sense) could make nothing better of this text than a warning of how oppression can destroy a person’s soul. Meaning, of course the poet who wrote the psalm. A useful lesson, he thought, to people in power, whether governments, the military, or teachers, his own professsion. But then C. S. Lewis never tried to defend anything as stupid as literal truth of the Bible. Why, he thought Jonah was just a moral tale, and a humorous one at that!
Porlock Junior
” 16 Because that he remembered not to shew mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man…”
A Republican all those years ago.
[OK, I do know that “not” here is left-associative and not right- but it’s too much fun to let go. Come to think of it, how often is failure to show mercy a matter of not remembering? Certainly it’s no mere lapse of memory among the very sharp-witted Libertarians.]
Porlock Junior
@Liberty60 (formerly Reason60):
I hereby formally approve of the name change from Reason60. I’m sure you care.
But really, Reason has been well enough hijacked by the Libertarians and maybe the Randroids that it makes one wonder (at first) about the person invoking it.
Liberty, on the other hand, has mostly been a leftish word (notwithstanding the long-defunct Liberty Lobby), leaving Freedom for the rightards. The Statue of Liberty has always been subversive, even without those communist verses on the pedestal, and I’d bet that a statistical survey would show it admired more by people who, like, approve of lifting one’s lamp for the tired and the poor.
Porlock Junior
Actually, it wasn’t the mousse so much as the disgrace of so many high-ranking people being caught with a mousse made with tinned salmon.