I don’t want to tar all teabaggers with this brush, but I think it’s fair to say that Malkin and her ilk are partly responsible for this kind of behavior (via Steve Benen):
A group called the Chicago Tea Party Patriots publicly heckled a grieving family and suggested that the couple fabricated their tragic story.
At a town hall held by Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) on Nov. 14,, Dan and Midge Hough spoke about how they believed the death of their daughter-in-law and her unborn child were caused, in part, by a lack of health insurance. Twenty-four-year old Jennifer was uninsured. According to her in-laws, she was not receiving regular prenatal care and was not properly treated when she got sick. She ended up in an emergency room with double pneumonia that developed into septic shock, had a heart attack, a brain bleed and a stroke. The baby died and Jennifer died a few weeks later.
Midge Hough was heckled by anti-reform crowd members. “You can laugh at me, that’s okay,” she said, crying. “But I lost two people, and I know you think that’s funny, that’s okay.”
Update. It is a little surprising that the wingers weren’t more sympathetic, given that one of the people who died was unborn. I thought the lives of the unborn counted for something with these people.
The so-called “patriots” who mocked those grieving parents are beyond scum. How can they look themselves in the mirror each morning?
the hecklers? all salt of the earth, heartland white “Christians”, i’ll bet.
fucking heartless assholes.
Foam Finger time?
Dave L
Vile bastards.
When this gets enough publicity, Malkin will claim that they were liberal agents provocateurs.
The Sheriff Is A Ni-
The Tea Partiers have failed to get the memo: Assholes are generally never popular.
Ah well, another twenty years of Democratic rule oughta shore up a few spines up on the Hill.
General Winfield Stuck
I watch this shit and everything turns red.
Let’s get this war on, if that is what they want.
Karen S.
But of course… Those are Real Americans, don’t you know?
I think I will point, laugh and then go be sick somewhere.
Comrade Jake
Anyone read any of the HuffPo comments? Jesus. What the heck is going on over there?
I’m embarrassed to be from Chicago now. Thanks a lot, assholes.
freelancer (itouch)
I feel sick to my stomach, stay classy “freedom” advocates.
Comrade Darkness
After spending the week at my winger parents house. I can tell you, unequivocally, that Christianity is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Fucking Dead. I bet you they couldn’t find three things Jesus said that they could get behind. They are torture, murder brown people, fuck the poor, maniacs. Modern day Christianity in full hateful hypocritical glory.
freelancer (itouch)
If only her daughter had known about the “Chistian Side Hug”, this all could have been avoided.
They’re an angry mob, and that’s all they are.
On a related note, can anyone imagine the media-pundit censure if Democrats had drafted a ten-point litmus test for membership in the Party, like the the GOP just did?
It would inspire fifty outraged Washington Post columns.
Imagine if Obama had done it?
freelancer (itouch)
@The Sheriff Is A Ni-:
Your handle is the shit.
We on the left may have our fringe wackos, but I have never seen such raw ugliness and hatefulness as that which comes from your right-wing. Those people are positively sociopathic.
General Winfield Stuck
@Comrade Jake:
It’s what happens at these larger web venues, when the staff doesn’t get involved with the commenters, and they don’t allow full throated potty mouth raids on the wankers for self policing from regulars. So they eventually troll or ratfuck their way into running the show.
These days disrupting blog comment sections is organized to some degree, and I think mostly from the right, because they view the left as dominating the blogosphere, the way the right has dominated talk radio. I am mostly talking out my ass here, at least in part, but that is what I think is happening.
From the HuffPo comments:
Just because it’s Christmas, does every asshole need to turn into Scrooge?
UGH. Blockquote fail! I never said the part about having a baby with insurance. That was the jerk from HuffPo’s board.
I thought the lives of the unborn counted for something with these people.
Not if they die a natural death.
But Doug, according to the always-reliable NRO, The Weekly Standard, Michelle Malkin, etc. etc. etc., it is only “the left” (which of course is never, ever, defined to any but the vaguest specificity) that is motivated by pettiness, anti-intellectualism, and irrationality!
As is well known, William F. Buckley Jr. founded the modern conservative movement in America and he was personally a very wealthy , decent, and intelligent man. ISPO FACTO modern movement conservatives are always on the side of dispassionate intellectual analysis, freedom, and morality. Any suggestions to the contrary are the product of minds consumed by “Bush hatred” “anti Americanism” or several other varieties of mental illness whose very names are far too terrifying to even mention.
How can you not see the manifest brilliance, and elegant coherance, of the teabagger position? Do you really hate freedom that much?
Wingnuts come in a variety of flavors. I don’t assume that the
ChristianTheocrats have the same goals as the AynRandAcolytes. I kind of think of ’em as coming from different hoods, if you know what I mean. The CTs might care about the unborn, but the ARAs would argue that if you can’t afford ’em you ain’t entitled to them.
Comrade Dread
Completely devoid of compassion? Check.
No empathy for a fellow human being? Check.
The complete and total devotion to and deification of selfishness? Check.
Ayn Rand would be proud.
Jesus would weep and pray for your souls.
Mrs. Peel
And here you see the exact reason that people like those teabagger pigs think they can get away with being people like those teabagger pigs. Reacting with such a powerless retort only gives them a bigger sense of mob safety and more ammo to throw back.
It’s more than about time for people to give as good as they get. If they can’t stick up for themselves, damned if I’m going to continue to fight their battles for them.
Well, if you’re not already disgusted by the antics of these ‘Christians’ and how they’ve thoroughly stood the teachings of Jesus on their head, check out this Fresh Air interview with Jeff Sharlet about the C Street cult home and “The Family”.
Seriously creepy shit, which might be all it was if it weren’t for the fact these people have real power in our government.
I do.
They count for exactly as much as the lives of our troops.
They are only valuable as political props. When they no longer serve that purpose… they are as disposable as Kleenex.
@r€nato: gotta go with r€nato. Why the fuck not? These people are fucking scum. They’re the best argument in favour of death panels.
Yeah…I would have been saying, “and I know you think that’s funny, but that’s because you’re a bunch of assholes who’d stab your own grandmothers for a nickel.”
I can’t watch the video. I’m afraid I’d have to hurt someone if I did. Did anyone attending this who was not a teabagger cry shame on these assholes? I mean seriously, stand up and point and say “Shame on you! What’s wrong with you?” These asswipes have a mob mentality and think it’s just fine to go all Lord of the Flies whenever they feel like it, but someone has to stand up with the a mirror and show them how they look with that pig’s head on a stick.
@Comrade Jake: A thread with 4700+ comments is bound to be full of psychopaths. (How does one follow a thread with 4700 comments, anyway?)
well you know what they said about Graeme Frost, don’tcha?
His parents chose to insert him into a political debate by having him cut a spot for the Democratic party in favor of S-CHIP… so he’s ‘fair game’.
Apparently the Hough’s are fair game as well.
Notorious P.A.T.
Oh, I see what you did. You put “Christians” in quotes because unconcern for the death of an innocent child is so out of character for someone who worships a god that massacred the children of Egypt because he was mad at Egypt’s king.
@RedKitten: our fringe wackos don’t have politicians, pundits and cable TV networks pandering to them.
Notorious P.A.T.
And that’s different from the Crusades or the Inquisition or the native American holocaust how?
@Notorious P.A.T.:
Anybody who actually reads the Bible without having been brainwashed into believing it’s the Greatest. Book. EVAH. would have to come to the conclusion that God is a sociopath and an obsessive stalker.
Bravo RedKitten!
At some point, these assholes need to be shown a mirror – they will never gaze into one themselves. Standing there and taking the BS is not going to solve anything, but neither is shouting back; the trick seems to be finding some way to make them actually think about what they are saying.
There is something about a mob, however, that generally disrupts the logic portion of the brain. Combine that with the proud ignorance of contemporary conservatism and you have what is essentially a horde of mental zombies.
@Comrade Jake: I have and it is awful. It’s like it got taken over by the most obnoxious right wingers on the planet.
The kicker to this story is that one of the local teabagger organizers claimed to a reporter that the family had been “making the rounds” of various health care townhalls, telling the same untrue sob story.
The reporter actually did her job and checked it out. The organizer was lying through her teeth.
Jon H
@Mrs. Peel: ” Reacting with such a powerless retort only gives them a bigger sense of mob safety and more ammo to throw back.”
I doubt you’d do any better if you were in that situation. It’s easy to think of better lines when you’re not in a highly emotional situation and have the luxury of time and editing.
General Winfield Stuck
It is a baiting and switch game they are playing, like we see in other matters from these fools. The Malkin Victim syndrome. They are hoping to get us to respond with union peeps to keep the peace, Then they will howl thug dems and fox news will be wall to wall with it. It’s sick as sick can be for politicking, and desperate. If it keeps up though, a forceful response will become necessary, or dems just crawling in a shell and not meeting with their congress critters anymore in public gatherings. It is playing with fire, these fools, to incite violence, or the appearance of violence from dems. I personally think out of some pathological need to project the way they are wired onto dems.
Just Some Fuckhead
All babies must be crushed in order to ensure they aren’t Spectre of Socialism wearing a baby costume.
Corner Stone
@Notorious P.A.T.: I’m liking where you’re heading tonight.
If that reporter has any career ambitions, she’s going to have to learn to check at the door that bad habit of verifying what people tell her.
Comrade Darkness
@Notorious P.A.T.: Yeah, you may have a point there. Except that during that era we didn’t have the giant public medium of the Internet to shine a light on shit.
Notorious P.A.T.
Are you guys talking about comments by HuffPo readers, or Teabaggers who are squatting there?
They only care about them if it doesn’t cost them anything. The minute they might have to shell out so much as a nickel in taxes to help out somebody else–even an unborn baby–well, that’s when they stop caring. That’s when it becomes somebody else’s problem. That’s when it becomes nothing more than a kind of slavery to take their hard earned money to help somebody else who doesn’t deserve any help.
These are nasty, vicious people who lie awake seething at the thought that there might be somebody, somewhere, getting a break they don’t deserve, that somebody who hasn’t fully earned a good turn–the way they all have, since they’re such rugged individualists–might have a little bit of luck break their way.
Now, you might say, “Why should these assholes care? It doesn’t really cost them anything much, maybe a few extra dollars a year in taxes.” And you’d be right to ask. But I think that at heart, it doesn’t have much to do at all with the actual cost to them. Poor people could be getting all their help from charities–you know, the the way Republicans say these things should work–and these assholes would still be raging because somebody else got a break, somebody who isn’t worth any breaks, somebody who isn’t like them. And, really, they’re the ones who ought to get all the breaks. They’re the only ones who are worth anything, the only ones who deserve a helping hand once in a while. Every penny that goes to some “undeserving loser,” whatever the source, could be going instead to them, and they envy every last one of those pennies.
John’s just gonna love this poll:
I’m an actual life-long democrat (by default) who votes in every election and I have to ask: why the fuck are we so goddamned stupid?
Corner Stone
I agree with you and have previously stated that these types of people would be happy to be living out of their car as long as they could look out the window and see other people sleeping in a cardboard box.
General Winfield Stuck
With the idiots that show up at tea bag events and act like rage virus victims, it is about nothing holy, or anywhere nears. It is pure tribal lust for sacrifice to keep the fascist gods happy. They care about little other than raw bullying of any moving target that fits the description of teh Satan liberal. You ask them anything about any policy, and you get a grunt followed by “we want our country back” or some other programmed right wing horseshit.
There are folks who genuinely offended by abortion, but they are not at tea bag parties.
freelancer (itouch)
Anecdotal Wingnut Fail:
my batshit teabagging Bush-cheerleading aunt who’s been emailing my family that H1N1 is an Obama/Democrat conspiracy is less than 6 months away from divorce. Guess she can go back to generating income the way she did 20 years ago: clerking at Shopko, and selling Avon and Amway.
Good career move.
2009 shall be known as the year that my mom’s siblings, her wingnut retired Navy brother’s, and her teabagger sister’s marriages dissolved.
Hallelujah, but real marriage is between the inventor of the universe, a human with a dick, and a human with a vag, you betcha.
freelancer +4
General Winfield Stuck
Man oh man, this post has me fired up, from mostly not giving a shit about politics today
Corner Stone
@freelancer (itouch): I’m also enjoying where you’re headed tonight.
Notorious P.A.T.
@Corner Stone:
Thanks ;)
Corner Stone
I. Want. The. Freedom Tray.
@General Winfield Stuck:
“We want our country back.” They mean a white Christian president…
General Winfield Stuck
Notorious P.A.T.
This is for you, John
Maybe I missed it, but where the hell was Rep. Lipinski during all this? I mean, it was *his* town hall, wasn’t it his job to “hold up the mirror” and call these horrible people out?
I hope your aunt doesn’t have any chronic illness that requires health insurance. Especially if she’s covered through her husband’s policy.
@Corner Stone:
(877) 511-TRAY!! “Made in America. Used everywhere”
kommrade reproductive vigor
Yes, this is horrible. Yes, I know the fRighties will claim these were liberal plants. But man am I glad it was caught on tape.
Two things are going to happen soon:
1. Normal people will get sick of these fucks and anyone who supports them.
2. These dumb fucks will believe the liberal moles in our midst stories and start attacking one another.
Personally, I wouldn’t be posting nothing on the internons if I don’t knew the basics of grammar.
Corner Stone
@Notorious P.A.T.:
The sad part is that this is just about as useful as all other standardized testing in schools.
Corner Stone
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Your newsletter? How might one subscribe?
Local reporting, be it on TV or in print or web, is often very poor. Poorly reported, written, and verified, too readily stripped of any useful context.
But occasionally, local reporting is spectacularly on target, professionally written, and an object lesson to over paid national correspondents on how it ought to be done.
Someone asked where the Representative was during this despicable scene. The answer is: cowering behind a live microphone, utterly terrified to be seen criticizing or upbraiding even the lowest of his “constituents”, no matter how vicious, rude and wrong they be.
@gbear: Like you, I vote in every election, and like you, I have voted 100% Democratic for a long time because there was no choice.
But the real problem is a natural culture –even among the elite and vocal –such as John Cole, that makes us unable to 1. )Focus on the actual facts associated with a problem; 2) Define the best available solution sets; and 3)Pick one.
Many of our problems involve gray areas. A large number do not. Our universal addiction to ire, and our absolute inability to get down to business are represented by the fact that we are unable to solve even simple problems.
But hey, it’s more fun to rave about Roman Polanski. He may be a criminal and an arsewipe, but he is NOT killing 45,000 people a year, like our pathetic excuse for health care coverage.
Can we, for once, keep our goddamned eyes on the ball?
was there ever any doubt about that? I mean, DUH… the first time I heard that, I knew what they really meant.
You need a third party to stand up and call them on their shit. If the person getting screamed at answers back, 90 percent of the time it just gets lost in the shuffle. Sure, you have people like Barney Frank slapping down a protester, but he’s been doing it for, what, 40 years? A gay man is not going to survive in public life as long as Frank has unless he has a very, very thick skin.
If a third person stands up, it breaks the mob dynamic. If even one or two people in the crowd had defended her, the assholes would have slunk away.
You would think. But sometimes I think the Democrats are “spineless.” They fold when attacked instead of turning the tables back on the idiots. I would love to know how many “teabaggers” are happily on Medicare, how many have been denied coverage from pre-existing conditions, and how many have been denied payment for a procedure when they have insurance…
I remember listening to one idiotic woman rant against Obama and health care reform, all the while talking about her wonderful health cooperative that has a $5,000 deductable, which the family has used up because one of her children has chronic condition that requires constant health care. She wasn’t sure even now if health care would cover her children because there were other conditions attached.
And, then, like a robot, stated, crying, that “She wanted her country back.”
Just shoot me now. But, make sure I die, because I am not sure my health insurance will cover any repairs.
Sure, go ahead. In this instance it seems to be entirely appropriate.
About the S-CHIP fight, though.
There was the brilliant countertops inquisition….all that mess.
And then we won.
Mrs. Peel
@Jon H: Don’t bet the ranch on that sweetheart. The day a braindead wingnut gets the best of me is the day I decide I’ve been around too long.
freelancer (itouch)
@Corner Stone:
Thanks. Schadenfreude can be a glorious, cathartic thing. Just don’t turn into a trollish, raging hemorrhoid tonight.
I’m now making an open call for all BJers to watch the two BBC documentary series by Jon Ronson (author of The Men Who Stare at Goats portrayed by Ewan MacGregor in the movie) called Secret Rulers of the World and Crazy Rulers of the World. One is about the US Military’s involvement in new age/psychic bullshit, and the other is about NWO conspiracy theorists.(they’re all batshit, but that’s beside the point)
Ronson’s access to his subjects is nothing short of stunning, Errol Morris would be envious. He gets a US Marshall to admit that one of his men had flat out murdered Randy Weaver’s son Sam, on camera.
Actually, I think John is great at focusing on facts associated with a problem (DougJ too) and it’s the reason I pay attention to what they write. The problem with many dems is that once they define the best available solution set, they start trashing everyone who can’t immediately deliver 100%. They can ‘barely type thru their tears” as they rage about people that are basically on the same fucking side of the issue.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@SiubhanDuinne: If he’d said anything, or even cleared his throat in a meaningful way, we’d have to listen to Glenn Feck and his ilk scream about the horrible Islahomonazi attack on free speech.
Not that showing this video won’t be painted as a horrible Islahomonazi attack on free speech.
Letting these drooling fuckwits fling shit while the tapes rolled was the best thing he could have done.
@Comrade Dread:
I wish I was able to make it to one of these teabag conventions. I’d at least say something about the leader of their religion – whom they so proudly and loudly keep nailing back up to the crucifix with their assinine, self-centered, holier-than-thou behavior – before I probably got my ass beat.
I don’t necessarily believe Christianity, but I spent enough time with it to know that what they are spewing isn’t in any way, shape, or form, what the supposed founder of that religion talked about (and you can even throw the apostle Paul in that mix).
Concern troll is concerned.
We can multi-task, tc, and, fwiw, if every damned post on this site were about health care, we’d all be gone.
@debit: I’m with you. I can’t watch it because I will have to punch someone, and I do not want to have to leave the house tonight. I gotta agree that someone else should have stood up and said, “What the fuck, you assholes? Have you no decency?”
@Mrs. Peel: Well, that’s good for you, but not everybody is that strong. The woman in question had just lost two people, and women are not trained to attack. I would have been very surprised if she’d been able to say much else.
However, saying that, I do think we need to start training people on our side to say things such as, “You think it’s funny because you don’t have two brain cells in your head. You need at least three to be able to show any kind of logic or compassion.” Enough of this shit. Seriously.
@tc125231: You know what? I can do both. I can ‘keep my eye on the ball’ or whatever the hell you said and state that Roman Polanski is a shithead. You know why? Because he fucking is. By your logic, we shouldn’t give a shit about any domestic crime, then, because none of it compares to our national policies. I think most people here are more than capable of caring about more than one thing at a time.
@arguingwithsignposts: I know speaking for myself I can get into a serious discussion about health care, bash a wingnut, make a comment about various food pr0ns, discuss sports, and flirt with my wifey and her first fake hubby and keep my arguments cogent in all areas. We’re activists, sure, but we can have some fun too. It’s one of the reasons I’ll be forever thankful that someone over in Swampland got me lurking over here.
Again, I am bested by others before me. Sigh. Thanks, guys. No, really, thanks for saying it more concisely and more clearly.
@Yutsano: Yoo-hoo! I’m flirting right back at you, sweet stuff. I left you a comment on the open thread below, so you might want to go down. Heh.
Guess that means they’d be aborting?
People like that are idiots. They don’t have the ability to think farther than the next nanosecond.
Personally, I think the proper response is, “I’ll pray for you to receive God’s grace,” for they sure ain’t showing any…
Notorious P.A.T.
How I wish that were so.
But when people worship someone who said “I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword” and threatened cities that don’t convert to his wishes with destruction, at least some of them are bound to act like brutes.
freelancer (itouch)
As an atheist, and former Catholic whose sense of social justice is largely due to the Jesuits of my adolescent education, I believe that Christ and his message is and has been wasted on humanity and America especially.
Now, that being said, I humbly ask for a moment of silence so that in Jesus’s name, the Seminole defense finds an opportunity to severe Tim Tebow’s spinal cord tomorrow?
@Notorious P.A.T.: How about we show up and just start reading the Bible to them, all the relevant Jeebuz bits. Do you think that would make them mad?
@freelancer (itouch): How about just a concussion that keeps him out of the game? That would be more Christ-like, it seems to me.
Yes, it would. Loudmouthed Christian types don’t like it when you try to use the words in the Bible to counter their beliefs. It’ll seriously tick them off.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Violet: It’s the most fun you can have with a member of the TalEvan. With your clothes on.
@Violet: Cool. I was raised Evangelical, and I know where all the good bits are. I’m in!
JD Rhoades
There’s a substantial percentage of “Tea Party Patriots” who only call themselves conservative because they think it gives them cover for being smug, selfish assholes.
I’d like to see actual conservatives try to reclaim the term from these monsters and have a real debate on how big the government should be, but so far, I’m not seeing it.
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Sounds like a fun field trip! Any town halls happening in your neck of the woods any time soon?
@asiangrrlMN: Reminds me of one of the best moments on TV.
As usual, The Onion has the teabaggers covered.
Like Hell I’m Going To Let Some Black President Help Me Pay For Dialysis
I’m amazed that no matter how bad it gets, The Onion can always rise to the occasion. Mocking these assholes is always a good plan.
Mostly they’ll just say that part doesn’t count until jebus comes back. Yeah yeah, turn the other cheek and stuff, but not until we get some smiting in.
Fuck all them.
Corner Stone
@JD Rhoades:
Well, I’d like to meet a hooker with a heart of gold but I think both belong in the Yeti/Lochness/Alien category of “Does not exist”.
I actually got an evangelist to give up and leave me alone because I was able to point out to him that it says in the Bible that faith without works is dead, so clearly he should be out doing actual charity work instead of annoying me at the bus stop. He didn’t like that very much.
I almost went to this town hall too but decided not to violate my suburbs rule.
Ailuridae +6
@BDeevDad: That never gets old. Though, of course, footballs are made with leather.
@Violet: No, damn it. Besides, Minnesotans are very polite as a rule. If we had any really rude hecklers, they would most likely be from out of town.
@Mnemosyne: This, I like. I will have to remember this one.
Mark S.
Wow, you can be a pro-choice Republican? Is that just taken for granted?
The “purity” is basically being against everything Obama is for. Where are the Burkean bells? What would Oakshot or whatever his name is have to say?
freelancer (itouch)
Hey sweet,
I know my rhetoric can go too far sometimes and as a borderline pacifist who treasures Enlightenment values, I wish no physical harm on young Tim.
I was being facetious (who me? NEVER!) and I just wish there was something to wipe the Christianist smug off of his facepaint.
@Comrade Jake:
I deleted my account over on HP a few days ago so I wouldn’t be tempted to participate in the comments.
Wile E. Quixote
We need to treat conservatives like we treated the Nazis during World War II. The US and Brits burned Germany to the ground while the Russians killed and raped their way across the eastern half of the country. We then rounded up the German leadership, put them on trial for crimes against humanity, executed many of them and imprisoned the rest. And do you know what? Germany has been a very civilized country since then.
Brick Oven Bill
Ted Kennedy’s kid (Pat) crached into the capitol at 2:47 am. Pat told the police that he thought he was showing up for a vote. He was not given a breathalyzer, and the Capitol Police announced that there was no alcohol involved. Ted is therefore a patriot, and he entered rehab shortly thereafter.
Tiger crashed through a fire hydrant and into a tree at 2:30 am. This was also a minor traffic accident, and there was surely no alcohol, or breathalyzers, involved. The crash was because Tiger is a bad driver.
Both deserve free health care, because they are Americans.
Brick Oven Bill
+4, but safely at home for the evening.
I hope he hollered ‘FORE!!’ before he hit the accelerator.
Corner Stone
@freelancer (itouch):
Let he who is without rhetoric cast the first hyperbole.
freelancer (itouch)
@Corner Stone:
Well said.
Now DIAF and let AIDS infested wingnuts create soap from the ashes.
Corner Stone
@freelancer (itouch): Ooooo…ouuucchh.
Umm, let’s see…I got it!
“I’d like to rationally debate you but my data set does not match my conclusion!”
No, that’s probably not it.
“Your mother was also a person of low intelligence yet high caloric intake with a bad triglyceride count!”
Nope, not that either.
“Have another drink you damn drunk!”
Yep, that’s the ticket.
General Winfield Stuck
@freelancer (itouch):
Anne Laurie
@freelancer (itouch):
And the way they shall tell the story, it’ll all be NObama’s fault, ya betcha!
(So, for us DFHs, win-win.)
Little Macayla's Friend
@Corner Stone:
This RSAT?
I’m not seeing the link for the quote in your comment, though I got the tone / point. And Steelers fans might want to read it.
Corner Stone
@Little Macayla’s Friend: Yes, exactly. It was a pull from the link Notorious P.A.T. did @ 55 on this thread.
General Winfield Stuck
@Brick Oven Bill:
I’m not sure your safe anywhere BoB–a–loo.
Little Macayla's Friend
Notorious P.A.T. had the link you referred to.
/ backs out of the room.
Brick Oven Bill
I have been to Tiger’s gated community outside Orlando. There is a public boat ramp and they could not legally ban us riparian water rights, likely a concession by the developer. These are very nice houses. I remember Shaquille’s.
I have, however, never left my home at 2:30am. I left once after a fight with the spouse, at around ten, and was plowed. But my Talents kept me removed from the trees and fire hydrants. I wonder if a water-column shot into the air.
In any case, Tiger’s face is lacerated, and he needs Free Health Care.
@General Winfield Stuck: That last comment from BoB was words searching for coherence like leaves drifting in a stream longing for the ocean.
Corner Stone
I’m really confused. Did Sandra Bullock get implants at some point in the recent past?
freelancer (itouch)
@Corner Stone:
no harm, ~foul (it’s up to BJers)
freelancer +8
Corner Stone
@Little Macayla’s Friend: No, no! Stay a while and play!
ah, but you see it would have grown up to vote for D causes, and we can’t have that.
Mark S.
I was in favor of health care reform until BoB convinced me that he would have to pay for Tiger Wood’s hospital bills.
Brick Oven Bill
The ‘Triple T’, or Tiger’s Temper Tantrums. Temper Tantrums are a pre-existing condition, even when covered up by CBS, and should be covered by Free Health Care. Especially when running through a fire hydrant en-route to a tree.
And yet he spent most of his two days at Turnberry last week doing the Turn and Bury. He’d hit a bad shot, turn and bury his club into the ground in a fit. It was two days of Tiger Tantrums — slamming his club, throwing his club and cursing his club. In front of a worldwide audience.
If there were no six-second delay, Tiger Woods would be the reason to invent it. Every network has been burned by having the on-course microphone open when he blocks one right into the cabbage and starts with the F-bombs. Once, at Doral, he unleashed a string of swear words at a photographer that would’ve made Artie Lange blush, and then snarled, “‘The next time a photographer shoots a [expletive] picture, I’m going to break his [expletive] neck!”
Some of us can think about several things at once. If you can’t, that’s nothing to be proud of.
Little Macayla's Friend
@Corner Stone:
Thanks, I always come back, but have to walk off left-over T-day dressing.
Say hi to BOB for me.
These Tea Party morons are beneath contempt. I mean…goddamn, how do you reason with people who are completely devoid of any reason? Or humanity?
freelancer (itouch)
@Mark S.:
Fuck Nike!
Corner Stone
@Little Macayla’s Friend: Hi BOB!
Well, if Dan and Midge Hough had spoken out and complained about having their taxes raised by a hundred bucks a year, you betcha the crowd would have been sympathetic.
But a person dying…well, thats the invisible hand at work.
The C Street Family spreads the joy to faraway lands: Proposed death penalty for gays in Uganda.
@Comrade Darkness:
This. Well done.
A couple of months ago, listening to the radio while traveling in the rural Deep South, I heard a preacher suggesting that the message of the Beatitudes Jesus may need to be “adjusted” to meet contemporary challenges.
This is new: in several arenas (financial, religious/cultural), those who once operated in the shadows, who couched their agenda in euphemisms and spin, are now out of the closet and doing business in the wide-open. No apologies.
freelancer (itouch)
Who is Jesus Galt? Invisible Hand!
Magnetar Melon
Is this a classic case of groupthink or are these people all individually heartless? If it’s the latter, I’d like a separate planet from these people please, having the Rockies as a divider won’t do.
The teabaggers can have earth and liberals/progressives will terraform and colonize Mars (…forcing the teabaggers to use rocket science just seems cruel).
And the libertarians can be sent to one of the Jovian moons on spacecrafts built by companies who don’t have to comply with any government safety standards.
What have these sociopaths done to deserve inheriting the earth?
Telling the Teabaggers they’re going to Venus would be much more equitable.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@Notorious P.A.T.:
Squatting Teabaggers. That’s one to remember. ;)
If you vote, it ain’t “we” and its because the rest didn’t get their pony yet. I guess we can hope for the number of Republican voters to be less than 10% of the population by the time the next vote rolls around.
That or we deserve what we get.
Bill D.
Free health care is not on the table.
Magnetar Melon
I did not know this short story existed, I must read it.
But, in fairness, there is a proposal to colonize Venus that sounds absolutely awesome.
I think the woman’s response was perfect. I don’t see what calling them stupid would have achieved. I think her sincere, hurt, maladroit response had the best chance of getting someone in there to somewhere, in part of his tiny heart, probably sometime later that night, feel like shit.
freelancer (itouch)
@DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal):
I for one, am still waiting on my Miata.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@freelancer (itouch):
I will never get those 26 seconds back. I owe you. ;)
@Magnetar Melon: Awesome and possibly feasible. Maybe we’re looking in the wrong direction. After all, Venus has been proven to have many more organic compounds than Mars, plus from what I understand Venus is closer to us than Mars is. Not in our lifetimes but still quite an amazing idea.
These people are SCUM.
Man, what it would take to restrain me punching those fuckers’ lights out.
These are exactly the people who would nail Jesus to the cross.
Even if he didn’t wander around healing the poor.
@Mrs. Peel: Maybe you’re new here, but it seems odd for someone to say basically “Assholes only continue to be assholes because good people don’t insult them fiercely enough,” in the very same forum where this is proven to be false every single day.
Hob +5?
@Bill D.:
See, but BoB and his little friends all think that the Magical Road Fairy comes along and fills the potholes on their street free of charge, so therefore they shouldn’t have to pay taxes. Same principle here: any tax money that you pay towards your new and improved health insurance will actually be sent to Cadillac-driving welfare queens and not towards, you know, your own health insurance.
Because conservatives are just stupid like that. You’d think the crumbling infrastructure all around them might clue them in that there is no Magical Road Fairy but it doesn’t.
Church Lady
There is something just a little hinky about this story. I googled Midge Hough and a lot of things turned up – many blog postings, including the video of this townhall and then additional videos and assorted blog postings, all of which seemed to start in early October of this year. Each blog post is almost identical in its wording. Ms. Hough certainly seems to make the rounds of health care related protests in the Chicago area and somehow manages to be filmed at each one (“Big Insurance – Sick of It” rally on September 22 and the Chicago “Cigna 7” protest on October 8) and then each video is posted on youtube by an organization fighting for single payer healthcare. What are the odds? She also seems to post under her own name on the Organizing for America site. The basic story stays the same, but the details differ just a little in each video and her writing about Jennifer’s death.
I googled Jennifer’s name, but the only references that come up are in relation to Midge’s fight for health care and all reiterate the same sketchy information on her illness and death, as told by Midge. I had better luck with her son, Sean Fritts. He turned up in South Bend, Indiana twice. The first time is in a write up of a Notre Dame College Democrats rally in South Bend on October 10 (coincidentally the same day as a memorial service was held for Jennifer, if Midge’s blog post at Organizing for America is correct), where he speaks about Jennifer’s death. The second is a November 18 report in the South Bend Tribune on the Center for Homeless in South Bend, where he is quoted as being a resident of the Center. He also appears in a news video taken at the Center by a South Bend news station, in which he is also identified as being a resident of the Homeless Center. And yes, he’s the same guy that appears in the hospital video of Jennifer.
I thought the South Bend Tribune might have Jennifer Fritts’ obituary, so I checked there. No such luck, but their site referred me to the Social Security Death Index. No luck there either – there are two Jennifer Fritts in the index, but both died long before this past September. Neither the Tribune nor the Sun Times had anything on Jennifer Fritts.
The whole thing is strange. I don’t know what kind of countertops any of them have, nor do I care, but I also don’t really know much about Jennifer Fritts life, or death, either.
Oh goody, “Church Lady” brought the Malkin version of Chritianity to the thread.
And the rep who held this townhall, Lipinski, is a Blue Dog dick who gets great socialized health care for his own diabetes, but will use ugly demonstrations like this as an excuse to vote against HCR because his “constituants are against it”. Lipinski’s an asshole who is in an ironclad Dem area but will shaft the party anyway.
And WTF was Lipinsky doing while they were heckling this woman? I know what Barney Frank would have done, and it would have been beautiful.
@Church Lady:
For someone who jumped on DougJ for questioning the census worker’s death, your investigation is a little “hinky”.
One of the South Bend paper’s states that the dead woman’s husband is going to health care events. He says it himself. He’s not hiding it.
I don’t know that him living in a homeless shelter means much of anything. His living in a homeless shelter doesn’t do anything to discredit his story, so I’m not sure why you’re reporting it, unless it’s to make him somehow marginal.
You’re questioning that this woman died at all, am I right?
Why not just come right out and say that, without three paragraphs attempting to discredit these people based on the fact that you find them marginal and distasteful?
You’ve proved his point on conservatives and countertops, as far as I’m concerned. You’ve got nothing, but thought you’d slam them anyway.
@Church Lady: Are you suggesting that the woman didn’t exist, or that she didn’t die, or what, exactly?
@satby: He’s a wishy washy blue dog but he did vote for the bill in the house. I wasn’t at this town hall but at previous events there was a very large turnout of pro reform voters. This is a pretty blue district and we turned out a lot of volunteers last year. He’s in trouble and he knows it if he blocks this.
It’s democracy and free speech and “grass roots” when health care reform opponents travel from district to district screaming at House members, but it’s a subversive plot when health care reform advocates speak at more than one event.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@Church Lady:
Well isn’t that special.
I think you confused this blog with Malkin’s Hog Waller. Head on over there, you should feel right at home.
@kay: A reporter who verified the Hough’s story wrote rather eloquently about how distasteful the whole process was, here:
And there it is, really… what the Teabaggers hate about the Hough family is that their story is extremely illustrative of our broken health care system, and stories like these “cloud debate.” No, actually, stories like theirs cloud Teabagger bullshit, and that’s why their pissed off.
Jonny Scrum-half
I didn’t watch the whole video, but I think that I saw the entire portion where Midge spoke. I didn’t hear any heckling while she was telling her story, or afterward.
Spelling failure in last post. Grrrrrrrrrr, this story, and the Malkinesque horseshit that is accompanying it, has me really hacked off today.
I don’t think Church Lady googling what might be this woman’s last name is an investigation.
I don’t have any problem with verifying the story. I don’t know why we need a three paragraph predicate attempting to discredit them with biography prior to making the veiled accusation, though.
It’s countertops, as far as I’m concerned.
@Comrade Darkness:
I once found a fascinating essay on the web arguing that what American “Christianity” is not Christianity at all but some nasty form of Old Testament-ism.
(Not saying that has anything to do with Judaism, though. Just the O. T. as it actually reads.)
Corner Stone
@freelancer (itouch):
Poetry my friend. Pure poetry.
@kay: There’s nothing wrong with verifying the story, but it would seem that one would have come across that reporter’s notes in the process of consulting teh google.
Even though I am a bit of a cynic by nature, I have a difficult time understanding anyone who’s first reaction to Midge Hough’s story isn’t “oh my gawd, how horrible,” but rather “now that just sounds hinky.”
Forget larger notions of what is Christianity. How about they just start looking at their own actions and telling the truth?
The Tea Party Czar quoted in the article objects to these people’s story being told because it’s anecdotal, and Tea Partiers want to “talk about the bill”.
Disregard the fact that Sarah Palin launched this insanity by making a false claim where she specifically and deliberately inserted her infant son into this.
That poor kid’s been used from the moment of his birth to advance one or another of his mother’s pet causes. Trig should be on the Tea Party payroll at this point, with a competent trustee appointed, to look after his interests.
Palin milks her infant’s disability daily to whip them into a frenzy on “death panels”.
But mention of family members and anecdote are off-limits for everyone else.
@kay: Word.
I just know that you can’t make assumptions about last names, and the place to look for a record of death would be the county where the death was recorded, not a federal database, and obituaries are not a record, but usually self-reported.
The son has a different name than his mother, for example.
I think it means nothing that the son lived in a homeless shelter in South Bend and his mother lives in Chicago, unless “homeless shelter” = “marginal and not to be believed”, so why include it?
I’m sure there’s a enterprising young college conservative camped out with a video camera, in costume, as we speak. They’re digging through the Hough’s trash right now. We’ll know more when they finish their investigation.
It’s stunning, the hypocrisy. The S-CHIP kid was vilified because his parent’s were using him politically, am I right?
That was the ostensible reason these assholes attacked a little kid?
You know, to cover their inherent nastiness and give it some sort of “decency veneer”?
He was “fair game”?
The fact that Palin uses her kid daily does not occur to them? The fact that she launched this jihad using her kid?
Christ. That’s denial that approaches mental illness. No wonder they’re screaming all the time. They’re living in some fucking fantasy world.
@kay: Re: Palin, kay, it’s all quite simple. IOKIYAR.
Malkin led the “let’s attack Graeme Frost” parade, and she did it merrily. She insisted those who objected to her window-peering were exhibiting “faux outrage”, and she whined that she was merely “filling a journalistic vacuum” since the press refused to investigate a child.
But really, vis-a-vis Palin, the kicker was when Malkin famously wrote “If you don’t want questions, don’t foist these children onto the public stage.”
I mean, that is fucking rich, isn’t it?
@Church Lady:
Yes, how very strange that when your daughter and your unborn grandchild die because your daughter couldn’t afford health insurance, you become a health insurance activist in the hope that no other families will have to go through the same horrible pain that your family experienced.
I think you need to start investigating John Walsh of “America’s Most Wanted.” I mean, the guy is everywhere on TV talking about how his son was kidnapped and murdered and he wants to make sure that doesn’t happen to anyone else. Doesn’t that seem suspicious to you?
John Cole
@Church Lady: Is it just me, or as the months have gone by Church Lady has gone from polite dissenter to repulsive wingnut?
Yeah, she lost her kid and now is talking about it. Imagine that. The nerve of her.
WTF has gone wrong with you, Church Lady?
I want you to imagine the national outcry, if, the next time Sarah Palin holds that baby up as the reason she is opposing health care reform, liberals in the audience sneered, booed and laughed.
Imagine it. It would be national news.
Of course, her opposition on Trig grounds never made any sense, because everyone who lives in the real world knows that her baby is eligible for both Social Security disability benefits and Medicaid, for life. One would think a former governor would know that, but I’m not surprised Palin doesn’t.
Trig will be okay. Thanks to the hard work of liberals. Who actually walk the walk on ensuring basic dignity for the disabled, unlike conservatives.
@John Cole: Judging by the reaction from me, kay, Mnemosyne and DougL, no, it is most definitely not just you, and it’s definitely gotten worse. It’s one thing to dissent, it’s another to go full-on countertops-crazy.
@kay: And I offer you my second “Word” of the day. :-)
Just Some Fuckhead
@John Cole:
Polite dissenter? Give me a fucking break. At best, she’s been the world’s most concerned concern troll, claiming to be the only real Democrat left in the entire world after the Democratic party left her high and dry.
I’m to the point where I think conservatives, nationally, should be called on this. They open the door to this stuff, they introduce it, and then it’s in play. But liberals won’t go there.
I’m to the point where I feel as if the liberal disinclination to attack on the hypocrisy of their whole “family values” platform is just a sucker move.
I’m not playing anymore. When I see a Palin-Trig move, or a Sanford-affair situation, I’m saying it. Because they opened the door, and they’re not going to stop until it bites them in the ass.
I feel like an idiot for defending Sarah Palin from Andrew Sullivan’s intrusive inquisition. Palin and her followers would never, ever stand up for me, were I the subject of a countertops inquiry.
Thanks for finding that article. It is the one I was referring to in my first comment, but my Google skillz failed me last night.
These people will stop at nothing to get what they want, which is…something, something they cannot rationally explain to anyone who doesn’t share their inchoate rage. It’s a language I don’t speak, so I don’t know what the fuck the goal is. All I know is they fill me with disgust at every turn.
@Fallsroad: You are so right about it being a language we don’t speak. I’m sure I’m not the only one who found herself around some wingnut family members over the holiday, and it was a bit of a frustrating experience, listening to people I love, and who have been blessed and who are well-off, bitching about “government-run health care” and how it isn’t their problem if people don’t have insurance, and so on, and so on.
@Fallsroad: Oh, and just one more point on that “language” thing… I had family members screeching to me about their “freedoms” and what-not, too. I would say, “I don’t get it! What can’t you do today that you were able to do on January 19th? What the hell are you even talking about?” And rather than explain to me what “freedoms” they have lost, or are in danger of losing, they would just tell me I don’t understand, I’ve overdosed on Kool-Aid. You know the drill.
And yet there is a good possibility that your family members, like so many Americans, are one health care disaster away from financial ruin.
I admit I am always agog that self-described conservatives are happy to pay artificially high prices for every health service they access and the insurance they buy. Better that than paying less through the vehicle of taxation, lest some poor or non-white folks wind up getting health care.
Those who speak so loudly of the loss of their freedoms have little idea what the word actually means, what their rights really are, how they came to be, or why they are entitled to them. They can readily regurgitate nonsensical right wing talking points, but haven’t bothered to read or understand the documents they claim these ranting points are based upon.
For the record, I live in Fundie Rage country, better known to the rest of the US as “Oklahoma.” Watch as our legislature attempts to preempt health care legislation (and climate legislation, etc.), however it looks in the end, through the clever* use of the Tenth Amendment. Those rageaholics who haven’t read or understood the Constitution? Our legislature is over run with them.
*Clever in the wingnut sense, like those T-shirts that say “Pray for Obama” with “Psalm 109:8” underneath. They’re like little kids who think pig Latin is an unbreakable code.
@Fallsroad: Along those lines, I saw two of my friends who are probably the biggest wingnuts I know at one of the Thanksgiving get-togethers, and they’ve gone so far over the edge that it was hard to talk to them about anything. They were both really eager to inject politics into completely unrelated discussions, and just couldn’t stop talking about health care reform and how it’s going to be the death of us all, and how we should come to one of these Tea Parties and we’ll see that there are a lot of people there “just like us.”
Yeah, I know, they really did say that.
Now, here’s the thing about my friends. They went on one of those HELOC-abusing sprees this last decade, and flashed their faux-wealth like nobody’s business when the tide was high; Lexus in the drive, amazing vacations, yet none of us could figure out how in the hell they were doing it. I’m sure you know how the story ends, and I do feel sorry for them, because losing your home is a horrible and gut-wrenching experience. But listening to these same people lecture the rest of us about the national debt and being responsible and why can’t people simply put a bit of money aside for health care emergencies was just about too much to stomach, and like Kay wrote above, I don’t know how much more of a pass I’m willing to give people. I don’t think they’d stick up for me if I hit rough times, and they sure as hell wouldn’t feel sorry for the Hough Family. But at one point or another you really have to ask yourself how much, if any, self- awareness these people have. Are they just caught up, again? Or what?
Corner Stone
An unequivocal and unrelenting “Yes”.
This is what happens when extremists lose their hold on the machinery of power. They discard any remaining shreds of rational perspective they once may have held.
As for your relatives and lost houses – its a sad thing, but note the seamlessness of the talking points – your unhomed relatives are now exactly parroting Karl Rove’s latest pronunciations, that deficit spending is unsustainable, immoral, wrecking the economy, blah blah blah. They ought to call Karl up and ask for a little help now that they’ve been forced to down size, as he is one of the players partially responsible for their predicament.
The key to all of this inarticulate rage is legitimacy. Republicans and the right wing they have cultivated over the last 30 years believe, at their core, that only they are the legitimate rulers of the United States. Bearing that in mind brings the Clinton, Bush II, and Obama administrations and the Republican reactions to them into sharp focus. The fact that Obama is not a white southerner (or faux southerner, in the case of W.) is akin to gasoline on the fire.
This logically explains the cultivation of the looonier, more dangerous factions of their party, and the factually unsound conspiracy theories they fervently believe in. To the modern GOP, lies told in the service of delegitimizing and destroying an illegitimate president are not only necessary, but honorable.
Sarah Palin, bless her moronic mind, has tapped into this seething well to milk it for wealth and fame, and possibly, a wild run for the presidency. Almost everything she says is a faslehood, but she is excused in doing so not only by the right’s vision of proper claims to power but by her belief in an extremist form of Christianity, one that excuses the utilization of any method that advances the cause.
Obama, in their eyes, is an illegitimate president. As would Hillary Clinton have been. As would anyone who has failed their purity tests. This is an extremely dangerous notion, as it preemptively excuses the use of any means they feel necessary to oust the opposition from power. This includes violence.
Look for the 2010 and especially the 2012 elections to be even more over the top when it comes to reactionary rhetoric and themes of legitimacy.
C Scott
I’m sorry about this death. However, I also received a requests from the left, Mitch Stewart to tell horror stories. My story, I almost died and would have, visiting in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I was admitted, no insurance, and only saved because there were no illegal Mexicans in droves in the Iowa Emergency room. By the way, I’m over 50 can’t find a job, do volunteer work. The hospital saved me and found a grant to cover my stay there. I thank God for that. Health care in America is wonderful. I’m sorry for Jennifer, and her baby….as a pro lifer and tea party person I want to say how sorry that I am.
The emergency room admitted her, just like me. I feel so bad about her end but we both got care and attention
Think Progress — At a town hall event on health care reform Ehosted by Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL) earlier this month, Midge Hough told the tragic story of how her daughter-in-law, Jenny, and her unborn grandchild died recently because they didn’t have health insurance. Jenny came down with “severe doubl!e pneumonia, Septic shock and Respitory failure,” Hough said, “and laid in an ICU unit for the next two months at a cost of $22,000 a day.” Her baby died in the womb and Jenny died a few weeks later. But as Hough was telling her story, tea partiers at the meeting “ridiculed” her, the South Town Star reports. “They moaned and …
@Brick Oven Bill:
LOL. Perhaps BOB’s greatest post ever. Richard Brautigan
meetsT-bones haiku poet Basho.Steeplejack
Yeah, like I said–Richard Brautigan and Basho in a flaming two-care pileup.
@Corner Stone:
She looked pretty “natural” in The Proposal, recently viewed by me on DVD.
Funny movie, by the way. Just sayin’.
The only thing I have found that even remotely begins to shut them up (at least in my family) is to get down to the nitty-gritty and just tell them that they are freaking out because the president is a Negro and they can’t deal with it. Everything else is a smokescreen.
They get going again eventually, but there are a few gratifying moments of silence first.
Okay, then. Another thread where I arrive late and end up talking to myself. Please, someone, say something in the morning. In the meantime I’ll just slink off into the darkness.
Zuzu's Petals
God. Another story that just makes you want to scream.
Zuzu's Petals
@C Scott:
Actually, no, you didn’t.
Unless you had to wait until you had double pneumonia on the verge of septic shock before you were seen, because you couldn’t afford routine preventive care.
Some of the most out spoken pro life people, when given the choice between saving money or two human lives, will pick the former. As this conservative blogger detailed.
Church Lady, here is the most detailed account.