On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Matt S, Fly Fishing for Bass.
JR, The Mall.
Email me a link to your one or two favorite pics on a photo site like Flickr (do not send the image itself please) and I will put up favorites in open threads. Send a short caption if you want one.
Click on the photos for a link to the photographer’s website. To see all photo threads, click on ‘photo blogging’ at the bottom of the post.
If your computer cannot read our email links at top right, my email is (remove the zeroes): portus0jackson0ii at yahoo dot com.
Nice juxtaposition of two disparate pictures, Tim. I am loving these photo threads.
chrome agnomen
good FSM, we are swine!
(lower picture)
Doctor Science
I just put up a puzzle based on a picture in an earlier photo-blogging post that you-all might like.
The Mall picture must be after the 4.5 million departed the Tea Party protest. Has Fox News run with this yet?
Love Fly Fishing for Bass; that is gorgeous.