Which of these tweets is more annoying- Major General Josh Trevino:
You can go to his feed where he repeatedly claims Bush won his war. I guess that means we can withdraw from Iraq now without being called traitors. Josh is now busy making fat jokes. All in a days work for the up and comers in the GOP.
Or this one:
Twitter sure was a major victory for civilization.
Corner Stone
I’m no ludditarian by any means, but I just do not get twitter. A medium that encourages you to mispell words to meet a random 140 count? To condense to the most banal?
I’m pretty sure a lot of them will be gay. They just won’t…tell anyone.
General Winfield Stuck
Obama just pissed on their permanent war wet dreams. For both Iraq and Afghan.. I could hear the collective wail all the way out here in Coyoteville NM
Sedition anyone?
General Winfield Stuck
Small quotes from small minds.
I thought you vowed not to pick on the gaybloggers for DADT reasons?
Blue Raven
Please tell me that title for Trevino is sarcasm. If it isn’t, this civvy may have to smack a bird.
I’m glad I went out for Mexican and Maragaritas instead.
It only makes the stupid go faster when you read it. Would you want to dig into any of these mo’fuckas thoughts directly? Ick.
Solution? Don’t read it.
Wait, none of the troops are gay? How would someone even know that?
What would have made them happy? That he announced he had just nuked the entire Middle East(except for BabyJesusland) and half of Asia?
Cause I think that’s what it would take.
Bobby Thomson
May I assume from this that Tacitus and Gun Counter Gomer don’t share similar views on the Confederacy?
Seriously? And here I thought Afghanistan was Bush’s war.
Heh. Margaritas.
But damn these threads are depressing.
It’s very strange how Twitter has been co-opted by the right. The “trending topics” very often mesh with the what’s what Rethuglican talking point of the day.
But I guess, when you think about it, putting their thoughts into tiny little 140 character barfnuggets is the one thing they excel at.
Jay C
Pretty sad: I used to read Josh Trevino ever since his Tacitus days, and he used to be a fairly sensible and intelligent – if extreme-right – blogger: but ever since Obama got in, the ODS seems to have rotted his brain or something, and sent him right over the edge.
At any rate, that retreat-vs-reelection comment neatly encapsulates the whole wingnut mindset (sic) in a nutshell – President Obama announces the biggest troop increase for Afghanistan in years, if not ever (a move they would no doubt have vigorously defended if made by GW Bush) – and all they can think of is to rag on him as some sort of defeatist. And in whiny petulant tones, at that.
Blue Raven
@hal Simple. Obama’s such a homophobe, he scared them all into quitting.
No, no! You have to go check out Rick Warren’s tweets before you’re really most sincerely thru with twitter.
General Winfield Stuck
Real men don’t Tweet
wasabi gasp
I’ll have a Manwich with Cheetos, please.
There has to be some virtue in these guys being ineluctable fuckfaces in real time. I’m not sure what it is yet, but I’m sure it will surface soon.
J.D. Rhoades
I recently went through a merciless weeding of the people I’m following, then organized the survivors by category using the new tools Twitter’s put in place. Now I can just go to tweets of people I know, or people in the book business. I only drop into the ‘news and opinion” category when I’m damn good and ready.
Jay C
“Pretty sad: I used to read Josh Trevino ever since his Tacitus days, and he used to be a fairly sensible and intelligent – if extreme-right – blogger: but ever since Obama got in, the ODS seems to have rotted his brain or something, and sent him right over the edge.”
I always felt that he was a nutcase from way back; he just understood how to express insanity in language which seemed less extreme.
Since when have these assholes ever cared about troops’ lives? Unless they were criticizing the lack of a clear, achievable mission (or a mission at all) under Bush – let alone a war of choice sold with lies – they can go to hell.
Also – Bush “won” “his war”? Like you say, great, let’s get out of Iraq then. But how does Afghanistan magically become not Bush’s war? These guys aren’t just assholes, they’re liars and/or morons. (Or should I say, morans.) It’s also nice how he ignores the latest report on Tora Bora.
I wish Twitter had been around in 2004-2005 so we could go back and look at all of Josh’s very concerned tweets about soldier’s lives being endangered by Bush administration policies.
I’m a little surprised that Trevino has been able to squeeze his unmistakeable brand of pretentious douchenozzlery into 140-character bursts, but he’s managed to do it.
As I said the other day: if Obama can produce a body that plausibly belongs to bin Laden, he can bring the troops home the next day and start worrying about how to campaign against the Whig party because the GOP will cease to exist.
JC, why are you “done” with Twitter when you have all these idiots in your blogroll? Seriously, is Twitter any worse than teh blogosphere as far as asshattery?
Pretentious Douchenozzlrey is a compact essence that fits quite nicely within 140 characters.
It doesn’t take a novel to be an asshole. ;)
The collective look of chagrin on their faces would be awesome.
Wile E. Quixote
Josh Trevino is a lying, ignorant sack of shit. If he knew anything about George McClellan, which he obviously doesn’t, he’d know that McClellan explicitly renounced the Democratic party’s peace platform in 1864, writing the following in the letter he sent to the party accepting the nomination.
@MikeJ: If Bin-Laden or his remains are found, expect to see Dick Cheney on TV turning red, with his wires popping out, as he is transformed into a little black bat that will go flying of into the night.
;Aravosis is so dented by Obama hatred that he can’t make sense anymore.
@fraught: I agree. The comments at that site are vile.
I was disappointed when you announced your use of that site to begin with. I hate Twitter and think it is the most inane, useless goddamned thing ever.
@fraught: He was that way towards Hillary during the primaries. Do not discount the possibility that he is insane.
joe from Lowell
I hope the entire Republican Party starts partying like it’s 2002.
All of the conservatives I’ve seen comment on the speech seem determined to roll out the same arguments that failed so miserably, and that same line of strategic thought that was so thoroughly discredited by their handling of the Iraq War, and the broader response to 9/11.
John McCain is making the same idiotic argument about setting a timeline that failed so miserably during the election. How’s Iraq, Senator, since we signed that SOFA? Collapse yet? How about those enemies? Did we embolden them?
No? You’ve spent the last year bragging about how great things have turned out in Iraq?
So…you were saying?
I think the better question is why Afghanistan wasn’t “Bush’s war”.
If Bush won Iraq, did he lose Afghanistan?
He started two but only participated in one?
Leelee for Obama
@beltane: TicketMaster, here I come!
John, you’re blaming the medium, not the message. Josh Trevino would be a douchenozzle whether he chose to communicate via Twitter, dead-tree newspaper, smoke signals, or interpretive dance.
@Kennedy: That’s the whole point.
Telex, morse code, and semaphore flags, also. Interpretive dance is very rich. I’m trying to erase the image of Josh Trevino doing pirouettes from my mind.
On the plus side, Twitter allows me to veto prospective hires without having to read a lot.
@RedKitten: The medium is the moosage… Marshall Mac 4 Evah!
True – any random comments thread here is proof of that – but Trevino’s longer-form writing is so needlessly ornate that I didn’t think he’d be able to adequately convey just how big an asshole he is in a medium like Twitter.
Clearly I was wrong.
Leelee for Obama
@JK: I must say, the interpretive dance made me chuckle a lot!
No. no no no! He did not do any participating. He only gave out the orders for others to die.
Wow. What a backhanded way to criticize Obama. But a typical right-winger. Even 150 years ago, exercising political expression in running for office is tantamount to treason.
@JK: One must not forget, of course, the Aldis lamp.
Yes, of course and God Bless Monty Python.
kommrade reproductive vigor
This Josh Trevino?
Why the fuck were you following this pustule on a dog’s dick in the first place? I mean, what the fuck did you expect, mon ami?
Jesus Cole, with all the tweets from the twittering twats you inflict upon yourself I’m starting to suspect your household accidents are the sign of underlying masochistic tendencies.
@gbear: OK, that would be a little too cruel.
Hah! They’re very different than us. Obama’s wrong. There’s no common ground.
I could not write the words “Bush won his war” the day that Bush’s successor lays out the plan to rescue Bush’s Afghanistan effort from certain failure, but that’s me.
Just ignore that big ‘ol other war. I don’t think I could write that.
OK, there is some serious win there.
One should never deviate slightly from the view that Trevino is utterly pointless and contemptible.
If it were merited, one might appreciate the exquisite agony the creep must feel when Moulitsas appears on TV or among his peers, the movers and shakers of politics. One shouldn’t, of course. That sympathy is entirely unearned.
Leelee for Obama
Jesus Christ on a pogo-stick, Nagl, the COIN author, just said, flat out on Maddow, that we need to increase our military and that would have a profound impact on unemployment in this country.
Think maybe that was part of the plan for never-ending war? Make sure we had lots and lots of unemployed people? Hey, it seemed to work for Louis the 14th. He died regretting it, but what that hell. Maybe the almost a Depression was a feature, not a bug for the Bush-Cheney Crime Family
The key to using Twitter is carefully choosing who you listen to. Much like all media.
@Leelee for Obama:
Turning the unemployed into soylent green would reduce unemployment as well.
But the problem with the idea is that the military has been trying to recruit for years – there aren’t enough takers – even with the unemployment. The only way it would work is a draft.
Of Bugs and Books
So sorry to hear that, John.
Twitter was your norwegian blue parrot, right?
Steve Balboni
You just now figured out that John Aravois is a fucking twit? I could have told you that in 2005.
Steve Balboni
and now clearly I’m the twit as that wasn’t Aravois.
I am not on Twitter because it is a damned waste of time, but it is a good theoretical place for random sports observations :)
I also notice that EW uses Twitter as a place for things that are too short or impulsive for a post. That’s EW. You can imagine what less rigorous others would do with this medium.
Twitter boils everything down to snark. It’s like bathroom graffiti: sometimes it’s pithy and sometimes it’s vaguely clever but always it’s disposable.
Dead faint
If all you want is to catch bin Laden, you don’t need 200,000 troops.
@Steve Balboni: The second one isn’t Aravosis?
This kind of idiocy is the only thing that gives me hope for our democracy. Democrats kind of suck lately (esp. the centrists), but Republicans are so determined to march rightward like lemmings off the cliff of irrelevance that they’re doing our opposition research/attack ads for us.
I wish Democrats would figure out that today’s “Republicans” represent less than 30% of the population. The other 70% is in play, and that’s more than enough. Stop acting like we need 100% (or that it’s even achievable) or that you’re “not real Americans” if you’re not buying Sarah Palin’s latest lie.
Ender’s game… so right about the what the media would be like, so wrong about what the content would be like.
@Wile E. Quixote:
genmccellan tweets: im n yr party hatin yr dudes
Red Kitten:
Yeah, interpretive dance! I would LOVE to see that — hardy har har!!!
thanks for the yuks
“Jesus Cole, with all the tweets from the twittering twats you inflict upon yourself I’m starting to suspect your household accidents are the sign of underlying masochistic tendencies.”
another hardy har har!! You guys are tearing me up tonight…
Waltisfrozen is the guy behind The Talent Show, and a liberal. Like very left. His point wasn’t to bash gays it was a very valid point that Obama has repeatedly backed away from specific promises while, as we’ve seen, not doing the same for conservative war hawks. In other words, he doesn’t want the gays to die, he’s wondering why the right wingers get their fondest wishes fellated first.
Seriously, say what you want about Trevino, but WIF is one of the good guys.
this goes for almost everything the news media reports on a daily basis as well, so does that make Twitter a genuine 21st century new medium?
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
No it’s not. The wingularity thrives on sound bites and doesn’t do nuance, hence no need for more than 140 characters. If they are accused of comments lacking any substance it gives them the excuse of ‘what do you expect for 140 characters?’, then the wingnut proceeds to ‘inform’ the questioner using the usual growling and barking sounds they thrive on, never answering the criticism.
In the meantime they can generate sound bites in the hope that something sticks to the wall. If they do come up with something true and that takes hold, rather than using the ‘squirrel/nut’ luck explanation I will go with the monkeys/shit/wall analogy.
If the foo shits, wear it.
Comrade Kevin
There’s a guy on twitter, I think it’s @Cynicor, who does a good, amusing job of mocking these right-wing knuckleheads, within the 140-char limit.
Isn’t that limit based on how long a cell phone text message can be?
I figured that twitting would be like being in jr high all over again, clicks that I don’t belong to, limited vocabulary and just pure bull shit that I didn’t care about. At least I got one new thing right in my life that I didn’t have to even give a second thought to.
So let me try one here.
Twitting is a complete waste of time, energy and electrons.
A complete thought and not close to the limit.
I figured that twitting would be like being in jr high all over again, clicks that I don’t belong to, limited vocabulary…
And I fail to see the difference between a tweet and a typical Atrios or Instapundit posting. Some are long-winded gasbags (Greenwald or Larison); some are able to get to the nugget in one shovelful. Heck, half of Cole’s posts are under 140 characters of original material.
Wait a minute. Isn’t this Bush’s war?
It is the consolidation of the graffito mindset.
And Trevino is now attacking Oliver Willis.
Like others have written above, Trevino’s reputation from Tacitus years ago is undeserved. He’s an arrogant wingnut hack who seems fond of the idea of empire, the “clash of civilizations”, anti-Islamic bigotry, and other odd and uncomfortable notions. During the Tacitus years he was usually able to hide it better than most right-wing bloggers by using dense and wordy prose and keeping up a pretension of civility and moderation. However, during previous Presidential elections and now, with Obama in office, the facade breaks down and what is revealed isn’t much different than most other right-wing frothers, especially when he’s limited to 140 characters.
The best thing about Twitter is that it will make confessions easier when the suspects are rounded up.
Sour Kraut
I guess that makes Oliver the stand-in for Steve Gilliard.
Josh ‘Dolchstoss’ Trevino, pretentious reactionary and owner of the world’s only semen-stained thesaurus, has been performing his utterly predictable rightwing schtick for ages. Which Trevino Move is next? Will it be the long-winded rhetorical misdirection, the ludicrous historical analogy or will he simply make another baseless claim to occupying the moral high ground?
Props to everyone who has noted that the Wingers thrive on Twitter because they like to keep it short and simpleminded.
Another key concept is, I believe, the Wingers love the “proclamation.” They thrive on declarative sentences that unambiguously assess fault and/or draw a brightline of right or wrong. There need be no discussion.
Finally, let’s not forget the fascination with simply seeing something in print (or onscreen). The gravitas they impart to something spelled out – which is then run back-and-forth through the mill, cross-cited, etc. – is what they base their arguments on.
@Sour Kraut:
Oh my God, it’s full of WIN.
Isn’t he the douchebag who goes on and on about civility, yet onetime “outed” Billmon’s real name?
I have a twitter account so I can follow what my boss shares with the world (I can’t say tw**t because it is fucking weak). I did, however, break my absolute twitter silence to call Josh Trevino a fucking cock.