On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Cheryl, Bryce Canyon reimagined in pastels.
Paul, Pray Lake.
Email me a link to your one or two favorite pics on a photo site like Flickr (do not send the image itself please) and I will put up favorites in open threads. Send a short caption if you want one.
Click on the photos for a link to the photographer’s website. To see all photo threads, click on ‘photo blogging’ at the bottom of the post.
If your computer cannot read our email links at top right, my email is (remove the zeroes): portus0jackson0ii at yahoo dot com.
Well Tiger Woods has issued an apology today for unspecified transgressions as set forth in this article, but more importantly check out the last 2 paragraphs of this article regarding Obama.
in canaduh
too much nature.
lets see some street photography, architecture, sports anything not nature please
OMG Gay pixelated action
I would note that the “See my ex-girl naked” ads are back in rotation.
Dogfish Head and Sierra Nevada collaborate on a beer. Sounds wonderful.
Just Some Fuckhead
@arguingwithsignposts: Thank you and tell her I think she’s cute.
yeah just noticed that myself…
In case anyone is interested, the Bryce Canyon shot is a hand-colored black & white photograph. It’s an old-fashioned technique but still has some artistic value today.
Just Some Fuckhead
Also, if everyone could click on my personal link, I’d appreciate it.
Tim F.
@in canaduh: Honestly, I sympathize with your point, but this isn’t photo.net. Studio, portraiture, street shooting and sports are just harder to do well than a nice landscape.
Michael D.
Beautiful pictures, as usual. Loving this.
@in canaduh:
Here ya go.
Corner Stone
Good sweet Lord.
Corner Stone
@Cheryl: Awesome job. I am digging that work.
Corner Stone
@jeffreyw: A man after my own blocked-arteries I see.
@Corner Stone: Old fart pipefitter, me. Here’s some empty reels.
drove out to this with my folks while they were visiting over thanksgiving
Tom Hilton
Both lovely. Have to get to Bryce someday…and have to get back to Glacier with a decent camera.
Wow, I love the Bryce photo-paint-job. One of my favorite places (I’ve gone in the middle of winter, and managed to avoid the crowds).
If you want to see more hand-colored photos, click on my name and have a look at my website.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Is this a rick-roll?
General Winfield Stuck
Wow, that is so cool. Might give it a try myself.
And there is no such thing as too much nature.
Lovely mountain lake scene Paul.
licensed to kill time
Wow, that first photo looks like a Mother Goddess.
Rick Taylor
Just another reminder the opposition party has gone stark raving nuts. Unable to get congressional hearings on Acorn, they’re doing their own informal hearings..
Paul, where is Pray Lake? It’s lovely and I want to go there and fish.
Good grief, really? Where are you that Trona, of all places, is a short drive? Inyokern? Ridgecrest?
General Winfield Stuck
@Rick Taylor:
If wingnuts got to telling the truth on a regular basis, it could lead to who knows what.
It was about a 2-3 hour drive from here in Orange County.
Ah, okay. That makes more sense — I didn’t think that anyone in Inyokern or Ridgecrest even had Internet access (I keed, I keed).
When I lived in Mammoth, I remember our high school football team had to travel there to play every year. Downside: really long bus ride. Upside: kids raised at 8000 feet elevation getting to play at about 2000 feet.
Brick Oven Bill
I have fished at Pray Lake. It is beautiful and located in Glacier National Park.
Breaking News:
Elyse Keaton (Meredith Baxton), of the TV show Family Ties, has come out as a lesbian.
@Rick Taylor: I think we should all send him some nutcrackers.
Santa Claus is coming to town..,
Wonder who’s going to be on the “naughty list?”
With Afghanistan taking over headlines haven’t heard too much about health care reform these past few days.
Original Lee
OT, but hey, it’s an open thread: Over the weekend, we were driving through Michigan and saw many apple orchards where the fruit was rotting on the trees. My in-laws told me that the cherry crop had done the same thing – both fruits had bumper crops this year but it was not economic to harvest or transport the harvested fruit to market. What I want to know is (aside from a huge WTF):
1. Why was this not national news? (Well, actually, I probably already know the answer to that one.)
2. Why on earth were volunteer groups not out harvesting the fruit for free (gleaning), if the farmers were going to leave it on the trees anyway?
3. Why were packers not donating processing, and truckers not donating transportation? Was stimulus money possible?
We are a nation chock-full of volunteer organizations panting to help the hungry all over the world, and NOBODY gave a flying fuck?????
Although when I mentioned this to a coworker on Monday, his response was, “The Chicago crowd doesn’t care about agriculture. The news media only puts out what they think the Obama Administration is interested in.” Which got another WTF??? mental response from me, because this coworker was one I had previously regarded as rational.
It’s still possible that some of the fruit could be salvaged, because the weather has been so cold. Does anybody here know of an group that would be interested?
Over the weekend, we were driving through Michigan and saw many apple orchards where the fruit was rotting on the trees. My in-laws told me that the cherry crop had done the same thing – both fruits had bumper crops this year but it was not economic to harvest or transport the harvested fruit to market.
Damn, but run that by the child poverty/food stamps stats, and it sounds downright Depressiony!
(Cue that 75-y.o. photos of farmers dumping milk into the streets.)
General and Cheryl:
Back when I was into b&w photography I really got off on colorized black and white.
I did a friend’s wedding pics using that technique with some of the photos and it was fun to do and very dramatic, as you could hand color some of the prints just very delicately…they made the prints each a work of art…
I used color pencils and first prepped the photos with a matte prep to help the color adhere better…
I was primitive in my technique. I am sure there are much better techniques and I know you can use paints as well…
Anyway, I love the photo features here at BJ. Keep em coming!
don’t know if anyone has linked to this yet…
“In an ideal world McCain’s sterling reputation among the Beltway press corps as a go-to commentator would be undermined by the constant stream of evidence that he has no understanding of any policy issues.” from Matt Yglesias, who links to Stan Collender, who points out that Grampy McCain is an idiot and no one seems to notic.
NY just said “NYET!” to gay marriage.
Sorry, link did not work.
“In an ideal world McCain’s sterling reputation among the Beltway press corps as a go-to commentator would be undermined by the constant stream of evidence that he has no understanding of any policy issues.” from Matt Yglesias, who links to Stan Collender, who points out that Grampy McCain is an idiot and no one seems to notice.”/
Bleh, I’m so disappointed in my state Senate today. 38-24 was such a hard fail. I have to wonder if the whip count was way off or they knew what was coming and decided for some reason to proceed with the vote anyway.
@Brick Oven Bill:
What a coincidence! I have prayed at Fish Lake. It’s a small world.
Well, I guess that means you can quit trying to get a date with her, right?
The Tim Channel
Gorgeous pics. Saw the Sarah goes bowling news. LOL. Also saw where she charges for pictures at her book events! Ridiculous markup that would make a bankster hard.
Then there’s this:
Yes, but it means that I can start. Rowr!
General Winfield Stuck
CNN on their worldwide comedy tour,
Headline News
Mouse roars. Cat dines.
General Winfield Stuck
I just nominate our esteemed blog host senor Cole for the Air America cruise contest. You all be sure and vote when it’s time.
You can thank me later Cole, when your catching rays on the USS AA Minnow.
General Winfield Stuck
I am sorry. Wrong link. here is right one. you vote by nominating from the form.
Demo Woman
@General Winfield Stuck: Oh, to be present when the President thanked him very much and then told him to go to one of his five homes to sulk…
What’s funny is the Log Cabin Republicans are blaming the Dems for the lack of bipartisan support even though no republicans voted for it.
They claim that had the Dems had the votes to pass it by themselves, then Republicans would have “voted their conscience”.
It’s always funny to watch the contortions they’ll go through to claim that “GOP hate fags” isn’t true.
They Live By Night
I’d like to take this opportunity to say fuck you to my state, New York. Or rather, to 38 of its state senators.
General Winfield Stuck
Incest with the Devil
Rosemary’s baby wants to vent. How precious.
Rick Taylor
Who says Republicans don’t have a plan for dealing with the economy?
Another blue state says no to gay marriage. Time to break out the “hater” claims, since that’s worked so well all the other times.
General Winfield Stuck
Senate wingnuts reveal plan to go full Wolverine for upcoming Senate Blood Match on the Senate Floor over HCR.
General Gregg will be leading the troops to blow the Senate to smithereens.
Original Lee:
I’m going with everyone in Michigan is a fucking moron.
Michigan Gov. Granholm and AG Mike Cox are now threatening legal action against Illinois over Asian Carp. Not sure what they expect from Illinois, the USFWS were the idiots who imported them and the Corps of Engineers behind the hare-brained barrier. I suppose there’s no political downside to scapegoating the FIB’s but folks in Michigan should take a few deep breaths and get a grip.
Who needs news about the war or the economy?
If you did not sleep with Tiger Woods, please raise your hand.
Just Some Fuckhead
I don’t think it’s any of your fucking business, pantysniffer.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
RE: If you did not sleep with Tiger Woods, please raise your hand.
Apparently, Tiger Wood’s sex life ranks up there with knowing the last detail of White House party crashers. The whole world is gossiping.
As for panty sniffing, each to his taste.
@Makewi: The truth is the truth, whether it “works” or not. There is no legitimate secular reason to deny GLBT people the right to marry each other. Period. It’s bigotry.
Lovely pics as usual. I am so enjoying these photo open threads, Tim F.
Paul (Jvstin)
@elmo as BOB said, Pray Lake is in Glacier National Park. An absolutely beautiful and slightly underrated NP, in my opinion. I’ve been to Yellowstone and to Glacier of course, and Glacier just might edge out Yellowstone as my favorite NP.
It’s less crowded than Yellowstone by a country mile, and there is so much to see. You have to “work for it”, though, since the park is so huge and a lot of it is not as accessible by road like Yellowstone is.
I can’t wait to go back.
If you guys liked the Pray Lake picture and clicked on the link to the flickr page, I am sure you already found its part of a set of Glacier NP pictures of mine. But here is the link, too, to the set:
Glacier NP Pictures