More family values:
In an incident in which the perpetrator should have considered that he would become a household name on Wonkette before going through with it, former Missouri House Speaker Rod Jetton is facing assault charges for allegedly beating the shit out of his mistress while having sex. His ladyfriend had not uttered the “safe word,” probably because Jetton was beating her unconscious.
Allegedly, the safe words were “Say no to gay marriage.”
I was hoping this story would make its way here. My only question is this: Why can’t Republicans have normal affairs? Are these people even capable of non-violent sex that isn’t part of a commercial transaction, or that does not involve using wet-suits or taxpayer funded expense accounts?
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Welcome to my state. Sure, other states have a more prominent batshit insane, hypocritical douchenozzle reputation. But…
Live here for thirteen fucking years and you’ll see just how well we compete in that arena.
I’ll be amazed if this asshole resigns. In fact, he’ll probably get reelected.
It seems like white people have been having a rough day.
Marriage isn’t really sacred unless you’ve got someone, somewhere trying to defile it. And since gays can’t wed…
Seriously, though. Beating your mistress is definitely one of the all time douche bag moves. What happened to the carefree innocence of the double wetsuit guy with black dildo anus?
Yes, closeted gay Republicans are capable of loving, non-violent sex. They just can’t admit it to anyone.
Just Some Fuckhead
I guess ya gotta be a little twisted in the first place to be attracted to a Republican.
Allegedly, the safe words were “Say no to gay marriage.”
On that note.
No, he’s not talking about gay marriage. That’s NY State Senator Hiram Monserrate, who voted against the NY State gay marriage bill, complaining about the unfairness of the court order which prevents him from seeing his girlfriend after he was convicted of assault against her
That is all.
@danimal: That was both sad and yet somehow beautiful. Somewhere, Lindsey Graham sheds a tear.
He’s a Republican, not a Reagan conservative. Reagan conservatism cannot fail. It can only be failed.
Why oh why
What about the sanctity of beating up and choking your mistress while having sex? Another attack on the traditional Republican values.
Mark S.
It was a more innocent time, that’s for sure.
Jay B.
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: There really is something about the whole “repression” thing that fractures your mind. They are so abnormal when it comes to sex that sex has to be abnormal. They basically want to criminalize sex and so…their sex is criminalized. For a good example, you can even use Eliot Spitzer. I like the guy. He was a force for good against Wall St. But he had a weakness for high-end prostitutes AND grandstanding against them.
But that’s sundry hypocrisy compared to the exotic, shattered notion of everything from fidelity to what sex actually IS that Republicans have. This is what happens when you make it a vicious cultural wedge issue while simultaneously commanding that people don’t think about it, talk about it in school or act on it in a healthy way.
Hey! Where the hell did my edit button go?
The Republic of Stupidity
You forgot to add: ‘small children and/or frightened livestock’ to that list…
Said the victim to the police interviewer…
‘He was a ba-a-a-a-a-a-d man… a ba-a-a-a-a-d man…’
Comrade Darkness
This dovetailing with wonkette is telling. We’ve all become hawkeye pierce, behaving insane to remain sane in a den of insanity.
@Comrade Darkness: And drinking heavily. Don’t forget the heavy drinking.
Where do they find these people? Do they have tryouts? Do they shoot down the run-of-the-mill assholes and bigots, and only give the green light to the truly antisocial, sadistic deviants? The Republican Party has become nothing more than an organization for sociopaths.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Remember everybody, harder is not a good safe word.
I like the idea of the safe words being “Happy Holidays”.
Smokinggun never said it was black.
You’re a racist, also.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Here in Misery, they’re bred in axlotl tanks located in the basement of every Six Flags over Jeeebus church down in the southwest corner of the state.
White Rabbit
I’m watching “Alice” on SyFy – all too often reading these here lefty bloggy thingys on the intertubes – I feel like I done gone down the rabbit hole. The mind wobbles. How many keyboards must die from being sprayed with assorted beverages before we say “enough!”. Thanks for sharing the hilarity
The Republic of Stupidity
Aw geez… this line reads like a bad ‘to-English’ translation of some highly dubious Asian sex film…
It’s assholes like this that give BDSM and kink lifestyles in general a bad name.
Drexel Spivey: He must have thought it was white boy day. It ain’t white boy day, is it?
Marty: No man, It ain’t white boy day.
Ben JB
Shouldn’t a safe word/phrase be something you wouldn’t normally say? So, for these people “say no to gay marriage” would be as bad a choice for a safe word as “more tax cuts”–or, for that matter, “Wolverines! Also.”
There are only so many to go around, and a lot of people are commenting tonight.
Okay, I shouldn’t have laughed at that.
Classic Republican sense of responsibility and accountability. She didn’t say the safe words while he was choking her and beating her unconscious. Her fault. No doubt he sees himself as the victim. Maybe this is how real American defenders of family values hunt for a soulmate in MO.
@The Republic of Stupidity:
“Why, no, officer, I was just helping that sheep over the fence.”
The Republic of Stupidity
Indeedy… THAT certainly ‘slpains why there’s a shortage of virgin wool in Red states…
And whatever you do… DON’T let him near the Woolite…
This entire thread wins the tubz for the month.
Please tell me there is an article from the AP out there that contains both “Missouri House Speaker” and “safe word”
J. Michael Neal
Okay, let’s, just for the moment and purely for the sake of argument, give him the complete benefit of the doubt. This is the reason (well, in addition to the whole blood chemistry thing) that breath play is so fucking dangerous.
Jetton: v.
1) To engage in risky sex in an overly enthusiastic manner with too little care given to safety.
2) To beat the shit out of someone while claiming sense (1) as an excuse.
(Yes, Michael – breathplay is something to be seriously careful with.)
This needs to be painted as a still life. Gary Aldridge, Wetsuit Guy With Black Dildo Anus (2007)
I bet the safewords were “Micheal Moore” but he could only hear “more” between the sounds of his fists hitting her.
Roger Moore
Yes, but they aren’t satisfied by it. That’s why it’s usually the mistress/prostitute/gay lover who’s involved in the kinky stuff, rather than the wife. Or maybe it’s just selection bias. The ones who are satisfied doing missionary with their wives never get into the news for it. Even the ones who want watch their wives have sex with strangers in Paris sex clubs don’t get in the news unless the wife gets upset and files for divorce over it.
Besides Republican Congressmen, who else exhibts classic signs of sexual repression leading to outbursts of violence?
Serial killers.
That is all.
Quaker in a Basement
Yeah, yeah.
Now about Tiger Woods….
Well, the ones on the bottom moreso than the ones on the top.
Nancy Irving
What part of “green balloons” don’t you understand, punk? ROTF…
SIA aka ScreamingInAtlanta
Am I a bad person for thinking this is fucking hilarious? (from the Wonkette article)
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
@SIA aka ScreamingInAtlanta:
I like the comment there that “Limbaugh” should have been the safe word though I would have pointed out that while this safe word will make liberal dicks go limp, it has the opposite effect on wingnuts. That and that the one who said the safe word was “Michael Moore” but between blows all Rod could hear her say was “Moore”.
Me is bad and laughing my ass off. :)
Suppressing your true nature to fit the Republican mold is difficult, ask Ted “Browneye” Haggard, Senator Larry “Wide Stance” Craig, Senator “Diaper” Dave Vitter and numerous other wingers about it.
It’s kind of like being a Catholic priest.
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
Oops, you get the credit for the “Michael Moore” line! Good one, how very Wonketteish of you to come up with that one. :)
I better smoke another bowl or two…
Anne Laurie
“Green balloons“? I am reminded of my all-girl working-class Catholic high school, and the memorable day when Sister Principal harangued us over the p.a. system with a speech that started, more or less, “Those of you girls who won’t understand what I’m about to talk about — stop listening right now. And those of you who DO — you should be ashamed of yourselves! ! !”
As the homeroom teachers explained afterwards, some of our classmates had secured illicit access to a third-grade classroom in the adjoining grammar-school building. And every Monday morning, the little kids were finding… discarded white balloons under their desks. And apparently it was several weeks before any of those kids’ parents were willing to admit they knew what those rubber novelties really were…
“Rod Jetton” could be the greatest porn name evah
And today’s lesson – always arrange a non-verbal alternative safe signal if speech may in any way be impaired. And yes, breath play is fucking dangerous. Just ask Michael Hutchence.
Johnny Pez
So, how long before Fox News identifies this guy as a Democrat?
Dr. Squid
Wotta farging surprise. I had hoped that he had run for governor last cycle – that way I could have seen him be completely and publicly destroyed.
Instead, he appears to have destroyed himself. Delicious. Today will be a good day.
Remember everybody, “harder” is not a good safe word.
Nor is “more.”
Bill O'Reilly
@DougJ: You antireligious bigot! Why is your safe word not “Merry Christmas!”?