With all due respect to Stanley Kaplan, I can’t believe they published a Sarah Palin Op-Ed on global warming:
“Climate-gate,” as the e-mails and other documents from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia have become known, exposes a highly politicized scientific circle — the same circle whose work underlies efforts at the Copenhagen climate change conference. The agenda-driven policies being pushed in Copenhagen won’t change the weather, but they would change our economy for the worse.
[….]Without trustworthy science and with so much at stake, Americans should be wary about what comes out of this politicized conference. The president should boycott Copenhagen.
My brain is broken. I hope I have enough gin in my house to get to sleep tonight.
I’m going out for a bit. I may not return. I am just going outside and may be some time.
Update update. I guess we all forgot to say “green balloon”.
Sarah, I remember condemning the people who hacked your email.
I take that back. Hope they do it again, bitch.
Shorter Palin: We’ve always been at war with East Anglia! Also, President Kenyan Darkie needs to stop chewing tobacco. It sets a bad example, you betcha.
Holy shit, indeed. What is this fuckery?!
That’s it, I got nuthin’. It’s beyond my understanding.
Oh. My. God.
Yes, that “radical environmental movement” seeking to preserve the human race for our children.
Fred Hiatt is surely bucking for a Pulitzer with this one.
General Winfield Stuck
Sarah Serendipity finally said something true. Why is yer brain broke Dougj? we are all completed by this awesome event, TOOO/
Sputter . . . What possible qualification does she have to write about this? I know, she had no qualifications to be VP, or governor either. But still . . . These people know that and they’re handing her the platform to spew uneducated BS for personal gain anyway.
Don’t click the link and help them make money from it.
Please don’t link to the WaPo (aka Kaplan’s Rag).
who says she wrote it?
The real question, of course, is who wrote the damned thing, since it sure as hell wasn’t word-salad Sarah.
I’m intrigued by the Project Wonderful ad about the glib douche shilling his movie while simultaneously telling me to go fuck myself. Interesting.
great minds … even the same time stamp.
Why oh why
What about Evolutiongate?
Eric U.
silly, she can look out the window and see the weather. And it’s cold. So there is no global warming.
What about Evolutiongate?
Hell, how about Gravitygate?
Liberal media!
How about “GermTheoryofDiseasegate”?
Ok, so I’m wondering, even if all these crazy climate change deniers don’t believe in climate change, why exactly are they still so set against, you know, keeping the planet pretty and not wiping out thousands of animal species?
Is this some sort of Christian thing? Like God put us all here and he knows all and he obviously knew that we would fuck everything up but he must have been cool with it too so we should still keep doing it?
My mind, can not compute.
Comrade Dread
When your energy policy consists of chanting drill, baby, drill, you’re a f***ing joke and I don’t give a rat’s ass what you have to say.
If you have principled objections to Climate change policy, state them eloquently and make counter proposals to move us as a nation away from fossil fuels.
Otherwise, go sell your books to the rubes and basement dwelling fanboys and shut the f*** up.
It’s official. I can no longer click on WaPo. Last straw.
I have now moved my bookmark for the Washington Post from my News folder, and put it into my “News” folder (which also has the WSJ, the NYPost, and CNN). Not much longer before it moves over to Outrage (e.g. FOXNews and the NRO).
Sorry Ezra. I gotta admit I’ll miss reading his blog. Even tho’ it’s uncharitable of me, and selfish, I kind of hope that he gets fired soon so I’ll be able to read him again.
Ok, that was just weird.
On topic: Green Balloon! Does that mean Sarah will stop beating up our brains now?
On topic: Green Balloon! Does that mean Sarah will stop beating up our brains now?
Eerie. I was just writing that.
LOL. you, me and GReynoldsCT00 must be in the hizzouse tonight!
ETA: I don’t think Sarah knows our safe word, dammit.
@GReynoldsCT00: Well, on the one hand, she likely didn’t. The ghosting of op/eds is something of an industry.
BUT, as someone who does just that sort of thing not infrequently, I will say that the person one ghosts for is usually someone who is a clearly established, trustworthy source on the topic — they just don’t happen to be writers. They may write something that a writer will help polish, or the writer will do the whole thing, based on what the person and their communications folks want to say.
But I stress that even in these circumstances, one presumes that the putative author of any ghosted piece has something reasonable to add to the conversation! Which is clearly not the case here, no matter who did the writing.
I am speechless about this. Why is this woman given a platform at all? she is not serious about anything.
Midnight Marauder
This just proves once and for all, DougJ, what a dirty anti-Semite you are and how you don’t give a flying fuck about what a GOOD PROGRESSIVE GUY Stanley Kaplan was. I don’t know how I can ever read such a vaguely seeming stupid, evil blog ever again.
The writer is a coward and a quitter, wouldn’t know how to pour piss from a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel, doesn’t know shit from shinola, and is definitely not smarter than a 5th grader.
@Midnight Marauder:
Those helicopters. They are not laughing.
I uhh … ummm …. I admit it … I uhh … wrote it. Sarah and I had a torrid affair after we met at her book signing at the local Boot Barn and Gun Emporium, and it was so hot, so steamy she made an off-hand comment about the climate and all off a sudden we’re in this deep-dish, highly detailed discussion about climate models and such, and then we smeared melted choc … umm …. and I was like “Coug (can I call you Coug?) you’re really on to something there” and she was all like “uh-huh, yourm betctha, snuffle” and I was like you should write an op-ed for like, a major newspaper and stuff, and she was like “wouldth you do ith for meeshth” and I was like cool, Coug. I gotcher back.
I’m sorry, really, I am.
The good news if you read the comments section is that Lady Sarah gets screwed. Will she go away? No. Partly because she has not even read what she supposedly wrote…remember she already admitted that she doesn’t read. If asked, I bet she doesn’t even know what she supposedly wrote…
My god, with this post, I am starting to sound like her…
Spread it around that gravity is a liberal lie. Get ACORN and George Soros to do PSAs warning people not to jump out of windows. Problem solved.
Don’t drink that gin! Crazy Sarah-dippity will find you in your dreams. IN YOUR DREAMS!
Technically not a mistake, but disingenuous of the WaPo for that part.
So if governing for less than a month makes her gov. from 2006-2009, then, yes, whatever Fred Hiatt.
oh what do the comments say?
“I never believed those
letters to PenthouseWashington Post op-eds were true, but one day…”You are a genius.
We are all arguing with signposts. Arguingwithsignposts is US. No Arguingwithsignposts, no Peace; Know Arguingwithsignposts, Know Peace.
Once I gave to OFA, it was like I was back in BJ zen. ;)
Fred Hiatt is the George Costanza of editorial page editors.
First they came for arguingwithsignposts, but I did nothing, because I was not arguingwithsignposts…
Why oh why
In Sarah’s defense, everything she knows on “Climategate”, she learned from George Will op-eds and WaPo articles.
Tom Hilton
That also explains Bush’s presidency.
Don’t make me into a meme, dammit. :D
But sweet Cthulu Jebus is that article a McNaughton!
Malkovich. Malkovich? Malkovich?! Malkovich!
I see you’re a fan of the history of South Polar exploration.
Poor Evans.
Only God has the power to change the planet. If it can be proven that man can do it as well then that throws all kinds of shit into doubt. Their kind of faith has no room for doubt.
I hope I am not alone and will not be looked down upon for stating that I refuse to read her op-ed. What’s the point, I know that (a) she doesn’t know what she’s talking about and is a GCC denier because Jesus and drill-baby-drill, (b) that she’s a moron whose credibility is only with wingnuts and beltway dipshits, and (c) this is excellent news for John McCain and the rest of the GOP.
@ronin122: I only got through the byline.
Too late now, bitch.
This is why I have not been clicking on WaPo for quite a while, except for Ezra Klein’s blog. Seriously, stop putting up links to WaPo or Politico! You could refer to them, but please don’t link to them.
And this post should be tagged as “I read it so you don’t have to”.
God, imagine if this troupe had been around in Kennedy’s day: they would have talked about how if God wanted us to go to the Moon, he would have given us wings.
In fact, shouldn’t these asshats have to take the stagecoach when they travel? Sheesh.
P.S.: I am the Lizard King. I can do anything.
God, imagine if this troupe had been around in Kennedy’s day: they would have talked about how if God wanted us to go to the Moon, he would have given us wings.
I kind of agree with that sentiment, to be honest with you.
General Winfield Stuck
There is and will not be any escape from the deep thoughts of Sarah Serendipity. Think, a female Adam Susan in V for Vendetta and the Norsefire Party.
Read the comments section. It will make you breath a sigh of relief…
They were around. The difference was that the media portrayed them as loonies, not as Vice-Presidential material.
New Yorker
Stanley Kaplan passed away this past summer, so thankfully, he can’t read the dreck that his newspaper is publishing.
I can’t bear to read the whole thing, but a few things struck me:
True. Lady Starbursts wins the broken clock award for the day. However, if she had paid attention in her high school earth sciences she might remember that “weather” and “climate” are not the same thing. I’m guessing she’s one of those people who say with a straight face that Houston got snow last week, so obviously global warming is not happening.
Back here on planet earth:
Or Lindsey Naegle from ‘The Simpsons.’
The point of going to the Moon wasn’t just about going to the Moon: It was about all the knowledge we uncovered along the way.
Though, as a fellow contrarian, I do appreciate the sentiment.
P.S.: I’m pretty sure these asshats shouldn’t use roads since they’re funded with tax $$$$. Or call the police. Or …
P.P.S.: One good thing has come from this editorial: spending the last 30 mins listening to The Doors.
John PM
Ok, I am going to say it – Sarah Palin is the Anti-Christ. Should she be elected president, all the DFHs will be raptured into heaven and all the so-called Christians will remain on earth to do her bidding, unaware that they have ended up on the wrong side until they are thrown into the lake of fire.
That’s what the weakest member of Shackleton’s party said when he went out to die in the snow, if memory serves.
Sounds like a plan.
What next? Will Karl Rove weigh in on the implications of elliptic C* manifolds and their significance for Riemann’s Conjecture? Perhaps we’ll be regaled by an op-ed by Harry Reid explaining his deep thoughts about supersymmetry and quantum field theory in a grand unified theory of physics…
Who is more imbecilic, the imbecile who writes a column, or the imbecile who prints it?
Anyway, the comments on that article are fun to read. If for fun you enjoy reading angry screeds condemning the editors of the Washington Post.
Sorry Ezra, no more WaPo of any type. This is it. Sorry, Gene. No more of you in print, either (even though you deeply disappointed me with your Tiger column, I will miss you anyway). Done. Done. Done.
New Yorker
Who is going to be hurt, economically, by climate change regulations? A very narrow slice of business: oil and gas companies. A much, much larger slice of business will likely benefit, as every major technological innovation is usually followed by a massive economic boom.
So thinking more about the Business Week article I posted, someone claiming that climate change regulations will hurt the economy is like someone in 1910 claiming that automobiles will hurt the economy because buggy and whip manufacturers will go out of business….or someone in 1980 claiming that computers will hurt the economy because they’ll put typewriter manufacturers out of business.
It’s so ludicrous on its face that I have to think there’s something else that’s really driving climate change denial, and I really think it’s just more idiotic culture war shit. Scientists claim X is happening, scientists are a bunch of godless, elitist lib’ruls and many of them have funny, non-real ‘murkin names, thus we must contest their claims that X is happening.
Who is writing these? This must be uncovered. This is a huge fraud, and WaPo should be ashamed.
Alex S.
She’s confusing weather with climate. Or actually, she doesn’t think that there’s a difference.
Mac from Oregon
“reen aroonth, reen aroonth, ohgawd, reen aroonth!”
I give up.
@Alex S.:
fixed that for ya’
I moved to the DC area 15 years ago and thought one of the benefits was that I would get a top newspaper on a daily basis.
I dropped my subscription 4 months ago after deciding I could not tolerate Krauthammer, Gerson, Will and in creasingly neocon editorial page, but I honestly thought they would stoop so low.
I will savor every drop in subscription from now on. Hiatt nust be so proud.
Fred Hiatt is the George Costanza of editorial page editors.
George Constanza was funny as hell. Hiatt is may things, but sure as hell is not funny.
Lady, you can’t even run my kid’s PTA meeting without an agenda. You want to go to a meeting without an agenda – now I know why you sucked as Governor.
I think you’re insulting George Constanza there. Fred Hiatt is the _______ of editorial page editors. (I couldn’t even come up with a word).
ETA: That may not be you, in which case, I apologize, but whoever made the analogy should retract and consider alternatives.
Stop linking to Ezra too. As long as he’s writing there, he’s part of the problem.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Let’s see. In recent memory (which is pretty fucking recent as my brain works) they’ve run an op-ed by Bill Donohue (Summary: QUEER QUEER ART ICK YUCK JESUS HAVE SOME BABIES!) and now Queen Dipcicle.
Wonder what the Wipe Poo will do to follow that double act. Hey, maybe they can get that murderous fucktard from Uganda to tell us why genocide is good government policy.
Let the ostracization of the insufficiently liberal begin!
Like it or not, Sarah Palin is a leading Republican figure.
If she runs in 2012, she’ll probably win the Republican primary, and depending on the circumstances might have a decent chance at becoming president.
Mainstream newspapers can’t block out her retarded drivelings until the American people stop supporting it.
I wish Glen Beck was right and that Obama really is implementing reeducation camps, because a huge portion of the public desperately needs it. Though technically for most of them it would be “education” not “reeducation.”
Mike P
This is the second (by my count) factually-challenged piece they’ve published by Palin this year.
This is just par for the course for Kaplan Test Prep Daily.
Something Fabulous
@Midnight Marauder: Hee.
The Republic of Stupidity
We don’t need no stinkin’ qualifications…
@Mike P:
There’s far too much detail here for this to be a fabrication.
This has nothing to do with political viewpoints. This has to do with what the Post has become. If you want to be a liberal/progressive leader, then you really have no business collecting a paycheck from the Post.
As it stands, he (and the others who write for the post) are basically playing the Alan Colmes role.
She’s on a book tour. Seriously, when did she find time to ‘write’ an op-ed.
Midnight Marauder
Put one on the board for Bruce! Well played, sir. Very well played indeed.
Yes, there is.
Bubblegum Tate
How awesome would it have been if instead of the above, the footer said, “The writer quit her job earlier this year. She remains unemployed.”
Ah well. A man can dream.
Jim Once
I know none of you need convincing about the reality of climate change – but I’m sitting in the middle of (according to NOAA) an “epic winter storm” of “historical proportions”, like nothing seen in the “last thirty years.” Prior to this, in the last four years, our winters have been like nothing I’ve ever seen in the very long life I’ve lived in this state. I’m not going to be reading that shit by the Alaska Grifter anytime soon.
Comrade Mary
(Aw, crap. Wrong thread!)
(And yay for edit!)
LaPalin’s father was a science teacher!
Yeah- now there’s two of them!
LOL and FTW! That made my day, DougJ. I read it on my phone earlier and couldn’t stop chuckling. Now I get home from work and find that you have topped yourself with the Apocalypse Now clip. Kudos, sir.
Zuzu's Petals
I don’t think that nincompoop could write a grocery list, but whoever wrote this did a pretty crappy job. Just try to read those paragraphs for comprehension.
Zuzu's Petals
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Forgot about the Donohoe piece. I didn’t think it could be much worse than those idiot “law professors” who claimed Obama’s Nobel was probably unconstitutional because the Nobel Committee – get this – is part of a foreign government.
But now we have Will’s latest blithering denialist nonsense and now this.
What a crappy paper this has become.
The earlier post about Fallows’ comparison of the NY Times and WaPo only got it half-right: there’s no need to compare the two when WaPo can clearly demonstrate its ineptitude re: climate change all by itself.
Sarah Palin’s not qualified to talk about Tiger Woods, let alone climate change. This makes me even more thankful that the Times is my hometown paper.
Thank you, Washington Post, for publishing the penetrating insights of noted global climate change expert Sarah Palin. I look forward to reading future columns in this vein, such as a Pentecostal preacher’s thoughts on the latest advances in evolutionary biology, and Bernie Madoff’s stock picks for 2010.
gocart mozart
Zuzu's Petals
Climate. It’s climate, you ignorant twit. Oh, and the woman you ghostwrote this for is an even bigger twit.
Four stars for the Titus Oates reference. I wonder if the Queen of Alaska knows that story?
The cognotive dissonance is too much. On the same day the Post runs that idiotic op-ed, it also has a terrific front page story on the devastation global warming has wrought on southern Australia and how the farmers there still won’t believe that the climate is changing, even though they’ve had a drought for 13 years that has dried up all the water.
And how can the governor of Alaska dismiss the melting permafrost that has leveled towns that her state is having to rescue? She’s that clueless.
@Jim Once:
Sigh… there’s a reason why people now refer to it as ‘climate change’ instead of ‘global warming’. Climate change is a better term because that is what we are seeing. More severe weather, changes in rain patterns (some areas get drier while others get wetter), much hotter weather in some areas while others appear to remain normal. Overall, the global temperature is rising, but not everyone will experience it the same way.
Enjoy the snow while you can still get some.
Me? I’m waiting for the day Mother Nature figures out this 100,000 year experiment was cute but now kinda itches in a bad way and slams a 1-mile wide asteroid into the Earth (well, okay, not really, but I do get hate my fellow humans sometimes).
The Washington Post is dead to me.