Bart Stupak and Sarah Palin get to take to the NY Times and the Washington Post to lie through their teeth, while those trying to correct the record are left struggling to get the word out on blogs and any old way they can.
Here is Rep. Lois Capps with a point by point evisceration of Stupak’s lies.
(via Amanda Marcotte)
Those bloggers are so shrill.
I wonder what Dick Cheney and John McCain think about all this? I can’t wait all the way till Sunday to hear their input.
Rep. Capps has the disadvantage of knowing what she’s talking about. Borrrriiiiing.
Capps is over 70 years old. Nobody will want to fuck her! Why should newspapers be cluttered with women that don’t cause starbursts?
It would have been better received if she had Mike, Crow, and Tom provide snarky pop-culture references with all that humdrum policy wonkery.
El Cid
By suggesting that every newspaper not publish each and every Sarah Palin eructation on any subject whatsoever, you are worse than a million Hitlers raised to the power of a billion Pol Pot’s, and I thought libruls were supposed to support free speech and not censor all our thoughts?
Can we call it the Stu-Pitts amendment?
General Winfield Stuck
@El Cid:
Maybe someone will invent a brain implant Palin pie chip.
Fred Hiatt has two rules for his op-ed page: 1) say something that Dick Cheney would approve of and 2) say something that will create controversy. Sarah Palin satisfies both of those qualifications.
Bubblegum Tate
If it didn’t work that way, then surely you would admit that would constitute horrible liberal media bias, right?
@General Winfield Stuck: it’s not alcohol?
@El Cid:
I’m so stealing that.
Tax Analyst
Like I said, John. We’re at the point where liars and morons are given all the credibility and exposure they can ask for, precisely because they’re liars and morons. Whereas people who know their shit are left to languish because they use fancy words, and thus ‘YOU WERE PAID OFF BY BIG GREEN AND BIG ABORTION! COMMUNIST FUCKERS GET OUT, THIS IS AMERICA!!’
Nothing the media does surprises me anymore. Darth Cheney was on teevee last night saying the preznit “gives aid and comfort to the enemy.”
So if saying our president is a traitor, using language straight out of the constitutional definition of treason, is not called out by anyone, then why is anyone surprised that the NYT and the Kaplan Daily give a giant megaphone to idiots like Stupak and Palin?
kommrade reproductive vigor
John, if people are well informed and vote for their own best interests there will be less misery in the world and that means less news to report, and the transcriptionists might be forced to go out and find things to write about and they’ll have to do it well because their work will be judged by well informed readers. That could mean less time on the tire swing and newspapers might have to cut advertising space. Plus, leading legal lights like Nancy Grace might have so little to shriek about her show would get cancelled.
Why do you hate capitalism?
Oh that’s right; you’re the love child of Hitler, Pol Pot & Lucrezia [sic?] Borgia.
General Winfield Stuck
Terrific. From the right we get Obama is a traitor soshulist, and from the left a wingnut in waiting.
Clowns to the right of me and jokers to the left
And I’m stuck in the middle with you :-)
The New York Times only WISHES it had the credibility of Sarah Palin’s Facebook page.
@GregB: I like this. I second this.
My bottom line to Stupak is this: If it’s entirely consistent with the Hyde Amendment and does not further restrict abortions, then why the fuck does it need to be added? Every single fucking member of the media should be asking him this. Every time he opens his fat yap to talk about his amendment, someone should ask, “Rep. Stupak, why are you wasting taxpayers’ time and money with this amendment if it doesn’t do anything that the Hyde Amendment doesn’t already cover?” Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
Pangloss FTW (right above me).
Grayson says Dick Cheney should STFU. Maybe it could become a mantra.
It would be a lot easier to support some of these Democrat’s “principled” stands on issues like these, if they didn’t lie through their goddamned teeth.
Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
@El Cid: You know who else is like Hitler and Pol Pot? Jesus, that’s who.
Paul L.
Citing Amanda Marcotte?
The brilliant misandrist womyn who believes that Men have no right to complain and stop paying child support when they discover that a child is not their biological offspring.
DNA Isn’t All There Is To Reproducing
Holy shit. Cole’s journey to the Dark Side is complete.
Based on data points such as Afghanistan, Larry Summers, health care reform, assertion of state secrets privilege, etc, etc, the latter is a smidgen closer to true than the former, and demonstrates just how far the center has shifted. As you are no doubt aware, “If both sides are pissed, I must be doing something right” is known in philosophy circles as the Third Broderian Fallacy.
Xecky Gilchrist
Bart Stupak and Sarah Palin get to take to the NY Times and the Washington Post to lie through their teeth, while those trying to correct the record are left struggling to get the word out on blogs and any old way they can.
Which means that people trying to correct the record are better off now than they were pre-Web. It still sucks, but samizdat ain’t what it used to be.
El Cid
@Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion: Comparing Jesus to Hitler is just like Hitler, and you need to stop making fun of Trig Palin.
John Cole
@Paul L.: No. I’m citing Lois Capps, you halfwit. And I’m probably giving you credit by a half.
The Raven
“i uhh arruh ur is aazzee”
(This gun barrel sure is tasty.)
I cannot believe any of you are putting Sarah Palin down. She is the most known woman republican ever. She almost made it to the White House, but now all she is trying to do is put food on the table, you think her husband can keep up with the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed.
And so what if she took two different planes back to Alaska from Dallas, Texas when she was in labor with Trig. I mean so what if Alaska Airlines spokesman said that they were not aware that she was in labor.
She is not a quitter, she is reloading, so watch out she will be your President, like it or not.
mds @ 23
I like that.
Is the First Broderian Fallacy “Sure a land war in Asia
is a great idea, two if possible.” ?
Basically, yes. The Second is “Always seek bipartisanship with a Republican when death is on the line.”