You can almost guarantee this person gave money to the anti-Rahm tv commercials:
In the past few weeks, the two most famous and arguably most successful black men in America have taken a huge fall. It has become clear that both pro golfer Tiger Woods, just named Athlete of the Year by the Associated Press, and the American president, Barack Obama, the first black person to lead the country, suffer from a surfeit of hubris which has finally caught up with them. If both men somehow thought they were untouchable, they have been put to right. Both have crashed to earth and it may well be true that they can never recover their earlier status again.
I won’t click and you can’t make me.
But I’m not so sure I disagree with this sentiment, if not exactly the words with which its framed.
Are you saying this is not true? Or is it that the link I won’t click on is some asshat like Erick Erickson and you’re just being snarky?
Oh, for fuck’s sake. Because all black men are the same, obviously, because they’re blackity-black-black. In fact they may all be clones of the same Ur-blackman.
This is too stupid even for my benighted racist dipshit of a grandmother.
It really is The Worst Article Ever Written.
Good to know.
I completely ran out of reasons to independently-click on HuffPo several weeks ago.
How funny. I just sent this to you via the email. Jinx you owe me a coke/pepsi/pacifico.
I think the link to the Jack and Jill response is worth a read.
You had to know it would all boil down to “uppity”.
President Obama hates black people
J.W. Hamner
Ah, “surfeit of hubris” is the new uppity is it? Good to know.
sorry Obama will never recover? huh? from what exactly? only in the corners of the bloggosphere where they think everyone hangs on their instructions would they think this.
Darn shame that AP has not named their Athlete of the Year for 2009 yet. However they did just vote Tiger Woods as Athlete of the Decade. But why should facts matter.
/crosses out “bad thing to be mixed race”, pencils in “not bad”
I had no idea.
Jesus take the wheel……
I ain’t linking to that… who is the asshole?
I completely ran out of reasons to click HuffPo 5 minutes ago. So I’m slow, and I’ll never get those brain cells back again.
Sounds like another rabid PUMA.
Woman has no idea what the hell she’s talking about. Probably a PUMA springing from the tall grass.
As an aside: have you noticed how gleefully negative the Huffington Post front page is today? Arianna can suck my Trucknutz.
“surfeit of hubris” is so poseur that it might warrant its own tag.
Well, as I said, I won’t click. But from the excerpt you quoted, John, it was not clear this is a racist remark. I have heard both black students and staff members say that it’s been a bad week or two for black men. This was undoubtedly snark on their part, but snark with the sting of now-we’re-back-to-square-one-again hurt behind it.
Short Bus Bully
One word: UPPITY
Don’t know what else needs to be said.
The J&J link is excellent, takes that idiot down.
Tom Hilton
The HuffPo piece is breathtakingly stupid. The Tbogg post (second link) is great wisdom, and more relevant now than ever.
You could always text link (instead of hyperlink) as protest.
General Winfield Stuck
The Flying Spaghetti Monster moves in mysterious ways.
My Head Hurts
After I knock myself out, you can borrow my hammer. How is that for Christmacy
JC, FYI, it is completely feasible to think that 1) Rahm is a total tool and 2) that Obama is spineless, while at the same time 3) not be a racist.
Nice attempt to tie Rahm haters to racism. Dude.
Demo Woman
My guess is that Jane Hamsher wrote the article but that was wrong..
A famous sports star caught alley-catting around. Yup, only happens to black folks.
Sadly people will link to huffpo if for no other reason than to call them morons. And then they’ll have the pageviews and more reason to run moronic posts.
@geg6: How in the bloody fucking hell is it not racist to compare two black men who have exactly one goddamn thing in common, facing problems that don’t have even one iota of a thing to do with one another? The only thing connecting Woods and Obama is the color of their skin, and the author of this crap used that tenuous thread of a connection to create an entire narrative. If that isn’t racism, nothing is goddamn racism.
I’m always happy to read stupid stuff by progressives to make me all snarky about “diversity” and progressives. Stupid unexamined I vote for liberals classicists bigots. I work with them every day.
@Malron: It’s not just today. For my money, Arianna may as well be Jane Hamsher when it comes to giddy negative-progressive blogging of late.
Citizen Alan
I think I speak for most liberals who are pissed off at and disgusted with Barack Obama when I say that even we think this article is one of the stupidest things ever committed to paper.
Even setting aside the idiotic racial angle, comparing a brilliantly gifted athlete who has lost some endorsements because he couldn’t keep his pants zipped and a brilliantly gifted President whose biggest sin appears to be being a lot more pro-corporatist than many people thought a year ago is just plain moronic
John Cole
@eastriver: Oh for christ sakes. Explain to me how hating Rahm is racist again?
The point was the stupidity, you moran.
Mitch Guthman
I think they’re running anti-Rahm commercials because they still believe in the “hopey-changey” thing and they’re sure that deep down Obama is a real liberal and a supporter of single-payer and universal health care. They reason that if only Obama knew about the awful things Rahm was doing, he’d personally intervene to instantly rein-in the evil Rahm and give a (really, really great) speech to the nation that would persuade everybody to back the public option because, dammit, “yes we can!”.
Personally, I think they’re deluding themselves. The cossacks work for the Czar. (Although, in this case, the Czar pretty much works for the DLC)
@Demo Woman: You should check out the Jack & Jill link at my #4. That bio of hers ain’t exactly the truth. Talk about some hubris.
Because Tiger Woods cheating on his wife and Barack Obama suffering a political defeat are so similar that they can be linked together.
Oh, and the reason why your students were being snarky? Because they knew that Woods and Obama were going to be pointlessly linked together because of their color because, in the eyes of the press, one black man represents all black men.
At least she didn’t mention OJ. That’s a slight improvement.
Midnight Marauder
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME WITH THIS SHIT?! “Ignorant tripe” is the exact way to describe this abomination of attempted intellectual engagement. This “article” is so fucking infuriating, I can’t even artfully articulate my fury. So Magic Johnson getting AIDS, Mike Tyson raping women, and Barack Obama…not getting HCR finished in his first year are all the same? Simply because they are all black? Even though they’re not “all black,” right?
How is essentially advocating The One Drop Rule not a bad thing?! This is some of the craziest shit I have seen all year, and man, am I ready for this fucking year to be over with.
Oh, and:
Pray tell, what in this cesspool of idiocy do you agree with? Really. I want to know. You are usually better than such inanity.
@Demo Woman:
Should I waste my time and thank her for the dumbass article? Or should I just drink a cup of tea?
Even the premise is flawed. Yes, Tiger is a horndog, but fooling around isn’t even a misdemeanor in sports. Once the dust clears, Tiger gets his divorce and becomes single, all will be forgiven by his advertisers. Golf will just take him back, and so will the fans.
Obama hasn’t even dropped-just going through the same rough patch every President goes through around the end of his first year. The honeymoon is over, and now people realize that they’re stuck with this guy for three more years. It’s the same with newlyweds, they still love each other, but real life is taking over now and things seem more mundane. I think we will get something regarding health care, and perhaps something regarding immigration and diplomacy. People will remember why they voted for him instead of the other guy who picked Sarah Palin to be a heartbeat-an aging heartbeat away.
I don’t visit Huffington Post and am sure glad I don’t.
What the fuck? I cannot believe what I just read there.
What am I missing? Are they that fucking stupid?
what you said.
I’ll be sure to tell all my black students and colleagues you said they are racists. I’m sure they’ll be very ashamed.
Rahm haters are skirting quite a bit closer to anti-Semitism than they seem to realize. All of that “he controls Obama” shit? Straight-up Elders of Zion.
If you really don’t understand why you need to be very, very careful about claiming that a Jewish man is secretly controlling everything, you’re a fucking moron.
The link goes to TBogg (good guy). His head is hurting too.
When I first saw ‘FDL’ in the link I wasn’t so sure that statement wasn’t written by one of the FDL crew. Their Obama-hate is pretty strong sometimes.
It’s hard not to think that everyone has gone insane, but then I realize how small a number of fools are creating this situation. 45 senators, a small fraction of the 25% of the conservative base, and almost every goddamned person in a position of media power. This is sickening.
Well, what is left for me to worship on this earth? Who will save us now?
I am totally totally totally disillusioned and wrecked. Totally. After Pete Rose and Richard Nixon ruined the name of all white men in sports and politics through their hubris, I was counting on Magic Negro Heroes to save us all.
Maybe the Tuvaluianimanians, or whatever they are called will save us. They sing funny through their magical powers. They are pure and have magic on their side.
That piece makes Peter Daou sound like James Fallows.
Gawd, the Huffington Post. A Vanity Press for the Huffster and her Hollywood Blowhards.
Are you black? I’m not sure you’re getting why they’d be saying that.
Right now, if Oprah robbed a liquor store, Halle Berry was chasing down nude photos and Maxine Waters started schtupping hot young pages, I’d be wondering how many people will wonder about my illicit nekkid picture, armed banditry, 17yr old boy fondling activities know…I have dark ovaries.
Whereas David Letterman is dick led and no one writes about how awful this is for all white men.
This was not the jist of the conversation. Just sayin’.
I didn’t read the article, so I won’t comment on whether it’s racist or not.
I heard the student/staff discussion which was basically about how they really thought the popularity of people like Tiger and Obama would change perceptions of guys like them, but with Tiger being just your average serial adulterer (which seemed to please them; no love lost for Tiger among them) and Obama looking like he’s getting rolled by pasty, old white guys, it’s back to the drawing board on the matter of changing the public perception of young black men.
Oops, wrong thread.
Da Bomb
@Mnemosyne: THIS.
Yeah, blacks talk about things like the black tax and the subsequent “revolution”, like all of the time.
Davis X. Machina
Stone classicist bigot here — BA Greek, MA Latin. And liberal as the day is long — 20-year member of the DSA. We’re the backbone of the Party, dontcha know…
@Mnemosyne: If you really don’t understand why you need to be very, very careful about claiming that a Jewish man is secretly controlling everything, you’re a fucking moron.
Damnit! There goes my Lieberman post.
I haven’t seen this much glee about big things crashing down since my toddler made a tower out of his lego blocks.
Yes, about that backlash against Obama:
His numbers actually seem to be getting better. The worsening poll numbers of health care seem to me to be a factor of weariness with the debate, and people wanting Congress to move on to something else. There’s a nontrivial clump of liberal dissent at play, obviously, but I think things get better once the thing actually gets signed.
I do think it would be a good idea for the White House to have a beer summit with some progressive activists, before this thing spins out of control.
Not to mention that no one writes articles comparing Harry Reid’s political problems to David Letterman’s dick problems and says it’s been a bad week for white men.
@geg6: Maybe your students feel that way because society makes them feel as if what one black person does reflects on all of them. You know, because that’s exactly what people like this bitch do.
If this article had been written about two Jewish fuckups with no connection other than their religion, say Elliot Spitzer and Bernie Madoff, it never would have gotten published outside of
Tom Hilton
@Demo Woman: reasonable guess; after all, dear stupid Jane does have a bit of a history with the racism thing.
@Midnight Marauder:
Because I think it’s true that they had become cultural icons and also true that they have fallen off their pedestals, never to climb back on again. I guess, without reading the article, it never dawned on me until I saw other responses that this was more about them being black than about them being cultural icons. If that makes me a racist, or inane, or an idiot in your eyes, I can live with that.
@Davis X. Machina:
It’s all greek to me.
kommrade reproductive vigor
I’m just suprised it took someone this long to try to connect the dots. Asiangrl, can I borrow your rust pitchfork?
No, it’s the snark of: Oh great a bunch of dumbass pale skins will think they judge every person darker than paste based on this. Again.
I vote for hot buttered rum.
Lieberman is secretly controlling things? Someone should tell him that there’s a teevee camera giving away his secrets every time he goes on a talk show or gives an interview. Boy, is he going to feel silly that he accidentally broadcast his secret plans to the world.
Culture of Truth
Well, that was offensive.
And that’s different from what I said — that they were being pointlessly linked together because they’re both black — how, again?
Steve V
Serious PUMA alert there …
Seems to me that it’s been a bad week for easily deluded white women. Anybody on that op-ed piece yet, with a Sarah Palin connection?
I mean, I’m not really serious here, but anyone, including unknown black students linking Woods and Obama for any reason, should really lie down and try to relax.
I think you might be reading too much into what your black students might have said. Black folks in general hear stupid comments from from white people on a daily basis. The election of President Obama didn’t change that. I’m sure what your students were saying was more akin to”here we go again”. I don’t see what your students or colleagues said as any kind of validation of this ignorant person’s article.
If it’s not about them both being black, why is Woods being compared to Obama and not Letterman, the guy whose problems are actually the most similar to his?
The stretch from celebrity to President is a huge one unless you assume they’re automatically connected by their race. Which is exactly what the writer did.
Well, I would agree that is why they feel this way. And, in some ways, they seemed to buy into it themselves.
But surely you can understand why, without reading the article, I wasn’t exactly in the frame of mind to see racism as much as I was to see another iteration of a similar argument. Perhaps not.
Idea! I’ve always wanted to be published in HuffPo, and you just gave me the perfect angle!!
You know, Tiger’s mom is Thai. After the way he drove that night, shouldn’t the focus be more on the fact that he’s Asian?
Blue Raven
@geg6: Hey, guess what? Black people aren’t a mental monolith, either, and some of them think stupid things! Like thinking Tiger and Obama would singlehandedly undo centuries of hatred. Can you say internalized racism?
JC, you suggested that the person who wrote the quoted, obviously-racist text also supports the idea of holding Rahm accountable for the health care debacle. Perhaps you meant to imply only stupidity. But the racism connection seemed like your true intent. (“Moran”? Really? That the best you can do? Fucking idiot.)
It appears to be an unimplemented acronym look-up thingy.
@Mnemosyne: Along those same lines, Lieberman apologized yesterday “if there were any misunderstandings” about his position on health care reform. I was initially angry, but then thought, you know, Joe’s made his position pretty clear over the past several months.
So are we going to be talking about the jews or the negros? Shouldn’t we keep these conversations segregated?
Just Some Fuckhead
I was one of the people fucked by Obama. Person #1 actually.
I know you’re a decent person so please understand that I’m not picking on you. We don’t “buy into that”. We just deal with it. Black person A does X, suddenly “All Black People Do X”. It’s sort of a meme in America.
Midnight Marauder
Well, that’s why I asked for the elaboration, because I was surprised that you would make that kind of comment about such a glaringly ignorant article, starting with the very first sentence on the page.
The cultural icons thing is a bullshit premise, because really, this whole article is “Wow, look at all these (famous) black
peoplemen who have had problems recently. Black people everywhere must be soooooo disappointed to watch that happen.” And it’s even more bullshit when you consider that while black folks may have been a fan of Tiger Woods, golfer, they’ve never really supported Tiger Woods, the person. Especially after that whole “I’m Cablianasian” thing on Oprah all those years ago. So this moron betrays her lack of knowledge on the matter from the get-go.@Craig:
That’s pretty much the gist of it right there. I still can’t believe this woman said that the One Drop Rule is essentially a good thing. Absolutely flabbergasting…until I remembered that it was on HuffPo. Wow, has that site taken a nosedive straight down recently or what?
You lie! They were also in a photo together!
John Cole
@eastriver: Eastriver- you have a long history here of intentionally taking everything I say and interpreting it in the most offensive manner possible. Notice that no one else picked up your contorted view of this post?
How was I to know that they were the only two discussed in the article from what John posted? It could have been an article about end of the year wrap up on cultural figures and could have had paragraph upon paragraph about white women, white men, and black women, too, for all I knew.
And it sounded very similar to a discussion I’d recently heard on campus came to a similar conclusion. That both men had damaged images and this did not help your average young black man in overcoming the image of young, black men in our society.
I’m not gonna argue about this. Obviously, I was mistaken.
Who runs the style sheets on this web page, anyway? I’m never sure about who administers the code here, except that they are the anonymous subject of much vitriol. I could use an acronym helper, fwiw.
@JenJen: Reading your reply, it suddenly hit me: should we create a new term called “manic-progressive” to describe this insanity?
I think the whole notion of Rahm controlling Obama is less about Rahm (and being Jewish) than it is about Obama being a spineless wussy who is incapable of making his own decisions. I find that notion laughable.
@DougJ: A chance to do the biggest, broadest Asian woman driving/black man fucking bit ever, with accents and everything, and Carlos Mencia had his show canceled. Someone put him on suicide watch.
Perfect. Hey, Cole and DougJ… tag time!
@DougJ: You know, Obama also has a foreign parent. I think we really need to focus on whether or not these are “black Americans” or just “black men in America.” (whatserface already chose the latter)
It would be irresponsible not to speculate?
eading your reply, it suddenly hit me: should we create a new term called “manic-progressive” to describe this insanity?
Demo Woman
@Max: Thanks that was an informative read.
@Just Some Fuckhead: Do dreams count?
@geg6: Obama has a damaged public image?
kommrade reproductive vigor
Or not: @Midnight Marauder
Translation: Unemployed twit.
@General Winfield Stuck:
That’s so bad, I might agree to root for Carolina if that person agreed to never publish anything in print or on the toobz ever again.
Hmmm —
I am not sure that I understand the term “damaged image” in relation to Obama. Damaged image would seem to relate to some moral or character lapse that changed the way that the person is perceived by the general public. While I agree that Obama has sustained some real hard knocks and people like yourself do not agree with some positions or approaches that he has taken, that is not quite the same as his having some moral lapse.
Not that you should care, but I am really both surprised and disappointed in your expressed point of view about this — not only bitter but to me, but begrudging of a person whose character is not an issue — only that he has made policy and leadership decisions you dont like.
Midnight Marauder
I think that opening line was pretty straight-forward in indicating what type of article you were in for. Just a final note, I’m not trying to argue the point either. I was just legitimately surprised to see that reaction from you.
Reminds me of one of my favorite exchanges from The Office, during the “Diversity Day” episode:
The answer, of course, was “Asian.” We were looking for “Asian.”
Perfect. Hey, Cole and DougJ… tag time!
I think I may unveil it tonight with this.
@DougJ: Haven’t been able to get that song out of my head since Malron’s comment. :-)
And they both are tall and wear sunglasses. Clearly they’re practically the same.
Seriously, this is disgustingly racist. People who write crap like this are just trying to stir up sh!t.
My brain hurts, too!
kommrade reproductive vigor
The commenters at HuffPro are not amused.
Seriously, this is disgustingly racist.
Honestly, I think it’s more stupid than anything else.
She left some things out, too: Randy Moss was really dogging it on Sunday and it’s looking more and more like Will Smith will become a scientologist.
On the other hand, Morgan Freeman’s new movie killed at the box office last week. So it wasn’t all bad for black men this week.
It’s just so dumb. She needs a premise to publish yet another rant about Obama, so she seizes on this?
It’s also interesting because it’s one of those opinion pieces that gets worse and worse. She was aware of the hole she was digging, but she couldn’t stop.
I especially like where she lists the black athletes, and seems to get totally lost for a sentence or two. “Where am I going with this…?”
kommrade reproductive vigor
Mmm. No. Unless you’re working on the theory that all racists are stupid.
Midnight Marauder
Not to mention his Best Actor Golden Globe nod. It’s all coming up sunshine for black men this week! WOOOOOOO!
Perhaps it’s more stupid than anything. The casualness with which she lumps together two men who have little more in common than skin color and being well known is frustrating, though.
Can’t bring myself to read the whole thing. I skimmed it and quit. People like this woman really make me ill.
That’s what it’s supposed to be, but a lot of people seem to be ladling that on with an extra dollop of glee provided by anti-Semitism — see, we told you the Jews were running things!
And, yes, I have heard people straight up say that there’s a “shadowy cabal” behind Obama using all kinds of anti-Semitic code words. Believe me, it’s out there.
Leelee for Obama
Made the mistake of clicking on HuffPo just a little bit ago. It won’t happen again. I’m done. I will read BJ , McClatchy, and Nate Silver and that is that. If Ezra posts something else excellent, which he no doubt will, please let me know. I have reached the end of my patience with these WATBs. I am, or was, a major Woods fan, and no one would like to kick his ass more than I would, barring immediate family, friends and employees. Comparing his personal mess with the course of legislation affecting Obama is just stupid, and in the context of this “article”, possibly crossing the line. I still ascribe Obama’s hands-off attitude on health-care to learning the lessons of ’93-’94, and a genuine belief that CONGRESS is supposed to do this job. Want to be mad at someone, try Reid and Lieberman first, B. Nelson, Conrad and Stupak next. Then, we can move on along to the Repugs, who wanted to kill this bill before a word was written. I am sad that Howard Dean is making this stand, I think it’s a mistake. Someone on DKos is calling for Dems to primary Obama with Dean. Jesus, the stupid burns so bad, I feel like vomiting. The bill is not all we want, but it’s orders of magnitude better than kill the bill, and much more than Dean called for in his 2004 run. Even he said if we went for a Swiss program idea, the insurance companies would dive on the chance to have the PO or expanding Medicare to 55-64 year- olds.
This bill lets that become a very real possibility.
Enough, I’m so full of sad and angry, I can barely think straight.
@Leelee for Obama: Well, at least you and I have the same tastes in blogs, including the ones that really turn us off (cough HuffPo cough). I’m annoyed and frustrated and tired of the arguing among people I generally agree with, too. Misery loves company!
It’s just another day, Leelee. It feels almost like basking in the warm glow of the 2008 Primaries, huh?
I’m a bit of a dingbat on the code words. :) But I believe there are those into the Jews-control-the-government conspiracy.
But I’ve gotta say, if Rahm’s trying to rule the world, he might need to rethink his strategy.
I can always depend on Matthew Yglesias to keep me sane:
I have noticed that saner pundits are gradually coalescing around similar logic.
@Leelee for Obama:
Nate Silver’s post today on health care was good.
I love lists. Easy. I make lists.
Leelee for Obama
@JenJen: Yeah, I know Jen. Things have just been so BLARGH for the last few days, and I have been trying to avoid letting myself get crazy. I barely watch TV, unless it’s some maudlin Christmas thing or Book TV that I recorded. I knew the trashing was coming, that was a given. But this kind of asinine shit just feeds the Wurlitzer and I really have had enough of that.
It does kind of feel like the Primaries though, don’t it? I want to tell all the assholes on my side of the fence that their behavior is why we can’t have nice things.
@Leelee for Obama:
And, this sounds ridiculously pollyana-ish, but we’re having a debate about health care. A real one. I mean, it’s brutal and insane, but it’s not lies and death panels.
That has to be good? Right?
Leelee for Obama
@kay: Yeah, read it earlier. Nate is the bomb diggety, and that’s no lie.
@Malron: I forgot about Yglesias; he’s pretty OK, too.
It is nice to know that white guys never fuck-up…
Leelee for Obama
@kay: You know, kay, that gets lost in all the bullshit, but it’s true. We’re actually watching a debate of sorts about health care without Princess Amazing Starbursts getting her face in the news. It just gets so nuts sometimes. I could care less about the Repubs, I usually just tune them out, literally. It’s my fellow “Democrats” that make me wish I was Dutch or something.
General Winfield Stuck
In some quarters, they call it democracy.
Meh. Why let logic and planning get in the way of good outrage. My VT Congresscritters are on the right side of this issue so I’m willing to help where it’s needed.
Apparently, if you are anything other than white, everything you do is reflective on the race in its entirity.
White folks – you dodged a bullet with me because I would hate to characterize an entire culture with some of the stupid mistakes I’ve made.
Leelee for Obama
@Annie: Ain’t it, though? Just so perfectly without fault or sin. The really funny thing is, some of them actually believe that crap!
Leelee for Obama
@Max: Moi, aussi! The sheer people of Ireland would shake their heads over me regularly.
My head not only hurts, it throbs over this BS.
Arianna came on the scene some years ago and made news by her stupidity both in words and obstinence. Lately she has been showing up all over the weekly and Sunday shows. Look -it’s very simple to track. Sarah and Michelle were making news and getting attention left and right with their over the top ways. Arianna joins the squad.
Personally, I am sick and tired of the slamming of people by race. When are we going to stop seeing a color of skin and seeing a person.
What do Lisa Solod Warren and Rick Warren have in common? They’re both bigots.
See, Lisa, I can do this too!
Another person whose career took a really large fall this week?
Lisa Solod Warren.
Though it is lost (probably forever) to the gods of HuffPo moderation, I commented there that this piece is the Hindenburg of political analysis.
@geg6: Yeah, and how come black folks get to call each other n****r, too? It’s almost like context matters or something.
Huffington Post has gone all out stupid anyway. Along with their new Tiger Woods page, it’s kind of a syndicated bitch and whine fest.
Post # 31337 is coming up: What’s going to be ‘leet?
Also, too, this is entirely and completely off topic.
The Sheriff is a Ni....
Hubris? Why didn’t he just come out and say they were uppity? Bet they’re glad they’ll be dead by the time caucasians get to be the minority in this country.
Thank you Mr. Cole for saying this, for linking this… and thanks to both geg6 and Mnemosyne bc both of you posted honestly… I had slipped back into reading HuffPo to avoid grading, and all of the cluefulness and decency found on this page is rinsing my brain.
And (is q cite for @Name?) thanks to Malron, I like your new tag even better than wossname’s ‘Chicken Little’ progressives (Al Someone, wrote for the Field?).
conferderette libtard
Oh Jesus God. That crazy woman is in the comments of her own piece, mucking up teh internets.
Lady, your piece sucked (said only because Huffington Post moderated the shit out of me) I’ve been a prolific commenter at that site, but I’ve now deemed them butt fucking crazy.
Hi guys!
hahaha the story is actually tagged “hubris” oh lordy – Read more: hubris! I am glad we voted for “decency” over “hubris”! Class for your next essay you will tell me who you agree with: Obama, or Creon? Unfortunately there is no “crashing to earth” tag, but y’know, pretty soon, I’m sure.
It is like they had decided to take all pundit cliches and save them, for posterity, in an article on the Huffington Post.
@freelancer: Yes, this. Love the Brawndo tag, but this please.
That “piece” is the Mt. St. Helens of STOOPID.