The story:
He’s a ~10-year-old male tabby. This is a picture my husband took in his office with Jack in his lap. Jack likes to lie on his back, like a baby, but only for my husband. He holds him, and Jack will do that sleepy-love-double-wink cats do, then butt his big head up against my husband’s chin, and press his cheek to his chest and purrPurrPURR. It is truly adorable. If he isn’t waiting to come inside at 10pm, he comes to the sound of a bike bell rung twice. I didn’t think my husband could train Jack to do that, but he picked it up right away, and knows the difference between my ring and my husband’s ring.
He isn’t a traditional rescue. Jack never went to kitty prison. We saved him from having to go, where I don’t think he’d have survived–plain tabby, a year old, never had a vet visit, never neutered, no vaccinations in that time, so skinny, fleas, some scars from fights. When we picked Jack up from being neutered, I mentioned how sweet and talkative he was to the vet tech, she said he’d not made a sound–no meow, no growl, no purr–the entire time he’d been there. I knew then, we really had rescued Jack; he’d never have been picked in a shelter.
Six months before he became ours, before a cold front, we had bought a collar for Jack, put a note on it with our phone number, asking for a call if he had a home. The woman apparently held on to our number, because she called us to ask if we would take him, because they were moving and couldn’t, and she didn’t want to take him to the shelter. (“When are you moving?” “Tomorrow.” “Who is your vet?” “We don’t have one.” “When were his last shots?” “Whatever he had we got him.”)
Miraculously, he had no diseases despite living in an old, overgrown neighborhood full of wild and domestic critters and college students. But those bastards who owned him never brought over the food bowls and toys (note no bed was offered) like they said they would. And it took them a week to move everything out of the house–we had to go over after they left to pick up poor little limp-with-sadness Jack who just sat there in the yard staring at the driveway where their car had just been.
Jack acts like a rescue. He seemed surprised by the bounty of daily feedings, of always having dry food whenever he wanted to eat it. It took a couple of years before he figured out he could complain about an empty bowl and be given more food. If we put a foot out to block him going where he shouldn’t (not behind the server!) and he cringed and tensed the way abused dogs do. Now we just say, “Get back, Bubba” and he does. He’s getting better about not freaking out when we go away overnight.
He purrs more than other cats I’ve known, loud enough that I can hear him in my husband’s lap even with the door closed between us. He tries to follow us on walks (walking with him doesn’t quite work–we have tried), and often, he asks to come inside just to be pet then wants back out again. He loves being told he’s a good boy, and he tried to teach me how to hunt chipmunk once. (He was disappointed when it nearly ran up my shirt and all I did was scream.) Whenever he gets anything new, or we wash his bedding so it’s freshly fluffy again, he purrs and purrs and just exudes Happy. He’s really excited about his new giant bed, and he doesn’t yet know that it has a heater in it. It’s been pretty warm here the past few days, so we’re waiting for a cold night to introduce that. I bet he purrs like crazy.
You are on your own. I’m sufficiently disgusted and demoralized from the day’s events. Not enough that I would stay home in Nov 2010 or giddily repeatedly try to make a self-fulfilling prophecy by daily telling everyone how much the Democrats are demoralized, because I remember that the Republicans are nucking futs.
Besides, Firefox needs to update for the 87th time today. When did this browser turn to total shit?
Also, don’t forget Radio Kaos from reader Rus at 9 Central.
Firefox turned to total shit long enough ago for me to call myself a long-time Chrome user, now.
What, no Olbermann drinking game? It’s like a treasure trove.
JenJen +5
Please, more like this.
I don’t want to have to scream “Green Balloon Juice!” again today.
General Winfield Stuck
Sweet rescue story. Thank You.
Go to bed early tonight John. You are probably tired. You can fight tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day. (sorry. Gone with the wind was on yesterday and I couldn’t resist.
Nice story, good for you all. Take a break, John, put your feet up.
I’m honestly glad for this rescue story.
I’m in a state of adopting one myself (despite the landlord’s “no pets” policy, so if you have any recommendations, I’d love to hear it). I’m likely going to be spending the holidays alone for the first time in years, and I’ve got nobody but you bj’ers to spout my emotions to. So, whatever. Anyway, I’m thinking a furry friend would be a few levels above the alternative. I like the kittehs because they don’t bark, they know where to do their business, and they seem to appreciate you but don’t worship you.
Whatever, that might not make any sense, but it’s how I’m feeling. I’m ready to cut off the Internet – Michael D. be damned.
Cripes, if I wanted to relive the weeks going into the Democratic National Convention, I would have bought a fucking time machine. I’m going to watch dumb tv for the rest of the evening and hope it all goes away.
Thanks for the sweet post. Good place to disconnect for the day.
Here’s a video that I think probably applies to just about every member of the U.S. Senate:
Cue 8 more posts with Cole torturing himself watching cable news in 5…4…3…2…
What an awesome story. He is beautiful. And, it makes me sad to know that there are so many assholes out there that can take a pet and then leave him/her without a thought. I can’t stand that.
The beauty of pets is that they trust us — completely, and, in the end, they don’t ask for much (yes, one of my cats bit me at 6:00am this morning for breakfast and when I pleaded for 5 more minutes, he bit me again), but, they trust us to take a care of them — food, love, and lots more love.
Thanks for a truly beautiful story. And, the picture is fantastic.
D. Sidhe
Bad day. *Great* story. I hope you and Jack have a long, happy time together. He’s beautiful.
Don ‘t know if a pet thread is a good or a bad thing for me right now. I’ve had three cats adopt me, as apparently they can tell a soft touch from quite a distance, and we can’t be certain who rescued whom. My first cat died in April 2008, and I haven’t really recovered from that yet. I’ve just returned from the vet with my 16-18 year old cat, who was diagnosed with cancer after a brief but precipitous slide over the past two weeks. He’ll be having surgery tomorrow or Friday, and I’m having a great deal of trouble deciding when. On one hand, I want to hurry and get it done immediately, tomorrow; on the other, I’m not ready to lose him and if the cancer is advanced, the vet suggests euthanizing him while he’s on the table. I’m not ready. He still acts as though he feels well, and is purring in my lap. I’m an absolute puddle.
@D. Sidhe:
That is the best saddest story with the happy ending ever. Jack is gorgeous, and he seems like such a blessing. A pox on his former humans, and thank you for giving him such a happy and safe home.
@Skepticat: Aw, I’m so sorry about your cat. I’m sending strong vibes that he’ll be ok.
Lucky Jack,,,and lucky y’all… and a great great story…
The Dangerman
Jack reminds me a little of an old cat of mine named Lizzy. She showed up on my doorstep as the skinniest little kitten, wild as the dickens, but I brought it in to feed it and it crawled up on my chest, purred, and playfully batted me about the face. Actually, her full name was “Thin Lizzy Borden”; I don’t think any explanation is necessary. Also a gray tabby with a loud purr…
Great story. There’s nothing better than an affectionate big ol’ tomcat. Congrats to Jack and his family on finding each other.
@Betsy: The only thing more I could ask for in these stories is if the person involved allowed a pseud to id them. Just makes it more interesting to associate the story with people I’ve seen commenting here.
And if I don’t get what I want, fuck it. No more pet adoptions. You’re all just a bunch of fucking sell outs. Pet adoption stories without pseuds is worse than no pet adoptions.
This HAS been a shitty day for all of us. HCR is a total mess and I’m frustrated.
BUT, that Firefox comment made me laugh out loud. I needed that.
Time to drink.
Oh, I’m so, so sorry. Sending healing vibes your way.
LOL. Thank you for my first laugh all day. I needed that.
The Dangerman
Sorry to hear it, but 16 to 18 is a fine life; I suggest Friday.
Tools->Options->Advanced->(deselect) “Automatically check for updates.”
Firefox is still the best browser out there, though Chrome did just add extension capability, so now it’s only about 5 years behind or so.
“Not enough that I would stay home in Nov 2010 or giddily repeatedly try to make a self-fulfilling prophecy by daily telling everyone how much the Democrats are demoralized, because I remember that the Republicans are nucking futs.”
True dat. If so many Dems in America are unrealistic WATBs that they stay home in the future and let the new extra-strength Teabag Powered republicans take charge, then all I can say is, I’ll have fun watching the exciting tv they’ll produce*.
…I’ll be watching it somewhere far away from my current home in the lower 48, that’s for sure.
*By exciting tv, I mean what the news from America will look like when it simultaneously transforms into a third world country and starts one or more new wars, can’t sell its debt to fund them, decides nukes are cheap and Failure is Not an Option, etc etc.
No advice about the landlord, but I definitely support getting the kittens — if you get one, get two. That way, if you are not home during the day, or have to go for a night, they have company. And, given I have two, it is not any more work having two…And, it will be a holiday you will remember always. You will not be alone for even a moment….Although you may at some point wish to be.
And, we can’t wait over the holidays to hear every single moment…
@Skepticat: Oh, Skepticat, I am so sorry. I hope the surgery is successful and you have lots more time together.
But as someone who had to say goodbye to my sweet kitty just two days ago, I say take the day tomorrow and spend it with your guy. I feel as though my heart has been ripped out, but at least I got to say goodbye. And maybe your day together will help give him strength for the surgery.
Notorious P.A.T.
What a cute kitty. He sounds like a sweetheart )
@arguingwithsignposts: Get the cats (two). It’ll do you a world of good.
@MikeJ: OK. You made me laugh. Thank you.
Comrade Luke
Thanks, I needed that.
Bad Horse's Filly
@arguingwithsignposts: Yes, get two. Two are always easier than one. And Christmas alone – I have a great routine – pajamas and old Christmas movies. I really enjoy it. Time for myself after a busy holiday time.
@Skepticat: When you’re ready, you’ll know. It still won’t be easy, especially since the vet has given you such a shitty option, but trust your gut. And whatever happens, we’ll all be here to offer words of encouragement. I’m sending energy for many healthy moments after surgery with your furry friend.
Awwww, that is the sweetest story. Got me all teary. Wish the hubster weren’t hellaciously allergic to kitties. I miss having a big warm purr draped across my face in the morning to announce wakey wakey time. (And, may I just add, the hubster for all his good qualities, doesn’t do that.)
I started screaming for an Open Thread at 9am, but no, Mr Cole had to go and post 97 threads about how fucked the world is.
And on that note, seeing as it looks like we are not going to get a proper OT today, the post which I was going to post at 10am your time, but never got to…
I’m reading Ian Banks “Transition“.
Three quarters of the way through, I am hooked, and driven to sing its praises on an open thread. The writing, particularly in the third quarter, is phenomenal. It’s an odd, fragmental book (which has received mixed reviews) about multiple universes, travel, assassins and torturers, as told by an Unreliable Narrator. Definitely worth a read.
In other news, today I finished making a Portuguese liqueur called Licor de Leite.
Mix (in a sealable container) a bottle of vodka (or, even better, Portuguese aguardente or cachaça), an equal amount of milk, 2 cups of sugar, a block of grated dark chocolate, a whole lemon chopped up and a little bit of vanilla. Put the lid on, shake, and store in the fridge for 10 days, shaking it every day. It looks disgusting. After ten days, strain out the chunky bits with a cloth (apparently, Portuguese mães make some other dessert with the remains). Put four or five coffee filters into a sieve, put the sieve on a jog, and pour the liquid in, topping up as it drains through over the next couple of hours.
Filtered, you are left with a clear, light amber drink that is smooth and caramelly with hints of lemon and chocolate. I’m drinking it with ice, but I think it would be best straight out of the fridge.
Next time I will halve the sugar, and use cachaça, to make something a little less sweet and with a bit more bite, but it’s truly lovely.
Tattoosydney + 2 (on my first day of holidays and finding it impossible not to broadcast the fact).
ETA: And no, I’m not sure what “fragmental” means, either, but it’s a good work for the book.
Anne Laurie
Only stupidly sentimental, upbeat songs can improve a day like this one. I have decided that My Life Would Suck Without Youis the perfect theme song for our rescue petshop papillon Sydney, aka Worm Boy. Because I can totally hear him singing along “I know that I have issues, but you’re pretty messed up too!”…
I agree. I am exhausted from trying to keep up. I don’t even know anymore what I am responding tooooo.
Bad Horse's Filly
Oh, and the rescue story – priceless. Thank you for sharing it and for opening your home to such a beautiful boy.
HCR falling apart, gov’t screwing us, banks screwing us and I just ignore it and go along with my day. Par for the course I say.
Family abuses an animal, hurts its body and soul and I want to hunt them down and leave them naked on a fire ant hill. Bastards. Thank god for all of us who love and rescue. We know first hand that we get back 100x more than we ever give an animal.
Wile E. Quixote
I’m hating all of the browsers these days. I upgraded my desktop system to Snow Leopard but didn’t notice any improvements in Safari, so I’m back to using Firefox because I need to use the ElasticFox and S3 Organizer tools for working with Amazon EC2.
Bad Horse's Filly
@Anne Laurie: Are you hooked on Glee, too? I adore it despite my early reservations.
I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to catch up on all the goodness posted today…
and I downloaded Chrome this evening. Like some aspects of it, but still uncomfortable without Firefox. I’ve got some add-ons that won’t work on Chrome that I use almost every session (those Greasemonkey scripts are awesome).
I love this stripey tabby! I have a tabby/tortie girl, and you are right- with all the tabbies out there, your guy would have had a hard time getting noticed, even though he is gorgeous. What a great story! Those people who just dumped him are jerks.
@ ArguingwithSignposts: I agree with the others- two kitties are no more work then one. (and the four I have are no more work than two.) Kitties also make excellent lap blankets this time of year….
Haha, it looks like “The View from Your Couch, Kitty Edition.”
Notorious P.A.T.
That sounds like a good book.
What a sweet looking cat and another great story. It’s great how these bonds form between rescuer and rescuee. This is just awesome
Firefox works perfectly. It’s your operating system that turned to total shit. That happened in 2005, when Micro$haft released Vista, their worst OS ever, worse even than DOS 4.0, even worse than Windows ME.
Now you’re running Windows Vista Service Pack 3 (AKA Windows 7) and you expect your computer to work.
Doing the same thing over and and over again and expecting things to turn out differently is the definition of insanity. Go back to Windows XP, like everyone else, and Firefox will work.
You forgot the part where you beg for money.
Anne Laurie
@Bad Horse’s Filly:
Does it qualify as ‘hooked’ if I watch it on Hulu? Yeah, I was deeply suspicious of the much-hyped first episode, but it’s gotten less twee while retaining its cheerfulness, and who ever imagined that Heartland America(tm) would need to use the term ‘countertenor’ in conversation?
It also helps that I’ve realized it’s the American version of a “live action anime” — when you frame it as people acting out cartoon tropes (the cute sensei! the wacky principal! the evil gym teacher! the various student stereotypes!), it’s a lot easier to accept the deliberate overexaggeration. Never could get into such hipster faves as Pushing Daisies or Chuck, but at least Glee has catchy happie toonz instead of just whimsy as propellant.
harlana pepper
A beautiful story, beautifully written. Thank you so much!
Excellent rescue story. Adorable kitteh. Tabbies are the BEST hands down.
My two guys (brothers) — one tuxedo, the other tiger stripe — are wonderful, rescued them from the pound, their mom was feral. In the mornings after they eat they become feline solar panels in my living room — flattened out on the sofa in the one patch of sun I get in my apartment. The rest of the day they fight over the cat bed next to the radiator :-)
tesslibrarian (formerly tess)
That’s my Jack. More my husband’s Jack–he loves me, too, but I’m not my husband. I have to use my husband’s bell ring to get Jack inside if he’s out of town for more than a few days.
We are in the process of losing my 2nd college cat (17, fibrosarcoma); the 1st died in May (16.5, many things). And it is sad and terrible and the worst experience of my life. It makes me wish Jack didn’t spend most of his time outside, but it’s hard to break a cat of that.
He looks for the old girls when he’s in the window when I walk into a room; when this one goes, we’ll have to show him that she’s died. I’m not sure he’d feel safe in the front part of the house otherwise. Those sickly old ladies have some powerful mojo.
You crazy cat people are making me like cats-stop it!! Seriously though, this is a great story. I have two rescued doggies but not nearly as good a story-thanks for sharing.