I have some time tonight, so I am going through the 1700 messages in gmail and filtering out all the pics from the spam, and here are a few views I love. The first has no elevated feet (I never really campaigned on elevated feet) despite the clear rules, but I love it anyway:
This one has the appropriate level of holiday timeliness:
And because I know if I post two pictures of dogs but no felines, the cat lovers will freak on my tender soul, this offering:
And finally, since this website is where 4chan meets Cute Overload, here is RedKitten’s offering:
You do know the ultimate goal is to get Sullivan to send us a pic of his feet and his beagles?
I thought 4chan + Cute Overload = I Can Haz Cheezburger?
A) I love you.
B) Where on earth does Red Kitten find the time for pretty toe nails with a babe that wee? The former Mommy-of-babies in me bows in honor of her greatness.
C) You do know the ultimate goal is to get Sullivan to send us a pic of his feet and his beagles? – I love you more.
D) this website is where 4chan meets Cute Overload – I love you most.
But you did campaign on elevated feet. There is video evidence of this from 2007.
The picture with the Empire State Building in the background also qualifies as a View from Your Window. Nice apartment that person has.
Keith G
Yea John! Two threads ago my head nearly exploded – somewhere around #200.
Beautiful and much needed change. Oh, and I only wish I could see the E.S.B.(is it?) over my toes.
Or….something as cute as SamKitten.
Since we’re mentioning 4chan, I’ll just leave this here. Latest smudge. 30 Rock marathon – season 3.
I never had you pictured as a foot fetishist. I guess I should have seen the signs or something. You can get help for this.
@Yutsano: This may have something to do with the spam filter’s fixation on the word s h o e s.
What’s with that last picture? Clearly the Christmas tree was ‘shopped in next to the cute baby; I mean, c’mon, we all know the Godless Canucks don’t celebrate Christmas.
Midnight Marauder
I think President Obama might have just birthed a lexicon entry…
Notorious P.A.T.
Cute pics )
Midnight Marauder
I swear those kids over at the GOS are going to spontaneously combust if they keep this up much longer. I mean, they are really losing their fucking minds over there, right? I am not the only one witnessing the devolution of human intellect on a daily basis when I peruse those pages, correct?
You lie! /joe wilson
@tripletee: Feh. They do that evil British holiday Boxing Day. December 26th. Talk about an excuse to just slack off all weekend!
@Midnight Marauder: I’m sorry, but I can’t help but think of pj’s and basements and cheetos when I glance over there.
This evening my old cat who is on prescribed diet (because of her kidneys) snuck over and ate all of the young cats’ regular food. She then proceded to throw it all up on the recliner. The notion of having my elevated foot and my cat in close proximity crossed my mind this evening. I let that notion pass, but I’m not quite back to thinking happy thoughts.
I did consider sending a picture.
I’m a native Southerner white Catholic liberal. ‘Cause we’re all freaks one way or another. Although I’m weak on the Catholic part. And can I just say that I have submitted, previously, a completely adorable toddler + kitten + tie-dyed-t-shirt combo that seemed to me to be tailor made for quelling the hippie on hippie violence, but it seems to have never made the cut. It were a while back.
@Midnight Marauder:
I have not been dipping in there recently. Too scary. But this isn’t the first time the death of the GOS has been predicted, cf. Hillary vs. Obama.
Love the foot action….
thanks, john — a soothing antidote to the recent craziness.
repayment in kind
Sullivan to send us a pic of his feet and his beagles?
This is a rather unfortunate euphemism, isn’t it?
Redkitten is stacking up babies to throw in the fireplace!
I love liberal women.
When the best thing one could say is that they’ve gone from Hamsher derangement syndrome to did he/didn’t he campaign on the public option derangement syndrome things are bad. Four, count them four, diaries on the wreck list about Obama’s public option stance. Last check it was tit for tat, tat, tat.
@Midnight Marauder: I wrote over there that eight years of Bush/Cheney have left this country permanently infantilized. It is hard to believe that anyone over the age of fourteen could be in such total shock over the fact that a politician did not keep his word.
There is also a fair amount of bullying from the FDL folks who want us to unite with Phyllis Schafly to eliminate SCHIP and the food stamp program.
@MikeJ: well, they are a convenient size but the problem with babies is getting/keeping them dry enough to burn.
I know, we’re awesome right?
Redkitten, those are some gawgeous toes you’ve got there.
@arguingwithsignposts: Best Smudge yet. Very cute!
Midnight Marauder
Yeah, you’re probably better off for that. I guess I keep going back because it’s just such a fascinating thing to watch. On the one hand/side of the screen, you’ve got the front pagers, who are engaging in various levels of logic and hysteria, with a pretty balanced mix for the most part.
And then on the flip side, you’ve got Y2K10: Obama Freakout Boogaloo happening and it’s like “Am I seriously on the same website right now? Where did all these WATBs come from and why are they all SHOUTING AT ME?! And are there seriously 8 recommended diaries right now, all titled in some variation ‘Obama DID/NOT campaign on the Public Option?” So I’m curious, I guess, to see where these clowns end up a month or so from now, when this whole hoocoodanode winds down. I really wonder if they are prepared for another 3-7 years of this.
And thinking about it, they certainly aren’t prepared for another 7 years of this kind of back-alley brawling because they’re already ready to fucking bail on this guy at the very beginning of his
presidencyrun as the Atlas of the janitor world. I really do have to question the seriousness of someone who says “Things in the political process aren’t going my way, so I’m going to just stop being active and involved and just quit.” That is like me saying “If you don’t land this plane right now, I’m just going to open the door and jump out.”Somehow, I don’t think you thought your cunning plan all the way through, wise guy.
Where is my foam finger again?
South of I-10
The view from your couch, I can feel my blood pressure going down already. Red Kitten, did you get a pedicure just for your pic?
Regarding Pic #1:
I would argue in its favor insofar as the photo provides enough information for us to infer that the gentleman’s feet are elevated.
Unless this guy just sits weird.
(Update: I’m editing a comment AFTER submission! Whee! Hey – what’s that clock? Gaah! the pressure!)
(Update 2: That Pic earns extra points for the hover tag)
And Another Thing...
@beltane: Somebody, like a refugee “lie finder” from previous threads needs to fisk the photo with the Empire State building lit in blue & white…very suspicious… It should be red & green.
And I’m with ellaesther – I love you too.
@Midnight Marauder: The best response to the whole HCR mess is from Kung Fu Monkey.
Midnight Marauder
That was pretty money, and hilarious as well. I thought the final line was a rather profound observation:
Bad Horse's Filly
First – I didn’t know John posted my message about my cousin on the front page until today. Thank you to everyone who posted your good wishes on her recovery, I read everyone of them. And thanks John for posting it.
Love all the kitties and puppies and babies (SamKitten!!). Just made my night. Arguing’s kitty looks like she’s taken over already.
I’m watching Love Actually and waiting for the snow.
Left Coast Tom
@Midnight Marauder:
I’ve have a hard time reading the GOS front page over the past week, and I normally like reading it despite it’s oft-commented quirks. I’m quite happy with the idea that it’s the role of activists to push for what they want…understanding that it’s up to politicians to make the required compromises. So I don’t expect public option advocates to give up until The Fat Lady Sings. But…the past week does seem to have been an exercise in flinging poo against a wall just to see what sticks.
You just broke the rules, Cole!
@arguingwithsignposts: That will serve as close enough to Rule 34 on the cats, don’t want Furries raiding this place.
@Elisabeth: Right. And that would NEVER happen here, now, would it? ;-)
South of I-10
@Bad Horse’s Filly: I didn’t see your post until lunch today – continued best wishes for you and your family. That is a great story.
Tonight the Empire State Building tower is lit in all white light; that picture may be from Chanukkah. I can see the ESB from my terrace, couldn’t see it through the window if I were laying down on the couch though.
Possibly the best yet. Smudge reading BJ.
All I’m thinking is that if we on the blogs can’t debate issues politely, how do we expect Congress to? THey’re PAID to be cantankerous old bastards.
RedKitten… was waiting for a picture of Sam, holiday version. That’s a nice domestic scene. Nice picture.
@arguingwithsignposts: Ok, that is a thing of beauty.
Eh, you don’t have to beg/ask/inquire politely, I’ll link it anyway. Behold the cuteness. Not that I’m trying to take anything away from Sam, of course, who is irresistable.
That is cuteness of mass destruction, there. the 2-4 year old cuteness factor is like plutonium. Add in the kitteh, and …
South of I-10
@arguingwithsignposts: That is an adorable kitten. I have been checking out the pics, just haven’t been motivated to post in a while (excepting tonight).
That third photo is awesome. I want that person’s apartment.
And no, I didn’t get a pedi just for the photo — I got it for Christmas, as we’re having company, I hate wearing socks, and I didn’t want my company to have to look at grotty feet. Don’t forget, I only have one kid, and he goes to bed at 7:30. I usually stay up until 1am. So that leaves me with more than enough time to attend to myself.
And yeah, babies just never dry out enough to work well in the fireplace. Plus, all the lumps and bumps make them damn hard to stack.
@jibeaux: Aah! Cute kid AND cute kitteh! Together! Yeah, that is definitely weapons-grade qte right there.
That must be one of those evil Canadian thingies again. I should tease my co-worker with that. We pick on her Canadianess enough. Although one of the guys here was stupid enough to pick a fight over hockey with her. She mopped the floor with him. She is teh awesome.
@arguingwithsignposts: That picture is awesome. How do you keep yourself from constantly planting kisses on that cute little patch of dark fur between Smudge’s ears?
Awwww. You’re indoctrinating her already.
That is an incredibly adorable picture. Cute kitty, extra cute kid.
Fortitude. but she is teh awesome. possibly the best decision I’ve made this year.
Keith G
@MikeJ: Great link, thanks.
And this snarky line in Kung Fu’s comments (from Mark) floored me:
Knowing that they’re from Canada, those feet could belong to Sam’s dad.
Edit: I missed where Krista confirmed the feet are hers. Nevermind.
Okay, just to make everyone’s head go flat:
I got a call from a client tonight. He used our service (by the description you can probably figure out where I work) and was complaining he was shorted. When I ask for clarification, he stated that he put in 2000 pennies and was due $200. I spent the next five minutes calmly explaining to him how that was incorrect, and when he hung up he still didn’t really believe me but just thought I wasn’t going to do anything for him. Some days I get weird ones. That just took the cake. I almost threw up my hands and went home my head was hurting over that.
RedKitten, that picture is Christmas-card worthy. The red toenails are an awesome touch! Well done. The little elf? Meh. (Just kidding.)
John Cole
Actually, what made the pic for me was not the toenails, but the virgin Sam stocking. For some reason I just loved that.
Doctor Science
Since the thread is open:
Book of the day: The Little House, by Virginia Lee Burton
puzzle: near Ben Yehuda market, Jerusalem.
Yesterday’s book: Last Call, by Tim Powers
@John Cole: Yeah, we got him a stocking — and we’re planning on filling it. It’s not like he really knows the difference, so it’s more for our enjoyment than his. : ) I plan on taking some pictures of him wearing a Santa hat, too — so those will be forthcoming.
And a shout-out to my husband — if any of you noticed the stone on our chimney, he cut and chiseled every single piece, including the hearth and mantel.
@RedKitten: Did he do that “Peace on Earth” stone too? Cause that is simply amazing.
@RedKitten: I had noticed the stone when I clicked on the photo earlier. Just amazing to know that it’s your husband’s handiwork.
@Yutsano: Yeah, he did. It’s a sideline of his — he does welcome signs, gravestones, etc. He also did the “Noel” one on the mantel — you can see it at the far right of the photo.
@arguingwithsignposts: Thanks for the great picture. It’s my new wallpaper.
Man, I SO needed this tonight. I am working on a massive project that I let slide until the last minute, so I needed a healthy dose of cats, dogs, and babies. Love them all, including AWS’s Smudge and jibeaux’s wild thing with the cat. Now I haz a…not so grumpy.
@Yutsano: Hahahahahahaha! Mathematics, he iz doin’ it rong!
@RedKitten: My mother’s birthday is in March. If shipping is not a huge cost (I’ll pay it but just wondering how the rates would be from Nova Scotia to Washington state) would he be up for a commissioned work? I bet she would LOVE a carved stone with a picture of a horse and a “Welcome” sign. Is your Flickr ID also your e-mail address? Maybe we can have a discussion.
@RedKitten: I had admired the Peace on Earth stone, too. Your husband is clearly very talented. I would love to have him do a stone for my sweet kitty that I had to say goodbye to last Monday. Do you think he would consider doing something like that?
Aaagh. Post fail. I composed a nice message complimenting various people on cute cats or kids, and a heartwarming reminder to BHF to pass on our good wishes to her cousin. Too + 6 to rewrite.
Hello all.
@asiangrrlMN: It’s really too bad you couldn’t see the look on my face when I was taking that call. My brain was literally going nuts trying to get this guy to understand his math skills were teh suck. Of course I couldn’t SAY that, but I was trying really hard to get him to figure out just how incorrect he was. At least he didn’t keep me on the phone much longer after he gave up on me.
@WaterGirl: WaterGirl, here is a woman who creates cat sculptures. She does tributes to cats who have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Just a FYI.
@Tattoosydney: FH#1! Hihihi! Glad you are enjoying your honeymoon. I’m sure the post will show up at some unspecified further time. Pictures!
@Yutsano: I would have loved to seen the look on your face. I bet you were muttering a few uncomplimentary things in your head while you were talking to him.
@Yutsano: All of his work is custom, so you could get whatever you liked for your mom. He wouldn’t be able to get a work done by this March, unfortunately. But, he could do it this summer and you’d have it for her birthday next year. The stones are engraved via sandblasting, and he doesn’t have indoor facilities set up for it, so he does it outside, and the weather just doesn’t permit right now. Shipping would depend on how big a sign you want, obviously.
And yes, WaterGirl, he does pet headstones.
Both of you, email me at redkitten1975 at gmail dot com, and I’ll direct you to his website to have a look around, and we can go from there.
@Tattoosydney: Konban/konnichi wa! This shall make the wifey most pleased that we’re all gathered. How’s the European snow? You challenged the other half to a snowball fight yet?
@Tattoosydney: FH#1! Hihihi! Glad you are enjoying your honeymoon. I’m sure the post will show up at some unspecified further time. Pictures!
@Yutsano: I would have loved to seen the look on your face. I bet you were muttering a few uncomplimentary things in your head while you were talking to him.
@WaterGirl: WaterGirl, here is a woman who creates cat sculptures. She does tributes to cats who have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Just a FYI.
Oh, and FYWP
freezing here. Snow (slush) on ground. You would hate it.
6am here. I should be sleeping. Body clock not yet reset.
@RedKitten: E-mail has been dropped over to you. You’re the first person (besides John) to know my real name!
The snow is picturesque, but my ability not to fall over my feet is not good at the best of times. I fell on my arse this morning on some stairs. Injured pride and a bruised back. Oy.
Otherwise Amsterdam is its usual beautiful self. Good bagels, great cake shops, a friendly coffee shop 100m away, little that we NEED to do. Plus this time we have a view out our first floor window of a beautiful canal, and a balcony looking on to a garden. Life is good.
How you both?
@asiangrrlMN: Maybe it’s just me, but none of the links seemed to work on that site. I got to the main page but nothing seemed to work from there. Or maybe it was all right in front of me and I missed it?
I am devoting some time tomorrow to working out how to post pictures from my iPhone.
@RedKitten: I sent my email, too. Not worried that you will know my real name, but I am not infamous like Yutsano. :-)
@Tattoosydney: I think the FSM is giving me not-so-subtle hints that my career needs to take a new turn. Tonight was just another piece of the puzzle. I think I’m gonna give myself a Christmas present and go for it. And not the one I was originally looking at either. But still an amazing opportunity that I came across last Friday. Otherwise the rugelach were a success, I’m still breathing, the Dawg is off saving the world (i.e. missing) and Christmas is pretty much set as far as my gift-giving goes.
@Tattoosydney: Oh, yeah. Waaay to cold for me.
@WaterGirl: Sorry! Here’s her actual etsy link. It looks like she’s on vacation. Here is a link to one of the sculptures she did. You can email her for custom orders. My apologies for lazy linkage.
@Yutsano: I’m jealous!
That all sounds most satisfactory.
@WaterGirl: Sorry! Here’s her actual etsy link. It looks like she’s on vacation. Here is a link to one of the sculptures she did. You can email her for custom orders. My apologies for lazy linkage.
@Tattoosydney: I am, um. Yeah. I wish I had more snow. Sigh.
@Yutsano: I just call you Yutso in my mind.
Film recommendations from my flights:
Miss pettigrew lives for a day – very sweet, made me cry (athough that is relatively easy on a plane).
Monsters v aliens is a hoot.
Already mentioned – 500 days of summer. Cute boy.
@asiangrrlMN: The nifty thing is you’ll be getting an e-mail from me soon as well. We do have a bet to settle up after all!
I’m praying to the FSM for you. It must be able to come up with some more snow for both of us.
@Yutsano: This is true! As I said last night, though, I will be out of town two days after Xmas through January 8. Mebbe we should hold off until I get back to settle the bet.
@Tattoosydney: This is true. Noodly appendages can do anything! Er….
@Tattoosydney: Qantas has decent film selections? Nifty! Oh I did a bit of research on flights down your way, amazingly enough the least expensive was on Delta, although I took them to Atlanta and they weren’t too heinous. Granted this was before the ridiculous bag charges were in play.
@asiangrrlMN: Since I most likely won’t have them cooked and mailed before you leave I’ll accept the delay. I just don’t want you to think I’m backing out. I may e-mail you beforehand just to open the lines of communication.
@Yutsano: Cool! And then I’ll have a name for the…um, username!
@asiangrrlMN: You may like my e-mail sig too. In fact you’ll most likely know who it is even without me telling you!
Oh god. We don’t fly qantas. KLM – beautiful unflappable and genuinely friendly Dutch hosties, decent movies, pretty good food, and not that expensive.
@Yutsano: Japanese!
@Tattoosydney: KLM is a good airline. I will be flying ChinaAir for part of my trip, which my parents tell me is fabulous.
@asiangrrlMN: Thanks for the info!
@asiangrrlMN: Domestically if I can I’ll fly Alaska Air. I’ve never had a bad flight on them and the flight crew has always been phenomenal. I wish that had been an option to Atlanta but it wasn’t. Fortunately it is to Phoenix when I jaunt down to a wedding in April, so I’m lucking out there. I took SAS to Germany, not a bad airline overall. But that’s about my only international flight experience.
@WaterGirl: No problem. I think they’re beautiful.
@Yutsano: I’m usually stuck with NW/Delta, which I loathe. Continental isn’t bad.
@arguingwithsignposts: I’m curious. Does smudge refer to the cat, or to the thing on the lens of the camera you’re using that makes all of the pictures blurry?
We have a running joke at the Big Box Bookstore about a clueless dad coming in with instructions to get Monsters vs. Aliens for a party of preschoolers and getting Alien vs. Predator instead. Eek!
Hasn’t happened yet. But we keep hoping.
@Yutsano: Given the fact that I used a Sumerian numeric system to track a progression on a code wheel tonight to decrypt three digits to unlock a memory, I feel your pain. By the way, Assassin’s Creed 2 is Awesome!
@asiangrrlMN: I think we could degenerate into griping about airlines ad infinitum, but I’d rather focus on the more happy side of things. Like the fact that I’ll get a decent night’s sleep tonight.
The Other Steve
RedKitten, you’ve convinced me… We need a stocking for Alexander!
Have to stop at the fabric store tomorrow. Get some fabric, and decorative beads and stuff and colored thread to put his name into it.
@Yutsano: If you have the option, always fly Virgin.
@Yutsano: This is true. Happy thoughts. Um…er…I got to ‘see’ both of my FHs at the same time tonight. That’s all I got.
@The Other Steve: So, would that be sockulism, then?
@RedKitten: Does he map out the tesselation of the stones ahead of time? I can only find about 4 standard lengths of stone, which leads me to believe that a good chunk of the work is done freestyle.
@asiangrrlMN: I’m pretty damn happy to see you both too. I needed this after this weird day.
And I will insert my favorite story so far this year for the “War on Christmas: Retail Division” archives.
I was helping a woman in Music, taking a lot of time to find this and that for her, and then she said, “And I’d like to get a selection of the Psalms.”
I said, “Do you have an idea about which composer you want?”
She recoiled and practically hissed: “They’re from the Bible!”
Mightily straining not to go all Basil Fawlty on her ass, I said, “Yes, I know they’re from the Bible, but when they’re ‘set to music’ there’s a composer involved, and literally hundreds of people have done that.”
“Oh.” But still dissatisfied, like I was trying to pull a fast one on her.
Good times.
@Steeplejack: It’s always nice to know our experiences aren’t always unique. At least I’m one degree away and don’t have to interact with them personally. It’s a lot easier to hide the varying levels of contempt I feel for the idiocy I run into.
@Steeplejack: Ha! I laugh heartily at your Psalms!
@bago: Ok, is this even English? And, why Virgin?
The Other Steve
Technically this was taken from my couch.
I bought a new camera for Christmas. A Sony A500 DSLR kit, which came with an 18-55mm kitlens and a 75-300mm telephoto. So sitting from my couch, I decided to see what I could do with a 300mm lens and took a shot of Alex who was in the kitchen about 15 feet away with full 300mm magnification.
I’ve always wanted a real camera. Need to learn how to use this thing. Anyway, If you look at the others, I also really like #16 of alex and #20 of our dog roxie.
And on that note, gonna go sleep the sleep of the just. Until morrow fair lords and ladies.
@The Other Steve:
Nice pics. That is one serious bad-cat at 19.
The Other Steve
@Steeplejack: That cat is afraid of his own shadow! :-)
I’m going to spend the next week or so trying to get some good shots of my cats. It’s hard. The dog at least understands stay. The cats want to rub their butt on the camera lens. Ick!
@asiangrrlMN: Well, no, Sumerian would not be english by definition. I suspect however you are referring to the crypto-jargon I was using.
A progression would be a description of the changes to a value as you iterate. A sequential progression would be a non algorithmic progression that is defined by the series, which is often referred to by the term “One-time pad”. In other words a series of values that modifies the original set of values according to their position in the dataset.
Example: If my original dataset was {2, 4, 5, 2, 11} and my one time pad was {3, 4, 1, 2, 3}, and the algorithm was to add the values of the one-time pad to the dataset in question, the encrypted message would be {5, 8, 3, 4, 14}. The only way the reciever of the data can decrypt the data is by having a copy of the one time sheet, and reversing the algorithm, which in this example means subtraction. {5-3=2, 8-4=4, 3-1=2, 4-2=2, 14-3=11}, and you get your original data back.
In the game Assassin’s Creed 2, this is a cipher used to unlock a memory to understand the backstory. In the game, they just decided to toss the values of the one-time pad into sumerian, just to screw with you. It’s still a base 10 system, so it’s relatively trivial to translate, but the fact that they went there means that they care.
In short: Math Bitchez!
@The Other Steve:
I have an a350. They’re good cameras and give you a perfect shot on a pretty regular basis.
@The Other Steve:
That’s why you’ve got the zoom. Ansel Adams 101.
@asiangrrlMN: Why Virgin? Besides the fact that they never have any lines to check in, everything is electronic, everyone on the plane gets their own media center, you can play DOOM on it, and there’s free wifi on the plane, the planes all have cute names, and it’s 65 dollars from Seattle to San Francisco? It’s because the safety cards look like rave fliers.
Well, the camera I’m using does suck, but trying to get a kitteh to stay still long enough to get a decent pic … well.
The advantage of one-time pads of course being that you can’t use glyph-level frequency analysis to reverse engineer the offset algorithm. Modern algorithmic crypto techniques take the hash concept and stretch it out over numeric space to boundaries beyond efficient numeric analysis by using poly-hashes to defeat rRainbow table analysis.
She likes the view from your couch.
@arguingwithsignposts: Does your camera have a fixed lens?
it’s a cell phone camera, a shitty motorola model. FWIW, I have used a Nikon professionally, so it’s not like I don’t know the quality is shitty.
So fixed lens. Try to determine the depth of field bounds the lens is set at, aand ensure you have no unbalanced refractive compounds in the photonic pathway, (aka keep it clean)
Yes, he designed that particular layout and combination of sizes. Our mason said he hadn’t seen one exactly like that before, and just loved it. The height of the stones were 2, 3, 5, or 8 inches. They were all 4 inches deep. And think he just winged it on the length — am not sure. I’d ask him, but he’s still asleep.
WaterGirl and Yutsano, check ur email.
Took me awhile to find it. And, it’s not Sullivan’s feet plus Beagles… and, feet aren’t even in the frame, but it’s really a great shot of Sully’s Aaron plus beagles plus couch.
Ash Can
This is one of the awesomest threads of all time.
@arguingwithsignposts: I like the view of your Smudge looking at the view from the couch.
@bago: Ah! Got it. Thanks for explaining that to me.
@The Other Steve: Adorable baby. Want. That. Black. Cat.
Love that first one. Every shirt I own has been dog slobbered by being in that exact position.