Romney-bot Kevin Madden on CNN:
MADDEN: President Obama right now has suffered very greatly in the last few months because of the fight over health care, and he has very little political capital right now. So Republicans feel it is in vogue to criticize this president.
And then lastly, you have to also remember the fact that the president being on vacation in Hawaii, it’s much different than being in Texas. Hawaii to many Americans seems like a foreign place. And I think those images, the optics, hurt President Obama very badly.
Hawaii is an enigma wrapped up inside a riddle. Just a couple weeks ago, when an Alaskan named Sarah Palin visited, Hawaii was as American as meth labs and teen pregnancy. Now, when Obama visits the state in which he was born, Hawaii is all “foreign” and “exotic.”
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
That’s because Hawaii is actually part of Indonesia.. or is it Kenya? I get so confused.
It’s a known fact that Hawaiians don’t keep pets. Certainly not cats or dogs. And until there’s photographic evidence otherwise, I’m sticking by my knee-jerk decision.
So there.
Bruce (formerly Steve S.)
A black guy named Hussein who vacations in Hawaii will never be President, mark my words.
You can’t win. No matter how many zombies you kill, they make more.
dr. bloor
It’s not even original douchery. TEH HAWAII IS TOOOO EXZOTIC! is Cokie Roberts’s schtick.
I wish I could say I was surprised about this. Sadly I am not surprised in the least. Just plain unreal.
What makes it even worse is if obama goes on the attack and calls these rat-fuckers out on all this bullshit the narrative becomes “he’s uppity” or “he’s just blaming everyone else for his problems” even if the problems were inherited. The media will pounce and we’ll be subjected to endless headlines about the president having a chip on his shoulder.
to many people in the US, TX would feel like a foreign country. while Alaska would feel like another planet.
El Cid
Yeah! FUCK HAWAII! Just ’cause you’re a damn state don’t make you a REAL AMERICAN!
You’re not REAL AMERICA unless your state waged a war to destroy the Union. Then you’re acceptably patriotic.
So Republicans are just now feeling it’s “in vogue” to criticize the president? Seems to me we’ve had a hell of a lot of out-of-season criticism in the past year, then.
There’s far too much awesome in that sentence.
Leelee for Obama
Yeah, saw this this AM and threw a pillow at the Romney-bot’s face. What a completely full of shit creature he is. At the least, he admitted De Mints’s optics were not good either, but not as bad as coming from Hawaii-what the hell was Obama thinking? Didn’t the mad scientists who created him realize they should have had him born in KANSAS? Seriously, everybody knows that Hawaii is just too foreign and exotic for a President to come from, especially if he’s a Sockalist-Stalinsit-Fascist-Half-Black First time ever when the terrorists are trying to kill us all President!
Talk about a lack of planning. He’s just like Bush!
Can you tell I’m done with these assholes yet?
Damn Obama! If only we had known he was from Hawaii before we elected him in with a large mandate!
Why didn’t someone like Cokie Roberts warn us…
Can we just kill that word “optics.” It’s such bullsh*t. But this is the Village.
BTW, I hear those filthy Hawaeeans put their emopants on one leg at a time like those Texans.
Ah, as Digby would say, Cokie’s Law has gone mainstream (in the Village, that is).
El Cid
Also, FUCK ELITIST NEW YORK, it’s not Real America, unless Republicans are talking about 9/11, for which the city gets a temporary pass,
Weren’t we just sucking Hawaii’s metaphorical cock over Pearl Harbor the other day?
There is nothing more American than BASEBALL.
Little League World Series winners:
2005 – Ewa Beach, Hawaii
2008 – Waipiʻo, Hawaii
Take that, Cokie Roberts.
Where has all this “Hawaii is so foreign and exotic” bullshit come from? Are these dumbfuck retards aware that its a state? They speak English there and everything!
We’re back to this shit? Thanks Cokie.
I’d bet anything that if given a choice, the overwhelming majority of Americans would prefer to spend their vacation in Hawaii than in Texas.
@cleek: If Gov. Goodhair had his way, Texas would be a foreign country.
Let’s see how many Republicans will vote to sell Hawaii to the Japanese (who already own most of it). I’ll trade it for Puerto Rico.
And attacking Obama is always en vogue with republicans.
El Cid
I demand to see Hawaii’s long form vault copy statehood certificate.
Chyron HR
Well, shit, man, the Governor of Hawaii is a vocal secessionist. Could they BE any more un-American?
@El Cid:
Please leave my city out of this. El Syd and Nancy.
@El Cid:
El Cid FTW
Obviously, you don’t recall the infamous “Brady Bunch Hawaii Bound” episode, do you?
that’s where Cokie and this Moran form all their opinions about ferners.
kommrade reproductive vigor
This is exactly why no one cared when the Japanese bombed the shit out of Pearl Harbor!
Maybe my Outrage Engine is broken (or I took too much cold medicine) but the solemn regurgitation of something that was stupid when Cokie Roberts said it is making me laugh so hard it hurts.
schrodinger's cat
They can use the word optics but can they prove laws of reflection and refraction using Maxwell’s equations?That’s what optics reminds me off, that and the tedious experiments involving an optical bench in Junior lab.
@Chyron HR: I see what you did there
Col. Klink
Par for the course. Remember when Arkansas was not real Merika but a giant corrupt meth lab for 8 years when Clinton was in office. The media really is destroying our democracy.
Midnight Marauder
Right. Because it’s not like Hawaii was ever its own independent nation, with an active number of citizens who would still very much like to secede from the Union and have their own kingdom again.
For the life of me, I will never understand this whole “HAWAII IS DIFFERENT” line of attack. Is the barrel that empty with other nonsense that this is the only thing left? Really?!
K. Grant
@Dreggas: Bingo. This is exactly why Obama can never deliver the haymakers the left wants him to throw – because the moment he does, the media will go into overdrive about him being exactly like Rev. Wright. He will turn into the ‘angry black man’ in less than two seconds, and for the next three years that is all that we will hear.
I sometimes wonder if the Obamas sit at the kitchen table in the White House and wonder if it was really worth all of this abject knavery.
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Fixed. But it wasn’t over!
Cokie Roberts mentioned this during the campaign, when Obama went on vacation (I believe). She actually complained on one of the Sunday talk shows that he should have gone to someplace more American, like Myrtle Beach, and that Hawaii just sounded too exotic and far away for middle America, or somesuch …
Hence the term Cokie’s Law.
It’s no different than when the Clintons used to vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, which would slay me since most of the media elites have vacation homes there.
Sentient Puddle
Hell, I’m a Texan, and all too often, Texas feels like a foreign country to me.
The Moar You Know
Optics, guys! It’s all optics!
Usurper “Blackity-Black” Hussein Obama:
heroin, ACORN, rapin’ white wimmin, steal from the
richwhites and give to thedarkiespoor darkies. ACORN!!!!President “Pure As Ivory Soap And Twice As White” Palin: meth, teen pregnancy, AMERICA FUCK YEAH,
shove Old Man McCain down a flight of stairscut taxes on therichpatriotic white folks and give to theSarah Palin Clothing PACpatriotic white folks.What part of these optics don’t you get?
Hawaii will never be a “real” American state to Republicans because we’re only 25% white.
How is Cokie’s Law not in the lexicon?
Steve Balboni
He might be a Romney-bot but he’s quoting, almost verbatim, from the Book of Lady Cokie, Grand Duchess of the Village.
Eric U.
I really don’t understand what the republicans hope to achieve with this line of attack. People know that it doesn’t really cost much to go on vacation in Hawaii.
Furthermore, I don’t think people are really freaking out about the Detroit attack, even thought there are people trying to get them to do so. I suspect that almost any attack where the only result is that a guy burns off his nuts in a failed attempt would provoke a similar lack of interest. Failure doesn’t provide a good platform for fear.
@Tonybrown74: I wouldn’t be surprised if more Americans have been to Hawaii as a visitor than Martha’s Vineyard, especially after you factor in military service.
@eastriver: My deeply-missed Tigger begs to differ.
We haven’t had the heart to get a new dog since her passing a year ago, but she was Hawai’i born-and-raised and lived a good long 16-year-life.
El Cid
Next vacation Obama should spend by laying wreaths upon every memorial to Confederate soldiers. This would be a vacation for True Americans.
Joe Beese
When you think of a Hawaiian, what skin color do you picture?
“Exotic” as usual a code word for “ni@@er”.
I’m sure the “100% of Islamic extremists are Muslims” congressman would agree.
You know, not that many years ago I would have thought dipshits like this one at least giggled privately after writing or saying obvious partisan loony bullshit like this. But now, really do think some of them are that retarded and actually believe whatever randomly tumbles out of their mouth.
Jesus, I wish I’d had other things to do today, like clean the cat boxes or stand in line at the DMV or get a root canal. Because every thread today has made me hate most people with the fire of a thousand suns.
His political capital is returning… Gallup Daily, he was down to 47 at the beginning of the month. The last week he has climbed to the 50’s… he is at 53. Teh brown folks still like him–blacks 93, Hispanics 77. It is teh white folks like Madden bringing him down….
Chat Noir
So, like, I won’t need my passport to visit? Kewl.
In 2004 they didn’t seem to have any trouble making people suddenly think that windsurfing was something only out-of-touch elitist Richie Riches did, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work the same way now.
El Cid
Do they put out a map of what the American parts of America are?
In more ways than one. I’m sure this is what Obama admin folks think when they hear this stuff.
El Cid
@KCinDC: Shit, they didn’t have any problem mocking a Vietnam veteran with purple bandaids versus an Andover cheerleader national guard duty avoider.
Mike G
Hawaii to many Americans seems like a foreign place.
But a former governor from that other non-contiguous state is more salt-of-the-earth Real Murkan(TM) than anybody on the east or west coasts. VillageDoubleSpeak makes a lot of sense.
Who the fuck are these ‘journalist’ blow-dried bobble-heads that find Hawaii so exotically foreign? Are they really that provincial and little-travelled, or just pandering to the rednecks and hicks who’ve never gone further than a tankful of gas from their double-wide?
kommrade reproductive vigor
Massachusetts is to many Americans a hotbed of forced gay sex and so ci a list health care. I say we regard anyone who has ever held a position of authority in that state with intense suspicion.
Please note: When I die laughing because the birfers are attempting to prove it isn’t really a state, it will be El Cid’s fault.
Hmm. Maybe this is the reason for some of the Hawaii hate:
And their flag features the Union Jack. Also.
And if I were Hawaiian, I’d be calling every single news outlet that runs shit like this and screaming my head off about it.
Jesus. I need Tums or something. I’m in physical pain here.
There is nothing more American than BASEBALL.
Little League World Series winners:
2005 – Ewa Beach, Hawaii
2008 – Waipiʻo, Hawaii
Take that, Cokie Roberts.
Just means the LLWS was won by furrigners those two years. We need to inject some red-blooded American kids in Nebraska full of HGH to ensure that this doesn’t happen again.
No matter where Obama is from, goes, thinks about, reads about, or talks about, that place is un-American by definition. Doesn’t matter. It will always be and it will never be challenged. Don’t watch CNN. No good comes from it ever.
@Steve Balboni:
Wait, now I’m totally confuzzled. I always thought that was Nooner’s title. There can’t be two GDVs, can there? Naaaah . . . .
memory bank
Yeh, vacationing in Hawaii is not as American as vacationing on a livestock-free “ranch” that you bought just before running for President and sold as soon as you left office.
Boots Day
Has anyone ever once accused Alaska of being “foreign”? I’m sure many more Americans have been to Hawaii than have been to Alaska.
@Boots Day: Alaska is Republican, duh. And there are brown people and Asians in Hawaii. Also.
El Cid
@Legalize: What you’re saying, then, is that Obama himself is a mobile microverse of un-Americanness, such that where ever he goes becomes temporary un-American territory with his presence, and then, maybe, when he leaves, its true Americanness may return, albeit likely in a damaged, weakened state.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@El Cid: Here’s one.
And do I need to mention that if Obama didn’t vacation in the state where he was born and spent much of his childhood, the bobbleheads would wring their hands and wail because Obama was slapping Hawaii in the face, throwing it under the bus and forcing his security detail down the throat of whatever state he did visit? (Sprinkled with furrow-browed wondering if it was evidence of a deep hatred of his whitey grandparents, natch.)
Didn’t think so.
Unlike Hawaii, Washington D.C. isn’t even a state. Doesn’t have any representation in Congress. I’m guessing the only thing that’s stopped the villagers from asking why Obama chooses to live in some bizarro un-American land is because all of the Villagers live there too.
@mandarama: We used to humorously offer “Statehood Recognition Awards” to people who asked stupid questions like “What kind of currency do you use there?”*
Nowadays we just shake our heads in dismay.
*For the record, it’s the US dollar, not the renminbi or the yen.
Dave Fud
Another rhetorical twist in the interview: “this” president. This president implies just another one in a long line, while “the” president is more respectful. May be subtle, but they never miss the chance to twist things a bit.
Well, on the bright side, even if they’re getting the currency wrong, at least they aren’t asking if you still use trading shells… baby steps.
@GambitRF, I’m pretty sure a lot of the “DC” Villagers actually live in Maryland or Virginia. They wouldn’t want to have to give up congressional representation or local government. Plus DC is too urban for them.
There. Fixed it for you.
in solidarity with my poor, hurt, Hawaiian, political-capitally-bankrupt President, I have dug out my pre-election Women for Obama t-shirt and am proudly wearing it today.
Take THAT, O-bashers.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Linkmeister: What? Damn it, I’ve been saving up these cowrie shells for nuthin’!
Christ, the GOP is so busy labeling large swaths of this country “foreign” and “not really America” that I can’t keep up. I may have to start telling my friends when they mail me stuff to my NJ residence, its going to be considered foreign delivery!
I promise to rifle-butt the next chattering moron on the teevee who says “optics” to mean “appearance”.
@soonergrunt, I thought that translation was well known enough that it didn’t need to be spelled out.
@El Cid:
And whose Governor is even now making noises about seceding.
licensed to kill time
@El Cid:
Here’s another linky to the US as seen by Californians and the world as seen by Americans. Note that Hawaii isn’t even on the CA radar.
Yes, I know your question wasn’t en serio…
Yeah, but not because it’s mysterious, dipshit.
Because we’re jealous. It’s fookin’ cold outside.
Steve Balboni
Nooner’s title is Our Lady of the Magic Dolphin.
But don’t forget, Guam is totally American. Especially when the child laborers make cheap t-shirts. USA! USA!
@KCinDC: It was just fine for you, me, and other Balloon-Juicers (I refuse to refer to us as BJ’ers) but for people like pj, makewi, and BoB, you need to spell these things out. They’re rather stupid, you know.
Maybe that will supplant the crack it seems like we’re smoking.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Speaking as a Texan who’s been to Hawaii, this is pure, unadulterated horse shit. Texas has its share of natural, dare I say exotic beauty, from Big Bend to the Hill Country to the bayous. The only thing that makes Hawaii “exotic” is the fact you can’t just pack the kids and the dogs in an RV and drive all the way there.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Fixited. Texas could certainly lead another secession movement and I’d gladly support it.
@Grumpy Code Monkey:
They let you return from such a mysterious place? Were you accepted immediately or were they suspicious of you for some period of time?
Mike E
@dr. bloor:
Any idea is as good as any other to a Movement Conservative, so no copyright laws need apply. Everything belongs to them anyway, get used to it!
It is all about the “images” and the “optics” to these birdbrains.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Which is why BJ remains so great.
That’s going to be a surprise for the teabaggers who’ve chartered buses to head there to protest the Soshalist Usurper.
Undisclosed Location
So Cheney slithered out from whatever rock he was under to criticize President Obama. Considering how much of this $hit$torm was of his creating…
Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) blasted Cheney today, saying “that the apparent leaders of the al Qaeda cell in Yemen were 2 terrorists who were released by Vice President Cheney in secret.” “I think there’s a level of accountability that has to be levied personally on the vice president,” said Massa.
I want to see Cheney in the Hague. Or in an urn. Either way – it’s all good. He’ll probably still find a way to make appearances on Faux Nooz
kommrade reproductive vigor
@mistersnrub: Which is why
Mitt RomneySarah PalinCharlie CristJohn EnsignJohn Thune is the darling of the hour. He looks good (to Republicans at least) and can utter the right words (to Republicans) without too much prompting.donovong
Speaking of wankers, Sullivan has now “responded” to Mr. Cole re: Naplitano –
Makes no more sense now that it ever has.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
This. Again.
Sigh. We’re doomed.
I have to credit Obama for not pretending to “clear brush” at a fake-ass ranch purchased expressly for photo ops during his presidency.
There isn’t enough news to fill 24 hours so they invent shit. Jesus Puppy, they pray for things like bomb-in-the-underpants terrorists so they’ll have something to talk about.
Serious question: which gets more federal $$, Alaska or Hawaii?
Brian J
No offense to Texas, but my guess is, the majority of people who aren’t used to the way things are down there would find it as weird, if not weirder, than they would Hawaii. So yes, this guy is a dumbass.
You know, maybe it’s because I’m just an asshole, but if the security issues wouldn’t be so large, and if wouldn’t screw with too many people in damaging ways, I’d like Obama to start taking trips just to fuck with people. He could move to a cabin in the woods for a week and demand he be addressed as Kaczynski. He could parade himself around a nudist beach, wearing only a hat that demanded people admire his endowment. He could go to Russia and start to say, “You know, maybe the Soviets were on to something!” And so on. I mean, after all, he wouldn’t be serious with any of this crap, and it’d be funny to see dummies like this guy piss themselves collectively.
If we found out that Obama prefers Colgate toothpaste there would be an analyst on CNN within the hour solemnly declaring that Colgate sounds too much like ivy league elitism to be something “most Americans” could approve of, and switching to Aim would send a clearer message to the terrorists.
That is all.
@eastriver post 24. This. I’m on the Hudson side.
@donovong, I think Sully is a great believer in the Evil Overlord school of management, in which you kill some underlings whenever anything goes wrong in order to motivate the survivors.
If Sully had comments on his blog, I doubt he’d be the stupid fucker he is today.
Dean Wormer
I thought I told Neidermeyer to deal with you, young man.
Sentient Puddle
@donovong: Ugh. That reply still made no sense. Here’s how I parsed it out:
I think I can let that stand and make my point without further comment.
Obama “I have cured cancer!!”
Republicans “Who do you think you are playing god?”
Tonal Crow
Hawaii is a state, and GOPistan is the Shadow in the
EastSouth.Grumpy Code Monkey
We snuck back in. Late at night. While the few people who could have stopped us were outside across the parking lot getting their nicotine fix (one of the advantages of flying into Austin).
Original Lee
@KCinDC: This. Plus LOLs.
Wow. Someone needs to netflix these bitches Gidget Goes Hawaiian.
Grumpy Code Monkey
@Brian J:
No offense taken here. We’re pretty fucked up in many unique and interesting ways.
@Tomlinson: Heh. Best I can do.
@El Cid:
Fuck that shit. My ancestors fought at Gettysburg, Spotsylvania Courthouse, and Peterburg, on the side that won the fucking war. I’d like to take a vaction to piss on the grave of every Confederate soldier, since their asshole descendants refuse to admit that they got their asses kicked and have spent the last 100 years acting like they are the ones who won. Seeing as how their memory is that defective, next time, we give Sherman nukes and let him do the job properly I say. The South can rise again from a radioactive hole in the ground.
Round-trip from Chicago to Honolulu: $576
Round-trip from Chicago to Anchorage: $528
Cost of leaving Real America: $48
Avoiding Alaska in January? Priceless.
@Brian J:
I’d like to see him just start to fuck with people.
Open every military gun range in the country to people who wanted to play with automatic weapons. Declare that henceforth he’s eating nothing but watermelon. Personally buy a copy of Palin’s book for every library in the country.
Like that. See if he could get some heads to explode.
Garrigus Carraig
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: Damn.
Statewide, Hawaii has more Wal-Marts than Alaska. Alaska is therefore the least American and most exotic state in the union.
licensed to kill time
Well, I have to say there are parts of America that seem like a foreign country to me. Generally it’s those square states – if you’re a coastie of the left or right persuasion, those flyover states are just plain weird. Apologies to any square-staters here on BJ, but man if you’ve ever done a coast to coast road trip you have experienced some serious strange brew in the middle bits…
Just sayin’.
What that Madden guy said is just stupid though.
Fuck that shit. My ancestors fought at Gettysburg, Spotsylvania Courthouse, and Peterburg, on the side that won the fucking war. I’d like to take a vaction to piss on the grave of every Confederate soldier, since their asshole descendants refuse to admit that they got their asses kicked and have spent the last 100 years acting like they are the ones who won. Seeing as how their memory is that defective, next time, we give Sherman nukes and let him do the job properly I say. The South can rise again from a radioactive hole in the ground.
This. Also.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: Jaysus, and I thought I hated the neo-confederate fucks. Nicely said, sir.
Eh, I’ve lived in both fly-over states (ND, SD, MN, central IL) and the coasts (went to college in Boston, spent a year in LA).
There’s pretty much weird shit everywhere.
Snicker. You guys are the best. Speaking as someone who is in an actual foreign country that resembles Hawaii in many ways, fuck you Madden from the uncanny valley. Fuck you with a rusty pitchfork, a Garden Weasel, and a weed whacker simultaneously in all three of your orifices (yeah, it counts, fellahs). I am fucking sick of this meme, but I agree that anything Obama does will be considered exotic.
@El Cid: Oh my god, El Cid, you have outdone yourself with this one! mobile microverse of un-Americanness. How do you think of these things?
@eemom: I have an Obama/Biden button with me. I shall wear it today. I wish I had my Asian Pacific American Women for Obama button with me. Damn.
Mike E
FTW, from here in Mayberry RFC
Sully’s British youth must have missed all those IRA bombings. Who lost their jobs over that?
“They’ve had eight years to figure this out,” yes, and Napolitano has only been on the job for less than one of those.
Sully is a true wanker.
@slag: sentences like that are the reason i read this blog
Kevin forgot to mention the biggest problem with President Obama going to Hawaii: he can’t see the continental U.S. from there, and thus cannot maintain a working relationship with it as Sarah Palin (mother of weary youth Bristol and nooner partner to Levi) so clearly demonstrated was necessary to her relationship with Russia.
@Persia: Unlike all the indigenous brown people in Alaska, for example.
El Cid
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: Y’all know I was just jokin’ ’bout that, right?
The Moar You Know
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: As someone whose ancestors fought on the losing side of that war, I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t pee on their graves. However, the rest of your sentiment I agree with. 100%.
Have these “Hawaii is exotic” people ever actually been there? It’s Florida with better drinks, worse shirts, and an inexplicable fondness for Spam.
Comrade Luke
He was standing in front of a fucking curtain and behind a podium.
For all the Republicans know, he could have been using the same studio where they staged the moon landing.
Hey, Hawaii is a state where the previous government used to practice human sacrifice.
So, there you go.
@The Moar You Know:
No offence intended to present company and others of similar ilk. I’ve just had my fill of a political system dominated by southerners for the last half century, seeing as how the results haven’t been much to brag about. I’m a patient person, but I’ve been waiting 40+ years for southerners to lead, follow, or get out of the way. As my grandfather used to say “I’ve had my fill, and now I’m full, and now you’re gonna hear about it“. Must be the Scotch-Irish side of the family speaking.
@El Cid – yeah, I knew you were joking.
@DonBelacquaDelPurgatorio: Yeah, they used to throw them in those volcanoes that Bobby Jindel doesn’t think we need to monitor.
I’d suggest a few people that could be thrown into a volcano, but I’m afraid Madame Pele would just spit them right out.
Listen, there are some idiots in this country who think New Mexico is a foreign land.
D.N. Nation
These giggly idiots got dumptrucked in Election ’08 by, among other sins, pretending like half of America wasn’t America. If they choose to do that again, I say let them ride the crazy train straight into the ground.
Fuck these clowns.
Mike in NC
I can almost see Myrtle Beach from my house, and it sucks. Full of fat rednecks and stupid old people who can’t drive. But I’d sell my soul to Dick Fucking Cheney if he could magically transport me to Waikiki. Man, I loved Honolulu…
I always love how it’s so often called ‘The War of Northern Aggression’. Gosh, who fired on Fort Sumter? I just don’t know….
Mike E
Or, The Great Unpleasantness
No kidding. This happened in the run-up to the Atlanta Olympics (per my own memory, and reinforced by this from the NYTimes of July 21, 1996:
Diplomatic Immunity
People who drive through the deep shade of midtown Atlanta may do a double-take when they pass by one house there. A sign out front proclaims it “The Consulate of New Mexico,” prompting some to wonder why New Mexico gets a consulate while Mississippi does not.
It is just a joke, of course, inspired by one fan’s experience with the Olympic ticket office. In February, Wade Miller, a computer systems analyst from Santa Fe, called the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games to order tickets.
The operator told him that she could not sell tickets to those who live outside the United States. Mr. Miller tried to explain that New Mexico is a part of the United States. It has been for 84 years.
He was passed on to a supervisor, who informed him that while she understood that New Mexico was a “territory,” she still could not send any tickets outside the United States. Then she offered to give him the phone number for the Puerto Rican Olympic Committee.
Months later, when Bob Romano, a resident of midtown Atlanta, was visiting New Mexico, the New Mexicans retaliated. “They asked me for my passport,” he said.
So, as a goof, he opened the New Mexican consulate at his house, complete with brochures.
“I just think the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games is taking itself a little too seriously,” Mr. Romano said. “Let’s just enjoy this.”
Great post John, and great comments too.
Zuzu's Petals
First, the bot typically underestimated the sensibility of all the middle Americans who’ve been to Hawaii and had no problem finding a McDonald’s.
Second, I think he should keep pushing that “Hawaii ain’t really Amurican” crap and see the reaction he gets from all the military families and vets living in the state…who’d be happy to show him the Punchbowl Cemetery, the Arizona monument, and the names of Hawaiians who gave their lives in Iraq.
D.N. Nation
@Zuzu’s Petals:
At that point, the Bot will go to the usual Bobo/MustacheOfUnderstanding song-and-dance: You’re taking it too seriously, the generalizations are important anyway, “collective nonsense,” who are you anyway?, etc., etc.
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: Hear, hear!!
Viva BrisVegas
How about a contest to determine the least and most “American” state. People could text to vote in categories such as which state was the one most objectively pro-terrorist, or which state contained the most real Americans, or which state killed the most Union soldiers during the War for State Rights.
But it should be held a neutral venue, say like Fox News.
LOL! This is why I love the Balloon Juice. What a great line.
JFCNTZYM, aim higher. At least hold out for Ala Moana.
Brick Oven Bill
When John Kerry married for money it was disgusting
When John McCain married for money it was endearing.
Zuzu's Petals
Wow, Hawaii doesn’t seem to agree with Limbaugh:
Dude, president’s black. Ergo, he’s wrong even when he’s right. ’nuff said.
@Zuzu’s Petals: Yea really. What’s Limbaugh doing outside of America? Doesn’t he love our country? And isn’t his favorite vacation spot the Dominican Republic?