Apparently I have decided to ring in the New Year with a head cold and some chest congestion. Awesome.
Open Thread
by John Cole| 51 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
by John Cole| 51 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Apparently I have decided to ring in the New Year with a head cold and some chest congestion. Awesome.
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Awwww, poor baby. Get well soon!
Demo Woman
There’s a LaZ-boy, remote and blanket in your future. Sit back and watch the games. I hope you feel better soon.
Now we get in to the suckiest part of the year. I hate winter.
Off to take down the Christmas Crap. Feel better, John.
So sorry John. I started the New Year the same way, actually ahead of you since I got sick a couple of days before. Chicken soup, lots of tea, provocative email reading and rest. Seems to have worked for me.
You and everyone else. Feel better; it only lasts a couple of days.
Comrade Jake
I got Krakauer’s new book, “Where Men Win Glory”, for a Christmas gift and I’m about halfway through it. It’s about Pat Tillman. So far, it is excellent. I really enjoy all of his stuff.
There’s a lot of background info on Afghanistan, the Taliban, and OBL, some going back to the 70’s. Reading more about Afghanistan, it’s really tough to believe we are anything other than royally screwed over there.
Chat Noir
It helps to have a purring cat use you as a pillow. Lots of warmth.
Hope you feel better soon.
Laura W
Like you can just drop that in and run off.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Yeah, that struck at Christmas, still getting over it. The worst was about six days after. Got back to work and found half the people there had it too. Can someone come in and walk Lil Dawg for you? That way you could do what I do: Take Nyquil and sleep through the whole thing.
Too bad this stuff isn’t on the market.
@Laura W: I noticed that too. I was wondering if that is a service you can sign up for, because I’d be down.
@Laura W:
nothing gets past you. [ducks out before getting into trouble]
Laura W
@Max: I was sort of hoping it was a poorly-veiled reference to HIM.
@Laura W:
I promise an update, not just yet. ;-)
but re Max’s idea for a service–hey I would be down for that too!
edit–and lest you all are getting some wrong ideas, I swear it isn’t what you think.
Tim Tebow?!
@Laura W: Methinks you are correct. I guess Val’s playing it out to see how it rolls.
Great way to start the New Year! The beginning is always the best part.
Yuck — colds. My mom has one right now and has completely lost her voice. For her, that’s torture — the woman likes to talk.
Hope you feel better soon — get yourself some nice hot chicken soup.
Laura W
You know what they say, Max.
Palin/Tebow 2012
You heard it here first.
Speaking of which, this little gem tossed off last night by ppcli has to be an early entrant in the comment of the year contest, IMHO. Just the right mix of snarkiness, erudition and football to make it a BJ classic.
We have had great luck treating colds using zinc.
It will take the worst edge off a cold.
Hope you get to feeling better. I’ve dodged the ick so far, though Amy is battling another ear infection.
In the meantime, I’m looking for ways to blaspheme in Ireland from home.
@Laura W:
feeling like the mischievous provocateur here ;-)
Laura W
@valdivia: Don’t use it all up on us, for God’s sake!
@Laura W:
oh, no worries there. just like I seem to have been born without the prudence gene I seem to have been given an extra one on provocation. ;-)
Chuck Butcher
Welcome to the club John, I’m just starting to get over on. I find it offensive that an 8mo baby can take down someone my size.
Nobody expects the Irish Inquisition!
Our chief weapon is surprise…surprise and whiskey…whiskey and surprise….
Our two weapons are surprise, whiskey…and ruthless inefficiency!
Our *three* weapons are whiskey, surprise, and ruthless inefficiency…and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope….
@valdivia: Jealous of that gene! My attempts at provocative always cross the line into dirty.
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: Just tell yourself over and over again:
<Kirk Douglas> “Sinead O’Conner was right, dammit!” </Kirk Douglas>
I woke up today to 45 degree weather and a stuffy nose and a sore throat. Happy New Year! Bah humbug…
My sister brought some bug home with her from Florida, and I don’t mean a palmetto. She was sick when she got here and I tried to dance all around it, but I got it a couple of days ago. Stuffed nose, sore throat, and now that annoying scratchy cough. And these past days were the few days off work that I get! hmph.
I just slurped down a bowl of chicken soup with rice, so that helped. Now I’m just cranky and will probably take a nap.
@donnah: That happened to me at Thanksgiving – that night came down with the junk, and felt like crap for the rest of my time off. One of the strains that’s going around stays around – I still don’t feel that great and I’m usually pretty robust. Such a drag to get sick on your time off, I feel for you.
Take it easy. Was sick last holiday season with a cold or maybe light case of the flu. Did too much over Christmas and had a major relapse. Took me three weeks to even be functional again. Please don’t overdo until you’re sure you’re well.
We got a nephew just in time for New Year’s. His mum had a good laughing gas buzz on in lieu of champagne (bless the NHS).
Chicken soup John. And I don’t mean the kind where you open the can and drop it in the pot. I mean taking a whole chicken, dropping it in a pot, letting it stew until the whole thing falls apart, pulling out the bones, making a mirepoix, marrying the two together, and sipping it slow and gentle. It may all be psychological but Jewish moms have been swearing by it for centuries.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Speaking of health, no one could have possibly foreseen:
(Note I am not patting myself on the back for calling this when he went in.)
Apparently Flush didn’t get the memo that most people don’t see Hawaii as America, so in their beady eyes he’s praising a foreign health care system!
Litlebritdifrnt, I missed this when it was posted here the first time around, but saw it on Sullivan’s site today. This is the mindset that is going to take back America?
The Raven
More on Obama and the base.
“And now I knew. […] Why the voters […] Better to have hope, somehow, somewhere, …, than to have none.”–Mark Clifton
Doctor Science
Because I haven’t read enough books published in 2009 to do a “Good Book of the Year”, I posted:
Good Nonfiction Book of the Decade: 1491, by Charles Mann
Good Fiction Book of the Decade: Temeraire, by Naomi Novik.
The Raven
Oh, and sympathies, John.
@kommrade reproductive vigor: on Rush’s mendacity.
I see no evil,
I bear no malice in my breast.
And yet without quite wishing a man to the devil,
One may be permitted to hope for the best.--Piet Hein
LOL, the problem with the particular gene is that it plays too much into the absence of the other one.
Comrade Mary
@Chuck Butcher: Yeah, I got my cold from a wee toddler at Christmas. It’s the tiny, adorable vectors that get you every time.
John, if your nose is stuffed up, remember the Neti pot and saline beats chemical decongestants.
Better New Year’s than Christmas, imo. Santa put some swine flu in my stocking. With bronchitis under the tree! At least I missed a minimum of work due to the vacation time already scheduled.
Notorious P.A.T.
Can we please fucking spell words correctly?!?!? Jesus Christ. You want people to think we’re drooling idiots?
Polish the Guillotines
Join the club, Mr. Cole. I hope it’s as minor and quick as the crap that ruined my New Year’s eve.
The AP’s Liz “Sprinkles” Sidoti, concern trolls the Dems 2010 chances. What are the freakin’ odds, right??
Does Mz. Sprinkles mention two governor’s races won by Repubs? Why, yes she does. Does she fail to mention several special elections won by Dems? Why, yes she does! Does she drop New York’s 23rd Congressional District special election and it’s news-worthy results right down the AP memory hole? Why, yes she does!! Yay, Mz. Sprinkles!! In a frightening, uncertain, quite-possibly-doomed world, you never let us down!
The Pale Scot
Prescription #1; If you have more than 24 hours:
Appleton Rum (Bob Marley’s preferred) + warm apple cider twice an hour, watch mindless tv interspersed with naps, while hanging with your dog/cat/penguin/mole rat. (the pet thing is important, gets the seratonin flowing like pet therapy in nursing homes, kicks up the immune system)
Prescription #2; if you’re sick and it’s interfering with a deadline and you’re a experienced drinker.
One bottle of Jameson 1780 drunk as fast as you can, a bar fight is preferred but just dive into a snowbank to get the adrenalin rush if no bar is available, two motrin and a bloody mary as soon as you get up in the morning. ( I swear this works, at least it did when I was younger, I haven’t tried it in a while)
kommrade reproductive vigor
@SixStringFanatic: And the anagram of her last name is Idiots. Coincidence, or warning?
Corner Stone
Man, did I get to this thread a little too late.
Heh… “Conservatives” hack HuffPo Twitter feed; it’s like a Jihad of three-year-olds.
Cole, I think you gave your head cold and chest congestion to me, damn it. Argh!
Hope you can take this week’s Lester & Charlie poll:
What did we learn from the last decade?
Comrade Kevin
On the 26th I woke up at 3AM with a horrible ear ache, and ended up going to urgent care at 7:30 AM. Found out I had both a bad inner ear infection, and pneumonia. Fucking awesome! My ear is still ringing, and everything I hear through it sounds like it’s coming from a cheap, tinny speaker.