Remember when the WH asked folks to send them information of people lying about HCR so they could correct the record. Do you remember the freakout? At any rate, here was Big Government/Big Hollywood’s Andrew Breitbart on Glenn Beck theorizing what was going on:
Breitbart: Well, what people need to understand here is that they’re being community organized. And the White House absolutely understands how the Internet works, and understands that there are countless blogs, Media Matters, the Daily Kos, which are collecting information and putting out the disinformation.
What the White House wants to do is create a hierarchy of who its enemies are. Every week, or periodically, they meet with the netroots. And the netroots acts as an action gang that can go out there and attack the enemies of the president and attack the enemies — the, the, the people who would attack his plan.
So it is vital for this White House to find out who its enemies are, and then to sic its gang of netroots people on the American people.
Now here is Big Government/Big Hollywood’s Andrew Breitbart last night:
Since we have no information on how to hunt down the “other” Bertha Lewis — Ms. Psaki wouldn’t reveal who she is, citing “privacy concerns” — Big Government will err on the side of prudence and grant the White House its side of the story. I did ask Smith to find out biographical details on the other Wright, Ayers and Shabazz, but apparently privacy concerns apply to them, as well.
I end with this question: What is the point of the White House issuing visitor logs if those named can’t be identified and verified? “Transparency” would seem to call for nothing less, especially when those innocent people could easily be confused with the head of an organization recently defunded by Congress, a controversial preacher who shouted “God Damn America,” and an unrepentant domestic terrorist.
To review- having citizens email the White House when someone is lying so they can correct the record = unleashing the thugs. Providing names and addresses of private citzens who visit the White House so Breitbart’s morans can, in his words, “hunt [them] down” = no big deal.
Big clown.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Aww, he just needs a protest against child slavery to flip off and he’ll feel all better.
Well, until we see their counter tops, I’m with Andrew.
Ed Drone
Right-whingers are f*cking stupid, but they are predictable. I think some Acorn voter-registors (or whatever they’re called) should visit the White House and sign in as Mickey Mouse and Ghengis Khan, and the visitor logs could then be forwarded, special-delivery, to Redsnake and similar blogs. So, you know, we could heat the place with the steam coming off these clowns’ heads.
Just a thought.
peach flavored shampoo
Edit: nevermind
Maybe Andrew can go all mano a mano on the WH’s ass.
I think you’re being too tough on him. I mean, Andrew Breitbart is not a very smart guy — expecting consistency from someone who hoots at his reflection in a mirror is a bit much…
consistency is a luxury our brave Soldiers of Conservatism cannot afford, so great is the peril around them.
Heh. Did you know the White House was run by people who employed the Internets to ensnare and exploit people with money to donate, thereby confounding poor honest John McCain who was waiting — tragically and earnestly — for Obama to join him in accepting public campaign funding?
They stole that election, at the polls thanks to ACORN, and at the bank, thanks to their lucrative trickery with campaign financing, and now ….. this campaign against the people.
God damn America.
The Grand Panjandrum
I just wonder how long it’s going to take to link the Panty Bomber AKA TNT (ToastedNutsTerrorist) with …. ACORN which is also a … NUT!
Holy Shit! It must be another conspiracy …. just like the one where Census workers are going to locate all the firearms so Obama can have his gun grab. This shit is getting really big, man. I’m telling you just be careful.
Comrade Dread
Ha, it’s funny because you expect principles from these people.
I am impressed and applaud your efforts, sir.
As I am with those of The Grand Panjandrum.
OK, next vacation, I’m legally changing my name to HilterStalinMao Gaydar III and going to visit the White House as soon as the ink is dry on the papers. And practicing a big honking signature, just like John Hancock. Suck on that, wingnuts.
You do know “mano a mano” means “hand to hand”, right? Because the very idea of Andrew Breitbart going hand to hand with a White House ass generates a really scary mental image — in a touchy feely, sexually harrassing, way.
Tom Hilton
Jeebus O’Christ…Ben Smith reported five days ago that they have different middle initials (Bertha E. Lewis was the visitor; Bertha Mae Lewis is Ms. ACORN).
Sometimes these wingnuts remind me of Charlie from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia in a episode titled “Charlie goes America all over everybody’s asses” “Charlie Kelly: You know what? Let me kick down a little thing to you that our Founding Fathers kicked down to me. It goes, “Don’t. Tread. On me,” and right now, you guys are TREADING ALL OVER ME”
Perhaps we should ask that sage political consultant Bristol Palin what she thinks.
@Tom Hilton:
But “Mae” rhymes sorta with “E.” So Conspiracy Conspiracy Conspiracy!
no you should change your name to Glenn Beck. *that* would drive them nuts (as someone suggested yesterday on a thread)
General Winfield Stuck
Somebody ought to slip Bugs Bunny onto that visitor log as an ACORN rep. That should monkey wrench the Mighty Wurlitzer.
Green balloons. FSM, almighty, Green balloons.
The rule is: EVERYTHING is projection with the modern American right. ALWAYS.
So when I hear teabaggers going on about the concentration camps ObamaSatanMao is going to throw dissenters into, it kind of scares the crap out of me. Here’s hoping they don’t get that close to power again.
He’s being totally consistent. It’s okay if you’re a Republican. That’s consistent.
The Republic of Stupidity
Isn’t Breitbart the one who claimed there were indeed sexy, cool conservatives in Hollywood, too… also… and he was going to prove it?
Sadly, Andrew clearly ain’t one ’em… nor sane… nor smart…
@Citizen_X: The epic rants about concentration camps are truly ironic coming from the Malkin-tents, given that the woman wrote a heart-touched screed literally called “In Defense of Internment”.
“He was going to punch me back first!” Everyone is out to get you, so you better shoot first and shoot anyone else who asks questions later.
I’m just quoting from the great man, er, Andrew, himself:
Sadly,No has the details.
Ash Can
You’re welcome.
HCR Hooligans
Where can I sign up for one of these netroots gangs? To be honest the legislation thing really hasn’t seemed to get much done. We need to storm the Bastille – Aetna, U.S. Healthcare, CIGNA – all their headquarter locations should be picketed. I’ve got my pitchfork and my torch. Fired up and ready to go.
Should we all wear hoods? – cause I think that would really creep the bastards out and draw much more media coverage.
Take a page from the Tea Party Handbook.
I have to wonder if any of these idiots have ever looked in a phone book. Let’s just use Detroit as an example simply because it’s likely to have the one more exotic name on their shit list.
White pages Detroit has:
2 Bertha Lewises (sponsored link includes 10)
7 J Wrights (sponsored link has 2 Jeremiahs)
5 Will[etc.] Ayerses (sponsored link has 7)
42 Michael Moores (sponsored link has 9)
and, oh yes, 2 Malik Shabazzes
I’m sure they’d all love cold calls from you, Andy.
Midnight Marauder
You are acting as though Andrew Breitbart is not a big enough drunken moran to get into an actual fight with a house.
I take it Andrew Breitpud was leading the open government crusade against Dick Cheney’s secret White House meetings and was demanding to know just what Jeff The Cannon Gannon was up to in his frequent White House meanderings.
Surely he was at the forefront in these matters.
You don’t know that having visited the Obama White House is reason enough to expect your life to be laid out in some conserva-blogs?
Personally, I think that in light of Amanda Simpson getting a role in government, we need to investigate whether each and every visitor might be a transgender activist.
Mike G
Didn’t Bratbart’s hero GW Bush refuse to even release White House visitor names?
Paul L.
unless they ask Obama a inconvenient question or support something progressives disagree with.
Prop 8 Backers Don’t Want Evil Deeds Exposed in Televised Courtroom
Mike G
Political donations are public information, fucktard.
Huh, the Grifter-in-Chief Palin shows her hand. If I gave to Palin (hahahahaha) I’d be pretty pissed about right now. I bet Palin pays Bristol over a million dollars to “consult”. When someone asks her legimate questions, Palin will ask why they’re being so mean to Bristol.
Palin is either insane, lacking any scrupples or has cajones the size of grapefruit to pull her stunts.
On Topic –
Save yourself the therapist’s bills. Consistency is not one of the tenants of their belief. Do I have to quote Private Joker when he gets Drill Sgt Hartmann’s game in “Full Metal Jacket” again?
Comrade Kevin
He’s gotta be smart! He has
BrightBreit right in his name!The Republic of Stupidity
There… makes more sense now, no?
Midnight Marauder
@Paul L.:
Did you even read the fucking article before you came by here spraying your filth?
Paul L.
@Midnight Marauder:
Explain it to me instead of using a Ad hominem.
How is providing names and addresses of private citizens who visited the White House different then providing names and addresses of private citizens who donated against Prop 8?
Transparency vs. Privacy debate: Prop 8 Case Study
John S.
Have fun, Midnight Marauder.
Midnight Marauder
@Paul L.:
First of all, you have done nothing in your numerous drive-by-spewing appearances on this site to deserve anything more than a dismissive epithet. I don’t think I have ever seen a substantive comment from you, and certainly not one that didn’t rely on a link from some three-bit hack from the dark corners of the internet.
That said, we’re really not talking about private citizens in the case of Prop 8. We’re talking about the Mormon Church for the most part. And to quote from the article you linked:
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
@Midnight Marauder:
Come on! Everyone knows that donations for a ballot measure and visiting the White House are one and the same.
Paul L.
So will the names of those who donated against prop 8 but are not a member of the Mormon Church be withheld?
If Greenpeace, or DailyKos advocate donating to a cause (such as pro-prop 8) someone could sue for them to release the names of private citizens of the members who use those sites.
Or is it limited to Churches.
As a community organizers myself (currently with Repower America), verbing my title makes me feel incredibly bad-ass. James Bond bad-ass.
*Finishes a bar fight with a mighty drop kick* “You just got community organized!”
*Post copulation* “How does it feel to be community organized by a pro?”
*Playing Halo* “I’m going to community organize the sh*t out of you!”
The Populist
When I go visit the WH I dare these mental midgets to hunt me down. Lawyer meet assholes.
Oh and when I win I will donate the money to the most liberal cause imaginable.
Midnight Marauder
@Paul L.:
If you are donating to a ballot measure that is seeking to strip a group of people of their basic rights and enshrine them as second class citizens, prepare yourself for the bright lights from rays of sunshine. Again:
@Paul L:
These donors to Prop 8 are wanking because they don’t want to be publically identified as bigots and homophobes. Can’t say as I blame them, but maybe they should have thought of that before they donated.
OTH, thousands of people visit the WH every year, most of them are just tourists. Because some rightwing idiot is too stupid to realize that there are thousands of people named William Ayers and Bertha Lewis in this country, and that one or more of them may have toured the WH at some time does not mean that their private information should be revealed to prove they are not THE William Ayers or Bertha Lewis.
The fact that you don’t understand the difference is pretty amazing, even for a rightwingnut.
Ash Can
@Midnight Marauder: I seem to recall that the whole naming-names kerfluffle started when some anti-Prop-8 web site published the names of commercial donors to the pro-Prop-8 campaign, so that people who were anti-Prop-8 could spend their money elsewhere if they so desired. And this anti-Prop-8 site had this information because the names (and maybe also the addresses, I’m not sure off the top of my head) were already public information, as are the names of all political donors.
It stands to reason, therefore, that in Paul L’s mind (if he’s serious, and not spoofing), highlighting public information and televising court proceedings equals Obama and his Stasi invading personal privacy for purposes of ideological purification of the masses. Or something.
Corner Stone
@UlyssesUnbound: You don’t get a lot of return business I’m betting.
@Ash Can:
That was a reaction to letters from pro8 people sent to donors to anti8 groups demanding equal donations to pro8 or they would be “pubicly exposed”. Some might call that attempted blackmail.
@The Grand Panjandrum:
@9 We have a winner
Brainfart is quite the piece of work, isn’t he? Now I want to visit the White House just so I can sign myself in as Sarah Palin and the spousal unit as Rush Limbaugh.
@Corner Stone: You know, strangely I don’t. I think it’s well worth the price of using that phrase though.
This entire thing makes me angry. They often mention White House tours are listed. I wonder if someone takes a regular tour thru normal channels if your name is subject to being perused & abused by idiots like Breitbart? I’m talking about Q Public who shows up & takes one with a tour guide. I have not been to DC lately, but when I went; you simply had to wait your turn with a tourist crowd to take one. You may have to be screened regardless now since so many people want to murder the president.
The Populist
Makes you think that these maroons have the wrong party pegged as nazis.
Only the nazis would harass people who visit a WH run by liberals/dems. The Nazis would routinely go after their political enemies with a zeal that sounds exactly like Malkin/Barfbrat and Beck. Funny, liberals make their case and boycott advertisers who work with these loons BUT it should be noted that none ever tried to track down visitors to the Bush WH or harass somebody in their own home.
Scumbags like the right seem to think it’s okay to dig into a WH visitors background, post their home address, harass their employers and disclose personal info. They think it’s equivalent to the left’s tendency to call out the right on blogs and write letters to advertisers. Wow, any smart person would see the difference between the two.
Lefties = Nazis? I don’t think so right wing idiots. One day these zealots will come for you and what will YOU do? Cry I bet.
popu @ 55
Actually, the left did try to track down visitors to the bush white house – they were energy executives writing the energy bill and splitting up Iraq’s oil wealth in meetings with Cheney.
Cheney told em to get lost, courts agreed with cheney.
The Populist
Catclub, True BUT those meetings should have been public. Now that you point that out it proves Obama IS more open than the righties who ran the WH. The fact he doesn’t hide the guestbook the way Bush and Cheney did means they hate freedom, not the other way around.
@UlyssesUnbound: Best laugh of the day thus far.
@kommrade reproductive vigor: This is all I can think of every time I see this Big Asshole’s name. It’s really all I need to know about him. Act first, find out the facts later, and then rationalize.
The Populist
@asiangrrlMN: I’ve seen blowhard elitist types on both sides of the aisle. Brightfart takes the cake.
I saw him on the Bill Maher show and he acts as if he’s so much better than everybody else. Kinda like Tucker Carlson had mated with Tom DeLay.
licensed to kill time
someone keeps stealing my reply arrow
threat level red
no big consistency