Benen also has a funny piece this morning on Brit Hume’s appearance last night on O’Reilly’s show. It seems Hume has no idea what it means to proselytize.
Can I fire this place up by saying pit bulls can be aggressive, apple computers are overpriced, Palin has nice stems, and the my Hawkeyes will roll GaTech in what HAS to be a better game than last nite’s snoozefest Fiesta.
The bomber had been recruited by the Jordanian intelligence service and taken to Afghanistan to infiltrate Al Qaeda by posing as a foreign jihadi . . . But in a deadly turnabout, the supposed informant strapped explosives to his body and blew himself up at a meeting Wednesday at the C.I.A.’s Forward Operating Base Chapman in the southeastern province of Khost.
[. . .]
Western officials said that [the bomber, Dr. Humam Khali Mohammed,] had been in a Jordanian prison and that he was recruited by the Jordanian spy service.
I wonder what John Le Carré thinks about all this.
Bah! It’s the second day back at work after 18 days off. I’m thinking retirement would be really really nice … if there was anything left in my 401K.
OTOH, I got the assessment on my house from the state yesterday. 30% less than 3 years ago, so at least I got that going for me. [rolleyes]
@Scott H: Apple being aggressive is no threat to anybody if they have to use their software to do anything about it. Just got a nano, and man oh man, does itunes suck. The hardware looks nice, but plays back slowed and stuttering.
But hey, they gave me sticker so I can show everyone how much I love Apple!
Hey, bitchez. Greetings from halfway around the world (for most of you). S’up?
Ash Can
@Michael D.: Yikes. That’s looking like one unholy bitch of a midlife crisis. I’d rather see him take up with a 20-year-old starlet and buy a two-seater sports car than do a reverse John Cole. Not pretty.
James K. Polk, Esq.
@MikeJ: Apple products have no flaws, only features.
Someone will be along shortly to confiscate your Apple sticker. Let that be a lesson to you, young man…
Go Hawks! Howard Stern had some fun this morning editing Palin’s audio book. Lets just say I doubt she talks about shitting on Ted Stevens in the book.
@Michael D.: As they say on the internet “lolwut?” Maybe he figures the more crazed the opposition the better. Seeing, however, that he gave $9900 to Democratic candidates in ’08 I kinda doubt he’s a closet wingnut. The Daily Beast writer trying to hawk this as the source of their breakup also appears to be a grade A scumbag.
@SGEW: This story… it kind of kills me. I feel like it tells us something about how not to fight wars, or something. If the guy was held in a Jordanian prison for any kind of Islamist activity, it’s a decent bet that he wasn’t treated… well. And it just feels to me that the idea of (probably) beating the crap out of someone and then “turning” him is probably not a recipe for success — and that you don’t need to be working in the field to know that.
But, on the other hand — and I say this most sincerely — I really know so little about it that I don’t truly know what I’m talking about. I just keep rolling it around in my head.
Also rolling around in my head: How much this story bites Muslims in general and Arabs in particular in the ass. Just how many Americans are now saying “See?! They can’t be trusted!!” because of this one murderous asshole? (And as an Israeli, I’ll throw in — free! no extra charge! — the fact that an even greater percentage of Israelis are going: “We told you so!”)
@PeakVT: “Creating Stars?” Isn’t that taking the old “politics is Hollywood for ugly people” saying to its extreme?
I got a new roasting pan for Christmas and am trying to figure out something awesome to cook in it for it’s inaugural trip into the oven. Any suggestions? Nothing too expensive like prime rib or beef tenderloin, but something more exciting then roasting a chicken.
I’m not sure where that leaves me… a pork roast?
Today’s my birthday (yes, having an early January b-day has always been kinda sucky) and my hub made scones for breakfast…makes up for the fact that I’m at work and it’s 5 degrees outside!
Sniff, sniff. I smell Financial Meltdown II coming around the corner.
House Bill H.R. 4173 sounds like a doozy.
From David Reilly at Bloomberg:
it supports the biggest banks. It authorizes Federal Reserve banks to provide as much as $4 trillion in emergency funding the next time Wall Street crashes. So much for “no-more-bailouts” talk. That is more than twice what the Fed pumped into markets this time around. The size of the fund makes the bribes in the Senate’s health-care bill look minuscule.
— Oh, hold on, the Federal Reserve and Treasury Secretary can’t authorize these funds unless “there is at least a 99 percent likelihood that all funds and interest will be paid back.” Too bad the same models used to foresee the housing meltdown probably will be used to predict this likelihood as well.
But if you own bonds, you can rest easy.
The bill also allows the government, in a crisis, to back financial firms’ debts.
Thank God, there will be regulators to monitor the “bail outs”.
The legislation does create a council of regulators to spot risks to the financial system and big financial firms. Unfortunately this group is made up of folks who missed the problems that led to the current crisis.
I was just targeted as a victim of a “Secret Shopper” scam. In this, I received an letter from Canada with an apparently live cashiers check for almost $4000. Apparently I am to cash the check, wire $3600 via Money Gram back to the secret shopper outfit to test MG’s customer service, then keep the rest.
Of course, the scam might have been a little more believable if the bank name in big print on the check hadn’t said “Comminity Credit Union”. Oops.
Keith G
And I’m thinking the news day will speed up. First, POTUS meets with his security team and then makes a statement. Next, he meets with Congressional leaders to discuss the final HCR push.
Then there is the cries from the Hamsher left over aborting HRC conference committees negotiation.
@ellaesther: Hey, you! Yeah, well, I’m sure Susan is feeling very down about the break-up. I would happily offer her a shoulder upon which to cry.
@TR: Fucking awesome. I’ll take our Rush over the other Rush any day of the week. But, I think he has some stiff competition from Franken, Weiner, Sherrod Brown among others.
Excellent ideas… neither lamb nor brisket occurred to me… I must be having some sort of brain cramp. Smitten Kitchen had a interesting brisket recipe a few days ago, but it was a slow cooker or dutch oven based one, but a Southwestern brisket sounds kind of interesting.
@gbear: Aw, sorry that you are home sick. I actually am a bit sad that I am missing the cold, but it’s going to be there when I get back.
@Keith G: I do! But you have to be on Facebook to view them. My bro took the pics. If you go to my blog, I have links every day to the albums.
Lazy request for input: Any suggestions for a good DVD player? Requirements are to play both NTSC and PAL and to be region-free (or easily hacked to be region-free). I have looked at some of the usual suspects on Amazon, but what I want is real-world experience and feedback on details I might not consider and/or any belated gotcha’s experienced. E.g., I don’t feel a need to play home-made CDs or DVDs (music or video), but maybe I should take that into consideration?
The subtext is that as a belated–and unexpected–Christmas present (it was back-ordered) I just received an HD TV from some family members. ¡Caramba! This thing is so far ahead of what I had before that I’m feeling like I need to upgrade my whole apartment, not just the DVD player. Is it possible to feel looked down upon by one’s appliances? Not complaining, mind you, but this is going to take some getting used to.
@Xanthippas: I’ve been making a habit the past few days of clicking on people’s personal links in their BJ handles, and I wanted to say how interesting your yesterday’s post was! I had no idea that the Democrats were actually finding ways around Republican obstructionism…! It was, as I say, interesting — and also sort of encouraging! One is getting weary of belonging to the Party of We’re-Such-Big-Weenies-That-We-Can’t-Make-Our-Majority-Work-For-Us.
I’m a bit sad that the idiot teabaggers and their wretched Tea Party movement has usurped the word “tea.” I love tea. I drink it every day – usually hot. Am not happy that it has such an awful association now. Couldn’t they have picked on Tang or Vitamin Water or something?
Ladies and gentlemen, I direct your attention to this highly recommended diary at the GOS. Here’s a taste:
Don’t forget the naughts, because this decade, no matter what anyone on the right might say, was conservatism on trial. You want less taxes? You got less taxes. You want less regulation? You got less regulation. Open markets? Wide open. An illusuion of security in place of rights? Hey, presto. Think we should privatize war by handing unlimited power given to military contractors so they can kick butt and take names? Kiddo, we passed out boots and pencils by the thousands. Everything, everything, that ever showed up on a drooled-over right wing wish list got implemented — with a side order of Freedom Fries.
Things to keep in mind as we head into the 2010 election, with some in the middle thinking, “Hmm, maybe the Republicans deserve a chance again,” while some on the left think, “Maybe I’ll try the Naderite ‘punish-the-Dems’ strategy again and see how it works this time.”
Keith G
@donovong: In 1923 Time became the first weekly news magazine in the United States.
In Jan 2010, Time hypes its list of Top Ten Mistresses (as opposed to Ten Mistresses on Top list, I guess).
The moldering remains of Henry Luce are spinning.
Oh, and I purposely avoided the obvious Tiger joke.
How about a leg of lamb? Cut slits in the meaty part and poke slivers of garlic in them. Also slather on some sage and rosemary.
schrodinger's cat
Me too. I loves me some tea. English Breakfast, Chai or Earl Grey, strong and piping hot. I has a sad.
Chat Noir
@ellaesther: Rachel Maddow talked about this last night. Apparently, Judd Gregg sent out a memo detailing how the Rethuglicans will obstruct HCR. Hence, the Dems are sort of circumventing the conference committee in the interest of getting HCR to the president before the state of the union.
To maintain his “reasonable” credentials he does add that end,that he is not a fan of the movement. Why can’t NYT get better columnists? Douthat (catholic scold) and Friedman (he of the inane metaphors) and Dowd (gossip columnist) make Brooks look good, I think.
I’m a bit sad that the idiot teabaggers and their wretched Tea Party movement has usurped the word “tea.” I love tea. I drink it every day – usually hot.
I hear ya!
I love teabagging! I do it everyday! It’s usually hot, too!
Western officials said that [the bomber, Dr. Humam Khali Mohammed,] had been in a Jordanian prison and that he was recruited by the Jordanian spy service.
What no one has mentioned in that the guy was a Palestinian Jordanian. He hated us for our freedoms and U.S. support for everything Israel does has no bearing on the Warrenterra.
I basted every 10 minutes and I didn’t use the rack. And yes go buy Anthony Bordain’s Les Halle freaking Cookbook and yes go make your own freakin demi. You will love yourself for it!
@schrodinger’s cat: I went to the biggest bookstore in Taiwan (with the largest English section), and what is the first thing I see? The Mustache of Understanding’s grinning mug. Apparently, they were promoting his book. Ugh!
As if “wooing” Washington is in the fucking job description.
Obama was later heard to tell a Time magazine Top Ten list compiler, “I’m the fucking President, bitches. You woo me!”
(I wish.)
Sorry if someone already posted this but Halperin in his unrivaled idiocy has his grade for Obama and he says he has failed in wooing official Washington (I guess that is why Sally Quinn published her column) and failed to ‘create stars’. WTH is this man talking about?
I refuse to link to him but will link to MattY who had a good bit on it.
hope you are having a fabulous time in your travels.
schrodinger's cat
I don’t understand his popularity at all. He is such a smug know-it-all, and not even a good writer. Apparently before getting this gig, he was a reasonably good foreign correspondent, or so I am told.
How is your trip coming along? Does Taiwan have much of a winter? Are you having fun?
@valdivia: The food is fabulous and the scenery is spectacular. I’ll leave it there.
@schrodinger’s cat: Winter? Today was cold–at fifty-five degrees. Everyone here is wearing parkas, gloves, hats, etc. I’m in a long-sleeve t-shirt with the sleeves pushed up.
@valdivia: I especially liked Matt’s opening line: “Mark Halperin’s report card on Obama’s first year makes Barack Obama look like a really great president and elite political reporters look really dumb and petty. “
Mike in NC
Judd Gregg sent out a memo detailing how the Rethuglicans will obstruct HCR.
I’m finishing up “Nixonland” after a bout with the flu slowed me down. Judd Gregg is a classic Nixonian ratfucker.
@schrodinger’s cat: @asiangrrlMN:
Not a fan of Earl Grey or Lady Grey – bergamot oil should be banned from tea, imho. But love, love, love a good cup of chai, especially done the right way – water, tea, milk, spices all boiled together, preferably over a wood fire. And asiangrrlMN, I think your people got the whole tea thing started, right?
What the hell is “create stars”? That’s so ridiculous sounding, it’s comical. Stars like the “Brad Pitt” type? Or stars like the “North Star”, “Orion’s belt” type? Or stars within Washington, because that’s as far as the idiot who created the list can think?
Mmm, tea. Was always partial to English Breakfast.
@asiangrrlMN: This makes me think of when I lived in Tel Aviv. The temperature would dip into the upper forties, and people would be bundled to within an inch of their lives. After 14 years of this, of course, when I came back to Chicago, my first winter was just painful. “But my face is always cold…!”
English Breakfast is among my favorites. I think I slightly prefer Scottish Breakfast, though. I’m very partial to a tea called Kenya from Sainsbury’s in the UK. I guess that makes me a commie pinko Muslim terrorist lover and someone should check my long-form birth certificate. Sigh.
@Morbo: I have no idea. The article reads like a list of marketing catch-phrases somebody found and randomly assigned in fair ‘n’ balanced way.
well sounds like the food is good and the scenery spectacular ;-)
yeah MattY is the only way I was going to consume the drivel pouring out of Halperin. This is the guy who had McCain winning every week of the election so this idiocy just doesn’t surprise me.
that was exactly what I thought. Obama is not only supposed to give us a pony but also change the constellations in the universe? But really, how is ‘creating stars’ even relevant or important? Does he mean Obama is not giving them enough shiny balls to follow around with their sycophantic praise?
schrodinger's cat
@Violet: Have you tried the Irish breakfast tea from Trader Joe’s, I love it.
@valdivia: Well, I would like to borrow the “I read this shit so you don’t have to” meme, but I happened in there by accident, when heading to look in on Swampland. I like Tumulty.
schrodinger's cat
@asiangrrlMN: That’s green tea, right and no milk of course?
Best of the many great comments following that Yglesias post:
I presume Halperin meant to say “Creating Starbursts.”
@schrodinger’s cat:
No, I haven’t. Sadly, there is no Trader Joe’s near me. Have visited them when I traveling, but haven’t checked out their tea. I do like Irish Breakfast, but would put it third behind Scottish and English. They’re all good, though!
Have you tried Russian Caravan? It’s smoky. Very nice for a cold day.
And here is where my 1/4 Irish (from maternal grandmother) side trumps my 1/2 English (both paternal grandparents) side. Tea is sick food, especially with a tot of Irish whiskey in it. Otherwise, not worth drinking the swill.
What the hell is “create stars”? That’s so ridiculous sounding, it’s comical. Stars like the “Brad Pitt” type? Or stars like the “North Star”, “Orion’s belt” type? Or stars within Washington, because that’s as far as the idiot who created the list can think?
@mcd410x: I’m all about the Earl Grey, thank you very much. Although I bought a tin of this lovely loose tea in Paris once, with bits of cherry in it. I made it last as long as I could, but now it’s all gone. And no trip to Paris in sight.
I haz a sad.
Actually, I has two sads. I saw a job online, for which I’d be qualified, that pays gloriously, and that I’d really enjoy. But, it’s a two-hour drive from here. I’d only see Sam on weekends, because I’d be leaving before he’s up, and getting home when he goes to bed. I’m going to apply anyway, and if I get the interview I’ll propose a partial telecommuting arrangement, but I’m not optimistic. Why are so many businesses so leery of telecommuting? Don’t they realize that they’d save money AND broaden their candidate pool?
I don’t really care about the Orange Bowl tonight (don’t have a strong preference for either team), but I hope it’s a little more exciting than the disappointing Fiesta Bowl last night. The highlight of the Fiesta Bowl for me was when the Fox graphic identified a player’s major as “Cummunications.” College sure has changed in the last 20 years….
How that one slipped by is beyond my imagination, especially since they spelled the word correctly in several other instances.
I just loved the tea shops when I was in Taipei. Brought some home. No idea what kind it was, but it’s green and fantastic. It’s been awhile now, but I think the shop proprietor let us smell the teas to pick which one we wanted. They were lovely.
@schrodinger’s cat: An elitist! Of course. How could I forget. I’ll add that to the list of my sins. Just like Obama, who asked for orange juice instead of coffee, I prefer tea to coffee most days. Obviously I’m an elitist.
@schrodinger’s cat: Green tea and/or black tea with or without milk. We have milk tea as well. It’s teh yummy. There is also rose tea, jasmine tea, and other kinds of flower teas. Ginger tea is good, too.
Okay, gang. I do believe we must be in End Times. Because (h/t Sully), Bristol Palin is now a political consultant:
This reminds me of a bonehead column by some sports writer who suggested that two of the most important things that Tiger Woods could do to make amends would be to sign more autographs for fans and give more interviews to sports reporters.
But it is typical of the Beltway crowd to think that a person is elected president not to run the country, but to please the Washington elite.
schrodinger's cat
What is wrong orange juice? I prefer OJ with my breakfast, to coffee.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I have no idea what’s wrong with orange juice. I quite like it, myself. But apparently it’s not “regular Joe” enough for “the heartland” because when candidate Obama chose OJ over coffee, a mini-brouhaha erupted. Here’s a summary of it:
@asiangrrlMN: Just tried a flower tea for the first time this morning (son and asian daughter in law gave it to me for my birthday yesterday). It was wonderful — going to be an every-morning thing for me from now on.
schrodinger's cat
@Violet: No I haven’t, where can I find it? It sounds delicious.
Here’s an innovative new way to motivate the base – tell them their chances in November suck. I’m wondering how long it’ll be before Mikey needs to “Spend More Time With His Family”
Republican operatives are privately furious with RNC Chairman Michael Steele for predicting on Monday night that the GOP will not take over the House of Representatives in 2010.
One strategist called the comment “stupid,” arguing that it will put the party in a bind when it comes to candidate recruitment and generally lower expectations and excitement over the 2010 elections.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I’m not sure where you can find it. I’ve found it in specialty stores and also in the UK. According to this it’s lapsang souchong mixed with assam, but I don’t think that really does it justice. Lapsang Souchong has the smoky flavor, but it’s not as deep and rich as Russian Caravan.
Lesse here…Glenn Beck vs. WND re. the Birtherismistas. Methinks what’s left of my head just ‘sploded.
Yes. My favorite sentence in that story is actually the advertising link for those shirts:
Get the must-wear clothing item for 2010! “Where’s the birth certificate” T-shirt!
Now I suppose that back in 2008, in the run-up to the election, it’s possible that a birther t-shirt might had some cutting-edge cred amongst a segment of particularly right wing fashionistas — but in 2010? Nuh-uh.
I just have to say that these are the most unattractive people that I have ever seen in my young life….
old, white, fat and terminal fashion disasters.
break out the eye bleach.
@geg6: I drink coffee, tea, AND orange juice (from time to time). Ha!
@Jim Once: Wonderful, isn’t it? Very complex flavors.
@schrodinger’s cat: No can haz! ALLLLLL mine! Bwahahahahaha! Actually, you can probably order flower tea online or find them at a nearby Asian grocery (assuming you have one in your vicinity).
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This must be the slowest news day ever. Is the whole word asleep?
Comrade Jake
Personally I hate it when the word asleep runs into the word awake.
More evidence that “Top x” lists ought to be banned.
Michael D.
Why did Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon break up? Well, normally, I would say “Who cares?”
But this is interesting!
Comrade Jake
I know we all like to get our Sully hate on from time to time, but he sure is raking the Corner meatheads over the coals on torture here.
Benen also has a funny piece this morning on Brit Hume’s appearance last night on O’Reilly’s show. It seems Hume has no idea what it means to proselytize.
Can I fire this place up by saying pit bulls can be aggressive, apple computers are overpriced, Palin has nice stems, and the my Hawkeyes will roll GaTech in what HAS to be a better game than last nite’s snoozefest Fiesta.
The match is lit…..
This Double-Agent Suicide Bomber story is pretty vivid.
I wonder what John Le Carré thinks about all this.
Bah! It’s the second day back at work after 18 days off. I’m thinking retirement would be really really nice … if there was anything left in my 401K.
OTOH, I got the assessment on my house from the state yesterday. 30% less than 3 years ago, so at least I got that going for me. [rolleyes]
you just had to use Palin as kindling this morning, huh?
Scott H
@Punchy: No no no. Pit bulls have nice stems, Palin is overpriced, and apple is too aggressive.
There ya go.
Obviously, apples have nice stems; Palin is a pit bull.
Comrade Jake
Reminds me of Body of Lies.
@Scott H: My bad. Can I secure a promise with the host of this blizz’og to fire up a Orange Bowl thread sometime around 7 PM EST tonizzle?
Several Iowa peeps co-mingling here….TIA.
How about those Cowboys, eh?
Scott H
What’s up with the blogroll? Not the actual blogs on it, but the section titles seem outdated. John, Tim, Both? What about DougJ and Anne Laurie?
With lipstick.
@Scott H: Apple being aggressive is no threat to anybody if they have to use their software to do anything about it. Just got a nano, and man oh man, does itunes suck. The hardware looks nice, but plays back slowed and stuttering.
But hey, they gave me sticker so I can show everyone how much I love Apple!
Boa tarde, ás pessoas de Balloon Juice.
Lisbon is its usual beautiful self. Muito lindo!
Boa tarde de Lisboa ás pessoas de Balloon Juice.
Hey, bitchez. Greetings from halfway around the world (for most of you). S’up?
Ash Can
@Michael D.: Yikes. That’s looking like one unholy bitch of a midlife crisis. I’d rather see him take up with a 20-year-old starlet and buy a two-seater sports car than do a reverse John Cole. Not pretty.
James K. Polk, Esq.
@MikeJ: Apple products have no flaws, only features.
Someone will be along shortly to confiscate your Apple sticker. Let that be a lesson to you, young man…
Go Hawks! Howard Stern had some fun this morning editing Palin’s audio book. Lets just say I doubt she talks about shitting on Ted Stevens in the book.
O! O! And they say irony is dead:
‘Tea Party Groups’ to Hold ‘National Day of Strike’ to Protest ‘Socialism’: Workers Rally to Protect Business Interests
It’s not the Onion; its CNN.
@Michael D.: As they say on the internet “lolwut?” Maybe he figures the more crazed the opposition the better. Seeing, however, that he gave $9900 to Democratic candidates in ’08 I kinda doubt he’s a closet wingnut. The Daily Beast writer trying to hawk this as the source of their breakup also appears to be a grade A scumbag.
@Michael D.: Wow. Tim Robbins contributed to Michele Bachmann’s campaign. I am…hey, Susan! I’ll console you!
I will start going to church again if Bachmann loses her congressional district due to the census.
Keith G
@SGEW: As a piece of news its a terrible story but as a seed for a genre novel (and later as a Pitt/Clooney vehicle) it’s pretty cool.
Keith G
@asiangrrlMN: Are you home?
@SGEW: This story… it kind of kills me. I feel like it tells us something about how not to fight wars, or something. If the guy was held in a Jordanian prison for any kind of Islamist activity, it’s a decent bet that he wasn’t treated… well. And it just feels to me that the idea of (probably) beating the crap out of someone and then “turning” him is probably not a recipe for success — and that you don’t need to be working in the field to know that.
But, on the other hand — and I say this most sincerely — I really know so little about it that I don’t truly know what I’m talking about. I just keep rolling it around in my head.
Also rolling around in my head: How much this story bites Muslims in general and Arabs in particular in the ass. Just how many Americans are now saying “See?! They can’t be trusted!!” because of this one murderous asshole? (And as an Israeli, I’ll throw in — free! no extra charge! — the fact that an even greater percentage of Israelis are going: “We told you so!”)
@PeakVT: “Creating Stars?” Isn’t that taking the old “politics is Hollywood for ugly people” saying to its extreme?
@asiangrrlMN: Making lemonade out of lemons! I see what you’re doing there! And fine lemonade it is, too! (Hai, grrl!)
Rep. Rush Holt might just be the best congressman we have. Discuss.
@Keith G: Nope! Still in Taiwan. Got a huuuuuge king-size bed in my hotel room for the next three nights, and no fun to be had. Damn!
J.W. Hamner
I got a new roasting pan for Christmas and am trying to figure out something awesome to cook in it for it’s inaugural trip into the oven. Any suggestions? Nothing too expensive like prime rib or beef tenderloin, but something more exciting then roasting a chicken.
I’m not sure where that leaves me… a pork roast?
Today’s my birthday (yes, having an early January b-day has always been kinda sucky) and my hub made scones for breakfast…makes up for the fact that I’m at work and it’s 5 degrees outside!
Sniff, sniff. I smell Financial Meltdown II coming around the corner.
House Bill H.R. 4173 sounds like a doozy.
From David Reilly at Bloomberg:
But if you own bonds, you can rest easy.
Thank God, there will be regulators to monitor the “bail outs”.
Let the good times begin.
@J.W. Hamner: Lamb!
I was just targeted as a victim of a “Secret Shopper” scam. In this, I received an letter from Canada with an apparently live cashiers check for almost $4000. Apparently I am to cash the check, wire $3600 via Money Gram back to the secret shopper outfit to test MG’s customer service, then keep the rest.
Of course, the scam might have been a little more believable if the bank name in big print on the check hadn’t said “Comminity Credit Union”. Oops.
Keith G
And I’m thinking the news day will speed up. First, POTUS meets with his security team and then makes a statement. Next, he meets with Congressional leaders to discuss the final HCR push.
Then there is the cries from the Hamsher left over aborting HRC conference committees negotiation.
@ellaesther: Hey, you! Yeah, well, I’m sure Susan is feeling very down about the break-up. I would happily offer her a shoulder upon which to cry.
@TR: Fucking awesome. I’ll take our Rush over the other Rush any day of the week. But, I think he has some stiff competition from Franken, Weiner, Sherrod Brown among others.
@martha: Happy birthday!
Bob In Pacifica
Wasn’t there some story about the CIA witholding information about the crotch bomber? What happened to that story?
Per Mark Halperin (Offical Time/Warner Douchebag of the Decade):
The Five Things Obama Is Doing Worse than You Think:
Managing His Public Image
Driving the Policy Process
Wooing Official Washington
Changing the Tone in Washington
Creating Stars,29569,1950070,00.html#ixzz0bkhO6w4e
As if “wooing” Washington is in the fucking job description.
peach flavored shampoo
@J.W. Hamner: Brisket?
schrodinger's cat
David Brooks has an op-ed in this morning’s NYT extolling the virtues of the tea-party movement.
asiangrrlMN, be very glad that you’re not in MN today. I’m home sick and I can’t decide if it’s flu or depression.
Keith G
@asiangrrlMN: Yeah, I finally saw your earlier post. For some reason, I was reading from the bottom.
I went to quickly to delete the post and the delete screen ask me for a reason…..”Because I’m an idiot?”.
But you beat me to it anyway. Are you taking pictures? Wouldn’t mind some tourist p()rn to ease the mid winter blahs.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Well, that moment of lucidity from a few days ago didn’t last long, did it?
“I once thought I had mono for an entire year. It turned out I was just really bored.”
–Wayne Campbell
J.W. Hamner
@peach flavored shampoo:
Excellent ideas… neither lamb nor brisket occurred to me… I must be having some sort of brain cramp. Smitten Kitchen had a interesting brisket recipe a few days ago, but it was a slow cooker or dutch oven based one, but a Southwestern brisket sounds kind of interesting.
@gbear: Aw, sorry that you are home sick. I actually am a bit sad that I am missing the cold, but it’s going to be there when I get back.
@Keith G: I do! But you have to be on Facebook to view them. My bro took the pics. If you go to my blog, I have links every day to the albums.
Lazy request for input: Any suggestions for a good DVD player? Requirements are to play both NTSC and PAL and to be region-free (or easily hacked to be region-free). I have looked at some of the usual suspects on Amazon, but what I want is real-world experience and feedback on details I might not consider and/or any belated gotcha’s experienced. E.g., I don’t feel a need to play home-made CDs or DVDs (music or video), but maybe I should take that into consideration?
The subtext is that as a belated–and unexpected–Christmas present (it was back-ordered) I just received an HD TV from some family members. ¡Caramba! This thing is so far ahead of what I had before that I’m feeling like I need to upgrade my whole apartment, not just the DVD player. Is it possible to feel looked down upon by one’s appliances? Not complaining, mind you, but this is going to take some getting used to.
@asiangrrlMN: Checking ticket prices to Taiwan…
Well that’s pretty good summation of my 2009. 2010 needs to be better.
@Xanthippas: I’ve been making a habit the past few days of clicking on people’s personal links in their BJ handles, and I wanted to say how interesting your yesterday’s post was! I had no idea that the Democrats were actually finding ways around Republican obstructionism…! It was, as I say, interesting — and also sort of encouraging! One is getting weary of belonging to the Party of We’re-Such-Big-Weenies-That-We-Can’t-Make-Our-Majority-Work-For-Us.
@schrodinger’s cat: Stupid even by Bobo’s usual low standards.
I’m a bit sad that the idiot teabaggers and their wretched Tea Party movement has usurped the word “tea.” I love tea. I drink it every day – usually hot. Am not happy that it has such an awful association now. Couldn’t they have picked on Tang or Vitamin Water or something?
Ladies and gentlemen, I direct your attention to this highly recommended diary at the GOS. Here’s a taste:
Things to keep in mind as we head into the 2010 election, with some in the middle thinking, “Hmm, maybe the Republicans deserve a chance again,” while some on the left think, “Maybe I’ll try the Naderite ‘punish-the-Dems’ strategy again and see how it works this time.”
Keith G
@donovong: In 1923 Time became the first weekly news magazine in the United States.
In Jan 2010, Time hypes its list of Top Ten Mistresses (as opposed to Ten Mistresses on Top list, I guess).
The moldering remains of Henry Luce are spinning.
Oh, and I purposely avoided the obvious Tiger joke.
@J.W. Hamner:
How about a leg of lamb? Cut slits in the meaty part and poke slivers of garlic in them. Also slather on some sage and rosemary.
schrodinger's cat
Me too. I loves me some tea. English Breakfast, Chai or Earl Grey, strong and piping hot. I has a sad.
Chat Noir
@ellaesther: Rachel Maddow talked about this last night. Apparently, Judd Gregg sent out a memo detailing how the Rethuglicans will obstruct HCR. Hence, the Dems are sort of circumventing the conference committee in the interest of getting HCR to the president before the state of the union.
schrodinger's cat
@jwb: @geg6:
To maintain his “reasonable” credentials he does add that end,that he is not a fan of the movement. Why can’t NYT get better columnists? Douthat (catholic scold) and Friedman (he of the inane metaphors) and Dowd (gossip columnist) make Brooks look good, I think.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Me, three. Tea is such a noble beverage. My ancestors have imbibed it for centuries if not millenniums. GIVE IT BACK!
@Citizen_X: Pretty dang pricey. And, a thirteen-hour flight plus a four-hour flight.
Michael D.
I hear ya!
I love teabagging! I do it everyday! It’s usually hot, too!
Notorious P.A.T.
Go Hawkeyes! Go Big Ten!
What no one has mentioned in that the guy was a Palestinian Jordanian. He hated us for our freedoms and U.S. support for everything Israel does has no bearing on the Warrenterra.
@J.W. Hamner:
Roast the chicken, but do it the right way
I basted every 10 minutes and I didn’t use the rack. And yes go buy Anthony Bordain’s Les Halle freaking Cookbook and yes go make your own freakin demi. You will love yourself for it!
@Mattski: Yum yum. Roasted chicken.
@schrodinger’s cat: I went to the biggest bookstore in Taiwan (with the largest English section), and what is the first thing I see? The Mustache of Understanding’s grinning mug. Apparently, they were promoting his book. Ugh!
Obama was later heard to tell a Time magazine Top Ten list compiler, “I’m the fucking President, bitches. You woo me!”
(I wish.)
Sorry if someone already posted this but Halperin in his unrivaled idiocy has his grade for Obama and he says he has failed in wooing official Washington (I guess that is why Sally Quinn published her column) and failed to ‘create stars’. WTH is this man talking about?
I refuse to link to him but will link to MattY who had a good bit on it.
I see you beat me to it. You are a brave man reading that man directly. I use proxies ;-)
hope you are having a fabulous time in your travels.
schrodinger's cat
I don’t understand his popularity at all. He is such a smug know-it-all, and not even a good writer. Apparently before getting this gig, he was a reasonably good foreign correspondent, or so I am told.
How is your trip coming along? Does Taiwan have much of a winter? Are you having fun?
@valdivia: The food is fabulous and the scenery is spectacular. I’ll leave it there.
@schrodinger’s cat: Winter? Today was cold–at fifty-five degrees. Everyone here is wearing parkas, gloves, hats, etc. I’m in a long-sleeve t-shirt with the sleeves pushed up.
@valdivia: I especially liked Matt’s opening line: “Mark Halperin’s report card on Obama’s first year makes Barack Obama look like a really great president and elite political reporters look really dumb and petty. “
Mike in NC
I’m finishing up “Nixonland” after a bout with the flu slowed me down. Judd Gregg is a classic Nixonian ratfucker.
@schrodinger’s cat: @asiangrrlMN:
Not a fan of Earl Grey or Lady Grey – bergamot oil should be banned from tea, imho. But love, love, love a good cup of chai, especially done the right way – water, tea, milk, spices all boiled together, preferably over a wood fire. And asiangrrlMN, I think your people got the whole tea thing started, right?
What the hell is “create stars”? That’s so ridiculous sounding, it’s comical. Stars like the “Brad Pitt” type? Or stars like the “North Star”, “Orion’s belt” type? Or stars within Washington, because that’s as far as the idiot who created the list can think?
Mmm, tea. Was always partial to English Breakfast.
And it’s cold. Also.
@asiangrrlMN: This makes me think of when I lived in Tel Aviv. The temperature would dip into the upper forties, and people would be bundled to within an inch of their lives. After 14 years of this, of course, when I came back to Chicago, my first winter was just painful. “But my face is always cold…!”
English Breakfast is among my favorites. I think I slightly prefer Scottish Breakfast, though. I’m very partial to a tea called Kenya from Sainsbury’s in the UK. I guess that makes me a commie pinko Muslim terrorist lover and someone should check my long-form birth certificate. Sigh.
@Morbo: I have no idea. The article reads like a list of marketing catch-phrases somebody found and randomly assigned in fair ‘n’ balanced way.
well sounds like the food is good and the scenery spectacular ;-)
yeah MattY is the only way I was going to consume the drivel pouring out of Halperin. This is the guy who had McCain winning every week of the election so this idiocy just doesn’t surprise me.
that was exactly what I thought. Obama is not only supposed to give us a pony but also change the constellations in the universe? But really, how is ‘creating stars’ even relevant or important? Does he mean Obama is not giving them enough shiny balls to follow around with their sycophantic praise?
schrodinger's cat
@Violet: Have you tried the Irish breakfast tea from Trader Joe’s, I love it.
@Violet: Mah peeps did, indeed, start the whole tea thing. I prefer Chinese/Taiwanese tea to any other, of course. Yum yum yum. Tea.
@ellaesther: Heh. Yeah. We get asked all the time if we’re cold. Nope. Not in the least.
schrodinger's cat
@Violet: I think it makes you an elitist.
@valdivia: Well, I would like to borrow the “I read this shit so you don’t have to” meme, but I happened in there by accident, when heading to look in on Swampland. I like Tumulty.
schrodinger's cat
@asiangrrlMN: That’s green tea, right and no milk of course?
Best of the many great comments following that Yglesias post:
@schrodinger’s cat:
No, I haven’t. Sadly, there is no Trader Joe’s near me. Have visited them when I traveling, but haven’t checked out their tea. I do like Irish Breakfast, but would put it third behind Scottish and English. They’re all good, though!
Have you tried Russian Caravan? It’s smoky. Very nice for a cold day.
And here is where my 1/4 Irish (from maternal grandmother) side trumps my 1/2 English (both paternal grandparents) side. Tea is sick food, especially with a tot of Irish whiskey in it. Otherwise, not worth drinking the swill.
That is all. ;-)
I was thinking pantsian starbursts.
@mcd410x: I’m all about the Earl Grey, thank you very much. Although I bought a tin of this lovely loose tea in Paris once, with bits of cherry in it. I made it last as long as I could, but now it’s all gone. And no trip to Paris in sight.
I haz a sad.
Actually, I has two sads. I saw a job online, for which I’d be qualified, that pays gloriously, and that I’d really enjoy. But, it’s a two-hour drive from here. I’d only see Sam on weekends, because I’d be leaving before he’s up, and getting home when he goes to bed. I’m going to apply anyway, and if I get the interview I’ll propose a partial telecommuting arrangement, but I’m not optimistic. Why are so many businesses so leery of telecommuting? Don’t they realize that they’d save money AND broaden their candidate pool?
I don’t really care about the Orange Bowl tonight (don’t have a strong preference for either team), but I hope it’s a little more exciting than the disappointing Fiesta Bowl last night. The highlight of the Fiesta Bowl for me was when the Fox graphic identified a player’s major as “Cummunications.” College sure has changed in the last 20 years….
How that one slipped by is beyond my imagination, especially since they spelled the word correctly in several other instances.
I just loved the tea shops when I was in Taipei. Brought some home. No idea what kind it was, but it’s green and fantastic. It’s been awhile now, but I think the shop proprietor let us smell the teas to pick which one we wanted. They were lovely.
@schrodinger’s cat: An elitist! Of course. How could I forget. I’ll add that to the list of my sins. Just like Obama, who asked for orange juice instead of coffee, I prefer tea to coffee most days. Obviously I’m an elitist.
@schrodinger’s cat: Green tea and/or black tea with or without milk. We have milk tea as well. It’s teh yummy. There is also rose tea, jasmine tea, and other kinds of flower teas. Ginger tea is good, too.
Okay, gang. I do believe we must be in End Times. Because (h/t Sully), Bristol Palin is now a political consultant:
This reminds me of a bonehead column by some sports writer who suggested that two of the most important things that Tiger Woods could do to make amends would be to sign more autographs for fans and give more interviews to sports reporters.
But it is typical of the Beltway crowd to think that a person is elected president not to run the country, but to please the Washington elite.
schrodinger's cat
What is wrong orange juice? I prefer OJ with my breakfast, to coffee.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I have no idea what’s wrong with orange juice. I quite like it, myself. But apparently it’s not “regular Joe” enough for “the heartland” because when candidate Obama chose OJ over coffee, a mini-brouhaha erupted. Here’s a summary of it:
Honestly, these people are ridiculous.
Well, I drink both OJ and coffee. Wonder what Chris Matthews thinks I am?
schrodinger's cat
elitist-averageJane, kinda like wave-particle duality, sometimes an elitist, some times not
@schrodinger’s cat:
Ha! That sounds about right, actually.
And now I must wipe off my monitor.
Comrade Jake
Shorter Sully: if Obama doesn’t fire someone today over the undiebomber, he’s just like Bush!
If only I were kidding. Jesus.
Great post over at LG&M.
Jim Once
@asiangrrlMN: Just tried a flower tea for the first time this morning (son and asian daughter in law gave it to me for my birthday yesterday). It was wonderful — going to be an every-morning thing for me from now on.
schrodinger's cat
@Violet: No I haven’t, where can I find it? It sounds delicious.
@asiangrrlMN: They all sound wonderful. Want!
Why my post not working?
Here’s an innovative new way to motivate the base – tell them their chances in November suck. I’m wondering how long it’ll be before Mikey needs to “Spend More Time With His Family”
Republican operatives are privately furious with RNC Chairman Michael Steele for predicting on Monday night that the GOP will not take over the House of Representatives in 2010.
One strategist called the comment “stupid,” arguing that it will put the party in a bind when it comes to candidate recruitment and generally lower expectations and excitement over the 2010 elections.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I’m not sure where you can find it. I’ve found it in specialty stores and also in the UK. According to this it’s lapsang souchong mixed with assam, but I don’t think that really does it justice. Lapsang Souchong has the smoky flavor, but it’s not as deep and rich as Russian Caravan.
Lesse here…Glenn Beck vs. WND re. the Birtherismistas. Methinks what’s left of my head just ‘sploded.
At least I can still get the tshirts.
Yes. My favorite sentence in that story is actually the advertising link for those shirts:
Now I suppose that back in 2008, in the run-up to the election, it’s possible that a birther t-shirt might had some cutting-edge cred amongst a segment of particularly right wing fashionistas — but in 2010? Nuh-uh.
I just have to say that these are the most unattractive people that I have ever seen in my young life….
old, white, fat and terminal fashion disasters.
break out the eye bleach.
@geg6: I drink coffee, tea, AND orange juice (from time to time). Ha!
@Jim Once: Wonderful, isn’t it? Very complex flavors.
@schrodinger’s cat: No can haz! ALLLLLL mine! Bwahahahahaha! Actually, you can probably order flower tea online or find them at a nearby Asian grocery (assuming you have one in your vicinity).