“No one credible has asserted that… No they’ll be able to see a container… It was spread throughout the diaper. Unless the bomb is inserted under the foreskin, and by the way, I don’t see a clear angle on the anus. That’s a pretty easy hiding place for this.”
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She must have a lot of foreskin if she thinks she can hide explosives there.
can wea just start calling her Ann(al) Coulter? I mean it’s nice to see she is such an expert on the anus and the proper viewing angle of said anus.
I think i just threw up in my mouth a little…
Goddam it, how come no edit buttons for me on linux and chrome? *sigh*
Bill E Pilgrim
O’Rielly is really just trying to figure out of the scanners will be able to detect falafels.
Well, for one thing, she doesn’t know the difference between grams and milligrams.
She also seems to know quite a bit it seems about hiding things in the anus. No doubt some special talent she has. I think teh secret service should keep a close viewing angle on her anus.
ugh I feel sick to my stomach reading my last line.
Cat Lady
How does she know all this? She’s given this way too much thought. Jeebus, wingers are sick assholes.
Green balloons, indeed.
Speaking of conservatives talking out of their asses, PRI’s The World had some right wing hack on saying that figuring out what allowed this security breach and trying to fix it was a waste of time. Why? Because AQ will simply change tactics. Which is true as far as it goes, but what if you *don’t* close the holes you’ve already got? Then bombers don’t even have to change tactics, just be more competent.
I realise this is only tangentially related, but it just annoys me. The president should make security better than it is, but he shouldn’t change anything! And whatever you do, don’t suggest that any intel agency fell down on the job, because you’ll hurt their feelings and make Felix Leiter cry.
the image in my mind of her either viewing anuses or her showing her anus from any angle did it for me.
@Cat Lady:
True, but they are infatuated with assholes, literally. From Rush’s constant, “bend over and grab the ankles” comments, to this, to a few months ago, Mark Levin was fantasizing on the air about finding Harry Reid a new proctologist. They are obsessed with anus’s on a really unhealthy level.
If the scanners are ever deployed, TSA recruitment will never be a problem again.
The association of “Coulter” with “anus” is really not a tremendous mental leap.
Ed Marshall
I had them last I checked. Test
Yeah, that works fine. Clear your cache? This is Karmic and whatever the newest Chrome updates are.
and let’s not forget their desire to go after teh gheys usually only targets gay men (because lesbians are haut) and this is more evidence of their infatuation with the anus.
Maybe it’s because every time they look in the mirror all they see is an anus and that’s the view from their world.
…some comments from Raw Story
A bomb inserted under a foreskin? I mean…seriously? She’s GOT to just be a weapons-grade spoof. Nobody could seriously think the way she does…could they?
Yeah, but isn’t like 60% of the country overweight? And ugly? I mean, isn’t it relatively rare that you get to sit next to a hot chick (or whatever you like, I don’t judge)? I mean, for every Clare Milonas (and all the hawt millionaires are chartering these days, donchaknow), you’d have to scan like 80-90 Ann Coulter anuses. Bad Medicine.
Did Ann toss her hair, in that saucey way she does, when she mentioned the ‘anus angle”?
@Ed Marshall:
I’ll check that’s what I have too. It worked on windows earlier. I’ve reset my cache and I’m going to quit and try again.
Apparently Muslim men are circumcised, therefore, they have no foreskins to hide bombs.
(I didn’t know this…hadn’t even thought to question it…before I read the comments on Raw Story)
That’s an interesting angle, how much is this going to cost the taxpayer in terms of salary, mental duress, and onset PAGS (post anal gag syndrome) and treating it?
Chris Mathews talking about Kung-fu terrorists…
Test of edit.
General Winfield Stuck
But you’ve never seen Dick Cheney nekkid.
And I am going to hell for this comment, I know it, but do so anyway.
bah, no dice. Probably need to remove Chrome completely and try again.
Obviously, the only solution is to profile suspected terrorists, pull them out of the security line, and perform exploratory surgery on them.
If nothing is found, they can proceed onto the plane.
@Pasquinade: Oh yes, that’s true. Circumcision is rare in Europe, Asia and Oceania — but that doesn’t fit Ann’s tidy little theory. Maybe she thinks that the Ay-rab terrorists are so enterprising, they’ll get their foreskins restored for the sole purpose of putting bombs in them.
@General Winfield Stuck: I hate you.
General Winfield Stuck
Sometimes I hate me too. also :-)
Aunt Moe
Mike in NC
Don’t believe that Ann Coulter has even been remotely near a foreskin or any other part of a man’s dick, for that matter…
Ash Can
I agree. I think she just felt like getting her name in the news.
Aunt Moe
@General Winfield Stuck:
Actually, you can see Dick Cheney nekkid. Forgive the blogwhoring here, but it’s so bleeding relevant.
Leelee for Obama
@MikeJ: Kudos for the James Bond reference! Wonder how old Felix managed after the episode with the sharks?
On the topic, Ann Coulter obviously knows a lot about the anus. It is her stock in trade. I’ve always thought of her and her buddies as “Assholes R Us” and her expertise in this instance just reinforces that conclusion.
Leelee for Obama
@General Winfield Stuck: Stuck-you have caused my brain to pitifully beg for some Clorox! so much awful! Oh, the humanity!
Much as I loathe Mann Coulter, she does have a smidge of a point; wasn’t there a suicide bomber in Saudi Arabia back in Sept with a bomb up the pooper?
@Mike in NC:
She probably has, but she seems the type where for her, every fuck is a hate-fuck.
The sad thing is that aside from the foreskin and anus obsession and the milligram confusion, Coulter was probably more correct than O’Reilly in saying that the body scanner wouldn’t have caught the Undiebomber (and possibly that scans of celebrities would wind up being leaked — are they really going to immediately delete all the photos and then have no scans to look back at after the next incident?).
@Aunt Moe:
That is sick. Very funny. Sick. Funny. Sick. Sick seems to be winning.
I can’t make up my mind but I can tell you it’s hard to laugh when throwing up a little.
John O
@Sloegin, yes, there was, but part of the problem is that having a bomb up there is sort of like tossing a grenade and then throwing yourself on top of it. That suicide bomber didn’t manage to kill anyone but himself.
@Pasquinade: Of course they are. Judaism and Islam have a LOT in common, including the Torah.
Hell, what they have in common gives them a chance to fight about what they don’t.
@KCinDC: Even worse, we might find our for reals that Brad Pitt is 5-7 and ZOMG
Skank Coulter
“I don’t see a clear angle on the anus.”
And let’s face it, if there isn’t an anus involved, it just doesn’t do it for your average faux nooz sock puppet/viewer
While we’re at it, can someone explain the body scanner apologists’ claim that the privates are blurred out? Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of the scanner?
Blue Raven
How many times do people have to ask for folks to quit with the “Ann’s a man” routine? The transphobia is below this place.
As for what Coulter said, I have a prepuce instead of a foreskin and I crossed my legs at the thought of someone inserting anything explosive under a man’s hood. And with that little space, you’d be lucky to get enough placed to blow up one of her dresses far enough to eliminate the gender question.
Faux News
Never mind Mann’s Coulter’s anus, imagine what she hides in her adams apple!
The Republic of Stupidity
And I just threw up in my mouth a lot…
The Republic of Stupidity
What is this… an out take from Kentucky Fried Movie?
Leelee for Obama
Just for general information, not that anyone cares, the chances of my flying anywhere have gone down exponentially in the last several days. There was very little chance anyway, but the absolute insanity since this last attempt has convinced me that I really don’t need to see Europe and I can actually drive to anywhere I want to go, or I could take a train. Granted, the trains aren’t perfectly safe, but I’m willing to give it a shot, if I REALLY need to go somewhere.
While job-hunting today, I was joking with an old friend who may just have something for me(!). He was watching the TV in the dining room while I was talking to him, and the newsreader said something about keeping us all safe and I said they can’t and they know they can’t. And obviously, they haven’t had much experience with High School kids-who manage all sorts of not good things without getting caught. How the hell do you keep the guy willing to stuff explosives next to the family jewels from doing something even more stupid-like detonating them?
Peter King says things would get better if the President would only use the word terror and terrorism more often. Yup, that’ll do it.
kommrade reproductive vigor
All ur 4skins r belong to us.
A common complaint among pornographers.
That’s because Ann is busy imagining all the uncircumcised penises of doom.
Just to add to the stupidity, the scanners go against UK anti pedo laws. So no one under 18 will be allowed to be scanned.
Ann’s mention of the foreskin was meant to be humorous, and she will mock you for thinking she was serious. This is classic Coulter procedure. She will say a word which will inflame your ears, (calling John Edwards a faggot) and then accuse you of have no sense of humor because you are a liberal and liberals are only interested in killing and treason and can’t take a joke. The entire point of her riff was to use the words “anus’ and “foreskin” as a way of alarming progressives. The context was irrelevant. She still knows how to jerk our knees.
You’ll notice Ann didn’t mention bombs hidden in the vagina. Wonder why that didn’t pop into “her” mind.
Citizen Alan
And let me just say how nauseating it was to look at the picture of Coulter in the link. She looks like Gollum in a Loni Anderson wig.
Fraught, jerkoffs and Coulter, you may end up with myiq=1/2ofyou back.Add Sarah Palin to that mix and it will be snowing over America.
M.T. Head
The thought of that woman looking for an angle on my anus is petrifying!
I kind of like Ann Coulter now. She has that piquant air of Early Wingnut – so far from her salad days, when every thing she said or wrote would send her enemies frothing into the local Borders so they could buy it, just to be sure they were mad enough. She sold it much better than Beck does, imho. Your Gellars and Schlussels? Part-timers, Lohans to her Strep. er, Streep.
And that point about the Page Six column is dead-on.
Can we all agree to an addition to the lexicon? Emeritus Anus-expert is code for Coulter?
Ella in NM
Truthfully, I just don’t care who sees my naked scan–I’m 47, I’ve had four kids and quite frankly, nothing embarrasses me anymore. Like their gonna sell MY images on the internet? Go for it!
However, if, in my daily life, I were dependent financially on concealing a significant and obvious aspect of my physical features, which would, if revealed, would prove me to be a total fraud—well then, I guess it would make me a little weird about full body scans, too.
I really just can’t get all that exercised about full-body scans, even after having seen the photos. The people look like unidentifiable, hairless, zombie-like monochrome ghosts. Who jacks off to that? And why should I care if they do?
These are, essentially, sensors in the Star Trek meaning of the word. Anyone with a hand-held tricorder can do what these scanners are doing–and can do it with far greater resolution and visual fidelity. You can bet that Starfleet security /does/, when they need to. And stepping out of the Star Trek context, there are any number of other SF franchises which show this exact kind of functionality. Think of the weapon scanners in Total Recall.
The point of this is not to confuse reality with fantasy, but rather to point out that these are concepts at which many of us scarcely bat an eye–indeed, the usual reaction I hear (or experience) is along the lines of, “I wish we had those”.
To me, the annoying and intrusive aspects of airport security have everything to do with the /physical/ intrusiveness, delay, harassment, and the public humiliation of being treated like a suspect. Remote computer imaging of my dick ranks pretty far down on the list, especially if I’m not even aware of it.
Honestly? I hope the resolution gets /better/. The more we can rely on technology that doesn’t require us to take off our shoes, get groped by a 60-year-old man, and explain body piercings, the better–I pine for the golden days of flying when all I had to do was put my bag on a conveyor belt and walk through a scanner. Maybe if technologies like this keep improving we can have that again.
You know what would really improve this system? If we had an Idiocracy-style robotic voice congratulating you on the size of your genitals/breasts.
She thinks she’s being funny. Apparently being ignorant that Muslim men are circumcised is hilarious.
Or maybe she’s finally realizing that not all terrorists are Muslim and that all Muslims are not terrorists.
*sigh* Wow. Anyone who thinks there’s no misogyny among so-called “progressives”, just make a post about Anne Coulter. You will get all sorts of asinine comments insulting her looks and implying that she’s secretly a man, or a transsexual ( as if there were something *wrong* with that… seriously, do I even have to explain why this is insulting? Guess what, trans people actually exist!)
“You’re ugly” is not something that should ever come up in an intelligent political discussion, and yet it gets brought up in reference to female politicians and political commentators all the time. I think this is seriously fucked up. Anne Coulter gives us plenty of *legitimate* reasons to criticize her anytime she says or writes anything – the only reason to go after her looks is if you’re working extra-hard to be a douchebag.