Underrated political humorist Mark “Tongue So Firmly in Cheek As to Protrude from the Vulgar Bodily Orifice” Ambinder reaches a level of deadpan genius that Steven Wright would envy:
John McCain has released the first two ads of his 2010 Senate reelection campaign, and he’s got some sharp words for President Obama, possibly the sharpest he’s offered yet.
“President Obama is leading an extreme, left wing crusade to bankrupt America. I stand in his way every day. If I get a bruise or two knocking some sense into heads in Washington, so be it…”
A narrator calls McCain “Arizona’s last line of defense” against Obama’s agenda and says McCain leads the charge against “ridiculously unaffordable ideas like government-run health care.”
McCain has been critical of Obama’s agenda, asconservativesRepublicans are wont to be. But he hasn’t really sought out public forums to level those attacks since Obama entered the White House…
How many times has ‘President McCain’ appeared on what Calvin Trillin called the “Sabbath Day Gasbag” TV circuit since November 2008?
Garrigus Carraig
He’ll still be on even after he gets beat in the primaries. Which sucks, but Jesus knows what he’ll do if he’s not kept busy.
Walnuts standing athwart the tracks. Mooooove over, Michael Steele.
Shorter Grumpy McFuckstick: I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE!
Good gawd, he’s an ass.
Just like he stood in the way of Charles Keating. Uh huh.
crash mccain has had government run health insurance for his entire life.
OT – Oh, fucking SNAP, Andrew!
Just eviscerates Cheney, his record, his failure, his evil, and his incompetence. Ends with this:
This is some goober named Chris Good. Looking at what he writes, I suspect he’s a drinking buddy of Dick “Man Eating Robot” Cheney.
OT – I KNEW the drama wasn’t over when Dubya rode off into the sunset on 1/20/08. And look – as an extra bonus there’s a picture of Dick Cheney!
Because the Meet The Press bookers seek out him, you see. If McCain will not come to the mountain, the mountain will come to McCain. Where it will carry him up to the top and allow him to echo down into the valleys about how he’s the only thing standing between you and the absolute tyranny of a party with 60 votes in the Senate and 59% of the House crafting legislation and trying to pass it.
The answer, my friend, is blowing pundit wind.
The answer is blowing pundit wind.
@Maude: Third generation welfare queen he is.
But how can he drink it when the other end of the straw is up his ass?
I bet the Secret Service doesn’t like that. The motorcade will just mow him down if he doesn’t get out of the way.
If the left wing is actually on a crusade to bankrupt the country, isn’t using the word “extreme” kinda superfluous?
Tom Hilton
It’s too bad that nice young Senator McCain is such a shrinking violet. He could really go places, if he would just put himself out there.
Ash Can
I’m sure
AmbinderGood will be fine after a bucket of ice water over the head and a few pots of strong black coffee. (Thanks, Crust)Crust
Chris Good wrote the post, not Ambinder.
When old men like Gramps McCain are standing in my way on the road, I just pass them. Life is too short to drive ten miles an hour below the speed limit.
@Pangloss: “extremeleftwing” is a complete phrase unto itself. The wingnuts would be confused if you removed a syllable.
licensed to kill time
John McGinsu?
@freelancer: Shhhh… don’t tell him. Just let him pontificate. ;-)
ETA: I swear to gawd, the more I read this bullshit, the more I’m rooting for JD Hayworth.
Notorious P.A.T.
Yeah, because McCain can filibuster Obama’s proposals and–oh, yeah.
joe from Lowell
Isn’t this a little bit like Gerry Cooney advertising his services to people who are afraid of getting beaten up by Larry Holmes?
The Grand Panjandrum
This is what happens to cows on the train tracks. Good luck, President McCain.
Think how much money AZ could say by eliminating McCain’s position entirely and simplying sending a concrete highway barrier to Washington.
They could even paint it red white & blue for patriotic displays and festive occasions
El Cid
Does McCain seek out the Sunday shows, or do they seek him out? My guess is it’s the latter.
McCain doesn’t like government health care… maybe it’s time for him to make a pledge to give it up, pledge and make the signing of a private insurance contract public as he leaves behind the VA care he can get, and the Medicare he could get and anything else on the public dime. I’m really tired of that gasbag saying anything at all about health care… he’s been on the public dime since BEFORE he was born. (Yes. this issue and him really hits my buttons. I’ll rejoin the conversation when I return from a Crochet Guild meeting later this evening.)
Jay in Oregon
That was pretty awesome. And it’s short enough that a right-winger might actually get through the whole thing.
Why can’t we concentrate on what’s important? ‘Lost’ Fans Fear Obama Speech Will Bump Premiere
There are people who watch Lost who are allowed to freely walk the streets?
Jay in Oregon
Geez, that did that robot ever do to him?
I suggest an unscientific google results study of Eschaton bobblehead listings. I know if you count Lieberman, Graham, and McCain, one or more of the three of them was on 9 out of 20 randomly collected Sundays from the past two years (or was it 24/50? some number that was one fewer than %50 of the total, I forget).
Jay in Oregon
It’s a guilty pleasure.
Michael Emerson as Ben Linus is a joy to watch. How sad is it that I’m actively rooting for the bad guy??
This post is so meta, that I can’t tell if the piece being commented on is high-grade subtlety primo snark, or if it is a fluff job with no hint of self-awareness. That takes talent if it’s the former.
@Jay in Oregon:
Ben Linus isn’t a cut-and-dried bad guy, that’s what makes him so awesome and conflicting to root for. And it’s not a guilty pleasure for me, not anymore than BSG was.
To be fair, the McCain men have been marrying far more money than they ever earned in their government positions for three generations.
I guess I’m not the only one who’s given up on Sunday shows. But I still know who their favorite guests are. It’s not even part of my job.
If Lost is more important to you than the state of the union you should lose your right to vote. That goes double for the Charlie Brown xmas special.
I love the “cow on the tracks” quote. I’ve taken to privately referring to Michael Steele as the Cow, ever since he dropped that little gem — or sometimes the Cow that Roared (when he gets testy).
(Other times I think of Steele as the hood ornament that thinks it’s driving the car…)
Ooh, I miss Lost. And Michael Emerson as Ben Linus, has there ever in the history of mankind been a creepier-looking dude? Yeeesh. Of course, that makes him perfect.
Anyway, I think it’s an interesting approach for Republicans to try and define themselves by the things they haven’t accomplished. Can’t wait to see how that works out for them.
I could have sworn you linked to the Onion though. *facepalm
“I fucking love this town…”
-Det. Norris
Mike Kay
$64,000 question:
If McCain loses the gop primary to teabagger J.D. Hayworth. (he’s currently tied 45-43), will he pull a lieberman and run as a 3rd party, or even switch to the Democratic party?
This is gonna be so tasty.
@Mike Kay: McCain is too lazy to do any of those things. Losing the Republican primary will just give him more time to appear on David Gregory’s show.
Alex S.
Why would Obama hold his speech on Groundhog Day? This is the right day for Lost! (and for Groundhog Day)
El Cid
I’m pretty sure I just heard Obama use the words “terror” and “terrorism” and said “We are at war,” and given what I’ve learned from right wing politicians and pundits over the past week that apparently is what will KeepUsSafe.
Leelee for Obama
Just watched the President and I must say, I will feel prouder of him and of being an American at some point, I have no doubt, but he is a MENSCH! No hiding, no cringing, no cowering just the clear facts, the immediate steps and the future plans.
“This is not a time for partisanship. This is a time for CITIZENSHIP!”
I couldn’t be prouder of my President if he cured cancer, because he’s trying, in a way, to do exactly that. Trying to cure the cancer of fear and hatred that the last Administration worked so hard to spread.
@El Cid:
You can hear AQ shaking in their genie slippers from Omaha.
@Mike Kay: going further with this thought: If McCain loses the primary, will Dancing Dave still book him every other Sunday, or will he only get to appear once a month?
Mike in NC
I do hope he continues to get steady roles after “Lost” goes off the air this year. He’d be perfect as a generic GOP Senator on any number of shows.
And South of I-10, if you’re around, would love to have you in diet and exercise peer pressure group. Although your name makes me think of gumbo and jambalaya and beignets. It’s a miracle I only need to lose 20 pounds.
I am going to try an iPhone app for recording food and exercise. Hopefully I will not end up hungrily licking the iPhone.
@Mike in NC:
I tend to think “victim of Dexter”, but six a one, half a dozen of the other.
Nope, sorry. False Alarm. That’s the cacophony of teeth chattering as the oxygen and nitrogen in the air starts to precipitate.
I’m vacationing on Hoth next month, I swear.
Steele is certainly the gift that keeps on giving (from Yahoo News).
El Cid
If McCain loses the primary, I think it’s possible he may become a really interesting character, but I’m not sure he’ll be on the Sunday talkies any more if that happens.
@MikeJ: SOTU vs. Lost is a bit of a toss-up for me. One offers a string of mind-bending ambiguities carefully crafted to distract and confuse a large cast of irrationally compulsive caricatures… the other one features the delightfully sinister Michael Emerson.
Decisions, decisions…
I’ve checked the link twice to see if that bit about McCain not seeking public forum to criticize Obama was snark. No sign of it.
Is there any real chance Hayworth will beat Grampa Crankypants? God, I’d be tempted to send that bloated nitwit a donation
Leelee for Obama
@Stroszek: Chuckle, chuckle, giggle, snort! Well done, Stroszek, well done.
I finally gave up on Lost, because I was living with an Alzheimer’s patient at the time, and it was nearly as confusing as my regular day.
I gave up on Lost in the third season. I checked out a few episodes of the last season, but decided that all the time travel crap was too lame to waste my time on.
@El Cid:
He’s too much of an entitled snot not to be.
Don’t be badmoutin’ Lost, y’all. Also, please FSM: No spoilers on this site. I really, really don’t want to get spoiled.
Also, McCain? Prepare for landing!!!!
Damn, K-Lo reaches truly amazing levels of hackery:
Like LeeLee I was very happy with the Obama speech. But I am an O-Bot.
As for McCain–words fail.
@KCinDC: This means that more people like Lady Gaga than Obama.
Obvious answer is obvious.
The whole thing is in Tommy Westphall’s imagination.
joe from Lowell
Nobody got my Gerry Cooney reference.
I has a sad. I has a old.
As opposed to a seemingly unending war and occupation of a country we had no good reason to invade? Want to take out the abacus on that one, Senator?
Even McWalnuts is too old for an abacus. He’d freak about that like the conspiracy theorists look at the Large Hadron Collider.
@joe from Lowell:
I was one of those who did not get it. Sorry!
But don’t have a sad, soon we will all be at that point when no one gets our references.
@Leelee for Obama:
right on sistah! I heard it on C-Span while I was driving home. I was already an O-bot, and now I’m an O-bot squared. Fuck the haters.
“The buck stops with ME.” Damn if he didn’t say that like he meant it.
And now if you will excuse me, I am going to go visit every church, synagogue, mosque and Buddhist temple I can find so that I can kneel down and give Thanks to every God out there for giving us this brilliant, sensible man and NOT McCain and……..[ugh]……..her.
@joe from Lowell:
aw, cheer up. The other day I mentioned Supertramp and the response was **crickets**
I know supertramp. I love supertramp.
See there is hope! :-)
Leelee for Obama
@eemom: Careful of the knees, Dear! All the best Deities will be fine with a simple thanks. What counts is the appreciation for the gift, after all!
joe from Lowell
Someday, I’m going to make a “Get off my lawn” joke, and nobody will get it, and I will actually have turned into an old man who shouts “Get off my lawn.”
Jay in Oregon
For the record, I totally agree with you.
I was just confessing to my love of watching Ben Linus fuck with everyone’s heads on that show.
I don’t remember who said it, but the ultimate LOST videogame should consist of Ben shooting you, inexplicably regaining your trust, trying to strangle you, inexplicably regaining your trust again…
Leelee for Obama
@joe from Lowell: Remember Hobson in” Arthur”? He says, “I want to be younger.” And Arthur answers,”Sorry, it’s your job to be older.” If we live long enough, we become our parents, or something like that. It’s OK, it’s a Circle of Life sort of thing.
@Jay in Oregon: I didn’t think anyone here would really prefer light entertainment to politics.
And I was right about it all being in Tommy Westphall’s imagination. Hooked into the grid from two directions. Top left corner:
In between Diagnosis Murder and Veronica Mars.
Thanks, he was on fire in that one.
I guess he didn’t learn any lesson at all last November.
Seems to me that McCain has not been on TV as much lately. Right after the election and for months after the inauguration he was on constantly. Lately I haven’t been hearing what he said as much. Either the blogs I read have gotten bored with him or the shows have realized he doesn’t get the ratings?
At any rate my opinion of him is such that I think he can’t stand being ignored and had to do something to regain attention. Bah.
I wonder if the political pundit shows also saw less viewership now the elections over? Have they been trying to keep the great drama going by having McCain on so often after the election? A lot of people were paying attention that had never followed politics before this year. I imagine both McCain and the media loved the attention and were sad its not the same.
@eemom: I knew the reference! I just got there waaay too late to make a comment that you would see. I like Supertramp, too.
As for Gramps McCain…everything about him SCREAMS entitlement. Only for him, though, and not for anyone else. Hey, Gramps! You get the fuck off MY lawn!
@jibeaux: Hi! I’ve been trying to hunt you down so I could wish my new fake-wifey a Happy New Year. Do you remember fake-proposing to me? Well, I accepted! So, even though you probably won’t return to this thread, welcome to the family!
Mike G
And led the charge for affordable and realistic ideas like going to war against Russia over Georgia.
G has lost almost 20 pounds with Lose It.