I no longer link to Robert Stacy McCain when he says something batshit crazy, because, well, he says a lot of batshit crazy things, and after a while, it’s just not that amusing anymore. But I admire this kind of candor (about the Carlsonington Post via Around The Sphere):
Last month, I took a vow to stop slagging the Daily Caller. With $3 million in start-up capital, they’ll be around at least through the November elections…
So true.
I just hope he invites Jon Stewart for a guest op-ed.
Seriously, does this “X, but for conservatives” formula ever work? I mean, we already had an attempt at a Daily Show for conservatives, the “Half-hour News Hour”, and even the title was trying too hard.
It’s just Air America all over again. This sort of thing must happen organically.
The Grand Panjandrum
I’m going to read it for a while just to see if they really do make a real attempt at journalism. But they are going to be the HuffPo of the Right? Yikes! Arianna in a bowtie.
Mike Kay
Not only that, remember they gave Dennis Miller a nightly show on CNBC.
@Mike Kay: No, I haven’t forgotten. That guy has had so many failed talk shows, it’s like Rachmaninoff and Jesse Helms eating creme brulee in a donut store, amiright?
fixed, you gotta add one more layer of nonsensical trivia to fearlessly attack.
It’s like scholarly figure and pop culture figure doing something they wouldn’t do. The last time I saw this was obscure historical reference. Aren’t those liberals stupid? High pitched chuckle at my own joke.
@Lev: Lolwhut?
The end of the article contains this revealing core truth about America:
The promise of America is ‘We’ll let you do what you want, as long as you defend yourself.’
What club is he a member of?
Edit: Tucker said that…..
I admit to being a wrestling fan and he (Miller) was the guest host for monday night raw a couple weeks ago. Now they were down in Texas and even that crowd thought his rightwing form of humor was stupid. Every joke he told was largely met with silence.
Ash Can
Nah. My guess: Gone by June, forgotten by September.
You think they can burn 3 million in six months?
I don’t get anything about this post.
It exceeds my snark recursion limit.
That’s been happening a lot lately.
We’re talking about Conservatives, DougJ. These people were pro-shipping pallets of US Currency to Iraq to disappear into the ether. They’ll find a way to have the fucker in the red by St. Paddy’s Day.
Dave S.
Maybe they PowerPointed $3 million as the amount necessary to get them through the beginning of November, by which point the advantages of further investment will be self-evident.
The writing that will get the most staff attention is the collection of resumes they’ll need by the end of the year.
Tom Hilton
The most interesting tidbit in that post is the news that Stacy McCain is having sex with Mike Flynn. Which, um, ewwww….
You know else was a right-winger who wasn’t funny?
@Tom Hilton:Wait, what?
How much did the GOP spend on their malformed skeleton of a website, again?
You’ve never worked at an internet startup I’m guessing. Three mill is nothing, even post dot bomb.
Warren Terra
Just how gawdawful much money did Pajamas Media (former host of Balloon-Juice!) burn through in about a year? I remember seeing how much money they claimed to have secured for their launch, being flabbergasted by it, and then they somehow claimed to have spent it all in an amazingly short time.
John Cole
His website looks great. Good redesign. I’m sure he is still nuts, though.
Tom Hilton
@demkat620: from the post:
It would be irresponsible not to
leap to wholly unfounded conclusionsspeculate…Mr. Wonderful
As I’ve said elsewhere, if Carlson thinks the Huff Post is a newspaper that he’s going to replicate “for conservatives,” he’s doomed. News coverage at Huff only came after a couple years of a thousand bloggers posting (and continuing to post) for free. Arianna got the audience first, THEN got the ads and investment to pay for reporting.
Which raises the question, whom will Tucker get to post for free, day-in/day-out, to build the audience? The mind reels, the blood runs cold, the brain jumps out of the head and staggers down the street.
state the obvious interlude: seriously scary links on that site.
For example:
Col. Klink
The thing I love about the Right, is that the Wingnut welfare is simply there for the taking. With something like the Great Orange Satan you have to build it for years from scratch, but if you want a Wingnut version of Kos and you are even moderately connected in Rightwing circles the money is simply given to you no matter how much you fuck the whole thing up.
@John Cole: and a racist, neo-Confederate bigot