Azaria Jagger at Gawker brings us news of the Amazing:
There are few international phenomena more fascinating to the American eye than foreign cultures’ interpretations of us. Obama tends to be the McDonald’s franchise of American presidents, positively interpreted to fit local tastes and aspirations. Vegetarian Big Mac : India :: Obama-themed English lessons : Japan.
And now, Germany does Obama, with jazz fingers…
My personal favorite is the gospel ladies’ duet at 1:55: I am so blessed/And highly favored/I’ll do my best/Girl, don’t you waver!
Best of all, Der Spiegel International Online assures us that “After Frankfurt, it is set to tour Germany and its organizers are currently in talks about a future US tour.”
If the 20th Century taught us anything, it’s that the musical can work around any subject.
Like it, or not.
I think I may be wrong but didn’t someone in Kenya also produce a play/musical about Obama?
Edit–yes I see from the Gawker link that Kenya indeed had a musical about Obama.
mai naem
They’ve spent all morning on Morning Ho talking about Reid’s articulate light skinned negro comment. Joe Scar is such a douchebag and Chuck Todd is such a tool. And all this is ofcourse is very good news for President McCain.
Please no. We don’t need our president to be Jesus Christ Superstar. However, it would set Limbaugh, et al.’s hair on fire, if it hasn’t already. Um. Um. Um.
@mai naem: I got sick of it and had to change channels. Silly me, I cut over to the Today Show where, surprise surprise, it was the lead story. They are all just hammering away on the “equivalence” between what Reid said and what Trent Lott said. Ugh.
@mai naem:
shinny new meme will keep them busy and by then something important will have happened that they missed because of this.
Interesting they are not talking about the McCain affair or the fact that Palin does not know what the Fed does eh?
@mai naem:
They are going to use up the whole show on this. Having bigot Buchanan on to discuss the Reid gaffe is incredible. Morning Joe is raving on & on…so unfair to bring up republican racist statements. Lawrence O’Donnell is the only one worth listening to in this bunch.
JD Rhoades
@mai naem:
This is another one of those situations, like Hillary Clinton’s “Tip-Gate” and “cleavage issue”, where I find myself defending someone I’d normally have no use for, because the accusations are so lacking in actual substance.
Brick Oven Bill
‘Harry, I have a gift’.
Anne Laurie is describing Barack’s gift. Obama reads lots of syllables in the particular dialect of the audience. At first there was one dialect for the white dorm and another at for black dorm. Then he had to add a third dialect for the warehouse workers. Perhaps he is now working on a German accent.
And into these many syllables read from the podium that say nothing, people who are not really paying attention, project their own interests.
This is why there are no lobbyists in the Obama Administration, why matters of national importance are debated openly in public, and why Goldman Sachs share price has tripled since Barack was seated.
People are catching on though. That C-SPAN pledge was understandable, and repeated eight times.
God only knows why we don’t listen to more voices from the grave since the living ones aren’t telling us much of anything.
And, while I hate to say it, all the voices of reason to which we should’ve listened just happened to be Republican: Butler, Eisenhower and, yes, even Richard Nixon.
Darf ich mal sagen… das war echt schrecklich.
licensed to kill time
Me gusta Obama – yo soy un Obamalito! Chupalo, BOB ja ja ja
Did no one else catch the “Yes we can has” backdrop at 2:23? Is the show being produced by 4chan?
Wow. I’m strangely fascinated by this. Then again, I love musicals. JAZZ HANDS!
you know, I’d buy a ticket, if it wasn’t too expensive, because either it would be good…or so awful, you’d be LYAO the entire time.